What does it mean to be a successful person. Successful person - who is it? They know how to appreciate what they have

A couple of years ago, I conducted a survey among friends - who is successful person? Businessman in a business suit sitting in a glass office with a huge panoramic window and a secretary… A freelance photographer shooting weddings of couples in love somewhere on a tropical island and living for 6 months on the ocean… Or just a person – any person who can call himself happy?

This is what my friends told me (verbatim) ...

A successful person is...

Solid uncle aged 30+ with an apartment, wife and min. one child =)in general, the word "stability" is on topic here.

Success is when you are happy with yourself. And when everyone around is still happy with you, then you finally can fucking succeed.

A person who has reached the desired heights in his life, in terms of financial and social. Well, so to speak, family. And having a certain weight in society, influence.

A person whose possibilities keep up with desires)

Probably the one who has found his place in life and is in agreement with himself. The one in whom the spirit does not disappear, no matter what happens, and he will always have enough willpower to go on.

A successful person is one who knows what he wants!)))

A successful person is financially secure, able to earn money with his mind and deed. First of all, he is a businesslike and responsible person, able to overcome laziness and fatigue, brave and strong.

Probably happy with his life, calm and confident.

A successful person is a person who happily does what he loves, grows as a professional, constantly develops and receives a worthy reward in monetary terms for this 🙂

One who achieves everything he wants on his own, without relying on others.

And here is my favorite answer, the most capacious one:

It is impossible to answer unequivocally: for example, if a person has realized himself in his personal life, that is, he was able to build full-fledged relationships, create a wonderful family, he is already successful, because this path is fundamental for him.

Someone was able to realize himself in a certain area, achieved the task, and having coped with it, goes further in this direction, developing himself, he is also a successful person.

Success can be said to be synonymous with some actions, it is work. And work is work on yourself, work on your personal life, future family, and so on. And in general, each person for himself will be able to determine whether he is successful.

Success is implementation. And it doesn't matter what exactly. But by implementation, I understand that a successful person does not stand still, he is.

Many people dream of fame, wealth and happiness. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving something in life. From the article you will learn about how successful people became successful, how to find the main secrets and principles of luck.

Age-old mystery

Thousands of thinkers, scientists and ordinary people trying to create a universal path to victory. Some people believe that the only way to achieve your goals in life is through hard work. Others are sure that people receive a "ticket" from fortune from birth. Still others are convinced that a person becomes great only because of mystical coincidences. But people who have actually succeeded know that only all of the named points together will help to catch the "firebird".

Absolutely everyone is sure that everything depends on a particular person and his ability to recognize and use the chances that fate offers. Of course, it is impossible to reach heights in one hour or several lessons on the topic “How to become a successful person” from a famous lucky person. But if you strive for this and read the relevant literature, communicate with interesting people, that is, every chance to change your life for the better.

In any case, there are rules that unite all the rich and handsome men and women among themselves. The first secret is to set goals and priorities correctly. Immediately think about who you want to be, for example, in 10-20 years, what you need to do to achieve what you want. Start with small tasks. If they are successful, then continue to work in the same spirit.

The second secret: when you go to the goal, do not waste time on things that make you vulnerable and insecure. Try to avoid people who do not share your intentions. The ability to deal with difficulties, criticism and temptations are the main qualities of a successful person. Remember that no matter how hard you try, there will be people who will not appreciate your work.

The third secret: do not put things off until later. Enthusiasm and ideas often lose to laziness and lack of initiative, so try to cultivate punctuality and patience in yourself. After all, men and women with such traits are valued in the world.

Computer genius

The idol of many dreamers is Bill Gates. The story of this man is fascinating and instructive. He was born into a wealthy family. father worked successful lawyer and my mother was actively involved in charity work. The boy lived in a good area and attended an excellent school. From childhood, parents tried to instill in their son the spirit of competition. Relatives made sure that the boy aspired to science. Little Bill liked to play various games, in which he was often the winner.

Already at the age of 10, the boy decided that he would enter the circle in which there are successful people. His father was a role model. Consequently, instead of playing sports and having fun with friends, the boy read a lot and spent time studying.

Ironically, the school had one of the very first computers. Even then, he was interested in a unique machine. Intuitively, he felt that the world will change the program, not the devices on which they are installed. It was at this time that Bill created the first projects. The director encouraged the students with bonuses. For his work, the boy received the first 500 dollars at the age of 15. After graduating from school, the guy set himself the goal of making money on programming. It should be noted that not all the people around him believed in Bill's powers.

