What does a combine harvester do in the field. A baker is a great profession. The difficult journey from ploughing to harvest

A bread grower is a very ancient profession, stretching its roots to the very depths of the history of Russia. In ancient times, this word was used to refer to people whose efforts made it possible to grow grain. They plowed the land, then sowed seeds into it and harvested at the end of the season. It was thanks to the grain growers that the bakers received flour, from which they subsequently made bread for people.

Transience of time

But years passed, horses with wooden plows were replaced by tractors, and women with sickles were replaced by harvesters. The work of the grain grower has become mechanized, but his role in society has not changed because, as before, bread remains one of the primary products on the table. And until this changes, the profession of a grain grower will not lose its greatness.

But still, one cannot fail to mention the changes that have occurred in this area with the advent of the 21st century. After all, if earlier the work of a grain grower was carried out by one family or a small group of people, now it is a well-established production.

The difficult journey from ploughing to harvest

With the advent of spring, life in the fields is in full swing. First of all, an agronomist comes, inspects the land and decides where it is better to plant wheat, and where rye will be taken faster. Further, the tractor driver takes up work: he plows the field, letting the earth inhale fresh air and moisture. Then, changing from a plow to a seeder, he plants grains of wheat.

And from the moment when the first sprout sprouts, and until the harvest is harvested, the agronomist watches over the wheat. After all, it is worth overlooking a little, and a disease may attack the grain, or a bug will appear. Therefore, these specialists always stand guard over the harvest.

It must be remembered that a grain grower is a person who does not work alone. And the next in the team is the combiner. By the way, they are now most often called grain growers, because a lot depends on the work of combine operators. For example, how much wheat will be taken from the field, will they have time to harvest before the rainy season, and so on.

In addition, we should not forget about machine operators who monitor the health of tractors, combines and units. And then there are watering masters, who often save crops during long droughts.

How to become a baker?

The times when knowledge about the field and grain was passed down from father to son are long gone. Now education can be obtained at a technical school or institute, however, there is no such specialty as a grain grower. But closest to her are a tractor driver or a combine harvester.

A farmer is a very difficult profession, and one should not forget about it. And it's not even that you have to remember all the subtleties of the design of the tractor and master the ride on the combine. No, the difficulty of the profession lies in the fact that few manage to understand the land, and without this one cannot become a good grain grower.

Also, not everyone can withstand such a busy work schedule as a combine operator during the harvest season. When from early morning until late evening you have to give all your best, otherwise it will not work out on time. Therefore, the future grain grower must have good health and a lot of patience.

Relevance in the labor market

Good combine and tractor drivers with experience and love for agriculture are now worth their weight in gold. Therefore, finding a job will not be difficult, especially in those regions where the agricultural sector is well developed. As far as it's all relative. In most cases, it depends on the size of the enterprise, the amount of work done and how good the harvest turned out to be.

A grain grower is already an almost forgotten name both in the labor market and in society itself as a whole. Agrarian organizations need tractor drivers, combine operators, agronomists or machine operators, but you will not see grain growers any more, except occasionally, and then at an old enterprise. This is a little sad, but for those who want to learn a profession related to cultivating the land or harvesting, there is always an alternative. After all, it doesn’t matter what the specialty is called in work book. The main thing is that it brings joy.

Jack of all trades - that's what they call a combine operator in the village. In the off-season for harvesting, he can work as a tractor driver, driver, mechanic, carpenter. At the same time, his irregular working hours bring a relatively low income. Today, in the midst of the harvest season, in the heading "work" we will talk about the working days of combine operators.

Weather is the main boss

The weather is good. Combine harvesters will be removed. We are going to the field, - the head of the department of crop production and the grain stabilization fund of the regional ministry told me on the eve of the trip to the village of Goryashino, Irkutsk region Agriculture Vladimir Reshetsky.

What if it rained?

You can’t clean in the rain, the harvesters are standing. Only those who know the village go into agriculture. No one here will give you an eight-hour schedule. Whether you work in the field or not depends on the weather. Today you can rest, and tomorrow you can work until midnight.

True, in reality, there is an occupation for a combine operator in any weather and season.

A combine operator must be a jack of all trades. Today he sits down at the harvester, tomorrow, if the weather is not lucky, he performs the duties of a mechanic, the day after tomorrow a carpenter, - says CEO CJSC "Irkutsk Seeds" Yuri Shiryaev.

The salary of a combine operator depends on labor productivity. On average, a harvester receives about 13,000 rubles a month. There are also in-kind wages: for example, in the Irkutsk Seeds farm, about 6 kg of grain is due to a field worker from each ton. Combine harvester Valery Fazlyev, who can harvest up to 80 tons of crops a day, has about three tons of personal grain reserves at the end of the season.

