GCD theme: “All professions are important, we choose from the heart; Professions of my parents. Abstract of the GCD “All professions are needed - all professions are important” Nod of the profession of parents for 3 4 years

Topic: What will you be when you become an adult?

Target: to form an idea of ​​what a profession is, to arouse interest in various professions, to cultivate respect for professional people, to promote independence of thinking and choice.

Lesson progress

Guys, do you know what your moms and dads work for? (children's answers) How many different professions did you name! What other professions do you know? (children's answers) You already know a lot of professions: doctor, teacher, salesman, cashier, builder, driver, etc. There are a lot of professions, some you know, but many you have not even heard of.

Think about what a person who works as a reindeer herder does? A grain grower? Zmeelovo? A beekeeper? Constructor? A draftsman? Crane operator? A security guard? Economist? Etc.

It is easy to guess, since there is already a clue in the word itself, and it is easy to guess what the person is doing. But there are professions that you need to know, but it is impossible to guess by the name what a person does. Try to guess what kind of work the designer does? Lawyer? Manager? Foreman? Etc.

A long time ago there were few jobs. The one who hunted was a hunter. Hunters studied the habits of animals, learned to recognize the beast by the trail, and came up with new ways of hunting. Those who grew grain were farmers. They studied plants, watched their development, bred new varieties, learned how to process grain. Someone from mammoth tusks came up with the idea of ​​making tools and decorations. First I did it for myself, then for my neighbors. People began to come to him from other places. Those who did the best, became respected people, specialists.

People learned how to sculpt dishes from clay - potters appeared. They learned how to make furniture - joiners and carpenters appeared. They learned to sew - tailors appeared.

Many people know how to sew, grow vegetables and fruits, and make a bench out of a board. But when a person does it for himself or his loved ones, it is not considered that this is his profession.

A profession is only the work that a person does for people. To master any profession, you need to know a lot, be able to. And for this you need to study, study special literature. A person has the right to choose the profession that he likes, which brings joy. And when you like the work, it is done easily and efficiently.

We live in a big city. How much labor of people of different professions is required for everything to be in order in the city!

Let's play a game. I start a sentence and you finish.

If there were no builders, then there would be no ... (the houses in which we live).

If there were no vendors...

If there were no drivers...

If there were no doctors...

If there were no teachers...

If there were no janitors...

If it wasn't for the police...

Each person is assisted in the work by different tools, tools, equipment. Guess what professions people need these items to work.

Game "Who needs what?"

Many proverbs were composed by the Russian people about workers.

The hammer does not forge iron, the blacksmith forges.

The tailor's elbow is out.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, then strike with a hammer.

Not an ax amuses, but a carpenter.

Guys, in front of you are objects that were made by professional people. Choose the item you like the most. Who do you think could have made it? Who was the person who made it? (Painting, nesting doll, book, bowl, towel, lipstick, toothbrush, spoon, etc.)

To make any item, you have to work more than one person. You need to invest your strength, soul, so that the thing serves people and brings joy, convenience, (stories of children)

Summary of the GCD in the senior group of the kindergarten "All professions are important - all professions are needed!"

Target: To form holistic ideas of preschoolers about professions.
- arouse interest in the world around;
- to expand children's ideas about professions;
- enrich vocabulary;
Preliminary work:
- talking with children about the profession of their parents;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading fiction;
Content: a selection of various games (didactic, verbal, games of low mobility, games-competitions).
Integration of educational areas: communication, work, reading fiction, health, physical culture.

Lesson progress:

