Anti-crisis management in small business. Anti-crisis management of small business. Anti-crisis management for small and medium businesses

Ionina Margarita Borisovna,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management, PEI HPE "Omsk Law Academy", Omsk

The importance of small business for the country in a market economy is difficult to overestimate. The development of market relations is impossible without the development of entrepreneurship, which is aimed at saturating the market with goods and services, expanding competition, and introducing innovative technologies.

In conditions of high competition, a decrease in the effective demand of the population, a deterioration in the investment climate in the country, and also as a result of negative political factors, the number of inefficient, insolvent small enterprises has increased.

Under these conditions, the problem of theoretical substantiation and practical application of the anti-crisis management system becomes especially relevant. Effectively implementing anti-crisis management, small businesses will receive new development prospects.

Entrepreneurship, as in any complex social process, combines such fundamental principles as conservatism and the constant dynamics of self-development.

There is a well-established view of entrepreneurship - it is the initiative economic activity of individuals, due to their economic and legal independence and responsibility. The purpose of entrepreneurship is to make a profit.

social significance small business is determined by a large group of small owners - owners of small enterprises and their employees, which is one of the most significant qualitative characteristics of any country with a developed market economy.

Analyzing the business environment, a number of reasons are identified that hinder the development of small business, despite state support.

First, the difficult economic situation in the country: inflation, decline in production, high tax rates, poor protection of entrepreneurs at the level of legislation.

Secondly, the insufficient level of knowledge of entrepreneurs, the lack of a high business culture

Thirdly, the disapproving attitude of a part of the population towards entrepreneurship, linking this type of activity mainly with the low quality of goods and services and financial violations.

Fourth, the lack of proper regulation of small business development at the regional level.

The state is interested in the development of small business, which allows for the restructuring of the economy, create new jobs, activate innovative activity, contributes to the formation of a social stratum of active owners and entrepreneurs who form the social base of market reforms and thereby stabilize society as a whole.

At present, many Russian enterprises are experiencing crisis situations. The reason for this is as external factors and the mistakes of the entrepreneurs themselves. Therefore, in the conditions of the Russian economy, anti-crisis management is relevant, which can be defined as a set of processes, methods and tools aimed at foreseeing, preventing or eliminating a crisis with minimal losses. That is why in modern enterprise management it is necessary to use anti-crisis management technologies. This will help prevent or mitigate crises and get out of the crisis with minimal losses.

The anti-crisis management system is aimed at creating conditions for a quick response to changes in the external and internal environment that will facilitate the adoption of effective management decisions, the formation of the right strategic goals, the development and implementation of investment projects.

The structure of anti-crisis management of a small business is as follows: (Fig. 1)

Fig.1. Crisis management small business

Crisis management includes the management of insolvency (bankruptcy) and the process of financial recovery of the enterprise. With sufficiently effective management, a small enterprise, with a small degree of probability, will face the need for this process.

Strategic management - management aimed at implementing an enterprise development strategy, includes defining a mission, analyzing the external and internal environment, choosing the main strategic goal and developing a development strategy and ways to implement it. This process is important for any enterprise. Wherein Russian practice entrepreneurship shows that not all small businesses actively implement and implement strategic management. It is this form of enterprise management that makes it possible to constantly monitor and monitor the organization's activities in all functional areas, evaluate the effectiveness of all business processes, and see the first symptoms of crisis situations in time and make the necessary changes in a timely manner.

