Why do people leave for other jobs? Thirst for change, or why people quit. Long road to work

Facebook's top HR experts use the example of their own company to explain why good bosses and a decent salary cannot always keep an employee in his position. It turns out that people always need something more, and this is what any talented leader should keep in mind.

They say people don't leave the company, they leave bad leaders. We heard this saying so often that when we asked why our employees quit Facebook, the first thing we did was blame managers for all the sins. However, a survey of former employees showed a completely different story: it turned out that every time we persuaded people to stay, but they still left, it was not their bosses at all ... At least, the reasons for their departure were not at all what we expected .

Of course, many people tend to run away from the ship when it is controlled by an obnoxious boss. But we, for our part, spent more than one year to select, and then "educate" the best managers on Facebook. Moreover, the majority of our respondents noted that they were very comfortable working under their leadership. It was just a matter of work. People left when they began to feel that the work either no longer brings them pleasure, or they work half-heartedly, or they don’t get any career development.

Thus, people left Facebook not because of their bosses, but because of work. But, on the other hand, who is responsible for organizing the work? Managers. Vicious circle.

With this mindset in mind, we began to analyze the survey data to further predict which of our employees would leave us in the next six months and which would stay. And we found out something interesting about those who ended up staying: they were all, on average, 31% more satisfied with their jobs than those who left, and also used their potential 33% more and expressed 37% more confidence that that the acquired skills will be useful to them in the future. So we were able to identify three key areas in which managers can most effectively build relationships with their employees: give them jobs they like (1), help them use them strengths(2) and finally, slowly pave the way for them to develop their careers, taking into account their personal interests (3).

Pleasure, not work

Many of us have aspirations that have never been realized in work - the same passion that we have not made our career. It doesn't matter why: there might not be enough talent or opportunities to make it the business of your life. The important thing is that with the advent of your current work, these aspirations still have a place to be. In other words, it is a hobby.

Since we spend most of our active time at work, we cannot always find a moment for our hobbies. And that's when we start looking for ways to integrate our hobbies into our work schedule. For example, the authors of this article are personally acquainted with a lawyer who has always dreamed of being a pilot, and therefore now often takes cases related to aviation. We also know a teacher who abandoned his career as a musician, but still brings the guitar to class. And yet, in large companies, things do not go so smoothly: quite often people need third-party help in organizing their dream job - motivating, meaningful.

This is where managers come in handy. The best way- let employees do what they like, even if it means removing them from a position in which they excel. Here is one case: a couple of years ago, one of the leaders of Facebook, Cynthia, was at the head of a large team of HR business partners. However, after some time, she realized that she did not enjoy her work and did not do what she loves most in our company - she does not work with clients. Cynthia was promoted and put in charge of the HR Business Partners team because of her talent for building trust with key Facebook partners. But as soon as she took up her duties, she realized that she almost did not do the work that would inspire her more than before.

Enlisting the support of her manager, Cynthia hired a new employee to the team, instructing her to lead the team in the long term, and then return to the duties of an individual employee. It's important to understand that Cynthia wasn't just hiring a speaker for herself—she was actually hiring her new boss. As soon as the new employee got down to business, it became obvious to everyone that she was enjoying herself. organizational moments much more in her work than Cynthia. So at some point, the women just left everything as it is: Cynthia took care of clients, and her employee led the team. Keeping Cynthia on Facebook was far more important to her manager than keeping her in a certain position.

Often managers just don't understand what kind of work their people really like. This is only found out in exit interviews, a standard practice in any HR department, in which HR officers find out why talented employees decided to leave and if there is any way to convince them to stay. But why wait until now? One of our employees, Adam, has worked for several companies across a wide range of industries to develop job interview questions. Thanks to these questions, managers in the first week of an employee in a new place asked him about his favorite moments in his career, what inspires him, about his hobbies, and so on. Armed with this knowledge, managers will be able to immediately begin to match the applicant with a job that he no longer wants to leave.

