Paul Cherry - Selling Questions: An effective way to find out what your customers really want. Selling Questions by Paul Cherry Paul Cherry Selling Questions epub

Paul Cherry

Selling Questions: An Effective Way to Find Out What Your Customers Really Want

Interpreter I. Okunkova

Editor V. Mylov

Project Manager A. Ryslyaeva

Art Director L. Benshusha

Designer M. Grosheva

Corrector I. Astapkina

Computer layout B. Russo

Cover artist L. Benshusha

Copyright © 2006 Paul Cherry. Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International, New York. All rights reserved.

© Translation, design. Intellectual Literature LLC, 2017

All rights reserved. The work is intended solely for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For copyright infringement, the legislation provides for the payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the zoap), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


Among the numerous literature designed to help entrepreneurs organize their business with maximum efficiency, a special place is occupied by books about improving one of the main business processes - sales. Such literature is divided into light and often superficial pamphlets, fundamental works and highly specialized manuals.

The book you hold in your hands is of the latter type and immediately meets the reader's expectations - it contains many questions. Although the book is exceptionally easy to read, it is not easy. Immediately tune in that in order to increase returns, this book should be treated like a textbook, pulling out recommendations from each chapter and integrating them into the practice of everyday life.

The star of modern American business, Elon Musk, once, when he was just taking his first steps in entrepreneurship, said: “The book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ( The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) taught me that the hardest thing on earth is choosing which question to ask. But if you have already chosen the right one, then everything else will go easily. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been Elon's favorite book since the age of 14, since the same time the life principle of "asking the right questions" has become the main thing for him.

Paul Cherry's Selling Questions is unique among many business publications. This is a mustread for those who need to improve their B2B sales performance. Paul Cherry is a professional business coach, this is not his only book. Moreover, the material presented in it is only a part of the know-how that he, together with his partner Patrick Connor, has been successfully implementing in various industries for more than 25 years.

Paul Cherry's book is certainly not a guide to making the world better. It is focused and clearly focused on three specific business objectives. The author himself quite convincingly formulated them at the beginning of his book:

“Real business relationships require you to figure out what your customer dreams, wants, fears, and motivates them by asking the right questions—that can get the customer interested—and translating their interest into action. In such a relationship, you will not only care about your earnings or close the deal, but rather you will want to help the client in three main areas: to minimize the risk of the client, to strengthen the competitiveness of the client, and to achieve the client's goals.

The book is well structured. It can be used as a reference for sales professionals. If you have the original edition on hand, you should know that it is also a storehouse of American idioms. But the main thing is that it contains exactly what it promises in its title - questions. Right questions. There are almost a thousand of them in the book! For all standard business situations. All major professional problems and difficulties of salespeople will find their solution in the book.

Often sales executives feel like they are wasting their time, many cannot reach decision makers, some do not know how to convince potential customers of the benefits of cooperation, although they are sure that they are dissatisfied with existing partners.

All these situations Paul Cherry breaks down in detail to recommend questions to help get to the point, and then offers exercises to reinforce the skills. In fact, his book is a ready-made methodological guide.

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ISBN: 978-5-9614-4698-2
The size: 1003 Kb

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Business Book Description:

So, if you want to find out what your client really wants, dreams, fears, and motivates them to do, then you need to ask the right questions—that can interest them—and translate their interest into action. The tried and true toolkit provided by Paul Cherry, the author of this book, has over 20 years of experience in sales and coaches over 5,000 sales professionals every year. Although his methods are presented in relation to simulated situations in various business sectors, they are suitable for use in other areas of human activity.

Copyright holders!

The presented fragment of the book is placed in agreement with the distributor of legal content LLC "LitRes" (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, then .

Selling questions Paul Cherry

(ratings: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: Selling questions
Author: Paul Cherry
Year: 2017
Genre: Foreign business literature, Marketing, PR, advertising, Popular about business

About Selling Questions by Paul Cherry

So, if you want to find out what your client really wants, dreams, fears, and motivates them to do, then you need to ask the right questions—that can interest them—and translate their interest into action. The tried and true toolkit provided by Paul Cherry, the author of this book, has over 20 years of experience in sales and coaches over 5,000 sales professionals every year. Although his methods are presented in relation to simulated situations in various business sectors, they are suitable for use in other areas of human activity.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Selling Questions" by Paul Cherry in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Paul Cherry

Selling Questions: An Effective Way to Find Out What Your Customers Really Want

Interpreter I. Okunkova

Editor V. Mylov

Project Manager A. Ryslyaeva

Art Director L. Benshusha

Designer M. Grosheva

Corrector I. Astapkina

Computer layout B. Russo

Cover artist L. Benshusha

Copyright © 2006 Paul Cherry. Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International, New York. All rights reserved.

© Translation, design. Intellectual Literature LLC, 2017

All rights reserved. The work is intended solely for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For copyright infringement, the legislation provides for the payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the zoap), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

* * *


Among the numerous literature designed to help entrepreneurs organize their business with maximum efficiency, a special place is occupied by books about improving one of the main business processes - sales. Such literature is divided into light and often superficial pamphlets, fundamental works and highly specialized manuals.