Risk management is risk management aimed at reducing losses from possible negative situations in the activities of the enterprise. Today, there is practically no systematic approach to this process at small businesses. Perhaps the owner (entrepreneur) intuitively calculates risks from time to time, but does not cover all the main elements of risk management, such as: identifying risks, detecting areas of high risk, assessing the degree of risk probability, developing risk prevention programs. In this regard, it seems necessary, if not to create divisions or positions that will deal with risk management, then at least provide for this function in the functional structure of small enterprises and assign it to a specific official

Reengineering - involves process approach in enterprise management, when there is a transition from managing individual operations to managing cross-functional business processes that are aimed at meeting the needs of both external and internal customers. It is on this approach to management that the creation of a quality management system (QMS) at the enterprise is based. QMS, in turn, increases the competitive advantages of the enterprise by consumer market through standardization and regulation of activities. With this approach to management, a small business will achieve High Quality not only goods (services), but also all processes of the organization, because, firstly, it focuses on consumers, and secondly, it constantly evaluates the effectiveness of all processes and responds in a timely manner to changing factors in the external and internal environment, introducing new technologies and innovations. At the same time, significant cost savings are achieved, profitability and profitability of activities increase.

Anti-crisis reengineering is designed to prevent the bankruptcy of small businesses by eliminating unprofitable divisions, improving labor organization, optimizing the number of employees by reviewing their functionality, reducing costs and optional payments, etc.

Benchmarking - target management investment, innovation and marketing projects based on a market assessment of the company's competitive position and successful global experience. This process is also underused by small businesses.

Benchmarking involves the implementation of a project management system within a small enterprise. What does it mean to single out separately in the management of an organization: project management and management business processes (operating activities). Project management involves the creation of a temporary project team for a specific project, the purpose of which is to create a unique product (service) with certain resource constraints. The introduction of project management in the activities of small enterprises will improve the main performance indicators of innovative projects, such as: cost, quality, scope of work, duration of the project. Successfully implemented innovative projects, in turn, will increase the competitiveness of a small business and prevent bankruptcy during a crisis.

Restructuring is a process that involves the implementation of a set of measures of an organizational, production, managerial and financial nature. Goals of the restructuring process: 1) improvement of financial and economic performance indicators; 2) attraction of long-term obligations; 3) increase in the market value of the company's own capital; 4) strengthening

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  • Specialty HAC RF08.00.05
  • Number of pages 141

CHAPTER 1. Socio-economic content of entrepreneurship and features of the functioning of small businesses in the service sector.

1.1. Methodological aspects entrepreneurial activity.

1.2. Features of the functioning of small businesses in the service sector.

1.3. Foreign experience in the functioning of small business and entrepreneurship.

CHAPTER 2. Modern mechanism of anti-crisis management.".

2.1. Features of anti-crisis management in the service sector.

2.2. Forms and methods of managing insolvent enterprises.

CHAPTER 3. Analysis of the causes of the crisis in small enterprises in the service sector.

3.1. Algorithm for conducting anti-crisis management at a small service sector enterprise.

3.2. Methodology for developing a plan for conducting anti-crisis management.

3.3. Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of anti-crisis management

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Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Economic foundations of anti-crisis management of small businesses in the service sector"

Relevance of the research topic.

The importance of small business in an emerging market economy cannot be overestimated. The transition to a market is impossible without the massive development of the business sector of the economy, which is aimed at saturating the market with goods and services, overcoming industry and territorial monopoly, expanding competition, introducing scientific and technological progress, increasing export potential, strengthening the economic base of local authorities, developing villages, small and medium-sized cities, the revival of folk crafts and crafts, the solution of environmental problems.

Special place the economy is occupied by small enterprises in the service sector, which, in the course of their existence, directly or indirectly solve or help solve a number of socio-economic problems.

In the context of increased competition, reduced effective demand, worsened investment climate in the country, and as a result of a number of other factors, the number of inefficient, insolvent small enterprises has increased.

Under these conditions, the problem of theoretical substantiation and practical application of the anti-crisis management system, which includes a number of logical cause-and-effect, organizational and methodological means, becomes especially relevant. With its successful implementation, a small business will receive new development prospects.

Given that small business is objective in nature, it is more risky compared to big business in conditions of unstable social economic situation The task of identifying the causes of crisis situations and developing a set of measures to prevent it becomes very relevant.

It should be noted that despite significant amount existing developments on the problems of entrepreneurship and small business, it is necessary to note the insufficient research of this problem from the standpoint of anti-crisis management of small businesses in the service sector.