Educator:- Guys, today we received a letter and a package. Tell me, please, man, what profession brought it to me?
- That's right, it's the postman. And now let's quickly read the letter and find out what is written in it.
- Guys, in this letter we are asked to help and say what professions the items in this package belong to. Well, guys, help the postal workers?
(Children take turns taking out items from the parcel and saying what profession people need it for work).
- Guys, today we will talk with you about professions. What is a profession? ( children's responses). A profession is a work to which a person devotes his life. Let's remember together what professions we know.
Ball game "Name your profession". (Standing in a circle, children name professions, passing the ball to each other).
Educator:- Now we will game "Guess what profession a person has?" (the teacher calls the words related to any profession, the children must guess this profession).
Scales, counter, goods - (Seller)
Helmet, hose, water - (Fireman)
Scene, role, makeup - (Artist)
Reading room, books, readers - (Librarian)
Scissors, fabric, sewing machine - (Tailor)
Stove, saucepan, delicious dish - (Cook)
Blackboard, chalk, textbook - (Teacher)
Steering wheel, wheels, road - (Driver)
Children, games, walks - (Educator)
Ax, saw, nails - (Carpenter)
Bricks, cement, new house - (Builder)
Paint, brushes, whitewashing - (Painter)
Scissors, hair dryer, hairstyle - (Hairdresser)
Ship, vest, sea - (Sailor)
Sky, plane, airfield - (Pilot)
Earthquake, landslide, emergency - (Rescuer)
Educator:- And now I propose to play in game "Guess who I am?".
(Children stand in a circle, the teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children, naming actions. Children name the profession).
I do hair (who am I?) ... a hairdresser.
I do laundry, ironing… laundress.
I'm weighing, punching the check... salesman.
I cook food... a cook.
I sweep the yard... janitor.
I vaccinate... Nurse.
I paint pictures... an artist.
I teach children at school… a teacher.
I treat sick people… doctor.
I make furniture… joiner, carpenter.
I paint the walls... house painter.
I bake cakes... a confectioner.
I build houses... a builder.
I treat animals... a veterinarian.
I am a coal miner... a miner.
I forge iron… a blacksmith.
I grow trees... gardener.
I write books... a writer.
I compose poetry ... a poet.
I run an orchestra... conductor.
I put on plays…director.
I deliver newspapers ... postman.
I sew clothes… a tailor, a seamstress.
I fly in space… astronaut.
I repair boots... shoemaker.
I drive a car… chauffeur, driver.
I sing songs… singer.
I design houses... an architect.
I fly a plane... a pilot.
I'm driving a train... a machinist.
I make steel... a steelmaker.
I serve passengers on an airplane ... a flight attendant.
Educator: Let's play one more ball game "Who has what instrument?".
Hammer - (at the carpenter)
Brush - (at the painter, at the artist)
Syringe - (from a nurse, veterinarian)
Planer - (at the carpenter)
Chalk - (at the teacher)
Scissors - (at the hairdresser, at the tailor)
Comb - (at the hairdresser)
Needle - (at the tailor)
Palette - (by the artist)
Pointer - (at the teacher)

(shovel, guitar, broom, gun, scalpel, pan)
Physical education minute "The driver started the engine"
The driver started the engine: drr, drr, drr, drr.
He pressed the starter: whack, whack, whack, whack.
He pumped up the tires quickly: shhh, shhhh, shhhh, shhhh.
Then he sat down in the interior of the car,
He quickly took the steering wheel in his hands,
And I went faster.
Educator:- Next game "Who says so?".
Who needs supplements? (Cook)
You have a package. Sign. (Postman)
Thank you very much for your purchase. (Salesman)
Which tooth is bothering you? (Dentist)
How to cut your hair? (The hairdresser)
Pleasant flight! (Stewardess)
The lesson is over. (Teacher)
Educator: - Game - competition "Pick up a sign". We consider who will pick up the most words (children get chips for correct answers).
Pilot (what kind) - brave, courageous, smart, attentive ...
The seller (what) - polite, neat, kind ...
The driver (what) - attentive, careful ...
Teacher (what) - strict, smart, kind ...
(hairdresser, cook, doctor, policeman).
Physical education "Pilot"
It's good to be a driver (run in circles, "rule")
And a better pilot! (running in a circle, hands to the sides)
I would go to the pilots
Let me teach!
I pour gasoline into the tank, (stop, "pour")
I start the propeller: (circular movements with the right hand)
- Take the motor to heaven, (run in a circle, hands to the sides)
For the birds to sing.
Educator:- And now I will tell you riddles about people of different professions.
I'm with the kids
I spend my days with them
I go for walks with them
I put them to sleep
And of course I love
I am my profession. (Educator)
If the flame curls
Smoke is pouring out,
"01" we dial,
And we'll call for help. (Fireman)
He has a serious look
He keeps order.
Clear day, night time
Keeps our peace. (Police officer)
He is in our dining room in the morning
Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)
Skillfully who drives a car -
After all, it's not your first year behind the wheel, is it?
Slightly rustling tight tires,
Who is taking us around the city?
(chauffeur, driver)
Who sells products
Milk, sour cream, honey?
Who sells boots to us,
Shoes and sandals?
They all know the goods
Don't waste time
Well done in the stores.
Who is this? …(Sellers)
Who will wash our clothes,
To keep it clean
Dry and smooth
And iron it? (Laundress)
Shoveling snow with a shovel
Sweeps the yard with a broom.
You guys guessed
Who keeps it clean? (Street cleaner)
If your ear hurts
Or your throat is dry
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, it will help you ... (doctor)
Who will do the hair
Hairdryer, brush and comb,
Magnificent curls will curl,
Shake the bangs with a brush.
Everything in his hands burns -
Who will change the look? (The hairdresser)
Who at school teaches children to order
And he checks the children's notebooks,
Learn to read and write and count
Divide, multiply and solve problems? (Teacher)
Paint yellow, purple
I will dissolve in a bucket
And houses new clothes
I'll give you a housewarming gift! (Painter)
Where the house is being built - you look in the morning:
Who in a quilted jacket sits in the wind.
He's like a magician playing with fire
He has a protective mask on. (Electric welder)
Railway station. The second beep sounds.
The train will go east.
Sleepers and poles will rush,
Birches, firs and oaks.
And I can, becoming older,
To conduct a large - a large composition. (Driver)
Where are the pines - girlfriends
Gathered at the edge.
Among the young pine forest
There is a hut ... (forester)
I enter the shop early in the morning,
When you sleep quietly.
In the country I dress everyone
Because I ... (weaver)
Educator:- I also have riddles for ingenuity and attention. Listen.
Who grazes cows, sheep?
Well, of course, ...
(Not a seller, but a shepherd.)

