What makes a big man out of a man

I wanted to somehow become a great person that they remembered and honored me for a very long time. But how can this be achieved?

I did a good deed to my neighbor, he thanked me and after a couple of weeks he even forgot to say hello - it's a shame! So not a great person.

Done another good deed! People noticed, a note was printed in the newspaper and a month later they forgot again! Again a bummer! So how do you become great?

It seems that even if I become a deputy and help the poor and disadvantaged, they will again forget until the next elections. Write flyers, remind about yourself - boring!

Probably, I am engaged in self-deception, or I live constantly running away tomorrow, or go on about other people.

I want something that makes my life meaningful now and every moment. But does it happen?

I once read an interesting case in one very interesting book.

The boy got lost in the forest.

He didn't know what to do or where to go. He even started crying.

But then he pulled himself together, plucked up courage, climbed a big tree and saw his way.

Where can I find such a tree so as not to stray in life?

There is such a tree. This is our big goal, but it has to be really big, like this tree. And that means lying outside of life.

A big goal is a goal that can be achieved. But only after death. Small goals can be achieved in life.

A big goal helps you see your path. We can recognize it right away. Yes, here he is, how did I not realize right away ?!

We recognize him immediately if there is a big goal. A person with a big goal knows his way.

Beautifully, cleverly written and most importantly to the point!

Every day you have to solve your daily problems. We solve them, but they still do not decrease. We grind water in a mortar, although it (water) is constantly in motion even without us.

Let's say I set myself the goal of buying a car. What is the goal - small or large?

This must seem like a big deal at first! How much work do you need to save up for a nice, brand new car!

So, let's say you have already accumulated and even bought, great! Then you begin to understand that for some it is really a masculine car that drives and does not break. And some get a female car, with its whims.

Having a female car, you understand how "stupid" and petty the goal was to get hold of it!

A machine with a great purpose is one that pays for itself and works without our participation, i.e. you get not only a car, but also a permanent income from its work for yourself and for the driver who will drive it. (Bent, but still beautiful!)

Of course, it is unnecessary to set a goal to buy mink coat with great intentions. Try to guess for yourself what happens and who will wear it.

So, when setting a goal, you need to decide whether it is big (this is the goal) or small.

The path tells us what to do and what not to do.

That same little boy in the tree saw his way home.

His head is now dominated by the thought (which is dictated by the Path) that you need to go in this direction, and not in the opposite direction (unless, of course, you are a Susaning hero).

And so it turns out that if I really wanted to become great, then this is not so that everyone and everywhere recognizes and reveres me, but for how much I am ready to see more surrounded by small things.

Being on the ground, all the trees seem big!

Choosing and climbing with difficulty on the highest of them, one opens the new kind! A saving and beautiful view over those trees that seemed large from below.

Look, dear reader, what are you striving for, what is your goal? Is she big or small?

There are several definitions of the concept of "Big Man". Let's look at each of them separately, and also analyze the ways of self-improvement in general.


  1. A big man as a man with a capital letter is one who has worldly wisdom, who is always ready to help, who preaches kindness and altruism, who will not pass by if you have trouble.
  2. A big man, that is, a great one, is one who has devoted most of his life to serving the country or science and art. Such people are completely devoted to the work they are doing.
  3. A big person, that is, an influential person - a person who has authority among other people. Usually they say about such people that they can "buy" anyone and anything.

What makes a big man out of a man

To become a man with a capital letter, you must, first of all, sow good around you, help people in everything and always. You can choose some noble cause for yourself, for example, open a fund to help sick people, orphans, the disabled, war veterans, etc. But this requires a lot of money, and to be a great person, it is not at all necessary to be rich . Even if you transfer 100 rubles from time to time to the account of people or animals in need, this will already make you better. After all, if you respond to someone else's pain, help others cope with their grief, show sympathy and mercy, this makes you a great person.

To become great, you need to leave a mark after yourself and create something unique, something worthwhile. Maybe you can write an amazing book, a picture, a song, make a discovery, develop new methodology, find a cure for an incurable disease, or save an endangered animal species. Many dream of becoming famous and leaving their mark on history. Of course, it's not as easy as it seems. But if you really have the talent of a genius and if you work purposefully, you will succeed.

In order to become a big person in society, there are two ways: either you must have a lot of money, even a lot of money, or you must contribute to science / art during your lifetime, become the smartest person of your time, achieve maximum heights in your profession and become a master of your craft.

The information you are interested in is also in the article.

