What makes up a library image. Library image: from ideal to real. List of used literature

In everyday practice, the library, like any other social organization, faces the parallel existence of three different images: ideal, mirror and real.

Perfect image - the one that the library aspires to. It reflects the direction of movement, aspirations, general goals of activity. The ideal image always remains as such, as new, even more complex tasks are set as the goal is achieved. An ideal image serves as a criterion for evaluating long-term plans and current decisions.

In a mirror image reflects the opinion of employees about the attractiveness of the library for readers, its reputation, about the attention paid to it by government agencies and the population.

real image characterizes the actual attitude of various groups of citizens to the library, their satisfaction with the quality of service, understanding of the importance of libraries for society.

Naturally, the mirror and real images do not coincide, but should be close to the ideal.

Studies conducted by domestic libraries show that such a correspondence is not always achieved. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor the opinions, views, preferences of readers and librarians, achieving their maximum convergence.
The success of a library is determined by the extent to which the image created is confirmed by the quality of everyday service, or by the extent to which the declared obligations coincide with their actual implementation. That is why the tasks of increasing prestige affect all aspects of the library's activities and are relevant to each of its employees.

So, the image is a general idea of ​​the library, which depends on everyday work and is developed over many years. What influences the formation of a favorable image of the library in the eyes of the reader? Let's reason together.


It is not always possible for libraries to afford large material costs for the purchase of equipment, BUT each one tries to decorate its space artistically, to create its own unique style.

The rural library, as an information, leisure center of the local community, a powerful lever for promoting books and reading to the rural population, will contribute to familiarization with various information and document resources in the remote user mode. It is assumed that an aesthetically modern, technically equipped library will attract problematic social groups, youth, children, youth, the unemployed, the elderly by providing them with a wide range of services that will combine both paid, free, and preferential. Thus, the library will become not only a place where reading, books, and information are touched, but it will turn into a meeting place, communication, intellectual leisure, and work.

Creating an attractive library image is main function performed by a comfortable library environment. It can be represented as a combination of several components: providing readers with related information; organization of the library space; condition of workplaces and places of rest; organization of library collections.

A special role is played by the creation of a corporate identity, which consists of many components. Ideally, specialists, artists, designers are involved in its development, who, thanks to their professionalism and creative approach, find features that distinguish the library from others. In most cases, librarians themselves take on these multiple roles.

“The content saturation of the library space does not depend on the size of the area, the abundance of material media (including modern technology), and even on the number of readers and visits. This is an atmosphere of creativity, co-creation of a librarian and a reader, interpersonal communication in informal associations, a developed system of communications, including by pairing the library space with social networks, a combination of its visual and virtual parts,” says S.G. Matlin

A positive image is formed the quality of services and the level of service for library users. The reader of the library should effortlessly obtain information about its services and not be confused by the announcements.
Librarians must be in constant search of new forms of communication with the reader, come up with something unusual that will attract potential readers to the library.
The saturation of the library space depends on the level of its eventfulness. An event that determines the configuration of the library space can be an exhibition, unusual in content or design, or a meeting with an interesting interlocutor, the publication and presentation of a new book ... In a word, everything that creates an atmosphere of joy, elation, “explodes” the monotonous, monotonous rhythm of everyday life , which means it stimulates the creative activity of the individual.

An example from the professional press: target program for the study of reading "Journey of the Blue Suitcase".
The scenario for this program is as follows. Librarians compile a list of books to fill the suitcase based on recommendations from children's reading experts and reader surveys. The composition of the list consists of novelties of high-quality children's literature. The completed suitcase is sent to the selected city or region. To promote reading, the "Blue Suitcase" travels to those libraries that have their own reading development programs (initiatives and new developments are especially welcome). The library must submit its proposals for the program. Based on these proposals, a travel plan is drawn up. The program lasts two months, and then the Blue Suitcase moves to another city or region. The program is aimed at achieving the following results: increasing the number of library readers; improving reading skills in children; development of literary taste through the popularization of the best contemporary Russian and foreign works; development of public initiatives, involvement of children as volunteers; family involvement; cooperation with other cultural and social organizations; promotion of the program through local media.

Usage advertising for users of library services, is one of the key links in promoting library products and services on the market. This, too, is extremely important in building a credible reputation and goodwill for the library and its services in the community.
Popularization of the library is facilitated by the creation of sound advertising records and videos, booklets, brochures, bookmarks, calendars, postcards, guides. Information materials about the library will help create a positive image, reveal the history, current state of the library and popularize its services.

Slogan examples.

1. Open your book.
2. Books are the building blocks of your career!
3. The book is the beginning of your career!
4. There should be a lot of books
5. Do you want to know everything? Nothing to sleep! Take a friend - Go to the library!
6. The enjoyment of reading is the enjoyment of life.
7. The new generation chooses to read!
8. Do you want to be promoted? Move to the library!
9. Library - a place where reading is appropriate!
10. The Internet is a waterfall, the library is a water faucet. What do you choose to quench your thirst?
11. "In order not to be considered an ignoramus, read "White clothes!""
12. “Now I have a best friend for a century - a library!”
13. Didn't go to the disco - go to the library!
14. We are with you on the way. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008 Many people listen to audiobooks in cars, standing in traffic jams…
15. "Particle of the heart - to the reader, the library - family comfort."
16. "Every book - its reader."
17. “Time to read - time to know!
18. "To the reader - a book"
19. "Library Stop"
20. "This is your library"
21. "The library works for you"
22. "The library is ready to provide you with all its book treasures"
23. "Don't forget to go to the library: books miss you"
24. “Come back often! Library books miss you!”
25. “The library loves you, appreciates you, remembers you…”
26. "Your library is always waiting for you!"
27. “Only here and only today is there a maximum of information about women's reading!”
28. "Your presence will decorate our meeting!"
29. "Pleasant surprises await you!"

Recognition, the formation of a positive image of the library contributes to form style : logo, business cards, desktop calendars, printed materials.

The creation of a positive image of the library is facilitated by introduction of new information technologies. Own website, own electronic products, electronic delivery of documents - all these are effective ways to promote and advertise the library in the international information society.

