How to be successful in the future. Tips and skills that people who have achieved success in life will use. Believe in yourself and that you will be a successful person

Reading time: 3 min

The psychology of success or how to become the master of your life - this question interests many individuals who want to learn how to manage themselves, influence people and achieve success in various areas of life. The concept of success in psychology includes the achievement of a goal and the acquisition of a certain social and material status. Significant in determining success are not only external criteria (financial well-being, career), but also internal feelings that give a feeling of gratitude and satisfaction for what surrounds an individual, what he has when he is satisfied with his life in all its aspects. It is in the power of each person to create a situation in which he can rightfully say: “I am the best. I've been successful."

Often for people, the problem in any business is the lack of faith in their success. Why people do not believe in success, initially without even doing anything to achieve a positive result, psychologists explain this:

Wrongly set goals;

Halfway stop;

Not wanting to leave your comfort zone;

Lack of desire to strain, work, develop;

Looping on a bad and unrealizable ideal;

The habit of making excuses for your failures.

The Psychology of Success

It is important for every person to succeed in personal life, career and other equally important areas of life.

The psychology of success includes the following components: confidence in success, myth of luck, acceptance of success.

How to believe in success? Since confidence is the key to success, faith is the driving force that can lead a person to achievements. There are many examples when only faith moved, and he continued to move towards his goal, while achieving success. Therefore, it is important to believe in yourself, as well as in your strengths. If an individual does not believe in himself, then no one will believe in him.

It is necessary to believe in success constantly, and in this case, an internal monologue with oneself is very important, which will be built on self-hypnosis of success. It is very important to eliminate the myth of luck, based on the ability to be in the right place and in the right place. right time. A happy coincidence is not just luck, it is the concentration and perseverance of the will to achieve the desired goal. The path to success lies through hard work and love for your work.

To achieve success and financial well-being, it is imperative to accept potential success at an unconscious level. Incorrect beliefs and internal blocks prevent people from doing this: “I am not worthy of love, promotion, money”, “I do not believe in success”.

Acceptance of success is the willingness to take responsibility for your decisions, your life. A person must want change and be ready to accept a better, different life, so give up negative, inner beliefs that will hinder success.

How to become successful

How to believe in success and become successful are the main questions that the psychology of success reveals. In the minds of people, the psychology of success forms an image of a person based on the following characteristics: sociability, determination in actions, positive attitude, optimism, slightly, motivation to achieve the most unearthly heights.

Why don't all people believe in success? All people are different and not every person can tune in and accept the above image, so many subconsciously consider themselves to be losers, even without doing anything to achieve success.

Western information about success factors is so firmly embedded in people's minds that other criteria do not even hypothetically fall under the formula of success, and it is difficult for a person to believe that he will succeed.

Being a broad concept, success means, for example, scientific discoveries, the creation of a transnational corporation, holding a high government position, winning the Olympics, giving birth to a long-awaited child, moving up the career ladder, recovering from a serious illness, getting a long-awaited job, happiness in personal life, etc. . Each person in the process of life achieves personal success in various areas and is there really a universal template for a successful person who effectively achieves everything? Of course not.

Psychology highlights only the psychological factors of success that can help bring it closer.

What do you do if you can't be successful? Be yourself. One can name many specific areas of life where the qualities that the psychology of success ascribes to a successful individual play against a person.

It is no secret that many strong individual qualities of a person make it possible in certain situations to achieve no less success. And even what psychology refers to as weaknesses can turn out to be strengths. For example, what a person has is a good engine in achieving real success, in comparison with the overestimated self-esteem that is inherent in a self-sufficient person.

Closedness, lack of communication, immersion in one's thoughts, ideas can be used to focus on one's goals, and as a result, this is a mandatory achievement of life success. But a small focus on one's goals is an obstacle to quick success, but it can be the basis for a calm and harmonious life.

Being similar to the ideal of a successful person, the individual loses his individuality as a whole. Passion for positive attitudes, communication trainings, motivation can “erase” something simple, alive, and real that is in every person. Friends, boss, business partners, relatives can feel it.

How to become successful and not fall into the trap that the psychology of success sets? It is necessary to think, compare, try on any advice from books, trainings or blogs.

In any case, the choice remains with the person: whether to remain an individual or follow the psychology of success. You can take on any business in this life, but only those who understand it will succeed, and it doesn’t matter whether they know the psychology of success or not. Each individual decides for himself: whether he needs fame, recognition, or whether he prefers to remain unknown. And this does not mean that a person is good or bad, just that all people are different.

How to Succeed

So, if a decision is made to become successful with the help of the psychology of success, then for effective management it is useful to apply the following in your life: choose an image or role that you will need to play in interaction and interpersonal communication with people. For example, the desired image may include the following characteristics: poise, sense of humor, non-hostility, smiling, sociability, friendliness. The selected image will need to be played like an actor on stage, until the chosen role “grows” into the person and he becomes what he wanted. Initially, it will look a little artificial, but then, getting used to it, the chosen role will become “second nature”. To do this, it is important not to be lazy, train your thoughts, tune in and believe in your success.

