Personnel adaptation and training manager. "Welcome or no outsiders allowed." variations on the theme of adaptation of the personnel manager. HR manager adaptation program

Personnel adaptation is an important component of the personnel management system. In order to increase the efficiency of an employee's adaptation to new working conditions for him, it is advisable to use such powerful tools as mentoring and coaching.

By definition, adaptation of personnel is the adaptation of employees to the content and conditions labor activity and immediate social environment. Why onboard new employees? First of all, it is necessary in order to reduce the time that a new employee usually needs to get used to a new place and start working with maximum efficiency. Thus, the adaptation system is beneficial for both the newest employee and the company's management. When using a well-designed adaptation system, a person who has recently joined the company feels more comfortable in a new place, and the management gets the most out of it in their work. It should be noted that adaptation is a mutual process: a person adapts to a new organization for him, an organization adapts to a new person for her. And the further productivity of both the new employee and his colleagues largely depends on how smoothly this process goes.

In many companies, adaptation is given unforgivably little attention. The leaders of such companies believe that there are instructions, there are regulations - what else is needed? Let the beginner take them, study them, and let him ask what he does not understand. The problem here is that, unfortunately, not every person is able to independently quickly find all the information he needs for a full-fledged work. In addition, here a lot depends on the corporate culture. Of course, with a benevolent attitude of the company's employees towards a new colleague, he will quickly get up to speed. However, in many companies, the attitude towards newcomers is emphasized dismissive. What kind of effective adaptation can we talk about here? It is a completely different matter when there is a well-thought-out adaptation system, and it exists not only on paper, but actually works.

The personnel adaptation system is not only a package of documents regulating the procedure for the adaptation of a new employee. First of all, these are the people who carry out these activities: those who directly help the new employee to get up to speed, and those who organize and control this process. And, of course, these are the tools they use in their work. Mentoring and coaching are invaluable tools for staff adaptation. These concepts are often confused, it is believed that these are different names for the same thing. But it's not. Coaching and mentoring, despite the presence of common elements, differ significantly from each other.

As a rule, mentoring looks like this: a more experienced employee teaches a new employee what he himself can do. Mentoring is aimed at acquiring by a new employee the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in his future work. By advice, personal example, or something else, the mentor conveys his experience to the ward. We can say that this is a kind of individual training directly at the workplace. This approach has been practiced since time immemorial, and has proven itself very well. Indeed, an experienced employee knows a lot and can do a lot, he knows all the subtleties and nuances of the work performed. Of course, it will be just great if he shares his knowledge with a beginner. When appointing a mentor, it is necessary to take into account not only his professional qualities, but also human ones. The mentor must evoke empathy and, in addition, he himself must be able and willing to work with people. Naturally, the mentoring process should be organized in such a way that the activity of the employee as a mentor does not affect his main work in any way. Otherwise, the system of adaptation based on mentoring will lead not to an increase, but to a decrease in productivity in general.

Coaching in practice looks completely different. In contrast to mentoring, coaching is aimed not so much at direct training, but rather at revealing the potential of a new employee to the fullest and getting him/her to the fullest in work. Coaching is based on the recognition that each person has much more abilities than they usually show. And the coach in his work relies not so much on the current performance of the employee, but on his potential, which he seeks to reveal for the benefit of the company. A coach or manager who has coaching skills does not so much give instructions and instruct as ask questions. Questions asked by the coach according to a certain pattern (as they are also called, “ effective questions”) allow the beginner to look at their work and their capabilities in a new way. On the other hand, coaching perfectly shows the real professional level of a new employee to the manager. this moment and allows you to plan your work on its development. A newcomer can work with a full-time coach, or a manager (most often a direct supervisor) who has coaching skills. In some cases, it is advisable to involve external coaches.

Coaching has another undeniable advantage - saving time. We are talking not only about reducing the time required for the full adaptation of a new employee, but also about the time required for the direct management of staff. The coaching process itself takes very little time. Actually, it is not at all necessary for a manager to allocate separate time for coaching. It is enough to constantly be aware of and use the fundamental principles of coaching during your interaction with a new employee. In any case, it takes much less time than endless instructions and directions. And the effectiveness of this approach is much higher.

Coaching can be used to solve completely specific task, in our case - for the effective adaptation of personnel. But it is much better if coaching is accepted in the company as the main management style, the style of relations between employees, the style of corporate thinking and actions. In this case, the coaching atmosphere allows the fullest potential of each employee to be revealed, there are no problems with staff motivation, the adaptation of new employees is easy and natural, and the productivity of each individual employee, working groups and teams increases. But, unfortunately, coaching as a management style is still rare. But the use of coaching elements in personnel management gives consistently good results.

