How to make your life interesting, rich and happy? How to make your life interesting How to make life wonderful and amazing

The advice seems to be pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and established people believe that you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart, tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this too, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow him. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it for your own good.

2. Get a new experience

Whatever goal you pursue, in fact you are looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly aiming for a goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”.

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how efficiently you work.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live happy and healthy life, become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all those events that we have experienced. You can appreciate almost every item in your home, but putting a price tag on your memories and experiences will not work. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved hard work. For example, you can not sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. Learn, teach, write scientific work to face criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were engaged exclusively in eating pizza and watching TV shows.

3. Use experience to open new doors

When Jim was 25, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to help support their organization. Even though the cookies cost only two dollars, Jim didn't have that money either. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: "You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl."

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, having closed the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment, he realized: you can’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he did not lie about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. It was the experience that opened a new door to another life for him. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he is ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventure in your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up, tension builds up. I would like to rest. To do this, we try to go to a place where it is quiet and good. For example, closer to the forest, the sea, the mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate.

When setting a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?”. You can always get the maximum benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, to do everything to realize them, to evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If this is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If this is a favorite, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking once again will not be shameful.

Such an experience for some may seem banal. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to appreciate the environment in which you are, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on the music, move to a comfortable chair or turn around the table. You don't have to turn the whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Watch your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gulf that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • "My relationship is very bad."
  • "I would like to be stronger and leaner."

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts, you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes in non-stop work

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, everything successful people say they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your work day into three blocks.
  • Each block must be equal to 90 minutes.

If you manage to work consistently and productively at least once a day, but for 90 minutes in a row, you will already achieve more than many other people. Remember to rest between blocks. Rest is just as important as concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a rug.

The first thing to do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying alerts. As long as your 90 minutes are up, you can't be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the task.

Get ready for the challenge. People will try to steal your time. Even for good reasons. To tell interesting story, advise, complain about life. Be firm, don't let them do it.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous advice, do this: put in front of you specific purpose and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time is worth.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. "Unplug" as often as possible

The author of the book "The cumulative result" Darren Hardy (Darren Hardy) advises "disconnect" for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile, Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises to refrain from using connected gadgets for at least the 90 minutes that you work non-stop. It is also advisable to plan days when you will completely "disconnect" from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill life with meaning.

Try to give up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do what you really love to do. Go to your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have an example to follow? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and perseverance.

Usain Bolt, the world's fastest runner, has set many world records over the past few years. It is interesting. But even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt run faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of the rest of your competitors.

Of course, it is better that you find positive examples to emulate.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time taking care of mundane and mundane issues, or those tasks that can be delegated to another person, you are not moving forward. Routine sucks you in. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it, you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have been using the Pareto principle in practice for a long time say that it can even be used to slow down time.

Summing up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience that you get throughout your life depends only on how you build your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you achieve your longest goal.

You need to act immediately. Right after reading.

We found an interesting article in which you will find many ways to make your life more interesting and brighter.

1. Every day is a new start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, or later. Today new life and even if something was wrong before, you will definitely try again and again.

2. Be yourself. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live a unique version of yourself, and not try to become someone else's duplicate.

3. Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of sound. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.

4. Be proactive. Don't wait for someone else to do something, instead start doing it yourself.

5. Instead of thinking "what if", think "next time".

Stop thinking about the things you can't change or the things that make you unhappy. Instead, focus on action on the important things in your life. This is the most constructive action that you can do at the moment.

6. Focus on the WHAT, not the HOW. Focus on WHAT you want before deciding HOW you will get it. If you are open to new possibilities and ready to take action, anything is possible.

7. Create opportunities. You can wait for opportunities to come into your life, or you can try to create them yourself.

How to improve your life

8. Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie that follows the same route and eats the same food. Enjoy!! Try to feel the breeze, hear a bird sing, enjoy a new dish.

9. Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life - dozens of hours on social networks are less productive than the same time spent studying. In the end, the one who is the most inquisitive and tries to try himself in many areas will shoot.

