Politicians consider it right to increase salaries for all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Separation and punishment: how the authorities plan to reform the FPS

The decision to disband the Federal Penitentiary Service with the transfer of the functions of the execution of sentences to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already been approved in the Kremlin and will be officially signed in the near future, an informed source said.

The reorganization of the federal service will take place against the backdrop of a series of scandals and a huge public outcry caused by publications about the torture of prisoners in Russian colonies. Read more about the upcoming personnel and organizational changes in the PASMI material.

History short and inglorious

The Federal Penitentiary Service as an independent agency was created relatively recently - in 2004 - on the basis of a decree by President Vladimir Putin during the reform of bodies executive power. Until that moment, for another six years - from 1998 to 2004 - the department was part of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. But for the longest time - since Soviet times - the functions of the execution of punishments lay in the plane of the tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Kremlin is now planning to return to this practice.
However, this time the reform turned out to be an echo of a serious request from society. A turning point in the history of the federal service was a 10-minute video in which almost two dozen employees of colony No. 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Yaroslavl beat one prisoner with rare sadism.
The entry made on the registrar of one of the guards was handed over to the editorial office " Novaya Gazeta” in July 2018, while the actual event referred to June 2017. Moreover, the victim of the guards - Yevgeny Makarov - and other prisoners repeatedly stated about torture in this colony, but law enforcement officers did not find confirmation of the complaints. And in August, journalists got another video from the Yaroslavl colony, in which employees of the institution and special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service drive prisoners through the line, beating them with truncheons.
It should be noted that in recent years, statements about physical violence in the colonies of many regions of Russia from different regions have become commonplace. But neither large-scale actions, when in the city of Kopeysk almost half a thousand prisoners organized an action of disobedience with posters "People, help!", "Torture humiliates", nor deaths, when detainees died from torture, nor scandals with public people, when opposition leader Ildar Dadin told about how he was regularly beaten in the cell - did not lead to serious consequences.
And only video evidence of torture from Yaroslavl, which got on YouTube and was replicated by the federal media, stirred up society and officials.

Head - to Sechin, and employees - to Kolokoltsev

A criminal case was opened on the fact of torture in Yaroslavl IK-1, and in September 2018, the famous jailers ended up in a pre-trial detention center. However, for the leadership of the colony, especially for the heads of regional and federal bodies FSIN high-profile case cost, it would seem, without consequences.
But the organizational conclusions were not long in coming, and they affect the entire department: the federal penitentiary service itself will be disbanded. “The FSIN will again enter the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this decision has already been made by President Vladimir Putin,” a PASMI source said. Previously, PASMI was interested in the opinion of its readers on the advisability of transferring the functions of the Federal Penitentiary Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 39% of respondents supported this step, 50% were against, 11% found it difficult to answer.
The staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service is about 300 thousand people, they serve 590 thousand prisoners. Whether all personnel will be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or some other personnel decisions will follow, is not reported.
At the same time, the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Colonel-General Gennady Kornienko, who has headed the service since 2012, has already taken care of his professional future - he is counting on a place in the leadership of Rosneft. According to the editorial staff, the issue of approving his candidacy for the post of Igor Sechin's deputy for personnel is now being decided.
It is curious that Yury Kalinin, who now holds the position of Rosneft's vice president for personnel and social issues, was also the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Matvienko wanted another