Walls painted brightly
In our room…
(Not a milkmaid, but a painter.)

Medicines in our pharmacy
Will sell...
(Not a librarian, but a pharmacist.)

Game dish in the restaurant
Cook well...
(Not a forester, but a cook.)

On the piano, piano
Waltz will perform...
(Not a ballerina, but a pianist.)

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight
Will go bold and strong...
(Not a pilot, but an aerialist.)
Folds, pockets and flat edging -

The dress is beautifully made...
(Not a musician, but a tailor.)
Educator:- And now warm-up game "Who will the boys become, who will the girls become?".
(Children stand in a circle. The teacher names professions. If boys can choose a profession, then everyone squats, if girls, then everyone raises their hands up, if both boys and girls, then everyone clap their hands).
Didactic game "Tell me a word"
Flying an airplane (pilot)
At school teaches us (teacher)
Builds buildings (builder)
Painted the walls (painter)
Sings songs to us (singer)
Trade busy (seller)
Heals from diseases (doctor)
Put out the fire in an instant (fireman)
We catch fish (fisherman)
Serves at sea (sailor)
Carrying cargo in the car (driver)
In a hot forge (blacksmith)
Everyone who knows - well done!
Educator:- Now let's think about it and say what would happen if there were no people of different professions on earth (cooks, doctors, etc.) Are you ready?
The game "I start the sentence, and you finish".
If there were no teachers...
If there were no doctors...
If there were no janitors, then ...
If there were no drivers, then ... etc.
Educator: - Guys, now tell me, please, what do you think is the most important profession? (children's answers)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that all professions are important - all professions are needed.
- Guys, have you already decided what you want to be when you grow up. Children's answers (I want to be…)

Tasks: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge on the topic "Professions", to cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people, to develop logical thinking, to expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Professions".

Lesson progress: The children go into the group and see Pinocchio sitting.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us today. Do you know who it is? (children's answers)

Educator: Hello Buratino! We are glad to see you in our group.

Pinocchio: Hello guys! And I come to you not just like that, but for help. Do you know my dad Carlo? He is already old, he really needs my help. I know that I need to grow up, go to school, get a profession. But I don't know what professions are. Tell me about them please. I asked my friends: Malvina wants to become a teacher, Pierrot - a poet, Harlequin - an artist. And I don't know who I want to be.

Educator: Can we help you guys? And what is a profession? (Children's answers) A profession is a business that a person does every day and which is useful for other people. And what professions do you know, guys? (children's answers) You see, Pinocchio, there are a lot of professions and each one needs to be specially trained. We will tell you about some of them.

Didactic game "Guess the profession": On the back of the board are pictures depicting people of different professions. If the answer is correct, the picture is flipped.

Educator: Guys, I will tell you about people of different professions, and you have to guess who these people are and what they do.