Introduction of unused skills

In our age of specialization and division of labor, we can only sadly recall the past era of the Renaissance Man. Such masters of all trades meet once in a hundred years. Marie Skłodowska-Curie received the Nobel Prize for her discoveries in physics, and then another for her achievements in chemistry. Richard Feynman made a breakthrough in electrodynamics, deciphering Mayan hieroglyphs, and cracking safes in his spare time. And although few people achieve this level of excellence in their fields, the fact remains: a talented person is talented in everything in his own way. One of our leaders at Facebook - former lawyer, journalist and talk show host. The head of communications used to play in a rock band, and one of the product managers used to teach at a school. But unfortunately most job descriptions sometimes too limit the powers of workers, not allowing them to use their full potential.

Smart managers create opportunities for people to express themselves. To understand how this works, let's take the example of Chase, who has recently been working for us as a software engineer at Instagram. About six months ago, he helped his team achieve exceptional results when they were required to introduce new tools and formats into the system. However, he ended the project with the painful realization that all these codes had exhausted him completely and that there must be another way to contribute to the development of the company. After talking to his manager Lou about it, he realized that, having a good technical background, he is actually great at creating prototypes that prove the viability of an idea and put it into iteration mode. But, alas, Instagram simply did not have such a position where Chase's skills could come in handy.

Lou then persuaded the design team to take the risk and give Chase a so-called "hack month" During this time, he joined Ryan, a senior designer, with whom he was able to create several prototypes and improve the Instagram sharing feature. Chase's success not only allowed him to gain a foothold in a new role for himself, but also prompted the leadership of the social network to create a whole working group with similar skills.

Meanwhile, the creation of new positions - though effective, but not the only way. Nowadays, a fairly large amount of working time is occupied by the search and exchange of knowledge. Research shows that workers mental labor on average they spend about a quarter of their time doing this. So in these conditions, the task of managers is to know who to contact. As soon as managers understand who in their team has what knowledge and skills, they will be able to unite employees among themselves - and, ultimately, create their own expert base, which, of course, will only contribute to the efficiency of the entire company.

Finding a balance between work and home

One door opens, another closes. Quite often it happens that as soon as we make progress in our careers, we begin to experience difficulties in our personal lives. It could be big project, taking away from us the days and nights that we could spend with our partner. A promotion or a new position that eats up our weekends that we should have devoted to the children. Or an important business trip that separates us from the family for long days, and maybe weeks and years.

At Facebook, our managers work to minimize situations like this by creating career opportunities that don't get in the way of an employee's personal priorities. Here is one example.

Shona, our consulting agent, is back from maternity leave to his important position, which meant frequent business trips. Naturally, in connection with her new position, this promised certain difficulties. Shona worked with her manager to prioritize her travel plan. She now solves all important, but not vital, issues with her regional colleagues. Her manager also put her in touch with a mentor who helped her get through the transition as comfortably as possible. Shona said it gave her confidence that the young mother could return to work without sacrificing the time she needed to raise her child. Thus, managers do not just provide support to their employees - they give them a sense of pride in their company.


Yes, people leave their jobs, and that's a fact. However, managers can prevent this by simply creating conditions for the employee that they do not want to refuse. Good bosses create "shields" for their employees, protecting them from an unhealthy office environment. In addition, smart leaders open new doors for their subordinates: they entrust important tasks, give inspiring projects to the introduction, and promote them. And they always remember that an employee should have a life outside the office. With such a manager who thinks about your comfort in the company and happiness in life at the same time, any job will become a dream job. With which it will be very difficult to ever leave.

Lori Goler, Head of HR at Facebook
Janelle Gale, Head of HR Business Partners at Facebook
Brynn Harrington, Leader of the Facebook Growth Team
Adam Grant, psychologist, professor at the Wharton School of Business, author of the concept of "Originals"

Original article – Harvard Business Review

Research shows that turnover among sales managers is one of the highest compared to other positions. If team leaders want to keep their people, especially the best ones, they need to be clear about why good sales people leave.

