btl materials. Promotions and BTL events, what is it? The concept of trade or BTL marketing

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From this article you will learn

  • What are BTL events and how they differ from ATL
  • What are the main elements that make up the BTL package of events
  • What BTL events are held
  • What are the features of BTL events in the B2B sector
  • What are the benefits of BTL events on the Internet

Promotion of any product or service in the current market conditions without advertising is almost impossible. Recently, BTL-events are gaining great popularity in the development of marketing plans for companies. it advertising direction contributes to an effective and rapid increase in sales of a product or service, brand promotion, and also allows you to competently present and present a new product in the relevant market.

What is the difference between ATL and BTL events

All types of interaction between the buyer and the seller can be divided into two main categories: ATL and BTL.

ATL is an abbreviation for English phrase above the line. In Russian, it is translated as "above the line." This term appeared by chance when the large American company Procter & Gamble was compiling their next advertising plan with a budget. The plan included only the costs of the most famous direct advertising methods, which were distributed through mass media(radio, newspapers, television, etc.). After the plan was drawn up, the specialists of the marketing department remembered several more ways of advertising: distribution of free samples, holding competitions of various formats, sponsorship, various discount systems. These methods also needed to be included in the plan, so they drew a line under the main list, and already under it they wrote down new ones. Subsequently, this division was applied in other companies, and so it spread throughout the world. In Russia, a similar classification is also used.

It turns out that ATL are methods of direct advertising, which contain a number of activities for its placement:

  • Mass radio stations.
  • Newspapers and magazines.
  • Television (federal and cable).
  • Various ways to advertise on the Internet.
  • Outdoor advertising.
  • Advertising in transport (by taxi, in buses, trolleybuses, subway cars).
  • Advertising in cinemas.

All remaining ways of interacting with the buyer that do not belong to this list are BTL.

BTL- This is an abbreviation for the English phrase "below the line", which translates as "below the line." These methods of communication do not apply to direct advertising.

According to statistics, at the moment BTL events are much more popular than ATL events, and they will gain more and more popularity every year. ATL advertising is gradually fading away. This has a very simple explanation. Direct advertising is already so tired of people that it repels more than it attracts. Therefore, in modern conditions it is much more efficient to use disguised advertising methods.

A distinctive feature of BTL events is that they do not require serious financial costs. But this does not mean that any novice marketer can handle their organization and conduct. For a BTL event to bring the desired result, you need professional approach to its organization and management. When the main staff of the company already has specialists in this type of advertising, there is no need to look for others. If there is no such staff, because the company is not so huge, it would be wiser to turn to a specialized BTL agency for help. You need to understand that an unsuccessful campaign can put an end to your reputation, which is why it is so important to involve specialists.

The main objectives of the implementation of BTL events are:

  • Increasing the popularity of a product or service.
  • Submission of complete and detailed information about a new product to end users.
  • Increasing quantity potential consumers by switching their attention from competing brands to their own.
  • Brand promotion and maintaining its image.
  • Increasing sales of goods or services of a particular brand.
  • Positioning and presentation of the brand, in which consumers have an emotional attachment to it and its products.

The most important task of the entire BTL event is to bring the end consumer as close as possible to the goods or services of the brand, but with a minimum budget for holding the necessary promotions. First, a gathering place for potential buyers is found, and then various promotions and BTL events are held to influence buyers.

The main elements that make up the complex of BTL events

BTL events include several various schemes sales promotion: direct marketing, public relations (public relations), face-to-face sales, thematic exhibitions, etc. These activities are planned and implemented based on a certain percentage of the total budget. advertising campaign. In Russia, the classification is slightly different, and it includes:

  • BTL-events to stimulate sales among consumers of these products.
  • BTL-events to stimulate sales among sales representatives.
  • Direct marketing.
  • Special events (presentations, festivals, exhibitions, etc.).
  • POS materials.

Sales promotion (sales promotion) is a means of marketing interaction that uses several methods of persuasion in relation to both the audience of consumers and the sales audience in order to cause certain actions or reactions.

Main advantages:

  • Actively encourages further action.
  • The value of the product is positioned in such a way that in the eyes of the buyer it becomes more important than the price of the product.
  • There are new additional motives that encourage the purchase of a product.
  • Increases the percentage of repeat purchases several times.
  • Significantly increases the frequency of purchases and their volume.

Main disadvantages:

  • The retail price may be understated.
  • It will reduce the coverage of the target audience, because part of it will wait for discounts.
  • There may be a decline in brand credibility.
  • Can provoke competitors to carry out forward purchases.

Element 1: Sales promotion to resellers

Sales promotion in the field of resale are certain processes of BTL events that are aimed directly at traders involved in bringing a product or service to the consumer. In the United States, according to statistics, there are about 1.3 million retail dealers and about 340,000 wholesale dealers. The main methods of sales promotion here will be:

  • All kinds of competitions among the dealers themselves (the main prizes will depend on the level of sales of the company).
  • Dealer's special bonus (this bonus is given to the seller himself for the purchase of the goods being sold in a certain quantity).
  • Trade coupons (certain compensation for businesses that are engaged in retail trade from the manufacturer of goods). As a rule, such coupons are not repeatedly returned to the manufacturer of goods.