10. Know your true self. Try to be honest with yourself about what you want. abstract from public opinion, which imposes on you the desire to own a Mercedes, although perhaps in fact you want to live all summer in a tent on the Black Sea coast.

11. Define your calling. Your values ​​are the guide when choosing a calling in life. Understand what is important to you, and, based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.

12. Live according to your calling.

13. Define your life principles and act on them.

14. Learn your values. Values ​​are what makes you the real YOU. For some, friends can be values; for others, family and financial growth.

15. Focus on the highest bar. My father always says - "do everything well - it will turn out badly." Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach in relation to any issue.

16. Design your ideal life. What is your ideal life?

17. Stop putting life on pause. To truly live is to be happy in every way. Why build a career and sacrifice her personal life? We so often give up something for something different and don't imagine moving forward. Take a break from the important and desirable and steal some time from the right one.

18. Get a notebook. In it, write down your values, principles and plans, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become the starting point for reflection on the most important events.

How to make life more interesting

19. Make a list of goals. Create goals for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other.

20. Take action towards achieving your goals and dreams. Create an action list with your strategy and immediate steps.

21. Create your wish list.

22. Don't do something just because it needs to be done. Any task should carry a meaning. Don't be afraid to give up something if it's outside of your life plan.

23. Do what you like. Why put off going to the theatre, fishing or traveling until retirement?! Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on what will fill you up.

24. Define your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no obligations, what would you do? Passion is to follow your path, no matter what the problems. It is amazing how few people know or try to define their calling in this short life.

25. Build a career around your calling. Throw at last hateful job. If you do something you don't like, you're just selling your soul, but at a very big discount.

26. Turn your calling into money. You may ask, ok - let's say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money from this?! Nowadays, there are a lot of options for monetizing your vocation - blogging, videos, paid courses, and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the long run, but trust my experience, this profit (with the right approach) will exceed all your expectations.

27. Learn from criticism. Criticism is something that can teach you to be the best. Don't be discouraged if you receive comments - take it as a sign that you need to change something and become the best version of yourself.

28. Be positive. The glass is indeed half full.

29. Don't talk bad about others. If you don't like something in another person, say it to his or her face. Otherwise, don't say anything.

30. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. Perhaps the janitor was rude to you this morning, but why did he do it ?! Probably, no one just pays attention to him, perhaps he is considered a service and unnecessary staff and does not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make sure that next time he greets you with a smile.

31. Be compassionate. Really empathize with someone else's problem.

32. Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Faith in yourself is when you keep moving forward, even when everyone tells you not to. Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the current, remember the pleasure that you were right and everyone else was wrong. If you have something in mind - be sure that everything will work out.

33. Let go of the unhappy past.

34. Forgive those who ask for forgiveness. Don't hold a grudge against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them for who they are.

35. Remove the unimportant. Understand the short duration of things like status, fame, recognition. All this will follow if you focus on self-realization and not on social recognition.

36. End relationships that aren't helping you. Remove people from your environment who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.

37. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you.

38. Build sincere relationships with people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.

39. Reunite with your old friend. No matter what they say - the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.

40. Make a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that will make the world a little better. Doing good to others is The best way boost your mood.

41. Help people when they need it. Think of this step as a long-term investment. Someday you will receive help without expecting it.

42. Go on a date.

43. Fall in love.

44. Do an inventory of your life. Once a week, a month, 3-6 months - analyze your progress and progress towards your plan. Adjust your actions based on the results.

45. Don't over tighten. Get rid of the habit of delaying decision making. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delay in taking action.

46. ​​Help complete strangers. An American acquaintance came from the USA to help a complete stranger to overcome the disease. This determined his fate in the future.

47. Meditate.

48. Make new friends. I never cease to repeat that new opportunities appear thanks to new acquaintances. Do not be afraid to forcibly place yourself in the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.

49. Build strong relationships.

50. Become your advisor from the future. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally ask yourself for better advice on difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?

