The best affiliate program in binary options. Binary options affiliate programs (affiliate programs). Cleveraff Binary Options Affiliate Program

Greetings, dear readers blog! Remember, in the last lesson we talked about . I have received quite a few emails. Some people are interested in this topic, others are not. Some thanked for the article, others sent it to hell ... Opinions are different. This is understandable.

Of course, whether to earn on binary options or not is your decision! If you don't want, you don't have to. My job is to tell. Yours is to draw conclusions. You know that there are other ways to make money online. Maybe less profitable, but more understandable and transparent. We move on.

Today I would like to consider the topic of making money on binary options from a slightly different angle. Namely, to tell you about the possibility of earning on options as a partner. That is, take part in the affiliate program of brokers.

In this case, you do not have to trade on binary options yourself. You just become a partner of one or another broker binary options, you get all the necessary materials - banners, links, sliders, etc. Next, advertise your affiliate link.

If a person who came through your link makes a deposit (usually a minimum deposit of $200), then you get your commission. Often, the amount of commissions ranges from $100-$150 per deposit, depending on the broker you choose. For example, the commissions are $100, and the commissions are $150. There is a difference, but in principle, both amounts are considerable, so you can work with each of the brokers. Although for beginners, I again do not recommend to spray too much. Pick one first.

Ethical or not ethical?

I used to think that only those who advertise porn sites or products of an erotic nature ask this question. It turns out not. When I started working with binary options affiliate programs, I myself asked this question - “Is it ethical to advertise binary options at all?” I am sure many will say: “This is Forex! This is a scam!" “People will lose money because of you!”

Partly you are right. Due to inexperience and stupidity, many will lose money. But I don't think it's my fault. Each of us has a head on our shoulders. We decide what to do and what not to do. The initiative comes from us.

I also lost almost $2000 on binary options at the beginning of trading. I only blame myself for this. But I don't regret it. Whether to make another deposit or not was my decision. I was well aware of the riskiness of my actions.

Okay, with ethics and morality, I think we figured it out. Move on…

Binary Broker Partners

Almost every binary options broker has an affiliate program. Today, about 10 large brokers work for the Russian-speaking audience. As far as I know. Maybe a little more. Today I myself work with 3 brokers:

These are the brokers that I work with as a trader as well. You can find a link to register in the affiliate program at the bottom of the main page of these sites. Typically, these are links affiliate program » (Affiliate Program) or « Partners » (Affiliates).

Yes, this is a different format of advertising. Both in terms of the quality of traffic acquisition, and in terms of quantity. But why did I combine these methods? Very simple. Our task is to find thematic platforms for advertising. It's not that hard to find them. To do this, we go to the site.

And using the search form, we are looking for thematic sites to place a banner or an article (you will have to write it yourself). To search, you can use the same words as when searching in - "forex", "earnings", "earn", "business", etc.

Don't forget to select "Search in statistics" before searching, as shown in the figure below:

The system under your key (for example, "earnings") will issue a list of sites. In the right column you will see numbers. This is the site traffic per day for the current time. Focus on sites with traffic from 300 to 2000 people a day. Do not need anymore.

Next, you browse the sites themselves and choose the sites that are most suitable for design and with a small amount of advertising. Next, see if there is an "Advertising" section. See the conditions for placing a banner or article. If the conditions suit you, then contact the author of the site. If there is no advertising section, then still find the contacts of the site author and write a short letter - there are authors who run sites for the soul and do not think about monetization, and they will not mind earning extra money if the initiative comes from you.

Letter example:

I agree that this letter is too pretentious and does not correspond to reality, but there will be more responses to it than you simply write a letter on behalf of your loved one without the support of an all-powerful campaign.

And the credibility of the campaign representative is much greater than that of a simple webmaster.

How much can you earn?

I'm sure this question is of interest to many. Actually, it all depends on you. It depends on how you work, what advertising tools you use, how you can analyze and test. There are many factors that influence the final result. You can earn both $100 and $1000. And even more.

For example, in the first month, when I just started working with, I earned only $600 with an investment of 4,500 rubles. That is, the profit was about $450.