In the works of a number of authors (Astakhov V., Belyaeva S., Bukrsev V., Voskolovich N., Glushkov G., Gordienko G., Dashkov L., Dolgopyatova T., Efimova M., Zhiltsov E., Ivashchenko N. , Kovalev V., Kolpakova S., Korotkoe E., Koshkina V., Kuzmina D., Lapusta M., Makrak V., Muravieva A., Myagkova P., Naumenko B., Novitsky A., Orlov A., Osipov Yu., Pelikh S., Raizberg B., Skryabin V., Sofia T., Suyunchev M., Fadeev V., Fedotova M., Yakovlev V. et al.) the causes of crisis situations at enterprises are considered, given analysis of the manifestations of the crisis in various systems and subsystems of economic life, organization of entrepreneurship and small business, contains an analysis of the economic and political aspects of the crisis associated with shortcomings government controlled during the transitional period, with excessive liberalization, a sharp and complete rejection of the planning and regulation system, the actual self-elimination of the state from economic life.

A number of works examine crisis manifestations at the level economic activity enterprises, the problems of restructuring, bankruptcy, search for a strategy of "survival" are touched upon.

Within the framework of this dissertation work, the modern mechanism of anti-crisis management and its application in small enterprises in the service sector are investigated, taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning and social significance.

The insufficiency of theoretical and methodological developments on the problems of anti-crisis management of small businesses in the service sector, as well as their great theoretical and practical significance, determined the choice of the research topic.

Goals and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to develop theoretical and methodological principles of anti-crisis management of small businesses in the service sector in a transitional economy.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) theoretically substantiate the socio-economic essence of entrepreneurship and, on this basis, identify the features of the functioning of small businesses in the service sector;

2) clarify the concept of "crisis management" and identify the features of its manifestation and functioning in the service sector;

3) to develop a methodology for improving the mechanism of anti-crisis management of enterprises in the service sector;

The object of the study is small business in the service sector in a transitional economy.

The subject of the study is the system of anti-crisis management of small business in the service sector and the mechanism for its improvement.

The theoretical and informational basis of the dissertation research was the publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the development, formation and functioning of the business sector and small business in the service sector, as well as legislative and regulations on problems of bankruptcy and anti-crisis management, official statistics on small businesses, primary data on a number of small firms.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research:

Given theoretical definition small business as an initiative economic activity of individuals aimed at making a profit, with their economic and legal independence, responsibility and personal capital;

The main features of the functioning of small business associated with its economic nature and essence are identified and grouped. On this basis, the definition of the specifics of anti-crisis management of small enterprises in the service sector is given, taking into account its unstable state and the high probability of occurrence of crisis situations, and a classification of crisis situations is presented;

Methodological bases and directions for anti-crisis management of service enterprises have been developed, including diagnostics of organizational and personnel potential, monitoring of economic and economic activities, as well as the development of an anti-crisis management plan based on the implementation of defensive and offensive tactics for its implementation.

Practical significance of the study is that the main conclusions and proposals can be used in the practical implementation of the mechanism of anti-crisis management of small enterprises in the service sector, contributing to their sustainability and survival in difficult socio-economic conditions.

The work can be used in the educational process when studying foreign and domestic experience formation of entrepreneurship and small business in the service sector, including for teaching the course "Economics of the sphere of paid services", as well as in the development of educational and methodological materials on the problems of anti-crisis management in accordance with standard training programs for specialists in anti-crisis management Federal Service on financial recovery (FSFR).

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the study were reported by the author at two scientific and practical conferences: "University education" (Penza, April 11-12, 2000) and "Socio-economic situation and actual problems social protection Population of Russia” (Ufa, May 16-17, 2000), methodological seminars on the problems of anti-crisis management, as well as meetings held under the leadership of the FSFO, and also found application in the development of the anti-crisis management plan for OAO Stroyservis, Moscow.