Element 2: Consumer promotion

This type of incentive includes the following BTL events:

  • Product pricing game. Three main options are possible here: a discount from the basic price, a discount when purchasing a package (a package that combines several products, or an exclusive one), coupons of a different nature.
  • Money back guarantee in case the buyer is not satisfied with the product.
  • Various lotteries and thematic contests.
  • Gifts that are given with the purchase of a product, gifts in the mail (to receive such, the buyer must send a label that will be evidence of this purchase), long-term work with discount coupons.
  • Distribution of free samples of sold products (allows you to increase sales by 10%).
  • Loyalty programs that are designed for the long term.

Element 3: Direct Marketing

Another component of BTL events is direct marketing. It has a number of advantages:

  • Thanks to direct marketing, it is possible to work with narrow segments of the overall market. This is done by conveying the necessary information to the right audience.
  • The communicative process can be personified in certain ways.
  • Allows you to save the overall budget for advertising due to efficient spending.
  • Direct marketing is very well managed.
  • Appears more possibilities for a complete analysis of all information.

Main advantages:

  • Specific focus on specific goals.
  • Controlled and easily measurable result.
  • All elements of the system are very flexible.
  • There is an opportunity to personalize various information.

Main cons:

  • If the strategy is designed for a short time, such advertising will be ineffective.
  • Contradictions appear between outgoing information and communication messages.

Element 4: Special events

The next element of BTL events are the so-called "special events". BTL events of this type allow you to reach the target audience as much as possible and give flexibility for the main selling messages.

Main advantages:

  • The necessary corporate image is formed.
  • Very large coverage of a diverse target audience.
  • All crisis situations are predicted in advance, and a plan for getting out of them is also thought out.
  • Thanks to such events, the buyer gains trust and emotional attachment to the company.
  • Outgoing information is not fully controlled.
  • Time costs are inevitable, because all decisions require agreement before they are made.

Element 5: POS materials

The last component of BTL events is POS materials. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the following number of features:

  • An important role is played by the nature of the information that will be provided to the buyer during the sale.
  • Particular attention should be paid to strategies for promoting and positioning a product or service.
  • Objectives must be clearly defined at various levels.
  • Other uses for the marketing communications mix are emerging.

Read the material on the topic: POS-materials

What BTL events can be held

BTL events with image communication

One of the most good examples image communication will be charitable actions. The main objective of such BTL events is to raise funds to solve a specific problem or a number of problems of social significance. People love to participate in such events because they want to help others and express themselves with better side. As a result of such promotions, a positive brand image is formed.

Organization of club programs is a good way of image communication. Such programs are aimed, first of all, at creating a certain group of people with common interests who will love and purchase brand products. Groups (clubs) will help not only improve the image, but also increase sales.

Leaflet distribution is one of the popular species BTL events. This method of communication allows you to convey to potential buyers all the necessary information and does not require serious financial costs.

POS materials for BTL events. This includes some visual elements (displays and light panels). These materials help draw attention to goods or services. They are located in places of accumulation of potential customers (shops, exhibitions, etc.).

Promo zone with the possibility of easy transportation. It is a special stand with promotional materials, near which there is always service personnel - promoters. They provide all the necessary information about goods or services, offer free product samples. It is very important that communication with the audience is competent, so promoters must have the appropriate qualifications. The success of the BTL event will depend on them.

Special BTL entertainment events. Their main task is to promote the brand and popularize certain products.

Special packaging is a transformation of the appearance of the offered products in the light of the upcoming holiday or a certain event. For example, packaging in New Year's style for Christmas or in the style of the World Cup on the eve of this event.

BTL events with guaranteed benefits for the consumer

When such promotions are carried out, the benefit of the product becomes very attractive to the buyer. This type of BTL-events includes promotional packaging. This is such a complete set, in which, in addition to the main product, a bonus product is attached, the cost of which should not exceed 40% of the standard price of the main product. Ideally, it should be 20 - 30%.

Special programs aimed at improving customer loyalty. These are marketing BTL events that allow you to keep the buyer connected with the brand. An example of such programs can be considered a cumulative system of bonuses that can be exchanged for real goods when the required amount is accumulated. Many modern specialty stores offer such cards to their customers. For each purchase, bonuses are credited to the card, which can then be exchanged for any product from the store's assortment.

Sampling is a BTL event marketing tool that allows you to correctly present brand new products to your target audience, which will increase the likelihood of a first purchase. Sampling types include the distribution of free product samples or product demos (computer and mobile software), tasting and test drives.

BTL events to reduce prices. These promotions, which are aimed at selling a certain type of product, are temporary. To make the new price of the goods noticeable, bright price tags with the inscriptions "Sale" are made.

coupon shares. Allows you to purchase goods at a certain discount. In terms of the main action, this BTL event is similar to a regular trade-marketing move aimed at reducing the price. Only in this case, the discount is provided if the buyer has a special coupon available. Such promotions allow you to attract new customers.

BTL promotions with probable profit

These promotions (BTL events) allow buyers to win various gifts. The increase in the percentage of sales and promotion of the brand will depend on the quality, cost and necessity of the gift.