51. Write a letter to your future self.

52. Clean up the excess. Remove excess from your desk, from your apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.

How to find meaning in life

53. Keep learning. I have said more than once on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they finish educational institution. Learning doesn't mean reading books - you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn rhetoric, and so on. The main goal is to keep the brain in constant tension.

54. Develop yourself. Try to define your weak sides and develop them. If you are too shy - train to be more sociable, go towards fear.

55. Keep upgrading yourself. Deepen the knowledge and experience already gained, become an expert in many areas.

56. Constantly try something new. You just can’t imagine how much more new and interesting things you can experience and experience (for example, try and find out what watsu massage is).

57. Travel. Pull yourself out of your travel routine - work home, home work.

58. Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself down with loans, repairs and so on as much as possible later.

59. Be the best at what you do. If you have found your calling - become the best there.

60. Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal - achieve your plan and come up with something even more impossible. All your clamps are from the fact that someone once told you what is possible and what is not.

61. Absorb and try unusual ideas.

62. Create your own space for inspiration. It can be a corner where all your inspirational things are located (books, photos, videos), it can also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.

63. Behave the way you imagine your ideal self.

How to live life brightly

64. Create roles in life. Try to somehow act as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or some famous and successful person.

65. Find a mentor or guru. Study the life of your guru and try not to make his mistakes. Seek advice from a more experienced mentor.

66. Find your previously invisible strengths.

67. Increase your awareness.

68. Ask for constructive criticism and advice. From the outside, you can always see better.

69. Try to create a passive income stream. It can be% in the bank, income from renting an apartment or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and start from what you want, and not what you need.

70. Help others live their best lives. If you see that you can help a person improve his life, be sure to help him find the right path.

71. Get married and have children.

72. Improve the world. There is still a lot of things that can be improved in the world - to help the poor, the unhealthy, those deprived of the opportunity to live a normal life.

How to improve the quality of life

73. Participate in a humanitarian aid program.

74. Give more value than you receive. When you constantly give more, you start to get much more in return over time.

75. Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generate 80% of the result.

76. Keep your end goal clear. What is your end goal? Is what you're doing really pushing you to achieve what you set out to do?

As long as you think about the things that move you towards your ultimate goal- you are on the right track.

77. Always try to find the 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum results.

78. Prioritize. Sometimes it’s more convenient to move by inertia and it’s hard to switch to a more important task, but it is this property that will make your life much more efficient.

79. Enjoy the moment. Stop. Look. Thank fate for the pleasant that you have at the moment.

80. Enjoy the little things. Cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, pleasant conversation with dear person- all this can be by the way, but you try to pay due attention to all the small, but pleasant moments.

81. Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days. Life is not a marathon, but a pleasure walk.

82. Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.

How to change life

83. Focus on creation. I am interested in the process of creation - the creation of a game, a new business, and so on, when you get candy out of nothing.

84. Do not judge others. Respect others for who they are.

85. The only person you have to change is you.

Focus on your development and growth, not on changing those around you.

86. Be grateful for every day you live.

87. Express your gratitude to people dear to you.

88. Have fun. I have such friends who laugh non-stop - with them I forget about everything. Allow yourself such an experiment and you!

89. Be in nature more often.

90. There is always a choice. In any situation, there are always several ways out.

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Each of us sooner or later comes to the realization that life has become too complicated - too much has accumulated in it: things, people, obligations, thoughts, events. It seems logical to decide to change this, but the real complexity of such changes is many times greater than expected. And when faced with difficulties, we return to the status quo. It’s not so bad for us to live in order to invent additional problems for ourselves in an already difficult life.

But this approach is fundamentally wrong. Postponing the decision, we only bring closer the moment when the weight of the burden of life will break us. And when this happens, then the moment of insight will come - the understanding that, and it will not work. You need to focus on something and let go of something. You have to try your best to change something, and forget about something, leaving it in the past. To own something, and to refuse something.