Mentorship is more traditional, it has proven its effectiveness more than once, it has the experience of many generations. Coaching is a relatively new phenomenon in Russian business, but, it must be admitted, the phenomenon is extremely promising. Coaching is one of the most effective tools personnel management and, of course, the most effective management style today. It should be recognized that mentoring and coaching are inherently different. However, they are by no means mutually exclusive. Rather, on the contrary, they perfectly complement each other. The only question is what is more in line with the company's corporate culture. Of course, coaching, like mentoring, can be used as a standalone tool. But with their proper combination, the effect will be immeasurably higher.

Adaptation in a new company is a difficult and responsible period for a manager of any level: both the head of a department and a top manager. Each of them will have to show not only their professional qualities, but also demonstrate organizational skills. It will not be easier during this period for the leader who has been promoted to a higher position in his own organization. It's just that the tasks for him for the period of adaptation will be somewhat different from the tasks facing the "Varangian".

Let's start by looking at the problems of the line manager. The most common situation is when a successful specialist already working in the company is appointed to such a position. His main problem is "detuning" from his native team. The reason is a change in social status: yesterday he was on an equal footing with his colleagues, and today he gives them orders. Some co-workers may not like it. To some, for example, the nomination of a former "fellow soldier" to a leadership position may seem unreasonable. Someone himself was counting on a promotion and now, having learned that his chances are equal to zero, he harbors a grudge.

But the problem is not only in people who reacted negatively to the appointment. Building relationships anew, based on a new role, will also have to be done with those with whom the specialist previously maintained friendly relations. Both of these are far from simple. What is in this case can HR help?

Despite the fact that the employee appointed by the head is familiar with most of the team, the HR manager must organize the official procedure for introducing him to a new position and justify his promotion. A clear and reasoned position on this issue will remove most of the negativity in relation to the former colleague.

The next task of HR is to determine what personal qualities, necessary for success in a new position, need to be improved in a new leader. To do this, refer to his dossier. Since a person has already worked in a company and worked successfully, and even more so if he was a member of personnel reserve, which means that he underwent psychological testing, participated in attestation and evaluation, and his file contains the results of these events. Based on them, the HR manager can outline a number of necessary trainings for the new leader, for example, to develop managerial skills, stress tolerance, and persuasion skills. As an option in conditions of economic instability and the company saving money on training and development of employees, HR can recommend self-development to the new leader, which will contribute to his successful adaptation in a new role.

It will be especially difficult for a new leader if the team he is to manage includes specialists who are older than him in age and experience, those from whom he has recently studied. The task of HR in this case, most likely, will be to advise the new leader on how, on the one hand, to delegate authority, on the other hand, to organize control of subordinates.

As a rule, the program consists of several stages, for example, five (see table). In terms of duration, it can be equated to a probationary period. The developed program is approved by the CEO of the company.

Stage Program content Stage duration
Introductory The HR manager, together with the immediate supervisor of the adaptable, explains to the new employee what tasks he faces and what result should be obtained upon completion probationary period. A curator is attached to the newcomer 1–2 days
Introductory The adaptable student studies the organizational documents of the company, the norms and rules of internal labor regulations, gets acquainted with the management structure of the company, its business processes, corporate culture, systems for assessing and motivating personnel 1–2 days
adaptive The curator, together with the HR manager, develop a plan for the new manager to enter the position. The adaptee gets acquainted with the plan against receipt. Each completed task is recorded in the work plan and evaluated by the curator. At the end of the first month, the newly hired manager sends the HR manager the work “How to improve the business process in the unit” About 3 months
Estimated The HR manager, together with the curator, determines the causes of the difficulties that arose during the adaptation stage, and outlines ways to eliminate them. For example, if the reasons for the difficulties are the lack of any competencies of a new leader, he is tested (psychological, professional), based on the results of which recommendations are developed. 3 days
Final At the end of the probationary period, a commission is assembled, which includes the curator of the adaptable, his superior manager, personnel manager and team representative. Commission discusses results individual plan entering the position and a plan for the further development of a specialist filled out by the HR manager. The commission draws up a conclusion on the results of the probationary period, on the suitability of the employee to work in a managerial position, and makes recommendations on increasing the official salary. The original documents on passing the probationary period and the conclusion on its results are transferred to the HR manager and stored in the employee's personal file 1 day

But if the adaptation of a top manager is still necessary, then who should do it? His immediate supervisor - the CEO of the company - most likely will not do this. Consequently, the entire scope of activities for the adaptation of a top manager should be undertaken by the HR director or his deputy.

The adaptation program of a top manager who came to new company, is in many ways similar to the line manager adaptation program. However, there is a difference: it is that the new top manager will have to adapt not only in the subdivision subordinate to him, but also in the team of the entire company. Establishing effective relationships at this level, asserting one's authority is the key to success in the adaptation of a top manager. And in this he can be helped not so much by HR, but by his own desire to fit into the team, study and accept it. corporate culture, install " feedback» with employees, to establish favorable relations with them.

