Essays I want to be a lawyer. Why I chose to be a lawyer Why I became a lawyer

Surely this question worries the minds of many young men and women who will soon receive a matriculation certificate. In general, the choice of a specialty through which a person plans to "get a piece of bread" is a responsible and serious matter. And young people who are at the crossroads of what to do professionally in the future should take into account three circumstances. Firstly, the chosen field of activity should be interesting for the graduate of the school. Secondly, the profession must be in demand in the labor market. Well, and thirdly, the chosen type of activity should be correlated with the available opportunities. And if you dream of a career as a lawyer or judge, then without certain qualities, the dream will remain a dream.

History reference

Those young people who are trying to understand: "Why am I choosing the profession of a lawyer?" must understand that for many centuries this has been prestigious. Since the formation of the Roman state began to take shape legal system, which was the basis for all the others.

Pavel, Ulpian, Modestin - these names entered the history of law forever.

Lawyer in modern conditions

Today, many people, when asked why I choose the profession of a lawyer, answer: “Because it is prestigious today, and my parents advised me to become a notary.” Of course, they are right, but you can’t go to jurists just because this is a highly paid field of activity. It should also be borne in mind that for many a lawyer is a vocation. The salaries of investigators and interrogators are relatively low and, naturally, graduates of police academies are employed as detectives not to become rich and famous, but to provide real help in reducing the level of crime. Of course, the labor market today is oversaturated with specialists in the field of law. But the profession of a legal adviser is in demand today more than ever. But the real ones can be "counted on the fingers."

There is currently certain percentage those who did not particularly think about the question: “Why do I choose the profession of a lawyer”? about their fate and future career Wealthy parents took care, who in advance obtained a “warm” place in a solid company for their offspring.

Such young men and women do not bother attending lectures and seminars, passing the session for "bribes". Of course, they will receive a diploma, but which of them will be specialists later? Who can they then protect from criminal prosecution? This problem is now on a gigantic scale.

Description of the profession

So, today, few people can clearly articulate the reasons why I chose the legal profession. An essay on this topic could be included in school curriculum for high school students, so that everyone can realize how specifically one can help people by becoming a prosecutor or a lawyer. A jurist in a broad sense is a specialist who understands all branches of legal science. He is an investigator, and a notary, and a lawyer, and a legal adviser, and a prosecutor all rolled into one. All these legal experts are consolidated by the knowledge legislative framework and the ability to apply it in practice.

Of course, even the most experienced and authoritative expert in the field of law should know for himself: “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer”? An essay in which a detailed answer to this question would be given would not hurt to recommend writing to first-year students of universities that train specialists in jurisprudence.

An expert in the field of jurisprudence should not only be able to find the right law and apply it correctly. No wonder they say: "Do not get treated by a doctor who got into books, and do not leave a lawyer who does this." The skill to "remember everything" comes later.

He must also know how to obtain clues and evidence in the case and, on the basis of them, correctly qualify this or that act. And of course, a lawyer must have certain qualities, which will be mentioned above.


Of course, quite often a young person may ask himself the question: “Why do I want to be a lawyer”?

An essay on this topic has already been written and more than one. And in fairness, it should be noted that not all young men and women find the above specialty necessary and in demand. Say, the result of a lawyer's work for humanity in the broad sense of the word is practically not noticeable. Well, he helped one person avoid criminal liability - did it become easier for society? And here, it would seem, newcomers in the field of jurisprudence may have doubts about the correctness of the decision once made, they say: “Why did I choose this profession of a lawyer?” But, in reality, the above position is fundamentally erroneous, because if there is an opportunity to help at least one individual, then life has not been lived in vain.

A lawyer is in a sense comparable to a doctor who can heal a person if he has health problems. A jurist, on the other hand, helps people when people have problems with the law. The life of a modern person is so unpredictable that it can be very difficult to protect oneself from diseases and offenses. As the saying goes: "do not renounce the bag and the prison."

And yet, you need to try to be a law-abiding citizen.


So, the young man declares: "I chose the profession of a lawyer." And what prospects does it bring to him? Money, fame, a "good" career? Certainly yes. But only on condition that the young man is a real guru in the field of law. Society has always respected legal professionals. Suffice it to recall such names as Plevako and Koni.