Here are the 21 most popular reasons why good employees leave. Face your fear and see how likely you are to get a job application this week.


If the seller does not see opportunities to increase his salary, bonuses, bonuses, and also does not feel a change in salary after a successful quarter, year, he will most likely think about how to quickly change the company and will look for those who can offer him great opportunities and their dynamics.

Reason number 2. Lack of firm confidence in the product being sold

If the seller does not see the benefits of his product, if he receives information from customers or other sources that he could offer more in-demand products - he is likely to collect and think about this information.


Salespeople want to see a clear link between their performance and the rewards that follow. If they do not understand this connection, or (worse still) if the reward system changes frequently and dramatically, this is a significant motive for looking for a new job.


One of the biggest reasons why successful employees leave. good sellers want to sell, so be careful when loading them with reports or other "unpromising" duties, they are likely to be interested in the opportunity to get rid of them as soon as possible, including through dismissal.


If the plan cannot be fulfilled, then the bonuses will not be seen. Sales managers are gamblers, they are not interested in games that can only be lost.


If sellers don't get enough resources to do so and don't have the ability to put their energy into making money, they start packing their bags.


Salespeople want to work for a company that is not only stable now, but has a well-defined future. No confidence - no desire to support a "doubtful" employer.


If sellers see the inconsistency of the actions of top managers, the lack of a clear vision of the company's development, the unprofessional behavior of their leaders, they begin to worry and pay attention to other prospects. And this can also be one of the reasons for the dismissal of an employee.

Reason number 9. NO RECOGNITION.

Salespeople work day and night to grow their company, and they want their efforts to be noticed and rewarded—not just money.


Great sales people want more than a job - they want a CAREER that will regularly provide them with more opportunities, more big deals, new acquaintances, the opportunity to lead. This is a particularly important reason for employees aged 20-30 who value every month of their work.

Reason number 11. INSUFFICIENT COACHING from leaders. Salespeople highly appreciate the opportunity to learn and use the experience of managers.


Reason number 13. Lack of action against inefficient employees. Salespeople want to be part of a successful team that achieves ambitious goals. Particularly difficult for them is the need to compensate for the mistakes and lack of results of their colleagues with their work.

Conversely, sellers may stay with the company if they have a chance to receive annual bonuses or larger rewards in the future (for example, for seniority, promotion, etc.).

Reason number 15. BURNOUT AND OVERLOAD.

For pressure in connection with the implementation of plans in short time, for long hours in the office and on the road, for overstrain and overwork, sellers want compensation. But sometimes in such a situation, they only want to change jobs to a quieter one.


If you can give salespeople access to good coaching, seminars, training courses, they will feel at home in your company and will not want to lose these opportunities.

Reason number 17. BAD RELATIONSHIPS IN THE COLLECTIVE. Relationships with any of the colleagues may influence the decision to leave.



Studies show that if a company complicates its sales process, turnover among salespeople increases by 40-60%.


Employees who are unable to act on their own are more likely to change jobs


Modern salespeople are accustomed to using a variety of tools that increase work efficiency - software, communication system, marketing service development, etc. If the company does not want to invest in these tools, salespeople do not feel that their work is appreciated.

Take care of the best - the results of the whole team depend on the level of their satisfaction with the working conditions!