Lotteries. During such a BTL event, all buyers of certain products have the opportunity to win one or more prizes. For example, the Lays company announced that each pack of chips has a code that you can register on their website and get the opportunity to win many valuable prizes, and the main one was a car.

Contests. These are very effective promotions among all BTL events. Thanks to the development of the Internet and social networks, holding contests has become very simple. For example, a manufacturer of computer components, Intel, announced a competition. The prize was the most powerful processor for a computer. The main conditions were joining the community and reposting the entry. Thus, the popularity of the brand has increased significantly.

Instant gift. This BTL event is as follows. When buying a product for a certain amount, the buyer receives a gift.

Mobile and computer games. The brand is embedded in such a game, which increases its recognition and, on a subconscious level, causes emotional attachment to the products of this brand.

Organization and holding of BTL events: step by step instructions

Step 1. Studying the target audience

The very first and important step for the successful conduct of BTL-events, there will be a definition of its potential buyer. This will allow you to select the target audience, because it is much easier to create the right and effective ways interaction, which will significantly increase the level of sales.

To determine the type of buyers of a particular product, you can use the following:

  • The results of various marketing research.
  • Information on these products from users on the Internet (various reviews on forums and discussions on social networks).
  • Direct observation of the behavior of potential buyers at the point of sale. As a result of these observations, one can understand the motives of people choosing a particular product.

If a company sells toys, it is clear that the main the target audience are parents and young couples. Pensioners, athletes and other segments of buyers will not be interested in these products.

Step 2. Estimate the cost of a BTL event

Standard methods of advertising in various media are very costly. Compared to them, BTL events are not only much cheaper, but also more efficient. Each action can be adjusted to a specific task, which will allow you to divide the advertising budget evenly and in small portions. To conduct BTL events of various nature and directions, you must have:

  • qualified personnel;
  • free product samples;
  • necessary materials (booklets, posters, leaflets, magazines, catalogs, etc.);
  • a special stand for the presentation of materials and rental of space at the main points of sale.

For example, let's take a BTL event based on sampling. So, there is a coffee company that sells special types of coffee products. Its advertising budget is 3 million rubles. 375 thousand free samples are being prepared, the cost of each is 8 rubles. For 1440 promotional hours, the full distribution of materials is made. No more than 300 thousand rubles will be required for various consultations. For all the time you can hold up to 2500 consultations and conclude 400 contracts of various sizes.

Step 3. Choose the type of BTL promotion

The type of BTL event should be chosen based on specific goals (which may be different in each company) and the category of goods or services. You can stop at the distribution of samples, various lotteries, distribution of leaflets, etc.

Step 4. Choose the place and time of the event

The place and time of BTL events are not clearly defined. Depending on the main goals and individual preferences of the company itself, places for holding actions and their exact time will be determined.

To achieve the desired effect from BTL events, they need to be held in places where people buy something (various shopping centers, specialized salons and shops), since it is here that access to a wide target audience is open, some of which are your potential buyers. Sometimes a good result is shown not only by shopping centers, but also by busy city streets, train stations and airport lounges.

As for the timing of BTL events, there are no restrictions. BTL events can be held absolutely on any days when there is a target audience at the points of sale. To stand out from competitors, you can hold promotions during special periods (when it's time to give gifts), because this way you can not only distinguish yourself favorably, but also increase the percentage of sales.

Step 5. Choose an agency to organize the action

In order for the outcome of a BTL event to meet your expectations, you need to correctly present the product and find an approach to the buyer. Therefore, everything falls on the shoulders of the promoters. Future sales of goods or services depend on their qualifications and professional skills.

You can look for professionals of this kind among the company's staff, but it is best to seek help from a specialized agency. However, it is worth paying attention to the track record of this organization (what promotions were held, what brands they collaborated with). You have to choose the most successful ones.

Step 6. We form the rules for the event

Specific rules for conducting BTL events are drawn up based on the main goals. The company must have a complete understanding of what it will promote, for whom it will promote and what results this promotion should lead to. The format of the promotions should not go beyond the overall brand strategy.

The fundamental goals of such BTL events are to increase brand popularity and increase sales. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the little things. A stand with promotional materials, the color of the clothes of the attendants should correspond to the general style of the brand itself. The duration of such promotions should fluctuate within 3-6 weeks, since after 6 weeks the interest in the offered goods and services disappears and it is not advisable to continue the promotion for longer.

Step 7. Evaluate the effectiveness of the BTL promotion

At the end of each action, it is necessary to make a full assessment of the effectiveness of the BTL event. This will identify strengths and weaknesses that can be taken into account in subsequent BTL events. For example, this way you can identify a certain event that has shown the greatest efficiency, and repeat it at other points of sale.

The overall effectiveness of the conducted BTL event is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The total income from the promotion.
  • The percentage increase in sales of goods or services.
  • Direct and indirect costs of the action.
  • The period during which the stock fully paid for itself.
  • The overall return on the stock.

The event is considered successful if all the results were not lower than planned by the company. After a successful BTL event, sales should rise by 25%, and sometimes more.