Living simply does not mean living in a dugout in the middle of a forest, walking in rags and eating mushrooms and berries. To live simply is, rather, to live without ostentatious excesses, to be able to get rid of the unnecessary, that which has become a heavy burden, whether it be material wealth or negative thoughts.

What is worth getting rid of?

Your personal list can be huge, so here are just a couple of examples:

  • Intrusive, unproductive thoughts
  • Pessimistic people
  • clothing
  • Junk food
  • Unproductive rest
  • stupid waste of time

Take a sober look at how you live. Is everything you have really what you need? Does it make you happy?

How to start living easier

Here are some effective tips that you can use right now.

Set goals for the month ahead

Of course, long-term goals should also be, but still focus on a month ahead. This will help you see the near future the way you want to see it, as well as plan to get rid of old habits and acquire new ones. Yes, goals should also be extremely simple.

Carry a notebook with you everywhere

Now almost every person has a good dozen applications for productivity on a laptop, phone or tablet. And there are so many distracting and alluring things in these gadgets. Therefore, nothing can replace an ordinary notebook.

Got a new challenge for today? Write it down. Trying to keep track of your expenses? Create a section in your notebook for this and enter expenses there. Got an idea? Put it here so you don't forget.

It's simple and effective tool which will help make your life much easier.

Eat the same food

If you not professional chef and not an obsessed gourmet, it is foolish to spend a lot of time on food and thinking about it. Read a few popular books about and in advance and decide what you will eat for at least the next month. This will allow you not to fill your head with such trifles, as well as save mental energy and time.

Declare some places in the apartment as a zone of order

What are the zones? Obviously, the kitchen and work tables. It can be bedside tables, a sink and a hallway. Perhaps you have your own thoughts on this.

These places should be tidied up as soon as an extra item appears on them. No matter how unpleasant it is, but after a hearty dinner you should wash the dishes. In the morning you will be grateful to yourself.

Create a morning ritual

It may consist of several tasks:

  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Keeping a diary.
  • Reading affirmations
  • Reading books
  • Morning work-out

All these activities will save you from the most malicious garbage -. If everything is clean and clear in your head in the morning, then it will be much easier for you to notice the clutter in all other areas of your life.

Unsubscribe from unnecessary mailing lists, notifications, etc.

Hands never reach this, but you should set aside only a couple of minutes so that they do not further distract you from important matters. Many of the mailing lists are completely unnecessary and you probably won’t even remember when and why you subscribed to them.

Prepare your own food in the evening

There is usually so little time in the morning, and besides, you probably followed our advice and formed a morning ritual. The less time it takes to prepare breakfast, the better.

Move your documents to the cloud

Cloud services have many advantages, one of the main ones is that you no longer need to take a flash drive with you. You can access and work with all your files on any computer.

Plan your sports

There is usually not enough time for this. And this leads to the fact that we do not go for a run and do not go to gym. Reduce the amount of effort and actions that you need to perform in order to. Now you know where to start and what you might need.

Listen to audiobooks

So you can absorb more useful information and save time reading books. Life is greatly simplified when you are engaged in your education in those moments in which you could not physically do it before.

Do not open more than three tabs

If you want to be more productive and not waste mental energy, clean up your browser. So you get rid of multitasking and start focusing on one thing.

Store your items vertically

Here's a tip from Marie Kondo: Instead of stacking clothes on top of each other, store them vertically. That way you'll instantly find what you need instead of wasting time trying to pull something from the bottom.

Make a to-do list tonight.

Instead of wasting precious morning minutes, make a to-do list before bed. You will go to bed in total peace of mind, knowing that you have everything planned for the next day.


Most people want to absorb the maximum amount of information, while only an insignificant part of it is useful. No rush: Take a couple of minutes to think about other areas of your life. So you can correctly allocate your time and not waste energy on unnecessary activities.

If you want to receive detailed plan, which you can start following right now, here is a step-by-step instruction.

Step one: take inventory

First you need to find out what demons you will fight. Break them down into categories and make lists. It can be a job, an apartment, relationships with people. For a few days, do not try to fix anything, just collect information. There is a lot of work to be done.