Probably, in childhood, every child has no doubt that over time he will become great - an athlete, actor, inventor or someone else. Such statements of the little one are touching and cause a smile, and some of the parents have some pride in their child. They say that there is a goal and ambitions, a little man knows what he wants from an early age, which means that the choice life path predetermined and there is something to strive for. But the years go by, and an adult no longer thinks about how to become great, but how to feed his family, pay a mortgage, get a promotion at work. Children's dreams seem stupid and naive. But it is precisely because of this loss of faith in themselves that many potentially great people vegetate in dullness all their lives.

We do not exchange for trifles

In the first place, readers who wish to learn how to become a great person should be advised to strive towards the goal. After all, the main mistake made by the majority is precisely the exchange for trifles. For example, a person from childhood dreams of becoming a great athlete, setting records (no matter what - boxing, chess or running). But time passes, and the opportunity to go to the goal, it would seem, is no longer there.

As practice shows, in most cases this is nothing more than an excuse. As they say, those who have a desire are looking for an opportunity, those who do not have a desire are looking for a reason. The human brain and body are constantly striving for a life with the least energy loss and stress. That is, they are naturally prone to laziness and doing nothing. Of course, this completely crosses out the opportunity to become famous, to become a famous person.

So just focus on the goal. It is quite understandable that you want to buy a new phone, play a new computer game or have fun with friends in nature or in a bar over a glass of beer. But all this means overtime work or just a waste of precious hours that you could spend on self-improvement, honing your skills. So decide for yourself what is more important to you. There is no need to be hypocritical and lie here - you are not on the record, but simply decide what your future will be like. Brilliant and great? Then be prepared for many years to give up the pleasant little things that make your life happy. Are you ready to make such sacrifices? Find yourself a simpler goal that will not require such expenses and efforts. Again, this is not a report to a general audience. Only your future, for which you are solely responsible.

It’s worth warning right away: 9 out of 10 people who put their lives to fulfill their dreams still do not achieve their goals and turn out to be deeply unhappy. After all, the goal is not achieved, which means that life has been lived in vain. However, 1 out of 10 gets their way! And among those who do not try, the statistics are completely different - a million out of a million achieve nothing!

Choosing the right area

The next important step is to decide on a suitable area. For example, one person wants to know an athlete. And the other always saw himself as an experienced linguist. The third from childhood dreamed of becoming famous by writing a book that the whole world would read.

It is foolish to spray yourself and dream of simply becoming great. To do this, you need some specific sphere, a point to which you will apply force.

Of course, it is desirable that you have the appropriate inclinations and knowledge in this area and at least some experience. Still, every person has a certain talent. The main thing is to find it and develop it. It is important that these activities give you pleasure at least at first. Then, having invested a lot of time and effort, you will simply get involved in the process and you yourself will not be able to stop from further development.

And even more stupid is the situation when a person who has spent many years honing his violin playing suddenly starts looking for a way to become a great football player. It turns out that great amount time and energy were wasted.

We draw up an action plan

This stage is perhaps the most important or one of those. After all, every dreamer sees a beautiful, alluring goal. But what is the path to it? Only a few see it. Usually they are the ones who achieve their goals.

How to do it? In fact, it is quite easy and simple - you need to draw up a plan of action. It depends on what inclinations you have, what goal you are striving for, how far you have advanced along this path.

Have you decided to become a great writer? To get started, just write at least a short essay, essay or story (surprisingly, just beginners first take up stories and novels and only with experience switch to short works). Then write a dozen pieces. Yes, they will be inept. But each subsequent one will be a little better than the previous one - the style and style will be honed and improved. Get your story published in the local newspaper. Then go to the regional level. Then your work should appear in the republican magazine. Notice how the level rises? After that, you will be quite ready to write a book that will change the world. Well, hoping to impress all of humanity with your reading skills without writing a single story is at least stupid.

The drawing up of a plan works in the same way in other areas: culture, art, sports and any other.

We are constantly improving

The main thing on this path is not to stop. Yes, I want to stop and relax. But think about how much time and effort you have already spent. Do you want to lose it all? After all, one free evening will turn into two. They make up a week and a month. And then the dream will be put aside and covered with dust.

You need to constantly move towards the goal, and it does not matter what ideal you are striving for - you want to figure out how to become a great woman writer, doctor, athlete or someone else. Thoughts and energy should be directed only to the dream.

Of course, this requires constant improvement. Read a lot (even if the field is not related to the development of intelligence and horizons), play sports (even if you never aspired to this) and just develop.

