What is logistics and what does the logistics department do in an enterprise. Logistics of a commercial enterprise: features of organization and optimization Internal logistics

Before considering the issues of organization, planning and management of the logistics service in enterprises and organizations, let us dwell on its main components. In logistics (global scale), two main sections are distinguished - the management of material resources and their distribution.

In this case, material resources include primary and secondary, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, final finished products, packaging materials, stocks.

The distribution of material and technical resources is carried out by the movement of goods of intermediate and final finished products in two directions. The first is the movement directly (direct distribution channel) to the intermediate consumer for the implementation of the further production process or to the final consumer. The second is the movement to the intermediate or final consumer through an extensive network of intermediaries (indirect distribution channel) - in large, medium or small lots.

Logistics at the enterprise, depending on the areas of its activity, is divided into internal and external. Internal provides for the solution of production issues directly at the company. External solves the problem of ensuring the movement of goods to the market.

The challenges facing internal logistics come down to logistics and resource management. This is the purchase of raw materials for the enterprise, their warehousing and storage, transportation both from the supplier and at the enterprise itself between departments, constant monitoring of the volume of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and their adjustment.

The tasks facing external logistics are to distribute the final finished product through various distribution channels. This is the transportation of the finished intermediate or final product to consumers; identification of their stocks in their own warehouses, intermediate logistics platforms and consumers; storage, packaging and picking of orders for the entire range of products; monitoring the demand for manufactured goods, adjusting their production volumes if necessary.

6.2. Organization Chart

The logistics service at the enterprise has several mandatory levels of management. At the same time, it includes some part of the administration responsible for the decisions made (on the tasks, goals and problems of the company) and staff members of the logistics department and its service as a whole.

The organization and management of the logistics service at the enterprise includes the following main structural links:

Executive Director for Logistics. He is a member of the board of the firm or is one of the deputy general directors.

    Managers responsible for the activities of departments and their subordinate personnel.

    Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects - planning new distribution centers for the final finished product, expanding existing and organizing new logistics platforms, designing the projected logistics information systems.

    Personnel managers. They conduct operational work, are responsible for the distribution centers of the final finished product, for the delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, their storage and packaging.

As for the group for the implementation of individual logistics projects, there are several most common ways to form such groups at the enterprise, both within the logistics service and independent:

    groups function as an integral part of the logistics service at the enterprise, for example, such as project control, engineering in transport and warehousing, in information logistics systems;

    groups exist as separate, independent units with their own staff, organized at the enterprise and performing certain functions of the logistics system, for example, organizing the delivery of material and technical resources; formation of logistics platforms,

    groups are formed promptly from personnel employed in certain areas of logistics, for example, in the field of transport or warehousing - in this case, the group fulfills its responsibilities for the implementation of projects as the need arises for this kind of work.

Any industrial firm seeking to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and stockpiling of material and technical resources, as well as distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service.

6.2. 1. Main kinds activities services logistics butfirm

The logistics service at the enterprise is divided, as a rule, into five main functional groups responsible for transportation; structure of fixed assets, stocks, material handling

resources, communications and information. In accordance with the purpose of the functional groups, a list of their activities is provided, namely:

    transportation - internal, external and international transportation, choice of mode of transport, vehicles and options for their service;

    planning and management of warehouse facilities and equipment, distribution centers, warehouse production areas;

    supply of raw materials and supplies; formation of stocks (insurance, preparatory, production) and finished products, processing of returned products;

    material resources maneuvering, sorting, processing, packaging;

    order processing, demand forecasting, production planning, communication with distribution centers; expansion of the information network of communications; database update.

It should be noted that such a formation of functional groups of the logistics service at the enterprise does not correspond to the traditional organizational structures of firms, since all these activities were delegated for quite a long time by the supply department of material and technical resources (purchases), which belonged to production; processing orders and communication with customers, engaged in marketing; transport operations (existed as an independent); warehouse and container management (also independent).

6.2.2. Practical achievement success

A company engaged in industrial production or the provision of various kinds of services in the logistics system should be guided by the practical achievement of success. To do this, every company must meet three important conditions.

First - the exact wording and list of functions of each individual employee of the logistics service in the enterprise is necessary. Namely, the title of the position, organizational ties (accountability), boundaries of responsibility, duties and rights.

Second - the company must have the necessary information about how many logistics personnel will be required in the near and distant future; what knowledge and skills they should have; what organizations and firms can provide the required number of employees in the near and distant future. In this case, the following information is needed: the scope of the proposed work, the scale of expansion of the company, the required number of employees, the position in the labor market.

Third - the company must find and select a future manager (employee) of the logistics service for a specific, specific position, and not select a position for a future employee. In the latter case, his incompetence can lead to negative consequences. Directed recruitment is required; Compliance of candidates to the position in terms of knowledge and skills, competence.

As business develops and partnerships deepen, business relationships often run into issues of delivery and transportation of raw materials and finished products; transfer of information and financial resources. How this laborious work is carried out, we will talk in the article.

You will learn:

  • What are the tasks of the logistics department?
  • What are the responsibilities of a logistics manager?
  • How to organize a logistics department from scratch.
  • How to effectively manage the logistics department.
  • How to optimize the work of the logistics department.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of the logistics department.

What tasks does the logistics department solve?

In logistics, there are two main sections - distribution material resources and their management.

Material resources are basic (secondary) and primary (secondary) materials, finished products and semi-finished products, components and spare parts, packaging and product stocks. They are distributed by moving finished and intermediate products in two directions, more precisely, through two channels - direct and indirect.

  • direct channel- this is the movement of resources directly to the final (intermediate) consumer.
  • indirect channel- is the supply of goods to the consumer (large, medium, small volumes) through a large network of intermediaries.

Usually, for owners of large and medium-sized businesses, the logistics department at the enterprise is a separate unit where specialists work different levels- logistics managers, ordinary employees, drivers, dispatchers. small business often managed by individual specialists assigned to departments with similar functions (for example, transport or storage facilities). At best, a small department is possible. Our algorithm, which you will find later in the article, will help organize it from scratch.

It happens that the duties of the logistics department include customs clearance with documentary support or managing foreign economic relations.

Based on this, the functions of a logistics manager are as follows: documenting deliveries and sales, establishing and strengthening cooperation with suppliers, transport companies, insurers, financial institutions and etc.

There are two types of logistics - external and internal. It is determined by the direction of the company.

Internal logistics contributes to the solution production tasks the company itself. Employees of this division are engaged in the management and logistics of the enterprise necessary resources. The functions of internal logistics are: stock control of all available resources, purchase of raw materials and materials, warehousing, storage, delivery from suppliers, movement within the organization itself.

External logistics solves the issues of sending goods directly to consumers or to the market through intermediaries. The logistics department, performing external functions, works with various distribution channels. The main tasks of external logistics include:

  • analysis of demand for the company's products and adjustment of output volumes according to market needs;
  • assessment of the availability of stocks in the organization's own warehouses, intermediate logistics sites, as well as end-users;
  • ensuring the delivery of manufactured products to the final or intermediate consumer and tracking this process;
  • responsible storage of all goods, control over the collection and packaging of orders.

Structure of the logistics department

Since logistics departments perform many specific functions, it would be rational to create small profile groups from large departments.

Let's give a simple example of a standard division according to the tasks performed.

Department procurement performs the following functions:

  • management and control of warehouse work in terms of providing vehicles, packaging and equipment, technical equipment and overalls;
  • supplying other departments with everything necessary for work (similar to equipping a warehouse);
  • management of supplies and conservation of resources (raw materials, materials, components);
  • coordination of purchases of foreign raw materials (goods), including customs clearance;
  • management of purchases and stocks for work on external industrial equipment.

Production logistics solves questions:

  • preparation of production plans and control over their implementation;
  • planning and procurement of resources (raw materials, materials, etc.) necessary for production;
  • organization of production processes.

Department inventory and assortment management conducts analytics in order to regulate the reserves and range of products manufactured by the company on its basis.

Department supply control finished goods implements the following goals:

  • accepting and processing orders, including online applications;
  • territorial management of the warehouse and delivery of products to the end user or intermediary;
  • control over distribution activities and warehouse;
  • quality checking services and partnerships.

The main condition for maintaining a business is cost optimization. The editors of the Commercial Director magazine offer eight tips to help you organize logistics in a difficult economic situation.

Organization of the logistics department from scratch

Despite the unconditional benefits of the logistics service, there is still no clear procedure and principles for its creation. However, based on the experience of many companies, you can achieve quite a lot of returns from this unit.

It is obvious that the organization of the logistics department is a rather complicated procedure, since it has not been done before. But when reforming established business processes, it is even more difficult to overcome the opposition of traditional and often inefficient ways of working.

  1. The presence of a logistics service makes it possible to provide a really effective material and technical supply of the company.
  2. The initial stage of creating a new service involves the development of a regulation on the logistics department, which would describe in detail its functions.
  3. The second step is a complete description of the supply process, carried out under the control of logisticians. This allows you to predict possible problems in advance and identify areas of work that should be managed only by professional staff. The list of specific employees of the logistics department is given below.

What to outsource?