How to become successful and rich? Psychology recommends to everyone:

Set goals and achieve them;

Properly manage personal time;

Time every day to invest in your development, to live by this and to be ignited by your actions with even greater confidence;

Eliminate habits that interfere with personal effectiveness;

Fulfill your goals.

American psychologists Champion Kurt Teutsch and Joel Marie Teutsch analyzed the factors that can help an individual create positive programs for his life, and give the prerequisites for success in all matters and undertakings.

Secrets of the psychology of success or how to become more successful and richer:

You need to stop referring to yourself as a loser;

You should accept your shortcomings and stop presenting yourself as a victim;

It is necessary to believe in success;

It is important to remember that failures are temporary and life experience serves as a springboard for future success;

Exclude from your social circle negatively thinking people;

Focus all your attention on those aspects of the activity that can make it possible to present a person as a professional in any field;

Constantly, in the smallest detail, it is necessary to recall all the episodes from life that brought success or ended successfully;

It is important to imagine in detail the situation, your clothes, the people who were nearby at the moment of luck.

The Success Psychology Program includes the following:

A constant feeling of having free time to fulfill your desires and plans;

The ability to accept the beauty of the world, to feel the love of others;

Feel the joy of health;

The manifestation of generosity in calculations and breadth of outlook regarding all life events. Having created such a worldview, it is necessary to act in all matters, as if luck is already accompanying;

The ability to feel the delight of a successful person, the mood and the unique aroma of success;

To be interested in the details and features of the life of those who have already managed to achieve success and gained fame;

Associate yourself with lucky people, find common features in abilities, behavior, habits, origins;

An important prerequisite for success is the very ability to make a decision; it is impossible to avoid making a decision, since only in this case there is an active action in the necessary direction;

Always stick to your decisions, if necessary, be able to defend them and always believe in them;

In life, apply the universal formula "I can."

Psychology identifies certain stages in decision making. First, the individual considers the positive, then the negative results that can accompany the decision. Psychologists note that there is a tradition to settle for the worst and less than for more and better. This error should be avoided and the final decision should be made and acted upon. It is necessary to defend your decision, fight for it, remember the facts that led to its adoption. With perseverance, the elimination of interfering negative factors, no doubt, success is guaranteed. The decision-making process trains the brain to focus thinking on those problems that are important for the individual to solve. In this case, the actual actions coincide with the brain program that the person has chosen.

The program for achieving goals in real life forms a favorable course of affairs with a successful conclusion.

How to succeed? C. Teutsch refers to the formula for success following words: "I just can't fail" or "I just can't take a loss."

Everything that happens to people should be considered from the position of such a formula “everything that does not happen, everything is for the better”, or “without knowing the taste of bitter, you will not appreciate the dignity of the sweet”.

The secrets of the psychology of success include the ability to implement your plans even in small things.

Achieving success in relationships and in business is impossible without observing ethical standards behaviors that program a successful solution to life's problems. You should avoid thinking about the lack of money, time, success, energy. You need to inspire yourself about financial well-being.

It is necessary to eliminate stinginess from your behavior, try to make purchases for the future and spend money with great pleasure.

It is important to implement the following formula: "money is necessary not to think about it." Then money will be servants to achieve what you want.

The second important formula: "long rest creates more possibilities to make money." Around money, you should create an aura of usefulness, accessibility, attractiveness, a desire to accept them in your life. The idea of ​​​​the possible receipt of money should be with the maximum value, without downplaying your money desires.

Often, the social environment of childhood forms the idea among individuals that a person should get by with minimal amenities, pleasures, and achievements in everything. Such a program of contentment with minimal conveniences, achievements, pleasures should be eliminated. It prevents you from becoming successful, prosperous.

Wishing prosperity and well-being to other individuals, the desire to see people happy, activate the law of similarity and bring the same situation into life. The way to invoke the law of similarity is to create for yourself the representations and sensations that could appear if you had material well-being. It can be a feeling of self-confidence, peace, comfort, trust, love for others.

Creating positive thought forms: a feeling of peace, trust, comfort, self-confidence, will contribute to the resolution of many issues that are associated with improving living conditions, creative and professional success.

The psychology of success is carried out by those people who independently manage their own destiny, have independence and confidence in their judgments. During any discussions, they express their opinion decisively and calmly. Such people do not coordinate their opinion with others and even in small things defend their rights. This line of behavior allows you to express your feelings without suppressing them.

The teachings of C. Teutsch teaches a person to be happy in everyday life. To do this, every day you need to accept everything as it really is and be content with what is. You should fight the prerequisites, and choose only positive personalities for communication. You need to think about the good, treat current events with humor, not dramatize them, stop regretting.

It is necessary to express gratitude to those people who are in the environment, and show attention to those who have expressed their gratitude. It can be a smile, a sign of attention, a word of approval. The ability to motivate yourself and others is a key skill to succeed and happy life.