Getting out of the comfort zone

It has long been noticed and proven that any person and just an organism develops only when it leaves the comfort zone. Everyone has her own. For some people, this seems like a job change, while for others it is a trip to the nearest woods and a three-day life in a tent. There are people who are able to go with one knife into the winter forest and live there for a week, building a camp, equipping a hearth and providing themselves with food, but they are unable to talk to a stranger.

That is, everyone has their own comfort zone. And the more often you get out of it, the more the body and subconscious mind try to bring you back. When they realize that this will not succeed, personal growth begins in all respects. Do you want to know how great people become? That is exactly what they become - through discomfort, pain and constant fatigue from the fact that you are doing what you do not like.

Find the right environment

Another step that you can't do without. Find a group of like-minded people who will support you. Alas, most people live on the principle of crabs in a bucket - without getting out of it themselves, they do not tolerate when someone makes attempts to get out.

Declare at work that you are quitting drinking and smoking, as they will immediately begin to invite you to the holidays, call you for a smoke break and in every possible way dissuade you from taking such a step. Everything is used - from ordinary ridicule to outright threats. Unfortunately, people do not strive to become better, and the sight of how someone from their environment improves, gives them unpleasant sensations.

So spend more time among those people who are striving for the same goal as you. In addition, friendly advice, like healthy competition, has not bothered anyone yet.

We don't give up!

Finally, the most important recommendation. Never give up anywhere. Yes, after a series of failures, I want to spit on everything, give up and live like everyone else. However, it is precisely this desire that destroys the great future of many people. As a result, a child who since childhood had no other dream than to become a great surgeon grows up to become an office clerk or middle manager. And all his life he hates himself.

Just learn from every failure. After all, even the most negative experience is also an experience. Any fall can turn into a rise. It all depends on you - will you have enough strength to rise again and continue the fight?


Our article is over. Let's hope you get a few out of it. useful tips, or even full plan that will change your life forever. By remembering and going through the steps listed, you can really achieve everything.

World history has thousands of geniuses who were able to change the world. It is very strange that there are so few of them, because from birth a potential genius lives in each of us. Yes, and in you too.

The world famous geniuses differ from you only in that they were able to realize their potential. Here are those that will help awaken the hidden potential and give the world a couple of brilliant inventions.

Johannes Gutenberg (1398 - 1468)

On the historical boundary between the menacing growl of the Neordeltans and modern digital communications, there was a single person. 600 years ago, he managed to turn the course of world history without taking up arms or the royal scepter.

The father of 15-year-old Johann Heinzfleisch wanted only the best for his son - from childhood he taught the craft of a jeweler and busied himself with a career in the royal mint. But the process of melting silver led the quick-witted young man to a completely different idea: why not cast a type from molten metal and use it to print books? Are all the coins of the world worth the opportunity to make a revolution in the minds and hearts? For the sake of a fixed idea, the freedom-loving son challenged the family: he disobeyed his father and abandoned his surname, replacing it with the name of the family estate.

Johannes Gutenberg began life with clean slate, in every sense of the word. He left for Strasbourg, where he borrowed a substantial amount of money to organize the first printing house. The first work of Gutenberg was the Bible in Latin. But he failed to taste the sweet taste of triumph on the first try. He did not manage to repay the debt in time, and his printing house, according to the court, passed to the creditor, who made a good fortune on it. The campaign could have been taken from Guttenberg, but not the dream. The ruined engineer started everything from scratch, organized a new tiny publishing business and remained in history as the main popularizer of knowledge. Modern startups nervously smoke on the sidelines.

Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630)

How to believe in yourself and in large letters write your name in history, when death and illness haunt you all your life, and in your future success Doesn't even his own family believe? “I prefer the sharp criticism of one smart person than the thoughtless approval of the masses,” the life principle of the great astronomer, which helped him to take a sensible look at life, not to curry favor with the crowd, but to confidently move towards his goal (read - to the stars) despite what.

Born into a poor family, the boy did not get out of illness, was not suitable for physical labor and was recognized as the most worthless son. Attacks from parents and peers did not break the spirit of the future scientist - his intent, curious and sensitive gaze was always turned to the sky, which became his outlet. When Kepler had already become an astronomer, his wife died unexpectedly, leaving him with two small children, his own mother was accused of witchcraft, and the main patron, Rudolph II, was removed from the throne. Nobody gave Kepler a job.

In 1618, the "Thirty Years' War" began, and with it - famine and wandering. Fate is unfavorable neither to passionate winners, nor to geniuses in their field, but only those who are able to go against her will remain for centuries. The main reward for Johannes Kepler has always been his discoveries. Difficulties not only did not interfere, but seemed to spur the scientist to formulate the main laws of planetary motion in orbits, to explain the occurrence of tides by the attraction of the Moon, to impudently assume that the Earth moves around the Sun and forever remain the most prominent figure in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. It's just some space!