  1. After the processes are described, they highlight the logistics functions that are best entrusted to another organization. As a rule, warehousing, customs clearance and transport links are suitable for outsourcing.
  2. We must not forget that outsourcing does not mean the complete separation of functions. The company's logistics department should have several coordinators to monitor outsourced activities. This will ensure the continuity of the information flow from the contractor to the company and vice versa. In addition, additional control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract will help, if necessary, to replace the outsourcer or expand the circle of performers.
  3. If the enterprise is part of a foreign company, then outsourcing has some features. In this case, an important aspect will be high requirements to comply corporate standards when conducting activities. Moreover, the parent company, as a rule, itself determines the set of tasks for transfer to third-party performers and puts forward its own conditions when choosing partners. Thus, when delegating logistics authority, European organizations usually require an international ISO certificate from the contractor.
  • Organization certification system: everything you need to know about this procedure

Practitioner tells

Transfer of functions of the logistics department to third parties

Yuri Igumov,

Head of Logistics Department, OAO NPG Sady Pridonya, Volgograd

For the supply of goods in Russia and neighboring countries, we resort to the services of a forwarding operator. The lion's share of transportation is automobile. Approximately a quarter of cargo goes by rail, for which we involve customs forwarders and brokers.

After assessing the potential costs, it was decided to transfer the responsibilities of the logistics department to specialized organizations. In any case, outsourcing is much more profitable from a financial point of view than the cost of creating and maintaining your own fleet, along with an extensive logistics service. Moreover, the difference today is huge, therefore, we will definitely use outsourcing. The company, of course, has a small fleet of vehicles, but it is designed for deliveries over short distances and is designed for emergencies.

Optimal department model

  1. After specifying the functionality, the most suitable model for the enterprise is selected. The most successful option is usually segmentation by geography or individual product groups.
  2. Further, it is important to establish criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the logistics service being created, defining indicators and coefficients for measuring real achievements. In addition, the efficiency enclosed in numbers additionally motivates the staff. At this stage, the company already has a preliminary model of the future logistics division.
  3. At this step, personnel are arranged, the responsibilities of employees are described in detail and their importance for the department is indicated. Determine the level of qualifications and a list of requirements for each position.
  4. After formation staff structure departments prepare job descriptions for each employee of the logistics department, from an ordinary to a manager. A rational step would be to reflect the movement of resources and products throughout the chain: this will take into account the functions of the employees of the department, excluding double responsibility or its complete absence for some area of ​​work.
  5. Then they determine the process of interaction of logisticians with other services of the company, their relationship with partners, government agencies and consumers.

System of duties and subordination

  1. In addition to the distribution of duties of employees and the establishment of their responsible areas, it is necessary to introduce a clear chain of command and levels of management into the job descriptions of logisticians. In addition, in the process of creating a logistics department, one should provide for the interchangeability of employees and prescribe the replacement procedure. In the future, this will ensure the continuity of work in the absence of specialists in good reasons(sick leave, vacation, dismissal).
  2. When forming a division, it is important to determine the principle of cooperation between departments within the company. It is best to prepare and approve these rules officially, so that logisticians clearly know what to demand from the rest of the departments and what to provide in return. Regulation should affect not only the flow of corporate information and official duties personnel, but also the work process as a whole.

After creating a prototype of the future logistics department on paper, the turn of personnel selection comes. Here you need to decide: to look for and select people specifically for the new unit, or to give these powers to personnel officers. Choosing one of the options, you need to take into account the state of the labor market, the standards of the enterprise and the capabilities of middle-level personnel specialists. It is obvious that the search for candidates who are 100% suitable for the requests of the leadership will be delayed for a long time.

At this stage, you need to understand that the generated model cannot be an unambiguous strict standard. Sometimes in the staff there are specialists who are not quite suitable for the planned scheme. But their knowledge and experience, which the created department needs, allow deviation from the approved requirements. In these cases, even changing the scheme will be fully justified.

A separate condition for the selection of applicants is knowledge foreign languages, especially English at the level of a confident user. It's pretty common mandatory requirement. After all, many foreign companies keep documentation only in English, it is this language that is their corporate language and is used in the work of managers. If the company is part of a foreign company, the requirement to speak English as a second business language can complicate business processes. The main part of the documentation is prepared in the dialect of the parent company, in addition, large foreign organizations can order transportation services themselves. Usually carrier companies are located in the same place as sellers. Therefore, for them, English will not be basic, but additional.

As a result, situations often arise when interaction is difficult and causes a lot of complications. This is quite understandable and expected, since the language of communication, as a rule, is not native and not the only one for each participant in the supply chain. So the specialists of the logistics department, who speak English at the proper level, are a big plus for all organizations. The administration of subsidiaries simply needs to staff their staff with at least one employee with a decent knowledge of the main language of the parent company.

When recruiting employees, it must be remembered that the ethics of domestic business and its corporate culture are at a low level. Unfortunately, in many enterprises, maintaining and accounting for document management is considered optional, and in order to reduce costs, even successful companies try to avoid paperwork required for sending goods.

  • Analysis of logistics in the enterprise: how to profitably use the warehouse

Positions in the logistics department

On the structural organization The logistics department of an enterprise is influenced by its specifics and the volume of product turnover, but basically it is presented in the following form:

  1. Logistics Manager. There may be several of them, but each will manage the unit, participate in the strategy of the enterprise in accordance with the functions assigned to the logistics service.
  2. The next element is managers about department of logistics, which can be differentiated into two groups of specialists - system specialists and users. The first plan routes of movement and ways of storage in order to minimize costs. The second perform operational tasks and regulate the use of what the system engineers have developed.
  3. Dispatchers, drivers, employees of the transport department and warehouses are the next link in the logistics department, which carries out direct activities. Its employees accept raw materials and materials, are engaged in their shipment and delivery to end users or intermediaries.
  4. Director of logistics Department, as a rule, performs the functions of the head of the transport department. Additionally, his duties include general management, control over the execution of tasks and the construction of optimal route schemes.
  5. middle management logistics departments perform analytics to select the best ways to move goods. In addition, they organize logistics flows in the warehouse and in other parts of the department, prepare and coordinate new routes (systems) with direct management.
  6. Lead Manager of Logistics Department- a specialist who plans purchases and sales, thereby maintaining stability production process. His responsibilities include sales analytics, management pricing policy companies, preparing reports on the work and analyzes done.
  7. Transport shop dispatchers solve operational tasks for the movement of vehicles, take into account the working hours of drivers and the consumption of fuels and lubricants, draw up documents for the transportation of goods.
  8. Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects perform the following functions:
  • development and expansion of existing logistics platforms;
  • development and implementation of new platforms;
  • creation of new points for the placement of finished products;
  • logistics planning information systems(LIS).

Project implementation teams at the enterprise are created in the form separate subdivisions or within the logistics departments themselves. There are several ways to form them.

  1. Formation in the form of permanently functioning units of the logistics department (for example, project management, engineering in information systems, etc.).
  2. Implementation departments as dedicated structural units that solve specific tasks within the scope of logistics activities. An example would be the creation of logistics platforms and the management of the delivery of material and technical resources.
  3. Implementation groups from employees of various sectors of the enterprise's logistics activities. This team performs certain functions during the implementation of a specific project, after which everyone returns to their direct duties.
  • Working with suppliers: how to establish effective cooperation

Practitioner tells

Search for the head of the logistics department

Andrey Yanovsky,

General Director of OAO Nidan Juices, Moscow

When we faced the question of finding the head (manager) of the logistics department, I focused on finding a particularly energetic employee. Most often, logisticians are absolutely uninitiated and do not offer even simple and really profitable ideas for business at all. Of course, with such an attitude to duties, it is unreasonable to count on possible savings. An example is the idea of ​​the need to regulate the issue of choosing a supplier with the obligatory holding of a quarterly tender.

I set high but achievable goals. For their implementation, the manager needs a sense of purpose. In other words, we need an enterprising employee who is not indifferent to his work.

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What should be the responsibility of the head of the logistics department

The management of manufacturing companies and enterprises closely related to suppliers has the problem of finding a head of the logistics department from the day of foundation commercial structure. In some organizations, the logistician only directs traffic flows, in others he plays a key role, since when coordinating the movement of goods, he tries to reduce the costs of logistics and customs clearance in all suitable ways.

Before searching for a candidate for a vacancy, the CEO needs to decide on the status of the chief logistics officer in the company. He should not be "equal among equals", because he owns not only information on all shipments, but also detailed data about customers. The logistics director has access to commercial and even confidential information (this mainly applies to manufacturing companies and distributors). He must make decisions that subordinates, as well as managers of the sales department, are obliged to carry out. At the same time, according to his authority, the head of the logistics department is fully responsible for the result. This means that his status should be similar to the position of Deputy General Director.

It is very important that the company's staff does not treat the chief logistician as a person claiming someone's profit or additional income. That is, the task of the CEO is to explain to the staff that the logistician:

  • reports only to the first head;
  • technologically helps managers in facilitating their work.

Optimized work of the logistics department

The internal logistics of the enterprise, which covers most of the optimization activities, implies a set of logistics functions to create a material flow in the company itself.

Note that very often internal logistics include the totality of its two basic sectors - transport and warehouse.

The reasons for building an optimized work of the logistics department and modifying its system are varied. The most common of them are:

  • the decision to develop new economic niches or advance to other markets;
  • preparation for the beginning of the season (with a pronounced seasonality of the company's work);
  • active expansion of the range of goods;
  • promotion of own brands on the market;
  • continuous increase in logistics costs at the same and even declining level of sales;
  • decrease in the turnover of the company's commodity resources;
  • elimination of problems with multiple failures, deletions and complaints.