Logic and structure of the dissertation. The logic of the study is based on the disclosure of the socio-economic content of entrepreneurship and the features of the functioning of small businesses, the analysis of the causes of the crisis in small enterprises in the service sector and the development of a mechanism for their anti-crisis management.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics", Uransky, Timur Rubinovich


The formation of a market economy is directly related to the revitalization of entrepreneurship, and especially in the field of small business. In entrepreneurship, as in any complex social phenomenon, combining the conservatism of its fundamental principles and beginnings with the dynamics of self-development.

Agreeing with the established view of entrepreneurship as a professional specific activity, we define it as an initiative economic activity individuals, due to their economic and legal independence and responsibility, based on their personal capital and aimed at making a profit.

The social significance of small business is determined by the mass character of a group of small owners - owners of small enterprises and their employees, the total number of which is one of the most significant qualitative characteristics of any country with a developed market economy.

Analyzing the business environment of the service sector, we can identify a number of reasons hindering the development of small business, despite the increased attention to this problem of the state and many subjects. Russian Federation.

Firstly, the difficult economic situation that has developed in the country: inflation, a decline in production, a break in economic ties, a deterioration in payment discipline, a high level of interest rates, and weak legal protection of entrepreneurs.

Secondly, the low level of organizational, economic and legal knowledge of entrepreneurs, the lack of proper business ethics, economic culture both in small business and in the public sector of the service sector.

Thirdly, the negative attitude of a certain part of the population, linking entrepreneurship directly only with mediation, buying and selling and financial violations.

Fourthly, the organizational and legal foundations for regulating the development of small business at the regional level have not been fully developed.

The development of small business in the presence of an appropriate state policy allows you to quickly form competitive market relations, carry out structural restructuring of the economy, create new jobs, intensify scientific and technological progress, contribute to the formation of a powerful social layer of active owners and entrepreneurs, which constitute the social basis for market reforms and the conditions for stability in society.

As can be seen from the analysis, the main factors hindering the development of small businesses are:

Political and economic instability;

Imperfection of the legislative and regulatory framework;

Inefficiency of the financial and credit system for supporting small businesses;

Insufficient number of technologies available for small businesses;

Difficulties in obtaining the necessary premises and equipment for small enterprises;

Lack of access to necessary information;

Difficult criminal situation;

Poor functioning of the mechanism of state support for small business;

Insufficient readiness to work in the market conditions of both entrepreneurs and managers, personnel of structures designed to support or interact with small businesses.

Currently, many Russian enterprises are either insolvent or experiencing significant difficulties in financial, production and other areas of their activities. The reason for this is the complex, ambiguous macroeconomic conditions, which are exacerbated by the mistakes of the entrepreneurs themselves. Therefore, in the conditions of Russian economic reality, it has become not only relevant, but also extremely necessary for enterprises wishing to maintain their well-being or get out of the crisis, a special type of management, which has received the appropriate name - anti-crisis management, which can be defined as a set of specific systems, processes and methods aimed at anticipating or eliminating the crisis with minimal losses.

To avoid the consequences of a crisis, an enterprise must use anti-crisis management, the essence of which can be defined as follows: anti-crisis management is the ability to develop optimal ways out of a crisis situation, determine the priority values ​​of an enterprise in a crisis, coordinate the activities of an enterprise and its employees to anticipate a crisis, achieve the effectiveness of their work in extreme conditions. In other words, anti-crisis management is management aimed at preventing or mitigating crises, as well as keeping the operation of the enterprise in survival mode in a given period and exiting the enterprise from the crisis with minimal losses.

The problems of anti-crisis management are typical for enterprises and organizations of all industries, however, this issue is most acute in the service sector, since it is in this area that the bulk of small and medium-sized enterprises are concentrated, for which, as studies show, the deterioration of the state of affairs and the onset of crisis in activity. Service enterprises are particularly strongly influenced by many factors, both external and internal, the influence of which causes a crisis situation.

The system of anti-crisis management of enterprises in the service sector involves the use of various approaches in its formation, including:

Integrated, taking into account all aspects of management and their relationship;

Integration with the study of processes both vertically and horizontally;

Dynamic, as well as reproductive and others, determines its great flexibility and ability to diversify.

