Uniqueness definition. What does the uniqueness of the text mean? How to write texts that will pass the test for uniqueness

The number of sites on the Internet is steadily growing, and at the same time, the demand for quality content to fill them is also increasing.

In order for the site to get into the field of view of search engines, it is required to fill it with articles that are unique, competent and optimized for certain search queries, as well as informative and readable.

What does the uniqueness of the text mean?

A unique text is a text based on information taken from several sources with an exclusive sequence of words in phrases. Only such text will be well indexed by search engines.

Here we should touch on the concepts of "rewriting" and "copywriting". A lot of controversy is born about the establishment of the framework of their difference.

Copywriting is the writing of an article that is unique in meaning, and rewriting is the transfer of the essence of the finished article in other words. Text copywriting has semantic uniqueness, and rewriting is associated only with technical uniqueness.

Text rewriting (or rewriting) means a presentation in other words of the text that has already been published on the Internet. In order to increase the technical uniqueness of the text, they use rewriting from several sources, that is, they rewrite in other words texts from different sources on one topic.

There are synonymizer programs that allow you to automatically rewrite existing text. Therefore, rewriting refers specifically to the technical uniqueness of the text, but NOT to the semantic one.

Previously, for some people who make money on the Internet, it was enough to rearrange the words in a sentence to get a unique text. And such text was defined as copywriting. Now this approach does not give results - the programs have learned to determine the source by a repeating set of words in articles, and regardless of the order in which they are located.

Rewriting and the degree of its uniqueness can be determined using certain tools, which will be discussed below. And, by the way, it's good that there are tools for checking the uniqueness of the text, because they allow you to increase the informative weight of the texts posted on the network.

How to determine the uniqueness of the text?

Suppose there is a text and you need to determine how unique it is. It is possible that exactly such a text has already been published on the Internet. How to do it? There are many possibilities, let's look at two of them:

1) Exchanges for the sale of content to control the quality of their products - texts, have created the necessary tools for this:

  • checking the uniqueness of the text online, without installing programs on your computer. There is such an opportunity, for example, on Advego;
  • programs that determine the uniqueness of the text. The most popular and effective of these programs is the Advego Plagiatus service.
Rice. 1. The Advego program is downloaded free of charge to a computer to check texts for plagiarism

Note. that by clicking on the specified link, you will first see the service “Checking the uniqueness of the text online” (it appeared on Advego relatively recently), and below you will find a link to download the program.

The Advego program is downloaded and installed on a computer. It's simple to use.

  • Just copy the text
  • paste it into the Advego program window,
  • in the top menu of Advego, click "Check for uniqueness" and select "Deep check" there.

As you can see in Figure 1, after checking the text turned out to be non-unique. Such text cannot be used on your site for publication, because search engines can impose a filter on the site for non-unique content.

At the link above on the Advego website there is a warning in small print (it is not visible in Fig. 1):
Advego Plagiatus is in public beta testing. The program is provided as is. The developers of the program are not responsible for any consequences of installing the program on the user's PC.

2) Not all users like to install programs on their computer. Some prefer to use online services that require access to the Internet, but do not need to be installed on their PC. Consider such an online service, which is also on the content exchange.

There are also services that allow you to check the uniqueness of the text online without installing the program on your computer and without registering.

Check the uniqueness of the text online for free without registration http://text.ru/antiplagiat

Rice. 2. How can I check the uniqueness of the text online for free without registration
  • On the site text.ru, you need to insert text into window 1 in Fig. 2.
  • Click on the red button "Check uniqueness" (2 in Fig. 2).

How to determine the uniqueness of the text published on the Internet?

To check the uniqueness of text already published on the Internet, there is an easy way. To do this, you can use a search engine, such as Google or Yandex.

To check the uniqueness of the text by a search engine, you need to select a small piece of text (7-8 words) on the site and insert it into the search line, for example, in Google (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. How to check the uniqueness of text published on the Internet using a search engine

For example, I took part of the text from , selected it, copied it and pasted it into the Google search engine. As you can see in the screenshot, Google found this text (1 in Fig. 4) and highlighted it in bold in the search results. Bold is the part of the text that completely matches the query entered by the user in the search box.

On fig. 3 (number 2) shows that this text was copied and posted on another resource. If another resource has a link to the source of the text, then that's great. But if there is no link to the source, then this is terrible.