Then here, for example

The most ridiculous layoffs

Dismissal is always a waste of nerves, emotional depression and stress. However, often the struggle between superiors and subordinates takes intricate and very comical forms. You can read about layoffs with humor in the article "For what they can get fired" by HEADHUNTER::Magazine columnist Dmitry Lisitsin.
The relationship between superior and subordinate is often accompanied by a conflict of interest. It can be caused by differences in age, culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation. The conflict can last for years or end in one second. Its consequences sometimes lead to personal disaster, and sometimes, on the contrary, bring satisfaction to both participants. There are many different forms of disagreement. However, the resolution of the dispute, as a rule, is one thing - dismissal. And the reason for such an outcome of events can be any absurdity. Website SimplyFired collects the most awkward layoffs. We decided to introduce you to the American experience. We hope it will be not only entertaining, but also instructive. So why are they fired?
For a slice of pizza
The first hero worked as a developer for a mortgage company for 18 months. At first everything went fine, but the career was ruined by a bad lunch. The fact is that our developer noticed how his colleagues, after finishing lunch, left pizza on the table. He was hungry and thought they would probably throw it away, so without a hint of embarrassment, he walked over to the table and grabbed a slice of pizza. Later it turned out that the employees were going to take the rest of the lunch home, and a hungry colleague ruined their plans. Instead of bringing up the thief, they informed the manager of the incident. She, in turn, reported to the vice president of the company, who fired the beggar a month after the incident.
For a bagel
Another story - an employee became a victim of a donut. On August 1 of this year, she began her work in the company in search of directors and vice presidents. Her boss invited her to discuss the day's plans over coffee and bagels. And at the end of the day she was informed of her reduction. The reason is the eaten bagel. The heroine still cannot believe it: “They thought that I ate it too slowly. And this despite the fact that I finished it even before my boss ate hers. The poor thing, apparently, still did not understand that her leader deliberately dragged out the meal, and the bagel was a test of laziness. Indeed, what is allowed to Caesar is not allowed to the bull.
For the thirst for new sensations
But one American who worked for the army was fired because he just got bored. Tired of the family routine, he and his wife posted an ad on a swinger site. This fact did not escape from all-seeing eyes bosses, who fired the novice swinger. The young thrill-seeker paid off: he ordered 200 “Live Wrong” bracelets (“Live Wrong”) and presented them to the soldiers.
For coming to work early
“I worked at the local library. After eight months of work, my boss called me and asked me to go with her to the rest room. There she told me that it was not good to come to work too early to eat your lunch before the due date. She substantiated her statement by the fact that I have a negative impact on other employees, and therefore I must leave ... ”- says the complaisant librarian. Advice to people: never eat lunch before starting work.
For hitting the boss
Another of our victims worked at a distribution plant. The boss asked him to deliver the parts by car to another office located a few blocks from the place of work. Driving away from the parking lot, he hit the front wheel in a ditch and got stuck. Seeing what was happening, the boss ran out to help. However, at that moment, the unfortunate driver turned on the reverse and ran over his leg. Dirt dripped down the face, hair and clothes of the chief, who was furious. But, by a happy coincidence, his health was not affected: only a dirty footprint on his leg reminded of the incident. The boss turned out to be generous and fired the "Schumacher" only a week later, when he broke the door in the warehouse with a forklift.
For sending resume
The next loser was the victim of newspaper ads. He had just started working for a company that wholesale trade. And after 4 months of work there, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper for a position that seemed to him more attractive and better paid than his own. As a contact address, only the mailbox was indicated, to which our applicant sent a resume. To his great amazement, the resume landed right on the boss's desk. For this, the failed candidate was immediately called to the carpet, where he was told that if he was dissatisfied with his job, then it was better for him to look for a new one. Not at a loss, the hero asked to be given the job that was indicated in the newspaper, but he was not successful.
For poor hearing
Another character was fired for sending parcels to Michael Finn. When his supervisor was going on vacation, she instructed him to send packets of data to one Michael Finn. Every day he sent parcels to this gentleman by mail. Hoping to impress his boss, he stayed on unpaid overtime in the office almost every night until the job was done. But when the boss returned from vacation and looked at what the poor fellow had been doing for two weeks, there was no joy in her eyes. The following dialogue took place between them:
- Who is Michael Finn?
- The person you told to send the parcels.
- No-no. Not Michael Finn. It was necessary to send a macrofime.
- You mean microfilm?
- Yes, yes, macrophym ...
Per Good work
The next victim was very fond of the job of an office manager. He liked everything: the people, the schedule, the activity itself. His tasks included optimizing the work of the office, and he successfully coped with it, bringing many processes to automatism. At a planned meeting of the team with management, it was reported that employees would be called one by one to the authorities in order to discuss the future role of each in the company. Since our office manager took on any business and asked for more and more assignments, he was excited about the prospects opening up before him. And finally, he was called. And they told him the following: “You have made the work so fast and automated that we no longer need you and we do not have a new position for you. So, despite receiving excellent recommendations, the poor fellow was laid off.