Effective BTL events: examples of well-known companies

In modern market conditions, the buyer has become more demanding. All traditional methods of advertising bring less and less effect every year, especially if they are used to promote a completely new product on the market.

For example, let's recall the BTL events that brought the world-famous Media Markt brand to our market. The appearance of the company was accompanied by a special play on stereotypical Russian values: bears, nesting dolls, an open soul. Stores opened with a bright festive program that attracted a lot of people. For the first few months there were discounts on the entire range. The brand in Russia was actively involved in holding contests, distributing free trial materials, various contests and shows with the invitation of world stars. Thanks to this, he won the hearts of buyers.

Launching a brand is one thing, but it also needs to be kept afloat.

For example, everyone famous company Red Bull regularly hosts amateur-made aircraft competitions. In just a few years, this event has gained worldwide popularity and attracted the attention of millions of people. In addition, the company sponsors many sporting events. It is not surprising that the energy drinks of this brand are very popular all over the world.

Modern conditions for the development and implementation of the Internet in our lives allow us to use all the tools of Internet marketing for the effective conduct of BTL events.

The main features of the Internet:

  • You can create a specialized website where all the necessary information about the brand and ongoing BTL events will be posted.
  • Advertising of various types (banners, direct, advertising in social networks).
  • Regular updates on the progress of promotions and all the news.
  • Sending mail with news, invitations to new promotions and congratulations.

For a full-fledged BTL event, the Internet will play a very important role. All costs for conducting advertising activities on the Internet are small. There is no need to develop a specialized design and print something extra. Of course, websites and emails will require a certain branding style, but web design is quite simple and inexpensive. All costs are the creation and promotion of the site, mailing lists, advertising on the Internet.

The costs of BTL events on the Internet include:

  • Attraction cost

The cost of communication with a potential buyer on the largest portals on the Internet (following a link with an advertisement) is much lower compared to standard communication. It is worth noting here that in order to carry out some promotions on the Internet, you do not need to advertise on all major portals. It would be more expedient to choose less popular, but more thematic Internet sites, since it is on such sites that the necessary narrowly focused target audience gathers. Plus, this is not just informing about the BTL event, but the full interest of the potential buyer. After all, advertising links are not clicked just like that, only interested users follow them.

  • The cost of direct communication

When a BTL event takes place on the Internet, this allows you to significantly save your advertising budget. In this case, there is no need to hire professional promoters and set up a call center to answer calls. Internet marketing tools are very extensive and allow you to perform many useful functions.

To answer all questions there is a special support service. In 90% of cases, all questions are standard and of the same type, so you can make a section with frequently asked questions on the site. By going there, a potential buyer will be able to find answers. This will significantly increase brand trust and affect sales.

All responsibilities for promotion, answering questions, sending letters can be handled by 1-2 people, and not a whole department of promoters and employees of another plan, as in traditional ways of holding BTL events.

  • Project maintenance/management costs

Organizing BTL events on the Internet has a great advantage over standard methods. Throughout the campaign (from the start of the launch to the determination of the winners), it is only necessary to control the competent supply of promotional materials and occasionally notify them with news. All other processes are automatic.

Attracting the necessary audience, collecting a database of contacts - all this happens automatically, thanks to Internet marketing tools. One specialist can monitor the entire process of the BTL event, answer questions and send the necessary letters. All this will significantly save your advertising budget.

In this way, The BTL event option on the Internet with minimal costs consists of three stages:

  1. preparatory stage (creation of a website and promotional materials);
  2. the stage of attracting sponsors to the BTL event and organizing advertising on the Internet;
  3. purchase and packaging of prizes necessary for the action.

The total cost of the entire action (BTL event) will depend on the chosen direction, the popularity of this topic on the Internet, the presence of the target audience and its quality, the availability of Internet sites on this topic with a large number of visitors (target audience).

The average conversion rate of a site visitor into a participant in a BTL event is 2%. At proper organization promotions and a successful hit in the target audience, you can increase this figure to 15%, but no more. Although there are no limits - with a competent approach, everything is possible.

It is very effective to use Internet marketing when promoting consumer goods mass nature.

Industries for which BTL events on the Internet are effective:

  • Computer software.
  • Automotive industry (sale of spare parts and provision of repair and maintenance services).
  • Products various categories FMCG.
  • Mobile communication, phones and mobile software.
  • Mass goods and services of various nature for women/children.
  • Appliances.
  • Legal and financial services (assistance with loans, card processing, etc.).
  • Travel and tourism industry (vouchers, air tickets, guides, etc.).
  • Sports nutrition and goods.

Summing up, we can say that the holding and organization of BTL events on the Internet can seriously compete with the standard methods of holding such events. The high efficiency and low costs of BTL events on the Internet are simply amazing.

Which BTL events are always a winner

One of the simplest and most effective BTL events is the distribution of printed advertising materials. For the successful implementation of such events, high-quality printing of leaflets, flyers, leaflets, etc. is necessary. In this case, you should contact the printing house. If you want to order high-quality web printing of printing products in Moscow, the SlovoDelo printing house, which specializes in all types of printing, will help you. In addition, it has the most modern and high-quality equipment, and qualified employees fulfill orders of any complexity.