Step Two: Challenge Yourself for 21 Days

Of course, over the weekend you will not be able to simplify your life in all its areas. Something global, some kind of challenge is needed. And you must accept it.

Why 21 days? Firstly, many psychologists say that this is the number of days it takes to instill a habit (in general, the spread is from a week to two months). Secondly, this is a fairly long period during which you can think about all areas of your life.

Each day of your call should be dedicated to one area. For example:

  • Day one: personal life
  • Day Two: Decisions
  • Day three: clothes
  • Day four: digital life
  • Day five: home
  • Day six: work
  • Day seven: health

For example, let's take day two, in which you need to simplify decisions. What is it supposed to mean anyway? And the fact that half of the decisions that we make with great difficulty can be automated. In order not to suffer in the morning, than to have breakfast, determine in advance the menu for the week ahead. Buy the same socks for six months in advance. Make a grocery list before you go to the supermarket and follow it when you go to the store.

Where it leads? You will stop wasting valuable energy on solutions that bring next to nothing. Instead, you will begin to focus on something important: whether you need to change jobs, move, create your own business.

And so you need to do 21 days. If you need to simplify your wardrobe today, decide to throw out 50% of everything. This will bring significant order, both in the house and in the head.

After 21 days, you are likely to greatly simplify many of your affairs. And this will lead to amazing results: more time and effort will be left for important things. And that's exactly what it was all about.

Step Three: Stop Impulse Buying

Now you can impulsively buy not only in shopping malls but also the Internet. It's faster and easier, just click on the "Order" button. And the harder it is to control yourself.

When you find yourself thinking about making a purchase, stop for a second and ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What do I think I will get if I buy this? More happiness? More confidence?
  2. Is this belief correct?
  3. What effect does this belief have on me? Is it good to believe in him or not?
  4. What would happen if I did not have such a conviction?

Think about the fact that if you buy this product, you will lose the opportunity to spend money on something more important. Is this really the most valuable thing you can buy right now? Wouldn't it be better to set aside this amount?

Step Four: Get to grips with your digital life

We get a lot of benefits using the Internet and our gadgets. But at the same time, such behavior can be distracting. We spend more time on technology than we should. In recent years, we have been living on autopilot: technology takes away concentration and dulls awareness.

Here's what to do first:

  • Cut the number of applications exactly in half. You may think that all programs are needed, but deep down we know that this is not so.
  • Check your mail twice a day, no more.
  • Disconnect from the Internet for a few hours a day, and go on a digital diet that can last a day or two.
  • Stop saving too much information "just in case". Better use one service with bookmarks.
  • Download the Momentum extension, which will help you not to be distracted by unnecessary things.

Step Five: Follow Leo Babouta's Rules

Popular blogger Leo Babauta is very well versed in minimalism, simplicity and productivity: most of his articles are devoted to these topics.

He formed for himself a few rules that must be followed daily. They greatly simplify life, relieve stress and clear the head.

Rule one: do one thing at a time

Close all unnecessary devices, put your phone away and focus on only one task. You are currently reading this article, so do not get distracted by anything else, otherwise you will not absorb the advice and waste your time.

If you decide it's time to check messages from social networks, do it, but just be fully aware and decide in advance how long it will take. When you go for a walk, you do not need to think about work: there is only nature, look and listen to it. One thing at a time: wash one plate, write one sentence, read without distraction. It's such a simple idea that it works.

Rule two: use pauses in your work for mini-meditations

When you are done with one thing, do not rush to do the next, take a break. Enjoy it. Pay attention to how you feel, what is happening around you, what you just did, what you intend to do.

If you need to move to another building, pay attention to the world around you, nature, people along the way. Enjoy these minutes to the fullest, you still have time to work. This is what mini-meditations are: to be completely in the present moment.

Rule Three: Release One Commitment

We are so busy and say yes so often that our commitments pile up faster than we can keep up with them. You can make your life much easier by letting go of one commitment.