Write what the desired future should look like;

Visualize your future;

Periodically perform visualization in the opposite direction, which will allow you not to turn off the chosen path and see its beginning;

Have grandiose plans that will make it easier to endure short-term failures;

Do not stop learning, developing, learning something new every day;

Maintain order and cleanliness in everything (well organized workplace- recipe for success);

Surrounding yourself at work and at home with motivators - signs, symbols, reminiscent of goals and dreams;

Participation in charity;

You should share your motivational skills with other people;

Spend enough time with children (small children relieve stress from work);

Find like-minded people for support;

Choose a role model (person) to follow;

Periodically change the situation - walks, trips;

Read other people's success stories;

Listen to music (music can motivate);

Watch motivational films;

Eat properly;

get enough sleep;

Strive for life goals;

Write down ideas that come to mind;

Write down your goal, while concretizing it as much as possible;

Set deadlines for achieving goals;

Plan a start date for work and strictly adhere to it;

Goals should not be easy, but at the same time achievable;

Compose detailed plan their actions and work strictly according to plan;

Do not set many goals at once, one or three is enough;

Track progress towards the goal;

Make a list of 10 things that you need to do in your life;

Using the reminder technique, leave sticky notes about the goals in prominent places in your home;

Pamper yourself with gifts at the first progress in achieving the goal;

Ask yourself a question regarding each goal: why do I need to achieve this particular goal;

Avoid denial and negativity in life, use the following expressions: “I can handle this case”, “I will find a solution”;

Strives for optimism;

Change the position of those things that you do not like;

Listen to constructive criticism;

Avoid depressing situations;

Improve your mood from your favorite things;

Give yourself a rest, do not overwork;

Before acting, think about the consequences;

Do not react, but influence the situation;

Appreciate what you have;

It is not always possible to be optimistic, sadness is also appropriate, especially when you don’t feel like doing anything;

Think about problems logically, not guided by emotions;

Do not engage in negative conversations about yourself;

Start the day with a good: with a smile, energy.

Thus, in order to obtain a different quality of life, one should become a different person. To do this, you need to become a person who is sure that he is rightfully worthy of having all the best and will never miss such an opportunity. By following these recommendations, you can achieve your desired goals and become successful in many aspects of life.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Every person wants to be successful. Success brings self-satisfaction to people, increases self-esteem, fills life with meaning. Everyone has their own concept of success. One dreams of creating his own company, the other - to be the best wife and mother, the third - to get a position in the state apparatus.

No matter what the goal is, the path to success is the same for everyone. There are peculiar rules, steps, steps that will lead to the success that you want.

What does success look like?

Personal qualities of a successful person

A successful person is considered to be a person who was able to fulfill himself, otherwise he achieves his goal and enjoys his own life.

A successful person lives own life, goes its own way, sets goals and achieves them. No one will say that such a path is easy - it requires constant movement, growth, work. It is impossible to avoid difficulties, troubles, disapproval - it is important not to give up and move on.

There is one indisputable truth for all: every person can succeed. What is needed for this?

There are qualities that lead to the achievement of goals:

  • self confidence;
  • diligence;
  • optimism;
  • perseverance;
  • resistance;
  • positive thinking.

Psychologists say: if a person has at least 2 qualities from the list, he is able to achieve everything.

It is advisable to think positively and avoid thoughts that hinder progress.

What thoughts hinder growth?

"I should". No one owes anything to anyone - everything that a person does, he does for himself and of his own free will, even if in order to achieve the goal he has to limit himself in something or give up something.

"I can not do it". It’s always worth trying, if it didn’t work out right away, you can collect information, study, ask for advice, etc. The second or third attempt will be successful.

"I do not want anything". Lack of positive desires and goals is a road to nowhere. Wishing and striving are the first steps to success.

"Everything as usual; nothing new". Life is changing every moment, even against our will. Why not try to change it to your liking?

Listen to your heart.

Does it really sound like a fairy tale? Nevertheless, all successful people claim that they have achieved success by doing their favorite thing, to which they give themselves without a trace.

Only by doing what the heart lies in, you can reach heights.

Michael Jordan

"Success comes when a person adore something and does everything with true passion."

Take action.

No matter what and how to do it, it is important not to lie on the couch. Start small. Master the business that you have long wanted to learn, do what you have long dreamed of or what you have been putting off for a long time. A Chinese proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."

Don't drown in the past.

You need to forget about past failures, insults and mistakes and move forward without looking back. Louise Hay writes: "The starting point of power is always in the present moment." No matter how many failures there were in the past, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes and failures.

Donald Trump

“There is no need to sit on failure, as if on ashes. Learned a new lesson, learned it, and move on.”

Think positive.

Donald Trump

“Our own thoughts determine whether we stay afloat or remain in a quagmire of whining. It's not always possible to keep up. That's life. Everyone falls, but you have to get up.”

Faith in your abilities works wonders. Believe also that the whole world is on your side. As he says Louise Hay,

“Trust is an instant process, a leap to nowhere”/

Just believe that you are the darling of fate, whom she is ready to shower with all the blessings.

Do not be ungrateful - thank life for everything that it gives: health, loved ones, wonderful weather, work, a new dawn. Every day give thanks to life for everything you have – and appreciate it.