This person should know a lot and be able to: cut out paper, draw, sculpt from plasticine, know songs, poems, counting rhymes. But most importantly, he must love and understand children. (Educator)

People in this profession must have taste, be able to work carefully, painstakingly. And they must also be sociable: be able to listen to the customer and understand how he wants to see his new coat or dress. These people dress us all year round. (Tailor)

This person's work is creative. This person must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands. He must accurately determine the softness of the hair, their thickness and flexibility, and be sure to give advice on how to care for the hair. In ancient times, people of this profession were called hairdressers, because they only knew how to comb their hair, later - hairdressers. And only then - barbers and beards. (Hairdresser)

The name of this profession comes from the East Slavic word "var", meaning boiling water and heat. People of this profession should be accurate, patient, diligent. They should know everything about products, be able to distinguish quality ones. These people know a lot of recipes and how to cook delicious meals. (Cook)

People of this profession are fearless, strong, trained, selfless. Previously, they were called axes. They help other people in trouble, cope with the power of a raging fire. People of this profession wear special clothes that protect them from smoke and fire. (Firefighter)

A person of this profession should have the following qualities: excellent memory, sociability, knowledge of literary authors and their works. In the old days, in ancient Greece, this person was called the "caretaker" or "keeper of the books." He constantly communicates with readers, answers their questions, advises which book to read. (Librarian)

People of this profession must have a quick reaction, excellent memory, excellent eyesight, endurance, strength, the ability to instantly make the right decision in a difficult situation. They are obliged to know the rules of the road by heart, know the device of the car and skillfully drive it. (Driver)

The most necessary qualities for people of this profession are love for people, deep knowledge, good memory, skillful hands and a sense of duty. They must know a lot about the structure of the human body, listen carefully to the patient, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In the old days, these people were called healers. (Doctor)

A person of this profession should be neat, sociable, attentive, polite, hardworking and honest. In the old days, such people were called merchants. They wandered around the world and offered their goods. (Seller)

Educator: Well done boys!

Pinocchio: Thank you! I learned what qualities people of these professions should have, but what will I do if I choose one of them?

Educator: Well, let's find out.

Didactic game "What is he doing?": it is necessary to choose verbs that characterize the activity of a person of the profession shown.

Educator: Guys, I will show you pictures depicting people of different professions, and you must answer the question "What is he doing?"

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, styles ...

Chef - cooks, cooks, tastes ...

Educator - educates, teaches, shows ...

Fireman - extinguishes, saves, helps ...

Doctor - heals, listens, puts (injections) ...

The driver - drives, drives, repairs ...

Librarian - tells, shows, gives out (books) ...

Seller - sells, calculates, weighs, shows (goods) ...

Tailor - sews, sews, measures ...

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio, let's play! Now you will be drivers, hairdressers, and cooks.

Physical education "Professions"

Come on, give us food (put palm on palm)

Meat, eggs, dried fruits (bend fingers)

And then it will work

Very tasty food. (stroking belly)

The pedal was pressed boldly (imitate pressing the pedal)

Looked to the right, to the left (turn the head)

And let's go ahead

To those who, of course, are waiting for us (they drive in a circle, holding an imaginary steering wheel in their hands)

Quickly wash your hair (imitate washing your hair with shampoo)

Combed, dried (first comb the head with the fingers, then stroke)

They took scissors, a comb (show scissors and a comb with their fingers)

So they did their hair (hands to the sides, as if showing off)

Pinocchio: That's great! I enjoyed being the driver! I can already be.

Educator: Wait, Pinocchio. That's not all. After all, every profession has its own rules and its own tools.

Pinocchio: What are the other tools?

Educator: And we will show you now.

Didactic game "Whose instrument?"(it is necessary to determine whether the tools belong to these professions)

Educator: (takes out a box) Oh! Guys, someone played and put all the instruments in one box. Can you help me sort it out? It is necessary to put a tool or object necessary for this profession under each picture with a profession. (Children not only lay out the tools, but also talk about them)

Educator: Well done boys! Did it.

Pinocchio: Thank you. I learned a lot of useful things today.

Educator: Pinocchio, you do not know the most important thing. There are a lot of professions. But it is very important that the work is to your liking. And only then can you become a master of your craft and bring joy to other people.

Pinocchio: I will definitely remember this. And now it's time for me to go back to Papa Carlo. Goodbye, guys! And thanks for the help.

GCD All professions are needed

All professions are important."

cognitive development


in the preparatory group

Program content:

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about various professions: carpenter, musician, artist, etc.; show the significance of each of them;

Develop expressiveness in poetry.

Continue to teach children to make riddles according to a given pattern;

Cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions;

To cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to work together to complete the task.