The anti-crisis management system should create conditions for a quick response to changes in the external and internal environment, which will help expand the range of options for behavior in a crisis, i.e. making effective management decisions, forming strategic guidelines and goals, developing innovative programs and implementation of investment projects.

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97. Sergeev V.A. Fundamentals of innovative entrepreneurship. Educational and practical guide. Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 1998. - 143 p.

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101. Handbook of small business: Registration. Registration. Licensing. Taxation. Rights and obligations. A responsibility. Mutual payments. Securities. Contracts./V.M.Pustozerova, A.A.Soloviev. -M.: PRIOR, 1999.-299 p.

102. Strategic planning./Ed. E.A. Utkina. M.: EKMOS, 1998.-440 p.

103. Strategy and tactics of anti-crisis management of the company./Under the general. Ed. prof. A.P. Gradova, prof. B.I. Kuzina. St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1996. - 510 p.

104. Suyunchev M.M. Small business as a determining factor in the development of competition. M., 1999. - 40 p.

105. Theory and practice of anti-crisis management. Textbook for universities./G.Z.Bazarov, L.P.Belykh and others/Ed. S.G. Belyaev and V.I. Koshkin. M.: Zakon i pravo, IOIIIGSh, 1996. - 469 p.

106. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1992 No. 1485 “On organizational measures for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”.

107. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 6, 1995 No. 563 “On the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Support and Development of Small Business”.

108. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 4, 1996 No. 491 “On Priority Measures of State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation”.

109. Utkin E.A. Crisis management. Textbook for high schools. -M.: TANDEM. EKMOS, 1997. 399 p.

110. Fadeev V.Yu. Small and medium business in the transition to the market. Tutorial. M.: Publishing House of MGUP, 1998.-230 p.

111. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy) No. 6-FZ of January 8, 1998.//Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 2 (Special Appendix). pp. 3-78.

112. Schumpeter D. Theory of economic development./Trans. with him. -M.: Progress, 1982. 286 p.

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Ivanova E.A.

PhD in Economics, Don State Technical University



Crisis phenomena in the economy dictate new requirements for the strategies and standards of management of small businesses, which allows them to "stay afloat" and increase their competitiveness and sustainability. Small business is the "locomotive" of the economy, which will allow you to rise to a new stage of development and ensure the economic growth of the country. Entrepreneurs should use qualitatively new development strategies, change their guidelines and business attitudes in the activities of the enterprise.

Keywords Keywords: small business, strategy, management principles, competitiveness.

Ivanova E.A.

PhD in Economics, Don State Technical University



The crisis in the economy dictates new requirements to policies and standards of management of small businesses, allowing them to “stay afloat” and to increase their competitiveness and sustainability. Small business is the “engine” of the economy, which will rise to a new stage of development and economic growth of the country. Entrepreneurs should use a qualitatively new strategy for the development, improvement, change their orientation, and business installations in the enterprise.

keywords: small business, strategy, principles of management, competitiveness.

The complex systemic transformations that are currently taking place in the domestic economy force us to take a fresh look at those industries and areas that allow us to raise the country's economy in the face of sanctions and restrictions. And important role in economic growth and import substitution belongs to small businesses.

Since March 2014, a package of sanctions (financial-economic, scientific-technological, trade, etc.) imposed by the governments of a number of countries against Russia has been in force. As a result, the volume is reduced foreign trade Russian Federation and the influx of foreign investment into the country is decreasing, which entails a number of negative consequences.

The modern "war of sanctions" limits retrofitting manufacturing enterprises with the help of funds and new technologies of foreign partners and investments. Most European and American companies have completely suspended the supply of technology and equipment to Russia. This directly affects small businesses.

Small business is an important component of the market economic system. It penetrates into all systems of the economic and social life of society: into production, commerce, the sphere of finance, the shadow economy, the world of art and spiritual values.