Target and means

Parents who knew nothing about computers were against such a desire. They believed that successful people could not do such a thing, and saw their son as a lawyer. The young man entered Harvard. On the machines of the university, he continued to write programs. The money that I got for my ideas I invested in the business. In 1975, Bill and his friend opened their own company, which they called Microsoft. Often a genius worked so hard and diligently that he fell asleep right in the office. The guy dropped out of Harvard. Parents did not share his choice, but the computer genius did not give up.

Bill Gates knew how to become a successful person. The secret of the man was hard work and fabulous ambitions.

In 1978, there were already 11 people in the Microsoft office. Today, the program that his company created has 90% of computer users.

There were ups and downs in the history of this genius, but he confidently walked towards his goal. Several times Bill Gates topped the list of the richest people in the world. Now the multibillionaire gives significant funds to charity. He donates millions to the poor and disadvantaged. His new goal in life is to save the world.

Grief as an incentive

The most successful people work in different directions. If Bill Gates got the fame of a computer genius, then in the world of the book, J.K. Rowling is the leader.

The future writer was born in a simple family. Her homeland was the county of Gloucestershire, which is located in England. She had younger sister. It was to her that the author read her first stories. At the age of 5-6 Joan wrote a fairy tale. Childhood can not be called sweet. The family often lacked money. The girl was afraid of her father because of her difficult nature. And her mother, whom she loved very much, died when Joan was 25 years old. She took the tragedy very hard. But it was this death that pushed her to work. It should be noted that before cardinal changes, almost all successful people in the world experience something terrible, unusual.

A few months before the disaster, she, racing on a train, imagined a dark-haired boy who had just found out that he was a magician. At that moment, the novelist did not have a pen with her, so more and more new and vivid images surfaced in her head.

Creativity is a pill for depression

She wrote the book very slowly. In a short time, Rowling survived the death of her mother, a divorce from her husband who beat her, and moving back to England. A woman with a small child, whom she gave birth to in 1993, lived very poorly. For some time she suffered from severe depression. Therefore, many dark and evil characters appeared in the draft of the Harry Potter book.

The life of successful people is not always easy. But this writer did not give up and continued to create. She was given strength by the dream that her novel would be published. The story that the world admires today was originally Joan's diary. In it, she solved her problems with the help of fantastic situations. The work saved her from pain and suffering. A woman wrote when the child was sleeping after walking.

In 1995, Rowling completed her first book. However, none of the publishers she applied to agreed to publish the story. Once "Harry Potter" fell into the hands of the daughter of one of the editors. It was the interest of this girl that contributed to the fact that the novel saw the light of day. Over 400 million copies have now been sold. The writer is on the list of the richest women in the UK.


For some time, many friends and even strangers asked the famous author for money. Almost all successful people in the world face this situation. Many women helped. But Joan is of the opinion that big money spoils the personality. The writer herself lives quite modestly and very rarely, even despite her financial situation allows himself expensive things.

Every week, thousands of letters arrive in the writer's mailbox. Some of them are from fans. Others from various organizations who are asking for help. At first, Rowling gave funds to everyone. But then I realized that it would not be able to help anyone in particular. Later she decided to create her own charitable foundation. Almost all successful people turn to this practice. Her organization fights against multiple sclerosis, from which her mother died.

No age limits

Everyone has long known that the realization of a dream into reality and a small triumph make a person not only happy, but also improve his health. There is a great example that success can be achieved regardless of age and background. This is a unique person named Grandma Moses.

This American was born in the distant 1860. Since childhood, she loved to draw. All her life she worked hard on the farm. She became an exemplary mother of five children and a good man. She didn't have time for her favorite hobby.

The woman retired and started painting. Grandma was in her 70s when a collector from New York liked her work. Simple, soulful landscapes immediately conquered the world. Exhibitions of paintings by the artist were held around the world. The woman created about 1600 paintings and died at the age of 101.

It should be noted that in 2004 her work "The Old Colorful House, 1862" sold at auction for $60,000. The story of Grandma Moses proves that the activity of a successful person does not depend on age.