Due to the physical complexity, the work of a combine operator remains a male prerogative. Potentially, a woman can also drive a combine, but there are no such examples in our region, experts say. Average age tractor drivers of the Angara region from 30 to 55 years.

The new harvester is like an airplane

In total, more than 1.5 thousand grain harvesters and approximately 300 forage harvesters are operated in the Irkutsk region. There are potato harvesters in several farms of the Usolsky, Cheremkhovsky, Angarsky and Irkutsk districts, and carrot harvesters - only in two enterprises, CJSC Savvateevskoye and SHOAO Belorechenskoye. The Irkutsk Seeds farm has 10 grain harvesters and seven potato harvesters.

Depending on what is grown in a particular region, different farms buy both beet harvesters and tomato harvesters, but there are none in our region. Cabbage is also harvested by hand, this technique would be too expensive, - Vladimir Reshetsky explained.

Valery Fazlyev has been working as a combine operator for about 16 years. He shows us his new technique - "Acros 560".

This summer a new harvester was brought. It’s like you get on an airplane: the settings are all computer. "Acros" is much more powerful than my previous "Yenisei", which I affectionately called Karka. And the capacity of the new harvester is twice as large - nine cubic meters, - Valery Fazlyev praises the miracle of Rostov-made technology.

In our farm, we update equipment every year. Now, in order to understand the structure of modern combines, you need to have a specialized secondary, or even higher education. Schools continue to teach students on outdated technology, - states Yuri Shiryaev.

In order to work on a combine, you need to undergo training at a vocational school, or complete training courses for tractor drivers with category F. As Vladimir Reshetsky emphasized, training centers, organized at manufacturing plants, sometimes hold special short-term courses that help to master new brands of combines.

The number of people who want to work as combine operators directly depends on the success of the economy, experts say. Today it is one of promising professions in the village.

The economy that does not provide any conditions for the life of people is dying, but the one that provides housing and a normal salary is flourishing. Every day I receive applications from people who want to find a job at Irkutsk Semen, where 62 new houses for workers have been built over the past four years. But there are no vacancies here yet, - said Vladimir Reshetsky.

Almost 2,000 combine operators work in 700 farms of the Irkutsk region during the harvesting campaign. Most of them are in Usolsky (177 people), Alarsky (168), Tulunsky and Kuytunsky (167 each) districts. In the Angarsk, Zhigalovsky, Kirensky, Ust-Kutsky, Ust-Ilimsky and Shelekhovsky regions, on average, there are from 5 to 15 combine operators per farm.

Every summer, when many of us think about how to spend our vacation time and have a good rest, for rural workers, on the contrary, the hottest time begins. During the harvesting campaign, all efforts are aimed at harvesting crops from the fields as quickly and efficiently as possible. Time for workers is really worth its weight in gold ... But what is it like, the labor day of a combine operator? The saying “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times” has not been canceled. Therefore, the correspondent of "DV" decided to personally observe the work of grain growers.

Frankly, as a child, this profession seemed very interesting and even romantic to me. Still: a man controls a huge machine, which, strip by strip, "eats" the plots of crops and at the exit pours entire grain flows out of the bunker! Therefore, as schoolchildren, the local guys and I often ran to the combine operators, offering to keep them company in the cab of the Niva or Don. Time has passed, we have matured, and the equipment has already changed: the old ones have been replaced by new, improved agricultural units. “Now it is more pleasant and comfortable to work, and there is much less grain loss,” say the familiar village combine operators.

I heard the same words from the lips of Anatoly Sobol, a machine operator at the Penyakovo SPK. It was with him last week that the author of these lines went to the field. “He is an experienced and knowledgeable person. Everything will be sensibly shown and told,” Anatolia clearly recommended Chief Engineer farm Viktor Yakovchik. Looking ahead, I note that I was fully convinced of this ...

... At the machine yard of the SPK "Penyakovo" I appeared at 8 in the morning. As in any household, work here is in full swing from dawn. Combiners check whether the equipment is ready for harvest: they blow through the filters, clean the bunker, lubricate and tighten all the “vital” parts for the combine. In the field, every little thing is important, so all work is carried out very carefully. Then, after making sure that everything is fine, the combines go to the gas station. By the way, the capacity of the fuel tank is 450 liters. The output of equipment in the field is around 9.30 in the morning, when the dew subsides and the ears dry out. Combine harvesters return late, around 10 pm. Sometimes people even work at night. In the harvest season, everyone works to the limit.