It is impossible not to mention such an important component of the work on the formation of public opinion and image as relations with mass media. Actively working with the media, one can feel that they largely contribute to the formation of an attractive image of the library, the growth of its authority, and social relevance.

It is very important to see the future of your library, continue to form a new image of it, look for new ideas, in modern terms - to form a "brand strategy". After all, caring about improving the image is a clear proof that the organization is not indifferent to the needs of its users. And the lack of new ideas is an indicator of the trouble of the team. The high public prestige of the library and our own satisfaction from work depend only on us.

LBC 78.3
and 52

[Text]: a review of the activities of the municipal libraries of the region / comp. N. V. Averyanova; "TOGUK Tamb. region wagon. scientific b-ka them. A. S. Pushkin ". - Tambov, 2010. - 20 p.

Compiled by: chief librarian scientific and methodological department N. V. Averyanova
Editor: Head of the Scientific and Methodological Department I. S. Mazhurova
Rep. for the issue: Deputy Director for scientific work L. N. Patrina

1. Library image: concept, essence, structure.

Since the mid 90s. 20th century in the library professional field(in practice and in theoretical developments) there is a significant interest in the problems of forming the image of the library.

The creation of a positive image, the formation of a reliable reputation among the general public becomes the basis of a modern library institution and its priority.

The image of a library can be defined as an emotionally colored image that has developed in the mass consciousness, determined by the attitude of society towards the library, its services, resources, and goods. The image of the library is constantly changing.

The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team, the management of the library, which must purposefully, systematically form an image based on the available resources.

Image library policy is long-term and predictable, aimed at shaping public opinion, creating values ​​that increase the possibility of library and information services in the eyes of the user.

The image of the library consists of external library and internal library.

The formation of the image of the library depends on the following components:

  • credibility and competence of managers;
  • staff professionalism;
  • culture of communication in the library;
  • library design (external and internal);
  • workplace culture of employees;
  • comfort conditions for users;
  • quality of information resources;
  • library advertising;
  • documentation (its compliance with the standards of modern office work);
  • having your own corporate identity;
  • traditions and rituals.

Let us consider the most, from our point of view, important components of the library image.

2. External library image.

The external library image is how the library is perceived by its visitors, local authorities. It consists of the quality of services, a tangible image (library building), the appearance of the staff and measures aimed at improving the image (advertising, contacts with the press, etc.).

In the modern information society, advertising is the most effective tool for informing the reader about the wealth of the fund, about the breadth of services provided, and creating a positive image. Therefore, libraries are faced with the task of mastering the process of advertising services and products of the library, creating professional and effective library advertising.

Advertising activity as an integral part of the library's marketing policy contributes to the establishment of the image, forms public opinion by implementing a system of measures that establish a communicative connection between the institution and different categories of the population, governing bodies, and authorities.

For the successful formation of a library image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions effective organization promotional activities libraries: creating an image plan, starting with planning and developing advertising ( advertising campaign) and ending with the determination of the effectiveness of the library's promotional activities. The main source for developing an advertising campaign strategy is the overall program of the library's activities. Based on this, the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign are formed.

The further process of its creation and action depends on how clearly and clearly the purpose of advertising is defined. Determining the goals of promotional activities depends on a number of factors: the library's marketing goals, the object of advertising, etc. The library needs to determine the object of advertising. It can be: library services in general, a centralized service system library system; a specific library, its services, resources and how to obtain them; individual structural units libraries, ways of orientation in them, their services; individual services, library products and the possibilities of their use; library staff, profession in general.

So, if the library is going to advertise any service, then it is necessary to analyze it: to study the current demand for the advertised service among different user groups; highlight the functional properties of the service, advantages over other similar services, determine the effect that the user will receive by purchasing this service. For example, if it is necessary to increase the number of users of a library service, then one of the promotional activities would be to increase the number of advertising publications.

3. Address not to the masses, but to a specific consumer. Appeal to the masses is less effective.

4. Be as precise and specific as possible in your offer. Vague and vague phrases do not impress the reader.

5. Availability of address and telephone number. Indication of only one phone number significantly reduces the effectiveness of advertising.

When planning an advertising campaign, the contingent of users who objectively need the advertised services and products should be clearly defined. Segmentation can be based on geographic, socio-demographic, psychographic and other features that affect user behavior. An important point is to conduct a market research of competitors offering the same service. To do this, the library identifies the main competitors (libraries, information centers, clubs, etc.), analyzes their advertising activities, advertising materials, if possible, the costs for each advertising medium, and draws conclusions about the current market situation. This allows you to avoid mistakes and miscalculations when conducting an advertising campaign, as well as repeating the methods of advertising competitors.

The results of such an advertising campaign can lead to the introduction and dissemination of new services provided by libraries, to encourage users to read or increase attendance at events, to create a favorable image of the library in the region and beyond, to ensure the stability of ideas about this library among its readers, colleagues and partners.

Cooperation with the mass media (media) is an important part of the advertising and information and image policy of a modern library. When working with the media, the library, as a rule, determines the range of sources: newspapers, magazines, radio and television companies that are most willing to cooperate with it, organize permanent headings about its work. Basically, these are pages of culture, reflecting mass work with the population, literary compositions, stories about the events of library life, about books, new arrivals in the library.

As a result of such cooperation, libraries improve their image, enjoy free advertising of their services, attract the attention of the public and sponsors. Much attention is drawn to materials on the possibilities of the library in providing readers with the Internet, on the work of cultural and entertainment complexes. Charitable events, sponsorship of the library, participation of the library in competitions of various levels are actively covered in the mass media.

When covering significant events in the life of the library - anniversaries, opening exhibitions, organizing specialized departments, creating additional services, the library holds press conferences.