From HR, in this situation, the following actions are required:

personally conduct a new top manager in departments, introduce him to the team;

familiarize with organizational and administrative documents, job description, local regulations;

organize familiarization with safety regulations;

develop a top manager's "Inception Plan", coordinate it with the CEO, organize an assessment of the top manager's performance at control points;

collect everything Required documents and organize a committee meeting.

After the completion of the adaptation procedures, in the event that a new top manager passes a probationary period, HR should contribute to its further development.

3.3 Stages of adaptation; HR manager action plan

So all preparatory work on the organization of the adaptation of new employees at the enterprise, it was carried out: the Regulations on adaptation and the Regulations on mentoring were developed and approved, adaptation programs, induction plans and evaluation sheets for different categories of employees were developed, the most suitable employees for the role of mentors were identified, the “Newbie Folder” was formed - everything is ready to receive new members of the organization.

The process of adaptation of a new employee can be divided into several stages, each of which involves the implementation of certain adaptation measures and the use of specific adaptation tools.

1. Prior to the start of work of a new employee in the company.

1.1 Prepare workplace. If, for example, we are talking about an employee of a production unit, it is necessary to ensure in advance the preparation of the tools that he will need for work, and a set of work clothes (information about the size of the employee’s clothing can be included in the questionnaire that he fills out at the interview stage). If we are talking about an office employee, then a workplace should be prepared for his arrival: a table, a chair, a computer, and other equipment. For the convenience of resolving this issue, a clause on the need to equip a new workplace can be included in the recruitment application, if the position of the future employee is new for the unit, which will allow the Administrative Department and the IT department to plan their actions to purchase the necessary furniture and equipment.

1.2 Identify a mentor. Include an employee in groups for training within the corporate training center, if necessary.

1.3 Prepare a “newcomer's folder”, an induction plan, an adaptation program.

1.4 Send an employee to medical checkup if it is prerequisite employment of a specialist, for example, at a chemical industry enterprise.

1.5 Inform the team about the new employee.

1.6 If this is a candidate for the position of a manager, invite him to get acquainted with the team before going to work.

2. Introductory stage: the first day of an employee in the company.

2.1 Issue it in the personnel department, familiarize yourself with the provisions, job description, local regulations. Provide the necessary documents (internal labor regulations, employment contract).

2.2 Conduct an introductory conversation with a newcomer, key points of discussion:

Safety and labor protection briefing;


Prizes and bonuses;

processing conditions;

Terms of payment change;

Work schedule, holidays, sick days;

Punishments, fines;



What parameters are controlled;

Who can answer what questions?

2.3 Hand over the “Newbie Folder”, latest releases corporate newspaper.

2.4 Introduce a new employee to colleagues, conduct a tour of the unit.

2.5 Organize a conversation with the leader and / or mentor. Explain the induction plan.

2.6 Ensure access to databases, Information Systems company, create an email address.

3. Familiarization and general orientation: the first week of work.

At this stage, the new employee is introduced to the company, corporate rules, history, structure, work schedule, traditions, policies in the field of personnel management, etc. An assessment of the beginner's level of preparedness is necessary to develop the most effective program adaptation. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience in similar departments of other companies, the period of his adaptation will be minimal. However, since the organizational structure depends on a number of parameters, such as the technology of activity, external infrastructure and personnel, the beginner inevitably finds himself in some degree unfamiliar to him.

Goals - formation of a positive attitude towards the organization; ensuring an understanding of the principles of the company's functioning; clarification of requirements and expectations on the part of the company, ensuring an understanding of the principles of the functioning of the department, internal and external communications of the department; formation team spirit and loyalty.

4. Introduction to the position.

This stage includes familiarization with the goals and objectives of the new employee, with procedures and rules, as well as establishing relationships with colleagues. The tools of this stage are the Regulations on the department, Job description an employee, a plan for induction into a position, an evaluation sheet, regulations and rules approved by the company.

The implementation of this function is undertaken by a mentor or immediate supervisor.

5. Effective adaptation.

This stage consists in adapting the newcomer to the new status and in to a large extent due to its inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give the employee the opportunity to actively act in various areas, testing on himself and testing the knowledge gained about the organization. The HR manager should at this stage provide maximum support to the new employee, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of his activities and the features of interaction with the team with him.

6. Functioning.

This stage is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable work. As a rule, with “spontaneous” adaptation, this stage occurs after a year or even a year and a half of work. If the adaptation process is regulated, then sufficient efficiency can be expected after a few months of work of a new employee.

This reduction in the adaptation period can bring significant financial benefits, especially if the organization attracts a large number of personnel.

It is very important at the stages of "Familiarization and general orientation", "Introduction to the position", "Active orientation" and "Functioning":

Provide efficient work with a mentor;

Monitor compliance with the adaptation program;

Ensure employee attendance at planned training programs;

Provide the new employee with everything necessary for quick adaptation to the performance of their professional duties.

7. Completion.

At the completion stage, it is important to get feedback from all participants in the adaptation process of a new employee, to analyze the effectiveness of the process itself and its elements.