What qualities and actions distinguish a successful person?

1. Self-sufficiency. A successful person does not depend on the opinions of others, he is the master of his own happiness. No matter what everyone around you thinks, self-esteem comes from within.

2. The ability to forgive. Forgiveness frees both the offender and the offended. The resentment released will not devour from the inside, nurturing diseases and complexes. But do not forget anything - do not give anyone a second chance to offend you.

3. The ability to save your strength. Do not waste yourself to the end in a momentary struggle. Sometimes you can retreat and gain strength for the next battle.

4. The best is the enemy of the good. You don't have to be perfect, perfectionism leads to neuroses and chronic diseases. Do what you can. Next time will be better.

5. Don't live in the past. The ability to part with the past, forgive others and yourself is a step towards a happy future.

6. Ability to be distracted. You don't need to live only by Deed, Work. Successful Oleg Tinkov says: "Work to live, but not live to work." You need to find time for yourself and for loved ones.

7. The ability to say "no". A successful person knows how to say no. Following other people's desires leads to failure, stress and depression.

8. Goodwill. Fact: the more a person has achieved, the more friendly and polite he is to everyone. No matter what the social status of the interlocutor - a successful person will be polite and humane. Anger is the lot of losers.

Try to listen carefully and "hear" the interlocutor, do not interrupt and give the opportunity to speak. Take an interest in the affairs and problems of others. Let it be difficult at first - skill and sincerity will come with time. Try it, you will be surprised how many prospects will open before you the goodwill and participation of others.

Owen Young (writer):

“A person who knows how to put himself in the place of another, accept his way of thinking, can not worry about his future.”

Be kind to everyone, even during telephone conversations and especially to loved ones.

9. External attractiveness. It is not necessary to look like a model, it is enough to be neat and well-groomed. It is hard to believe in the success of a person who has unkempt clothes, dirty hair and sloppy nails.

Take care of yourself with pleasure, make an effort to please yourself first of all.

How to Succeed in Business

Successful businessmen openly share the secrets of their victories. Bill Gates has developed and promotes his own rules, which are adopted by companies around the world.

1. Know your competitors. Every morning Gates begins with studying the sites of competitors.

2. The future belongs to the Internet. Only companies that are online will remain in business.

3. Decisiveness and composure. Gates calls for the courage to face adversity. It's easier to solve a problem by keeping a cool head.

4. You need to create better working conditions for your subordinates - this is the only way to achieve reciprocity.

Oleg Tinkov is of the opinion that one should work in order to live, and not vice versa. Successful businessman able to take a break from work and enjoy his life.

Sometimes it seems that the work absorbs entirely and does not leave a single minute. You don't have to drown in work. Dale Carnegie advises:

"Do your thing, drop by minute."

Gradually, the blockage of cases will dissolve. You don't need to think about the whole mass of work, start with something. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do something.

Successful people are doing what they love. Every person has a dream that, when realized, brings success. Walt Disney was considered a funny dreamer. I wonder who would want to laugh at him today?

It is important to set a goal and overcome laziness, apathy, insecurity. And every day, even a little, go towards your goal.

Everyone is capable of being successful. It is very easy to start the victorious path to happiness and well-being: listen to own desires and setting a goal is everything. Then you just need to go every day to this goal. At the same time, enjoy every new day, do not give up and do not lose heart. And always maintain goodwill, love for others and for yourself, and believe in your lucky star.

It seems that the whole world is against me - then nothing happens, then I just find myself in a dead end. Useless advice from friends and many "professional coaches" is already annoying. And before my eyes, like a red light bulb, the question is - how to achieve success in life?

What is success?

We understand that everyone perceives success differently. For one, success is a high status in society, business, material superiority. For another, it's all the attention, interviews and camera flashes, cover photo glossy magazine. And for some, all this is not at all interesting, a strong family, children are their criterion for a happy life.

In all cases, success is the achievement of a certain goal and the state of satisfaction, happiness that a person experiences from this. After all, a person who has not fulfilled his desire, has not achieved anything in life, cannot be considered successful. Like a person who has achieved a goal, but does not experience joy from this, but only constant tension and stress.

If we recall our personal victories, which, for sure, were in everyone's life, then the achievement of the goal was accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pride. That's what success is, that's what you want to feel.

The formula for success

What is the most important thing in this business, how to succeed? The most important thing is to find your goal and your own path, which will lead to the realization of a dream, will reveal the natural potential.

From birth, we have all the opportunities for development, moving forward, achieving success, but often we do not see them, because our desires, properties, our psyche are hidden from us. And we go down the wrong path, imitating other people's goals and desires. Living someone else's life, we can not achieve success, feel the taste of happiness.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan makes it possible to realize one's true desires, to understand oneself and others, to understand how the human psyche works. This knowledge reveals to us the secret - the formula for success for everyone.

