Methods and principles of personnel management. What are information management tools Personnel management tools in an organization

The main condition for the effective functioning of the enterprise is to achieve harmony between the objectives of the organization and the personal ambitions of its staff. There are four main tools to achieve this harmony:

  • evaluation system;
  • reward system;
  • organization of work;
  • selection and development.

Grading system

Along with motivation, staff performance evaluation is a fundamental task of management. by human resourses. However, what should be used as a measure of the individual employee's contribution to the achievement of the firm's goal? How to evaluate the work of an employee if its result is not directly related to the release of a material, tangible object? How to take into account when evaluating the work of personnel such factors as the level of initiative shown, possession of organizational skills and the ability to work in a team? It is hardly possible to give definite answers to these questions.

Nevertheless, a direct relationship between the results obtained in the course of assessing the work of employees and the size of their future wages and opportunities career development does effective solution such issues are an indispensable condition for the successful functioning of the enterprise.

An incorrectly assessed result of work leads to dissatisfaction on the part of employees if the amount of wages is lower than expected, or, conversely, causes a feeling of guilt from the consciousness of the undeserved remuneration received. As a result, there is a break in the connection between the amount of effort expended and the amount of compensation, the employee ceases to see that more effective work is valued higher.

In the short term, this leads to a decrease in interest in the affairs of the enterprise, and in the long term - to a drop in productivity and competitiveness. In the general case, there are two approaches to organizing a system for assessing the work of personnel in an enterprise: traditional and new.

In the traditional approach, the implementation of personnel assessment lies entirely on the shoulders of the manager. However, this raises a natural problem of the degree of objectivity and competence that one person needs to judge the value and significance of another person's work.

Most managers do experience certain psychological difficulties when they are forced to act as a judge of the future of subordinates. The manager has to not only evaluate each employee and observe how this will affect his future fate, but also personally inform the employee about his decision. This inevitably leads to conflicts, since the manager's assessment usually turns out to be lower than the employee's self-assessment. Therefore, very often the results of inspections are hushed up, which leads to an even greater discrepancy between the objective performance indicators of an employee and his subjective self-assessment.

In addition to psychological difficulties, the traditional method often does not allow determining such performance indicators that would equally take into account both the production tasks of the enterprise and the requirements that each employee associates with the organization as a place of self-realization and self-development. The reason for this is that this method does not involve the employees themselves, and managers pursue the interests of the company primarily. The following example shows what an incorrectly chosen grading system can lead to.

Research laboratory of one large firm had a primary task of fundamental research as opposed to applied research. The number of completed projects was chosen as a unit of measure for the work of the staff of this laboratory.

With such an evaluation system, the emphasis was on the final result. The rationale for the chosen system was the desire of the company, along with investment fundamental research get tangible results in the form of concrete ideas put into practice.

The result was the dissatisfaction of one part of the staff, who wanted to do basic rather than applied research, while the other part preferred to develop narrower projects that require less time to complete. It is clear that both behaviors had a negative impact on the prospects of the firm and the increase in its competitiveness.

New Approach to the organization of the assessment system (MBO - management by objectives) was proposed by P. Drucker. This approach assumes that the employee himself determines short-term goals for himself. The boss enters the process only after the subordinate has already thought through the main content of his task; carefully assessed their weak and strong professional skills; developed a plan to achieve the set goals. The actions of a higher level are reduced only to helping the employee in reconciling the goals he has chosen with the tasks and realities of the organization.

At the first stage of this process, the employee defines the future task in general terms and formulates his areas of responsibility, which are then agreed with the boss and, if necessary, adjusted until satisfaction is achieved on both sides.

After determining the areas of responsibility, the employee formulates individual goals, as well as specific actions with which he will achieve these goals within a specified period of time. Then the employee again proceeds to agree on the decisions made with a higher level until the result suits both participants in this process.

At the end of the period allotted for the assignment, the employee himself evaluates the results of his work based on the degree of achievement of the goals previously defined by him and transmits the results of the assessment to the boss during a personal conversation, backing them up with factual data.

Thus, the MVO method uses a more positive approach than the traditional method, since the results of the work done by subordinates are assessed not by the boss, who fixes mainly mistakes and failures, but by the employees themselves, revealing not only their own weak sides but also untapped potential.

The main difference of the new approach lies in the assumption that the individual knows more about his own abilities, needs and goals than anyone else, so only he himself can determine exactly what is best for his development. In contrast, the traditional approach assumes that the manager has enough knowledge to determine what is best for the employee.

The approach based on the MVO method is obviously more reasonable. The role of the manager should not be reduced to the function of a judge, deciding the fate of his subordinate, but to the function of a consultant and assistant, directing the personal ambitions of the employee to achieve the goals of the organization.

The manager, knowingly possessing more complete information about the characteristics of the organization, is only called upon to give advice necessary for the employee at the stages of coordinating personal goals with production tasks and implementation of the adopted plan.

So, in the traditional approach, managers were responsible for determining the value of an employee. However, no manager possesses the volume of skills and abilities necessary to perform this function effectively. In addition, few people are psychologically ready to act as a judge and god. The new approach shifts primary responsibility for the development of goals and evaluation of the result on the performers themselves, eliminating the main drawback of the traditional method and stimulating the self-development of the staff.

Reward system. Remuneration received by an employee can be divided into internal and external. The source of internal reward is the work itself: feelings of involvement in the accomplishment of something important, responsibility, challenge to one's abilities.

External rewards are not directly part of the job. These include salary, promotion opportunities, additional benefits, work space, status and prestige.

Reward system

To achieve effective personnel management, it is necessary to use both internal and external elements of the reward system in order to create a combination that would best suit the goals of the organization.

Wage. There are three main criteria that should guide the development of a remuneration system. First, the form of remuneration should be as close as possible to what employees expect to receive in exchange for their efforts. Therefore, the main task of the manager is to accurately determine the expectations of employees. Thus, expectations of friendly relationships with colleagues cannot be met through a pay system, while promotion expectations can only be met by creating an open and logical career development system.

A wide range of various rewards and compensations is not yet a guarantee of a motivational impact on employees. If payments and incentives do not meet the expectations of the staff, then they may not have any effect on the interest in work.

The second principle is that higher-ranking employees should be encouraged by more external rewards and have more opportunities for internal rewards. The amount of wages should be differentiated depending on the position and quality of work, i.e., wages should be a signal for the correct model of employee behavior.

And finally, the system of remuneration must be understandable and inspire trust among employees. Based on these general provisions for building a wage system, the manager determines the details and specific aspects based on the tasks that he wants to solve with the help of material incentives.

If, for example, its goal is to satisfy economic needs, then the main problem will be to accurately determine the economic expectations of the staff, while the differentiation will be relatively small. If the task is to motivate a certain model of behavior - improving the quality of work with clients, showing initiative, etc. - then in this case the payment system should be more differentiated.

Career. The second source of extrinsic rewards is the prospect of career advancement. Promotion should, on the one hand, provide the employee with the opportunity for self-realization, and on the other hand, maintain the stability of the organization, that is, the promotion or demotion of one employee in the service should not affect the ability of the department to perform its functions.

The following example illustrates the consequences of inconsistency between the tasks of production and the organization of promotion of employees up the career ladder.

A consumer goods company used the prospect of a fast-moving career as a tool to attract CPAs to the marketing department. Employees were promoted every one to two years.

But along with the positive effect of high individual motivation, problems arose in the marketing department itself. Administrators were transferred to another position before they had time to implement the solutions proposed by them in the previous position. As a result, it became impossible to determine the person responsible for a particular result. In addition, due to rapid personnel movements, the department's communications with other functional units were disrupted.

Organization of work

Changing the organization of work by modifying the organizational hierarchy, rules or standard operating procedures is the main tool intrinsic motivation personnel, i.e., increasing their interest due to the interesting content of the work itself (internal remuneration), and not monetary and other rewards.

There are two ways to improve the organization of work: extension and enrichment content. Job expansion is designed to minimize the negative impact of monotonous, repetitive tasks. It most often consists of combining several repetitive operations into one. However, such a combination leads to the same monotony of work, but only on a larger scale.