Baron Dries von Sauerbronn (1785 - 1851)

For several centuries, the authorship of this sensational invention was disputed by hundreds of people on the planet. And they bet him alone. The man in whose place every inventor dreamed to be - the creator of the bicycle, Karl Friedrich Christian Ludwig von Dries von Sauerbronn.

He bore the title of an aristocrat, was friends with the royal ministers, and was very popular with women. But the only thing that haunted Carl was his legs! While walking through the German forests, the baron had a crazy idea - to create a machine with which "on foot" you can move at the speed of a rider. Forgetting about food and sleep, day after day in a dark, cold, cramped barn, he selflessly made a strange unit, which consisted of a wooden frame with two wheels, a seat and a control lever. He called his creation in the Latin manner - "fast legs" (velocis + pedis).

Pushing off the ground with his feet (pedals appeared much later) and with difficulty keeping his balance, the inventor drove out onto the streets of the city with his head held high. Von Sauerbronn expected a sensation. And he got it. They laughed at the cyclist to tears and whistled after him. The rumor about the baron who had gone out of his mind reached the count, who deprived the "frivolous" aristocrat of the honorary title of royal forest warden. The public failure and the charity of friends did not break Karl. He was sure: his bike is worthy of recognition. Von Sauerbronn decided to go for broke: he challenged the Minister of the Interior himself that he would travel 70 km faster than a postal carriage. Sauerbronn said - Sauerbronn did. The royal court admitted defeat and gave a standing ovation, and Baron Drais von Sauerbron received the award he dreamed of - a patent for an invention.

Louis Dagger (1787 - 1851)

What happens if you mix in equal doses the passion for the art of an artist, the courage of a katana walker, the curiosity of a self-taught person and the audacity of a real genius? Biography of circus decorator Louis Dagger and the world's first photograph!

In the digital age and the age of the selfie, it's hard to imagine how, in the early 19th century, this ambitious Frenchman could spend 11 years locked up in a laboratory to develop a single frame. Unsuccessful experiments, attacks from fellow artists and chemist opponents, a pair of heavy metals - nothing could break his will. It was not only a challenge to the society of narcissistic aesthetes, accustomed to brushes and paints, but also to himself.

In 1839, at a meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences, Louis Dagger, full of dignity, went up on stage and presented to scientists the world's first photograph - an image that appears under the influence of mercury vapor. “Man is created in the image and likeness of God, and the image of God cannot be caught by any apparatus created by man,” the confused press wrote the next day. Seeing the editorial, Dagger only laughed at such shortsightedness.

Scientists whispered on the sidelines for a month, and Louis steadfastly continued to work on the quality of the images, and did not hesitate to give up his dream. It was impossible to deny the genius of the invention - the public accepted the novelty, gratefully naming the first photo images in honor of its creator - "daggerotype". Today Dagger's name is inscribed in the Hall of Fame of Great Scientists on the ground floor of the Eiffel Tower. Do not retreat from your dream, "Ivanovtip" and "Smirnovotype"!

Nowadays, every third person is fond of sports, and this fact is confirmed by many social surveys and my personal experience including. However, please note that we did not see huge bodybuilders and powerlifters on the street every day, no, nothing has changed in this regard, but all because in order to become a big person physically, you first need to pump your brain and will. Of course, all of us in childhood believed that becoming a huge kid was as easy as shelling pears, because you just need to go to gym and pull the bar. But no, not everything is so simple and the humor here is that these children's ideas of people who have now come to the sport and are constantly developing, still exist in the minds of a simple layman. And when this same philistine on the wave of fashion wants to become a big man and goes to the gym, what will he get? That's right, the minimum return, and all because the training is built from a number of elements, such as:

  • - Warm-up is an indispensable process that prepares muscles for work, develops flexibility and plasticity of ligaments and tendons. And now the most interesting thing is that a high-quality warm-up, coupled with stretching, lasts about 30 minutes, despite the fact that many novice athletes still don’t devote even five minutes to it;
  • - Strength training is directly working with iron, which will allow you to become a big person. Yes, this is a key point, but if others are not observed, it simply will not work, this is a fact;
  • - Hitch - a complex consisting of stretching and improving blood circulation in muscle tissues "clogged" with lactic acid;
  • - Nutrition is a whole science called "sports nutrition". If you want to become a big person, you won’t succeed if you eat 2-3 times a day, and even then, it’s not clear what;
  • - Recovery - directly rest, during which our muscles will recover and grow, using the nutrients already received.