In each of us, nature has a certain set of desires, provided with talents and opportunities for their realization, in other words, a vector. It sets a person's predisposition to a certain type of activity, traits of his character, motives of behavior.
There are many successful people around, who have a high status, have reached certain heights in their careers, and are successfully engaged in business. Who are they? Favorites of fate and fortune? No, these are just people with a skin vector. They are naturally endowed with speed, agility, not only a flexible body, but also a flexible psyche. They easily adapt to any environment, are endowed with logical thinking, ambitious, pragmatic, rational, make decisions quickly, have a natural sense of benefit and benefit.

Their values ​​are property and social superiority. Disciplined, talented organizers, leaders. Having all these talents and allows them to easily climb up career ladder to succeed in business, to succeed. The tendency to compete, the desire to be the first, to dominate pushes a person with a skin vector to development, to achieve a goal, to succeed.

Quite different - people with an anal vector. Calm, slow and thorough, they tend to doubt, they study the problem for a long time and carefully before making any decision. Business is not their element, they strive for stability, they are not able to instantly switch their attention from one issue to another. The need to quickly make a responsible decision can lead to a stupor at a critical moment, bring to stress.

Perfectionists by nature, they tend to qualitatively, painstakingly and persistently bring the work they have begun to the end. The properties of the anal vector help their owner to become successful, in demand in areas where such natural qualities are absolutely irreplaceable. Professionals in their field, have analytical thinking, their natural role is the accumulation, generalization and transfer of knowledge, information to future generations. Such people often become excellent teachers, authoritative mentors, achieve success and high professionalism, like doctors, writers, scientists. The values ​​of the anal vector are family, children, authority and respect in society.

It happens that, due to circumstances, our natural properties have not received proper development, or have been negatively affected during our lives. So, if the owner of the skin vector in childhood was subjected to verbal or physical abuse, humiliation, then he develops a scenario for failure. A person with an anal vector who has received a psychological trauma is prone to pathological postponing, which significantly affects the quality of life. System-vector psychology helps to cope with these "illnesses". Through understanding the mechanism of occurrence, awareness of the causes, the consequences also disappear.

successful woman

You can often hear the question - what do you advise, what actions need to be taken to achieve success for women?

A modern woman is able to realize herself in society on a par with a man. She feels joy and fulfillment from the use of her properties in collective work. A woman can feel successful - not only by realizing herself in a profession or walking up the career ladder with leaps and bounds. For example, for the owner of the anal and visual vectors, achieving success can mean a strong family, a beloved and loving husband, children, and the opportunity to selflessly take care of them. Remember the heroine of Natalia Gundareva in the film "Once Upon a Twenty Years Later", who, to the question: "What have you achieved in life, how are you progressing?" - smiling simply answered: "I am a mother." And so much happiness and warmth was in her eyes.

Only understanding yourself, your natural desires will help a person learn how to achieve success. A person who understands his nature, psyche, realizes the reason for his own failures, is able to find his place in life, realize himself in his favorite business, achieve success, get from life what he dreamed of, finally feel happy.

Success = Me + Other people

An equally important component of the formula for success is understanding the psyche of other people. Whatever goal we set for ourselves, in whatever area we try to succeed, we cannot do without interaction with the people around us - at home, on the street, in society, in a team.

We are arranged in such a way that we perceive events and the people around us through our value system, through our understanding of "what is good and what is bad." This brings us a lot of misunderstandings, stress, disappointments. In order to avoid mistakes in interaction, it is very important to understand the structure of the psyche of another person. Know what he thinks about, what he meant by what was said, why he did it and what to expect from him in the future.

Knowledge that helps to understand not only oneself, one’s psyche, hidden from us, but also to understand the psyche of others, to get to know them better, to understand what drives their thoughts and actions, can be obtained at the training “System Vector Psychology” by Y. Burlan.

All of our natural properties are meant to be realized among other people.

Implementation in professional activity- this is only one side of success. A person is happy and truly successful when he is realized in all spheres: in society, in personal and family relationships.. The knowledge that Systemic Vector Psychology gives forms skills, the ability to build right relationship not only in the team, but also in the family. That allows you to create a strong support for your success, an island of home comfort, mutual understanding and trusting relationships in the family. You will no longer be annoyed by the grumbling of your soulmate that the slippers are not in place, you will understand that this is not a sign of tediousness, but the natural craving of an anal person for cleanliness and order. You will understand why, with the same upbringing, one of your children is such a fidget, why there is an eternal mess in his room, and the other, on the contrary, is slow, homebody, clean and neat.

Training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan reveals in detail the structure of the human psyche. This knowledge helps to understand yourself and others, change your thoughts, way of thinking, find a way to achieve your goals, change your life for the better, feel its true taste - the taste of success and happiness.

“... I always hated property superiority and sabotaged my own success, but now I understand that I have no barriers. A very important aspect for me is to be myself as a successful person ... "

“…What is the happiness of realization? First of all, it is an understanding of who you are, what is your place in society and what you can give to society.
That's when you realize it at the training - it's an explosion, flight, inspiration ... it's an impetus to action.
I returned to the activity from which I pulled away. I started singing again. In a short period of time she adapted to many social groups.
Now I work as a soloist in a military orchestra, leading in the Republican and City Palace of Culture and I am finishing my studies as a theater and film actress by profession ... "

Free online lectures "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan will allow you to answer many questions.