Two weeks before the end of the trial period:

Remind the head of the end of the probationary period of an employee of his unit.

Send to the mentor and manager of the new employee forms to evaluate his performance for the entire period of the probationary period.

Three days before the end of the trial period

Monitor the completion of evaluation forms.

Discuss with the immediate supervisor and mentor the results of entering the position of a new employee.

To summarize.

In case of a negative decision, offer a transfer to another place of work within the company or bring the issue of dismissal to the decision of the manager; in case of a positive decision, congratulate the new employee on successful completion probationary period.

Conduct a conversation with the employee with the participation of his supervisor and mentor, summarize the progress during the adaptation period, discuss with the newcomer the problematic points that he should pay attention to.

Clarify key tasks for a year, to develop a plan for the individual development of the employee.

Summing up, we can say that the HR manager, when adapting a new employee, must act methodically, in a logical sequence and, of course, pay attention to even the smallest things. It is necessary to constantly monitor the process of adaptation, while interacting with both the beginner himself and with his mentor and immediate supervisor. The problems (conflicts) that arise during the adaptation period should be the basis for the personnel manager to analyze and develop proposals for improving the adaptation program.

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  • What goals can be achieved through the adaptation of personnel in the organization.
  • How to implement an adaptation system that will reduce staff turnover.
  • What are the stages of personnel adaptation?
  • What methods are used to adapt employees.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptation system.

Adaptation of personnel is the acquisition of new stereotypes, skills, knowledge and habits that allow the employee to most effectively perform their tasks. labor obligations and functions. This process often involves the adaptation of new staff.

At the same time, do not forget that sometimes adaptation is also needed for old employees, especially during the shift. technological cycle company or because of any innovations.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation

The labor adaptation of personnel in an organization involves the mutual adaptation of the enterprise and the employee, which is based on the systematic inclusion of the worker in the production process when new working and rest conditions arise. This implies not only professional working conditions, but also psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational and administrative, economic, sanitary and hygienic, household, and so on.

As a rule, professional adaptation is usually considered as a process of introducing an employee to work within a certain profession, while it is assumed that he is included in the production process, mastering working conditions and achieving efficiency within these conditions.

However, one should not assume that adaptation implies only mastering a specialty. In addition to all of the above, this process involves the adaptation of a new employee to the already established norms of behavior in the enterprise team, the establishment of trusting relationships with the team that will increase labor efficiency, and so on. There are certain goals and objectives of personnel adaptation.

Goals of labor adaptation of personnel

  • reducing costs at the start of labor activity, because until a novice employee has got used to the workplace, the efficiency of his work is low and requires additional costs;
  • reducing the feeling of uncertainty among newcomers;
  • exclusion of staff turnover, because if new employees feel uncomfortable for a long time, most likely they will prefer to quit;
  • the ability to save time for both employees and managers;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards their work activity on the part of employees, satisfaction from the work process.

The tasks of a specialist in managing the adaptation of personnel at the enterprise

  • conducting seminars and various courses for adaptation;
  • organization of individual conversations of superiors or a mentor with a new employee;
  • organization of short-term and intensive courses for top managers who take up their positions for the first time;
  • organizing and conducting specialized courses aimed at training mentors;
  • using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a beginner;
  • timely execution of one-time assignments in order to establish contact between the team and the new employee;
  • preparation of a replacement during the rotation of personnel;
  • organization of collective role-playing and training games aimed at team building.

For information support of adaptation processes, it is necessary to collect and evaluate the main indicators of the level of adaptation and its duration. Accumulation and processing of information are carried out within the framework of business evaluation personnel. In domestic organizations, for example, there is a problem with information support adaptation process due to the need to collect normative indicators of the level and duration of adaptation.

A competent leader will be able to draw certain conclusions about the team as a whole by evaluating the adaptation process. You can learn how to build a competent adaptation system on.

An example of a staff adaptation program that will reduce turnover

The editors of the magazine " CEO» developed step by step algorithm, which will help you organize the first days of a beginner's work in the most efficient way.

The main types of staff adaptation

Primary adaptation involves the introduction of a newcomer who does not have work experience and communication in the workforce. As a rule, these are young specialists and graduates of specialized universities and colleges, who came out of the mother’s decree. It is these candidates who go through the adaptation period with difficulty and do not begin to work effectively so quickly.

Secondary adaptation involves the introduction of a beginner who already has work experience and knows how to properly organize communication in the workforce. Such employees endure the entry process much easier. These may be people who have changed positions within one company or moved to another city for a similar job.

What is the personnel adaptation system

As part of the “personnel adaptation” direction, it should be understood that a person will always strive for the standard, but will not always be able to achieve it. The same is true for new employees. No matter how hard they try to accelerate integration into the team and the work process, there will still be an adaptation period. However, it depends on the literacy of the leader how long it will take: three or four months or one or two.