Because you are not an Indian
A unique case: a man was fired for not being an Indian. He got a job at a casino in Washington State, fixing slot machines and office computers, and was happy with both the nature of the job and the pay ($17 an hour). One fine day he was called to the office and told that he was fired. When asked about the reasons for this decision, the answer was that he did not put paper in the printer and did not install the program on one of the computers, which, according to him, was not part of his job duties. Two weeks later, a friend with whom he worked together told the victim that he was replaced by an Indian from a local tribe, who was paid $ 8, deducting, however, part of the income from the casino in favor of the tribe.
Because you are not gay
One worker marketing department in a bank was fired by a gay boss for being a person with a normal sexual orientation. His boss, as well as all colleagues, were gay, which for the time being did not bother the marketer at all. However, by chance, the boss discovered that his subordinate (who had been working in the department for more than a year!) Has a girlfriend - they ran into him in a restaurant. The next day, the manager called and said that the employee was not suitable for the company. The dismissed person still does not understand whether he should be upset about the fact that he became the object of real discrimination, or whether he should think about why the boss mistook him for a gay.
For hearty laughter
Once an employee was fired for a cheerful disposition. He worked for the Department of Defense in Washington, D.C., renovating officer housing. He had to accompany the four-star general to his quarters. Just at this time, the cleaning company was cleaning the floors. The army rank ignored the warning that the floor was wet, and after the first step made a dizzying somersault. After the general was lifted up, the employee looked at the carpet cleaner, whose face was literally bursting with laughter, and also could not resist. After 2 weeks he was fired, but looking back, he does not despair - it was worth it.
For an expensive lunch
Another loser was fired because the owner of his company bought an expensive lunch. The two of them were doing a presentation at a golf course near Pebble Beach. When it was time for lunch, the subordinate offered to grab a hamburger on the golf course, arguing that food would be more expensive at Pebble Beach. But the boss was adamant and preferred a fine lunch with wine, and two weeks later he called his employee and said that investors were cutting funding and the company was laying off everyone but himself. important personnel. To which the fired employee asked him only two questions: “Is it not significant that I am the only sales person in the company?” and “Is this why investors started cutting funding because you paid $75 for lunch, you pathetic idiot?”
Behind the radio
And here is a very short story, fit in one sentence, about how one lady got a job at a hairdresser. She worked there for 2 months until she switched the radio to another program, for which she was fired as a result, because the boss probably did not like the music.
For weight loss
Another employee had to hear the words "you're fired" for losing weight. The boss hated him for dropping from 189 pounds to 135, after which his colleagues began to notice him. At the same time as he began to take care of himself, he had problems with his boss. The hero was engaged in changing the price tags for alcohol, and it seemed that the more he lost weight, the faster he needed to do his job. In the end, he lost so much weight that he did not get a job at all.
For the Condor, or Beavis and Butthead at the Poultry Farm
This story is worthy of a film adaptation in the form of one of the series of the animated series Beavis and Butthead. Two young men worked part-time at a poultry farm. The job was simple: the processed chickens had to be placed on the packaging terminal. One fine day they went out for lunch and found a dead vulture on the road. Having returned, the friends, without thinking twice, decided to please the buyers with an exotic delicacy and sent the vulture for packaging. Needless to say, the guys' career as packers turned out to be short-lived. The guys were forced to disinfect the workroom and fired.
For impatience, or dismissal at gunpoint
The memories of another member of our gallery are full of fear and misunderstanding. At the age of 16, she worked as a donut packer. It was already close to midnight, and her shift, the owner of the store, was still not in sight. She informed him that she had overworked the allotted time, but he demanded that she stay. The girl did not dare to violate the requirements of the boss. Great was her surprise when the boss came with a sawn-off shotgun and said: “You are fired! I need a more responsible employee."
For the love of contemplation
Our penultimate hero worked as a security guard in the courthouse. One day, two girls approached him and his partner and started a conversation. The conversation went wrong, and the girls had to leave. Leaving the unfriendly guards, one of them lay down on the conveyor belt, along which things move through the X-ray. The hero's partner turned on the conveyor and enlightened the girl with rays. The whole scene was filmed on a surveillance camera and, of course, did not pass by the attention of the supervisor. The colleague was fired for playful hands, and the narrator himself - for not interfering with the unauthorized action of a comrade, carried away by the contemplation of the girl.
For school grievances
And finally, a sad story with a happy ending. Actor this story went into his fifth decade, and he earned money for food, working as a server in a restaurant. In this place, he had to work under the supervision of the daughter of a classmate who bullied him. The girl followed in the footsteps of her father. One day she yelled at her father's school friend because the restaurant was full because he was too slow. The server became so nervous that he dropped his plate. Seeing this, she said "you're fired" in front of the entire restaurant. The narrator rightly believes that this incident had a positive impact on his life, forever removing the family of tyrants from it.