The enterprise needs to choose which logistics operations will need to be reorganized, expanded or simply eliminated to achieve the intended goals. Particular attention should be paid to the work:

  • commercial divisions (in terms of document flow efficiency);
  • accounting systems (determine the completeness of the data required in the work of the logistics department);
  • procurement logistics department (check the degree of automation and the use of new technologies in work systems);
  • supply services (determine the speed of information exchange).

By and large, the modernization of logistics systems should take place in at least four stages:

  • analysis of the existing system, its verification, detection of problems and setting goals;
  • recruitment (or replacement) of employees and management capable of achieving the goals;
  • construction (restructuring) of the entire logistics system;
  • formation of a new (rebuilt) organizational structure.

To conduct a correct analysis and diagnostics of the system, it is necessary:

  • explore the company's storage capabilities;
  • analyze the wholesale and retail potential of warehousing to increase the efficiency of useful volume and capacity of warehouses;
  • evaluate the internal reserves of warehouses in connection with the shipment of orders;
  • determine the effectiveness of the most significant warehouse processes and the possibility of their optimization;
  • check the wage system, find out the degree of motivation of drivers and warehouse staff.

Based on the data obtained, a program for improving (modernizing) the general logistics systems and the methodology for its practical implementation is approved. The program may contain:

  • ideas for technical change the procedure for receiving, placing, storing and shipping products from the company's warehouses;
  • scheme to improve specific transportation and warehouse processes with practical advice on adjusting operations and changing staff;
  • practical proposals and calculation of funds aimed at improving the existing system of employee motivation, to increase the overall productivity of persons employed in the warehouse and transport sectors;
  • development of permanent requirements for the transport economy and warehouse to assess the scope of work and the amount of investment in the development of a suitable infrastructure;
  • adoption of a set of measures to improve the planning of the flow of goods between warehouses;
  • building productive schedules for receiving and shipping orders for all warehouses.
  • A positive image of the organization is a competitive advantage and a sales stimulator

How to check the quality of the logistics department

The desire to quickly rebuild the work of the logistics department without a proper analysis of its activities gives rise to a lot of difficulties. For example, in one trading organization, the manager liquidated the purchasing department, doubting its effectiveness. The duties of the buyers were transferred to the employees of the sales department. The director explained his decision as follows: the products arrive late and out of quantity, and the prices for goods are not always acceptable. He further clarified that sellers know more about buying than buyers.

Immediately after the reorganization, everything went fine, but then the company's sales fell. The conclusion is clear: before implementing radical changes, it is necessary to clarify how effective the abolished department is.

Controlling the work of logistics departments, managers make a number of mistakes:

  • randomness and even unexpectedness of checks;
  • lack of methods and criteria for the event;
  • ignorance of employees about all the parameters and methods of audit, as well as about its consequences;
  • lack of incentives for employees based on the results of the audit.

Stage 1. Selection of evaluation criteria.

Two methods are possible here - functional and target. If an organization implements a system operational management and job descriptions are created, the functional method is used. If it is planned to change the company's policy or introduce strategic management, then it would be optimal targeted approach.

  • functional approach

Performance characteristics are determined by taking into account the responsibilities and functions assigned to the department or individual employees. This approach is rational when the result of the work can be measured. They are based on job descriptions, therefore, when preparing them, it is better not to use general terms such as “controls”, “coordinates”, “provides work”. Instead, they should accurately formulate the desired result of labor, for example, “preparing a logistics plan”, “forming a logistics budget”.

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  • Target approach

If it is difficult to assess the contribution of the logistics department to the overall result, then its effectiveness can be determined by the results of the organization's work.

It is allowed to use the target approach together with the functional one.

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Practitioner tells

Proper assessment of the work of the logistics department

Grigory Kolomeitsev,

administrator of the warehouse management system of the Optitrade group of companies, Moscow

It is not entirely correct to consider the activities of the logistics department only by the sums of quantitative characteristics. The reason is that a number of factors that determine the level of work of logisticians are difficult to express in points.

Firstly, this applies to complex business schemes. The logistically ideal plan for moving goods will not always be the most economical. So, quite often it happens that the speed of delivery is more important than its price. In addition, schemes for transportation and circulation of documents can vary significantly in details. This means that the quality of the work of the unit cannot be considered only from the standpoint of logistics costs. Moreover, the concept of “optimum” cannot be translated into digital form. The measure of logistics productivity can be defined as follows: even with an increase in delivery costs with a simultaneous and obvious increase in the company's profit, the result will be considered positive.

Secondly is the modus operandi (Latin for behavior) of a logistics manager. It often happens that the management of an enterprise treats logistics as a very important front of work (or, on the contrary, downplays its importance) and appoints “their own” person to the position of head. Often such persons try to please the management without thinking about the effectiveness of the work, or take reckless actions. Here is an example from personal experience. I once worked for Karcher, which outsourced trucking and warehousing to a well-known international company. This contractor specialized primarily in transportation, so working with a warehouse became an additional burden for him. At that time, the curator of the warehouse worked on the staff of Karcher, who was entrusted with stock control, document management and assistance to storekeepers in working with the goods.

But after less than six months of work, the company's management appointed their protege as the head of the logistics department, and he entrusted control over the actions of the remote worker (warehouse curator) to the customer service manager of the outsourcing company. Thus, the management of Karcher began to receive reports from external organization. As for the curator of the warehouse, he only had the right to silently approve any actions of contractors. In this state of affairs, control over the warehouse was, of course, impossible. The head of logistics at Karcher could only send indignant letters to outsourcers: “How could you make such a mistake? You are professionals! The situation worsened when directors of client companies began to call the warehouse with persuasion to ship the paid goods, even with a reasonable delay. To remedy the situation, the logistics director of the Karcher concern flew in from Germany several times. But the head of the Moscow department of logistics did not even take an ear. At the same time, the specialists of the department tried to keep track of transport and storage costs in order to fulfill the plan.

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In any approach to work, the six rules must always be observed.

  1. The optimal set of parameters is 5-10, maximum 25. Usually in Russia, the performance of a department, and hence the one who manages it, is evaluated according to seven characteristics, for ordinary workers three to five benchmarks are enough. However, there are exceptions (in the form of the above example, where all employees worked for a single parameter - a sales plan).
  2. The indicators are calculated according to the reporting data of the enterprise; excluding any subjectivity. Do not make voluntary decisions like “we will plan sales the same as now, plus five to ten percent.” Define indicators taking into account real conditions (production capacity, equipment capabilities, vehicle load, restaurant hall area, number of hotel rooms).
  3. All planned tasks must be feasible (with a probability of at least 70-80 percent). You can not count on one hundred percent loading of equipment, because this is impossible. But it’s also not worth underestimating the norms - for example, planning a vehicle load of about 40 percent, if the average for the market is 60. The plan should be formed according to objective data, taking into account average market values, and not just the parameters of your company.
  4. When calculating indicators, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​responsibility of the logistics department or an individual employee.
  5. The value of indicators is determined based on the specifics of the working conditions of the enterprise. For example, for a branch in each region there should be a plan that is different from the rest.
  6. The set of parameters and their values ​​are usually reviewed once a year.

Stage 2. Selection of the assessment methodology.

First, you should understand the purpose of the test in order to choose the right methodology. And if the goal is missing, then it turns out that the test is carried out for verification. Let's define four main goals.

  1. Evaluate the department's performance of its functions. A functional or targeted approach is suitable here, but you can apply them in combination.
  2. Assess the compliance of employees with their positions (qualifications, main responsibilities, professional parameters and personal qualities). A well-executed assessment simultaneously increases the productivity of the department. For example, in one of the international audit organizations every newbie in the process probationary period must report to the immediate supervisor on the work done every 20 minutes. At first, qualified specialists consider this requirement too high. But at the end of the month, they usually admit that they work much more productively than at the former workplace, because of the need to report!
  3. Assess compliance with corporate standards and internal work schedule, compliance with the deadlines for work, dress code and other requirements.
  4. Assess the degree of customer satisfaction with products (services), organization and culture of service (efficiency, convenient office position and others, up to the microclimate in the room). Considering the contribution of a separate logistics department to the formation of customer loyalty, it is necessary to have feedback from both external and internal customers represented by other departments of the enterprise, which, by the nature of the work performed, interact with the object of verification.

Based on the required purpose, an appropriate evaluation method is selected.

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The main thing is that the chosen method does not allow for a subjective approach (“like or dislike”). Each indicator is reflected in numbers, and even the opinions of experts should be shown in points on a common scale. Another important point when choosing an assessment method is taking into account the external position of the company (in other words, take into account competitors, customers and suppliers, analyze possible market fluctuations, changes in regulations, etc.).

  • Internal audit of a business: 7 tips on how to conduct it efficiently

Stage 3. Determining the frequency of the audit and its participants.

An effective evaluation methodology does not have to be very expensive. The cost of the audit should be in line with the expected effect. The most economical and effective - simple and understandable assessments, the main purpose of which is to determine whether the goals of the logistics department are in line with company policy and whether employees are financially interested in implementing its strategy.

Conducting inspections at large enterprises is entrusted to the management of departments, at medium enterprises this is often done by deputy directors, at small enterprises - personally by the director or accountant.