Personnel adaptation management in an organization involves the development of a specific system. It is individual for each company and includes a program of activities that complement each other and contribute to the adaptation of the employee.

The onboarding process may include:

  • welcome training for new employees;
  • a mentoring system;
  • adaptation program;
  • adaptation plan for various categories positions;
  • employee book;
  • evaluation system based on the results of adaptation measures.

Within the framework of the mentoring system, a quick transfer of working standards, knowledge and experience from “old people” to “newbies” is ensured, while not interrupting the production process. These relations are regulated by the Regulations on mentoring.

Within the framework of such a program, goals, tasks and deadlines are identified, as well as people responsible for the adaptation of personnel. A sequence of specific actions aimed at achieving program goals and objectives is also established.

Adaptation plans for various positions are formed, as a rule, for company managers and key employees. Personal onboarding plans include special events, internships, and other activities that help staff get used to it faster.

A personal adaptation plan for staff can be developed with an accuracy of one day. The employee book within the framework of the personnel adaptation plan includes basic information: the history of the enterprise, the layout of departments and offices, workflow rules, and so on.

As a rule, after the activities aimed at the adaptation of personnel are completed, the results are evaluated. The rating system allows you to make an informed decision on the inclusion of an employee in the staff, on his characteristics and skills, abilities and potential.

The personnel adaptation system will help newcomers to integrate into the work process as quickly as possible, join the staff and learn how to fulfill the tasks and requirements of managers.

The main stages of personnel adaptation

The main stages of personnel adaptation begin to take shape even outside the company. For example, hiring a person for a job is already the beginning of a movement towards each other between an employee and an employer. The leader tries to select a member of the team based on his ideas about his professional and personal qualities. At the same time, the applicant also determines the employer, and this choice, as a rule, is based on the desire to work at this particular enterprise. As part of the adaptation of personnel, the following stages can be distinguished.

Stage 1.Preliminary.

This stage of staff adaptation begins with the emergence of the interest of the employer and the applicant in relation to each other. This is expressed in the job search on the part of the candidate and in the decision to hire a new employee with a certain set of qualities on the part of the manager.

Stage 2.Active production.

This stage includes the direct adaptation of personnel within the production process. Here, employees are not only aware of their new role and new set of functions, but also strive to master all the nuances of the new job.

Stage 3.Active psychological.

The social and psychological adaptation of personnel occurs, of course, in parallel with labor. However, due to the fact that the performance of the main functions within the framework of the work process is accompanied by formal control, the psychological adaptation of personnel can be significantly delayed compared to labor.

Stage 4.stable operation.

At this stage, the employee is finally included in the work process. The professional and organizational adaptation of the personnel is completed when each employee begins to realize himself as a part of all structural divisions companies, when every newcomer becomes his own. If such a completion did not happen, then in the future the unfinished adaptation of the personnel will move into the category of problems at the level of enterprise management.

So, the success of the adaptation of personnel as a whole and each of its stages separately directly depends on the professional and personal qualities of the employee, the general climate in the work team and on the efforts of the organization's management. For the whole company to work efficiently and all production processes proceeded smoothly, it is necessary to have an effective system of adaptation of personnel.

Personnel adaptation methods

There is no single methodology for the adaptation of personnel. It is important to understand that everything will depend on the situation and on the input parameters of a particular organization, on the methods used by management. However, in any case, the adaptation of personnel should be based on the mutual interest of the employee and the employer. Also, the system of entry of personnel must be comprehensive and targeted.

It is customary to distinguish six methods of adaptation.

1. Non-formalized tracking method.

During the application of this methodology, the effectiveness of personnel adaptation increases only if certain measures are taken aimed at a specific goal. Within the framework of this method of personnel adaptation, the employee is supposed to be maintained, which entails some temporary losses.

When a personnel adaptation plan is drawn up, the personnel manager must clearly calculate the time costs that will be needed for its implementation. At the same time, each aspect of the introduction of a new employee is taken into account within the framework of the system of material incentives. And the personnel officer is obliged to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the employees and the main nuances of the work.

2. Event method.

The HR manager organizes various corporate parties where a new employee personally gets acquainted with the rest of the staff. This adaptation facilitates relationships within the team. When some time passes after the arrival of a new employee, an extracurricular trip to a restaurant or a holiday in honor of the organization's birthday is usually arranged. If the enterprise is very large, then a small event for certain departments can be organized. At the same time, before visiting the corporate party, the manager should give the newcomer some recommendations:

  • what clothes to choose, whether humor is appropriate;
  • how to choose a topic of conversation and start a conversation;
  • whether to say toasts at a particular event.

If it is customary in a company to conduct a self-presentation, then it is necessary to help a new employee in its organization. Plus, you need to give him advice on who he should talk to during the holiday.

The adaptation of a new employee to the staff of the organization can be carried out as part of an event dedicated to the closing of the quarter or to the achievement of any indicators in this month. It is important to remember that before the corporate party, you need to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the staff in advance. Otherwise, the new employee will experience only stress instead of enjoying the holiday.