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

often read

Today, a successful person is a person who is recognized by the whole society and looks at him with undisguised envy. Everyone wants to be such a person, and, therefore, those who want to know what kind of people are growing every day.

In this article, we will try to figure out how “success” is understood by people, what kind of people become successful, what character traits and qualities you need to have in order to become successful person.

People Understanding Success

Before you begin to understand what kind of people become successful, you first need to understand what success is and how people understand it.

At its core, success It is an objective and purely individual concept. For some, this is career growth and high salary, for someone - and a huge bank account, but for someone it’s just enough to marry a loved one and give birth to a bunch of children. Everyone determines for himself the criteria and parameters of success, only one thing remains unchanged:

Being successful without doing anything is like deciding to reap a harvest where you haven't sown it.

Even becoming a good wife and mother, without making any effort for this, is sometimes simply impossible.

Generalized and in simple words it can be said that:

Success is not an accident, but hard work and learning, sacrifice and perseverance, and also a great love for what you do.

What kind of people are successful in life

So what kind of person can be called successful? If you look at the question through the eyes of other people, conduct a sociological survey, you can understand that, according to the majority, a successful person is a person who:

  • sets goals and achieves them;
  • self-confident, own strengths and abilities;
  • constantly developing and improving itself, never resting on its laurels;
  • takes far from last place in society, he is respected, he is always in demand both as a person and as a professional;
  • a leader by nature and always ready to lead other people;
  • It has high paying job or owns his own successful business.

All of these statements are inherently true, but the last one can be argued. It is true, but only half. Half because you can get a well-paid job through “pull”, and successful business can also be inherited.

But if a person himself, relying on his personal qualities, certain character traits, abilities and skills, gradually, step by step, builds his career or, ultimately, getting a prestigious, well-paid job or a successful business. In this case, we can say that this person really achieved success on his own.

The algorithm of actions of a successful person looks like this:

I thought - I thought of it - I did it - it didn’t work out - I felt sad - I redid it - it turned out - I didn’t like it or I got bored - I came up with something else.

Something like that.

Successful people become successful mainly due to their belief in themselves, their own strengths, perseverance and the ability to turn their mistakes, mistakes and defeats into the main teachers on the way to their success.

The main character traits of a successful person

Naturally, a successful person just like that, at a wave magic wand, you won't. To become a successful person, you must also have certain personal qualities and character traits.

  1. purposefulness.

Such a quality and character trait will never let you turn off the intended path when obstacles, problems and difficulties arise. The most that such a person will allow himself is to adjust the plan to the intended goal. A purposeful person, under any negative circumstances, will continue to fight and go to the end. Maybe not as it was originally intended, somehow differently with the necessary adjustments, but to the end.

  1. Believe in yourself.

No matter how simple and ingenious your plan for achieving success is, without faith in yourself, you will never reach the end and turn off at the very first difficulties.

A self-confident person is not afraid of rejection, seeming ridiculous and looking ridiculous. He is not afraid to make mistakes and do something wrong. Because he knows that only mistakes and conclusions drawn correctly from them will give truly invaluable lessons that will lead him to success. They adhere to the rule of three "N":"Nothing is impossible".

  1. Discipline.

Discipline is the basis of success and deserves great attention. Without discipline, no person, even with huge long-term plans, will ever reach the intended goal. And, if it does, it will be very soon, and, perhaps, even striving for nothing at all.

  1. Activity.

I sat down, realized what you want for complete happiness, even figured out how to get it. And that's it, sit down and start waiting for something. Immediately, many excuses and excuses begin to appear. And, his plan to achieve his goals begins to be postponed for days, months, years. And so on ad infinitum. Plain life position loser.

It is not in the nature of a successful person to sit and wait for something. He just gets up and does it, despite all the obstacles and interference. They don't see difficulty as a reason enough to give up on their dreams and goals. They look at the problems that have arisen in a simpler way: they just take them and solve them. This is the only way to achieve something and become a successful person.

  1. Optimism.

Optimism is that quality of a successful person that does not allow him to turn off the intended path. Unlike pessimists, who see only the impossibility of achieving their goals in all difficulties and problems, optimists, on the contrary, look at all difficulties only as an opportunity to become smarter, stronger and more successful.

Some of the life principles of such people look something like this:

“If life has turned its back on you, kick it, and it will definitely turn to face you”

“If you have a problem that you can’t solve, then don’t make a problem out of it!!!”

  1. Continuous development and self-education.

Life does not stand still, everything is constantly changing, moreover, at a catastrophic rate. Therefore, people who achieve success never sit still. Their life is movement. They always keep up with the times, improve, develop, self-learn, come up with something new.

People who sit in one place for fear of losing what they already have doom themselves to a worthless existence and to gradual degradation as individuals.

  1. Hard work and patience.

Nothing just falls on your head. Any achievement is the result of hard work. To get what you want, a successful person has to “plow” at least 18 hours a day.