In addition to traditional ATL channels, MEDOR agency also uses indirect promotion through BTL advertising in its advertising campaigns.

Our BTL-agency employs experienced specialists who will professionally approach the management of your project, form a task and select performers for it, and control the process of the action.

Benefits of working with BTL agency MEDOR

  1. 13 years of successful experience;
  2. wide regional coverage, more than 20 offices in Russia;
  3. an integrated approach from idea to high-quality implementation;
  4. day to launch the Promotion;
  5. time-tested experienced staff motivated for results;
  6. the best customer service.

We develop unique ideas, and then we test them, and if they find a positive response from customers, then they are part of our services. This technique allows us to offer customers only proven, effective services, with a good "exhaust".

Non-standard types of BTL advertising that we do

  • BTL promotions
  • Promotion in shopping centers
  • Sampling in city parks
  • Exhibitions
  • Events
  • team building

The effectiveness of BTL in terms of marketing

Or, conversely, if the promotion of products through the above "traditional" channels is impossible:

  • it is required to stimulate sales in retail outlets;
  • the product has just been introduced to the market and customers need to be introduced to the new product;
  • you need to increase brand awareness among the target audience.

Is your situation on this list?

Whatever task you set for our BTL agency, it will be completed. We conducted hundreds of tried and tested cases and advertising technologies that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

The list of our BTL services also includes:

  • counseling;

Implemented BTL and Event projects

Leave a request and we will contact you within 15 minutes.

Integrated approach of our BTL agency

The success of our projects is due to a responsible approach to the organization and a detailed study of the strengths and weaknesses your business.

The effectiveness of advertising promotion will be much higher if you run a BTL campaign in parallel with other types of advertising. For example, we recommend using social media. networks as a tool for disseminating information about BTL promotions. This strategy involves the simultaneous promotion of a group or community with the event. RA MEDOR has extensive experience in organizing and holding events both online and offline.

Algorithm of work with the client

Communication begins with negotiations, during which the features of your business are clarified, the tasks facing our BTL agency. We will introduce you to customer cases from related industries. We will prepare a detailed estimate for your project, in which we will include all the agreed points, the approved work plan, the main stages and timing of the BTL campaign.

If necessary, we will analyze the sales dynamics of the promoted product at specific points of sale after promotions have been held there and provide you with marketing analytics that speaks about the effectiveness of advertising.

A report on the work carried out can be presented in photo and / or video format.

Instructions for conducting a BTL promotion

To implement a successful promotional event, a company needs to set clear goals, as well as know the technology for conducting such promotions. Remember that an illiterate approach to organizing a BTL event can lead to large financial and image losses.

Studying the target audience: step 1

Determining the image of the consumer of a product or service is perhaps half the success of BTL events.

It is with the right choice of the target that the most effective methods of emotional impact are developed, which inevitably leads to increased sales.

In order to understand which buyers are interested in a particular product, you can use:

  • marketing research results (more often used for complex products);
  • Observation of customers at the point of sale (makes it possible to understand what products the consumer buys without hesitation and why);
  • studying discussions on the Internet (reviews and discussions on the Internet can be found on almost any product).

Example: your company sells large teddy bears. The target audience is parents and young couples; pensioners will not be interested in such a product. And, for example, blood pressure monitors are relevant for the elderly.

Estimating the costs of a BTL event: step 2

Traditional media advertising on television requires a huge investment. The costs of preparing and conducting BTL events, which are more efficient, are relatively small. In addition, by adapting the Promotion to your goals, you can correctly allocate the budget, reducing costs as much as possible.

To conduct BTL events you will need:

  • consumables (leaflets, booklets, plates, napkins, spoons);
  • product (for the opportunity to try or taste);
  • sometimes a rack and renting a small area for it at points of sale.

Choosing the type of BTL promotion: step 3

Depending on the goal to be achieved during the promotion, as well as the product category, the following types of BTL events are used:

  • Distribution of leaflets or leafleting - this method is used by delivery services, outlets Catering, shops, etc. leaflets inform the buyer about discounts and special offers of the company. Distribution of leaflets is organized in crowded places: at the entrance to the metro, at city holidays, on the main streets.
  • Tasting - during the promotion, the buyer is invited to evaluate the taste of the product. Events are usually held in supermarkets and hypermarkets, as well as in shopping centers. The purpose of the tasting is to stimulate the sale of goods.
  • Sampling - free distribution of product samples in individual packaging. Such promotions are used when launching and promoting a new product; they can be organized in crowded places, for example, on the streets.
  • Draw - a promotion with the possibility of obtaining an easy win. Promotions are instant - organized at the point of sale, as well as with a delayed drawing - long-term, contributing to the creation of a permanent circle of consumers trademark.
  • Consultations - a direct story about the product. Usually, consultations are held at points of sale, in cases where the possibilities of promoting goods are limited by law (for example, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products).
  • Switching. Switches the buyer to the promoted brand by exchanging an incomplete packaging of a competitive product for packaging promotional item. Such promotions are most often used by tobacco companies.