3. Method of corporate PR.

This method involves the compilation of a specific reference book, which lists the basic rules of behavior in the workforce. Each organization draws up its own individual list, which is based on the characteristics of its activities and the established model of personnel behavior. This list may include a dress code, working hours with breaks, workplace regulations, and so on.

4. Team training.

This method is not used as often as the others. For example, if the staff has long been a close-knit team, then when a newcomer arrives - a professional in his field, the attitude of the rest of the employees is clearly negative. Team trainings contribute to the elimination of this tension and enable the new leader to understand the existing system of relations in the workforce.

As part of team training, each employee can show dissatisfaction with a newcomer. Before such an event, it is extremely important to conduct a briefing for all participants, where you need to tell them about the rules and regulations. Ideally, the result of such training is the improvement of interpersonal relationships among employees.

Such an event could be business game or the case method. As a rule, it is customary to invite experienced trainers to conduct such classes.

5. Methods of organizational adaptation.

An employee who came to work must understand what will be required of his specialty. If he can learn the basic rules and will competently build communication with the rest of the staff, then adaptation will pass pretty fast and hassle free. For example, if an employee goes on a business trip, then he must collect information on how to buy a ticket, where to get money and what documentation to take with him. After the employee has already met the rest of the staff, questions of this kind will not cause any difficulties at all.

6. Instruction in departments.

This method of staff adaptation involves providing the newcomer with the entire necessary information about the basic requirements of each department. In any unit there are certain rules that must be observed by all personnel.

All this needs to be written down and structured so that any employee can assimilate this information. If the staff does not perceive the requirements well, then this is fraught with certain consequences - the employee will spend too much time clarifying the nuances of the labor process. That is why it is very important to make the rule book so that it is simple and understandable for all staff. The help of the staff is needed.

The most fundamental requirements of the organization must be brought to the newcomer during the first briefing, and only then can the new employee independently try to get acquainted with other work settings formed in a particular department of the company.

Assessment of personnel adaptation in the company: 3 approaches

Adaptation of personnel can be not only a process, but also a result. If we analyze the adaptation of personnel in the context of the first aspect, then we are talking about the effectiveness of the company's use of various tools to create favorable conditions labor for beginners. If we talk about the result, then we can say that a well-designed adaptation system is effective way management and makes it possible to obtain meaningful results, which are divided into objective and subjective.

The objective results are:

  • reducing the cost of finding new staff;
  • reduction of employees who left during the probationary period (according to own will or due to management decision);
  • reducing the time required for the impact of the activities of one employee on the competitiveness of the entire organization;
  • reducing the time spent by the rest of the staff on the adaptation of newcomers, which allows employees to spend more time on their immediate duties.

The subjective results include an improvement in the climate in the organization, a loyal attitude on the part of a newcomer to his work and a desire to stay in the company for a long time, and satisfaction with his activities in general.

If the organization has a well-organized system of adaptation of personnel and new employees in short time become motivated to succeed and long work, then such a newcomer is an excellent resource of the enterprise from the first days and his activity immediately positively affects the competitiveness of the company.

the main task personnel services at any enterprise - to develop a system for assessing the adaptation of personnel in the organization. There are some approaches that are typical for Russian companies when analyzing the effectiveness of staff adaptation.

Approach 1. Assessment through satisfaction.

To assess satisfaction, two criteria are used: “job satisfaction” and “employee satisfaction of the organization”. Thanks to a special questionnaire, you can diagnose various difficulties that arise during the work process, find out professional interests employee and the pace of formation of these interests. The result of the analysis of answers to the questions of the questionnaire will be three index indicators: "job satisfaction", "interest in work" and "satisfaction with the profession". The integral indicator of adaptability is a kind of average value of all indices.

The main limitation within the framework of this technique lies in the complexity of the analysis of the satisfaction indicator, since it is rather subjective. Despite this feature, the degree of job satisfaction is actively used in modern companies as part of assessing the effectiveness of staff adaptation. Wherein this indicator not just very important, but practically the most important. From a traditional point of view, the degree of job satisfaction of an employee is a measure of his adaptation to the company. At the same time, the higher the degree of satisfaction of needs, the higher the level of direct adaptation during internal environment organizations.

Approach 2. Evaluation through the development of performance indicators.

Why is staff adaptation necessary? The efficiency of the workflow depends on the degree of adaptation of each employee. Based on the idea that any labor process may be appropriate only when it is effective, experts began to use in practice the assessment of the effectiveness of staff adaptation using two types of indicators: objective and subjective. In turn, objective indicators are an assessment of the effectiveness of labor activity, and they can be divided into groups based on belonging to any of the following aspects: professional (correspondence of qualification skills to the requirements of the workplace), socio-psychological (degree of compliance of human behavior with norms and rules organization), psychophysiological (degree of fatigue, level of overload, stress).