Most people in their lives have faced insufficiently competitive salaries, underestimation of abilities and merit, remoteness of work from home, and a tyrant boss. Each of these reasons is enough to make a person think about whether he should change his job soon.

Research conducted by the American portal Salary.com shows that unfair wages are confidently leading among the reasons why people are ready to quit their jobs within the next 3 months. In total, more than 8,000 working employees in the United States were surveyed. These data and typical comments are relevant for the CIS today. Here it is, the rating of reasons for dismissal by own initiative. Some of the answers may surprise you.

10. Too far commuting - 9% "To get to work, I spend so much money and time that it becomes simply outrageous!" Rising gas prices may encourage many car workers to seek jobs closer to home. If the company is interested in its people, then the staff has the right to expect an annual salary increase at least as much as fuel prices rise.

9. Poor communication with management - 10% "Bosses are incompetent, ignorant, overly self-confident, behave rudely and are generally hostile to employees" To the attention of the bosses! Your subordinates follow your every move, take your every word to heart and tend to interpret your behavior in their own way. If you still do not consider it necessary to communicate with your staff, then people themselves will draw their own conclusions and will vote with their feet: they will leave you forever.

8. High stress at work - 10.5% “After a 12-hour work day and incessant rush jobs, my knees are trembling like an aspen leaf. Do I need it?" A lot of people are ready, at the suggestion of managers, to work like an Energizer battery, regardless of holidays and weekends. Sooner or later, they realize that they received severe stress as a reward for their labor "exploits". There are only two ways out: the majority is looking for another job, the minority is trying to negotiate with the leadership on a more moderate pace.

7. Unsafe work - 11.8% "Our company has contractors in both Mexico and Asia." This means that due to internal financial instability, the company is forced to resort to outsourcing, to widespread cost reduction and total savings. Those who work in such companies are probably aware of the rumors about the possible sale of the company to a richer competitor, or even a possible bankruptcy. If so, why perish along with the sinking ship? We must save ourselves, and the sooner you leave the board, the better.