Choosing a venue and time: step 4

There is no standard time and place for holding BTL events, everything depends on the preferences of the company and the goals of the action.

However, the maximum effect is given by events that are organized in places closest to the real life of people where customers make purchases: shops, gas stations, salons, shopping centers. Carrying out promotions in such zones gives a high result due to the large audience coverage and placement directly at the point of sale of goods. There are also alternative spaces where the consumer is ready to receive information about the promoted product. These are, for example, the central streets of the city, the waiting rooms of railway stations and airports.

There are no time limits for holding BTL events by companies selling consumer products: such promotions are always appropriate when it is necessary to stimulate demand. However, holding events during gift seasons will help you stand out from the competition and increase sales.

These can be, for example, discount promotions for a bread machine before Easter, for milk and flour - before Maslenitsa, for flowers and sweets - before March 8th.

Choosing an agency to organize the action: step 5

A successful BTL campaign is directly related to a competent approach to the consumer, so the promoters become the face of such an advertising campaign.

It is from their communication skills, the ability to convince, build a dialogue and create the value of the promoted product in the eyes of the audience that the final attitude of the buyer to the product depends.

The MEDOR agency employs only experienced promotional staff who can do all of the above and a little more.

We form the rules for the event: step 6

The rules for conducting an advertising campaign are formed based on the goals set. That is, the company must clearly understand: for whom, how, what, where and why it is planned to promote. In general, the format of the ongoing BTL event should fit into the overall advertising strategy of the company. The main objective of the campaign is, of course, to increase sales and product awareness. Therefore, the design of the advertising stand or the clothing of the promoters must match the color scheme of the promoted brand. In terms of time, the event should last at least three and no more than six weeks. It is in three weeks that buyers begin to distinguish the product from competitors, and after six weeks they lose interest in it. It is also recommended to hold the promotion at least three days a week.

Evaluating the effectiveness of BTL promotions: step 7

The performance evaluation stage is of great importance when conducting promotions, as it allows you to increase performance when organizing further events, as well as determine the most effective event that can be replicated, for example, in other outlets.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a BTL campaign, that is, achieving maximum results at the lowest cost, can be carried out on the basis of the following indicators:

  1. increase in sales volume; income from the event;
  2. event costs; profitability of the event;
  3. payback period of the event.

Our BTL-agency "MEDOR" in Moscow or other cities, and we will help you launch a BTL-action of any scale, taking into account the competitiveness of your business, the features of the products or services provided.

Today, everything from cookies to cars is promoted through marketing campaigns.

BTL promotion is a sales promotion event, which is designed strictly for the target audience of the product.

They are only part of the marketing plan, but it is promotions that can quickly affect sales and the opinion of potential buyers about a product or brand.

There is never a guarantee that a promotion will work. You can spend a large amount of money, but never pay back advertising. To prevent this from happening, you need to have complete information about promotional advertising and BTL marketing, which we will do.

BTL marketing

In marketing, there are concepts: ATL and BTL events. ATL are the main marketing events, which are designed for a wide audience and maximum coverage, such as advertising on radio or television. BTL of the "below the line" event is a targeted impact on the target audience through direct contact between the buyer and the product.

At the time of launching a new product on the market or a decline in sales, BTL promotions are an indispensable tool, acting instantly.

Types of BTL advertising

  1. Surprises and draws - the most common type of promotion. All of you met on the packaging of crackers or chips, promotional stickers with the inscription: "Gift in every pack" or "Participate in the drawing of a cool scooter". This type of promotion is called a lottery or lottery. It is he who actively influences the target audience quickly and effectively, especially on goods for children. Children love surprises, they wait for the promised gift in a pack of corn sticks again and again, begging mom or dad to buy more. This type of promotion can be used not only in the field of sales of goods but also services, for example: “Make three trips with our taxi and become a participant of the promotion – a trip to Turkey for two!” As you can see, this type of promotion can have both immediate and long-term effects. Which look suits your product, think for yourself.
  2. Sponsorship, philanthropy– is an effective BTL event mainly to increase brand awareness in the target market and win over the target audience. Think of sponsoring companies at football matches or boxing matches. When you sit at the stadium and watch the match, and a car brand is drawn on the banners, you don’t have a desire to buy a car of this brand, but the image and trust in it subconsciously grow. Patronage is a great way to remind a certain group of people about yourself. This type of promotion increases trust and loyalty to your brand.
  3. Contests as an advertising tool have become widespread on social media. The main goal of the contest is to draw the visitor's attention to a certain page and perform an action on it (like, repost, comment). For example, visitors to a certain chain of cinemas or restaurants can receive a discount coupon if they repost advertising a restaurant or movie to three of their friends. It can be either a guaranteed prize or a chance to win by participating in the draw. This type of promotion is gaining momentum, as the organization of such a BTL event does not require much time and high costs.
  4. Exchange of an old product for a new one. A great way that motivates the buyer to get rid of the old thing and buy a new one. You solve 2 problems and attract only your target audience, only to your brand! It is popular in electronics sales (phones and Appliances), cars (trade-in), cigarettes (your printed pack for our new one) and even clothes (fur, leather).
  5. Promotion(promotion) is the exposure of a product or information about a product in places where the intended target audience is concentrated (supermarkets, recreation areas), with the opportunity to get advice from a promoter specialist. This type of promotion involves the presence of a place for promotion (rack, table), the presence of a promoter near the product and the presence of the product itself. This kind BTL shares, you can promote not only food, but also tickets, certificates (cinema, theater, zoo, restaurant, entertainment, etc.), cars and other equipment, cosmetics, mobile communication starter packs and much more.
  6. Sampling differs from promotion in that the product can simply be distributed to people for self-testing or study right on the streets, the product or a sample for it (shampoo, perfume, coffee, tea, etc.)
  7. Informing through printed matter , brochures, leaflets, flyers, price lists. To convey promotions and information about a product or service, this type of promotion is ideal. In places with a large flow of people (stops, metro, places of rest and food), distribution of leaflets helps to reach the majority of the target audience. For example, if a product or event concerns women, then distribution is carried out to women if it is a question of children's holiday, then preference is given to couples with children and people over 18 years old. Particularly effective this species promotions if it is held locally in the area of ​​​​the future event, so the residents of this area will not only learn, for example, about the opening baby store, but some of them may make their first purchases there.
  8. Product Discounts. If a person sees a 50% discount, then he involuntarily pays attention to the store, product, what exactly the discount is for. This stimulates the sale and attracts an additional flow of visitors. Such promotions should be limited in time, otherwise the inscription: “50% discount” may become commonplace and will no longer be noticed. Give shoppers a break to re-create the hype with discounts.