Subjective indicators include the assessment of the employee himself of his relations with the rest of the staff, his competence, and so on.

Approach 3. Integral system for evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation programs.

When using such a system, not only is the main emphasis on identifying the criteria for the effectiveness of the adaptation process, but also the analysis of the impact of these criteria on the processes that take place within the organization is carried out. In other words, this system helps to determine the dependence of the results of staff adaptation on the company's activities, and vice versa.

It should be noted that subjective performance criteria are similar to satisfaction criteria. But within the framework of the second approach, the assessment of adaptive effectiveness is of a dual nature (both subjective and objective indicators). Thanks to objective criteria, it can be concluded that the result of the adaptation process is measured by quantitative indicators and is clearly interpreted, and the subjective factor in assessing the degree of satisfaction is somewhat reduced.

An integral approach helps to highlight the mechanism of interaction between the main elements of personnel management tools (in a particular case, we are talking about adaptation) and the overall efficiency of the company's activities (including competitiveness), which is transparent enough for modern managers. The main indicator of the effective adaptation of personnel is a comprehensive system for assessing this adaptation.

Improving the adaptation of personnel: development of a standard and program

In order to improve the adaptation process, the company is developing a standard and a personnel adaptation program. In addition, the position of an adaptation specialist may be introduced.

The staff adaptation standard is a detailed step-by-step adaptation process.

Instruction official duties the adaptation specialist describes his activities and the main requirements for him. Compiled this document for specific sections: general provisions, goals and functions, Additional Information, rights and obligations, responsibility.

The personnel adaptation program consists of the following stages.

Stage 1.Acquaintance with the main features of production, the study of communication networks and inclusion in them, acquaintance with employees and corporate communication features, with corporate ethics, standards and regulations.

Stage 2.Direct acquaintance of the beginner with their functions and responsibilities.

The boss introduces new employees to the history of the company, personnel policy and ground rules, including working conditions. The beginner is explained his main functions and tasks.

Increasing the adaptation of personnel occurs due to the holding of small lectures, excursions, workshops (working at separate workplaces or with certain equipment). There must be a briefing on occupational health and safety.

As part of the staff adaptation program, the main issues should be reflected.

  1. General idea of ​​the organization (main objectives, priority areas, problematic issues, traditions and standards, products and their main consumers, stages of bringing it to consumers, description of activities, company structure and information about its leaders).
  2. Company policy ( personnel policy and recruitment process, referrals vocational training and raise qualification level, rules for the use of working time, security features trade secret and important technical documentation).
  3. Wages and mechanisms of remuneration (norms and forms of payment, payments for work on weekends and holidays overtime pay).
  4. Additional benefits (payments for seniority, insurance, benefits for various reasons, training opportunities, a cafe equipped for staff and other company services for employees).
  5. Occupational health and safety (where first aid is provided, basic safety measures, occupational hazard warnings, safety rules and rules of conduct in emergency situations).
  6. The employee and his relationship with the trade union (terms and conditions of employment, duration of the probationary period, rights and obligations of the employee, management and evaluation of the work performed, main communication channels, discipline and disciplinary action, union regulations, etc.).
  7. Economic factors (cost of equipment and work force, damage from omissions, delays and accidents at work).

After the general orientation program has been completed, a special program can be carried out, which may contain answers to more specialized and narrow questions.

  1. Functions of the department (the main goals and priorities of the department, its organizational structure and main activities, relationships with other departments, and so on).
  2. Job duties and responsibilities (description in detail of the work and the results expected from the current work, an explanation of how important this work is and how it compares with other types of work throughout the enterprise, the main standards for the quality of work performed and the basis for evaluation, the length of the working day and its schedule , additional expectations).
  3. Reporting that is required (assistance and its main types, how it can be asked for and in what situations, relationships with local and state legal authorities).
  4. Basic procedures, rules and regulations (rules that apply only to a specific type of work, the basics of behavior in the event of an emergency, compliance with safety regulations and ways to report industrial accidents, hygiene standards, issues related to theft and security, relationships with employees of other departments, basic rules of conduct in the workplace, time for breaks, use of equipment and conduct telephone conversations for personal purposes, control of violations, and so on).

Stage 3.Real adaptation.

To increase the effectiveness of staff adaptation, a mentor is attached to a new employee. This method is very effective because it facilitates the entry process for newcomers, and also serves as a motivating factor for those team members who act as facilitators. Both the immediate supervisor and an experienced employee of the department can become a mentor. It not only helps the newcomer to quickly adapt to the new team and accept the corporate culture of the company, but also, first of all, to better master their main responsibilities within the new position. You can stimulate curators with various bonuses for managing such new students (this item can be reflected in a special regulation on mentoring).

Stage 4.Functioning.

This stage is the final one in the process of personnel adaptation. Here, production and interpersonal problems are gradually overcome and the process of stable work begins.