Special press releases are prepared for the press, providing them with material in a concise and concise form that will be easy and convenient to use in print. Reasons for compiling a press release may be:

1. Events related to an important date for the library (Library Day, Library Birthday, Appearance of 10,000 readers).

2. Achievements of the library, publication of indicators, trends in its development.

3. Launch new products, services, project.

4. Introduction of new technologies.

5. Organizational changes (change of leadership, opening of a department, sector).

6. Results sociological research on topics important to society.

7. Events held by the library and those in which representatives of the library took part (conferences, seminars).

The main steps in compiling a press release:

1. Title, which should contain no more than 15 words. After the title, it is recommended to indicate the place and date of issue of the press release.

2. Paragraph leader, including the most important news in 40 words or less. Here it is necessary to answer the questions: “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “Why?”.

3. The main text, which reveals the details of your news - "How?", "What prospects does it have?". Stick to the rule: "one paragraph - one detail." The optimal size of each paragraph is 3-4 lines.

4. Background information that describes the library, its history, the structure of the library, or the project that the press release is about.

5. Contact persons. As a rule, the name, surname of contact persons, telephone and e-mail address are indicated.

Participation in professional associations, participation in the work of professional library congresses, conferences contribute to the improvement of the image of the library, its prestige and authority.

In the development of public relations, a significant role is played by special publications that reflect the life of the library, its problems and renewal processes, and publish reports on the library's activities. In addition, issues of library science and practice are widely reflected in numerous periodicals: journals "Library", "Library Science", "Scientific and Technical Libraries", "New Library", "Library Business".

Radio channel employees are happy to cooperate with libraries, providing advertising services.

per century electronic technology libraries cannot be left out of the benefits of a website. Today, advertising on the Internet is already a fairly common type of advertising, the number of network users is constantly growing. Libraries post information about the library, services, electronic catalogs on their websites, provide an opportunity to order books by e-mail. The way you evaluate the results of an online advertising campaign depends on its goals. This may be an increase in the number of users, an expansion of the service sector, and an increase in site traffic. The Internet, as an information environment, provides an opportunity not only to receive necessary information, but also provide information about yourself to the Russian and world community.

Creating a website is the promotion of information to higher functional levels, participation in the formation of a positive image of the library, drawing attention to the existing intellectual products and services provided, ensuring the influx of new interested users into the library.

The design and style of the site, the ratio of font sizes and body text, as well as the amount of graphics, the competent way of presenting material - these are the components in ensuring user convenience in working with the site, creating a favorable impression of the library and people working in it. Updating the site is a necessary component of promoting the image of the library.

The next stage of the advertising campaign is its direct organization or implementation. Conducting an advertising campaign is a complex process that involves several subjects and objects of management at once: the library, advertising media, and users.

So, the organization of advertising activities includes the creation of promotional products (creative and production part) and bringing the created advertising materials to users, as well as monitoring the passage of advertising and making the necessary changes.

— information about the library network of the served area for the purpose of orientation in it, about the possibilities of other libraries in the network (for example, about obtaining the required publications on the IBA, etc.);
— information about the library and its structural subdivisions (branches, departments);
— information about the library fund, its composition and structure;
- information about the services provided by the library.

1. address, the purpose of which is to inform the public about the library and its location. The main form of such advertising is a sign informing that the library is located in the building. Along with the name of the library, the sign, as a rule, contains information about the library's working hours.

2. prestigious, which is aimed at creating among users the idea of ​​the library as a reliable, highly qualified partner.

Prestigious advertising is based on the individual, corporate identity of the library (brand), which helps to consolidate a positive attitude towards the library. Advertising specialists define corporate identity as a set of color, graphic, verbal, design permanent elements that provide visual and semantic unity of products and services.

A set of corporate identity components includes:

- corporate or trademark(including the logo);
— corporate font or set of fonts;
- corporate slogan or motto (slogan);
- corporate set of colors;
- color or compositional version of the letterhead.

The slogan is the most important element of corporate identity. This is a kind of flag of the advertising message. It should not be long and include more than 7-10 words.

The slogan must meet the following requirements:

1. The slogan should reflect the features of the image of the given library, possibly evoke associations with the name of the library (the name of the library itself may be included in the slogan).

2. The phrase that makes up the slogan should be short, sonorous, dynamic, correct in terms of phonetics, that is, easy to pronounce.

3. The slogan must take into account the psychological characteristics of the target groups of advertising impact.

4. The slogan should not be ambiguous, that is, it should be clearly and clearly perceived by ear the first time.

Examples of slogans:

  • The library is great!
  • "The information bank is always reliable!".
  • "Old traditions + new services!".
  • "More knowledge - less problems."
  • "The path to success lies through the library!"
  • "CHI-time - time to read."

Corporate identity, as a rule, is represented by business information, advertising and information printed materials, exhibition design elements, and souvenirs. Souvenir products, which are most often made for various anniversaries and events in the work of the library and distributed among real and potential users. Among the types of such products are a pen, a bag, a badge, a postcard, a souvenir envelope, pocket calendars, etc. The advertising significance of souvenir products increases if, in addition to the presented brand image of the library (its corporate block, photographs of the building, etc.), it contains and some other (most often address) information. For example, on a postcard, a plastic bag, not only photographs of the library building or part of its interior are placed, but also information about its address, working hours, etc.

The simplest Promotional Products are memos and leaflets. They can be made on their own, in small runs, with a computer and a printer. This may be a list of services, a list of new publications released by the library, Additional Information to literary exhibitions organized by libraries. Posters are more complex products to make. Libraries use posters to draw the attention of passers-by to major events at the library.

When preparing a poster, booklet or other print advertisement, it is extremely important to think carefully about the design: correctly position the text, find an effective picture and choose the color scheme against which your advertisement will be perceived in the best way. It is desirable to select colors so that they create an optimistic mood. There are colors cold (green, blue, blue, purple), warm (red, orange and yellow), contrasting (red - green, blue - orange). Based on sociological research, the following series of colors was obtained as preference decreases: blue - violet - white - pink - purple - red - green - yellow - orange - brown - black.

The effectiveness of advertising also depends on how clearly and precisely the advertising information reflects the properties of the library service or product. Advertising should not sell to the user the product or service of the library, but the benefits that he will receive by purchasing this product or using the service.