I want to clarify one nuance about the authorship of unique texts. A unique text (both semantically and technically) can be published on a newly opened site. New sites are indexed poorly, and old sites are indexed quickly, sometimes instantly. Therefore, the text copied from the new site and placed on the old site will be indexed faster and may well be placed by a search engine (for example, Google) higher in the TOP than the text on the new site.

Content is the most important criterion for evaluating the quality of a site by a search robot. It's no secret that search engines love texts that convey the latest information to users. At the same time, the degree of novelty of a particular text characterizes the indicator of its uniqueness on the Internet.

Text uniqueness - relative indicator, expressed as a percentage, which determines the degree of compliance (rather, even inconsistency) of the new document with those previously published on the Internet. The higher the text uniqueness value, the better.

At its core, this indicator is important for the search robot, from the standpoint of assessing the novelty and relevance of the information provided. For the user, the uniqueness indicator itself does not mean anything. Readability, ease of perception of the text, manner of presentation, etc. are important to him. But in general, all of the above forms general idea about the quality of the content.

Uniqueness, non-uniqueness and pseudo-uniqueness

Conventionally, the text can be divided into unique, non-unique and pseudo-unique:

  1. Unique text - the author's text, which is written from scratch and has no duplicates or analogues on the Internet. Most often, the idea and the logical chain of such texts are encountered for the first time. Also, rewritten and supplemented with text can be attributed to the unique text.
  2. Non-unique text - text that completely or largely duplicates the content of pages previously presented on other sites. It is important to understand that the publication of non-unique content ALWAYS entails penalties from search engines.
  3. Pseudo-unique text - text, the uniqueness of which is achieved by dubious methods. At the heart of the pseudo-unique text is always an attempt to deceive either the search robot or the customer. In some verification algorithms, the uniqueness of the text can be achieved by simply replacing Cyrillic characters with Latin characters. Also, the uniqueness of the text can be achieved by manipulating the site code, when tags are inserted between the characters of the text that are invisible to the user, but allow the text to be unique in the eyes of the search robot.

How to check uniqueness

The uniqueness of the text is determined by auxiliary programs, as well as online resources, which, through various algorithms, form their own indicator of the uniqueness of the text. The developers of such services are increasingly trying to bring uniqueness calculation algorithms closer to search engine algorithms.

Among the algorithms for evaluating the uniqueness of texts, there are several groups united by similar processing mechanisms. One of them performs an analysis based on a given sequence of repeated words from the same text, and compares them with all the others presented on the network. The other evaluates the text, finding common points of correspondence in its entirety, using newer and more complex verification algorithms.

What should be the uniqueness of the text?

The uniqueness of texts on the Internet should be close to or equal to 100%. The only justification for not completely unique content is citation. Also, do not forget about copyright and backlinks to the source. Search engines are very positive about links to the original source, which they consider to be of high quality.

Many webmasters order content from rewriters to promote their project. And the percentage of uniqueness of such orders is directly related to the rewriter's prices for his work.

Search engine uniqueness filters?

To stimulate the activities of webmasters to provide high-quality, unique and new content on their own sites, search engines use filters that significantly reduce resources that do not meet the specified requirements.

Yandex search engine . When used on the site, duplicated, non-unique and low-quality content can fall under the "AGS" filter. This filter removes almost all pages of the site from the search, leaving up to 10, regardless of their original number. Also, when recognizing a duplicate of existing pages, it is possible to apply the “You are the last” filter.

In order to avoid falling under Yandex filters, you should fill the site with original content with a uniqueness of at least 95% and prevent copying from your resource by adding texts to the special section "Unique Texts" in Yandex Webmaster.

Google search engine . The filter from the Google search engine, for using non-unique content on the site is called "Panda". It manifests itself in the form of a sharp drop in traffic, after 1-3 days after the update. In order not to fall under the formidable paw of the panda, you should use exclusively unique content.

How to get out of Yandex and Google filters related to the uniqueness of texts

  1. Finding non-unique content and making it unique. Or a banal deletion of all non-unique pages;
  2. Publication of unique articles with a volume of more than 2.5 thousand characters, adding them to Yandex's "unique texts", or using other methods of protecting texts. This will help protect your unique content from theft;
  3. Publication of new materials on the site with high frequency. For example 1-2 articles per day;
  4. Increasing page indexing speed. It will also help protect yourself from those who like to cash in on someone else's content;
  5. Citing your articles;
  6. The emergence of new high-quality links from trusted sites to your publications;
  7. After correcting all claims against you from search engines, as well as publishing new unique articles, you can write a letter to the service technical support sent through the webmaster panel.