Talk about the need to reform the Federal Penitentiary Service intensified after the torture scandal in the Yaroslavl colony. Proposals came in very different and they sounded from the highest stands.
So, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko proposed to transfer part of the functions of the Federal Penitentiary Service civil service. People without shoulder straps, according to Matvienko, could be engaged in the re-education and socialization of prisoners. The transfer of the functions of the Federal Penitentiary Service to the civil service is also mentioned in the proposals prepared in October 2017 by the Center for Strategic Research of Alexei Kudrin.
Meanwhile, more than half (56%) of PASMI readers do not believe that the transfer of some of the functions of the prison department to civilian structures will change the situation with torture in colonies. 37% believe that such a step will lead to a decrease in the number of bullying, 7% found it difficult to answer.
On the sidelines of the authorities, proposals were discussed to transfer the economy, re-education and re-socialization of the penitentiary system to the structures of the Ministry of Justice, and security and special forces under the jurisdiction of the Russian Guard. Any operational-search activity, as conceived by the authors of the project, should go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
As for the idea of ​​completely transferring the functions of the Federal Penitentiary Service to the department of Vladimir Kolokoltsev, it was warmly supported by the security forces, but at the same time criticized by human rights activists.
“The service for the execution of sentences should remain a separate structure. A merger with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will definitely aggravate the situation: the system will become even more closed and corrupt,” Elena Sokolova, head of the Legal Zone organization, told RBC. In her opinion, the Federal Penitentiary Service does not need special reform, but only needs to revise the rules for hiring employees and strengthen control over them.
And there is one more circumstance: the transfer of the functions of execution of sentences to the Ministry of Internal Affairs leads to a violation of Russia's obligations to the Council of Europe, according to which the penitentiary service should be separated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and transferred to the Ministry of Justice.

From August 1, 2018, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) will function in accordance with the new legislation. The document specifies not only the rights and obligations of employees of the service, but also social guarantees. The draft law was adopted in July this year by the Federation Council. Vyacheslav Markhaev, an employee of the Russian Security and Defense Council, said that the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Penitentiary Service participated in the development of the draft law.

Reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service from the 1st of the next month

According to the new bill, economic, organizational, financial and legal conditions for the service will be established. The document regulates legal relations concerning the entry into the service, its passage and completion. Also, from August 1, 2018, the official status of each employee of the organization will be determined.

Each of the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will belong to one of the compositions:

  • higher;
  • senior;
  • average;
  • junior;
  • private.

The document establishes the duties and rights of personnel, order during the working day, rules of conduct, responsibility of employees, a number of prohibitions and restrictive measures. From next month, employees in the penitentiary system will be promoted after 6 years of work. It is also expected to receive various titles and incentive payments from the management. The head of a territorial subdivision can be transferred to another region, but similar position. If a Russian refuses to go to work in another area, there is a possibility of a reduction in position, for example, a transfer from a senior to a middle staff.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin noted that there is a continuous rotation in the army. After serving for 3-5 years in one locality, you must definitely go to serve in another place. This is necessary in order for the citizens of the country to gain experience and relevant qualifications. Chapter Russian Federation noted that it is necessary to introduce something similar in the Federal Penitentiary Service from August 1, 2018. Over the past two decades, the employees of the organization have been holding their positions in accordance with the official regulation, which refers to the peculiarities of serving in the internal affairs bodies.

New Permissions for Service Workers

Gennady Kornienko, the head of the Federal Service, said he wants to allow the use of weapons by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The politician shared his initiative with officials in the State Duma. The Russian stressed that today the parliament is considering more than ten laws that relate to innovations and changes in the penitentiary sphere of Russia.

The parliamentarian noted that it is worth prohibiting suspects from carrying out a number of actions in order not to keep them in a pre-trial detention center. Law enforcement agencies reported that such measures would minimize the influx of offenders in the pre-trial detention center. The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation is an executive body, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of the country. The organization is engaged in quality control of the execution of punishments, determining the features of the stay of citizens of the federation in a pre-trial detention center. The duties of the Federal Service are the escort and protection of persons who are legally deprived of their liberty.

In 2018, reforms are expected in all spheres of society, the prerequisites for the reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service are already manifesting themselves. The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salary of employees of the department will be revised, control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

The issue of merging the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to promote reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

The latest news about the reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 relates to the increase in wages of employees

The fact that the wind of change is blowing is evidenced by the fact that the Ministry of Justice is considering a bill that will regulate the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service and will become the main tool for reform in 2018.