The other side of the external library image - the image of library specialists - is directly related to the implementation of professional duties and consists of appearance, demeanor, ability to communicate. The impression a librarian makes on those around him largely determines his success. The image of a librarian influences the work of the library; the status and role of the library in society largely depend on it.

The etiquette of self-presentation of the personality of a librarian includes wearing a badge. It should be an incentive, a motivation to look decent: both externally and in its internal manifestations. Librarians, primarily managers of various levels, are beginning to actively use business cards in professional communication. Knowledge and application of usage etiquette business cards in professional activity, it is a way of creating a business image, establishing, maintaining and strengthening professional and interpersonal relationships. Observance of etiquette in the clothes of a librarian, dress code - the problem is very relevant for the profession.

Along with traditional etiquette, a librarian must be proficient in netiquette, that is, the rules of conduct in an electronic environment. Netiquet - "network etiquette" (from "net" - network). These include the rules for working with e-mail, on various sites. The rules of conduct on the network can be found at http://si2000.beringisland.ru/sec-nq.shtm

3. Intra-library image.

The internal library image is determined by norms and values ​​(library mission), organization internal communications, the history of the library, the socio-psychological microclimate of the team. It seems most rational to consider the internal library image through three concepts: management, socio-psychological climate and organizational culture.

In relation to the internal library image, the following qualities of a leader are of greatest importance: reasonable perseverance, determination, energy, sincerity, high self-discipline, and the ability to support subordinates. In the absence of an ideal leadership style, the most convincing assumption seems to be that the best leader is the one who is responsible for everything that is included in his job responsibilities. The socio-psychological climate in the library as the psychological state of the team consists of satisfaction control system, interpersonal relationships and assessment of working conditions in a team. It is important not only for the optimal organization of work, but also because without it, any work to improve the image is practically useless. Many reasons for the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the library are "eternal", since they do not depend on its type, staff size, etc. factors (conflicts with management, psychological incompatibility of employees, etc.). Among the main factors of the socio-psychological climate in the work collective, we can note the relationship vertically and horizontally; style and norms of communication; organization and working conditions; incentive system. Depending on the state of these factors, a more or less stable emotional state of the team members develops. The composition of the team is important in terms of psychological compatibility its members.

The norms of business interaction adopted in the team are formed into office etiquette, which determines the rules of conduct in situations where people act in the official roles of a leader and a subordinate.

Service etiquette forms the style of relations in a team, in which formal and informal elements of service interaction are closely intertwined. It includes such informal elements as mood, the manner of greeting and addressing the head to employees, forms and methods of criticism. Knowledge of work etiquette is essential professional quality which must be acquired and constantly improved.

The socio-psychological climate in the team is formed due to the pedagogical influence external environment. The librarian acquires work experience, learns the norms of professional morality and begins to exert a directed influence not only on new employees coming to the library, but also on colleagues with whom certain relations have already been established. Thanks to this, the system of moral relations in the team also develops.

The library profession is characterized by both collective and individual work. Some employees carry out a significant part of their work alone, its results require the personal responsibility of the librarian (recording readers, accepting reader requests, working in the fund, etc.). If such employees do not perceive the team as a whole, oppose themselves to its other members, moral contradictions arise that can lead to conflicts.

The decisive role in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, regardless of whether they are business or personal, belongs to the leaders of the library and its structural divisions. The task of conflict management is to strive for its speedy resolution, to prevent the conflict from turning into a protracted form, when it will be much more difficult to eliminate it.

Causes conflict situations often rooted in shortcomings and mistakes management activities. The following are examples of typical managerial deficiencies leading to conflicts. Firstly, this is the absence or poor quality of management documentation regulating the activities of the structural divisions of the library and its employees (regulations, job descriptions etc.), which leads to conflicts related to the refusal of employees to perform duties that are not recorded in the regulatory documentation. Another reason is errors in planning and distribution of work between structural units and employees.

The lack of clear and precise information among library staff about what is planned and for what purposes, why certain decisions are made, also leads to conflicts in the team.

One of the causes of conflict situations in the library team is the introduction of certain innovations into practice at the initiative of the head, which often meets with passive resistance from the staff. Particularly dangerous are decisions related to the dismissal of an employee, demotion, transfer to another area of ​​work without his consent.

Conflicts arise during the certification of librarians and on its results - often because of the violation by the administration of the regulation on the procedure for conducting certification or a biased assessment of the work of librarians.

Mobbing is a special type of service conflict. This word in library science is new, it comes from the English “to mob”, which means to oppress, persecute, rude, find fault with someone. Any person can find himself in a similar situation when negative actions are carried out against him, with the aim of inflicting moral damage, ousting him from the team. Mobbing causes severe spiritual wounds, damage to the individual and group image: the self-esteem of the individual changes, depression appears - a disease of the spirit, conflicts. The social and psychological climate in the team is deteriorating.

The consequences of mobbing in the library suffer not only its employees, but also readers. Deterioration of work results, high incidence of psychosomatic diseases lead to a high turnover of personnel. Mobbing is one of the reasons why a positive image of a library team turns into a negative one, which often leads to a negative image of the library.

When resolving a conflict, the leader should seek to find effective ways to solve the problem that created the conflict situation; actively transform the situation and find a way out of the contradiction. For example, a conflict can be resolved by abandoning the accepted management decision that caused a conflict situation in the library team, by changing it or replacing it with an alternative option.

Prevention of conflict situations largely depends on the authority of the leader, management style. Creating an atmosphere of tolerance, justice, mutual goodwill, primarily on the part of the library management and more experienced employees, limits the occurrence of conflicts in the team and is a means of effectively resolving them.

Moral in the relationship "librarian-librarian" is the desire of each employee to hide a bad mood, negative character traits, rejection of criticism and thereby maintain their individual image at the required level. This moral purpose contributes to the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere for the realization of benevolence and creativity, professional capabilities of both an individual librarian and the entire team.