Quality content is the key to the success of any website. Write text always for people and never forget about uniqueness. Even if you draw inspiration from the Internet, try to process the information received and write it in an accessible and competent language with your own comments.

In order for the site to get to the top, it should be filled with high-quality and unique content. The use of non-unreadable articles on the site will scare away customers from it, and the presence of non-unique text entails sanctions from search engines.

Before you start working with optimization, you should remember the main rule of modern SEO promotion - all information should be for people! There should be no useless information and “Moscow doors are cheap”, which will not look natural anywhere. In Yandex you will not find such sites in the TOP 100 - they are a thing of the past. We will describe below how to make the desired combination out of a complex “key”.

An experienced author who is in demand with customers usually:
⦁ Subscribed to the mailing list of reputable sources, keeps track of new information, knows how keys are selected and the site is built.
⦁ Possesses the skills of an auto-responder-seller, intriguing without questions from the client.
⦁ Ideally, he chooses the “keys” for the article, puts them together with an experienced hand.

The list is necessary for effective promotion site. If everything is done correctly, new clients turn to him. Without the work of an experienced author, the site will not be able to find its customers.

Even if you hire designers and create a colorful comfortable atmosphere, this will not help increase the number of users. One of the most important criteria is the uniqueness of the text on Yandex or Google.

What is the uniqueness of the article

This is the main tool for high-quality website content. Each new article is registered in the search engine as belonging to a particular site. A copy cannot be made - the content cannot be placed, since it will be a duplicate of an existing one. This is not beneficial to either the search engine or the people looking for the answer to the question.

Where to check the text for uniqueness

To do this, there are special services that track duplicate articles. The text ru () and . In the second % will be slightly lower, in the first - higher. Where is the best place to check the uniqueness of the text? There is no single answer, but most prefer text.ru, it is more loyal to articles, and its algorithms are closest to search engines.

  • What should be the uniqueness of copywriting on text.ru

Permissible in a value of at least 95%, ideally - 100%. The number is indicated just above the copied article. Copywriting is information presented on the basis of one's own experience.

  • What should be the uniqueness of rewriting on text.ru

If the customer specifies in those. task rewriting - this means that you need to make an exact copy of the existing article. A value of 90-95% is allowed. But increasing the uniqueness of the text from 95% to 100% is not difficult (more on this below), so you can often observe the required 100%.
What should be the uniqueness of copywriting on advego.ru? It is much more difficult to achieve 100% unique text than in text.ru. Therefore, customers often set a value of 95-97% for copywriting.

  • What should be the uniqueness of rewriting on advego.ru

The value can vary between 85 - 95 percent. But, this service is not as popular as text.ru due to a slightly overestimated algorithm. Advego uniqueness is needed for a demanding customer and an experienced author with strong nerves, who is well versed in the subject.

Where else can you check the text for uniqueness? There are many services, or rather, how many copywriting exchanges - so many document versions. On the old % it will be less, on the new it will be more. Often their algorithms do not correspond to reality, they can embellish or, on the contrary, overestimate the criteria. The best answer to the question where "check the text for uniqueness?" is the site text.ru.

How to achieve good document uniqueness

Rule number 1 - before checking texts for uniqueness, you need to understand at least a little about the topic of the article. Beginners do not have a sufficient vocabulary of synonyms to make an exact copy of an existing article. If we compare the texts, they will be very similar, but with rearranged words, which will not increase the percentage in any way.

  • How to write a sales text for a website

To do this, you must have the skill of a "deaf seller", i.e. means to guess the thoughts of readers without their questions. The latter will not scroll to the end and listen to a deaf seller to find out information if he is not interested. The author must be able to present information in such a way that the client does not ask a single question and does not get bored.

It comes only with experience and a quality, selling article is considered the tip of the copywriting iceberg. It will be possible to achieve the uniqueness of the text if you have enough knowledge in this subject or a sufficient supply of synonyms for selected non-unique phrases.

  • How to determine the uniqueness of the text

To do this, you need to copy the written article into a special field indicated on the site text.ru.

After that, non-unique fragments will be highlighted in purple. We replace them with synonyms, then you need to compare the texts. If the selection disappears, then we did everything right.