It just so happened that at present in our country, highly paid and prestigious vacancies are primarily applied for by people with a legal education. There are many examples when ordinary legal advisers, showing special diligence and acquiring precious experience, turned into authoritative judges and prosecutors general. Naturally, they made their own way through career ladder, taking care of the impeccability of the reputation and revealing the most high-profile cases.

Of course, the fact that you have another opportunity to help a person or get him out of trouble.


Today, higher legal education is a launching pad in order to realize oneself in many areas of life. A huge number of jurists find their vocation in scientific, teaching, public service, politics. They also become businessmen, bankers, competent managers commercial structures. Is it clear why people choose the profession of a lawyer? But then again, realize yourself in prestigious professions only those specialists in the field of law who perfectly know the laws, have a broad outlook, know how to conduct business negotiations, competently resolve conflict situations. Moreover, the range of specialties in which lawyers successfully conduct business is expanding today.

New Horizons

New areas of activity are emerging to protect consumer rights, protect the market from unfair competition, and protect copyrights. Moreover, we are talking about an increase in vacancies, where one cannot do without special knowledge in the field of jurisprudence.

For many, this is another weighty argument in favor of why I chose the legal profession. Yes, and now in dire need of qualified personnel. A significant jump in the level of crime against the backdrop of numerous social processes of a negative nature forced to expand the link of investigators, the operational staff and the number of prosecutors.

It should be taken into account that when hiring potential employers give preference to young professionals who graduated from well-known universities, but this does not mean at all that graduates of "ordinary" educational institutions do not have a chance to get a position as a legal adviser in a prestigious company.


Of course, the question on the topic: “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer?” for a certain part of young people - yesterday's schoolchildren remains debatable. But, it should be emphasized once again that not every young man or girl (even if they really want to) is destined to become a professional in the field of law. You can often hear from representatives of the younger generation: "My future profession is a lawyer." But then they pass the entrance exams to the university, receive the coveted diploma and turn out to be unsuitable for professional or, at best, very “mediocre” specialists. Why is this happening? Why do experienced detectives “grow up” from some, and “unfortunate lawyers” who do not even know the name of the Basic Law of our country are obtained from others. It's all about the qualities that a person who has decided to devote himself to jurisprudence possesses. Professions such as a judge, prosecutor or lawyer are required to comply. Lawyers who apply for them must have a high level of intellectual development, be stress-resistant, sociable, possess organizational skills, own oratory and so on. Also in the legal profession it is very important to have a certain level social adaptation.


Of course, for more than one year a lawyer will appear in the top of prestigious specialties. Today, almost every company doing business needs specialists of this profile. But only true connoisseurs of jurisprudence who clearly know why they came to this profession will be in demand.

It is not enough just to repeat to yourself “I want to become a lawyer” in order to conquer this peak. In fact, you will need to go through a long and in order to master this difficult profession. But it will take even more effort to then get a well-paid position.

So let's talk about how to become a lawyer? Where is it better to do? What subjects do you need to become a lawyer? And where then to look for a job? After all, only by understanding these issues, you can competently plan your future.

Step #1: Why I want to become a lawyer

Let's start with the philosophical side of the issue. In particular, why a person aspires to become a lawyer. After all, some want to protect the rights of people, others want to fight crime, and still others are based on an ambitious desire to make money. And only having decided on the motives, one should choose future specialty. For example:

  • A lawyer is a shield that stands guard over the law. Having chosen this profession for himself, a person becomes a defender of the rights and freedoms of the people, which requires high morality and spirituality.
  • The prosecutor is a sword that punishes all troublemakers in the country. For this specialty, completely different qualities are needed. In particular, the prosecutor must be unshakable, fair and a little ruthless.
  • A notary is a multifunctional specialist capable of working in many areas of jurisprudence. At the same time, you can be both an altruist and a careerist who wants to earn more.

In addition, there are many more paths that a person can take with legal education. For example, you can get a job as a consultant in a large firm and prepare profitable contracts. Or go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an investigator, thereby choosing a career as a police officer.

Stage 2: planning for the future

After a person decides on a future profession, he needs to correctly plan his path. After all, the essence of the problem is not how to become a lawyer, but how to get the most promising education. That is, if any university with a legal department is suitable for a notary, then for an investigator it is necessary to find an educational institution with in-depth physical training or a military department.