To overcome this problem, they resort to enriching the content of the production task by increasing the responsibility and independence of the individual worker. Thus, an opportunity is created for the manifestation of personal initiative and ingenuity.

Selection and development

Recruitment. The recruitment consists in creating the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization selects the most suitable employees for it. This work should be carried out literally in all specialties.

The amount of recruitment work required is largely determined by the difference between the available labor force and the future need for it. This takes into account factors such as retirement, turnover, layoffs due to the expiration of the contract of employment.

The set is carried out from external or internal sources. External recruitment tools include: publishing advertisements in newspapers and professional magazines, contacting employment agencies and firms supplying executive personnel; internal recruitment usually involves sending contracted people to special courses at colleges.

Most organizations prefer to conduct selection primarily within their organization. Career advancement own employees costs less. In addition, it increases their interest, improves morale and strengthens the attachment of employees to the enterprise.

According to the theory of expectations in relation to motivation, it can be assumed that if employees believe that their career growth depends on the degree of work efficiency, then they will be interested in more productive work. A possible disadvantage of approaching the problem solely through internal reserves is that new people with fresh views do not come into the organization, and this can lead to stagnation.

A popular method of recruiting through internal reserves is to send out information about an opening vacancy with an invitation to qualified employees. Further, when managing personnel planning, management selects the most suitable candidates from the reserve created during recruitment.

In most cases, the person who is best qualified to perform the task should be selected. actual work position, rather than the candidate who appears to be the most suitable for promotion. An objective decision on the choice, depending on the circumstances, may be based on the candidate's education, the level of his professional skills, previous work experience, and personal qualities. If the position is one where technical knowledge is the determining factor, then education and previous scientific activity will probably have the greatest value.

For leadership positions, especially at a higher level, the skills of establishing interregional relations, as well as the candidate's compatibility with both superiors and subordinates, are of primary importance. Effective selection of candidates is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of human resources.

Staff development. Personnel is the main weapon of the enterprise in the competitive struggle. At the same time, the effective use of the human resource presents the greatest difficulties compared to other types of resources (materials, equipment, financial capital). Personnel are people, separate individuals, whose main goal is to satisfy, first of all, personal needs - the needs for the reliability of existence, respect for colleagues, a fair assessment of the results achieved and adequate remuneration, self-realization and development. Moreover, the personal needs of employees by their nature oppose the needs of the organization.

No manager can expect 100% loyalty from subordinates. Therefore, the main task of personnel managers is to create such a system of labor organization that would allow employees who direct their knowledge and energy to achieve the economic goals of the enterprise, at the same time to fully realize their own aspirations and desires.

How many sales departments exist, so many approaches to sales management exist. And yet, the most effective sales teams know and apply, in whole or in part, some time-tested and experienced tools. We will talk about them today.

I can say with confidence that these tools are basic and ignoring or misusing them leads to a distortion of the entire sales system in the company.

So what are these tools that any successful sales manager should have in their arsenal?

Tool #1

Sales program

A sales plan is a loose and multidimensional concept. Most often, a sales plan means: a company development plan; development plan of divisions; setting individual goals for each employee.

Directly related to the topic of managing the sales department are the plan for the department and the plan for each employee.

How to develop a good sales plan?

  • Define goals (SMART-principle) for the sales department.
  • Develop ways to achieve your goals.
  • Select necessary resources to achieve goals.
  • Break the process of achieving the goal into stages and tasks.
  • Set due dates for tasks.
  • Designate a person responsible for each step.

Tool #2

Competent work with the client base

The client base is not just a list of clients in a diary. With the right approach, the customer base forms the basis of the company's sales system. This is the core around which the work of the sales department is built. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to the development and organization of the client base.

Components of successful work with the client base:

  • Working with contact databases.
  • Creation of a single client base (CRM-system).
  • Segmentation of the customer base.
  • Improving the negotiation process of sales managers.
  • Working with potential and existing clients.

Tool #3

Sales analysis

Sales analysis allows you to determine the most profitable areas and prospects for increasing sales, reduce losses and costs.

Key metrics to track and analyze:

  • Sales growth.
  • Total profit.
  • Profitability.
  • Volume of sales.
  • Implementation of the sales plan.
  • The cost of providing a sales system.
  • Average check/account.
  • Average turnover per client.

Tool #4

Competent managers

The result of sales directly depends on the competence of sales managers, so it is important not only to periodically improve the skills of sales staff, but also to assess the quality of their work.

To increase the level of professionalism of managers will help:

  • Regular internal training.
  • Implementation of sales standards.
  • Refresher courses, seminars, trainings for managers and heads of sales departments.
  • Assessment of the competence of managers (testing, " Mystery shopper" and etc.).

Tool #5

Staff motivation

Without the development of a motivation system, it is impossible to achieve either high performance from each employee, or create a favorable climate in the company, or improve the quality of customer service for the company.

The main steps to develop a motivation system:

  • Determination of motivational types of employees.
  • Development of a system of material motivation.
  • Development of non-material motivation system.

Tool #6

Control in the sales department

A competent control system in the sales department helps to identify and correct errors in a timely manner, find new development opportunities, and maintain a high level of employee motivation.

What will help to control and keep in sight the situation in the sales department?

Do you want to manage your sales team at the best level? I invite you to

Management methods - these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel to achieve management goals
Distinguish: economic, administrative-legal and socio-psychological methods of management, which differ in the ways and effectiveness of the impact on staff.

3.1. Economic Methods

Economic Methods management are ways of influencing personnel based on the use of economic laws and provide the opportunity, depending on the situation, to both “bestow” and “punish”. The effectiveness of economic management methods is determined by: the form of ownership and management economic activity, the principles of cost accounting, the system of material remuneration, the labor market, market pricing, the tax system, the structure of lending, etc. The most common forms of direct economic impact on personnel are: cost accounting, material incentives and participation in profits through the acquisition of securities (stocks, bonds) of the organization .

Economic calculation is a method that encourages staff as a whole to: compare the costs of production with the results of economic activity (sales volume, revenue), full reimbursement of production costs from the income received, economical use of resources and material interest employees in the results of work. The main tools for economic calculation are: independence of the unit, self-sufficiency, self-financing, economic standards, economic incentive funds (wages).

Financial incentive is carried out by establishing the level of material remuneration (wages, bonuses), compensations and benefits. Wages are part of the gross domestic product, which is reflected in the cost of production and distributed in market economy between individual workers based on the quantity and quality of labor expended, as well as supply and demand for marketable products. AT market relations wages express the main and immediate interest of employees, employers and the state as a whole. Finding a mutually beneficial mechanism for the implementation and observance of the interests of this tripartite partnership is one of the main conditions for the development of production and constitutes the function of labor management and salary. Wages are the price of labor power, corresponding to the cost of consumer goods and services that ensure the reproduction of labor power, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the worker and his family members. Salary is the most important component of the cost of production:

    where C is the cost of production;

    M- the cost of materials and raw materials;

    BUT- depreciation deductions;

    W- basic and additional wages;

    O- mandatory deductions from wages;

    H - overheads;

    P- profit.

The structure of remuneration allows you to determine which components are included in the remuneration of the employee, in which items of cost and profit they are reflected, what is the share of a particular element in the total value of wages (Fig. 2.3).

Rice. 2.3. Employee remuneration structure

Labor Code Russian Federation defines wages as remuneration for work, depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation and incentive payments. The Code establishes a list of basic state guarantees for wages.

The value of the minimum wage. The minimum wage (minimum wage) is the amount of the monthly wage guaranteed by federal law for the work of an unskilled worker who has fully worked out the norm of time when performing simple work in normal working conditions. The amount of the minimum wage does not include additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, as well as payments for work in conditions that deviate from normal, for work in special climatic conditions and in territories exposed to radioactive contamination, other compensation and social payments.

The value of the minimum tariff rate(salary) of employees of organizations public sector In Russian federation.

The tariff rate (salary) is a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for the fulfillment of a labor standard ( job duties) a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time.

Measures, providing an increase in the level of the real content of wages(indexation of wages in connection with the growth of consumer prices for goods and services).

Limitation of the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages.