Organizational culture is a way of thinking and acting of library staff aimed at harmonizing relationships in the team and creating a favorable attitude towards the library from the public. Organizational culture can be considered in three aspects: a) as the ability and desire of each library employee to defend its interests, to help strengthen its authority; b) as trustworthiness, loyalty and commitment to one's library; c) how the employee's behavior outside the library, including the impression he makes on others. In general, it is the organizational culture that contributes to the manifestation of the main characteristics of the image: the identification of the library by society, the difference from other libraries and the formation of reputation.

On the other hand, the librarian acts as a teacher in relation to readers, applying in practice methods of influencing them in the process of individual conversations, recommending books. This achieves the image impact of the librarian on readers, which, in turn, requires the librarian to increase professional qualifications to meet the needs of all categories of library visitors.

4. The activities of the municipal libraries of the Tambov region in the formation of the image.

Since libraries are currently dependent on the budgets of local municipalities, there is an increasing need for the library to validate its relevance to the local community. The effectiveness of the activities carried out by libraries, their public assessment largely depend on the established image of the library. A library that enjoys credibility with readers is more likely to receive additional subsidies from local authorities and sponsorship.

In this regard, at present, one of the activities of most municipal libraries in the Tambov region has become the formation of their own image.

As a result of the analysis of information reports of municipal libraries, it turns out that the libraries of the region are actively cooperating with local newspapers, radio and television.

In the districts, the leading position in this direction of work is occupied by municipal cultural institutions: “Bondar Inter-Settlement Library”, “Gavrilovskaya District Library”, “Inter-Settlement Central Library of Morshansky District”, “Inter-Settlement Central Library of Pichaevsky District”, “Inter-Settlement Central Library” of Sosnovsky District, “ Central Library of Tokarevsky District”, “Intersettlement Central Library of Umetsky District”.

City libraries are more promising and united in the development of image policy. The municipal cultural institution "Centralized Library System" of Tambov has an undoubted advantage, periodically declaring itself on the pages of professional publications of the all-Russian level.

Librarians of the municipal institution of culture "Centralized Library System" in Tambov prepared and held for the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and for the Year of the Teacher radio cycle of programs “Memory of Generations”, “Vocation – to teach and educate”. The municipal institution "Centralized Library System of the City of Uvarovo" took part in the charitable program "Victory Fund" of the regional branch of the All-Russian organization "Committee of War Veterans and military service and provided support in raising funds for the reconstruction of the city's Victory Park. “This is our memory. This is our duty."

Raising the prestige of librarianship in the Tambov region was facilitated by the creation in 2008 of the portal "Libraries of the Region" www.regionlib.ru, which hosts the websites of 30 municipal libraries.

Information resources are a key moment influencing the positive image of the library and consumer awareness of the information products and services it provides. Therefore, when placing materials on the sites of municipal libraries, emphasis is placed on cognitive, broadening the horizons of information.

Traditionally, the site should reflect the database and catalog. Of the 30 municipalities, only the municipal cultural institution "Centralized Library System of the City of Kotovsk" posted an electronic catalog on its website http://kotovsk.cbs.ucoz.ru. The website of the municipal educational institution "Parevskaya OOSh" of the Inzhavinsky district http://parevka.68.edu.ru/biblio.htm contains information about the Parevsky open information and library center; on the website of the municipal cultural institution "Intersettlement Library of the Rasskazovsky District" http://regionlib.ru/rrasskazovo, the pages "Central Children's Library", "News from rural libraries". The website of the Central Children's Library of Michurinsk http://cdb-mich.ucoz.ru has been created.

This positive and current trend should be reflected in the work of other municipal libraries in the region.

The slogan (slogan), as an element of corporate library style, is actively used by branch libraries of the municipal cultural institution "Centralized Library System" in Tambov.

For example, the motto of the library - branch number 2 named after. M. Yu. Lermontov sounds as follows: "We sail under the sail of our beloved poet." The motto of the library - branch number 22 named after. E. A. Boratynsky are the words “Let's turn the hours of work into best watch our lives." The municipal cultural institution "Gavrilovskaya District Library" has chosen the following slogans for itself: "Reading is wise, reading is fashionable, read everywhere, read freely", "We work for the future".

As a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information and the Russian Foundation for Legal Reforms, since 1998, the interdepartmental program "Creating an All-Russian Network of Public Centers" has been launched and is being consistently implemented in the country. legal information based on public libraries.

Within the framework of the Program information support libraries, the company "Consultant-Yurist" opened 37 centers of legal information (CPI) in the city of Tambov and the Tambov region. The main direction in the work of the Centers is to raise awareness and legal culture the population of the region.

Legal information centers cooperate with the Tambov regional public organization "Center for Legal Technologies" Civil Union ". Legal Center "Garant" and Tambov Regional social organization"Center for Legal Technologies "Civil Union" provide library users with a free service "remote legal consultation". In progress government contract for the provision of services within the framework of the social order of the administration of the Tambov region on legal education of the population and human rights activities, lawyers-consultants conduct training seminars in the municipal libraries of the region.

A significant achievement in the implementation of the advertising policy of the municipal libraries of the Tambov region was the placement of information about the activities carried out by the specialists of the ANO Legal Center Garant on the website of the UNESCO Information for All Program in Russia http://www. ifap. en

This site contains information about legal educational events held in the municipal cultural institutions "Inter-settlement Central Library of Zherdevsky District", "Bondarskaya Inter-Settlement Library", "Inter-Settlement Central Library of Morshansky District", in municipal institution"Centralized Library System", Rasskazovo.

The above examples are proof that advertising has become an integral part of the region's libraries.

Image is a reputation, an idea of ​​a library that depends on its daily work and is formed over many years. Therefore, the first and important task for the future success of libraries is to work on creating a favorable image for them. But no matter how well the promotion work is organized, the success is based on the quality of the products and services themselves, the quality of user service. Therefore, it is important for libraries to focus on studying the information needs of users, improve their skills by mastering new software tools.

It is necessary to expand the range of information products and services, thereby increasing the comfort of service, so that in the future the most reliable means of promotion that does not require additional financial costs is oral advertising - recommendations from regular users.