In Penyakovo, 6 combines are involved in harvesting. My "guide" Anatoly Sobol has been working at the KZS-10 for 5 years, from the moment this equipment arrived at the farm. He says that he knows "what the combine breathes with." Surely he can be trusted. After all, Anatoly is an “old-timer” in the SPK Penyakovo. He has been working here for over 20 years.

Having filled the tank, passing required medical examination and having received a ticket, Anatoly Sobol calls me to the cabin. Go! The first thing I notice in the interior of the combine is a pleasant coolness. On the street, the sun is seriously hot, but the heat is not felt in the cabin. Air conditioning is installed here. “A couple of years ago, this was only a dream. In the old Niva, it used to be suffocating from the heat! ”, My“ guide ”laughs. In general, our "KZS-10" is equipped with the latest "fashion". I look around and notice the on-board computer. This device with many sensors controls such parameters as drum speed, fan speed and grain blowing speed, grain elevator and grain elevator speed, etc. In addition, the computer will inform the driver about engine overheating, and about the fullness of the hopper, and about the amount of fuel in the tank. And in case of the slightest malfunction, the “alarming” red button will notify with a piercing signal. During our work, she beeped several times. In the first case, a message appeared on the screen that the speed of the return elevator (conveyors that “pull” grain) has decreased. Having eliminated the problem, Anatoly Sobol and I moved further on the road. But two hours later, a new opportunity happened: the combine was cruising along the extreme field lane, and, already at the turn, some kind of “foreign body” got into the harvester. As a result, two segments of the header were partially damaged. However, Anatoly Sobol was not at all embarrassed. Leaving the cab, he skillfully and promptly replaced the damaged "teeth" with new ones. We again moved along a given route ... “I'm not used to fixing all sorts of breakdowns on the spot. It is impossible to work without them. Therefore, one must be prepared for such “surprises”. And, if necessary, colleagues will always come to the rescue. We have a very friendly, close-knit team,” says Anatoly.

By the way, in addition to the harvesters, there are also drivers on the field who are ready to drive up and take away the grain at any time, and a car with a barrel of water. That's what fire safety is all about.

“How much do you grind on average?” - I'm interested in the combiner. “One bunker holds 5 tons of grain. Approximately 40 tons can be threshed per day. And for the season, about 800 tons are collected. There are a lot of combine harvesters on the farm, so the load is distributed between us, consider it equally,” he answers.

By the way, the salary of a combine harvester directly depends on the amount of threshed. About 7-8 million rubles can come out during the season. A significant increase in the family budget.

During conversations with the combiner, time flies unnoticed. It's already lunch. It's time to refresh. Farmers are fed in the field kitchen twice a day. And they feed well. There were no complaints from workers about the quality of food. On the contrary, only words of gratitude. "Everything is very delicious. So let's eat well. There is no question of taking "accompanies" from home! – Combiners answer me in unison.

After a quick refreshment, they get behind the wheel again. They have a lot of work ahead of them. I say goodbye to Anatoly Sobol. And I catch myself thinking that his profession - a grain grower - is very noble. A man sincerely loves his job and believes that if you take up work, then you must do it honestly and to the limit of your strength. “I have been drawn to technology since childhood. Father, a tractor driver, often took with him to work. I was already riding a tractor at the age of 7!” Anatoly says cheerfully. He firmly shakes my hand in farewell, and in a couple of minutes his combine harvests the crops again ... How can you not remember the saying that everyone should mind their own business ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Combiner, or combine operator- agricultural worker, professional activity which is driving a combine harvester. Training for the profession of a combiner is carried out by vocational schools.

Outstanding Combiners

Lapin Nikolai Danilovich, a combine operator who raised virgin soil in the Novosibirsk region in the 50s of the twentieth century, was also awarded the Order of Lenin.

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  • Combiner // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In 65 volumes / ch. ed. O. Yu. Schmidt. - 1st ed. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1938. - T. 33 (Classes - Competition). - S. 552-553. - 960 p. - 45,500 copies.
  • Trushkin V.P. Combiner. - M .: Moskovsky worker, 1974. - 79 p. - (Your profession). - 50,000 copies.
  • Portnov M. N. On the profession of a combine operator / M. N. Portnov. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M .: Agropromizdat, 1988. - 174 p. - (Combine yesterday, today, tomorrow).
  • Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. V.K. Month. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989. - 656 p. - 100,000 copies.