Deductions from the employee's salary to pay off his debt to the employer can be made:

  • to reimburse the unworked advance payment issued to the employee on account of wages;
  • to pay off an unspent and timely unreturned advance payment issued in connection with a business trip or transfer to another job in another area, as well as in other cases;
  • to return the amounts overpaid to the employee due to accounting errors, as well as the amounts overpaid to the employee, in the event that the body for the consideration of individual labor disputes fault of the employee in failure to comply with labor standards or downtime;
  • upon dismissal of an employee before the end of the working year, for which he has already received annual paid leave, unworked vacation days.

The total amount of all deductions for each payment of wages cannot exceed 20%, and in cases provided for by federal laws, 50% of the wages due to the employee. When withholding wages under several executive documents, in any case, 50% of wages must be retained for the employee. This does not apply to deductions from wages while serving correctional labor, the recovery of alimony for minor children, compensation for harm caused by the employer to the health of an employee, and compensation for damage caused by a crime. The amount of deductions from wages in these cases cannot exceed 70%.

Limitation of wages in kind. Payment of wages should be carried out in rubles, but in accordance with the collective agreement adopted in the organization or employment contract at the written request of the employee, it is allowed to make remuneration in other forms that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties. At the same time, the share of wages paid in non-monetary form cannot exceed 20% of the total amount of wages. It is not allowed to pay wages in the form of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, toxic, poisonous and harmful substances, weapons, ammunition and other items in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions on their free circulation are established.

Ensuring that the employee receives wages in the event of termination of the employer's activity and its insolvency in accordance with federal laws.

State supervision and control over the full and timely payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for wages. State supervision and control over compliance labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, in all organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation, are carried out by the bodies of the federal labor inspectorate. The principles of activity, the main tasks, the main powers and rights of the bodies of the federal labor inspectorate are established by Ch. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility of employers for violation of the requirements established by the Code, collective agreement and agreements.

In the event of a delay in the payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days, the employee has the right, by notifying the employer in writing, to suspend work for the entire period until the payment of the delayed amounts. Suspension of work is not allowed:

  • during periods of martial law, a state of emergency or special measures in accordance with the legislation on the state of emergency;
  • in the bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces and other military, paramilitary and other formations and organizations in charge of ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state, emergency rescue, search and rescue, fire fighting, work to prevent and eliminate natural disasters and emergencies, in law enforcement;
  • civil servants;
  • in organizations directly serving especially dangerous types of production, equipment;
  • in organizations related to ensuring the life of the population (energy supply, heating and heat supply, water supply, gas supply, communications, ambulance and emergency stations).

Terms and order of payment of wages. When paying wages, the employer is obliged to notify each employee in writing of the components of wages due to him for the relevant period, the amount and grounds for the deductions made, as well as the amount of money to be paid. Wages, as a rule, are paid to the employee at the place of performance of work by him or transferred to specified by the worker bank account on the terms determined by the collective or labor agreements. Wages must be paid to the employee at least every half a month on the day established by the rules of the internal work schedule organizations, collective and labor contracts.

Establishment of wages (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

The wage system, tariff rates, salaries, various types of payments are established:

  • for employees of organizations financed from the budget - by relevant laws and other regulatory legal acts;
  • for employees of organizations with mixed financing (budget financing and business income) - laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations organizations;
  • for employees of other organizations - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations of organizations, labor contracts.

The payroll system includes: tariff rates(salary) tariff scale, tariff coefficients. Tariffication of work assignment of tariff categories to employees is carried out taking into account the unified tariff qualification handbook works and professions of workers, a unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. The tariff system for remuneration of employees of the public sector is established on the basis of a single tariff scale, which is a guarantee for the remuneration of employees of the public sector. The tariff system of remuneration of labor of employees of other organizations may be determined by collective agreements, agreements, taking into account unified tariff-qualification guides and state guarantees for wages.

incentive payments

The employer has the right to establish various systems of bonuses, incentive payments and allowances, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. Such systems can be installed
as well as collective agreements. Incentive payments are established by law for:

  • workers, employed in heavy work Oh,work with harmful, dangerous and other special conditions labor , work in areas with special climatic conditions(the list of heavy work, work with harmful and dangerous and other special working conditions is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and wage increases on the indicated grounds are made based on the results of attestation of workplaces);
  • workers, employed in the performance of work under conditions, deviating from normal(when performing work of various qualifications - labor is paid for work of a higher qualification; combining professions and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee- an additional payment is made, the amount of which is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract; when performing work outside normal working hours- overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at least one and a half times, for subsequent hours - at least twice; when performing work on weekends and non-working holidays- a day off and a non-working holiday is paid at least twice; when working at night- payment is made in an increased amount, established by the employer, collective and labor contracts);

  • workers
  • , forced to stand idle due to the fault of the employer or for reasons, independent of employer and employee, - payment must be at least two-thirds of the employee's average wage (downtime due to the fault of the employer) or the standard salary rate (downtime for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee).

Compensation Guarantees

Guarantees- these are the means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social and labor relations, a compensation - These are monetary payments established for the purpose of compensating employees for the costs associated with the performance by them of labor or other duties provided for by federal law. In addition to general guarantees (when hiring, transferring to another job, remuneration, etc.), employees are provided with guarantees and compensation in the following cases:

  • when heading to business trips - trips of the employee by order of the employer for a certain period to fulfill an official assignment outside the place of permanent work, the employer is obliged to reimburse the employee for the following expenses: for travel in both directions, for renting a dwelling, related to living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance), other expenses incurred by the employee with permission or knowledge of the employer;
  • when moving to another area- compensation of expenses for moving and settling the employee and family members;
  • in the performance of state or public duties;
  • combining work with study;
  • in case of forced termination of work through no fault of the employee;
  • when granting annual paid leave ;
  • in cases of termination of the employment contract in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to the state of health, the conscription of the employee for military service, the reinstatement of the employee who previously performed this work; refusal of the employee to transfer in connection with the relocation of the employer to another locality;
  • due to the delay due to the fault of the employer in issuing a work book upon dismissal of an employee.

Basic salary provides a minimum wage, provided that the required amount of working time is worked out, stimulates growth vocational training and staff development. The method of calculating the basic salary depends on the accepted system of remuneration: piecework or time. For employees, the basic salary is calculated by multiplying the official salary by the percentage of the standard time or the daily wage rate by the number of days worked per month.

Additional salary includes various types of additional payments and compensation for differentiated working conditions and employee qualifications:

  • surcharges for unfavorable and harmful conditions labor;
  • allowances for combining professions and performing additional duties;
  • allowances for classiness to drivers and machinists;
  • allowances for academic degrees and titles;
  • personal allowances for managers and specialists qualifications;
  • additional payments for irregular working hours;
  • payment overtime hours work on weekends and holidays;
  • additional payments for the performance of state duties, etc.

Compensation for the end result stimulates group interests, encourages collectivism and is paid from the payroll fund for the achievement of certain results by individual structural units when:

  • increase in volume marketable products, works and services;
  • growth of labor productivity;
  • improving the quality of products, works and services;
  • saving resources, etc.

As a rule, the final results are indicated in the work plans of the departments, and if they are overfulfilled, an additional wage fund appears, which goes to the payment of remuneration.

Award for the main results of labor, as well as remuneration, stimulates the achievement of final results, however, it is paid out of profit. AT modern conditions due to shortcomings in the taxation system commercial organizations profits are artificially underestimated, and the payment of bonuses is carried out in other ways.

Material aid paid out of profit in the form of compensation in such emergency or extreme situations as:

  • death of an employee or his close relatives;
  • wedding of an employee or his close relative;
  • purchase of medicines or payment for the treatment of an employee,
  • accidents (fire, accident, injury, loss of property);
  • purchase of vouchers for the next vacation;
  • completion of creative work (books, dissertations, etc.)

Financial assistance is paid at the personal request of the employee by order of the head of the organization and is an episodic form of material incentives for labor.

The policy of the state in the field of wages is the rational use economic leverage and incentives such as:

  • direct and indirect taxes on wages;
  • rational determination of the minimum wage;
  • indexation of income and deposits of the population due to inflation;
  • security social guarantees employees (pensions, scholarships, unemployment benefits, sick leave payments, etc.);
  • financing of expenses for education, science, culture, health care;
  • the pricing policy of the state in the field of "consumer basket" goods;
  • state protection of exports of domestic goods and services;
  • customs duties on imports of foreign goods, etc.