One of the fundamental points of the reform is indexation wages employees of the department, which has not been held for several years. The new bill provides for an increase in the rate of employees of the penitentiary service and specifies a number of conditions on which the amount of wages will depend:

  1. the salary will be calculated in accordance with the position and rank;
  2. allowances for long service are provided;
  3. work in special conditions will be encouraged;
  4. senior management has the right to reward the work of employees and personal growth through incentives and bonuses.

In 2018, employees of the department can count on a salary increase due to the fact that funding for this structure was previously cut. At the moment, there is a situation in which ordinary employees receive a fairly modest salary and the gap with the wages of management staff is clearly visible. The Ministry is looking for ways to stabilize the situation and eliminate the imbalance.

The bill assumes that in the near future the salaries of senior officials will be cut, and as a result, it will be possible to increase the wages of ordinary employees. This item has not yet been approved and is under discussion. Changes will occur smoothly, which will allow employees of the department to adapt to the new conditions.

Indexation of wages, taking into account the level of inflation, will be 5-6%. Salaries of employees will be increased based on the table of average payments. Unpleasant is the forecast of specialists who are sure that it is not worth waiting for an increase in wages. The economic crisis has led to a decline and in light of this, at the highest state level, the issue of canceling the increase in salaries is being discussed.

Latest news about the introduction of new rules for employees as part of the reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018

The reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service may be carried out by merging with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or will lead to the fact that this department will completely leave the law enforcement agencies and receive a special status.

Particular attention is paid to the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, in accordance with the new requirements, employees of the department must:

  • treat prisoners well;
  • respect the rights of persons serving sentences;
  • respect the traditions of representatives of other peoples;
  • contribute to the fight against corruption.

In accordance with the new standards, an employee of the updated Federal Penitentiary Service should become an example for those serving sentences. The rejection of immoral and bad habits is welcome.

The new duty of the employees will be to describe all the observed corruption facts and draw up a report on this incident. The basis for dismissal will be the refusal to comply with the norms of the law and the presence of absenteeism.

Employees must be prepared to be tested for alcohol and drug use at any time. The new legislation requires employees to report to their superiors any attempted bribery while on duty.

Analyzing the new norms, it becomes obvious that officials want to create a special group of contractors who will agree to the conclusion employment contract and work in the reorganized Federal Penitentiary Service. The main requirement is communication skills, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations and the absence of bad habits.

New employees will be supervised by management during a trial period of 2 to 6 months. From now on, only a highly qualified specialist who has passed the competition can occupy a managerial position.

In order to smooth the situation, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will receive special social guarantees, for example, they will increase the length of vacation for length of service. In case if professional activity served as a reason for threats from criminals - the state guarantees the protection and safety of employees of this department.

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 provides for a reduction in staff, which indicates the desire to create an elite federal structure

In 2018 will be tested compliance of employees with their positions, as a result of which the ranks of employees will significantly thin out. The personnel structure will change due to the reduction of managerial positions, while the wave of optimization will practically not affect ordinary employees.

Personal growth and contribution to the development of the department is welcome. The dismissal will affect those employees who practically do not affect the development of this Federal Service. In the risk zone this moment turned out to be psychologists.

The reduction in the composition will lead to an increase in the scope of responsibility and duties of ordinary employees. Do not exclude the possibility that some correctional facilities will be liquidated. All convicts who are serving sentences in the data structural divisions transferred to other colonies.

Reorganization document. At the moment, it has not yet been signed, it is under discussion and finalization in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation. The relevant departments have already familiarized themselves with the new legislative framework and left positive feedback.

Physicians in the TsMSR should be tested, the government should be reduced by half and year after year for them, universities and UTs, too, year after year.