Single checks should be arranged on the fact of non-fulfillment of the plan or, for example, on customer complaints. The task of such events is to find the reasons for dishonest work and, if necessary, amend the plan or correct the actions of the unit.

aim scheduled inspections often becomes a warning of possible problems, rather than a solution to those that have already arisen. They are practiced annually, but at least one assessment per year. At the same time, the staff of the department should be aware of the date of the scheduled event and the plan for conducting the audit (what exactly is being considered) in order to prepare materials on time. Based on the results of the event, it is necessary to take effective measures (for example, reformat the department) and reshuffle personnel (correct the staff of the department, increase or decrease positions).

Stage 4. Changing the incentive system.

Each employee must know what exactly he will be encouraged (fined) for and what the remuneration (recovery) consists of. Moreover, if the assessment of the work of the logistics department corresponds to the fulfillment of corporate goals, the employee's activity can be considered productive only when the company itself successfully solves the planned tasks.

The main shortcomings of most incentive systems are: firstly, the dependent relationship between the income of employees and indicators that are not included in their area of ​​responsibility; secondly, the exaggeration of planned tasks. So, in trading companies there are frequent cases when the planned plan is not feasible at all, even with the most the best manager. Such stimulation kills the desire to work effectively.

Statistics show that for specialists in the logistics (marketing, sales) department, an ideal remuneration scheme is when 75-80 percent of the amount is salary and only 20-25 percent is allocated to the variable part related to the performance of the department and personal success of employees. At the same time, there are quite a few enterprises where this ratio is set as 50 to 50. In addition, a number of developed companies are known where the salary in the sales department is 100 percent linked to the implementation of the sales plan. For example, in a certain company selling souvenirs, which has small outlets in the mall, sellers are content with only a percentage of sales.

After the introduction of such a payment system, part of the workers paid off, but the rest of the income increased by 30-50 percent. The company's total turnover more than doubled. If before that office managers called retail outlets to clarify the supply of new goods, now distributors independently order goods that are in demand, even 2-3 months before the expected sales peaks (as a rule, this is International Women's Day, New Year and Christmas).

Undoubtedly, the more the results of the work of the unit determine the income of the staff, the better. However, in reality, such a scheme is not always possible. Let's say you made the salary of sales managers 100 percent dependent on the scale of sales. But a variant is possible when, due to a defect in the purchasing department, the goods that the customers ordered thanks to the efforts of the manager will not be delivered to the warehouse. As a result, the employee will lose his percentage.

A common form of organizing logistics management is a matrix management system. The advantage of this organizational structure is the integration of two or more functions under the responsibility of an individual manager. For example, a manager is responsible for both logistics and product marketing and reports to two functional heads. Such managers may have unlimited powers and be fully responsible for meeting the needs of consumers. The disadvantage of the matrix control system is its high cost, since it requires more highly qualified employees and better information systems needed to support the work of managers. Often a firm in its daily activities is managed on the basis of a functional management structure. However, in order to solve specific one-time problems on short term create matrix teams of employees performing different functions. The employees who are recruited to work on such short-term projects must be highly professional. For example, the development of many logistics processes and instructions requires the participation of specialists from different services.

Service Features

Participation in the development of the company's development strategy. Development of measures to develop the organizational and technical capabilities of the enterprise for the organization, management and execution of logistics operations. Setting tasks for the development of a logistics information system. Development and implementation, together with other services, of rational forms of organization and methods for performing business processes, to improve document circulation, information processing, control of the passage of documents, and the use of technical management tools. Participation in the preparation of regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions of performers and in their adjustment as necessary.

Providing methodological assistance to structural divisions in optimizing business processes and increasing their efficiency at individual workplaces, sites, divisions, and at the enterprise. Studying best practices in the field of logistics, developing proposals for its use, promoting their implementation. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, functions and operations. Control of the application of the developed methodological and regulatory materials. Participation in the selection of basic terms of delivery and development of transport terms of contracts.

Participation in the selection of specialized firms - transport, forwarding, insurance, etc. and the conclusion of relevant agreements. Organization of the performance of auxiliary operations under contracts (packaging, labeling, customs operations, insurance, etc.). Participation in the selection of optimal routes and delivery methods. Organization of coordination and interaction of carriers with other entities supply chain(forwarding, storage, customs operations, etc.). Organization of insurance against the risks of loss or damage to goods. Participation in the preparation of claim documentation and the conduct of claim cases in the part related to logistics. Organization of processing of transport and shipping documentation. Organization of calculation and accounting of costs associated with the delivery of goods. Organization of goods movement control. Organization of ensuring satisfaction of customer requirements for the quality of logistics operations. Organization of insurance and customs operations. Ensuring that a balance is maintained between the cost and efficiency of logistics operations.


Coordinates the technological process (receipt of goods to the warehouse, shipment of goods from the warehouse, carrying out loading and unloading operations, acceptance and transfer of goods to the warehouse, ensuring the necessary modes and conditions for their storage in the warehouse), optimizes the processes of moving resources and products within the enterprise.

Manages the transportation of goods, determines the carrier of goods based on the most efficient schemes of work of transport organizations and the most optimal species transport, transport tariffs, technical and operational, economic and cost indicators of transportation.

Determines methods and schemes for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods; ensures the conclusion of contracts for transportation, forwarding and other services related to the transportation of goods; develops transportation plans; organizes the technological process of transportation (transfer of goods to carriers, control over the delivery of goods to consignees, coordination of loading and unloading operations); provides document circulation of the transport and technological process; analyzes the quality of transportation and the timeliness of delivery of goods.

Organizes customs clearance and customs clearance of goods (chooses types of customs regimes; ensures the preparation and timely submission of customs documentation; ensures customs declaration and submission on demand customs authorities declared goods; determines customs clearance points (at the border, at internal customs); develops schemes for minimizing customs clearance costs; searches for preferential customs clearance mechanisms; ensures the payment of customs duties.

Provides insurance for equipment, goods, raw materials, materials, cargo, liability of carriers; organizes measures to ensure the safety of goods during transportation, products during storage and internal movement.

Develops and controls acceptance processes:

— improving the efficiency of acceptance management with the help of information technologies;

- calculation of the required number of unloading posts;

– calculation of the number of days from the moment of order to the receipt of goods;

- the process of acceptance of products by quantity;

— the process of acceptance of products in case of detection of shortages or surpluses;

- Documents filled out upon acceptance of products to the warehouse;

- terms of acceptance of products by quantity;

— the process of acceptance of products for quality;

- the process of product acceptance in case of detection of product non-compliance with the established quality;

regulations regulating the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;

- Regulatory deadlines for acceptance of goods in terms of quality.

Develops and controls shipping processes:

- the process of selecting goods from storage sites;

— the batch picking process in the picking and control area;

- the process of monitoring the correct selection of goods for batches in terms of quantity and quality;

- the process of replenishing batches in case of shortage or the need to replace low-quality goods;

— documents filled out during the shipment of goods;

- terms of selection, assembly, control and packaging of goods for shipped lots;

- the process of checking goods for quality;

— normative documents regulating shipment;

- improving the efficiency of supply management with the help of information technology;

- calculation of the required number of loading posts;

- calculation of the number of days from the moment of order to loading.

The duties of the service also include:

— development of criteria for making decisions on the choice of economical or urgent mode of transport(post office, car, Railway, river, sea, air transport, courier, dhl);

– calculation, accounting and analysis of the costs of transportation, transshipment, loading and unloading operations, management, information support;

- setting tasks for computerization of the processes of preparing shipping and settlement documentation, monitoring the passage of dispatched goods through checkpoints, transshipment points, borders, accounting and analysis of the information received.

- setting tasks for computerization of planning and scheduling of work, analysis of the quality of planning.

The service controls and replenishes the database and library with the following information:

- the procedure for interaction between cargo insurance systems and the responsibility of carriers;

— rules of cargo transport insurance;

– the procedure for organizing and implementing multi-stage freight transportation under customs control using various kinds transport;

— procedure for simplification of formalities customs clearance and accompaniment of international freight traffic as part of the activities of an international freight forwarder;

- the procedure for organizing and implementing international road transport;

– the procedure for working with undocumented and unclaimed cargo;

— the concept of a single information space of participants in the international freight transportation;

— classification of dangerous goods;

– marking of packaging and vehicles;

— basic requirements for storage, transportation, loading and unloading of dangerous goods;

— features of the transportation of dangerous goods;

- protective measures for the transport of dangerous goods;

— international standards and codes governing the transport of dangerous goods;

- rules for acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;

- Rules for the shipment of goods;

- Claim rules.

Storage Service

The storage service performs (in the part that completes the acceptance) the placement of the received goods at the places of storage, their posting and accounting.

The storage service performs (in the part that ensures shipment) the selection of goods according to orders on the basis of picking lists, the transfer of selected goods to the shipment zone.

Shipment preparation service

If the shipment of goods from the warehouse of the enterprise is a permanent process: the goods are sent in large daily volumes, or weekly large lots, or monthly quantities that require long picking, then by order of the enterprise, permanent teams or services of selectors, pickers, controllers, packers are appointed to provide training batches for shipment.