In general, in the territory Russian Federation there are more than 300 universities that can teach the skill of jurisprudence. Therefore, special problems with the choice educational institution applicants should not have. The only advice is that you should not be guided by the price of tuition, but by the reputation of the university, since it is she who can become a decisive trump card when applying for a job.

Stage number 3: preparation for admission. What subjects do you need to know to become a lawyer?

Prepare to future profession necessary from the school bench. After all, students are required to have excellent knowledge in the field of history and social science. At the same time, the second subject is a key one when entering a law school. For example, if there is a choice between two applicants with the same number of USE scores, then preference will be given to the one with a higher score in social studies.

Besides mandatory requirement is knowledge of the Russian language. After all, how to become a lawyer if you do not know the rules of spelling? Therefore, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to give everything one hundred percent when passing this exam. Another important point is that when entering a military university, it will be necessary to pass the standards for physical training.

Stage number 4: development of personal qualities

If a person is thinking about how to become a lawyer, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that he will have to work on his inner qualities. In particular, you should develop such traits as:

  • Responsibility, because it is the basis of all legal affairs.
  • Accuracy and pedantry. Any mistake in the document can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Firmness of character, since most legal processes require decisive action and the presence of an unshakable will.
  • Punctuality and communication skills, because they are the key to successful communication with people, which is essential in this job.
  • Scrupulousness and observation. Since without these qualities it will be difficult to find a gap in the defense of opponents or a thread of salvation that can change a seemingly losing business.

Stage number 5: do not waste student years

If a person wants to become a sought-after lawyer, then he needs to use his student years wisely. After all, on the one hand, you can have fun having fun with friends, and on the other hand, you can pull yourself together and start building a solid foundation for a successful career. However, it is not necessary to explain which of the options is more correct.

In addition, during training, it is necessary not only to storm generally accepted subjects, but also to develop in other directions. For example, consider jurisprudence lawyers who have already realized themselves, study new norms and laws, and also learn to build their own defense strategies and beat them together with their like-minded people.

Perhaps someone will think that this approach is too complicated and suitable only for avid "nerds". But think about what you want to become after graduation: a second-rate specialist or a sought-after professional? At the same time, soberly assess how big the difference in their wages. After such reflections, it becomes quite obvious that several years of “cramming” is not such a high price for a stable and secure future.

Stage number 6: looking for a place to practice

After the third year, law students can get a position Similar vacancies exist in many organizations and often exist on a voluntary basis. Simply put, a person receives practically nothing for his work, but at the same time he works like crazy (there are, of course, exceptions). But in this case more importantly, the student will be able to acquire useful skills for work and establish himself as an excellent specialist, which will give him hope for the future.

Stage number 7: making new connections

Student years are the best time to find new acquaintances. At the same time, you should understand the fact that most of the people from your environment are future lawyers. Therefore, friendship with them will sooner or later help in moving up the career ladder. Moreover, having organized a good team, lawyers can open their own business, and then successfully develop in the chosen direction.

End of the road: how to find a promising job

How to become a lawyer today? Often the correct answer is: have education and work experience. So, if everything is clear with the first, then what about the second? Well, to tell the truth, the only way to solve this problem is to settle down in a small legal organization or having good connections. And only after working for 2-3 years at such a beginning, you can count on the fact that your resume will be considered by prestigious firms or law firms.

You can also go the other way, that is, get a job in government agency. The only trouble is that in small towns there are not always vacancies for lawyers. Therefore, you will either have to agree to work in another region, or look for affordable alternatives.

Lawyer is a profession that is in great demand these days. Lawyers are needed not only in law offices and courtrooms, every factory, every office has its own lawyer. But at the same time, the labor market is literally oversaturated with "legal" personnel. Finding a job can be very difficult, even for a lawyer with honors and work experience. How to become valuable employee and a high-class lawyer? What knowledge and skills are needed, and what difficulties may arise in the process of obtaining a profession and labor activity? All this is discussed in the material below.

One of important qualities which a lawyer must possess is emotional stability, since the work of a lawyer is associated with constant mental stress, work with a huge number of people.