The government plans to carry out the following reforms: the reunification of the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee; The functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will most likely be divided between the army (Ministry of Defense) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the consolidation of the “Police” did not cause such a stir in society, then the merger of the most “secret” departments led to the news about the re-establishment of the KGB. http://c-ib.ru/novosti-dnya/191894.html Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018. Positive changes are planned for this body. The Federal Penitentiary Service is a special body that needs to be given special attention. It is this structure that is responsible for fulfilling the will of the state and punishing those guilty of committing acts provided for by the Criminal Code of Russia and not only.

The reforms of 2018 will also affect the federal penitentiary service

You can solve the problem much faster if you order back call Therefore, it is no longer a secret to anyone, and many people know that the Federal Penitentiary Service plans to increase wages.

The essence of the new bill is to increase the rate of representatives of this area.


Thanks to this adjustment, it will be possible to bridge the huge gap that lies between the salaries of bosses and ordinary civil servants.

This gap does not contribute to mutual understanding of employees and complicates working conditions, and therefore affects the efficiency of working conditions.

It will not be possible to completely prevent the gap, but at least it will be possible to minimize it.

Fsin as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018-2019

The rejection of immoral and bad habits is welcome.

The new duty of the employees will be to describe all the observed corruption facts and draw up a report on this incident.

The basis for dismissal will be the refusal to comply with the norms of the law and the presence of absenteeism.
Employees must be prepared to be tested for alcohol and drug use at any time.
The new legislation requires employees to report to their superiors any attempted bribery while on duty.

Analyzing the new norms, the desire of officials to create a special group of contract soldiers who will agree to conclude an employment contract and work in the reorganized Federal Penitentiary Service becomes obvious.
The main requirement is communication skills, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations and the absence of bad habits.

403 forbidden

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service of 2018 also suggests that, in addition to optimizing wages, cuts are possible.
This reform is not new and is currently being implemented in all structures in order to optimize and improve the work of all government systems and organs. Depriving jobs is not the best practice, but it cannot be avoided.
In addition, 5 years ago there were already massive changes in the personnel structure.

But as the officials explained, it is impossible to do without it, since it is extremely difficult to raise salaries without layoffs.

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service of 2018 said that in most cases, employees of the managerial level who have high salaries will lose their jobs.

Ordinary civil servants will not be affected by the dismissal and they will remain in place to fulfill their duties.

Fsin expects a large-scale reform in 2018, according to an official source

In 2018, reforms are expected in all spheres of society, the prerequisites for the reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service are already manifesting themselves.

The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salary of employees of the department will be revised, control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

The issue of merging the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to promote reform in this department.

The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

The latest news about the reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 concerns the increase in the salaries of employees The fact that the wind of change is blowing is evidenced by the fact that the Ministry of Justice is considering a bill that will regulate the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service and will become the main tool for reform in 2018.

The reform will not bypass the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018

New employees will be supervised by management during a trial period of 2 to 6 months.

From now on, only a highly qualified specialist who has passed the competition can occupy a managerial position.

In order to smooth the situation, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will receive special social guarantees, for example, they will increase the length of vacation for length of service.

In the event that professional activity has caused threats from criminals, the state guarantees the protection and safety of employees of this department.

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 provides for a reduction in staff, which indicates the desire to create an elite federal structure.

FSIN reform 2018

Implementation of measures for their protection and escort;

  • exercising control over persons who, by the verdict of the court, were called guilty, and they were sentenced to a suspended sentence or were granted a reprieve from serving their sentence.

Of course, the most priority function of the Federal Penitentiary Service, for which, perhaps, it was created, is the execution of punishments and the detention of suspects, accused and convicted persons.

In this regard, all places of deprivation of liberty located on the territory of the Russian Federation are directly subordinate to the Federal Penitentiary Service.
Mass layoffs are unlikely, because the system already has a catastrophic shortage of personnel, ”said one of the sources. Merging the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 suggests a decrease in the number of generals

Until 2005, Russia had the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which was subsequently transformed into Federal Service execution of punishment, which was still under the control of the Ministry of Justice.