The following specialists, groups of specialists and services are involved in the shipments:

- storekeepers;

- shift supervisors

- dispatchers;

- selectors (pickers);

- a group of controllers: commodity experts, controllers, laboratory, testing service, samples and standards service;

— group of registration of shipping documentation.

These brigades or services transfer fully prepared consignments to the expedition, which, together with the cargo service, dispatches the consignments to carriers.

Control Service

Quantity inspectors check the quantities of goods selected by the selectors. Quality controllers check the quality of selected goods according to established rules. After checking the selected batches by the inspectors, permission is given for completing the batches and packaging.

Packing Service

The packaging service can be a large packaging workshop if the warehouse is owned by a manufacturing facility. In the warehouses of intermediaries, the actual packaging is carried out only if the original packaging is damaged. The main work is the formation and packaging of cargo modules and batches. The service includes packers, loaders, technologists.

The packaging service performs the following tasks:

- definition technical requirements to packaging and labeling, ensuring the safety of cargo during transportation, loading and unloading operations and warehousing;

– determination of the range of goods requiring packaging, selection and ordering of appropriate types of packaging, purchase of automated lines or machines for packaging, materials and tools for packaging;

– definition of cargo modules, selection of means for forming cargo modules: box, box, container, bag, pallet with tight tape and protective film, etc., ensuring an uninterrupted supply of materials for forming cargo modules;

- selection of the type of container, packaging and labeling in preparation for the shipment of goods;

— ensuring the safety and security of goods in the warehouse and in transit;

- assessment of the impact of each element (container, packaging, labeling) on ​​the overall costs of the logistics system;

- setting tasks for computerization of the processes of monitoring the availability of packaging materials and means, accounting and analysis of changes.

Forwarding service

Forwarding service is an intermediary between the warehouse and carriers. Its successful work is possible with good contacts with employees of logistics, procurement, sales and warehouse services, with suppliers, customers, carriers. This service requires a constantly monitored database of transport enterprises and their services, the presence of dispatchers for the organization and control of road, rail, sea and river, as well as air and postal shipments, and, if necessary, their forwarders in the warehouses of suppliers.

When goods turnover is high, loading and unloading capacities of the warehouse must be carefully planned to ensure sufficient throughput and avoid blockages of goods in the receiving and shipping areas.

It is obvious that this problem can be solved only with a clear organization and satisfactory technical support.

Of course, high performance discipline is required for employees of all services involved in unloading and receiving, as well as in the preparation and dispatch of consignments of goods.

The main criterion effective management transportation is the return received from the cost of transportation.

Among the operations of the forwarding service:

- scheduling the receipt of goods;

– early ordering of transport vehicles of carriers or reservation of own vehicles for the delivery of goods from the port, railway station, airport;

- preparation of orders for the allocation of space for unloading, crews and equipment for unloading;

- notice admission committee on the date of readiness of the cargo for acceptance;

– checking the compliance of containers, packaging and labeling of incoming goods.

Service Features

Organizes the delivery of goods with a guarantee of safety on the terms and conditions stipulated by the transport expedition contract, the contract for the carriage of goods and other contractual obligations with the cargo owner.

Coordinates the interaction of all participants in the processing of goods. Compiles technological and business case transport and technological routes and cargo delivery schemes. Organizes the unloading and loading of goods, their transportation. Organizes the chartering of vehicles (cars, wagons, sea and river vessels, air transport), controls the forwarding (shipping) marking of goods and sealing of vehicles, containers, cold chambers, bunkers and other storage facilities. Provides tracking of the progress of loading and unloading, reloading, transshipment, storage and packaging operations, compliance with the terms and conditions of storage, accumulation and delivery of goods. Draws up commodity-transport and other accompanying documents at all stages of the implementation of transport and technological routes and schemes for the delivery of goods, cargo customs declarations and other documents necessary for customs clearance of goods, in accordance with established requirements. Draws up documents related to cargo insurance, commercial and other acts in accordance with the established forms in cases of arrival of goods and vehicles in a damaged condition (damage and (or) shortage of goods and packages, damaged seals, sealing devices or their absence). Calculates shipping fees and charges. Informs the warehouse about the movement of goods. Produces in in due course forwarding of goods, organizes the sale of unclaimed goods, as well as, if necessary, work on the search for goods, vehicles.

Employees should know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation relating to transport and forwarding activities; international agreements and conventions on transport; rolling stock of modes of transport; technology and organization of forwarding services; operational capabilities of transport routes and terminal systems; methods for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods using logistics systems; organization of transport infrastructure (throughput and carrying capacity of roads, sea, river ports and marinas, airports, transport hubs); operating systems of tariffs, taxes, discounts and benefits for transportation, customs and insurance payments; methods for determining the cost of delivery of goods; the procedure for concluding contracts, drawing up shipping, forwarding payment, insurance and claim documents; basics of commodity science; transportation rules for all modes of transport; rules and norms of ecology and traffic safety in transport; bases of the legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation in the part necessary for the organization of forwarding activities.

Selection committee

If the receipt of goods at the warehouse of the enterprise is a constant process - the goods arrive daily in small volumes, or weekly large batches, or monthly quantities that require a long acceptance, then a permanent commission for the acceptance of incoming goods and services ensuring acceptance (cargo service, laboratory for quality control, claims service), and the procedure for the distribution of equipment and labor resources.

If the receipt of goods occurs periodically and a permanent selection committee is not required, then by order of the enterprise, the permanent duties of the chairman of the selection committee are assigned to one of the managers, who is given the authority to appoint a selection committee as necessary, to involve supporting services. In both cases, the chairman of the selection committee is given the right to sign documents related to the acceptance of goods, the right to involve third-party specialists or laboratories for quality control, independent experts and public organizations. In both cases, the appointment and composition of the selection committee are formalized by a written order. In the order, a separate paragraph indicates employees who are granted the right to sign acceptance certificates, protocols for checking (analysis, testing) quality and claims, so that the signatures of these commission members have legal force for posting goods or for making claims to suppliers and possible arbitration proceedings.

Approximate composition of the selection committee:

- chairman of the commission;

- merchandisers;

- quality experts;

– workers for unpacking, moving, counting, weighing, etc.;

- documentation processors.

The chairman of the selection committee organizes the following preparatory work:

– early invitation of third-party specialists for quality control (if there are no full-time ones), as well as independent experts in complex and controversial cases;

– preparation of equipment for opening containers, unpacking, analysis, testing or diagnostics of incoming goods;

– determination of the technology and executors of acceptance of goods from carriers by the number of pieces and weight, compliance of the accompanying documentation with the procurement contract, preparation of claims to carriers;

— determination of technology and terms of acceptance of goods, preparation of materials for claims to suppliers;

- planning the timing, technical means and labor force for the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality;

- determination of places and terms of temporary placement and storage of goods for acceptance in terms of quantity and quality;

– determination of the procedure for the transfer of accepted goods for placement and storage;

- planning of technical means and labor force for placing the received goods in storage places immediately after acceptance.

When organizing acceptance by quantity, the recipient enterprise is obliged to:

- to create conditions for the correct and timely acceptance of products, under which safety would be ensured and the possibility of shortages and theft of products would be prevented;

- ensure that the persons who accept products are well aware of Instruction P-6, as well as the rules for accepting products by quantity, established by the relevant standards, specifications, special delivery conditions, other regulations and a contract for the supply of these products;

— ensure accurate determination of the quantity of incoming products (weight, number of places: boxes, bags, bundles, bales, packs, etc.);

- systematically monitor the work of persons who are entrusted with the acceptance of products by quantity, and prevent violations of the rules for the acceptance of products.

When organizing acceptance for quality and completeness, the recipient enterprise is obliged to:

- create conditions for the correct and timely acceptance of products, which would ensure its safety and prevent damage to products, as well as mixing with other homogeneous products;

- monitor the serviceability of test and measurement tools that determine the quality of products, as well as the timeliness of their verification in the prescribed manner;

- ensure that the persons who accept products in terms of quality and completeness are well aware of and strictly comply with Instruction P-7, as well as the rules for accepting products in terms of quality and completeness, established by the relevant standards, specifications, special delivery conditions, other mandatory rules;

- systematically monitor the work of persons who are entrusted with the acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness, and prevent violations of the rules for accepting products.

The authority to accept goods from carriers in terms of the number of pieces and weight is usually granted to freight forwarders, cargo receivers who are members of the acceptance committee (approved by order of the enterprise) and work together with the cargo service.

The authority to accept goods from suppliers by quantity is granted to forwarders, merchandisers, storekeepers included in the selection committee. In some cases, it is more expedient to handle the acceptance by representatives of the storage service (small goods, expensive goods, specific goods, etc.), in others - by forwarders (acceptance of goods at the supplier's warehouse, timber, rolled metal, bulk and liquid cargo, etc.) . It is always more expedient to accept goods from suppliers in terms of quality by authorized specialists (merchandisers, experts, analysts, etc.).

Cargo service

Cargo services exist at all enterprises that receive and send goods - industrial, transport, procurement, mining, trade, etc.

Freight service structure

Large cargo flows require specialization of units that perform loading and unloading operations and transportation within their enterprise. Sometimes freight services are combined with a transport department or a warehouse. Modern requirements for improving the logistics of cargo flows in order to reduce the timing of cargo operations and the cost of them have increased the importance of the quality of cargo services management, training for them, providing them with technical means and office equipment. The freight service of an enterprise may be structurally separate, may be part of the structure of the warehouse. On the large enterprises the cargo service is usually separated into an independent unit.