Small business provides the necessary mobility in market conditions, provides specialization and cooperation, and allows you to increase the flexibility and efficiency of any business.

Small business performs serious economic and social tasks.

It is well known that the differentiation of small business in Russia is explained by the incompatibility of the conditions for the development of small enterprises in Moscow and St. Petersburg and in other regions of the country.

Support for small and medium businesses in foreign countries is of great importance, as it is the basis for the stable development of the economy in these countries. The development of small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries is going faster than in Russia.

To date, the support system for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) has reached unprecedented levels in our country. In 2008 - 2013 in the Russian small, and in 2009 - 2010. and in medium-sized businesses, there was a rapid growth in the number of enterprises, characteristic of the periods of greenerism.

The rapid growth, which can be conditionally called the second wave of modern Russian greenerism in the field of SMEs, began during the crisis of 2008-2009. In two years, the number of small enterprises (including micro) increased by 17%, and by the end of 2013 - by 53% (Table 1). The number of micro-enterprises increased by 65.2% during this period. It should be noted that it is small enterprises (including micro) that account for the largest number of employees and the share of the turnover of Russian SMEs.

Table 1 - Characteristics of small enterprises in Russia in 2008-2013

Index 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Number of enterprises, thousand 1348 1578 1644 1837 2003 2062
% 100 117,1 122,0 136,3 148,6 153,0

In 2008 - 2014 federal authorities implemented almost all proposals public organization"OPORA Russia", proposals of other Russian business unions to eliminate excessive administrative barriers. Work has intensified in the country on the creation of special anti-corruption mechanisms in the areas of activity government agencies with an increased risk of corruption. An institution for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs has been created - federal and regional ombudsmen for entrepreneurship.

At the same time, small businesses are experiencing a number of problems and difficulties, which include:

– a higher level of risk, causing an unstable position in the market;

- dependence large companies;

– weak competence of managers;

- increased sensitivity to changes in business conditions;

- Difficulties in attracting additional financial resources and obtaining loans;

– uncertainty and caution of business partners when concluding agreements (contracts).

An analysis of statistics shows that in 2013, 932.8 thousand individual entrepreneurs (IEs) stopped their activities in the Russian Federation, 98% of them by their own decision. Such decisions are due to the simplicity of the IP liquidation procedure, as well as the personal responsibility of the IP for non-compliance with the requirements of the law.

Suitable for a more detailed study of effectiveness state aid small businesses in a particular region should also consider other measures to support entrepreneurs, such as: the availability of business incubators and technology parks, the effectiveness of measures to promote entrepreneurship, the number of microloans issued for development, and others.

There are four main principles for improving the existing mechanism of state support for small businesses.

  1. Quotas for subsidizing the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of regional programs for the development of small businesses are determined based on the growth rate of the sector, and not its absolute size (thus, the positive changes that are taking place today are encouraged, and not the results achieved long ago).
  2. Rejection of the plurality of types of subsidies distributed by different departments according to criteria that are not transparent for the regions, in favor of 4-5 broad-based subsidies that a subject of the Russian Federation can use with greater independence.
  3. The center of responsibility for reducing spatial asymmetries is shifted to the regional level.
  4. To improve the economic efficiency of public financing at the regional level, promising areas for the development of small businesses within each of municipalities, and further financial support for local business projects is carried out only in these areas.

Thus, instead of the existing policy of “conservation” of the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses achieved in the country and its accelerated “recovery growth” in a narrow circle of already “developed” subjects of the Russian Federation, federal and regional authorities are invited to develop the ability to predict future demands of urban districts and rural areas. municipal districts in accordance with existing priorities and natural, human, logistical and other potential.

One of the ways to increase the competitiveness of small enterprises in particular can be called the use of developed competitive advantage based on competitive strategies.

Strategic planning in small firms is either non-existent or fragmented.

So, at the heart of the entrepreneurial view of the process of building a strategy are the following prerequisites:

1) the strategy must exist for the manager in the form of development prospects;

2) the leader can form a strategy at the level of consciousness and it is based on the intuition of the leader.

