The main activities in the framework of financial management. The main directions of financial management at the enterprise The main directions of financial management at the enterprise

Role financial management

Financial management is a mechanism for managing an organization that focuses on the rapid changes taking place in market environment.

It should be noted that this mechanism of financial management is quite flexible, due to this it plays an important role in the activities of the company, as it is able to quickly and efficiently adapt the work of the company, depending on the conditions of external and internal factors.

Financial management involves the active use of modern resources of society and the market, which makes the enterprise more competitive. These resources are:

  • Information Technology;
  • Modern management solutions;
  • Innovation, etc.

Remark 1

The main role and purpose of financial management in an enterprise is the management of the financial system, or rather, their reproduction.

Financial management studies all the cash flows of an enterprise that can affect the company's capital in an unstable market, where financial risks are endless.

Financial management, as a science, allows company management to find answers to the most pressing questions that arise in the course of the company's activities. Such questions may be:

  1. How much financial resources a company needs to spend in order to successfully sell its products in a market with constantly changing environmental conditions;
  2. How to find sources of financing for successful activities, whether they will be borrowed or own funds of the company, in what ratio they should be in order for the company to develop;
  3. How to properly conduct the company's business activities so that it is profitable, assets increase, capital is used for its intended purpose, solvency and financial activity are stable, incomes grow;
  4. How to conduct a company's risk reduction policy. Risks can and constantly arise in any area of ​​the company's management, in financial or investment, as well as in current activities.

So, the role of financial management in the enterprise is great, competent management of finances, distributed among the three main areas of activity (investment, financial and current), allows the enterprise to reach the intended goals and opportunities for development.

The main directions of financial management

The main areas of activity of financial management affect various aspects of the work of an economic entity. The main activities of financial management in the enterprise can be considered:

  • Take a leading position in a competitive market. Financial management is designed to increase the level of competitiveness of an enterprise with the help of financial and economic activities, the more market share an organization takes, the better it will be in the future. financial indicators. Competitors are complex element the market, the fight against which must begin from the moment a new company enters the market and continue to the last;
  • Improving the efficiency of the company, including by reducing risks. Financial management is called upon to pursue a policy of uninterrupted analysis and development financial activities firms, assess risks, identify positive, and most importantly, negative financial and economic trends in the organization and minimize them;
  • Competent management of the financial system of the company. The main goal of financial management is to increase the final indicators of the company's activities, such as: profit and profitability. Therefore, all efforts to manage the company's resources are aimed at maximizing profits, mainly by reducing production costs or new management decisions;
  • Increasing company productivity. Financial management is aimed at the development of the enterprise, and, consequently, at increasing the volume of products, since this is what leads to the further development of the company.

Development of financial management

The development of financial management is ongoing, as the market is also undergoing constant changes. It should be noted that the development of science keeps pace with changing market conditions, this process is ongoing.

In order for financial management to develop effectively and rapidly, it is necessary to create certain conditions.

The first condition is based on a wide range legal forms company property. The more types of forms of ownership, the wider the activity and the more diverse the financial management. It should be noted that financial management in each form of ownership has its own characteristics, taking into account legislation, tax and accounting rules.

The second condition states that the firm must reach the level of self-financing. It should be noted that this is an elusive task, but it is necessary to strive for this, in which financial management helps.

The third condition for the development of financial management speaks of market pricing. The market itself must form the price of the product, and the company only adjusts it depending on the conditions and demand for the product.

The fourth condition under which financial management can develop is a clear state regulation of financial - economic activity companies. That is, the rules should be regulated by law, the law should not be changed often, the enterprise should be able to adapt and establish stability in the financial system. Frequent changes lead to chaos.

The fifth development condition says that financial management develops well if there is no shortage in such markets as: the labor market (there is a choice in workforce), the capital market and the product market.

Remark 2

Thus, the development of financial management is a constant and continuous process. The market and market processes are endlessly changing, in view of this, the principles and foundations of financial management as a science are changing, because if this does not happen, then the entire activity of the enterprise will not be effective.

(characteristic for all types and forms of ownership)

1. Formation of assets by certain types and their total sum as a whole, based on the envisaged volumes of the enterprise's activities and optimization of the composition of assets from the standpoint of the efficiency of their use, as well as liquidity that maintains constant solvency.