Educational areas:

cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Preliminary work:

Drawing up riddles about professions on the model of an educator; memorizing poems about professions; introducing children to proverbs about work.


Cards with letters for dividing into companies, illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Lesson progress:

1. Children stand in a circle.

Guys, listen to the poem.

It's great to be able to!

Sow bread and sing a song.

Throw a stack, chop wood,

Weed the bed clean.

It's great: plan! -

Make a table or a bed.

Tin a tank, drive a tram,

Build a house at dawn,

Forging steel, sharpening the detail,

Teaching skills to others.

Cherish the garden, bake bread,

Protect mothers from harm.

Be kind, have friends.

It's great to be able to!

Guys, you probably guessed what we're going to talk about today? (The poem says that people can do a lot. One can sing a song, another can bake bread, a third can build a house, etc. And each of them learned to do all this, learned his profession).

Today we will learn about what a profession is, about their role in our life.

Guys, what do you think, how many professions are there on earth? (Answers).

Who knows what a profession is? (Answers).

This is a job, a job that a person is engaged in.

What occupations do people need to work in? (We all need to work.)

2. The game "Connoisseurs"

- Guys, let's play the game "Experts" and name what professions we know. Close your eyes, think about what profession you will name. And now, in a calm voice, looking into each other's eyes, we will pass this item and name the profession. (Dasha, I know the profession of a lawyer, etc.)

Well, you know a lot of professions, today we will talk about this again, and now we will divide into companies (I distribute the letters “U”, “P”, “V”)

Choose your captains and name your company with a profession that starts with the letter you have on your desk.

3. - Guys, let's remember and name proverbs about work. I will call each company in turn the beginning of the proverbs, and you continue.

Who loves to work,………………… that one cannot sit still

Patience and a little effort

Skilful hands…………………………… do not know boredom.

Boring day until evening,………………. when there is nothing to do.

They judge not by words,……………… but by deeds.

To live idle - …………… only smoke the sky

Without labor …………………… you can’t even take a fish out of the pond.

What I do in a hurry,…………… then I did it for laughs.

What is the worker,…………,…………..such is the work.

(For all!)

Business before pleasure. (together)

4. - Guys, people of all professions need tools:

Let's play Miracle Bag.

I have a miracle - a bag that stores the tools necessary for people of different professions. Try to guess who they belong to.

First, the captains take turns taking out tools from the bag and name the profession of people.

Say a sentence, people of what profession need a tool.

The bag contains objects and tools: chalk, a book, a whistle, nails, flour, potatoes, threads, buttons, paints, plasticine, seeds, a spoon, scissors, a letter, money, etc.

5. Actors

Well, now let's have a little rest, let's play the game "Actors". I will whisper to each company what profession you need to show, you will agree and show it. The rest must guess what kind of profession it is.

1 computer - orchestra professions (balalaika, drums, violin, pipe)

2 comp artists

3 sets - carpenters or builders (saw, hammer)

6. - And now, guys, I will tell you riddles, and you, looking at the pictures, guess what kind of profession it is.


Who is more likely to work in this profession, men or women.

What exactly are they doing.

What tools are used.

So here's the first riddle:

  • This profession is more often performed by women. They distribute books to children and adults, write down each book in the subscription. They need subscriptions and a lot of books to work! (librarian)
  • Both men and women are more often employed in this profession. They dress up in different beautiful costumes, go on stage and play a role. They need theatrical costumes, makeup, wigs, microphones to work. (Artists)
  • This profession is mostly occupied by men. They save people who are in trouble. They need special suits and a lot of tools to work.

And now you consult and come up with riddles for each other, and I have already shown you a sample.

Physical education:

“If you want it, then do it! »

1. If you want to become a guitarist, do this…

If you want to become a pianist, do this...

2. If you want to become a painter, then do this ...

If you want to be a chef, then do so ...

If you like it, then you teach others,

If you like it then do it...

3. If you want to be an athlete, do this.

If you want to be an artist, do this...

If you like it, then show others

If you like it then do it...

7. - Guys, what do you think is the most important profession? (everyone is important)

The game "What happens if ..."

(Goal: understanding the importance of professions in people's lives; reasoning about the consequences of the termination of activities of people of different professions)

Will chefs stop cooking food?

Doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching kids?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to drive?

Will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads?

Now the guys will read the poem, and you listen carefully to what it really is.

Think what would be

When the tailor would say:

I don't want to sew a dress.