A person who performs the functions of a specialist in the adaptation of personnel in a company must know it perfectly organizational structure and all labor and ethical requirements. It is also important to have information about the psychological characteristics of the primary and secondary adaptation of employees.

This person must know the basics of the psychology of this process, have the ability to inspire and convince, have the skills to recognize hidden problematic issues in the process of staff adaptation.

Such a specialist should be able to quickly identify and resolve any conflict situation before the moment when it leads to the development of a crisis, the result of which will be the dismissal of a newcomer or a violation of labor discipline.

Also, this person should regularly monitor the process of adaptation of personnel in the company, conduct explanatory work with newcomers, provide consulting assistance and give lectures.

Examples of personnel adaptation from the practice of Russian companies

Example 1. Kaspersky Lab. This company welcomes newcomers with gifts. On the very first working day, a new employee finds pleasant gifts on his desk: a diary with corporate symbols, a mug, a pen and a souvenir.

Example 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers. The head of the company invites a new employee to lunch at the expense of the organization.

Example 3. "Philips Electronics". The staff is notified of the arrival of a new employee by e-mail; besides, on information stands posted a similar announcement.

Example 4. "Radisson-Slavyanskaya". According to the tradition of this company, the first working day of a newcomer is always Thursday. It is thanks to the two working days remaining in the week that the employee learns to navigate in the hotel and takes root in the course of all affairs, and from Monday he directly begins to fulfill his main duties.

Find out what is staff onboarding. Let's talk in detail about the types of adaptation. Using specific examples, we will show how to properly build an adaptation system. Bonus: 6 Common Adaptation Mistakes.

From the article you will learn:

Adaptation of personnel: what the newcomer is afraid of

HR is well aware that every new employee experiences stress. He is afraid not to complete the task correctly, not to find a common language with colleagues or to break some unwritten rule and cause laughter or criticism.

Rating of phobias of a new employee

  1. I will not cope with the duties, I will not be able to meet the deadline.
  2. I won't find common language with colleagues.
  3. I will find professional shortcomings or a gap in knowledge.
  4. I don't work with the manager.
  5. I will lose this place.

However, for many, the initial stress passes quickly, and they begin to work effectively. But there are employees who make decisions for a long time.

To speed up the process of adaptation of such employees, special programs, tools and methods are being developed.

An example of adaptation would be program "Three touches". The purpose of the program is to quickly involve newcomers in the work. By the end of the second month of work, new employees show excellent results and begin to move up the career ladder.

Ksenia Levykina, HR business partner of HiConversion, told more about it on the pages of the HR Director magazine.

Traditionally allocate 2 types of employee adaptation- production and non-production.

Production adaptation includes professional, psycho-physiological, organizational and sanitary-hygienic adaptation.

Behind these long and awkward words are the standard procedures for all companies:

  • the employee is introduced to the rules of work;
  • determine the terms of reference;
  • show the workplace;
  • present to colleagues.

Coming from HR competencies the employee falls within the competence of the labor inspector. Do you know that you can adapt employees already at the stage of selection ? The personnel system experts will tell you how to do it.

Non-manufacturing adaptation- is building informal relationships with colleagues. Festive corporate parties, sports competitions, field trips, in a word, everything that will give employees the opportunity to see each other not only as staff members and functional performers, but as ordinary people who can be friends.

The classification of adaptation by type does not have a direct practical purpose. You can't tell an employee: On Monday we have social adaptation, on Tuesday - production, on Wednesday - psychophysiological, on Thursday - organizational, and on Friday - economic and banquet ". All types of adaptation of the employee will take place simultaneously: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and for several very difficult weeks for him.

★Important fact. 80% of employees who left in the first six months after being hired made this decision in the first 2 weeks of work in a new place. This means that the employee made the decision to quit during the period of adaptation.

HR is engaged in the adaptation of ordinary employees, and who is engaged in the adaptation of HR? This was discussed at the webinar -

An example of complex adaptation

In order for an employee to successfully pass all types of adaptation in the workplace, an integrated system is needed. The adaptation system involves the implementation of various activities and the appointment of those responsible for them. It is most convenient to present data on activities and responsible persons in the form of a table.

Table. Adaptation of new employees in the first days of their work in the company

When to spend


What to organize


To introduce the organization, to give an idea of ​​its structure

The employee is registered in the personnel department. Provide newbie general information on work discipline and wages

Human Resources Inspector, Human Resources Manager

A Welcome-training is held, where basic information about the structure of the company, its mission and values, and the rules of conduct in the company are given in an interactive form.

HR manager (control - HR director)

Download full table

6 Common Adaptation Mistakes

Error 1. A beginner is overloaded with unstructured information.

Mistake 2. The employee has to perform duties that were not discussed at the interview.

Mistake 3. The adaptation period is too short.

Error 4. HR is not in place on the first day of the newcomer's work.

Mistake 5. New employee given to himself.

Mistake 6. A beginner cannot immediately get to work for some reason.