3) control over the implementation of the strategy remains with the management;

4) it is necessary to have a flexible and thoughtful strategic thinking;

5) a small business is flexible, responding to all instructions from management;

6) Entrepreneurs are characterized by the search for strategies and the absence of the influence of direct competitors in market niches.

Strategic planning and management of domestic enterprises is characterized by the fact that business leaders conduct own research and forecasts of influences external environment, determining the assortment list of goods and services, the procedure for calculating the cost and costs, form pricing policy, independently must choose suppliers, develop their own sales policy and influence consumer behavior. All of the above tasks require a single, well-formed and effective strategy for the functioning and development of enterprises.

Importance in strategic planning small businesses play long-term goals aimed at achieving key results and creating competitive advantages. At the same time, it is important to highlight key areas that determine long-term goals: a place in the market, innovations and technologies, marketing, manufacturing process, financial and personnel management, enterprise management .

Every year you can observe the ruin of small businesses, because the risks are quite large, and the success of the activity depends on the right strategies.

The main reasons for the failure of enterprises include:

1) insufficient level of competence of the founder and employees,

2) lack or lack of managerial experience of the head;

3) no prospects and no development plans for the medium and long term;

4) there is no strategic planning;

5) activities are expanding without knowing the real volumes of resources;

6) lack of information about consumers and suppliers;

7) inappropriate accounting and workflow systems;

8) outdated marketing research data;

9) family business;

10) legal problems with the law;

11) suboptimal delegation of duties;

12) there is no balanced financial management.

In a crisis, the best strategy for the real sector is to imagine that the company's revenue or profit has halved. Each enterprise, like the state, needs three scenarios for the development of events and three sets of actions depending on each of them:

Optimistic - for staff and external audiences;

Pessimistic - for internal needs;


Short list duties of a leader, according to Alexander Vysotsky, founder of the School of Business Owners and Vysotsky Consulting:

Achieve the production of products

give orders,

Increase the accountability of subordinates

Develop guidelines and policies


To plan

Coordinate activities


Train and train subordinates.

Crisis phenomena in the economy are forcing small businesses to take a fresh look at the goals, objectives and development strategy. An important goal is to maintain leadership positions, increase competitiveness, high financial indicators. The most important thing is to maintain flexibility and mobility, adapt to realities, take into account the impact of phenomena in the economy, politics, and the external environment, which is typical for modern domestic entrepreneurs.


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  2. Fedorova, E., Fedotova, M., Nikolaev, A. Assessment of the impact of sanctions on performance Russian companies// Issues of Economics. - 2016. - No. 3-S.34
  3. Smirnov, D.V. Features of the institutional infrastructure of small and medium-sized businesses in the regional economic system: monograph / D.V. Smirnov, V.V. Saley. - Rostov: Publishing house "Azov-print", 2015.- P.4-5
  4. Knyazkina, E.V. Adaptation as a factor in the competitiveness of small construction companies region in an unstable economic situation: a monograph. - Samara, Samarsk. state arch.-build. un-t., - 98 p.
  5. Podshivalova, M. The quality of socio-economic institutions that form the environment for the development of small business//Questions of Economics. -2014.-№6.-p.97-111
  6. Bagova, A. Experience in supporting small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries (on the example of Germany and France) // Entrepreneurial Law. Appendix "Business and law in Russia and abroad". - 2013. -№ 1. -S. 7 - 12
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  8. Vilensky, A. State support for small and medium-sized businesses in modern Russia on the second wave of Greenunderism//Questions of Economics.-2014.-No.11. – P.95-106
  9. Nizova, L.M., Malinkina, I.V. Entrepreneurship at the regional level: priorities and problems // EKO. All-Russian economic journal. – 2016.- No. 1.- C. 70-76
  10. Aleksandrov, P. Some institutional changes in the development of small business // Society and Economics. – 2015.- No. 10.-C. 92-97
  11. Aleshchenko, V.V. Small business: spatial development and state policy priorities // ECO. All-Russian Economic Journal.- 2014.- No. 11.-C. 132
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  13. Mintzberg, G. Strategic safari: A tour of the wilds of strategic management / Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel; Per. from English. - 2nd ed. - M. : Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 365 p.
  14. Fomichev, A.N. Strategic management: Textbook for universities / A. N. Fomichev. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2014. - 468 p.
  15. Lozik, N.F. Strategic management: tutorial/ N.F. Lozik, M.N. Kuzina, D.V. Tsaregorodtsev; under total ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. A.A. Semenova. - M. : Rusajns Publishing House, 2015. - 152 p.
  16. Voronin, A.D. Strategic management: textbook. allowance / A.D. Voronin, A.V. Korolev. - Minsk: Higher School, 2014. - 175 p.: ill
  17. Tsvetkov, V. The company's revenue has halved: nine express tips will help to survive // ​​General Director. - 2016. - No. 6. – p.33
  18. Vysotsky, A. A short list of duties of the head//Standards of business management.-2016.-№12.-p.88-90