The specifics of domestic legislation is huge number a daily changing legal framework. To be a successful and sought-after lawyer means to be aware of the latest updates in domestic and international legislation. The desire to constantly improve oneself is half the battle on the way to a career of a successful and prosperous lawyer.

How difficult is the profession?

The profession of a lawyer has a lot of advantages - from the opportunity to be useful to society and people and interesting work to a decent pay for their work and the right to use state guarantees given to every working lawyer.

However, this field of activity also has its own cornerstones, because of which many young professionals stop their activities or leave the profession altogether.

  • The main disadvantage of the legal profession is huge competition in the labor market. The popularity of the profession led to the fact that the country's universities began to produce more specialists than was necessary. As a result of this, now every more or less experienced lawyer will have to prove his professionalism throughout his career.

  • Studying the Rules of Law- Another pitfall of the profession. The bottom line is that with regulatory framework it is not enough to get acquainted or learn it (which is almost impossible). It needs to be truly mastered, namely, to be able to analyze the rules of law, having studied all the notes and references, and for this you need to have a real talent.

  • moral side. Work in the public service obliges a lawyer to take the most responsible decisions in cold blood, which can sometimes radically change the lives of many people.

  • Moral side. When choosing the profession of a lawyer, a person must understand that now he is an example of worthy behavior for the whole society. Any mistake or misconduct can cost a career and business reputation.

  • Some types of legal activity (especially forensics) are associated primarily with risks to life and health.

  • Profession forever binds a lawyer to his native state. Immigration to another country becomes very difficult, since each country has its own legal framework and system (including legal activities). To work in another country, it will take a lot of time for training, as well as studying the rules of law of a particular state.

Despite many negative sides professions, many still choose jurisprudence. Every day the sphere of activity of lawyers is expanding with the emergence of a new type of legal relationship. But the main attractive side of the profession is the protection of a person, his rights, as well as the restoration of justice.

"The law is what we keep."

After finishing school, we have to make one of important steps in our life to choose your own business. A profession is a kind of future labor activity of a person.

There are many professions these days. More and more higher education institutions train specialists in various fields of knowledge. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of future activity, one should choose the profession that will correspond to our aspirations, hobbies, skills, knowledge, abilities, and most importantly, which we will like. Indeed, today not all people work with pleasure, for many, work is real hard labor, and all because they have chosen work that brings only high earnings, believing that in our society money is everything. But if we think carefully, we will come to the conclusion that one way or another, what you love will bring both material and moral satisfaction with life, and this is very important: to know what you were born for.

My choice of profession was associated with sleep, which I will now talk about.

After school, I usually attend courses of English language. The topic of our lesson was "State and Society", we talked about the rights of citizens in states with different forms of government and state regimes. In the evening, when I came home, I decided to go on the Internet, to see what was new on the legislative system, and then I came across an article that talked about changes in some laws of the Russian Federation, as well as about the consequences in case of committing certain acts . This got me interested. I was so carried away that I did not understand how time flew by, I myself did not notice how I fell asleep.

And then I had a dream in which I was quite an adult, I was going to work, I was wearing formal clothes, I had three folders with documents in my hands, one of the clients called me, I talked with a person about legal obligations and explained what the consequences may have his actions in accordance with the law. When I woke up, at first it seemed to me that it was a reality, but then it became clear that everything happened in a dream.

Having seen this wonderful dream, I thought about my future profession, thought for a long time and decided to talk to my parents about this topic, I wanted to know what they think. After all, before that I wanted to become a journalist, but my parents did not quite agree, they advised me to think it over again and understand if I really want it. And so I told my mother about the dream and said that I wanted to get a law degree, my parents supported me in choosing a profession. From that moment on, I began to devote more and more time to studying such subjects that I would need.

I tried to learn as much as possible about my future profession.

My profession comes from antiquity. The Romans were among the first lawyers. They developed, kept, interpreted laws.

Legal education will provide me with knowledge of the law, understanding of the legal obligations of citizens, human rights and freedoms recognized by the legislation of the country and international legal documents, for example, the "Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man", adopted by the UN on December 10, 1948.

Lawyers are people who must be above their desires and ambitions, they know the laws and know how to apply them. A lawyer cannot be biased, unfair. He needs to think through every step, every action, every word, because a lot depends on his decision. It is known that there are laws that contradict each other, and in order to prevent negative impact of these laws on society, lawyers try to suspend the influence of existing legislative acts in time and move on to the development of new ones. This shows the responsibility of people in this profession both to citizens and to the state. I believe that people with a legal education should have such qualities as perseverance, confidence, a sense of honor, a high idea of ​​professional duty.