6. Impossibility of further professional development - 15.3% "Perhaps I am too experienced, smart and promising for this company." This is the percentage of people in companies who believe they have reached the peak of their professional capabilities with their current employer. These employees leave in order to get a new education, start their own business or find a job where they can learn something new and interesting.

5. Small premiums and social packages - 16.9% "It comes to the fact that I pay for health insurance out of my own pocket." Statistics say that 90% of small businesses (in the US - ed.) each year increase their employees' social package and bonuses. In some places, the size of social packages is so large that it becomes very serious. competitive advantage. This is what makes some current employees large companies who save on benefits, look for an employer who will pay all bills.

4. Boring work - 20.1% "My job responsibilities were once a challenge for me to fight, and now they are boring as a stool. Employees begin to feel unhappy as soon as boredom appears at work. Even socialization in a smoking room, surfing the Internet or just idleness does not save the situation. Soon there is so much of this that a person just wants to find a job. Another.

3. Insufficient recognition - 34.2% "I'm not appreciated here at all with all my diplomas, experience and connections, in terms of humanity, I'm just wasting time here." The three main benefits that a person receives from a company are salary, bonuses and work experience. The last good includes the habit of corporate culture, dress code, as well as moral recognition of personal contribution to the common cause of the company. In addition to money, people need to know and feel that they are in their place and at least someone needs their work. This moral compensation for many professionals is in third place after salary and career. Express love to your staff verbally more often.

2. Unequal Career Opportunity - 37.3% “My boss used to sing sweet songs about career opportunities at the time of hiring, but nothing real is expected yet. I'm being led by the nose." Career prospects- this is a very important factor that allows you to keep staff in the field, and gives them an incentive to work confidently further. Indeed, more than a third of employees will be ready to leave if they realize that they will not grow in any way. Empty and unfulfilled promises made by top managers make many employees completely abandon the struggle for promotion within this particular firm.

1. Lack of salary - 57.2% “Salary for most positions in our company is much lower than the average level in the market. And they have not increased for 4 years.” Too low salary is the most weighty argument that makes an employee quit. It has long been proven that a fair base pay stabilizes the mood not only of the employee, but also of the employer, allowing you to avoid unexpected and additional payments on bonuses when you need to keep someone urgently. Employees who are paid more feel happier. Many job sites have acquired salary meters, where each visitor can roughly evaluate himself in the labor market in accordance with his experience, education, qualifications and potential.

Experienced personnel officers say: “There are thousands of employees, but everyone has the same reasons for dismissal.” Indeed, it is not easy to leave the “familiar” place, but life circumstances sometimes leave no choice. Do you want to know why people quit and how to smooth out the unpleasant nuances of this process? Then read on.

Reasons for leaving

Modest wages

One of the most common reasons workers leave is low wages. Various studies have shown that many workers are not satisfied with the level of their income. Dissatisfaction is justified, because in many enterprises wages either reduced or frozen indefinitely. Is it worth it to work for a penny? Many are transferred to a reduced working day, which does not add optimism. The personal incomes of citizens are falling, while the prices of various human needs are rising.
Many are in no hurry to find a similar job, considering it slavery. For them, the way out is to be registered in the employment center and casual part-time jobs. Less money, but more free time.

Lack of career advancement

About 40% of people who quit their jobs believe that the lack of career growth is the main reason for drastic changes for them. This opinion is held by young people who are striving to achieve something in life. They do not take into account that high positions involve great responsibility, and, therefore, constant tension.

Leadership indifference

Among the good reasons for leaving work, it is worth noting the lack of encouragement and praise from management. Employees need the approval and praise of management, even if not supported by material support.
The understanding that a person is valued and valued at work keeps many in positions with rather modest salaries. All more executives openly demonstrate their disinterest in this or that employee, believing that a holy place is never empty.

Daily boredom and routine

Monotonous work leads to the fact that a person loses interest in it. Everyone strives to work on something exciting and informative, then work turns into pleasure. Some leave their homes for this reason. You can try to find good moments in such work, but you do not need to work through force, there will be no benefit from such an attitude.