Characteristics of goals

Everyone's secret to success is unique. Someone needs a good chance and useful connections to fulfill their dream. Others - a lot of time and a lot of opportunities. But in any case, without colossal work, expenditure of energy and ambition, it is impossible to wake up and become famous in one day.

For many people, happiness and success are not measured in terms of money. bank account, not in the army of fans who are on duty at the door. There are people for whom luck is to fulfill their dream, no matter how strange it may seem to others. The former want simple family comfort, the latter - career development, third - the ability to freely travel around the world. For each individual person, triumph has its own characteristics.

Stories about how successful people became successful are a step that can bring you closer to your goal. It doesn't matter what a person puts in front of him. If his aspirations are pure and bright, sincere work and circumstances will contribute to their realization.


₽ 1,350.00

12 steps to your success

Step by step we come to successful sales:

1. Learning to choose clients.

2. Find the perfect price for the book.

3. We determine the bread places for the sale of your book.

4. Learning to sell 3 times more without finding new people.

5. We correctly declare ourselves on the Internet.

6. Define the right policy relationships with buyers.

7. Learn to sell fiction books, if needed.

8. We learn to respond flexibly to any market changes.

9. Learn for free and inexpensive ways book promotion.

10. Learning to raise the value of your book.

11. We automate and fine-tune sales.

12. We aim for a long-term result.

13 available


How to nearly triple your ebook sales without questionable gestures:

1. Without trying to make happy with your book those who do not need it.

2. No hateful vparivanie.

3. Without book promotion for 200,000 rubles per month for 2 years.

4. Work on low-budget and free sources of promotion.

(2019 version for Windows)

9 reviews for

    Olga Vasilyeva - 12.02.2019

    I would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication. I purchased a manual from you "How to sell e-book” and was very pleased with the quality of the material. The book contains all the information I need, which I would have collected bit by bit on the Internet for a long time. Absolutely all the questions that I had in connection with this case, I received exhaustive answers. Everything is sensible, in the case, given practical advice a person who has gone through all the stages of creating, publishing and selling electronic books on his own experience, which is very valuable. I think the price of the book is well worth it. Good luck and prosperity!

    Was this review helpful?
  1. Taisiya - 24.03.2019

    Elena, good evening!

    I am glad to receive news from you that say that you do not abandon your students and are ready to help us.

    This is especially valuable for me, as a person who is not very proficient in many Internet technologies. Elena, I’m reading your book, but I’m not in a hurry and I don’t swallow chapters. I know that after some time after reading it, I will return to it again.

    Simultaneously with your book, I “discovered” for myself the wonderful book “The Man Who Ate a Car”. Now I take turns reading. Surely you know this book, but if suddenly “no”, then I recommend ...

    Was this review helpful?
  2. Viliya Baiteryakova - 01.04.2019

    Having studied your work on the creation and promotion of e-books, I cannot but write my review on this matter. After reading, you are once again convinced that the saying: “Without labor you can’t even catch a fish from a pond” really has a place to be and has its own meaning and deep meaning.

    The information in the book is very informative, at the same time easy to use and really effective in its essence. In Elena's book, there is more than enough material on how to sell an e-book on the Internet to finally make your e-books sell. Only a lazy and passive person who surfs the Internet will not pay attention and will not be interested in your digital product created using Elena's technology.

    Since the e-book was outlined by me, I, as a responsible person, gradually began to follow the advice. And what do you think, the results were not long in coming. I have SALES STARTED NOW!!! Let me give you an example, my most global implementations:

    First, I completely changed the design of the book and its title. Now you really want to pick it up and open it immediately; Secondly, I registered on several thematic forums, where I now live permanently, and you yourself understand this and target visitors, and the exchange of useful information;

    Thirdly, I began to pay more attention to my newsletter, which brings me new customers, or rather, they wake up with a desire to buy a book, after my next newsletter release. And this is just the beginning of the list. I want to tell Elena a huge
    thanks for the useful information that really helped me increase
    the number of buyers of my e-books.

    Was this review helpful?
  3. Lada Evseeva - 02.04.2019

    So the turn of Elena Meysak's book "How to sell an e-book" has come.
    A year ago, I learned from her how to create e-books and now I easily make them for myself and to order. Now I have begun to learn how to make money on my materials. Of course, you can fight from Yandex and Google to collect everything from the world there, and then still try to put it in a structured way in your head. But why, if it's easier to open Elena's book at the right chapter! And value for money is important. Passing any sales training is 10-20 times more expensive, and even a custom marathon with book information will cost you much more - I found out)) How much will you need to sell your books in order to recover costs and become profitable? I got my first two sales back, and the remaining orders give me the opportunity and inspiration to write new books for the blog!