2. Formation financial structure capital, where the total need for capital to finance the formed assets of the enterprise is determined; formation of a target capital structure, providing the lowest cost and sufficient financial stability of capital.

3. Control current assets, here the subject of study is the analysis and forecasting of the duration of individual capital turnover cycles with the allocation of certain types of these assets: inventories, monetary assets, receivables.

4. Management of non-current assets, here the subject is to ensure the effective use of fixed assets of the enterprise, which make up the bulk of non-current assets. In the management process, an analysis of the efficiency of the use of certain types of fixed assets is carried out, the need for financial resources is determined to ensure current and major repairs, as well as replacement due to physical and obsolescence, and a system is formed to increase the return on assets of existing fixed assets.

5. Investment management, here the direction of the investment activity of the enterprise is formed, the investment attractiveness of individual real projects is assessed and financial instruments and the most efficient one is selected. Particular attention is paid to the choice of forms (leasing, etc.) and sources of financing. The composition of sources of investment resources is being optimized.

6. Management of the formation of own financial resources, here the subject is to determine the need for own financial resources for the implementation economic strategy, maintenance financial stability. Particular attention is paid to attracting own sources of financing equity(net profit and depreciation).

7. Debt management, where the main thing is to determine the total need for borrowed funds, the ratio of short-term and long-term debt is optimized and the cost of borrowed funds is determined.

8. Financial risk management, here the composition of the main financial risks is revealed, the level of these risks and their adverse consequences for individual operations and economic activity as a whole are assessed, a system of measures is formed to prevent and minimize individual risks and their internal and external insurance, a system for assessing the diagnosis of enterprise bankruptcy is being developed .


Chapter I Theoretical aspects studying the main areas of financial management5

1.1 Essence of financial management5

1.2 Goals and objectives of financial management8

1.3 Theoretical basis in the development of directions for the development of financial management at the enterprise10

1.4 The role of current asset management in the development of financial management13

Chapter II. development of the main directions of financial management at the enterprise "Dinaks" LLC22

2.1 a brief description of OOO "Dinax"22

2.2 Analysis of the financial performance of Dinaks LLC23

2.3 Analysis of the impact of current and non-current assets on the development of financial management27

3.4 The impact of fixed assets on the development of financial management31

3.5 Risk mitigation measures32





The relevance of the study of the topic is due to the fact that modern organizations operate in a dynamic and complex market environment, therefore, an adequate mechanism for managing various economic processes is required. The search for effective ways for financing, profitable investment decisions, timely identification of the size of receivables and payables, as well as determining trends in the development of financial policy are important areas for rational economic activity organizations. At present, the increasing use in business practice Russian organizations receives the methodology of financial management.

Management is the system economic management production, which includes a set of principles, methods, forms and techniques of management. Management is the process of developing and implementing control actions. The control action is the action on the control object, intended to achieve the control goal. The implementation of control actions covers the transfer of control actions and, if necessary, their transformation into a form that is directly perceived by the control object.

Financial management is part general management. Financial management can be defined as a system of rational and efficient use of capital, as a mechanism for managing the movement of financial resources. Financial management is aimed at increasing financial resources, investments and increasing the volume of capital and achieving ultimate goal business entity - making a profit. Any economic relationship is based on the desire to make a profit. This situation contributes to the development of the most advanced industries and economic entities.

The purpose of financial management is to develop certain solutions to achieve rational end results and find the optimal balance between short-term and long-term goals of the organization's development and decisions made in the current and future financial management.

In this course work will be studied in detail one of the areas of financial management - the management of current assets.

The policy of managing these assets is important, first of all, to ensure the continuity and efficiency of the current activities of the enterprise, which implies the need for investments in working capital. These tools only work in one production cycle and fully transfer their value to the newly manufactured product. Working capital of enterprises participating in the circulation of funds market economy are a single complex. The essence of these funds is determined by their economic role, the need to ensure the reproduction process, which includes both the production process and the circulation process.

An object term paper- "Dinaks" LLC.

The subject is the development of the main directions of financial management.

The purpose of the course work is to study the main areas of financial management on the example of the activities of Dinax LLC.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Reveal the essence of financial management, its objectives and goals.

Determine the main directions of financial management.

Analyze the activities of Dinaks LLC.