An excerpt characterizing the Combiner

- Laws, religion ... What would they have been invented if they could not do this! Ellen said.
The important person was surprised that such a simple reasoning could not occur to him, and he turned for advice to the holy brothers of the Society of Jesus, with whom he was in close relations.
A few days after that, at one of the charming holidays that Helen gave at her dacha on Kamenny Island, she was introduced to a middle-aged, with snow-white hair and black sparkling eyes, charming m r de Jobert, un jesuite a robe courte, [r Jaubert, a Jesuit in a short dress,] who for a long time in the garden, in the light of illumination and the sounds of music, talked with Helen about love for God, for Christ, for the heart of the mother of God and about the consolations delivered in this and in the future life by the only true the Catholic religion. Helen was touched, and several times she and Mr. Jobert had tears in their eyes and their voices trembled. The dance, to which the gentleman came to call Helen, upset her conversation with her future directeur de conscience [guardian of conscience]; but the next day mr de Jobert came alone in the evening to Helene, and from that time began to visit her frequently.
One day he took the countess to a Catholic church, where she knelt before the altar, to which she was led. A middle-aged charming Frenchman put his hands on her head, and, as she herself later told, she felt something like a breath of fresh wind that descended into her soul. It was explained to her that it was la grace [grace].
Then the abbot was brought to her a robe longue [in a long dress], he confessed her and remitted her sins to her. The next day, a box containing the sacrament was brought to her and left at home for her to use. After a few days, Helen learned to her pleasure that she had now entered the true Catholic Church, and that in a few days the pope himself would find out about her and send her some kind of paper.
Everything that was done during this time around her and with her, all this attention paid to her by so many smart people and expressed in such pleasant, refined forms, and the pigeon purity in which she now found herself (she wore white dresses with white ribbons all this time), - all this gave her pleasure; but because of this pleasure, she did not miss her goal for a moment. And as always happens that in a matter of cunning, a stupid person leads smarter ones, she, realizing that the purpose of all these words and troubles was mainly to convert her to Catholicism, to take money from her in favor of the Jesuit institutions (about which she hinted), Helen, before giving money, insisted that she be subjected to those various operations that would free her from her husband. In her conception, the significance of any religion consisted only in the fact that, in satisfying human desires, to observe certain decorum. And for this purpose, in one of her conversations with her confessor, she urgently demanded from him an answer to the question of the extent to which her marriage binds her.
They sat in the living room by the window. There were dusk. Flowers smelled from the window. Helen was wearing a white dress that showed through her shoulders and chest. The abbot, well-fed, but with a plump, smoothly shaven beard, a pleasant strong mouth and white hands folded meekly on his knees, sat close to Helen and with a thin smile on his lips, peacefully - admiring her beauty with a look from time to time looked at her face and expounded his opinion to their question. Helen smiled uneasily, looked at his curly hair, smooth-shaven, blackening, full cheeks, and waited every minute for a new turn in the conversation. But the abbe, although obviously enjoying the beauty and intimacy of his companion, was carried away by the skill of his craft.
The reasoning of the leader of conscience was as follows. In ignorance of the significance of what you were undertaking, you took a vow of marriage fidelity to a man who, on his part, having entered into marriage and not believing in the religious significance of marriage, committed blasphemy. This marriage did not have the double meaning it should have. But in spite of that, your vow bound you. You backed off from him. What did you do with it? Peche veniel or peche mortel? [A venial sin or a mortal sin?] Peche veniel, because you did an act without ill intent. If you now, in order to have children, would enter into a new marriage, then your sin could be forgiven. But the question again splits in two: the first ...

Ideally, everyone should choose a profession to their liking. Does the person like to draw? He is a direct road to artists or designers. Like to cook? Why not become a chef? What does a combiner do? Who is this, anyway? What does he do? The article reveals the lexical meaning of this word.

Lexical meaning

What does the noun "combine" mean? If the meaning of any word is puzzling, you should refer to the explanatory dictionary.

Ozhegov's dictionary states that a combine driver is called a combine operator. This is the person who drives this unit.

To fully understand the meaning of the word "combineer", you need to understand what a "combine" is. This is the name of an agricultural machine that is used for harvesting grain crops.

It is noteworthy that the word "combiner" came from of English language. If translated literally, then the combine is a combined machine, and the combiner is the worker who controls this machine.

The stress in the word "combiner" falls on the last syllable, the vowel "e". It is worth noting that this noun has a feminine form - combine operator. It is mainly used in colloquial speech.

Sentence examples

The noun "combiner" often occurs in speech. This profession is quite common, especially in countryside. Combiner is a noun that can be most often used in colloquial, formal business or scientific style speech. Let's make some suggestions with him.

  1. My dad thinks that the combiner is one of the most difficult professions.
  2. The combiner did not violate job description.
  3. The harvester is driven by a combine operator.
  4. The combine harvester collects grain, he performs painstaking work.
  5. The combiner must study technical specification harvester.

Combiner is extremely important profession. The man who runs the harvester provides the whole country with bread, he harvests wheat and other crops. It is important to appreciate this profession and respect the work of combine operators.