Successful people don't wait for someone to bring them everything on a silver platter and don't count on luck. They rely only on themselves. Therefore, often, they choose only their favorite business to their liking, so that the achievement of their plan does not turn their life into a real torture.

And even if you already have a life goal and a strong desire to get what you have planned, this does not mean that it is realized by itself. Any dream comes true only when a strong desire turns it into concrete and permanent actions.

And the path to the goal is often so long that it can take years to achieve it. Therefore, in order to achieve their goal, successful people show just tremendous patience, having gone through all the difficulties and obstacles, having learned to overcome them and not “give up”.

  1. Perseverance.

Perseverance is also very important, without which it is unlikely that anyone can succeed in life without being cowardly and not turning back.

In addition, a stubborn person always goes all the way to the very end, overcoming all the difficulties and obstacles and troubles.

  1. Determination.

Decisiveness is a kind of impetus to action. Decisive people do not sit still and do not wait for an opportunity to start implementing their plan. They do not listen to the opinions of others and do not justify their inaction. They just take it and do it, and if something starts to go wrong or does not work out, then they simply make the necessary adjustments.

  1. Enthusiasm.

Successful people embark on any action with great enthusiasm and put their whole soul into what they do. Able to endure one defeat after another without losing the will to win. Which will fall 99 times, and rise 100 times. And so on until the very end.

  1. Sociability.

A person is a part of society, and the ability to communicate with people and establish contact is a quality necessary for any successful person.

A successful person listens to the feelings of others, reads non-verbal signals, gestures and emotions, knows how to listen to people, communicate with them, make acquaintances and connections. He usually has many friends and acquaintances, he is sociable, friendly and knows how to capture the attention of listeners.

  1. Psychological stability.

On the way to success, there are so many obstacles and problems that many, without going halfway, turn off and continue to live their former, so familiar life.

Successful people, no matter what happens, keep an amazing composure and look only ahead. They know that any difficulties and obstacles will only make them stronger. Instead of whining and complaining when they fail, they pull themselves together, think, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.

Their moral stability, amazing composure and self-control can only be envied. They clearly understand that by “smearing snot” and blaming others for their failures, they will not come to anything, but will only make themselves even more helpless.

In fact, a successful person has a much larger list necessary qualities. Only the main and more important ones were given above. If you have not found them in yourself, then this is not a reason to be upset, and does not mean that you will never become a successful person. With some effort, you will perfectly be able to develop and educate them in yourself.

Now it has become known what kind of people succeed in life, and what character traits and qualities you need to have. You just have to conduct introspection and understand what you need to change in yourself and how to change your life in order to take the ranks. successful people.


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Being a successful person is not just a desire of most people, for many it is the main task in life. But not everyone manages to really realize all their plans against the backdrop of wrong priorities and a lack of understanding of what success really is. Success is not measured by money, material goods and circumstances, respectively, the question of how to achieve success in life may imply different answers.

Psychologists note that success in life lies rather in the inner freedom of a person, a sense of integrity and usefulness, a drive in the soul and heart, the ability to learn something new, to do what a person likes. Moreover, the material component does not in the least affect the feeling of happiness and success, if a person is truly free. Psychologists and the powers that be are ready to tell you how to add success in life.

First of all, when you reassess your life and change it in better side a person needs to analyze what kind of people achieve success in life, as well as what the concept of success is in general. The main conditions for achieving success are the presence of energy, great desire and goals. The rest can be achieved if you follow the recommendations and advice of experts.

We set goals

The main indicators of a person's success are an inner drive and a feeling of complete independence. The first step in this difficult and lengthy process will be setting goals, that is, planning, first of all with your time. At this stage, a person needs to decide what brings him joy and a sense of satisfaction, and then draw up a plan to achieve certain goals.

Planning a path to success will allow you to use your time effectively, for this you can make a plan for the next day every evening, and at the end of the week plan new goals for the next 7 days. Only in this order can any small tasks that make up the main global goal be solved. By properly planning your future, you can determine your priorities in the long term.

Expert opinion

Victor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

At the planning stage, it is imperative to prioritize your life, choosing what can bring a person a sense of joy and own independence. It can be career and financial growth, the right lifestyle, playing sports, mastering new skills and knowledge, changing jobs, and much more.

We are looking for solutions

When choosing goals, be sure to compare them with your energy resource so that daily tasks do not become something impossible in terms of physical or intellectual abilities. To do this, it is important to eliminate false and imaginary goals, other people's expectations from a person or stereotypes imposed by society. The next stage in achieving success is the search for ways to solve the tasks. An important component of success is self confidence!

If a person has set himself the goal of doubling the profits from work within a month, you need to find ways to implement this plan - part-time work, increasing the productivity of your labor, increasing your working potential, abandoning unnecessary things that take your free time. When it comes to changing the image, you can plan the budget by allocating a certain amount for the purchase of healthy products and a gym membership.