To study the process of development of the main directions of financial management on the example of Dinaks LLC.

The theoretical basis for writing a term paper was educational materials in the field of financial management of such authors as Karaseva I.M., Romanovsky M.V., Shokhin E.I., Selezneva N.N. and etc.

The structure of the course work: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography, application.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of studying the main directions of financial management

1 Essence of financial management

Finance is a specific element of the enterprise economy, due to the fact that the relationship between the participants commercial activities - legal entities- are accompanied by the movement of cash flows.

Finance is a set of monetary relations that arise in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and include the formation and use of cash income, ensuring the circulation of funds in the reproduction process, organizing relationships with other enterprises, the budget, banks, insurance organizations, etc.

Financial management is the science of managing all these processes. Financial management of an enterprise involves the development of methods that an enterprise sets for itself in order to achieve certain goals, the ultimate of which is to ensure a strong and sustainable financial condition.

Financial management includes the development and selection of criteria for making the right financial decisions, as well as the practical use of these criteria, taking into account the specific conditions of the enterprise.

Financial management is financial management, that is, activities related to the formation and use of funds.

Manage their finances government bodies different levels, enterprises of various forms of ownership, financial institutions, public organizations and individuals. The term "financial management", however, is interpreted in the literature quite clearly and refers to the management of the finances of a joint-stock company or, in other words, corporate finances.

From a practical point of view, financial management, like management in general, is a specific type of activity that financial managers (financial directors, deputy heads of an enterprise for finance) are engaged in. Some (sometimes all) features financial managers, especially at small enterprises, their managers and chief accountants can perform.

Financial management, which aims at the active and rational management of the enterprise's finances, inevitably affects all aspects of its activities, since the choice of criteria for making the right financial decisions necessitates changes in many areas of the enterprise's functioning.

AT general view financial management can be defined as a specific area management activities associated with the organization of the enterprise's cash flows, the formation and use of capital, cash income and funds necessary to achieve the enterprise.

Financial management, on the one hand, is a controlled system that has certain patterns and features, and on the other hand, control system, part of the overall enterprise management system.

Being a controlled system, financial management is largely subject to state regulation through taxes, prices, wages, etc. a managed system means that financial management is an object of management that is affected by the flow of managerial decisions.

Management subjects include bodies government controlled, financial and tax authorities, banks, insurance authorities, etc.

The main subject of management is the owner. But it is the owner who is more confronted with the other side of financial management - the managed system, which often leads to contradictions.

Financial management is a kind professional activity aimed at managing the financial and economic activities of the company on the basis of modern methods. Financial management includes:

development and implementation of the company's financial policy using various financial instruments;

decision-making on financial issues, their concretization and development of implementation methods;

Information Support by compiling and analyzing the financial statements of the firm;

assessment investment projects and formation of an investment portfolio;

assessment of capital costs;

financial planning and control;

organization of the apparatus for managing the financial and economic activities of the company.

The main thing in financial management is setting goals that meet the financial interests of the object of management. The effectiveness of its functioning largely depends on the speed of response to changes in the conditions of the financial market, the financial situation and the financial condition of the control object.

1.2 Goals and objectives of financial management

The goals and objectives of financial management are defined in different ways. It is usually believed that the financial management of the organization is carried out on the basis of the interests of its owners and the highest management personnel.

The tasks of financial management are:

planning and forecasting the financial side of the enterprise;

making sound investment decisions;

coordination of financial activities of all departments;

carrying out operations in the financial market in order to mobilize financial resources.

The task of financial management is to make a decision to ensure the most efficient movement of financial resources between the company and its sources of financing, both external and internal. Therefore, managing the flow of financial resources, expressed in cash, is a central issue in financial management.

Efficient Management the movement of capital within the company implies the existence of a definition of key guidelines for its development, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular decision. The following issues directly relate to the tasks of financial management:

protection of consumer interests;

pay wages employees;

ensuring fair conditions of employment and safe conditions labor;

support educational programs;

participation in solving security problems environment.