Now the profit is slightly more:

As you can see, in a little more than a month (from July 22 to August 31) $3360 was earned. About $250 was spent on advertising. As you can imagine, this is not much.

What is the secret of this conversion? - you ask. The secret is in the landing, that is, the page that a person gets to through your referral link.

There are pages that convert very poorly (1 registration per 100 clicks) and there are pages whose conversion goes off scale (1 registration per 20-30 clicks). When you analyze promotional materials, then just look for nuclear landing pages that will work 100% and bring you profit.

Let's take a look at a few examples of such landings…

For example, one of the broker's brokers has ...

Which page do you think converts better? Yes, of course, the second one. Almost every options broker has pages with medium and high conversion. After that, look in your partner's admin panel.

But, for example, Yandex Direct is unlikely to miss the second page during moderation, so for contextual advertising it is better to use the first landing option. But for advertising in mailing lists, article or banner placement, the second page is more suitable.

If we return to our sheep, I can say one thing ...

In general, if you make at least 50% of your efforts and connect 1-2 mailing lists and 1 Yandex Direct campaign to work, then with a budget of 5-7 thousand rubles, you can easily earn from $1000 to $2000 per month. Maybe even more, since the commissions in this niche are quite high ($100-$150).

That's all.

If you have any questions or misunderstandings, then I look forward to your comments below.


In the next issue...

So, in the next article, which will be released on September 16 (Monday), we will digress a little from the topic, CPA, etc.

By participating in the brokerage affiliate program, you can make money online fairly decent amounts on binary options. The essence of the work is to advertise your own affiliate links. At the same time, promotional raw materials are provided by the binary options broker free of charge.

Binary broker affiliates: the best choice for great earnings

Programs for partnership cooperation are available from almost any broker working with binary options. The Russian-language interface is present on the websites of a little more than a dozen large brokers. Classic examples of profitable and reliable affiliate programs of online brokers are these:

  • (broker partner Binomo );
  • (broker partner );
  • (partnership of an online broker Binarium ).

H To start working as a partner of a broker, you need to go to one of the above sites and click on the registration link in the affiliate program on the main page. Usually they are called "Affiliate Program" or "Affiliates".

These brokers are interested in webmasters with experience in attracting referrals and earning on them . Each of these web resources has technical support. If we compare Binpartner, Cleveraff and Kingfinin this regard, the first position in the ranking can be given b .

FROM the manager, the leading partner, can be contacted both by e-mail and chat on topics of interest via Skype. The second place in the quality of technical support is occupied by : communication by email, sometimes the manager can contact the partner via mobile phone interested in current issues. At the broker in this regard, it is slightly worse than the others. Contacting technical support is problematic, and you have to wait a long time to get an answer.

Regarding the provided promotional materials, in terms of their quantity and quality, all three of them are at a high level.

Where to advertise a binary options affiliate link?

The question is quite serious and important, since as a result, the value of one’s own energy ultimately depends on this. making money on the internet . Good advertising options binary options earnings are thematic mailings, contextual, as well as banner and article advertising.

Social networks

Newsletters for social media advertising must be selected according to the business theme. At the same time, phrases with keywords are typed in the search: forex, earn money, business, etc. Having selected the necessary mailing lists, they analyze their quality. At the same time, attention is paid to the number of subscribers, the frequency of sent letters, and the author is asked for the skin of the percentage of open mailings, the release date and the cost of services.

Contextual advertising on Yandex Direct

In terms of quality, this method of advertising is no worse than mailing lists, but the campaign itself will last much longer. This means that, unlike written mailings, such advertising will not be able to immediately give a thousand or more clicks in one day, and its effectiveness will be stretched over time.

Banner and article advertising

These types differ from each other in format, but they are united by work on one thematic area, for example, . In the search for which the site can help. The process of selecting the relevant sites on is similar to the search procedure in the Smartresponder directory. Keywords are entered into the search form, the "statistics" filter is selected and the system displays a list of sites of the required subject.

Paying attention to the traffic column (on the right), they choose web resources with indicators of 300-2000 visitors per day.