The cargo service performs the following main functions.

Contacts with senders and carriers, determining the date of receipt of the goods, the need additional traffic(for example, from the railway station to the warehouse, etc.).

Determination of the required composition of teams and vehicles for unloading and placing cargo.

Determination of the technology of unloading, acceptance and placement of cargo (usual or new with a new type of cargo).

Registration of documents for the acceptance of goods from carriers, claims against carriers.

Contacts with the warehouse and workshops, receiving instructions for the shipment of goods and lots for shipment.

Determination of the required composition of teams and vehicles for loading.

Determination of loading technology (normal or new with a new type of cargo).

Registration of documents and delivery of goods to carriers.

Drawing up a work schedule.

Performer instruction.

Manufacturing jobs.

Placement of goods in places of storage (for bulky and special cargo).

Responsibilities of a cargo manager

The head of the cargo service must know:

Specifications for loading and fastening, detachment and unloading of goods.

Rules for the transportation, packaging and labeling of goods.

The procedure and technology for weighing goods, content and Maintenance weighing devices.

Rules of safety precautions and industrial sanitation during loading and unloading operations.

Cargo transportation and commercial documentation, rules for its storage and execution.

Rules for the transport of goods.

Fundamentals of transportation planning, labor organization and production management.

Rules for the protection of goods in transit.

Instructions on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents related to production.

Basics labor law; regulation on working time and rest time of employees of the enterprise.

Head of cargo service:

Determines the need for vehicles; under loading and orders them.

Supervises compliance with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo, compliance with the norms of vehicle downtime under cargo operations, the correct execution of cargo transportation documents and accounting for loading and unloading operations, conducting claims work.

Attracts specialists from other structural divisions to solve the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the technology of operations).

Ensures efficient use of production space and handling facilities.

Carries out management and operational planning of the work of the cargo service.

Ensures the implementation of plans for loading, unloading cargo, sorting, safety of cargo and their timely removal.

Analyzes execution operational plan and key performance indicators.

Develops in accordance with the network plan for the formation of a schedule for the acceptance for transportation of containers and small shipments in directions.

Participates in the development, revision and control of the implementation of the technological process.

Develops and implements measures to reduce the downtime of vehicles and ensure the timely removal of goods.

Carries out the necessary measures to prevent the non-preservation of goods during transportation, loading, unloading.

Ensures proper maintenance of loading and unloading areas and weighing devices.

Takes part in control reweighing, loading and unloading of cargo.

Participates in the investigation of cases of injuries associated with the performance of loading and unloading operations.

Organizes and conducts work to improve the level of technical and economic knowledge of freight service employees.

Controls compliance by employees with production and labor discipline, their implementation of job descriptions, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

Requirements for the organization of cargo handling

The design of unified transport and storage processes associated with the processing of material flows during unloading and receiving goods is becoming popular.

When determining the technological parameters of a warehouse complex, the following are performed:

— development of requirements for the territory of the warehouse complex: main flows through the territory, design, location of docks and ramps, their number, entrances to the warehouse, external transport communications;

- development of requirements for warehouse equipment (handling and transport equipment, small-scale mechanization, etc.);

— development of warehouse cargo handling processes;

– calculation of the parameters of storage areas (unloading, acceptance, storage, picking, shipment), administrative and auxiliary premises;

— development of a plan-scheme of the warehouse indicating the locations of warehouse equipment, goods, routes for the movement of handling equipment and personnel;

– allocation of areas for maneuvering and parking of arriving vehicles with goods;

— equipment of unloading platforms.

When designing a cargo handling technology, the following are performed:

— analysis of the structure and dynamics of cargo traffic;

– analysis of the dynamics of the movement of goods, taking into account the forecast of changes in the volume of cargo flows;

— analysis of the main characteristics of cargo (geometric, physical, etc.).

For planning operations and calculations, you need:

- initial data for calculations, including classification tables of cargoes, average statistical values ​​of cargo flows and average deviations from them;

— description of calculation methods;

— characteristics of the main warehouse technological zones, including general and usable storage areas and volumes, lengths of the loading and unloading front, calculated using statistical modeling methods;

- warehouse schemes indicating the location and characteristics of the main technological zones, storage equipment and movement routes for handling equipment and personnel;

- a list of the required amount of small-scale mechanization equipment for handling equipment, devices for automating accounting and control;

organizational structure warehouse complex;

— assessment of the cost of equipping the warehouse complex, including the cost of storage and handling equipment.

The company must develop:

— an album of models of warehouse business processes;

- an album of technological maps of warehouse operations, including instructions for labor protection;

- instructions on standard methods and methods of work;

— technological maps of cargo handling;

— standards technological processes cargo handling;

— regulations on warehouse divisions;

— job descriptions of warehouse personnel;

- document flow charts.

Cargo handling is usually carried out in conjunction with the processes of transportation and warehousing. Logistics management should take into account the following main factors:

movement (cargo handling is always associated with the movement and movement of a certain amount of goods within a certain infrastructure or outside it);

time (products must be moved within production units, warehouses, etc. by a certain point in time associated with the production schedule, distribution time, order or other time period of the logistics cycle);

quantity (cargo handling is always associated with certain sizes of shipments or consignments. Often, it is the cargo processing capacities that determine the rational amount of goods supplied to the manufacturer or consumers);

space (warehouse, vehicle, terminal, etc. must rationally use the available space and cargo capacity. Cargo handling systems allow for the most efficient use of space).

These key factors should be taken into account together. It is also necessary to take into account such aspects as the integration and coordination of logistics intermediaries in the procurement, production and distribution of products.

The main logistical principles of modern cargo handling are shown in the table. They should be implemented in the management of cargo handling in logistics systems to improve the efficiency of the use of warehouse space and height.

Logistic principles of cargo handling




The handling plan is compiled in conjunction with the warehousing plan to ensure maximum operational efficiency

System approach and integration

All cargo handling solutions must be integrated with other logistics activities to achieve the business goal

material flow

Handling must be frequent and equipment layout must be sufficient to optimize material flow

Rationality (simplicity)

Simplify the material handling process by reducing, eliminating or combining wasteful operations and/or equipment


Use own weight of processed batches whenever possible

Use of space

Optimal use of storage and handling space

Size units

Increasing the number, size or weight of the processed batch or the ratio of these characteristics

Mechanization and automation

Maximum mechanization and automation of cargo handling operations

Equipment selection

All major factors and principles should be taken into account in the selection of cargo handling equipment.


Standard handling schemes and standardized equipment should be used


The choice of methods and equipment must be adapted to the wide range of logistics management tasks that may be encountered in practice.

full load capacity

Increasing the ratio of the carrying capacity of mobile equipment to the weight of the processed consignment


Optimum use of equipment in conjunction with operating personnel


Planning for preventive maintenance and provision of spare parts for cargo handling equipment


Updating morally and physically obsolete equipment.


Leverage handling operations to improve control when managing order procedures, production procedures, and inventory


Using equipment to improve productivity

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement of cargo handling technology


Use of safe equipment and processing methods, labor protection

Cargo handling must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.009, GOST 12.3.020, GOST 12.4.026, Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods, Intersectoral rules for labor protection during the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled transport) .

The consignee is obliged to ensure the acceptance of the cargo and the unloading of the vehicle. After unloading, its employees are required to clean vehicles and containers from cargo residues, and if animals, poultry, raw animal products and perishable goods were transported, they should wash the rolling stock and, if necessary, disinfect it. In some cases, the cleaning of a contaminated loading platform (car body) can be undertaken by transport organizations(At the same time, payment for this work is carried out at the expense of the consignee).

Places of loading and unloading operations and access roads to them must have an even hard surface capable of absorbing loads from goods and handling machines, and be kept in good condition. Trenches, potholes, ditches, etc. must be completely covered. Sewer and other technical wells must be closed with strong covers inserted into sockets or hinged.

The territories of loading and unloading areas must have sufficient natural and (or) artificial lighting (at least 10 lux), be cleaned in a timely manner from debris and foreign objects, and in winter - from snow and ice (if necessary, sprinkled with sand or other means to prevent slip). At the intersection of access roads of vehicles with ditches, trenches, railway lines, etc., strong flooring or bridges for crossings must be arranged that can withstand the corresponding load. In order to restrict the movement of vehicles when reversing it, a sidewalk or a fender bar must be laid on the unloading site. On the site for stowage of cargo, the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them are indicated. The width of the driveways should ensure the safety of the movement of vehicles and hoisting and transport machines.

On platforms for unloading (loading) of container, piece cargo, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the floor of the vehicle body should be arranged. Ramps on the side of vehicle access must be at least 1.5 m wide and have a slope of no more than 5°. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m. Along the front edge of the platform, a security board of appropriate strength and height should be installed to prevent the wheels of trucks from falling over the edge of the platform. Overpasses, platforms, ramps for the production of loading and unloading operations with the arrival of cars and other vehicles on them must be equipped with indicators of the permissible load capacity and wheel-break safety devices that prevent the exit and overturning of vehicles.