List of used literature

1. Altukhova, G. A. Fundamentals of the library image [Text]: study method. allowance / G. A. Altukhova. - M.: Litera, 2008. - 224 p. -( modern library. Issue. 33).
2. Borisova, O. A sociologist's view of advertising [Text] / O. Borisova // B-ka. - 2007. - No. 9. - S. 58-60.
3. Borisova, O. Advertising in the library [Text]: study guide. allowance / O. Borisova .- M .: "LIBEREIA-BIBINFORM", 2005. - 216 p.
4. Grachev, A. S. PR - company service [Text]: pract. allowance / A. S. Grachev, E. G. Spirina. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 160s.
5. Vaneev, A. N. Conflicts in the library: prevention and resolution [Text] / A. N. Vaneev. - St. Petersburg: Professiya Publishing House, 2001. - 121p. - (Series "Library Workshop").
6. Grishanin, N. V. Branding [Text]: textbook. allowance / N. V. Grishanin; Moscow state University of Printing. - M.: MGUP, 2009. - 280 p.
7. Ezova, S. Code in the context of etiquette [Text] / S. Ezova // B-ka. - 2010. - No. 2. - S. 36-38.
8. Karmysheva, N. How to make a competent library PR? [Text] / N. Karmysheva // New library. - 2006. - No. 5. - P.46.
9. Litvinova, N. P. Professional image modern librarian[Text] / N. P. Litvinova // New Library. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 14.
10. Magoyan, S. The image of the library and the librarian [Text] / S. Magoyan // New library. - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 21.
11. Matveev, M. Yu. The problem of determining the image of libraries [Text] / M. Yu. Matveev // Library Science. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 118-122.
12. Matveev, M. Yu. Problems of the image of library science, education and profession [Text] / M. Yu. Matveev // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 80-91.
13. Matveev, M. Yu. Psychological problems improving the image of libraries [Text] / M. Yu. Matveev // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.103-109.
14. Musikhina, S. The image of a librarian as an indicator of the quality of service for readers [Text] / S. Musikhina // New library. - 2004. - No. 5. - S.35-37.
15. Ryazantseva, L. Such an actual PR. Model of vocational training: "Library advertising company» [Text] / L. Ryazantseva // Bibliopole. - 2005. - No. 5. - S. 13-15.
16. Librarian's Handbook [Text] / Ed. A. N. Vaneeva, V. A. Minkina. - St. Petersburg: Professiya Publishing House, 2000. - 432p. - (Series "Library").


Both the well-being of the team members and their performance depend on the psychological climate in the work collective. We recommend that you conduct this survey, which will reveal how satisfied employees are with their work in the workforce, as well as determine those factors that can be used to correct and improve the psychological climate of the team. The survey must be conducted anonymously. The results obtained can be discussed either only with the leaders of the team, or with all its members.

Dear colleague!

We ask you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is to improve the psychological climate in the workforce of our library. To answer the question you need:

2. Choose one of them that best suits your opinion and put a "+" sign in front of it.

3. If the answer does not offer options, write your answer as completely as possible or, if you are at a loss, put a dash.

1. Which of the following statements do you most agree with?
a) most of the members of our team are good, nice people to me;
b) there are all sorts of people in our team;
c) a lot of things do not suit me;

2. Describe the atmosphere inherent in the team:
a) an atmosphere of mutual respect;
b) business atmosphere;
c) "every man for himself";
d) unhealthy, unfriendly atmosphere.

3. How often do you think it is necessary to arrange joint holidays and leisure evenings?
a) as often as possible
b) 1-2 times a year;
c) I do not like such events.

4. If you were forced to change jobs, would you seek to communicate with members of our team?
a) yes, of course;
b) find it difficult to answer;
c) no.

5. In your opinion, what could have influenced the greater unity of our team?
a) joint recreation;
b) joint solution of production problems;
c) joint solution of personal problems;
d) salary increase.

6. Which member of the team do you communicate with the most?
a) I am happy to communicate with everyone;
b) with a little bit of everyone;
c) with those with whom I work directly;
d) only with superiors on production issues;
e) I try to keep communication with everyone to a minimum.

7. Do you think it's easy for new people to join our team?
a) easy enough
b) they stay apart for a long time;
c) I don’t know, I didn’t think about it.

9. How often do you have conflicts with one of the members of our team?
a) never;
b) rarely, from time to time;
c) I try to avoid people with whom conflict may arise;
d) all the time.

10. Please indicate your age.
a) up to 25 years;
b) 26-40 years old;
c) 41-55;
d) over 55 years old.

11. Specify the duration of your work in the team.
a) less than a year;
b) 1-3 years;
c) 4-10 years;
d) more than 10 years.

Thank you for participating in the survey.

...Unfortunately, there is nothing more eternal than social stereotypes.

T. Tolstaya

The problem of the image of the library and librarians is considered one of the most discussed in library circles.

Image(literally from English means "creating an image") - corporate identity and formal receptions, emphasizing the specifics of the company, as well as the ability of its employees to behave, speak to the public, etc.

It is proposed to understand the corporate identity as a set of techniques perceived by any observers that provide both some unity of the entire organization (institution, enterprise, office, etc.) and its products, services, etc., as well as the methods and manners of work of employees of this organization. It is also promoted by such various attributes as branded clothing and symbols: logos, trademarks, badges, business cards, advertising booklets libraries, etc. For example, the brand name of employees of Swedish libraries, as well as employees of Sberbank of Russia, is a neckerchief.

The image reflects the opinion, the impression made by its carrier. Therefore, a carefully designed image should carry the real, objective features of a particular image.

Issues of the image of the library and librarians are studied all over the world.

Library Image - it is its reputation and image of it, formed over a long period of time, as a rule, as a result of the daily work of its employees.

The image of the library is proposed to be understood as an image determined by the attitude of the society to the library, its services and resources. However, the image of the library is formed not only on the basis of its appearance, comfort and assessment of the range of services provided to it. Librarians identify four main areas for the formation of a positive image of the library:

  • 1. Qualification of personnel.
  • 2. Equipment and comfortable environment.
  • 3. Multifunctional library activities.
  • 4. Social partnership.