Next, sites with a good design and a minimum of advertising are selected. The last step remains - to place an article on the site you like ( ) or banner. If there is an advertising section, then they study the conditions for placing advertising material and contact the author of the site. It also makes sense to find contacts and contact the owners of those sites that do not have an advertising section. A written small letter offering the possibility of buying advertising space on the pages of the site may find a response.

Own site

Nowadays there is nothing difficult create your website from scratch , buy for him several thematic articles, for example on and start make money on your website very decent money.

The amount of earnings on affiliate programs for binary options trading

The amount of money that can be made from binary options affiliate programs, or online traders as they now call themselves, will depend on pricing policy the chosen broker and the number of visitors who came through the affiliate link and decided to invest.

If a person makes a deposit (minimum $5), then a commission is credited to the account of the link owner. The amount may vary depending on the chosen broker and range from 30 to 50% of each deposit made.

Working as a binary options partner requires not only time, but also certain skills and abilities. And developing a strategy to attract customers through an affiliate link will provide an opportunity to increase the influx of users, which will directly affect your own income. Use best binary options affiliates

Earnings on affiliate programs constantly attract webmasters and affiliates. The main reason is that the profit directly depends on how well and effectively you know how to attract targeted traffic. One of the most popular affiliate programs are those that work in the financial sector. Today's article is dedicated to the Cleveraff project, which specializes in binary options.

Cleveraff Binary Options Affiliate Program

The Cleveraff project began its work in 2014, it represents Russian company Binarium traders, which has been successfully working in the field of binary options since 2012.

The project offers the following conditions for its partners:

  • Wide selection advertising materials to drive traffic
  • Detailed statistics and analytics
  • Profitable referral program
  • Individual approach to each client
  • Personal manager
  • One of the fastest withdrawals in this segment
  • Modern platform with high conversion

To start earning with an affiliate program, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Complete the registration process
  • Choose a way of cooperation
  • Get affiliate link
  • Start sending traffic
  • Get revenue

For example, the main page displays the top best webmasters and their earnings for the last month. In January 2018, it looks like this.

There are three ways to work with a partner:

RevShare- receiving interest from the turnover of the broker. This type cooperation implies that you will attract active customers and receive a fixed percentage of the income of the affiliate program. The minimum amount of deductions is 50%. The percentage depends on the number of attracted users.

CPA– fixed income from each active client. This type of cooperation allows the webmaster to earn from $20 for each referred active user. The amount of income will be calculated depending on the deposit made by the user. This tariff becomes available only for partners who bring more than 20 real traders within a month.

Hybrid (RevShare + CPA)- a mixed system that uses options for the first and second types of cooperation. When choosing this program, you will receive 20% of the project commission from each attracted client, plus $50 for real traders whose deposits are at least $100.

It is difficult to say which option of cooperation is the most optimal for you. It all depends on the quantity and quality of targeted traffic. Analyze which tariff brings the most income, and use it.


Go to and select " Registration».

Fill in all the data (mandatory items are marked with asterisks) and click on the button " Registration". On the email An email will be sent to activate your account.

Open the letter and click on the " Complete registration».

After that you will receive a letter from your personal manager.

You will need to indicate your traffic sources and describe your experience with them. You can contact the manager at the contacts indicated in the letter.

Earnings on the Cleveraff affiliate program

In field " Communication with the operator» service contacts are located technical support, as well as a form for creating tickets.

In chapter " Brand» You can get information about the trading platform and its benefits.

Chapter " Commissions» contains information about available types of cooperation and partnership deductions.

In chapter " FAQ» you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

In chapter " News» shows information about the latest updates in working with the affiliate program.

Information about your balance, payouts and profits will be located in the central part of the main menu.

You can also change the interface language here. The affiliate program works in three languages ​​(Russian, English and Thai).


Select " Profile» in the main menu of the site. The page will give information about you, as well as a few settings.

  • Personal data - information about the account is indicated
  • password change
  • CSV setup
  • Subscription Management
  • Authorization log - shows account login data
  • Contacts - Your contact details


From the main menu, select " Trackers". A tracker is a small code (ID) that can be added to the address of an affiliate link for its analytics and tracking.