Ask yourself questions: what causes anxiety and does not allow you to feel whole? Is there something you don't do that sucks all your energy? Give up on it at least for a while, focus on something productive.

Rule Four: Be mindful when dealing with people

Call a loved one and make an appointment with him. take away mobile phone, let go of all thoughts not related to the meeting and just be with him. Listen to him. Open your heart.

If you do this every day, your life will be filled with meaning, joy and happy moments.

Rule Five: Clear One Space

Find just one small area in your apartment and clean it up. For example, a work or kitchen table. You will immediately feel great relief and clear your head.

Rule #6: Before Committing, Do Something for Yourself

It could be meditation or journaling. This practice will put you in order and allow you to take on other tasks with greater awareness.

Rule Seven: Set Limits for Some Things

Even if you are doing something enjoyable, it is very easy to overdo it and give such activities more time than you should. It's even worse if it's an unpleasant or routine activity. That's why you need boundaries.

For example, you can limit Internet reading to 30 minutes at a time. Or drink one cup of coffee a day. Allow yourself sweets only on weekends.

Pay attention to what you like - in these situations it is easiest to overdo it.

Rule Eight: Treat every task as if it were very important.

Every business you do should be seen as part of something more important in the long run.

Do you wash your hands? Take just three seconds to appreciate this moment. You have warm water and soap, be thankful for that. This applies to everything: writing, answering an email, taking a shower, playing with a child, even paying bills. All this is worthy of full attention, joy and gratitude.


  • “The art of living simply. How to get rid of excess and enrich your life - Dominique Loro
  • "Essentialism" Greg McKeon
  • Effortless Life by Leo Babaut
  • “The power of simplicity. A guide to creating effective marketing strategies» Jack Trout, Steve Rivkin
  • Jobs rules. Universal principles of success from the leader of Apple»
  • "Magical Cleaning" by Marie Kondo
  • "Minimalism. Life without rubbish" Irina Sokovykh
  • "Sparks of joy. Simple happy life surrounded by things you love.” Marie Kondo
  • Kakebo. Japanese reference system family budget» Raul Serrano

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, simplicity in life is difficult to achieve. It must become your inner state and only then acquire expression in a physical sense. So try to keep it simple, enjoy the simple things, and be mindful.

We wish you good luck!

What do you think if someone wrote a book about your life, what would it be like? Boring and boring or bright and positive?

You know, there is nothing, absolutely nothing shameful in the fact that a person is stuck between everyday life, routine work and the desire for comfort. It just happens. Many. But if you suddenly realize that you need to change something, correct something in your life so that it is not a “boring book” - this is very good, and most importantly, it is possible! So, in this article we are talking about how to make life more interesting and brighter!

It's important to take the first step

This is not about inventing a perpetual motion machine or selling all the property and going to build schools in Africa. Everything is easier.

You have to start with one thing. Do something that will bring you pleasure, and therefore - generate new creative energy , which you can already direct to new actions that will make your life more diverse and interesting.

If now your life is not very interesting and eventful, you should not try to cram a million new events into it from tomorrow.

Main advice: start with one thing, the main thing is that this “something” ignites you!

But what if you want something, but there are no ideas? This is where our blog comes in handy! Surely there is an idea that will make you start up and say to yourself: “Stop! I want to do it!” - and this will be the beginning!