Premises for the receipt and storage of goods located in the basement and basement floors, having stairs with more than one flight or a height of more than 1.5 m, must be equipped with hatches and ladders for lowering goods directly into the room. Premises for receiving and storing goods, located above the first floor and having stairs with more than one flight or more than 2 m high, must be equipped with lifts for lowering and lifting cargo. In warehouses located in residential buildings, loading and unloading of goods should be carried out from the ends of buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels or from highways if there are special premises for receiving and storing goods.

When installing a car for unloading and loading near a building, a gap of at least 0.8 m must be observed between the building and the rear side of the car body. movement of the car and control over compliance with the above-mentioned gap.

If necessary, special portable devices (shoes, wedges, etc.) must be used to fix the car stopping at a safe distance. At least two employees are allowed to open and close the sides of the vehicle body. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the load is safely located.

The height of unloading and loading platforms for vehicles should be 1.1-1.2 m, for light vehicles - 0.6-0.8 m, width from 3 m (for light vehicles) to 6 m. Depending on the climatic region of the location and the size of the area of ​​the warehouse, unloading platforms should be placed under a canopy in unheated or heated rooms. Canopies should completely cover the unloading platform, as well as the car body by 1m.

Unloading platforms should be placed under sheds, in unheated or heated rooms. In cases where unloading places at enterprises using night delivery of goods are provided outside the main unloading platform, it is allowed to use unloading and loading devices instead of the platform (with appropriate justifications). When unloading goods under sheds or into unheated premises, premises for receiving goods must be provided. The area of ​​​​the premises for receiving goods should be up to 16 m 2 per one unloading place.

Loading and unloading platforms should be provided in front of freight elevators. The width of the unloading areas must be at least the width of the elevators, measured according to the external dimensions, taking into account the enclosing structures. The depth of the sites should be determined without taking into account the width of the corridors adjacent to it. In the shaft, machine and block rooms of the elevator, it is forbidden to store items that are not related to its operation. Machine and block rooms, rooms for placing a winch and blocks of a freight small elevator, as well as cabinets for placing equipment in the absence of a machine room, must be locked, and the approaches to the doors of these rooms and cabinets must be free.

The territory of the enterprise must be kept clean, driveways, passages, unloading areas, etc. should be constantly cleared of debris. On the territory adjacent to the enterprise, it is not allowed to carry out loading and unloading operations, storage of containers, placement of containers with garbage.

Dispatching service

To organize the planning and dispatching of work, it is necessary to perform the following processes and operations:

– determination of the principles for the preparation of work plans and schedules, plans for the distribution of labor and equipment by objects and terms, including the coordination of plans with the work schedule of third-party organizations involved in the processes of goods distribution;

— development of plans, schedules, descriptions of the sequence of operations, standards for business processes, etc.;

- setting tasks for computerization of planning and scheduling of work, analysis of the quality of planning;

– determination of the shortest routes for the movement of goods during layout for storage and selection for shipment;

- development of route maps, descriptions of the sequence of operations, etc.;

- setting tasks for computerization of the preparation of route maps, specifications for the placement of goods and specifications for the selection of goods, taking into account route maps.

Service features:

Carries out operational regulation of the activities of departments in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and daily shift assignments. Controls the provision of departments with the necessary materials, equipment and handling facilities. Collects and processes information on the cargo generating and receiving facilities, loading and unloading points on the availability of goods. Allocates contractors to work objects. Carries out operational control over the progress of warehouse and loading and unloading operations according to established schedules. Keeps a dispatch log, prepares reporting reports and other technical documentation about the progress of production.

Technological service

In medium and small warehouses, there may be one process engineer or these functions are performed by the head of the warehouse or his deputy. The task of this service is to develop, implement and improve the technology of working with goods and documents. The main task of technologists is to identify and eliminate violations in the process of working with goods that can lead to material losses. When negotiating contracts with suppliers, they take part in discussing the technology of working with suppliers' goods.

Claim service

The claim service performs the following tasks:

– determination of the forms and rules for the preparation of acceptance certificates in case of shortages or defects in received batches, claims in terms of quantity and quality;

- determination of the procedure for preparing and forms of claims of recipients in terms of quantity and quality;

– organization of accounting for claims against carriers, claims for the quantity and quality of goods, accounting for verification, satisfaction and analysis of claims;

– determination of the process of processing claims, control of responses to them, control of their satisfaction;

– determining the procedure for working with arbitration in the event of claims being filed;

— determination of the procedure for control of settlements on claims and arbitration awards;

– determination of methods for analyzing the volume of claims, the degree of their satisfaction in order to assess the quality of goods and the work of the warehouse or suppliers in order to make decisions on the appropriateness business relations with them or work with the corresponding group of goods;

- setting tasks for computerization of the processes of preparation, accounting and analysis of claims;

— Claims accounting operations.

Before considering the issues of organization, planning and management of the logistics service in enterprises and organizations, let us dwell on its main components. In logistics (global scale), two main sections are distinguished - the management of material resources and their distribution.

In this case, material resources include primary and secondary, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, final finished products, packaging materials, stocks.

The distribution of material and technical resources is carried out by the movement of goods of intermediate and final finished products in two directions. The first is the movement directly (direct distribution channel) to the intermediate consumer for the implementation of the further production process or to the final consumer. The second is the movement to the intermediate or final consumer through an extensive network of intermediaries (indirect distribution channel) - in large, medium or small lots.

Logistics at the enterprise, depending on the areas of its activity, is divided into internal and external. Internal provides for the solution of production issues directly at the company. External solves the problem of ensuring the movement of goods to the market.

The challenges facing internal logistics come down to logistics and resource management. This is the purchase of raw materials for the enterprise, their warehousing and storage, transportation both from the supplier and at the enterprise itself between departments, constant monitoring of the volume of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and their adjustment.

The tasks facing external logistics are to distribute the final finished product through various distribution channels. This is the transportation of the finished intermediate or final product to consumers; identification of their stocks in their own warehouses, intermediate logistics platforms and consumers; storage, packaging and picking of orders for the entire range of products; monitoring the demand for manufactured goods, adjusting their production volumes if necessary.

6.2. Organization Chart

The logistics service at the enterprise has several mandatory levels of management. At the same time, it includes some part of the administration responsible for the decisions made (on the tasks, goals and problems of the company) and staff members of the logistics department and its service as a whole.

The organization and management of the logistics service at the enterprise includes the following main structural links:

Executive Director for Logistics. He is a member of the board of the firm or is one of the deputy general directors.

    Managers responsible for the activities of departments and their subordinate personnel.

    Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects - planning new distribution centers for the final finished product, expanding existing and organizing new logistics platforms, designing the projected logistics information systems.

    Personnel managers. They conduct operational work, are responsible for the distribution centers of the final finished product, for the delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, their storage and packaging.

As for the group for the implementation of individual logistics projects, there are several most common ways to form such groups at the enterprise, both within the logistics service and independent:

    groups function as an integral part of the logistics service at the enterprise, for example, such as project control, engineering in transport and warehousing, in information logistics systems;

    groups exist as separate, independent units with their own staff, organized at the enterprise and performing certain functions of the logistics system, for example, organizing the delivery of material and technical resources; formation of logistics platforms,

    groups are formed promptly from personnel employed in certain areas of logistics, for example, in the field of transport or warehousing - in this case, the group fulfills its responsibilities for the implementation of projects as the need arises for this kind of work.

Any industrial firm seeking to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and stockpiling of material and technical resources, as well as distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service.

6.2. 1. Main kinds activities services logistics butfirm

The logistics service at the enterprise is divided, as a rule, into five main functional groups responsible for transportation; structure of fixed assets, stocks, material handling

resources, communications and information. In accordance with the purpose of the functional groups, a list of their activities is provided, namely:

    transportation - internal, external and international transportation, choice of mode of transport, vehicles and options for their service;

    planning and management of warehouse facilities and equipment, distribution centers, warehouse production areas;

    supply of raw materials and supplies; formation of stocks (insurance, preparatory, production) and finished products, processing of returned products;

    material resources maneuvering, sorting, processing, packaging;

    order processing, demand forecasting, production planning, communication with distribution centers; expansion of the information network of communications; database update.

It should be noted that such a formation of functional groups of the logistics service at the enterprise does not correspond to the traditional organizational structures of firms, since all these activities were delegated for quite a long time by the supply department of material and technical resources (purchases), which belonged to production; processing orders and communication with customers, engaged in marketing; transport operations (existed as an independent); warehouse and container management (also independent).

6.2.2. Practical achievement success

A company engaged in industrial production or the provision of various kinds of services in the logistics system should be guided by the practical achievement of success. To do this, every company must meet three important conditions.

First - the exact wording and list of functions of each individual employee of the logistics service in the enterprise is necessary. Namely, the title of the position, organizational ties (accountability), boundaries of responsibility, duties and rights.

Second - the company must have the necessary information about how many logistics personnel will be required in the near and distant future; what knowledge and skills they should have; what organizations and firms can provide the required number of employees in the near and distant future. In this case, the following information is needed: the scope of the proposed work, the scale of expansion of the company, the required number of employees, the position in the labor market.

Third - the company must find and select a future manager (employee) of the logistics service for a specific, specific position, and not select a position for a future employee. In the latter case, his incompetence can lead to negative consequences. Directed recruitment is required; Compliance of candidates to the position in terms of knowledge and skills, competence.

Logistics- the art of reasoning, calculating.

In economics, logistics is a scientific and practical activity related to the organization, management and optimization of the movement of material, information and financial flows from the source to the end user.