Now the concept of "lawyer" unites people involved in various activities related to law: judges, lawyers, prosecutors, investigators, legal advisers.

From this list of areas of jurisprudence, I would choose the profession of a prosecutor.

The name of the profession came to us from the Latin language and literally means “knowing” or “caring”.

The prosecutor is a person authorized to represent the prosecution in court, as well as to monitor the observance of the law in almost all areas of the country's life. If we explain in modern language who a prosecutor is, then first of all it should be noted that this specialist is responsible for the accusatory side of the investigative process. During court sessions, the prosecutor competes with the lawyer of the accused. He must state the case in such a way that the degree of guilt does not cause doubts among the judge and jury. There is a presumption of innocence in Russian law. This means that in order to successfully appear in court, the prosecutor needs evidence, logical conclusions, reliable testimony of witnesses.

In order to reach this position, one should know the laws well (Criminal Code, Civil Code, etc.), and this work also requires analytical thinking, emotional stability, honesty, a high sense of responsibility and self-confidence. Need to be able to find mutual language with different people. Of course, it is impossible to become a prosecutor right away, so I will try to start my career as an assistant prosecutor or deputy assistant prosecutor.

Choosing this profession I understand that it is dangerous. A huge responsibility rests with the prosecutor. As I have already said, in his work he encounters various people, and therefore the degree of risk of meeting a scoundrel, a scoundrel, ready to do anything to deceive the law, is very high. For example, when this specialist supports the prosecution against an influential criminal, they often try to bribe, intimidate, discredit him, and if the attempt succeeds, then the prosecutor himself turns into a criminal and will be relieved of his post, he will be tried and may be sentenced to imprisonment for a certain period . This is an occupational risk.

This profession will allow me to help people. This is what I want! Of course, you have to work hard to be successful. Those people who, despite failures, move on, and not those who give up after the first defeat, can realize their dreams. And in order to achieve my goal, I will try to overcome difficulties and work tirelessly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in recent times It is widely believed that more lawyers are graduating than necessary. I do not agree with this opinion, because I believe that a competent and highly qualified specialist will always be in demand.

And, having chosen this profession, I realize that I will need to make a lot of efforts to first get good knowledge at school, then in higher educational institutions, and then apply them in practice. I hope that my choice will not be wrong, but future work will bring only pleasure for me, benefit for society and every day convince me of the correctness of my decision.


Nowadays, there are a large number of higher educational institutions that produce specialists in jurisprudence. Some of them are specialized - for example, law academies, but most of them are law and departments of various humanitarian ones. Educational institutions offer full-time and part-time education, as well as accelerated training faculties, which have recently entered the system - as a rule, they accept applicants who have graduated from specialized colleges and technical schools.

How to become a lawyer?

Getting a quality education is a fundamental factor in a career as a lawyer, but getting a diploma from a prestigious university does not always make it possible to become a good one. In order to succeed, you must always be aware of the events taking place in the field of jurisprudence. Need:

  1. Decide as early as possible on the specialization that you want to do and study everything with which it will come into contact thematically.

  2. Learn to filter information, namely, to understand what is actually relevant today, follow the news in the legislation, know about the entry into force and cancellation of regulatory legal acts.

  3. Be precise, like in mathematics. Be able to confidently refer to specific facts and excerpts from legislation. But remember - this should not mean at all that you need to memorize all the editions of the laws and the numbers of articles in the code. You just need to learn to think systematically and know where to find the answer to the right question.


It is best to start practicing and mastering a profession while still in the process of learning: even if you have not yet managed to show yourself normally and demonstrate your abilities, you will gain invaluable practical experience, test the soil in the environment in which you will plunge after graduation. And most importantly, you will already have a certain work experience, which will play a big role in finding employment in your specialty after completing your studies.


Try to communicate more often with established lawyers, move around in their circle, listen to stories from their practice, analyze everything, learn from their invaluable experience. This will help you quickly integrate into the field of law. All kinds of forums on the Internet, specialized blogs will also help you.