Enter a title on the page and click " Create tracker". The list of ready trackers will be displayed in the table below. To insert into a link, use the data from the ID field.

Promo materials

Collaboration in the CPA format will be available only if you attract high-quality targeted traffic. Choose the option that suits you. The next step is to select the type of promotional materials to be used.

4 types are available:

  1. Direct Link - regular affiliate link
  2. Banners - banners to attract customers
  3. Branding - personal design for your one-page website
  4. ClickUnder is a pop-up ad format.

Choose one of the options that suit you. When choosing a standard affiliate link, several options for sites in Russian and English will be offered. English language where it will lead.

Choose the option you like and click " to get the code". The link settings page opens.

You can set the following options for it

  • Name
  • tracker
  • subid
  • If you wish, you can configure Postback

The affiliate program offers for any participant to create any promotional material for promotion free of charge. To do this, in the section Promo materials » select « Order promo».

On the page that opens, describe in as much detail as possible which option you need and indicate your contacts. You can order both a standard banner and a full-fledged one-page banner. In the near future, managers will develop their own design for you and will contact you. This service is free of charge.


In the main menu, select the " Statistics". A field for filtering statistics will be shown.

You can get the following information:

  • total stats
  • By programs
  • Based on promotional materials
  • By trackers
  • By SubID
  • By landings
  • By traders

It is also possible to select the time period to display and the number of rows in the table.

Mutual settlements

In this section of the menu, you can get data on your payouts, bonuses, fines and accruals. There is also a form for ordering payments. Choose a section " Payment details».

  1. Choose a payment system (Webmoney, EPayments or Wire Transfer)
  2. Specify payment details (wallet number)

Payments are made automatically twice a month.

There is no minimum withdrawal amount.

Referral program

The project has a referral program. You can start earning by referring webmasters to the affiliate program. The percentage of deductions is discussed with each user separately. To receive your own percentage, write a letter to the technical support service.

Open the main menu item " Referrals". Statistics on invited users will be displayed here.

Select affordable way attraction of partners Regular link or banner.

You can also set postback, tracker or SubId settings for it.

Who doesn't dream of starting their own business? Today, investments, risks and other costs have faded into the background. Now the main thing is that a person has a desire to develop. Binary Options Affiliate Programs is one of the fastest and safest ways to get a stable source of income online. The popularity of this method is due to the complete absence of any investment. Let's take a closer look at how it works.

Each partner has its own individual characteristics. However, in general, Their operation is carried out according to the following principle:

  • the site owner or just an interested user chooses a binary options affiliate program, registers, adds promotional materials to his resource and performs other actions that can encourage visitors to open an account and become clients of the company being presented (writes articles, makes forecasts, posts thematic videos, etc.). d.);
  • a person goes to the site of an advertised broker, replenishes the deposit and starts trading;
  • the partner automatically earns (the amount, as well as the procedure for accruing remuneration, will depend on the pre-selected tariff).

Naturally, certain difficulties may arise in practice, and it will take time for the conversion from attracted customers to reach impressive amounts. However, if you purposefully engage in this and approach the project as a serious business, then the result will not be long in coming.

Below is an overview of popular companies that binary options affiliate programs are well developed and provide users with daily growing profits. Choose any broker and act. It is up to you how much income you will receive next month.


This broker offers interesting conditions for a partnership agreement, which include the following benefits:

  • lifetime profit from the activities of attracted customers (from 50%);
  • the commission is paid by the broker;
  • the possibility of ordering unique promotional materials;
  • regular payments (every two weeks);
  • additional 5% of the income of webmasters who will work with the Binpartner program at your invitation.

To use them, you first need to fill out a standard form, consisting of the following sections:

  • work mail;
  • password;
  • skype;
  • contact number.

After that, contact the Binomo manager and discuss marketing plan development of your resource. Further, you will have to put into practice the advice received, select the appropriate advertising materials, direct all your efforts to increase conversions and increase your own earnings.

To register or view full review Binpartner program , click here .