The optimal amount of wages in the costs of the organization involves the establishment of wages in such an amount that it ensures the profitable operation of the organization, the normal reproduction of the labor force in accordance with the qualifications and age of the employee. The size of the wage fund in a particular organization depends on the aggregate:

  • branch specialization of the organization;
  • occupied market niche;
  • product competitiveness;
  • professional and qualification composition of personnel;
  • the level of internal and external specialization;
  • the size of the loss of working time;
  • number of employees per unit of output, etc.

Financial benefits and privileges employees are elements of remuneration or compensation provided in addition to various personal forms of remuneration. Such forms of material incentives have a quantitative value for the personnel, they can be deferred or conditional(pensions, insurance premiums, sick pay) and direct benefits. Material benefits contain elements that are not strictly understood as wages, such as annual leave.

The main objectives of the benefits:

  • motivate employees and increase their responsibility to the organization;
  • provide financial assistance and provide income in addition to wages (for example, a car and gasoline organizations) for the actual or perceived needs of employees, including safety needs;
  • demonstrate that the organization cares about the needs of employees;
  • provide tax-efficient remuneration opportunities that reduce tax liability.

Benefits and privileges may include:

  • pension provision (deferred financing through a contribution that gives the right to a guaranteed income for the employee or his dependents upon retirement or death);
  • ensuring personal security (increasing individual security in relation to cases of illness, incidents or downsizing);
  • provision of personal needs (realization of certain personal needs and responsibilities, for example, childcare, financial advice, promotion of recreation);
  • financial assistance, assistance (loans or assistance with the purchase of housing, discounts, membership fees);
  • provision of vehicles and gasoline to the organization (differentiation of managers by status and position by providing them with cars of varying degrees of prestige);
  • assistance in improving the standard of living of workers (subsidized meals, discounts on clothing, reimbursement of telephone costs, provision of credit cards).

Securities, as one of the economic methods of personnel management, are the main instrument of the stock market, a non-monetary equivalent of the right to property, the implementation of which is carried out by presenting them for payment or sale.

Stock- a security that testifies to the introduction of a share in the authorized capital of the organization and gives the right to receive part of the profit in the form of dividends. Dividends determine the proportion of earnings per share that can be paid to their holder based on the performance of the organization for the year. They perform the following functions:

  • establish the right of ownership and participation in profits;
  • are a form additional payment labor;
  • make the shareholder dependent on the results of labor.

A bond is a bearer security that gives the right to receive an annual income in the form of a fixed percentage, and in the event of a sale, to receive monetary compensation.

Credit cards are a substitute for banknotes and give the owner the right to purchase goods and pay for services using non-cash payments within the amount of funds on the employee's personal account.

3.2. Administrative and legal methods

Administrative and legal methods are ways of exercising managerial influences on personnel, based on power relations, discipline and a system of administrative and legal penalties. There are five main ways of administrative and legal influence: organizational and administrative influence,disciplinary responsibility and penalties, material liability and penalties, administrative responsibility and penalties.

Organizational Impact based on the operation of approved internal normative documents governing the activities of staff. These include: the charter of the organization, the organizational structure and staffing, the provisions of the divisions, the collective agreement, job descriptions, internal regulations. These documents can be drawn up in the form of enterprise standards and are put into effect by an obligatory order of the head of the organization. The practical implementation of organizational impact is largely determined by the level of business culture of the organization, the desire of employees to work according to the rules prescribed by the administration.

Regulatory influence is aimed at achieving the goals of management, compliance with the requirements of internal regulatory documents and maintaining the specified parameters of the management system through direct administrative regulation. Among the administrative influences include: orders, instructions, instructions, instructions, labor rationing, coordination of work and control of execution.

Order is the most categorical form of administrative influence and obliges subordinates to accurately execute the decisions made on time. Failure to comply with the order entails appropriate sanctions from the management. Orders are issued on behalf of the head of the organization.

Disposition unlike an order, it does not cover all the functions of an organization, it is mandatory for execution within a specific management function and structural unit. Orders are usually issued on behalf of the deputy heads of the organization in the areas.

Directions and instructions are a local type of administrative influence, set the goal of operational regulation management process and aimed at a limited number of employees.
Instruction and coordination of work are considered as methods of guidance based on teaching subordinates the rules for performing labor operations.

Disciplinary responsibility and penalties.Discipline- it is obligatory for all employees to obey the rules of conduct determined in accordance with the Labor Code, other laws, collective agreements, agreements, labor contracts and local regulations of the organization. The employer is obliged to create the conditions necessary for employees to comply with labor discipline. The labor schedule of the organization is determined by the internal labor regulations.

For committing a disciplinary offense, i.e. failure to perform or improper performance by the employee due to his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions: comment, rebuke,dismissal for appropriate reasons.

The legitimacy, validity and expediency of applying measures of disciplinary influence are ensured by compliance with the following legislative requirements:

  • disciplinary liability is applied only upon the fact of committing a disciplinary offense in accordance with the list of disciplinary sanctions, which is exhaustive and not subject to extended interpretation;
  • only officials vested with disciplinary power by law can impose disciplinary sanctions;
  • the imposition of a penalty must be preceded by a written explanation of the offender, and in case of refusal of a written explanation, an appropriate act must be drawn up;
  • disciplinary sanction is applied immediately after the discovery of the act, but no later than one month from the day of discovery, not counting the time of illness or stay of the offender on vacation, and also no later than six months from the day the misconduct was committed, and based on the results of an audit, verification financial and economic activities or audit- no later than two years from the date of its commission;
  • for each violation of labor discipline, only one disciplinary sanction may be imposed;
  • a disciplinary sanction is announced in the order, brought to the attention of the employee against receipt within three days and, if necessary, brought to the attention of all personnel of the organization;
  • action disciplinary action terminates after a year from the date of its imposition, if the employee has not been subjected to a new penalty during this time, and also, it can be removed ahead of schedule if the employee behaves positively.

Disciplinary sanctions are imposed by the head of the organization, as well as by the officials of the organization, to whom the relevant rights have been delegated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Material liability party to an employment contract is liable for damage caused by it to the other party to this contract as a result of its guilty unlawful behavior, action or inaction, unless otherwise provided by the Code and other federal laws.

Employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the earnings not received by him in all cases of unlawful deprivation of his opportunity to work, in particular, if the earnings were not received as a result of:

  • illegal removal of an employee from work, his dismissal or transfer to another job;
  • refusal of the employer to execute or untimely execution of the decision of the body for the consideration of labor disputes or the state labor inspector on the restoration of the employee to his previous job;
  • delays by the employer of the issuance to the employee work book, entering into the work book an incorrect or inconsistent wording of the reason for the dismissal of an employee.

In case of causing damage to the property of the employee through the fault of the employer, the employer is obliged to compensate the damage in full. The amount of damage is calculated at market prices in force in the area at the time of compensation for damage. With the consent of the employee, the damage may be compensated in kind.

If the employer violates the established deadline for paying wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and other payments due to the employee, the employer is obliged to pay them with monetary compensation. The amount of compensation is set not less than 1/300 of the current refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia from the amounts not paid on time for each day of delay starting from the next day after the due date of payment until the day of practical calculation inclusive. The specific amount of monetary compensation paid to an employee is determined by labor and collective agreements.

The non-pecuniary damage caused to the employee by illegal actions or inaction of the employer shall be compensated to the employee in cash in the amount determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

Employee is obliged to compensate the employer for the direct actual damage caused to him, the understanding of which does not include lost income (lost profit). Direct real damage is understood as a real decrease in the employer's cash property or deterioration in the condition of the said property. The employee bears material liability both for direct actual damage caused to the employer and for damage arising from the employer in
as a result of compensation by him to other persons for damage caused by the fault of the worker. For the damage caused, the employee bears material liability within the limits of his monthly earnings.