    Was this review helpful?
  4. Valdemar Luft - 02.04.2019

    Haven't read the book to the end yet. Honestly, from what I read, she did not bring me anything new. I already wrote to you that I have a couple of books on the same subject, only in German. And I've made books myself. Incidentally, translations into German in the book "Das Lenindenkmal" can still be bought on the Amazon website. My detectives were posted there, but after a certain time I removed them from sale. I don't know if I'll be making books myself in the future. But in any case, I consider your book useful and necessary for any author, even for those who are not going to publish an e-book. It would be useful for everyone to look into this kitchen where e-books are cooked.

  5. Olga Tsvetkova - 07.04.2019

    I want to thank you for good book"How to sell an e-book", which I bought the very first from you, and then bought two more about protection and creation.

    When I first wandered into your site and read the sales pages, I immediately decided that I would buy a book about sales. But since at that time there were financial difficulties, I postponed the purchase for later.

    In the meantime, I was waiting for the appearance of free money, I read your articles, where there is also a lot useful information for which special thanks to you.

    When I bought a book about sales, to be honest, I thought that I would learn little new for myself, since I have been preparing the ground for selling books for quite a long time and, as it seemed to me, I had already worked out all the questions myself and found answers to them on the Internet.
    But thanks to your book, I finally found the answer to the question of how to automate the process of sending keys to protected books. At one time, I went to the website of Avtovebofis, but either they did not describe in detail all their capabilities, or I misunderstood something, but I did not see such an opportunity for them.
    And only thanks to your great work, set out in the book, I found answers not only to this question, but also to others.

    And despite the fact that I am the author fiction, and not educational, all the same, your recommendations from the book turned out to be valuable to me, on the basis of which I launched a creative approach to selling books and came up with some “entices” for readers that I hadn’t known about for some reason before.

    So your book turned out to be not only useful with technical side problem solving, but also with creativity. For which I once again express my special gratitude to you.

    I wish you many good readers and excellent sales!

    1 out of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  6. Dmitriyv - 23.05.2019

    Thanks for the book! Studied with great care. I liked that everything is clear and to the point. Taking into account modern market realities. I will put it into practice. I put four stars instead of five because I want you to add information to the book about how to sell on this cool engine, from which I bought the book here.

    Was this review helpful?
  7. Travelers' club - 29.05.2019

    Dear author! Thanks for this book. Found it very useful. Recently appeared in our project A new book about hiking and we are very glad that we got the book even before it went to press. Something that can be corrected will be according to your recommendations. Yes, and Temko run on your advice would be nice. We hope that with the help of your recommendations, there will be much more people wishing to take part in our events.

    1 out of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  8. Rinat Yakubov - 02.06.2019

    1 out of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you?

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Create not "any" e-book, but a best-selling book. There is literally one step left, it only needs to be passed. Forget about years of unpromising coaching, boring assignments and complex technical somersaults. Just go ahead and create yours successful book. Right here today.

(Windows version)

6 reviews for How to Properly Create an EBook - MAXIMUM

  1. Alexander Loginov - 08.03.2019

    After working through the book and preparing my first book for release, I can turn my next manuscript into an e-book in 1 hour. Well, maybe 2 or 3 hours.

    I am grateful to Elena for a good, high-quality manual. In one place, a lot of useful, I would say vital information for a novice author is collected in a compressed form.

    The book is well structured and all the recommendations are given in a good way.
    sequences: what is an e-book, in what format can
    publish, and how to decide on this very necessary format. And then in detail
    step by step everything you need to do.

    Separately, I want to emphasize that, despite the clarity of the material, I still had questions. Maybe because all the technical nuances are difficult for me in general. And for all questions I received additional consultations. And quickly!

    Alexander Loginov


    Was this review helpful?
  2. Elena Kharitonova - 12.03.2019

    Thanks to this wonderful guide, I was able to easily and quickly understand all the intricacies of creating an e-book. My book How to Build a Private Psychology Practice from Scratch is now bringing me a nice extra income! I am sure that I would have spent much more time and effort searching for the information contained in the book - and maybe even would have abandoned the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating my own book if I had not read "How to create an e-book in an hour."