The tasks of financial management include finding the optimal balance between short-term and long-term goals for the development of the company and decisions made within the framework of financial management. In short-term financial management, for example, decisions are made about combining goals such as increasing profits and increasing the price of shares, since these goals can counteract each other. This situation arises when a firm investing capital in the development of production incurs current losses, hoping to receive high profit in the future, which will ensure the growth of the value of its shares. On the other hand, a firm may refrain from investing in the renewal of fixed capital in order to obtain high current profits, which will subsequently affect the competitiveness of its products and lead to a decrease in the profitability of production, and then to a fall in the market value of its shares and, consequently, to a deterioration in financial position. market.

The purpose of financial management is to find the optimal balance between short-term and long-term goals of the company's development and decisions made in the current and prospective financial management.

The main goals are to achieve the maximum rate of growth in the price of the enterprise or to maximize the value of its price, the achievement of which is ensured by increasing the capitalized value of the enterprise. To achieve goals in financial management, decisions are made in three areas of interaction between the enterprise and financial markets:

investment policy;

management of sources of funds;

dividend policy.

Financial management aims not only to determine all the financial consequences of certain decisions on the operation of the enterprise, and even not only to find ways to eliminate or mitigate the impact on the financial condition of negative consequences. Another important goal of financial management is to determine benchmarks on the basis of which it is possible to assess whether the current level of a particular indicator is favorable for a given enterprise, and then decide whether it needs to show an increase, decrease or maintenance of the existing level.

3 Theoretical foundations in the development of directions for the development of financial management in the enterprise

Financial management is a process of managing the formation, distribution and use of financial resources of an economic entity. Hence the main goal of financial management is to maximize the price of equity capital.

Financial management solves the following tasks:

) ensuring high financial stability of the enterprise in

the process of its development;

) maintaining the constant solvency of the enterprise;

) profit maximization;

) ensuring the minimization of financial risks.

The system of tasks is aimed at achieving an increase in market value at each stage of the enterprise development while ensuring sufficient financial stability, solvency and optimizing the ratio of profit and risk in the process of making managerial decisions.

The financial stability of the enterprise is ensured by a rational financial policy, the use of various sources for the formation of financial resources, the direction of funds for solving the priority tasks of the enterprise development.

Maintaining the constant solvency of the enterprise is achieved through the effective formation of cash flows and maintaining the liquidity of current assets. The constant management of all types of funds is connected with ensuring the solvency of the enterprise.

Profit maximization is based on the use of a high level of management, on effective tax, marketing and dividend policy.

The risk minimization process provides for their assessment, prevention and minimization.

A generalization of the experience of domestic enterprises in financial management allows us to conclude that at the present stage of entrepreneurship development, there is a transition from solving simple problems (planning, analysis, assessment of financial stability) to more complex and complex ones (budgeting, capital management, development of financial and economic strategies using valuable papers and etc.). In practice, financial management carried out by the enterprise is implemented through the developed policy, strategy and tactics. Financial management always has a goal orientation, which leaves an imprint on all activities. Financial management brings to the economy of the enterprise new system values, changes development priorities. The main provisions of financial management, like every control system, financial management has its own system of specific management objects: assets and liabilities, investments, profits, credit, etc.

Taking into account the objects of management, the main areas of financial management can be distinguished:

) formation of the financial structure of capital;

) formation of assets;

) management of current assets;

) management of non-current assets;

) investment management;

) management and formation of own financial resources;

) management of borrowed funds;

) financial risk management.

The formation of the financial structure of the capital is aimed at determining the total need for capital (initially it is the authorized capital) to finance the formed assets of the enterprise, the study and analysis of alternative sources of formation of financial resources.

The formation of assets is associated with identifying the real need for certain types of assets and determining their amount as a whole, based on the envisaged volumes of the enterprise.

Current assets management - essential activity the financial staff of the firm. This is, first of all, the analysis of the duration of individual cycles of turnover of working capital: ensuring the acceleration of asset turnover, reducing receivables, increasing the efficiency of the integrated use of current assets.

Management of non-current assets (fixed assets) achieves the goal while ensuring the effective use of fixed assets, determines the need for the growth of fixed assets and their renewal; when implementing measures that increase the return on capital of non-current assets.

Investment management is the main task of the enterprise's investment policy; assessment of the investment attractiveness of individual real projects and selection of the most effective ones. Particular attention in the process of investment management should be given to the choice of forms and sources of their financing, optimization of the composition of sources of investment resources.

Managing the formation of own financial resources is the determination of the need for own financial resources to implement the economic strategy of the enterprise and achieve the target financial structure of capital.