The full liability of the employee consists in his obligation to compensate for the damage caused in full and arises in the following cases:

  • when the employee is legally held liable in full for the damage caused to the employer in the performance of the employee's labor duties;
  • shortage of valuables entrusted to him on the basis of a special written agreement or received under a one-time document;
  • intentional damage;
  • causing harm while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic intoxication;
  • causing damage as a result of the employee's criminal actions established by a court verdict;
  • causing damage as a result of an administrative offense, if the damage is established by the relevant state body;
  • disclosure of information constituting a legally protected secret (official, commercial or other), in cases provided for by federal laws;
  • causing damage not in the performance of labor duties by the employee.

Liability for the full amount of damage caused to the employer can be established by an employment contract concluded with the head of the organization, deputy head, chief accountant, and with other employees - separate written contracts. Written contracts on full material liability (individual or collective) are concluded with employees who have reached the age of eighteen and directly serve or use cash, commodity values ​​or other property of the employer. Employees under the age of eighteen bear full financial liability in an undocumented form only for intentional damage, for damage caused while under the influence of alcohol, narcotic and toxic intoxication, as well as for damage caused as a result of a crime or administrative offense.

A written agreement on collective liability for causing damage is concluded in the case of joint performance by employees certain types work related to the storage, processing, release, transportation, use or other use of the values ​​transferred to them, when it is impossible to distinguish between the responsibility of each employee for causing damage.

The amount of damage caused to the employer in the event of loss and damage to property is determined by actual losses calculated on the basis of market prices operating in the area on the day of the damage, but not lower than the value of the property according to accounting data, taking into account the degree of depreciation of this property. Before making a decision on compensation for damages by specific employees, the employer is obliged to check the amount of the damage caused and the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, the employer has the right to create a commission with the participation of relevant specialists. The employee is obliged to give an explanation in writing of the causes of the damage.

Recovery from the guilty employee of the amount of damage caused, not exceeding the average monthly earnings, is carried out by order of the employer, which must be done no later than one month from the date of the final determination of the amount of damage caused by the employee. If the monthly period has expired or the employee does not agree to voluntarily compensate for the damage caused to the employer, and the amount of recovery exceeds the average monthly salary of the employee, then the recovery is carried out in court. When recovering damages in court, the degree of guilt of each member of the team guilty of causing damage and having an agreement on collective responsibility, determined by the court. With the consent of the employer, the employee may transfer to him equivalent property to compensate for the damage or repair the damaged one. Compensation for damages is made regardless of bringing the employee to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for acts or omissions that caused damage to the employer. The labor dispute resolution body may, taking into account the degree and form of fault, financial situation employee and other circumstances to reduce the amount of damage to be recovered by the employee.

The employee is obliged to reimburse the employer for the costs incurred in sending for training at the expense of the employer, in case of dismissal without good reasons before the expiration of the period stipulated by the employment contract or agreement on training the employee at the expense of the employer.

Administrative responsibility and penalties apply in cases of committing administrative offenses regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses (No. 196-FZ of December 30, 2001). The list of administrative offenses by individuals and legal entities is established by this Code. administrative offense the age of sixteen. Officials are subject to administrative liability in the event that they commit administrative offenses in connection with non-performance or improper performance of their official duties. Managers and other employees of organizations who have committed administrative offenses in connection with the performance of organizational and administrative and administrative and economic functions shall bear administrative responsibility as officials. An administrative offense is recognized as committed intentionally if the person who committed it was aware of the unlawful nature of his action (inaction), foresaw its harmful consequences and desired the occurrence of such consequences or consciously allowed, or treated them indifferently.

The following administrative penalties may be established and applied for committing administrative offenses:

  • warning
  • - a measure of administrative punishment, expressed in an official written reprimand of an individual or legal entity;

  • administrative penalty
  • - a monetary penalty, which can be expressed as a multiple of the minimum wage, the cost of the subject of an administrative offense at the time of the termination or suppression of an administrative offense, the amount of unpaid taxes and fees payable (the amount of an administrative fine imposed on executive, must not exceed fifty minimum dimensions wages, for a legal entity - one thousand minimum wages);

  • paid seizure of the instrument of committing an administrative offense;
  • confiscation of the instrument of committing or the subject of an administrative offense;

  • disqualification
  • (for example, driving a vehicle);

  • administrative arrest;
  • disqualification- depriving an individual of the right to hold leadership positions in executive body management of a legal entity, to be a member of the board of directors, to carry out entrepreneurial activities to manage a legal entity (disqualification is set for a period of six months to three years).

Criminal liability comes into force in cases of committing crimes that are characterized as socially dangerous acts in the form of active illegal actions. Criminal liability applies to individuals, is established only by the court and only on legal grounds. Measures of criminal liability correspond to the nature of the crime. The most frequently encountered facts in the practice of personnel management services from the number of criminal offenses are related to encroachments on a person and on property. These include:

  • abuse of power and authority (petty theft of property, slander, insult, persecution for criticism);
  • arbitrariness (abuse of official position, negligence, receiving or giving a bribe, official forgery);
  • violations of labor laws (dismissal of a pregnant woman or a nursing mother, kidnapping or forgery of documents).

3.3. Socio-psychological methods

Socio-psychological methods- these are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of patterns of sociology and psychology. These methods are aimed both at a group of employees and at individuals. According to the scale and methods of impact, they can be divided into: sociological, aimed at groups of employees in the process of their production interaction, and psychological, purposefully influencing the inner world of a particular personality.

The modern concept of management puts forward as priorities: preservation, cooperation, quality, partnership, integration. At the center of the strategic concept of personnel management is the person as the highest value for the organization. Such a complex organism as the staff is modern organization, cannot be considered from the standpoint of the content of only its formal structure and its decomposition into separate parts. Along with the structural approach,
reflecting the statics of the personnel, the prevailing value is the behavioral approach, which considers a specific personality, a system of relations between people, their competence, abilities, motivation to work and achieve goals. The reasons that encourage people to unite in organizations and interact within their formal framework are the physical and biological limitations inherent in each individual, and the goals, the achievement of which requires collective efforts. Combining their efforts, each employee complements each other and thereby influences the behavior of the organization as a whole in order to increase its efficiency.

The main role in considering the life of personnel in the structure of the organization belongs to management science. A comprehensive solution to the problems of the organization requires taking into account that it includes objects of a dual nature:

  • factors that determine the socio-psychological structure
    organizations (personnel with a combination of individual abilities, interests, behavioral motives, informal relations, etc.);
  • factors of the production structure (objects and tools, technological standards, etc.).

The target task of management theory is to study the influence of individual and group behavior on the functioning of the organization.

Psychology studies and predicts the behavior of the individual, the possibility of changing the behavior of the individual, identifies conditions that hinder or facilitate rational action or the actions of people. Modern psychology focuses on the methods of perception, learning and training, identifying needs and developing motivational methods, assessing the degree of job satisfaction, and the psychological aspects of decision-making processes.

Research in the field sociology expand representations of personale as social system where individuals play their roles and enter into certain relationships. The study of group behavior is essential, sociological conclusions and recommendations regarding group dynamics, processes of self-realization, communications, status and power become relevant.

Issues of cause-and-effect relationships in group activities of the staff are studying social Psychology. To assess the effectiveness of group activities, it is extremely important to analyze changes in people's positions, forms of communication, and ways to meet individual needs through group activities.

Contribution anthropology in the psychology of management lies in the visualization of the function of the culture of society as a social memory of the past, which underlies the differences in fundamental values, views and norms of people's behavior, manifested in group activities.

Economic Sciences make it possible to form the goals and strategy of the staff, justify the methods of economic incentives, build and implement remuneration structures.

Legal Sciences give ideas about the system of social norms and various aspects legal regulation labor relations. Regulations play a key role in management procedures - intra-company rules of interaction that regulate group and individual activities on a legal basis.

Personnel management is based on the information basis of the interaction of individuals and groups. Information systems based on the laws, methods, methods and technical means of informatics allow linking together all the processes of personnel functioning.

Management is carried out through the interaction of people and the leader in their activities, it is necessary to take into account the laws of the dynamics of psychological processes, interpersonal relationships, group behavior.

Law of Response Uncertainty (the law of dependence of people's perception of external influences on the difference in their psychological structures) establishes that different people and even one person at different times
may respond differently to the same stimulus. This leads to a misunderstanding of the needs, expectations, features of the perception of the individual in a particular business situation. As a result
interaction models are used that are inadequate neither to the characteristics of psychological structures in general, nor to the psychological state
each of the partners in the interaction at a particular moment in particular.