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would follow him home.

People would go naked

On the street in winter.

Think what would be

When the doctor would say:

I don't want to tear my teeth

I won't even if you cry!

Sick medical care

There would be none.

And you would sit and suffer

With a bandaged cheek.

Think what would be

When the driver said:

I do not want to carry! -

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

covered with snow,

Factory workers

We would walk.

The teacher at school would say:

me this year

I do not want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

Would roll in the dust

And you would be unlearned

Growing up to old age.

Think what would

There was a sudden disaster!

But just won't do it

Nobody ever

And the people won't refuse

From the required labor:

The teacher is required

Come to class in the morning

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any job will be done.

Whatever you entrust them with

Tailors and shoemakers

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone honestly works

On the spot.

L. Kuklin

All professions are needed and every work is important and necessary.

Today we talked about many professions that these people do. Now close your eyes and imagine who you would like to become, what profession do you like best?

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up - And you will find something to your liking!

Thanks everyone.

Varvara Popova
Synopsis of the final GCD on the topic "Professions"

Target: Consolidation of ideas about the professions of people, about the necessity and importance of the work of adults.


Expansion of ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance.

Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Professions".

Systematization of knowledge about the professions of parents.

The development of coherent speech, creative activity.

Improving the skill of retelling.

Equipment: Subject pictures with images of representatives of different professions, a ball

Preliminary work:

A conversation about professions with the examination of subject pictures.

Compilation of stories-descriptions about professions according to the proposed plan.

Preparation of stories with parents about their professions, drawings.

Lesson progress

Organizing time. Guessing riddles about professions.

Speech therapist: “Guys, in our classes we talked a lot about the professions of people, looked at pictures, made up stories, played. Today I invite you to remember everything you have learned about professions. Let's try to solve some riddles:

Handyman of all trades

We will sew a jacket and trousers.

Not a cutter, not a weaver

Who is she say? (dressmaker)

Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who will cure angina?

Don't cry on vaccinations

How to be treated knows (doctor)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine

Rushing by car ... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

In a hurry to the fire (fireman)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies in the sky

Flying an airplane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (pilot)

The bell rang loudly

The lesson started in the class.

Student and parent know

Conduct a lesson ... (teacher)

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits,

Tomato and cucumber

Offers… (salesperson)

Teaches us politeness.

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

Our beloved ... (educator)

Speech therapist: Great! You have solved all the riddles!

Activation of knowledge about professions. Exercise "Make a proposal"

Pictures with images of people's professions are fixed on the board. The speech therapist invites the children to make sentences about professions: name the profession, where this person works and what he does. For example: "A speech therapist in kindergarten teaches children to speak beautifully." Children make up sentences and pass the ball to each other.

The speech therapist evaluates the work of children.

Exercise "Nonsense"

Speech therapist: Guys, now listen to the sentences and correct the mistakes:

The shoemaker makes clothes and the tailor makes shoes.

The salesperson lends books and the librarian sells books.

The teacher treats the sick, and the doctor teaches the students.

The musician plays hockey and the hockey player plays the piano.

The children are doing the task. The speech therapist evaluates their work.

Representation by children of a drawing and a story about the profession of one of the parents, prepared at home.

Speech therapist: At home, together with your parents, you made up a story about the profession of mom or dad and drew a picture. Please show your drawings and tell us about your parents' professions.

The speech therapist gives each child the opportunity to respond.

Reading, answering questions

Speech therapist: Guys, please listen to the story:

Once Vanya and Tanya dreamed about what they would become when they grew up.

I will be a doctor, - said Tanya, - After all, a doctor is the most important profession, because he treats people.

And I will be a builder. After all, the builder is more important than the doctor. Because he builds hospitals, Vanya answered his sister.

- No, probably the cook is more important than the builder. After all, if the cook does not prepare dinner, then the builder will not be able to work, - Tanya said.

So, the main chef is the seller. If he does not sell food, then the cook will not cook dinner, - Vanya noticed after thinking.

And what happens if the seller gets sick and cannot sell products?

The doctor will cure him - Vanya answered confidently.

So who is the boss then? Tanya asked confused.

The riddle was solved by my mother, who returned from work.

There is no such profession that can be called the most important. All professions are equally important, because ... (The speech therapist invites the children to think and answer what mom said ... benefit people, said my mother.

End of class. Evaluation of children's work.

The speech therapist puts the children's drawings into an insert file and compiles the “Our Parents' Book of Professions” folder

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