Not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, is it? But in fact, all this is just a superficial vision of the training process. The desire to become a big man will not lead to anything exactly until it is justified. After all, a weight of 90-110 kilograms cannot be an end in itself, right? For a real athlete, sport is a philosophy that permeates his life every day, every hour and every minute, not allowing him to relax and give up. Next, I will give you 10 tips regarding training, nutrition and other points, bringing them into your life, you will slowly but surely turn towards success!

And I’ll note right away that I’m not a big fan of stories that it’s impossible to live according to the regime for a long time and that even Schwarzenegger smoked a cigar from time to time. Yes, he smoked when he won the Mr. Olympia title, when his real estate business brought him his first million, when his films became world bestsellers, and honestly, I believe that you can smoke an expensive Cuban cigar when achieve something equally significant, but until you can afford even this very cigar without making a hole in your budget - go work on yourself! How? Read below.

  • Tip number 1. Workout- only a part of life. - I often, very often hear that you need to train to failure until the muscles stop working and that you need to punch them from all possible angles. But I honestly admit that here I am impressed by the philosophy of moderation of the same Arnold, who said that “training is only a part of our life and it makes no sense to invest in it 100%, as this will not bring the proper return and will not allow you to switch for other things. You need to come from training tired, not dead! These golden words best reflect the principles of adequate time management (control of your own time), as well as the distribution of forces. Think about it.
  • Council number 2. Change instantly. “So many athletes make an extremely stupid mistake when they try to change their lifestyle. They do it slowly, gradually, but what do they achieve as a result? The fact that, having lost their way on one little thing, they, by inertia, return to the old way of life. If you discard a lot at once, quit smoking and drinking, change your diet and sleep, add workouts, stretching, meditation, etc. you just won't be able to break loose for one simple reason. You will have no time, as you will just get used to a new life for the first 2-3 weeks.
  • Tip number 3. Laziness is a challenge!- Do you consider yourself lazy person? This is amazing! After all, no better way develop your will than overcome your laziness. It's simple: every time you get lazy and put off a planned task, do 30-50-100 push-ups (depending on your level of training), and then get down to business anyway. This will not only help you overcome laziness, but also make you much more cheerful!
  • Tip number 4. Eating right is a trifle. - Often I see people who, refusing "plastic" food, change their basic diet so that ordinary food becomes almost more harmful than food from "Mak-Duck". And the funny thing is that this is done unconsciously: an extra spoon of sugar in tea or coffee, a little more salt in food and combined seasonings, and stuff like that. Check yourself, exclude sugar from your life, as our body does not need it in its pure form! As for salt, reduce its consumption to 10-15 grams per day, nothing more. All this will help you normalize your weight, get rid of swelling, pain in the joints and ligaments.
  • Council number 5. Hardening is the way to perfection!– Did you know that short-term contacts of our body with ice water can speed up metabolism and recovery anabolic processes almost twice!? In other words, hardening is The best way stimulate muscle growth and, thereby, take another step towards becoming a big person.
  • Council number 6. More sleep or less sleep?- In fact, in matters of sleep, everything depends on many factors that are determined individually, but one thing is certain: 8 hours of sleep between 10 pm and 6 am will fully charge your body with energy for the whole day. Of course, at first, the transition to such a mode will be difficult, but over time, your work will bear fruit.
  • Council number 7. Vitamins and minerals.- The two most important components in building your new, huge body are vitamins and minerals. And believe me, in order to cover the daily norm of the body in these microelements, you will have to eat a lot, and therefore it is better to immediately stock up on vitamins and make your life easier.
  • Council number 8. Be plastic!- Try to devote as much time as possible to stretching, and if you train more or less professionally, then it might make sense for you to sign up for gymnastics as well (1 visit per week). Not only will this help you stay flexible and reduce your risk of injury, but it will also develop your stabilizer muscles, making you bigger and stronger.
  • Council number 9. Minimum functionality!- If you want to become a big person, then for a while forget about circuit training and other crossfit. It is, of course, good for burning fat and developing strength endurance, but when gaining mass, functional training will interfere very much. On the contrary, try to load yourself as little as possible outside the training process, for the best recovery.
  • Tip number 10. It is important to know the measure!- The last and perhaps the most important advice for those who want to become a big person. Everything is elementary: too frequent workouts will burn your muscles, just as too rare ones will not give the proper impetus to growth. Similarly, you can make an association with nutrition, recovery, and so on. After all, everything is good in moderation!