    Was this review helpful?
  3. Natalia Treseina - 25.03.2019

    I would like to thank Elena for such a wonderful product as this manual for creating a book in electronic format. As a beginner in html, compilers, generators and others, it was GENERALLY unclear to me where to start, what to do and where to put everything later))) Moreover, you need to understand that no one will share the necessary information with you, no one will tell or explain , what is what. For various reasons))) And not the last of them, the one that not every specialist, even imbued with kindness and understanding for you, will be able to convey to you necessary information. The transfer of special knowledge from a specialist to a non-specialist requires a certain talent.)) And this is so. Even the most super-duper specialists rarely have this quality. Elena does it. Thanks to step by step instructions in her book, I was able to finally understand where to start, what programs to use, and what the product should look like at various intermediate stages. But that's not all. As a beginner, I had questions at various stages. To some, they might have seemed naive, but not to Elena. She, with constant benevolence and patience, tried to find out the reasons with me. For which I sincerely thank and respect her, as this is a new generation of entrepreneurs with a focus on Western methods of working with a client, which we all need to follow. Maybe then there will be joy in our countries too) I managed to create my first book and I hope that it will benefit its readers. Now others are next. I will not say that I managed to create my book for very short term. I had to figure everything out from scratch. But it was worth it. I gained independence in creating my own product, along the way I learned a lot of useful information that I will use both for the development of my site and for everyday life. What I wish you
    dear readers of these lines)

And achieving this is one of the popular topics of modern psychology. Let's try to find the answer to a number of questions.

  • What is the difference between successful and unsuccessful?
  • How to achieve this?
  • What are the criteria and standards for success in society?

AT modern Russia the well-being of a citizen is usually judged by the presence of a prestigious car, expensive and known from well-known and fashionable designers, the opportunity to relax abroad. But, these are only external signs, since a successful person has special features that distinguish him from others. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First. A successful person will look for opportunities, while an unsuccessful person will look for excuses and obstacles. For example, in a difficult situation of lack of money, the first one will find a way to earn money, and the second one will voice the reasons why it is difficult to earn money during the period

Second. A successful person will act despite reluctance, ignorance and fear. Unsuccessful - will postpone "for later." The second category is usually passively waiting for the problem to be solved "by itself".

Third. A successful person is a person who will always strive for more than he currently is. Otherwise, a special life philosophy begins to operate: "Why? It will do as it is."

Fourth. A successful person will not be afraid to fall because he knows he will do anything to get up again. He has no fear or fear. The unsuccessful one is always afraid that he will make a mistake, because he will not even try to get back on his feet.

Fifth. A successful person will not need stimulation from outside, because he is self-motivated, driven by passion and needs to prove strength, interest and ability to achieve his goal. Otherwise, the maximum amount of effort will be required for the subject to finally realize what he is striving for.

Sixth. The successful are not afraid to take risks because they understand that life is not predictable. That is why negative circumstances can interfere with the most thoughtful plan. But the unsuccessful will refuse to act from this thought. Therefore, only the installation for this will become the main one.

Seventh. A successful person can be patient, ready to go a long way towards his goal. Moreover, he is aware that a large amount of work will be required to solve problems.

Eighth. A successful person will not be afraid to be rejected, and an unsuccessful one will be able to "knock him out of the saddle". Moreover, if you try to achieve something in life, then you cannot do without difficult moments.

Ninth. A successful person believes only in himself, and an unsuccessful person believes in the words and opinions of others about himself and the world around him. Moreover, the second category of citizens usually obey the opinions of the collective, agreeing sooner or later with the generally accepted point of view.

Tenth. A successful person is "helped" in his activity by a big dream, a worthy one, while an unsuccessful one will pursue small and narrow-minded goals. There are a large number of examples in history when success came when a goal that was unattainable at first sight was chosen. But with the right, even a very bold strategy will be implemented.

Therefore, if we talk about how to be a successful person, then the unequivocal answer can be the following. It is recommended to develop in yourself the qualities necessary for this. It is available to everyone if there is a desire.

If we talk about how to try to develop these qualities, then you need to keep in mind. Only if there is a constant development and adjustment of one's thoughts and actions in the indicated direction, then one can become successful very quickly.