Since such events are not very expensive compared to ATL events, their popularity is high, but they require good planning and organization.

What do you need to conduct BTL promotions?

Firstly you need to know the letter of the law:

  1. place and time of the promotion;
  2. specific product;
  3. clear conditions for the draw, indicating the duration of the promotion;
  4. the number and name of prizes (if any);
  5. a plan for a promotion;
  6. the events and conditions of the promotion must not violate other laws.

Secondly, you need to understand how the organization of a promotion begins, where exactly to start? Here is a detailed list of steps to help you organize a BTL event:

  • When developing a product, marketers study their target audience, you must know who your product may be interested in. You must understand who exactly will be your customers. About .
  • Determine the way forward. As you already understood, there are many types of promotions, but which one will work for you, you need to think and analyze. If you are promoting new brand fault then Promotion for you The best way. A potential buyer who loves and is interested in wines will not pass by without trying. And if you are advertising a new pizzeria, then street flyers and online contests will be the best option for you.
  • After all this, the promotional budget will be clear, which will be noticeably less than the launch of non-targeted advertising of the company on radio or television, but do not forget that the promotion is only part of a global advertising campaign. Therefore, determine the BTL advertising budget based on the total budget of the marketing company.
  • Who will organize or who will carry out the promotional campaign, and who will control the process? If the company has experienced marketers and qualified personnel, then you can put the holding of a BTL event on your own shoulders, but if you need to cover several stores and outlets at the same time, then you can’t do it yourself. You will need the services of special agencies for advertising and promotion. The cost of their services depends on the time of the action and the complexity of the goods.
  • By what methods and who will analyze the "exhaust" from the promotional campaign? To do this, you need to own sales data before the start of the promotion and after. The action may not give an effect immediately after a week or a month. Don't forget about force majeure and unexpected expenses.

BTL events, examples

BTL events should not just be, they should be creative, here are some examples of promotions that have worked:

It is not for nothing that Tuborg beer is a sponsor of various music festivals. Famous DJs, active and young target audience, drive and energy. Such an event is mainly an image event, but in general it is a direct advertisement aimed at selling beer. But beer Honeyken prefers to be close to football fans.

The car dealer launched an online ad: "2 cars for the price of one" with an asterisk, under which lurked the meaning of buying a premium SUV with a discount for which you can purchase the most inexpensive car model in the basic configuration. For 2 months, sales of cars that did not participate in the action increased by 2 times.

ATL and BTL are well-known concepts in marketing. Today, the separation between them is almost erased, but initially it was believed that ATL (above the line) was responsible for TV, radio, print advertising and other mass broadcast sources, and BTL (below the line) was exhibitions, e-commerce, various sales promotion activities . In this article, we will analyze what BTL advertising is, why it is also called trade marketing, what tools it is implemented with, as well as what types of promotions exist and how to effectively organize and conduct them.

The concept of trade or BTL marketing

First, let's deal with the concepts. The key difference between ATL and BTL is that the first type is responsible for creating the need to buy a product, while the second one completes the sale, inclining the consumer in favor of the promoted product. Trade marketing is a broader concept that includes BTL, trade, incentive, promo and promotional marketing. We will combine the concept of trade and BTL marketing, since both of them are responsible for creating motivation in the consumer, as a result of which a sale is made and, accordingly, purchasing power increases.

How BTL motivates

How to motivate the consumer to buy, increase sales growth and form the right image of the product? There are 3 ways:

  • motivation through the price - to enable the buyer to save money;
  • motivation through the product itself - the possibility of obtaining free samples, tastings, additional products in addition to the main ones;
  • motivation through impressions - the opportunity to win a prize, to participate in an interesting event.