We achieve success

If you look at the advice of great people who managed to rise from scratch to great heights to achieve goals, you can understand one simple rule - you can succeed based on true deep desires. Many psychologists suggest 5 simple rules that will help you achieve success, namely:

  1. A person must formulate clearly what exactly can bring pleasure and a sense of joy to life. These should not be priorities imposed by parents, society, bosses at work or friends, only true desires.
  2. At the planning stage, it is important to analyze your life and priorities, weeding out everything imaginary and fake, which only imitates a feeling of freedom, drive and happiness.
  3. Further, a person must necessarily sensibly measure all the formulated desires and goals with his physical, intellectual and financial capabilities.
  4. At the stage of planning and searching for ways to solve the set tasks, a person must set small and global goals in such an order that one solved task moves a person closer to the main large-scale task.
  5. Then, step by step, each goal must be realized, while not forgetting to enjoy the taste of desire and receiving it.

As soon as all the set tasks and major goals are implemented according to a clear plan, it is necessary to encourage yourself for achieving the first goals, this can be relaxation or entertainment. Further, according to the same routine, you can gradually set new goals, self-improving further. The advice of psychologists boils down to the fact that in no case should you get hung up on only one goal, setting new boundaries and opportunities for yourself.

Only positive thoughts and composure

Another important condition for how to achieve success in life is self-hypnosis, since only positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths will be an excellent impetus to action. Psychologists say that self-hypnosis is the only key to your subconscious. Every thought in a person’s head is the key to a psycho-emotional background, so it is important to get rid of any negative emotions, fears, worries, disbelief in one’s own strengths and doubts.

Do you consider yourself a successful person?


A person must remember that he himself determines what he will think about at a certain moment, respectively, he has all the levers to control thinking. Before implementing the task and goals, it is important to think about yourself only from the best side, believing in your uniqueness, abilities, talents and opportunities. By learning to focus only on your best sides, you can gradually change the attitude towards yourself. And having fallen in love with yourself, the environment of a person will begin to change.

For reference! The visualization technique is a great way to change your thinking for the better. To do this, periodically you need to draw pictures in your imagination of how a person in the present tense achieves all important goals and objectives. You can make a visualization board, depicting yourself as what a person wants to become as a result of working on himself.

Do not be afraid of trouble

The advice of a psychologist will be indispensable help in cases where a person encounters troubles and failures on the way to achieving goals. No one is immune from crises, wrong decisions and difficulties, many great and successful personalities There were difficult times and periods in life. For example, the inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison said that genius needs only 1% inspiration, but 99% sweat.

Any failure should be treated with special enthusiasm, perceiving it not as a fact of wrong actions, but rather as a source of experience and replenishment of knowledge, an impetus for a new path to achieve the set goals. Any obstacles must be mentally and practically transformed into opportunities, since there are no difficulties in life from which there would be no way out.

Films about success

An excellent source of inspiration can be films or a book about how you can achieve any, even seemingly unrealistic, goals and objectives. The following tapes were included in the top list of the best films about successful people and their ups and downs:

  • Areas of darkness- a film about how an ordinary guy in as soon as possible was able to earn a lot of money;
  • Vicious passion- the picture shows how you can make money out of thin air and act in case of failure;
  • Social network- a famous film about a student who created a major social network Facebook;
  • The wolf of Wall Street- a story about how ambitions turn into success;
  • The Devil Wears Prada- the feed shows all the difficulties of working with successful people;
  • "Steve Jobs": One last thing is an interview documentary about the life of a successful person;
  • Burlesque- a story about career growth provincial girl singer;
  • They smoke here- a story about an unloved job and a person's motivation;
  • Scam of the century- a revealing story about self-confidence and ambition that led a simple guy to success;
  • Risk Limitinteresting story about the work of top managers during a deep crisis.

Psychologists advise watching such films or reading books from successful people at times when you give up or lack motivation.

If you view illustrative examples, how simple people achieved colossal peaks in life and career, you can see that most of the great personalities did not fit the stereotypes of society and imposed standards. Therefore, in books and manuals, they provided personal observations and recommendations on how to achieve heights on the path of self-realization.

The advice from the greats is as follows:

  • do not be afraid of failures, you need to be prepared for them;
  • you need to do only what brings joy and pleasure;
  • it is important to think globally, evenly, as well as to dream;
  • you never need to sit idle, using every minute of free time for good;
  • no need to be afraid to be a pioneer, offering new ideas and creative developments;
  • before acting, you need to learn to believe in yourself;
  • the fight against laziness and the mood for hard work is the path to success;
  • no need to be afraid to take risks;
  • it is important to be patient and not rush to the heights;
  • every successful person must develop leadership qualities.

If you analyze all the tips, you can come to the conclusion that nothing extraordinary or impossible is required in them. But if you break at least one rule and advice, you can postpone the victory in your plans for a long time.


The main task of each person is to achieve his own success, but for everyone the concept of success can lie in different things. Someone to strive for financial independence, the struggle for a healthy body and spirit is important to someone, while others are looking for drive, energy and freedom in life. In any case, in order to achieve personal success, it is important to prioritize, plan your future, achieving all your goals according to your scenario.