What do our fellow citizens mean by “success” and what does it mean to be “successful”? To find out, the Research Center of the recruiting portal Superjob.ru conducted a series of surveys among economically active respondents from all districts of the country.

As it turned out, to be successful is, first of all, to make good money, to be rich, prosperous (as 15% of Russians think). Interestingly, this opinion is more common among women than among men (18% versus 12%).

“To be successful is when the salary comes, and you haven’t spent the previous one yet!”

"A million dollars in a personal account"

According to 12% of Russians, to be successful means to achieve your goals. Another 11% of respondents are convinced that a successful person is the one who does what he loves. Among women, this position is more common than among men (13% versus 8%).

In addition, the fair sex more often believe that being successful means being loved and married (9% versus 5% among the stronger sex). “A successful woman is when she has a beloved and strong family, a beloved and loving husband, happy and healthy children, a well-established life and work that she goes to with pleasure ...” - they comment.

Also, according to Russians, to be successful means to be in demand and useful (as 5% of respondents think), to climb career ladder and be satisfied with the results (4% each), enjoy authority and realize their abilities (3% each).

2% of the respondents are sure that to be successful means to feel free and independent, to live in harmony with oneself and others, to develop, learn, be professional, lucky and self-confident. "Success is success!" - consider another 2% of respondents. Another 15% of Russians named other signs of a successful person:

"When they follow you, and not you after someone"

"Succeed All"

Wikipedia page about you

"Be Spiritually Rich"

At the same time, the majority of Russians (63%) do not agree with the statement that a person's success is associated solely with career achievements. According to the respondents, it is impossible to be successful without personal happiness. “If a person does not have good relations in the family or does not have one at all, or he did not raise his children properly, then success in his career does not mean his success as a whole as a person,” comment the respondents.

On the contrary, every fourth Russian (25%) is convinced that it is professional growth that is the main criterion for success: “Any person is judged by where he works and how much he earns”; "If a person is happy at work, he is happy in everything." Those who share this point of view are more among young people under 24 (28%).

"Do you consider yourself a successful person?" 61% of Russians answered this question positively, with 21% of respondents considering themselves unequivocally successful, another 40% - rather successful. "Much has come true"; "I have everything!" - the respondents comment.

And the younger the person, the more likely it is that he considers himself successful. Thus, among respondents under 24 years of age, 27% feel unambiguously successful, and among those over 45, only 17%. Respondents who earn more than 45,000 rubles a month feel more likely to be on the crest of success (22% of them consider themselves unambiguously successful, another 47% - rather successful). In addition, men consider themselves unequivocally successful more often (22% versus 18% among women), but rather women consider themselves successful (44% versus 37% among men). successful people more among those who are married (65% versus 55% among single and unmarried).

But 21% of our fellow citizens do not yet consider themselves successful (5% - definitely, and 16% - rather do not consider themselves successful). And the reasons for this are very different: “Circumstances have developed in such a way that I had to close my business”; “There are problems at work, no one takes marriage.” Respondents over 45 years of age (7% compared to 3% among young people under 24 years of age), respondents with an income of less than 25 thousand rubles a month, those who do not have children (6%) and are not married (7%) consider themselves unambiguously unsuccessful more often than others. ).

And what is success in the minds of Russians, and does the idea of ​​success change over time? First of all, our fellow citizens invest in this concept the achievement of the desired result (19%, in 2006 - 30%) and income, welfare (17%, in 2006 - 19%). Favorite work is less and less regarded as a mandatory component of success: if in 2006 it was considered as such by 15% of respondents, today it is only 7%.

Fewer and fewer respondents consider career (6% versus 8% in 2006), family and happiness in personal life (6%, seven years ago - 9%), satisfaction with what they have done (5% versus 11% in 2006), as the main thing in success, respect, authority (5% versus 9% in 2006), luck, luck (4% versus 7%), efficiency (4% versus 5%), as well as self-realization (3%), professionalism (2%), striving forward ( 2%), demand (1%) and fulfillment of desires (1%).

16% of respondents indicated other components of success:

"A high level of spiritual, intellectual, physical, moral and material development!"

“When you bring good to people, this is success!”

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Customer: Vedomosti
Settlements: 134
Date: January 15, 2013
Study population: economically active population of Russia over 18 years old
Sample size: 1000 respondents

Question: “What do you think it means to be successful?”

More detailed information about the study, as well as the comments of the respondents - on the portal