On their basis, a promotional campaign is formed and launched.

Directions BTL

Having defined what BTL is and what motivations it uses, let's consider two areas of its field of activity:

  1. Promotions and promotions to stimulate a potential consumer.
  2. Promotions and promotions for trade partners and resellers.

Consumer stimulation

How to persuade the buyer to buy? The answer is simple. There must be a motivation to buy it, for this, marketers conduct promotions at the final points of sale. We have already talked about the fact that sales are stimulated favorable price and savings, or a gift item, or participation in a particular event. Now let's take a closer look at what BTL projects are and how they are classified. So, there are 3 types of BTL shares:

  1. Promo with image communication.
  2. Promo with a likely benefit.
  3. Promo with guaranteed benefits.

The first ones are not aimed at a specific product, but in general create a positive image of the company. So what is BTL communication?

  • charitable events;
  • club programs - the creation of communities of loyal customers, united by some kind of benefit;
  • leaflets with clarification or advertising information on ongoing promotions, on updating the range, special offers, etc.;
  • pos-materials - various printed indexes, plates, signboards, etc. that attract attention;
  • a dedicated promo area is a stand-alone platform with promoters where leaflets are distributed, or tastings are held, or gifts are given out.
  • event marketing - fashion events dedicated to the company;
  • packaging for special events that allows you to understand the level of the company and evaluate its participation in current world events, for example, a box with the symbols of the Olympic Games, Football Championship, etc.;
  • sponsorship - financial support for sporting events, concerts, cultural events, elections, children's parties.

The second type of BTL shares involves the receipt of a possible gift. The most common way is to buy more product to receive a prize under a cover, label, etc. These are, as a rule, various lotteries, contests, instant prizes, games, etc.

The third type of BTL in marketing involves receiving a guaranteed gift if the conditions of the promotion are met (collect 10 caps, labels, etc.), but not only.


  • promotional packages, upon purchase of which the buyer receives the main and additional goods, the price of such a bonus usually ranges from 20 to 50% of the cost of the main one;
  • loyalty programs - this is the prize that the buyer receives if he is faithful to your brand for a certain time (collects points, promotional codes, makes a purchase over 1000 rubles within 3 months);
  • sampling - distribution of free samples;
  • cost reduction, discounts for two purchases and other price manipulations;
  • the wording “we will refund your money” can often be heard in case of a breakdown or inadequate quality of the goods, in this case we are talking about receiving a sum of money upon the subsequent purchase of this brand or any other by agreement. For example, when buying products for an n-sum, you get a card for 20% of this value for a purchase in a particular furniture store;
  • Frequently seen on the street, in the magazine, and in many other places, discount coupons not only increase sales, but also bring in many new interested buyers.

BTL marketing, examples of which were discussed above, is ideal for attracting customers, increasing their loyalty and, as a result, increasing sales. In fact, there are many more of these measures, these are only the main and most effective ones. How do companies win buyers who themselves know what BTL is and apply it in their own practice.

Stimulation of intermediaries and partners

Running any business requires cooperation from the company. The denser and more stable it is, the more likely it is to establish uninterrupted sales with savings on transportation, storage, sales and other steps accompanying any sale. To do this, you need to clearly understand what BTL services are for resellers and partners and be able to apply them in practice. So, how to work effectively in this area?

  • Increase purchases. For large wholesale parties, intermediaries often offer more favorable transaction conditions: wholesale discounts, annual bonuses. As for the distribution network, in order to sell a large number of goods, you can offer a discount limited in time, then in a fairly short time you will reduce storage costs and will not lose goods due to the expiration date. Often, for large volumes, manufacturers offer a bonus product at the end of the month or quarter, which covers some losses due to product spoilage and helps to avoid shortages.
  • Increase distribution. Naturally, the more retail outlets and the wider geographically commercial network, the more sales the company expects.
  • Stimulate employees. For an increase in the volume of goods, reward both your own sales agents involved in promotion, and those outlets that will sell the maximum amount of the product.
  • Increase the loyalty of distributors through professional training, business gifts, organization of holidays, corporate parties, training seminars.

How to analyze the BTL of an event?

To understand whether the promotion was effective, you need to write a BTL checklist. What it is? This is a list of questions to help you understand the goals and audience for which the promotion is being created, as well as evaluate and analyze its results. Here is a sample list of them:

  1. Details about the brand and its characteristics.
  2. The purpose of the promotion (for example, to increase awareness or increase sales).
  3. For whom the promo is intended, that is, the target audience of the product.
  4. Where is the event planned to take place?
  5. Is it possible to conduct it jointly with another company in order to minimize costs.
  6. Which tool is best suited for your goals.
  7. What is the best concept to implement it. Whether the time of its holding is connected with some important or memorable date.
  8. What is the company's advertising budget for this promotion?
  9. What staff will be required: a hired promotion company, store employees, or you can handle it on your own.
  10. What promotional materials do you need?
  11. What is the start and end period of the promo.

Check list

By creating a list of these key questions, you will know exactly what your plan of action is. And when the promotion ends, you will create a new checklist that will help you analyze the results. What is included?