The law of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person lies in the fact that no person can comprehend another person with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient for making serious decisions about this person. This law takes into account the continuous variability of the nature of the essence of man in accordance with the law of age asynchrony. Anyone, even an adult of a certain calendar age in different
moments of life can be on different levels physiological, intellectual, emotional, social, motivational-volitional decision. In addition, consciously or intuitively, a person tries to protect himself from attempts to understand his features in order to avoid the danger of falling under the influence of a person prone to manipulating people. As a result, using various protective techniques, a person shows himself to people the way he would like to be seen by others. Knowledge of a real psychological portrait of a person is facilitated by principle of universal talent(there are no incapable people, there are people who are busy with their own business), principle of development(abilities develop as a result of changes in the living conditions of the individual and intellectual and psychological training), principle of inexhaustibility(no assessment of a person during his lifetime can be considered final).

The law of inadequacy of self-esteem takes into account that the human psyche is an organic unity of two components: the conscious (logical-thinking) and the unconscious (emotional-sensual, intuitive), constituting, as it were, the above-water (visible) and underwater (hidden) parts of the iceberg.

The Law of Splitting Meaning management information takes into account the objective tendency to change the meaning of directive and other
information in the process of its movement along the hierarchical ladder of management. This is explained both by the allegorical possibilities of the used "clerical" language of information, which leads to differences in its interpretation, and by differences in education, intellectual development, and the mental state of participants in the transmission and analysis of information. Changes in the meaning of information are directly proportional to the length (number of participants) of the information channel.

Law of self-preservation argues that the leading motive of the social behavior of the individual in managerial activity is the preservation of her personal social status, her personal viability, self-esteem.

Law of Compensation says that with a high level of stimulation to work and high requirements organizational environment to a person, the lack of any abilities for a successful specific activity is compensated by other abilities or skills. Such a compensatory mechanism often works unconsciously, a person acquires his own personal experience through trial and error. However, it should be borne in mind that with a sufficiently high level of complexity of management activities, this law is practically not applicable.

A number of other regularities are known (for example, Parkinson's law, Peter's principles, Murphy's laws, and others) that expand and supplement the above laws.

Recognizing the fact that the main provisions of modern psychology of management were substantiated by Western schools of psychology, it is necessary to note the contribution of domestic science to this most important sphere of human relations. So, for example, four main theories of personality belong to domestic psychology:

  • relationship theory - A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917), V.N. Myasishchev (1892-1973),
  • activity theory - L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), A.N. Leontiev (1903-1979),
  • communication theory - B.F. Lomov (1927-1989), A.A. Bodalev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya,
  • installation theory - D.N. Uznadze (1886-1950), A.S. Prangishvili.

Generally recognized are the theory of learning or the behavioral school of I.P. Pavlov and the development of a number of other Soviet and Russian scientists.

Practical psychology of management has a wide range of research methods, including, such as:

  • observational (observation and introspection),
  • experiment (laboratory, natural and formative),
  • praxic (analysis of the process and results of labor activity, chronometry, cyclography of labor actions, professiography),
  • biographical (analysis of events, facts, dates of the life path),
  • psychodiagnostics (conversations, tests, questionnaires, interviews, sociometry, expert assessments).

Psychodiagnostics- this is a field of psychology that develops methods for identifying individual characteristics and prospects for the development of a personality, - the science and practice of making a psychological diagnosis in order to solve psychological problems.

sociological methods allow to assess the place and purpose of employees in the team, to identify informal leaders and provide them with support, use staff motivation to achieve the final result of work, ensure effective communications and prevent interpersonal conflicts in the team. Sociological management methods include: social planning, sociological research, assessment of personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, conflict management.

social planning allows you to form social goals and criteria, develop social standards (standard of living, wages, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, contributes to the achievement of final social results: an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of education and qualifications of employees, a reduction in industrial injuries and etc. Plans for the social development of the collective were previously widely used in the activities of any enterprises in the USSR, are currently relevant for large foreign companies and deserve to be revived in post-crisis Russian practice.

sociological research serve as a tool in working with personnel and provide personnel managers with the necessary data to make informed decisions in the selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel. Modern methods sociological research very diverse and may include: questionnaires, interviews, sociometric observations, interviews, etc.

Personal qualities determine the inner world of an employee, which is quite stably reflected in the process of work and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. These qualities are usually divided into business (organizational), which determine the effectiveness of solving specific tasks and performing role functions, and moral (moral), reflecting the personal moral qualities of an employee.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in a social environment through moral norms and rules. Issues of corporate morality are reflected in the philosophy of the organization.

partnership is important for ensuring a variety of forms of relationships in the team. In contrast to formal chain of command relationships, which determine the interdependence of employees, in a partnership everyone acts as equal members of the group. There are the following forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies, etc. Partnerships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable issues of persuasion, imitation, requests, advice, praise. Business relationship, built in the form of friendly partnership and common hobbies, always contribute to the creation of a good socio-psychological climate in the team.

Competition It manifests itself in the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The principles of competition are reflected in the modern theories of "Y" and "Z" of staff motivation.

Management psychology studies human behavior in the process of social production. Psychological methods control play important role in work with personnel, are aimed at a specific person and, as a rule, are individual. The main feature of these methods is that they are aimed at the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images, behavior and allow you to focus the internal potential of an employee on solving specific production problems.

Psychological planning is a new direction in work with personnel on the formation of an effective psychological state of the team. It includes: setting development goals and developing criteria for the effectiveness of production activities, substantiating psychological standards, creating methods for planning the socio-psychological climate and achieving final results. The results of psychological planning are:

  • formation of divisions (groups) taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees;
  • creation of a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team;
  • formation of personal motivation of employees based on the philosophy of the organization;
  • minimization of interpersonal conflicts;
  • development of models of professional advancement of employees based on psychological orientation;
  • growth of intellectual abilities and skill level of the staff;
  • formation organizational culture based on the norms of behavior and images of "effective" employees.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological impact on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. Permitted methods of psychological influence include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, inducement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, false expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice, etc.

Suggestion is a purposeful psychological impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader with the help of referring to group expectations and motives for inducing work.

Belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the employee's psyche to achieve the set goals, remove psychological barriers, elimination of conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through a personal example of a manager or other leader, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique through which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process (making agreed decisions, competition, etc.).

Motivation is a positive form of moral influence on the employee, increasing the social significance of the employee in the team, when positive qualities are emphasized
employee, his experience and qualifications, motivation for the successful performance of the assigned work.

Compulsion- this is an extreme form of psychological influence in the absence of the results of other forms of influence, when an employee is forced to perform certain work against his will and desire.

condemnation is a method of psychological influence
an employee who allows large deviations from the moral standards of the team or whose work results are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be applied to employees with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

Requirement has the force of command and can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In many respects, a categorical requirement is analogous to a prohibition acting as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition provides an inhibitory effect on the personality and is essentially a variant of suggestion, as well as restrictions on unlawful behavior (inactivity, attempts to steal, etc.).

censure has persuasive power only in those conditions when the employee considers himself a follower and is psychologically inextricably linked with the leader, otherwise the censure is perceived as a mentor's edification.

Command is used when accurate and fast execution of orders is required without discussion and criticism.

Deception of expectations effective in a situation of intense expectation, when previous events formed a strictly directed train of thought in the employee, which revealed its inconsistency and allowed him to accept a new idea without objection.

Hint- this is a method of indirect persuasion through a joke, an ironic remark and an analogy. In fact, the allusion does not refer to consciousness and logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since a hint is a potential insult to a person, it should be used with regard to the specific emotional state of the employee.

Compliment it should not be confused with flattery, it should not offend, but elevate the employee, suggest thoughts. The subject of a compliment should be things, deeds, ideas, etc., indirectly related to a particular employee.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than judgment.

Request is a very common form of informal communication and is an effective method of leadership, as it is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates a respectful attitude towards his personality.

Advice - it is a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion. In operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice should be limited.

The response to psychological techniques and methods of management are mood, feelings and behaviour.