The main attention in this area of ​​activity should be given to increasing the volume of profits, the depreciation fund, and non-operating income.

Subjects of management of borrowed in cash serve to determine the overall need for borrowed funds, optimize the ratio of short-term and long-term debts, optimize the forms and sources of raising borrowed funds, prepare projects for individual loan agreements.

When managing financial risks, the focus should be on identifying the composition of probable financial risks inherent in the operational, economic and investment activities of the enterprise. Assessment of the level of these risks and their consequences is reduced to the formation of a system of measures to prevent and minimize individual financial risks, as well as their internal and external insurance.

4 The role of current asset management in the development of financial management

financial management risk asset

The assets of the enterprise are divided into fixed (fixed, permanent - land, buildings, structures, equipment, intangible assets, other fixed assets and investments) and current (current, i.e. all other balance sheet assets).

For successful operation, any business entity needs stocks of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products, components, containers, spare parts that would correspond to its production program. Each enterprise in the course of its activity also creates reserves finished products. By selling finished products on various contractual terms, the company diverts some of the funds into receivables. In order to make timely settlements with creditors, the organization must have a certain amount of cash in the settlement and other accounts in banks and at the cash desk. All this determines the need to invest part of the organization's capital in working capital (current assets).

Working capital is the funds invested by the organization in current operations during each production cycle. Characteristic features working capital are:

full consumption during one production cycle and full transfer of its value to newly created products;

being in constant circulation;

a change in its form from monetary to commodity and from commodity to monetary during one turnover, in the process of passing through three stages: purchase, consumption and sale.

Working capital of the enterprise, participating in the process of production and sale of products, make a continuous circuit. At the same time, they pass from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of production and vice versa, taking the form of funds of circulation and circulating assets. production assets. Thus, passing through three phases in succession, current assets change their natural-material form.

In the first phase (D - C), working capital, which originally had the form of cash, is converted into inventories, i.e. move from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of production. In the second phase (T - P - T1), working capital participate directly in the production process and take the form of work in progress, semi-finished products and finished products. The third phase of the circulation of working capital (T1 - D1) takes place again in the sphere of circulation. As a result of the sale of finished products, working capital takes the form of cash again. The difference between the received cash proceeds and the initially spent funds (D1 - D) determines the amount of cash savings of enterprises. Thus, making a complete cycle (D - T - P - T1 - D1), working capital operates at all stages in parallel in time, which ensures the continuity of the production and circulation process.

The circulation of working capital is an organic unity of its three phases.

Unlike fixed assets, which are repeatedly involved in the production process, working capital operates in only one production cycle and fully transfers its value to the entire manufactured product.

According to the sources of formation, working capital is divided into own and borrowed (attracted). Own funds of enterprises with development entrepreneurial activity and corporatization play a decisive role, as they provide financial stability and operational independence of an economic entity. Own circulating assets of privatized enterprises are at their complete disposal. Enterprises have the right to sell them, transfer them to other economic entities, lease them to citizens, etc.

Borrowed funds, attracted mainly in the form of bank loans, cover the additional need of the enterprise for funds. At the same time, the main criterion for the conditions of lending by the bank is the reliability of the financial condition of the enterprise and the assessment of its financial stability.


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Considering the main directions of the financial management of an enterprise, one should proceed from the fact that financial management involves in-depth knowledge of the enterprise's own problems.

(manufactured products, technological capabilities, production costs, profitability, etc.) and the direction of influence on the enterprise of interest rate policy, taxes, dividends and other forms of influence of financial market regulators.

Financial management involves the development of a financial strategy, solving current problems based on analysis financial reporting and forecasting business income. The main determinant of financial management are changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, depending on which investment decisions and sources of their financing are chosen in accordance.

They are supplemented by issues of working capital management, analysis of the state of receivables, management of temporarily free funds and other issues related to the movement of finance - planning, forecasting financial activities. In addition, the financial environment is characterized by increased mobility, as a result of which it becomes necessary to take into account the time factor, use the time-adjusted cash flow method.