There are two types of logistics functions: operational and coordination. Operational functions are related to the management of the movement of material assets in the field of supply, production and distribution.

In the field of supply, this is the management of the movement of raw materials, materials, stocks of finished products from the supplier to manufacturing enterprise, warehouse or retail store.

At the production level, logistics is management, including control of the movement of a semi-finished product through all stages of production, as well as the movement of goods to warehouses and markets.

Distribution management covers the organization of the flow of final products from the producer to the consumer.

The functions of logistical coordination include: identification and analysis material needs various parts of production, analysis of the area of ​​​​markets in which the organization operates, forecasting the development of potential markets, processing data on the needs of the clientele.

The essence of these functions is to coordinate supply and demand. Based on the relevant information, logistics deals with matching the demand presented by the market situation and the proposal developed by the organization.

From the coordination function of logistics, another direction was formed - operational planning. Based on the demand forecast, a transportation schedule and a procedure for managing stocks of finished products are developed, as a result production planning, development of programs for the supply of raw materials and components. From the fundamental positions, the following functions of logistics are distinguished: backbone, integrating, regulating, resulting.

Backbone logistics is a system of effective technologies for providing resource management.

The integrating function is the provision of logistics for the synchronization of sales, storage and delivery processes with reference to the market of means of production and the provision of intermediary services to consumers. The regulatory function is to implement the management of material, information and financial flows to reduce costs.

The resulting function implies the activity of delivering goods in the right quantity at a certain time and place with the required quality at the lowest possible cost. The criterion for determining the effectiveness of the implementation of logical functions is the achievement ultimate goal logistics activities.

The tasks facing logistics can be divided into general, global and private. Achieving maximum effect with minimum costs is the main global task of logistics. Modeling of logistics systems and factors of their functioning is also referred to as global tasks.

General tasks include:

1) creation of a system for regulating material and information flows;

2) forecasting the possible volumes of production, transportation, storage;

3) determination of the inconsistency between the need and the ability to implement it in production;

4) identification of demand for a product developed and promoted within the logistics system;

5) organization of pre-sales and after-sales service.

Based on the solutions to common problems, a network of warehouse systems is created to organize customer service and optimally attach them to production points.

Private tasks have a narrower focus and include:

1) creation of minimum stocks;

2) the maximum reduction in the storage time of finished products;

3) reduction of transportation time.

The basic rules of logistics can be formulated as follows: desired product required quality in the right volume is delivered at a certain time and place with minimal cost. The main object of research in logistics is the material flow. The actions attached to the material flow are called logistic operations, or logistic functions. Material resources in a state of movement, work in progress, manufactured products, to which logistics operations or functions are applied, determine the material flow.

A logistics operation is a movement coordinated with the emergence, absorption and transformation of the material and accompanying information, financial and service flow.

The logistics function is an autonomous component of logistics operations aimed at solving the tasks put forward for the logistics system and links. The combination of logistics operations and functions depends on the type of logistics system.

The concept of a logistics system is central to logistics. Complex organizational system, consisting of fragments of links, combined in one process of managing material and related processes, is logistical. The tasks of functioning of the links of the system are united by internal tasks of the business structure or external goals. Certain functional links and relationships are established between the elements-links of the logistics system. Some economic and functionally isolated object is called the logistics link of the system. It fulfills its narrow role, defined by logistics operations and functions. There are several types of links in the logistics system: generating, transforming and absorbing. Often there are mixed links of the logistics system, in which three main types are presented at once, combined in various combinations.

Material flows in the links of the logistics system can converge, split up, branch out, change their content, parameters and intensity. Enterprises-suppliers of material resources, marketing, trade, intermediary organizations of various levels, enterprises of information and trade services and communications can act as elements of the logistics system.

Another concept of logistics is the supply chain. A large number of links in the logistics system represent a logistics chain.

The links in the logistics chain are linearly ordered by material, information, cash flow with the task of analyzing or designing a specific set of logistics functions or costs.

The next concept in logistics is the logistics network. A logistics network is a large number of links in the logistics system that are interconnected by material or related information and cash flows within the boundaries of the logistics system.

The logistics network is a narrower concept in contrast to the logistics system, which is characterized by the presence of a higher logistics management that implements the target function of the system.

concept total costs usually associated with another concept in logistics - a logistics channel. A logistics channel is an ordered set of links in the logistics system, which includes the full volume of logistics chains or their participants, conducting material flows from the supplier of material resources needed for the manufacture of a particular type of product to direct consumers.

The concept of a logistics channel includes external, intra-production and macro-logistics groups within a certain framework of each logistics operation. Therefore, the concept of total logistics costs is fundamentally important.

The introduction of information and computer technologies in all areas of business determines state of the art logistics. Without the use of high-speed computers, the implementation of most logistics concepts is impossible. Information Support logistics process it is so important that experts single out information logistics, which is of independent importance in business and information flow management.

An information flow is a flow of messages in paper and electronic (documentary), speech and other forms, put forward by the original material flow in a certain logistics system, between the links of the system or the logistics system and environment and designed to implement control functions.

It is possible to single out elementary, key, complex and basic information flows in connection with logistic actions and functions.

Information flows in connection with the logistics system are divided into:

1) passing inside the logistics system or its link, or flow;

2) passing between the logistics system and the external environment.

The most common types of information media are streams on paper and magnetic media.

According to the time of occurrence of information, flows are divided into:

1) regular (stationary);

2) periodic;

3) operational.

Regular correspond to a time-limited data transmission, periodic are strictly limited by the transmission time, and operational provide communication between subscribers in an interactive mode. Depending on the purpose, control, auxiliary information flows, information flows for conducting accounting and analytical activities, for making decisions, flows of regulatory and reference information are determined. In modern logistics, the increasing role of information flows is due to the following main reasons.

A necessary element of the consumer logistics service is information about the status of the order, the availability of goods, the time of delivery, and release documents. The availability of complete and reliable information from the position of supply chain inventory management can reduce the need for labor reserves by minimizing the relativity of the demand line. The flexibility of the logistics system is increased by information in this approach, when resources can be used to achieve specific benefits.

Logistics management has numerous indicators and characteristics of information flows:

1) terminology of transmitted messages, types of data, documents;

2) data volumes;

3) data transfer rate;

4) throughput of information channels;

5) noise immunity.

Between information and material flow there is no unambiguous synchronous correspondence of occurrence in time. The information flow either advances or lags behind the material one. Sometimes the material flow is a consequence of the information flow. Typical is the presence next to the material flow of several informational ones. The information flows accompanying individual logistic functions can be very complex and rich in terms of workflow.

The specific needs of logistics management determine the information flows in the logistics system when developing some of the details of regulatory planning, analysis and accounting. As an example, consider a diagram of sources of information and emerging information movements when predicting the dispersal of stocks of manufactured products in the distribution network. When planning an enterprise's inventory of finished products, consumer requests, sales forecasting, distribution decisions, and inventory management costs are taken into account. Information reflecting the needs of consumers details the classes and groups of consumers in a certain part of the market, the ways of delivering finished products to each group and the formation of a logistics service.

Information flows carry information about product requirements, the cost of finished products, the procedure for ordering and delivering finished products to consumers.

To predict sales volume, information sources include information such as:

1) information on previous sales of a specific assortment of the market;

2) the number of sales of competitors' products;

3) the entire volume of sales of this market segment;

4) market demand for finished products;

5) reliability and accuracy of information on previous sales;

6) planned changes in the quality characteristics of finished products;

7) economic directions in changing the structure of consumer demand;

8) short-term forecasts in the finished product distribution system;

9) forecast for the development of new markets.

Information flows characterizing decisions in the distribution system can be divided into those characterizing the temporary causes of operations in the dividing network and reflecting the accuracy and reliability of data. Information that reduces the uncertainty of timing distribution combines order fulfillment data. The time parameters of transportation are associated with the choice of a delivery scheme, route, etc. The cycle of receiving an order, its duration include information about the time of delivery of the goods, the destination, the time of loading and unloading, paperwork. Associated with a decrease in the uncertainty of other parameters, information flows take into account the terms of delivery, the reliability and accuracy of information when managing stocks. The considered information flow for one function of logistics management gives an idea of ​​the complexity and diversity of information flows in the logistics system.

To achieve continuous efficiency in any type of production and economic activity, it is necessary to have an appropriate control system. Flow process control is no exception. Without an effective control subsystem, the logistics system cannot be considered fully capable. The absence of this subsystem leads to significant losses. The parallelism and coherence of the mutual processes of all subsystems and subsystems in the logistics system breaks down, the reliability of the cumulative work of various components and individual subjects of activity drops sharply. The time of unrecorded periods of non-use of machinery and equipment is increasing.

The quality of manufactured products, work performed and operations is declining, which adversely affects the level of customer service. Increased risks and significant costs in the course of regulating material, cash and other flows entail the failure to apply the necessary control. Lack of control can be a very dangerous threat, but it is not the only cause of risks. The quality of the developed tactical and strategic decisions plays an important role, because the nature of risks in production and economic activities is diverse.

Making the right tactical decision makes it possible to relatively quickly check ongoing processes and, accordingly, reduce or eliminate potential losses. Risks of a strategic nature, arising on a long-term basis, require complex insurance schemes for feasibility assessments.