Mood represents a weakly expressed emotional experience that has not yet reached a stable and conscious certainty.

Feeling - this is a special kind of emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character and are distinguished by comparative stability.

They reflect the moral experiences of a person's real relationship with the environment in the form emotions. Distinguish: moral, aesthetic, patriotic and intellectual feelings. According to the degree of manifestation of feelings, emotional states are distinguished: appeasement, involvement,experiences, threats, horror.

Emotions - These are concrete experiences of certain events in a person's life, depending on his inclinations, habits and psychological state. Depending on the reaction, emotions can be:

  • positive
  • (joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.),

  • negative
  • (anger, anger, irritation, envy, resentment, sadness, annoyance, etc.),

  • ambivalent
  • (controversial - jealousy, rivalry, hint, etc.).

Behavior expressed in a set of interrelated reactions carried out by a person to adapt to the environment. There are five main forms of human behavior in the social environment:

  • « angelic", in the form of a complete denial of evil and violence;

  • highly moral
  • , proclaiming strict observance of high principles of behavior (honesty, disinterestedness, generosity, wisdom, sincerity, etc.);

  • normal
  • based on adherence to the principles of public morality, allowing deviations and shortcomings, on the dialectical unity of good and evil;

  • immoral
  • when personal interests, motives and needs are placed above the accepted norms of behavior in a social group;

  • « diabolical», those. absolutely immoral, illegal and contrary to laws, public morality and norms.

Modern Russian economic relations do not contribute to maintaining a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team. For this reason, it is important to predict the impact of socio-psychological management methods on the work of personnel, given that these methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups and the personality of a particular employee, such a tool requires a dosed and differentiated application.

  1. Alekseev A., Pigalov V. Business administration in practice - a manager's toolkit. M., 1994.
  2. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. M., 2001.
  3. Egorshin A.P.. Personnel Management. N. Novgorod, 2001.
  4. Diesel P.M., Runyan W.M. Human behavior in an organization. M., 1993.
  5. Zdravomyslov A.P. Needs. Interests. Values. M., 1986.
  6. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. M., 2002.
  7. Ladanov I.D. Practical management. Psychotechnics of management and self-training. M., 1995.
  8. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. M., 2002.

AT recent times HR professionals are no longer satisfied with building separate procedures or optimizing hiring-assessment-training functions, etc. It is increasingly about organizational development and improvement:

The tasks that are set are quite “complex”:

  • Optimize the system internal communications in company;
  • To prevent the demotivation of a part of the staff and to form a system of material and non-material motivation focused on business results;
  • Create a knowledge management system;
  • Develop talent management mechanisms;
  • Improve the manageability of the company and departments and
  • Provide individual effective management motivation and work behavior of each individual employee, based on the results of motivational research, etc.

We solve such problems in the following forms of work:

Projects of diagnostics and self-diagnostics under the guidance of consultants.

In the process of interviews, observations, research and simulation meetings, as well as meetings of working groups, “bottlenecks” or “zones of insecurity in achieving the company’s strategic goals” are determined, on the basis of which it will then be possible to make a decision on the technology for eliminating these zones.

Projects for the development and implementation of HR tools.

Development projects tools (including KPIs) for performance management in general(see separate paragraph on this), as well as managing the achievement of specific tasks related to personnel: reduced fluidity, increased productivity, etc.

Motivational research of personnel (MOI).

Motivational research is carried out in the form remote filling of the questionnaire. Employees or candidates answer questions remotely, and you can use your home computer for this. At the same time, the company sets the task of assessing the degree of compliance of the obtained Real motivational profiles. perfect motivational profiles positions (groups of positions).

The obtained results are interpreted from the point of view of the conformity of the structure of labor and general personal motivation of the candidate (employee) with the ideal structure of motivation for the corresponding type of work. This allows the company to manage each individual employee as efficiently as possible. It is known that even with sufficiently highly developed professional competencies, employees can work extremely unproductively. Therefore, this tool is aimed at identifying possible risks and providing clear recommendations to the immediate supervisors of employees with a list of recommended and not recommended ways to manage each of them.

MSI is also carried out to diagnose the unit as a whole. This format is called "Study of the motivational field of the unit."

Personnel management tools are a system of controls, means and methods aimed at meeting the needs of an enterprise for a workforce of the required quality, quantity and by a certain time. Goals of management are achieved by implementing certain principles and methods.

Management tools - ways to implement managerial influences on personnel to achieve the goals of production management. There are many management tools that differ in different ways of influencing people.

Marenkov N.L. identifies three main tools for personnel management:

1. Administrative - based on power, discipline and penalties.

2. Economic - based on the correct use of the economic laws of production.

3. Socio-psychological - based on methods of motivation and moral influence on people and are known as the "method of persuasion" (see Fig. 1).

In addition, in the process of a specific solution of managerial problems, it is very useful to organize effective communications and analysis of specific situations that allow taking into account "other people's mistakes" and provide ways to solve economic and personnel problems.

Administrative methods are a way of implementing managerial influences on personnel based on power, discipline and penalties. Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a particular organization, etc. These tools of influence have a direct impact: any regulatory or “administrative act is subject to mandatory execution.

Figure 1.3. Enterprise personnel management tools

Administrative tools can be divided into several groups.

1. Organizational impacts:


Regulations on divisions;

job descriptions;

Organization of the workplace;

Collective agreement;

Labor regulations;

Organizational structure of management;

The company's charter.

These documents (except for the charter) can be drawn up in the form of enterprise standards and must be put into effect by order of the head of the enterprise.

At an enterprise where there is a high level of organizational impacts, brought to the standards of the enterprise and management regulations / high labor and executive discipline, the need for administrative actions is significantly reduced. Those enterprises that have not brought their actions to standards and regulations need constant operational administrative influence and, presumably, the final results of production will be worse for them.

On the other hand, the implementation of organizational impacts largely depends on the mentality of employees, their desire to strictly follow the instructions and work according to the rules approved by the administration. An employee of a European enterprise strictly observes the rules established at the enterprise as a matter of course, and their violation is considered as an emergency.

Employee Russian enterprise considers intra-company standards as a given limitation, which, based on his personal interest, can be violated when the watchful eye of superiors is dormant. As a result, numerous cases of violation of labor discipline, theft of materials and finished products, a high percentage of marriage, and low executive discipline. This is a typical manifestation of the Asian Russian mentality, where such cases are not subject to public censure. Therefore, the use of organizational influence is effective with the parallel use of socio-psychological methods and education corporate culture.

2. Commanding influences






Target planning;

Labor rationing;

Work coordination;

Execution control.

Regulatory influences are aimed at achieving the goals of management, compliance with internal regulations or maintaining the enterprise management system in the given parameters through direct administrative regulation.

The most categorical form of administrative influence is an order. Failure to do so will result in the appropriate sanction (punishment). An order usually consists of 5 parts: a statement of the situation (events), measures to eliminate deficiencies or ensure administrative regulation, allocated resources for the implementation of the decision, deadlines for the execution of the decision, control of execution.

3. Liability and penalties:

Responsibility for the delay of the work book;

Voluntary compensation for damage to the enterprise;

Deductions from wages;


Full liability;

Collective liability.

4. Disciplinary responsibility and penalties:



Strict reprimand;



5. Administrative responsibility:


Compensatory seizure of items;

Administrative arrest;

Correctional work.

Administrative methods of management are a powerful lever for achieving the set goals in cases where it is necessary to subordinate the team and direct it to solving specific management problems. The ideal condition for their effectiveness is a high level of management regulation and labor discipline, when managerial influences are implemented by lower levels of management without significant distortion. This is especially true in large multi-level control systems, which include large enterprises.

Recently, the role of administrative methods in enterprises has decreased. A number of contradictory processes in society also hinder the use of administrative methods: these are the growth of unemployment and part-time employment in enterprises, significant inflation in recent years and late payment wages, the development of barter transactions and low discipline in the supply of resources, excess growth in prices for consumer goods over the rate of wage growth, the loss of factory traditions and the violation habitual way family life.