In particular, the future value (IF) (price) of a certain amount of today's interest-bearing funds (7) over certain periods (s) can be calculated using formula 27:

Present value (LIO - today's value of future payments, the receipt of which is possible at a certain interest rate / during i periods (formula 28):

An important area of ​​financial management is the financial plan, which reflects in monetary form all production and economic activities of the company. The main objectives of fund planning are as follows:

1. Providing the enterprise with the financial resources necessary for its production and economic activities.

2. Reducing the costs of production and circulation and, on this basis, increasing the accumulation of own working capital.

3. It is economically expedient to use money to finance production, capital investments, and social development.

4. The manifestation and mobilization of the company's reserves in order to increase profitability.

5. Establishment of optimal financial relations for the enterprise with the state budget, banking institutions, tax administration and other institutions and funds.

The main financial indicators are the company's income from sales, payments in the state budget, off-budget funds and total profit.

form financial plan is the balance of income and expenses, consists of the following interrelated sections:

Income and receipts of funds;

Expenses and deductions of funds;

Credit relationships;

Relations with the state budget;

Relations with founders and shareholders.

When planning expenses, one should proceed from their classification, in particular from the most common division of costs into direct and indirect, fixed and variable. For the enterprise, it is not so much the total amount of losses that is of great importance, but the average cost per unit of output. Due to fixed costs, they tend to decrease with increasing production volumes.

Long-term costs become decisive for short-term costs: first of all, a decision is made on the volume and range of production, the size of investments, after which fixed costs short term become well defined.

When calculating profitability and solving financial issues, one should remember about the division of profit into gross, net, and the latter - according to the final destination (personal income, dividends, investments, etc.).

Cash planning is closely related to profit planning - the process of evaluating all sources of income and expenditure of cash during certain period. The main task of kerosene planning is to determine minimum size the working capital needed to turn cash into inventory, then into receivables, and finally back into cash.

In business, working capital is the excess of mobile funds (current assets) over short-term liabilities. The balance of working capital allows timely payments for materials and labor, costs associated with production and marketing activities, and enjoys a strong credit reputation. More precisely, the need for working capital is calculated based on the analysis of costs per 100 monetary units from turnover, taking into account the terms of payment. The final calculation of the need for working capital is made according to formula 29:

Determining the need for working capital becomes the basis for forecasting cash receipts and expenditures through the preparation of a cash budget. The latter reflects the envisaged cash flow and its use, as well as the need for loans or the receipt of surplus cash. Actual receipts and payments differ from those provided in the cash budget, which may be caused by changes in the conditions of sale or production, as well as insufficient control over the movement of cash. To save working capital, the following stabilization measures are possible:

o reduction of direct variable costs,

o strengthening the collection of accounts receivable;

o temporary waiver of significant costs;

o inventory reduction;

o change in production and commercial plans;

o using the possibility of deferred repayment of loans.

Of course, the situation will not be threatening if the enterprise has created a special fund and reserve. In funds, cash is accumulated, and in reserves (value, profit and liability reserves) they most often make up a fixed amount.

In general, the cycle of circulation of money has the following form (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1. The cycle of circulation of money

If significant funds arise at the enterprise, it is advisable to invest them through lending, direct spending of money, purchase of securities and, mainly, directing them to support and expand fixed capital. Most of the costs associated with fixed assets are clearly divided into categories that are either capital costs or ordinary operating costs.

The entrepreneur must know that in order to prevent unnecessary capital expenditures, it is necessary to systematically consider the issue of updating the means of production, to draw up a budget capital costs. It is advisable to choose those capital investments that are the most cost-effective.

Analyzing financial indicators - balance sheet, profit and financial and economic activity, it is advisable to compare data on

certain periods through comparison of absolute data, comparison of percentage change absolute indicators and indexing. For example, comparing the obtained data with an asset and a liability allows one to draw certain conclusions about the state of liquidity by comparing mobile funds with short-term debts.

Among the indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise, those that reflect the solvency of the enterprise and its financial independence. These include ratios: coverage, liquidity, autonomy, maneuvering, coverage of short-term debts, etc.

To analyze profits, first of all, indicators of return on capital and profitability of certain types of activities, products or services are used. In addition, it is possible to use other performance indicators labor, capital productivity, material consumption and the like.

The above list of coefficients and indicators can be supplemented in accordance with the objectives of the analysis. The main thing in this case is the subordination of the analysis to the goals of the financial management of the enterprise, the use of the data obtained to find effective directions for the business of the company.

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