Bonuses and social packages

Rather, their absence provokes people to change jobs. Everyone for their work wants to receive not only a salary, but also material incentives. If the desires of workers are ignored, then their productivity will soon come to naught.
Each employee of the enterprise wants to feel socially protected, if the boss does not show minimal concern for his subordinates, makes you think, is it worth working for such a person?

Nervous environment

Constant rush jobs at work are doing their job, is it necessary to worry at such a job? Many come to the conclusion that it is not, and go in search of a more peaceful place, because health is the most important thing.
The psychological situation at many enterprises leaves much to be desired, but people have learned to endure and cope with difficulties on their own. It is good if tense situations happen from time to time. It’s bad if this happens with enviable regularity.

Frequent conflict situations

Many leave their homes due to interpersonal conflicts. The tension at work does not contribute to a productive environment and leads to undesirable consequences.
Quarrels, squabbles and strife undermine the working spirit and poison the life of everyone who is forced to work in such a tense environment. The conflict at work is impossible to win or lose, so it is better to stay away from various skirmishes and claims.

Long road to work

If a person works 8 hours a day and spends several hours on the way home, then there is practically no free time left. Not only he suffers from this, but also the family that needs his attention.
Balance between work and personal life is important. No one important aspect in life should not be infringed. In addition to being fired own will, there are other points that provoke the employer to take such a step.

Good reasons

An employer may present an employee good reasons layoffs:

  • skipping work
  • does not meet the requirements for personal and business qualities,
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours,
  • breaks the rules,
  • steals.

In addition to the points mentioned above, it is worth noting the self-will of the leader.

It is impossible to dismiss if the employee is temporarily unable to work, due to pregnancy, illness, or is on maternity leave.

Wrongful dismissal

You need to figure out what types of dismissal are illegal. Approximately 50% of workers face such a violation. Often an employee claims that he wrote a statement of his own free will, being under pressure. In this case, it is difficult to prove the opposite, and everyone remains to his own.

A person can file a complaint to protect their rights in labor inspection at the place of work. Such complaints are considered within a month. You can apply to the prosecutor's office or to the court at the location of the organization.

It also happens

No one is immune from sudden blows of fate, dismissal is a kind of shock for a person who has worked tirelessly.

It happens that even the most responsible and competent workers are fired in order to take their place in relatives, friends, and so on. You can avoid this, prove yourself so well that the boss does not even think about the possible replacement of such a valuable employee.

Power is changing

For example, coming big changes, the old leadership has been replaced by a new one, and with employees with whom they have developed a trusting relationship. What to do?
Be quirky, talk to the new boss, show your skills and demonstrate professionalism. Stay active and you might be able to keep your seat.

There are situations when professionalism plays against you. It is strange if a person with great experience and high professionalism is fired, while the company has less experienced specialists. The reason lies in the fact that the boss is confused by your work experience, existing skills. Working with such a leader is difficult, even if you prove the illegality of his actions. Take this lesson for granted and turn it to your advantage by starting a new page in your life.

Warning from superiors

A good leader, before firing a person, will give him one chance to correct. He should talk to the employee about the problem and about the possible dismissal if he does not take the right path. An employee can be given probation, for which, he must prove himself in the best possible way.

Do not be patient and nervous if the work does not suit you. Look for a job and easily say goodbye to your old place. Working for other people involves negative moments, you need to be prepared for them. There are other options, for example, starting a business, passive income or work for yourself.
Do not let employers humiliate you, insult you, no amount of money is worth the constant nerves and irritation caused by the working environment. You can replenish the budget in different ways, look for the right one that will bring moral satisfaction.

Treat the person who works for your cause with respect. Each person has their own psychological and material needs, don't treat people like they're cheap labor force. Examine all the reasons for dismissal from work and try to prevent this in your enterprise.