15 easy ideas to brighten up your life

  1. Dive into a new hobby. you can read about 20 women's hobbies.
  2. Write down 30 of your goals and dreams for life in a notebook. Among them, there will surely be several material ones - perform one of them this very week, stop saving on yourself!
  3. Change something in your room or apartment. Add something new to the interior, do a rearrangement or general cleaning with those that clutter up your life. A changed environment will provoke you to make changes in your life.
  4. Sell ​​through the ad site all the old things that are gathering dust in cabinets, on the balcony, in the pantry: old lamps, carpets, dishes ... Perhaps you have furniture that you are tired of - you can also sell it and replace it with a new one.
  5. Invite your friends over for a delicious dinner and poker, for example. Prepare a new unusual dish and learn to play if you don't know how (but play not for money, but for desires).
  6. Find a competition online and win it! There are more than enough competitions.
  7. Go to a brand new place in the city where you have never been before. A new cafe, a bowling alley, a butterfly museum, a boat ride or some attraction in the city park.
  8. Take a trip. It is not at all necessary that it be two weeks at sea. You can just go to another city for the weekend, visit interesting places in that city, or just walk the streets, visiting local cafes and establishments. will help you with ideas how to have fun.
  9. Get a new haircut or get a massage at the best spa in town.
  10. Go to the theater or to a concert: a philharmonic or a club where rock/folk/jazz bands perform. In contact, in classmates and on the poster site of your city, you can always find out where someone is performing.
  11. Diversify your relationship with your loved one: arrange it, even if you are married.
  12. Start learning something new. New foreign language, for example. Or belly dancing. Or maybe Italian food? Or playing the violin? So you will gain another reason to be proud of yourself and open the doors to meet new people. interesting people.
  13. Invite your friends and arrange an amazing!
  14. Get Life Change Coaching: Change always happens faster when you have a master around to guide you.
  15. Start writing a book. It doesn't matter which one. A novel, a fantasy with an imaginary world, a fairy tale for children, a guide to a case in which you understand ... Or better, a book about your life. And about how you decided to change it.

Snowball of change

Remember: everything always starts with small things. And if the first little thing you do pleases you, you'll want more. And gradually new understandings of how to make your life more interesting and brighter will come to you.

The bolder the artist, the fuller the colors in life. Live bright and interesting life, and vegetate in sadness, problems and boredom. Recolor your gray life with bright colors to your taste. All is not lost in order to become happy. How to become happy and live brightly?

"There is only one success - to spend your life the way you want." Somerset Maugham

Rock out. Get your butt off the couch, car seat, or office chair. Break away from dullness, boredom, melancholy, politics and the Internet. Break away from gossip, envy, condemnation and moralizing. Live a bright life, and do not vegetate in everyday life, routine and boredom. Party with your friends, join strangers and party with your girlfriends. Walk until the morning, dance as best you can, sing at the top of your voice, kiss until the blood and have fun. Drink greedily your cup of life's youth, and do not sip it modestly.

Bay. Do not let impudent, scoundrels, scum come out victorious. Be rude or beat those who spits in your soul. Who presses you, your soul mate, relatives, friends or defenseless. Do not try to look civilized, where they do not understand words, but only strength and mate. Hit hard and let them remember forever that this is not possible. They didn't attack him.

Open up. Do not be afraid to be honest, kind, open and friendly. Live openly with your soul. It seems easier to offend such people, but it only seems. See previous point. Open up to new acquaintances, hobbies and adventures. Do not be afraid to seem strange, ridiculous and funny. Open yourself up and loosen up instead of trying to be someone else.

Love. Do not look at love movies, books and sad examples of friends. Love truly and truly. Without any ulterior motives, judgments, jealousy and looking at others. Love without calculation, weighing options and type of figure. Give as much as you want, and not according to the principle you - to me, and I - to you. Let's love upfront and without limits. Love deeply, kiss openly, hug passionately, and enjoy the bodies.

Throw it out. Do not carry an old suitcase without a handle with you. Throw away toxic friends, unhappy relationships bad job, negative emotions, far-fetched problems and memories from the past. Get rid of the trash, and go light and with a pure soul.

Move. Do not sit in a swamp, in a comfort zone and boredom. Get out of there soon. Try new things, take risks, learn. Do not allow yourself to grow moss, stop in development, grow dull, ossify in thoughts and body. Be easy-going, adventure, opportunity, travel. Grab the chances that fate gives you. Move all your life, don't wait for death.

Enjoy. Enjoy life, and do not run all your life for a locomotive. Everyone has things to do, employment, work, chores and worries. But they will wait. Don't let it all go to waste in the pursuit of the dollar and material goods. Walk, relax, visit, travel, meet, have fun and enjoy. Enjoy life.