The book you hold in your hands is of the latter type and immediately meets the reader's expectations - it contains many questions. Although the book is exceptionally easy to read, it is not easy. Immediately tune in that in order to increase returns, this book should be treated like a textbook, pulling out recommendations from each chapter and integrating them into the practice of everyday life.

The star of modern American business, Elon Musk, once, when he was just taking his first steps in entrepreneurship, said: “The book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ( The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) taught me that the hardest thing on earth is choosing which question to ask. But if you have already chosen the right one, then everything else will go easily. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been Elon's favorite book since the age of 14, since the same time the life principle of "asking the right questions" has become the main thing for him.

Paul Cherry's Selling Questions is unique among many business publications. This is a mustread for those who need to improve their B2B sales performance. Paul Cherry is a professional business coach, this is not his only book. Moreover, the material presented in it is only a part of the know-how that he, together with his partner Patrick Connor, has been successfully implementing in various industries for more than 25 years.

Paul Cherry's book is certainly not a guide to making the world better. It is focused and clearly focused on three specific business objectives. The author himself quite convincingly formulated them at the beginning of his book:

“Real business relationships require you to figure out what your customer dreams, wants, fears, and motivates them by asking the right questions—that can get the customer interested—and translating their interest into action. In such a relationship, you will not only care about your earnings or close the deal, but rather you will want to help the client in three main areas: to minimize the risk of the client, to strengthen the competitiveness of the client, and to achieve the client's goals.

The book is well structured. It can be used as a reference for sales professionals. If you have the original edition on hand, you should know that it is also a storehouse of American idioms. But the main thing is that it contains exactly what it promises in its title - questions. Right questions. There are almost a thousand of them in the book! For all standard business situations. All major professional problems and difficulties of salespeople will find their solution in the book.

Often sales executives feel like they are wasting their time, many cannot reach decision makers, some do not know how to convince potential customers of the benefits of cooperation, although they are sure that they are dissatisfied with existing partners.

All these situations Paul Cherry breaks down in detail to recommend questions to help get to the point, and then offers exercises to reinforce the skills. In fact, his book is a ready-made methodological guide.

The undoubted advantage of this book is its ultimate practicality. It is a must for executives who want their salespeople to have a deep understanding of the customers they work with. Sales Questions are also ideas for those who don't know how to push their customers into action. Of course, the right question is not a guarantee of a positive result. But, having asked it, you will be sure that you are on the “one step” with the client, and you will understand whether it is worth spending your time on further questions, because time is money.

Don't waste time, read and ask the right questions!

Yaroslav Glazunov, Managing Director Spencer Stuart Russia


Sounds familiar?

The pace of life is accelerating, and as salespeople we must constantly adapt to new situations. In today's environment, customers do not want to spend time building relationships with us. They want fast and simple solutions at the lowest cost. Advances in science and technology have forever changed our world, and now customers don't need experienced sales people to do business around the world. They can instantly access information on the Internet or from the crowd of salespeople who call them daily. Do not try to become a friend to your client, go straight to the point and offer him the most favorable conditions or you will lose every time!

Such statements are wrong. The idea that our world is fundamentally different from the world it was in 1980, 1950, or even 1900 is preposterous. Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1938, and it's still in the bookstores today! Today we have different technologies compared to what we had 20 years ago, but the people we do business with have not changed. Even if you don’t remember anything else from my book, remember these words: people remain people, no matter what year goes by!

If we take a look at history, we will see that each generation believed that it was it that radically changed the world. When automobiles were invented, everyone took it for granted that from now on, life and relationships would change forever. (The same goes for electricity, television, airplanes, and computers.) People believed that cars would destroy personal relationships, as it became possible to travel hundreds of miles away from family and friends. However, in the end, the importance of real relationships has not diminished and, I am sure, will never decrease.

How can I make such a bold statement? Over the years in sales and consulting, I've learned that there are two types of relationships: superficial and meaningful. Superficial relationships are characterized by chatter about the weather, golf, and other neutral topics; such relationships are built on chance meetings, there is no depth in them. An example of this is your meeting with a client who went to the same college as you. A few minutes of shared memories and discussion of this coincidence will not affect the way you both do business. In contrast, meaningful relationships are characterized by mutual benefit.

In my seminars, I ask sales professionals to expand on the concept of " relations". It is usually described with words such as "trust", "acceptance", "honesty" and "understanding". These are wonderful qualities to strive for, but most potential clients don't need them. When clients are asked to define the concept of "relationship" in relation to a business, they engage in discussions about, for example, how a salesperson can add value to their company. The Gallup Organization conducted a major study of 250,000 sales professionals published in Benson Smith and Tony Rutigliano's book Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World "s Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers"). It turned out that the correlation between good people skills and sales success is negligible. I'm not saying that people skills are not important in sales - they are really important. But for building Friendship is not enough for meaningful relationships.