Moreover, multifunctional library activities now go beyond the traditional activities of libraries, and in social partnership such competencies are offered as a culture of communication (psychology, culture of speech, the ability to navigate behaviorally in certain situations); fundamentals of knowledge of law, etc.

M.Yu. Matveev notes that if we consider the image of firms and organizations that are not related to libraries, then we can notice three main components of the image:

  • "external" image (how the organization works);
  • "internal" (corporate) image (from the morale of employees to the psychological climate);
  • "independent" ("intangible") image (representation of the organization in the media, fiction, etc.).

When considering libraries, three similar types of image can also be distinguished: external library, internal library and "extra-library" image.

The latter, as a rule, comes down to the stereotypes of mass consciousness. It is usually formed by the media and fiction, and now - and publications on the Internet.

External library image It is customary to consider it from organizational positions, as well as from the point of view of the perception of libraries by their visitors and local authorities.

It consists of a tangible image (library building), the appearance of the staff and measures aimed at improving the image (advertising, contacts with the press, etc.), as well as, of course, the quality of the services provided, the various ways in which the library is represented, for example, websites and library blogs.

Thus, in a number of libraries, “advertising is considered as the main means of promoting services, putting forward the development of a corporate identity, which is designed to emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the library, to form a favorable image” . This promotional activity should be aimed at creating a positive image of libraries and librarians.

With regard to websites and blogs of libraries, librarians note that their creation "not only testifies to the level of mastering of new information technologies by them, is not only a means of forming a positive modern library image", but also contributes to their main purpose - prompt and efficient user service.

The external library image of the library also includes its accessibility, for example, most libraries in the United States work up to 50 hours a week, they are also a place to relax, chat with friends in a library club, etc.

An important component of such an image is the image of library professionals, which is directly related to the performance of their professional duties and is discussed in this chapter.

We will talk about the image of library specialists (librarians) a little later, but now let's look at the internal library image.

Intralibrary image determines the norms, values ​​and socio-psychological microclimate of the team, supported by the library. It is obvious that, like the external library image, it is related to the image of librarians, i.e. the latter is always present in the library.

It seems to be the most rational to consider the internal library image through three concepts: management, socio-psychological climate and organizational culture.

Socio-psychological climate in the library reflects the psychological state of the team.

It is made up of:

  • satisfaction with the management system,
  • a fair assessment of working conditions in the team and the contribution of each employee,
  • interpersonal relationships, etc.

A healthy socio-psychological climate in any organization, including a library, undoubtedly contributes to the optimization of the organization's work, and without it it is almost impossible to improve the image of both the organization and its employees.

Accepted norms business communication and interactions belong to the so-called office etiquette that defines the rules of conduct for employees in the official roles of a manager and subordinate, a librarian and a library visitor, etc.

Obviously, most of the causes of conflict situations within the library are associated with errors and shortcomings in management activities, including poor quality management documentation(orders, instructions, instructions, etc.). While reaping Negative consequences library visitors also have such errors and shortcomings. Such a phenomenon can only contribute to the emergence of a negative image of the library.

And individual employees may turn out to be informal leaders or people with a very complex character. In the first case, their activities can have both positive and Negative influence to support a healthy socio-psychological climate in the library. In the second case, as a rule, various negative relations that decompose it are formed in the team.

In any case, these options indicate the quality of management activities and characterize the organizational culture of the team, as well as the quality of the activities aimed at creating a favorable climate in the team. The organization of a normal socio-psychological climate in the library lies not only with its administration, but is also associated with the tolerance of its employees and the ability of both parties to find compromise solutions aimed at maintaining a high image not for the sake of it, but for effective and efficient service to visitors.

To form a positive image, it is important for libraries to actively study the information needs of users, improve the skills of their employees, involving professional psychologists and sociologists for this, and also master new technologies, including various software and hardware tools.

Experts notice that the ongoing socio-economic reforms and the rapid development of information technology lead to a significant complication and expansion of the functions of libraries, to the emergence of new types of work, in to a large extent changing the content of their activities in terms of volume and technologies used. For example, creating full-text databases, a web site and a blog, searching for various information on the Internet, etc.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary professional staff, with "significant educational capacity and work experience, rapid response to technological change, and managerial ability to understand, evaluate and implement the changes that lie ahead for libraries in the 21st century" .

It should be noted that according to the results of various studies, library users consider important elements of the image appearance employee (30-35%), the interior and exterior of the premises (20-25%), and more than two-thirds of respondents believe that uniforms are not needed for librarians.

The last aspect should be treated creatively. After all, we are not talking about a single uniform for all librarians in the country, but elements of clothing that are the same for all or most employees of any organization (ties, scarves, vests, etc.), as well as a certain dress code, look very attractive. Some of the librarians think that "it would be great if every library had its own dress code".

A professional study of the issues of coverage of the image of libraries by foreign specialists was carried out by M.Yu. Matveev. In it, he notes that “... foreign researchers cannot come to a consensus either about ... the image, or about the measures necessary to improve it. ...one of the most acute and painful problems associated with the image is the problem of the possible transformation of the library profession in the 21st century. Despite all the efforts of librarians, the image of libraries has not fundamentally changed for the better over the past century...” and suggests considering three main concepts, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • 1. The “organizational and managerial” (“rational”) concept boils down to the need to improve reader service, improve acquisition, develop marketing programs, develop public relations, etc. The advantages of this concept are that the library always has hope for the future and have a clear plan of action. The disadvantages include the lack of full confidence that all this will really help the library.
  • 2. According to the "psychological" concept, first of all, it is necessary to change the librarians themselves, and to change internally. Librarians themselves are responsible for the image of the library profession that has developed in the media, books and films, and, moreover, they themselves support many negative ideas about their work.

The situation will change for the better only when every librarian believes in himself and knows his worth. In practice, it turns out that librarians are more likely to blame other people for creating a negative image of the library profession and spreading offensive stereotypes than to take concrete steps to improve this very image.

Foreign experts point out that "... one of the main problems associated with the image is not so much stereotypes, but the fact that in "non-library" sources the library profession is almost never shown as a worthy life choice" 11 . At the same time, X. Rader emphasizes that librarians must see the future, have a sense of humor, be persistent and firmly believe in the value of information literacy.