  1. Kazantsev, SV Assessing the impact of the recession and anti-Russian sanctions on the regions of the Russian Federation // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. - 2016. - No. 5.-P.55.
  2. Fedorov, EA, Fedotov, Moscow Nikolaev, A. Assessment of the impact of sanctions on the results of Russian companies // Questions of economy. - 2016. - No. 3-P.34
  3. Smirnov, D.V.Osobennosti institutional infrastructure of small and medium-sized enterprises in the regional economic system: Monograph / DV Smirnov VV Saly. – Rostov: “Azov-print” Publisher, 2015.- S.4-5
  4. Knyazkina, EV Adaptation as a factor in the competitiveness of small construction companies in the region in an unstable economic environment: Monograph Samara, Samara. state. arh.-building. University Press, 2011. -. 98 c.
  5. Podshivalova, M. Quality of social and economic institutions that form the environment of small business // Problems of Economics. -2014.-№6.-S.97-111
  6. bugs A. Experience of supporting small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries (for example, Germany and France) // Business Law. The app “Business and Law in Russia and abroad.” - 2013. - № 1. C. 7 - 12
  7. Rosstat (
  8. Vilna, A.Gosudarstvennaya support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia today for the second wave of Gründerzeit // Questions ekonomiki.-2014.-№11. – S.95-106
  9. Nizova, LM, Malinkin, IV Entrepreneurship regional priorities and problems // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. – 2016.- No. 1.- C. 70-76
  10. Aleksandrov, P. Some institutional changes in the development of small business // the Society and economy. – 2015.- No. 10.-C. 92-97
  11. Aleshchenko, VV Small business: spatial development and public policy priorities // ECO. National Economic zhurnal.- 2014.- No. 11.-C. 132
  12. Knyazkina EV Adaptation as a factor in the competitiveness of small construction companies in the region in an unstable economic environment: a monograph. - Samara. SAMARA. state. arh.-building. University Press, 2011. - 98 pp.
  13. Mintzberg, G.Strategicheskoe safari tour of the wilds of strategic management / Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampela; Trans. from English. – 2nd ed. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 365 p.
  14. Fomichev, AN Strategic Management: A Textbook for universities / AN Fomichev. - M .: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov and K °", 2014. - 468 p.
  15. Lozik, NF Strategic Management: textbook / NF Lozik, MN Cousin, DV Tsaregorodcev; under the total. Ed. Dr. ehkon. sciences, prof. A.A. Semenova. – M.: “Rusayns” Publishing House, 2015. – 152 p.
  16. Voronin, AD Strategic Management: Textbook. Benefit / AD Voronin, AV Korolev. – Minsk Higher School, 2014. – 175 p.: silt
  17. Tsvetkov, V. The company’s revenue fell two-fold: to help nine express tips // General direktor.- 2016.-№6. – P.33
  18. Vysotsky, A. A short list of duties of head // Management Standards biznesom.-2016.-№12.-S.88-90