How can I increase the uniqueness of the document

  • How to increase the percentage of text uniqueness in the text.ru service

To do this, you can use the http://jeck.ru/tools/SynonymsDictionary service to search for suitable synonyms for the selected words. So you can quickly and efficiently raise the uniqueness of the document. Also another answer to the question "how to achieve or how to make a good uniqueness" maybe a paraphrase of the sentence from the end.

Before you increase the percentage of uniqueness, you can silently read the sentence in advance. Thus, it is possible to raise the uniqueness of the document.

  • How to increase the uniqueness of the text with subheadings

It is necessary to enter them into the search, compare them with each other, choose the most suitable synonym if matches are found.

What is the role of subheadings in an article

They play a major role, since search engines check all analogues for uniqueness among themselves. Customers often wonder "how to increase the uniqueness of the text?" indicate in the task to come up with unique subtitles.

  • What uniqueness of the text should be when using prominent non-unique keys

Up to 90%, if lower - the customer should be informed about the need to reduce the keys.

  • How to raise% with words

It is necessary to reduce the use of frequently used words (“contact our consultant”).

  • How to make unique a fragment of a document that does not become unique in any way

We dilute it with an inserted word / phrase in the middle of the sentence.
Also, another way from the category “how to increase the percentage of uniqueness” is to build non-unique fragments into lists.

  • How to make a list

In documents word format at the top there are special characters, bulleted and numbered lists:

Thus, you can increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism on your own. Experienced copywriters do not recommend using programs to automatically raise uniqueness. For the convenience of entering the same keys, the use of macros located in Word in the "View" tab on the right is allowed.

  • How to determine the uniqueness of the text in Advego Plagiatus

Before checking, you need to download the program from the site advego.ru. Then copy the article into the field and click the Yin-Yang icon at the top, indicating a deep check:

  • What should be the uniqueness when performing copywriting in the Advego Plagiatus program

  • What should be the uniqueness when performing rewriting

Within 90-95%, when completing a task, it is best to clarify the details with the customer so that there are no incidents and alterations.

  • What percentage of uniqueness of the text should be when duplicating articles

Within 90-95%, since it is a deep rewriting. At the same time, the uniqueness of the text on the site text.ru should be within 93-97%. Considering that when multiplying articles, there are a lot of characters that are not found anywhere.

When performing copywriting, the uniqueness of the text on the site text.ru must be at least 95%. Now, having studied the material, you can make it perfect.

The Internet is full of texts. The entire Internet is a text medium.

Much has been written about everything. And if you go to the websites of companies that work in the same field, you will see a lot of similarities. Including texts will be similar - both in subject matter and often in content.

If you launched your site, you might think - why should I write the same thing again? There is a good text on Vasya's website, I'll copy it for myself and that's it!

But no. Search engines have strict rules about this. They will never promote a site with stolen content to high positions.

So you can have similar information on your site as a competitor, but it must be unique. The text that you place on your site must be original, written only for you.

To be sure of this, you can check the uniqueness of the seo text.

What is text uniqueness?
The uniqueness of the text is a special characteristic that shows how this text is different from others already published on the web. The higher the uniqueness, the better.

The percentage of uniqueness of the text is calculated using special programs - anti-plagiarism. These programs work according to special algorithms and allow you to understand how original the text you wrote or sent to you by a copywriter.

Ideally, the uniqueness of the text should be 90% or higher.

Most often, these services are just used to check the artist for honesty.

Popular text uniqueness checking services

You can check the content for uniqueness using the following programs and services content-watch.com

I can safely call it one of the most accurate online services for checking texts for plagiarism. In addition, you can check the site for the uniqueness of the text, there is a special functionality for this. There is also a service for regularly checking site pages for uniqueness. If someone stole your texts, you will be able to identify it in time and take action.


Probably the most popular text uniqueness service. There is an online and desktop version of anti-plagiarism.

Affordable quick and deep checks, and you can check the uniqueness of large text - up to 10,000 characters.

It has been noticed that sometimes the program crashes, and the results of checking one text with a difference of 10 minutes can differ dramatically.

Content exchange and checking the text for plagiarism in one bottle. Highlights non-unique fragments, indicates the amount of water, spam, spelling errors. Good service, always shows adequate data.

On the site, you can also check the site or connect a regular check.
Of the minuses, I can name only large queues for verification, because of which a lot of time is often spent.

Here you can not only check the text for uniqueness, but also buy or order articles. This is the largest content exchange. The plagiarism checker service also detects rewriting.