Negative attitude of a part of the management corps to work in the new economic conditions, the lack of a clear strategy for the development of the enterprise, modern marketing and a high corporate culture led to the emergence of negative methods of administrative influence on the team and a decrease in the overall effect of the use of administrative methods of influencing the team and a decrease in the overall effect of the use of administrative methods.

Positive and negative impacts of administrative management tools can be distinguished.

Table 1.2. - Positive and negative impacts of administrative management practices

Positive methods of influence Negative methods of influence
1. Growth of the level of management regulation (organizational impact) 1.1. Presence of a well-elaborated charter of the enterprise with free access to it for employees 1.2. Development of partnership relations between administration and trade unions through a collective agreement 1.3. Development of clear internal labor regulations and work with personnel in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 1.4. Having a clear organization and staff structures and their annual adjustment due to changes in production conditions 1.5. Development of clear provisions in departments regulating administrative and functional communications within the enterprise 1.6. have clear job descriptions functional features employee and labor rationing 1.7. Development contract system organization and remuneration and an increase in the share of employees with contracts 1. Ineffective organizational impact on personnel: 1.1 Model charter of the enterprise, kept with “seven seals” 1.2. Acceptance of formal collective agreements (or their absence at the enterprise) and confrontation with trade unions 1.3. Use of standard or outdated internal labor regulations, work with personnel in violation of the ToR and Civil Code 1.4. Absence or use of outdated organizational structure, presence in staffing“snowdrops” 1.5. Absence or use of outdated provisions on subdivisions that do not meet the conditions of production 1.6. Lack of job descriptions, focus on verbal instructions from management, use of outdated instructions 1.7. Absence or liquidation of the control system of organization and remuneration of labor
2. Effective types of managerial influences: 2.1. Clear orders indicating the status of the issue, activities, resources, deadlines and responsible 2.2. Clear orders of deputy directors indicating operational instructions 2.3. Clear verbal instructions from management at all levels of management 2.4. Application of the document execution control system at the enterprise 2. Ineffective types of administrative influences 2.1. Vague or contradictory orders with a statement of the state of the issue and without clear measures 2.2. Vague or conflicting orders from deputy directors 2.3. Unclear and inconsistent verbal instructions from management 2.4. Lack of a system for monitoring the execution of documents at the enterprise or its low efficiency
3. Balance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement 3.1. Reduction of staff turnover, analysis of the reasons for dismissal and development of measures to eliminate them 3.2. Dismissal of employees at the initiative of the administration only in case of gross violation internal regulatory documents 3.3. Exclusive and rare use of methods of punishment of employees (strict reprimand and reprimand) 3.4. Effective application of methods of administrative incentives for employees for the results achieved (promotion, increase in wages, referral for internships) 3.5. Using the Japanese Rule: Omissions are Recorded, Achievements are Rewarded 3. Imbalance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement 3.1. Increasing staff turnover, lack of analysis of the reasons for dismissal 3.2. Indifference to the dismissal of employees, reprisals against "undesirables", etc. 3.3. Frequent and not always justified use of methods of punishment of employees to intimidate others 3.4. Lack of connection between administrative incentives and the results achieved by the employee (announcement of a reprimand and then promotion) 3.5. Lack of clear rules for punishment and rewards

Economic instruments are ways to implement control actions on personnel based on the use of economic laws and categories. In the Soviet period, economic methods were considered to be central planning, cost accounting, wages, there was a narrow interpretation of the role and place of economic methods, which limited the range of decisions made and the levers of regulation at the enterprise level. Economic methods should be based on commodity-money relations in a market economy, which necessitates a new theoretical substantiation of the role of economic instruments.

Classification of economic management tools:

1. Planned housekeeping:

Free enterprise;

Economic Development Plan;

portfolio of orders;

Efficiency criterion;

End results.

Planned management of the economy is the main law of the functioning of any enterprise (organization) that has well-defined goals and a strategy for achieving them. In a market economy, the manifestation of economic methods has a different character than in an administrative economy. Thus, instead of centralized planning, it is argued that an enterprise is a free commodity producer, which acts on the market as an equal partner of other enterprises in the social cooperation of labor.

2. Remuneration:

Official salary for employees;

Tariff rate for workers;

Additional salary;


Remuneration of labor is the main motive for labor activity and a monetary measure of the cost of labor; provides a link between the results of labor, its process, reflects the number and complexity of labor of workers of various qualifications. By setting official salaries for employees and tariff rates for workers, the management of the enterprise determines the standard cost of labor, taking into account the average labor costs for its standard duration.

With the help of the five listed components of remuneration, the head of the enterprise can regulate the material interest of employees with economically possible production costs under the item “wages”, apply various remuneration systems - piecework or time, form the material and spiritual needs of workers and ensure the growth of their living standards.

3. Work force:

Labor market;

Demand (need);

Availability (number);

labor cost;

Standard of living.

The labor force is the main element of any labor process, which ensures the processing of objects of labor with the help of means of labor into the final product. It is always the main value of any enterprise or organization.

4. Market pricing:


Cost price;

Market pricing is a regulator of commodity-money relations and an important economic tool in comparing costs and incomes, prices and production costs.




Credit cards;


The head of the enterprise can use the mechanism of securities to achieve economic interests, increase the welfare of employees and form corporate relations.

6. Tax system:

To the wage fund;

Income tax;

income tax;

The tax system is an important economic mechanism for replenishing the state treasury by levying taxes on enterprises and citizens. It is set by the state, exists outside the enterprise, has a direct impact on the staff, but always leaves the manager room for maneuver even in the conditions of the fiscal taxation system.

7. Forms of ownership:





Forms of ownership - an important economic category that determines the nature of relationships within the enterprise.

8. Phases of reproduction:




The phases of social reproduction form the basis of commodity-money relations between people in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods.

Economic methods act as various ways of influencing managers on staff to achieve their goals and are manifested in good quality products and high profits. If economic laws are used incorrectly, ignored or neglected, negative results (losses, overstocking, non-payments, strikes) can be expected.

It is possible to single out positive and negative impacts of economic instruments.

Table 1.3. Positive and negative impacts of economic management tools

Positive impacts Negative impacts
1. Growth of wages 1.1. Indexation of wages taking into account inflation and an increase in production volumes 1.2. Development of forms of additional wages, taking into account working conditions and qualifications 1.3. Distribution of remuneration for the final result according to KTU directly in the departments 1.4. Existence of a clear regulation on the remuneration of staff 1. Wage freeze 1.1. Fixed wages at the lowest level in the industry 1.2. Payment of additional wages under the minimum Labor Code 1.3. Centralized distribution of remuneration by the directorate Distribution 1.4. Lack of a clear provision on staff remuneration
2. Development of a bonus system from profit 2.1. Remuneration of personnel from profit as a percentage of the official salary 2.2. Distribution of premiums from profits according to the final results of the activities of departments and within the team itself 2.3. Development of financial assistance payments from profit, taking into account the personality of the employee and various situations 2.4. Existence of a clear provision for bonuses 2. Elimination of the system of bonuses from profit 2.1. Episodic bonuses to personnel from the wage fund without reference to profit 2.2. Centralized distribution of the premium proportionally official salaries 2.3. Termination of payments of material assistance or its provision only in emergency circumstances 2.4. No award clause
3. Development of social and medical support 3.1. Establishment of a non-state pension fund or additional payment pensions at the expense of the enterprise 3.2. Insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise 3.3. Providing workers with free or partially paid branded clothing and footwear, food, transport 3. Ignoring social and medical support 3.1. Using only state pension provision 3.2. Liquidation or lack of insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise 3.3. Elimination or lack of provision of branded clothing, food and transportation

Economic and socio-psychological tools are indirect in nature of managerial influence. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods and it is difficult to determine the strength of their impact on the final result. Economic methods provide material incentives for teams and individual workers, they are based on the use of the economic mechanism. Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the use of a social mechanism (a system of relationships in a team, social needs).

Socio-psychological tools - ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of psychology and sociology. The object of influence of these methods is groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into 2 main groups: sociological methods aimed at groups of people and their interactions in the production process (the outer world of man); psychological, which directly affect the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

Such a division is rather arbitrary, in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, the effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological tools.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

The value of sociological methods of management allows the head of the team to objectively carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective communications and maintain a good corporate culture.

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is an appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.