Olymp Trade

The affiliate program of the binary options broker Olymp Trade offers one of the largest percentage of affiliate deductions - 60% from the broker's income. Immediately after registering here, the partner gets access to high-quality statistics and a huge number promotional materials.

It is also worth mentioning that in this moment the broker does not have a payout calendar, the withdrawal of earned funds is possible only upon request. However, this is unlikely to become a problem: the broker always withdraws money without problems within 1-3 days.

IQ Options

IQ Option is able to provide its clients with the following benefits:

  • cutting-edge trading floor;
  • low threshold of initial investments (deposit from $10 , minimum bid from $1 );
  • fixed income (up to 95% );
  • guaranteed return percentage (up to 50% );
  • quick withdrawal of profits;
  • the ability to test your own strategy on a free demo account;
  • more 70 instruments available for transactions.

To join the affiliate program, it is enough to go through a simple registration procedure, which consists of filling out a questionnaire form. You must specify:

  • first and last name;
  • mail;
  • alternative way communications;
  • the address of the resource through which customers will be attracted;
  • type of offer, according to the rules of which remuneration will be accrued;
  • Country of Residence;

At the end, you must check the box and agree to the proposed conditions. All the details of the broker's affiliate program IQ Options see here. If you have any difficulties or you have a non-standard situation, write your question to technical support. Address: [email protected] .


By becoming an ExpertOption partner, each user can receive 50-60% brokerage profit accrued for the activities of each attracted client. Other benefits include:

  • 5% from the income of each new webmaster (the conditions are valid on a lifetime basis);
  • regular payments (twice a month). The calculation goes through the most popular electronic systems(webmoney, poison, etc.);
  • round-the-clock support working in the mode 24/7 (ticket system, mail);
  • big choice advertising materials that can be easily adapted to the theme of any site.

Look detailed description terms of the partnership can be found here.

November 21 17:42 2014

Good day, dear friends!

It is no secret that you can earn money on the binary options market without trading on it. How to do it? And very simple! Everyone has it binary options broker has an affiliate program where you can earn money without trading yourself. About how to start earning in this way, and most importantly: how much you can earn on this, I will tell in this article.

I'll take a look at two companies that I work with - 24 Option and Iq Option. But first, I will tell you how affiliate rewards can be paid. The first option is:

With this approach, the partner is paid for registration + trader's deposit. That is, if a person registered under you and made a deposit, you are credited fixed payment(royalty) for him. The reward is charged only for the first deposit. This method is convenient in that you can immediately earn a fairly good amount, but it is extremely inconvenient in the long run.

The second basic payment option is revshare.


With this payment option, you are paid certain percentage from the trading turnover of traders who have registered "under you". This percentage may vary, depending on your activity as a partner. This option is convenient in the long run, but does not always allow you to immediately earn a lot of money.

Well, often these two basic options for cooperation are simply combined into:

CPA + revshare

That is, you are paid a certain amount when replenishing, and also a certain percentage of the turnover. This option seems to me more interesting and promising. Only it is not always profitable for the broker, so you rarely see it on the market.

So, here's a brief theory of what cooperation options might be. Now, about which brokers pay how much, and how much you can earn on it. I'll start with the top broker 24 Option:

24 Option affiliate program.

This firm represents two brokers: 24 Option and Grand Option. That is, you can earn by attracting traders to both offices at the same time. Here is the link for registration. After it, a personal manager will call you and you will choose how exactly you will start earning with them.

24 Option pays according to the CPA model. Their payouts start at $100 per client. The more clients you refer, the more you will earn from them in the long run. The form of cooperation is profitable and monetary. Here's how much I managed to earn with them in six months:

Binomo affiliate program: Since this is a broker with a minimum deposit, there is no point in working with CPA. Therefore, up to 50% of the revshar is paid here. More traders - more turnover! Moreover, now they are very actively working in this field.

As you can see, you can and should earn money with affiliate programs of binary options brokers. Therefore, if you were waiting for a signal from above, and wanted to start, then here it is! Here is the signal that tells you: it's time to beat the loot! So join!

Support is guaranteed for active partners!