There is a desktop version of the program and online verification. You can check both individual texts and the entire site.

A very picky service, and your copywriter is unlikely to be delighted with the requirement to check the text here.

Tip: if you give a copywriter a specification for writing a text, always specify which program to check for uniqueness. This will help avoid unnecessary conflicts.

How is the uniqueness of the text checked?

Everything is very simple. You copy text and paste it into the program window. Set the necessary settings - ignore certain addresses (for example, the address of your site), the depth of verification, etc.

You start the program. You need to wait a few minutes (depending on the length of the article). Non-unique fragments will be highlighted in a different color. Some programs (Advego, for example) even highlight characters typed on a different keyboard layout. This is sometimes done by dishonest performers to artificially increase uniqueness.

How to increase the uniqueness of the text yourself?

Let's say a copywriter gave you a specific hack, and you are reluctant to deal with him further. How can you raise the uniqueness of the test yourself?

The easiest way is to write the text from scratch yourself. But you paid money for the text... You can try to finish it.

You can increase the uniqueness of the text in the following ways:

  • check the text for uniqueness. The verification services will highlight non-unique fragments in yellow or blue (each in its own way). Rewrite these fragments and check the text again.
  • try to make the text bigger. As a rule, long articles have higher uniqueness.
  • rewrite a few paragraphs in your own words. Try to avoid hackneyed expressions and phrases.
  • hire a proofreader or other copywriter, give the task to bring the text to the desired indicator. It's not on its own, but it's certainly not that labor intensive.

Do you need it at all, this check of the text for uniqueness?

AT recent times this is very controversial issue, Honestly. And the opinions of experts in this area are strongly divided.

But everyone agrees on one thing: the text should be useful and interesting. You can use citations, such as experts in your field. From this, the material will become more expert, but less unique. But which article will be more interesting to read? Of course, with a quote.

Always remember - uniqueness should not be detrimental to the quality of the text. Increasing the uniqueness of the text is not always a necessary measure. If the text is interesting, but its uniqueness is 85% according to Advego, so be it. It's better than 100% unique heresy. There is no need to chase indicators, percentages.

In general, they share the technical and logical uniqueness of the text. Anti-plagiarism distinguishes only technical, that is, that there is no such sentence in which the words go in this order on the network. But in the text itself, we can talk about exactly the same thing as competitors.

That is why rewriting is so popular, which in its essence is theft of the text and retelling it in other words. Technically the text is different, but logically it is the same.

So think about whether it would be interesting for you to read the same thing on ten different sites, only written differently ... Hardly.

Therefore, if you want to stand out from the rest, create original materials.

Uniqueness (from Latin unicum - the only, exceptional) is a term that means a measure of the originality of a certain material, such as an article. Calculated as a percentage. It is usually used in such a concept as “content uniqueness”, i.e. unique content of a particular information resource.

What is uniqueness for?

What is uniqueness and what it is eaten with, any webmaster and author can easily explain. Uniqueness allows you to determine how high quality and exclusive material. It is on it that the check is made in the first place in order to avoid plagiarism and to be able to objectively assess the integrity of the work provided. This parameter is the main requirement of any copyright.
In the age of computer technology and the ubiquitous use of the Internet, informational resources. And the more original the material will be presented on them, the higher they will stand on the pages of search engines, and therefore enjoy great success.
Uniqueness also implies that the created work has not yet been published anywhere. Only such materials reach high ratings and are not inhibited by search robots.

How to define uniqueness

There are many programs and services, the so-called "anti-plagiarism", checking the work on this criterion. The work of these assistants is based on dividing the text into small fragments, shingles (part of the text of several words), which are then checked against the presence of completely identical combinations of words on the Web. In addition to the fact that in such programs you can set up a shingle, parameters such as a search phrase and search engines, in which matches are often searched, are often subject to change. For reliability, parts of the text are checked with a shift of one word.

Pass a uniqueness check

Due to today's stringent requirements for exclusivity and the availability of programs to help determine the non-uniqueness of the work, many are trying to go roundabout ways and outwit the check, thereby achieving high originality scores. To date, such techniques are used as replacing the letters of the Russian layout with similar ones in English, the selection of synonyms, the establishment of anti-plagiarism killers, etc.
However, many tricks can be easily detected manually using regular Microsoft Word.
Thus, the real guarantee of high uniqueness is still a unique, well-designed, structured text.