Moreover, the constant discussion of the negative image of libraries becomes a kind of "obsession". When reading professional library periodicals, the most amazing thing is that librarians themselves do not believe that others perceive them as accomplished professionals. Librarians are very afraid for the future of their profession - they are so afraid that this anxiety permeates literally all their activities.

“For decades, librarians have battled the stereotype of the librarian shushing readers who break the silence. The image of an elderly lady with a tuft of hair at the back of her head and a massive jewelry around her neck, with a displeased look pressing her index finger to her lips, has become perhaps the main offensive symbol that upsets the entire library community. Today, however, there are several reasons to think. Should librarians continue to be offended by this stereotype?” - raises such a question in his study D.K. Ravinsky.

Although negative stereotypes are circulating in society, and this certainly affects the image of the profession, professional literature is the main culprit, as it is full of materials about the serious crisis of the profession and, ultimately, claims that the library profession is not valued by society. The situation is even more aggravated by the fact that newcomers to the library profession learn about the crisis of the profession precisely from professional literature, and a vicious circle is obtained. Most researchers analyze negative images. Their "addiction" to stereotypes just leads to the fact that librarians begin to doubt their profession.

There is certainly a rational grain in this concept: the library profession is indeed inherent in painful self-reflection, and librarians may not hurt to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. At the same time, calls for a complete or partial rejection of the study of the image of the library profession are very similar to a hidden “surrender” to existing problems (by the way, authors who adhere to this concept usually believe that no special events and actions can overcome stereotypes). In addition, it should be noted that the "internal" image (from the point of view of librarians) is by no means equal to the image of the library profession as a whole. It is impossible to exaggerate the “demoralizing” impact of professional literature devoted to image problems: enumeration of negative stereotypes can only affect those people who got into the profession quite by accident and will not stay in it for a long time. Not everything is clear on the issue of self-respect and self-esteem of librarians. In any case, some researchers express the opinion that the matter lies not so much in self-esteem as in shortcomings. vocational education: in library schools they do not teach communication with readers.

3. Supporters of the "irrational" concept of image argue that the image is practically independent of the work of real libraries and what librarians think and write about their profession. As for stereotypes, the opinion is usually expressed that over time they will go away on their own, and librarians just need to laugh heartily at them, admit that “this sometimes happens”, and calmly continue to work. Since libraries are very often mentioned in “non-library” literature that is not controlled by the librarians themselves (and they are not mentioned in the best way), and it is very difficult to unambiguously explain the stereotypical images that exist in society, this concept looks very convincing (in any case, most researchers, regardless of their views, recognize that negative stereotypes are very deeply "ingrained" in the mass consciousness). The shortcomings of the concept include its excessive pessimism: it can take a very long time to wait for “weather by the sea”, since existing stereotypes change extremely slowly.

In 1988, N. Stevens, one of the American researchers, wrote lines that are quite suitable for today: “As professionals today, we have not come closer to solving the most important and painful professional issues than we were in 1876, 1907 or 1962. The problem of our image will be relevant and, no doubt, no closer to its solution within the next decade or two. We will simply have a larger array of folklore and literature to study it.

In our opinion, the concept of “library image” is so complex that it is very difficult to reduce it to any one theory. In general, the conclusion is that it is necessary A complex approach that brings together different points of view. The problem of society's attitude to libraries is largely philosophical rather than narrowly practical...” .

AT this study M.Yu. Matveev, there is also a close relationship between the image of the library and the image of its employees. Let's consider the last one.

The image of library specialists consists of:

  • appearance, as always, providing first impression,
  • style and norms of communication (behavior, i.e. etiquette, including when working on the Internet),
  • competencies expressed primarily in the ability to successfully use their knowledge, skills, etc.

The UNESCO Information for All Program states that “the library profession has also undergone a transformation” . At the same time, it is not at all obvious that all over the world we can talk about increasing the staff of even super-highly qualified workers. Life shows that their reduction is taking place everywhere, and those who remain should really have a much larger set of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Experts also note that representatives of libraries must be creative, by which they mean the ability to find original solutions to not only typical, but also non-trivial tasks facing modern and future libraries. At the same time, these specialists should have fairly broad competencies in such areas as psychology and pedagogy, computer science, sociology, analytics, socio-cultural activities, etc. to any category of users to provide libraries with a variety of services, since in the 21st century social relationships between librarians and library users continue to be actively transformed.

AT this case not only new methods are being formed information service, but social relations of partnership and interaction also appear, and the position of humanization is widely developed and supported by the well-known specialist A. V. Sokolov.

On the other hand, it is noted: “When we analyze the generalizing image of a librarian in the public mind, we immediately come across the archetype of an old hag - an elderly lonely woman with many oddities, unfriendly, grumpy and vigilantly guarding her possessions. She is also known as Baba Yaga, goddess Kali, witch, sorceress...” .

According to research by American experts, the appearance of a woman determines the first impression of her by 55%, and posture, gestures and manner of speaking - 38%. As you know, most librarians are women. Wherein

O.V. Kozlova notes: “Working on your own image leads to a spiral life success» .

Continuing this theme, we note that the Internet is widely represented by different opinions about the image of librarians. Here are some of the most typical negative ones:

  • 1. How many librarians I have met in my life - these are all women of retirement age, inclined to be overweight and surprisingly vicious.
  • 2. An elderly lonely woman with many oddities, unfriendly, quarrelsome and vigilantly guarding her possessions.
  • 3. Impossible erudite, considers himself the last custodian of the culture being killed.
  • 4. In the district, there are some aunts who cannot recommend or help find what they want and do not want to.
  • 5. Hairstyle - a bump, thick horn-rimmed glasses, a quiet voice, "a person not of this world", etc.

American librarians constantly care about their image. They regularly search the literature, the Internet and the media for all negative and positive references to their colleagues. If it turns out that the librarian is not portrayed attractively enough, then the attitude of both the media and other sources of information to such a publication is necessarily expressed.

Librarians in the United States mostly work not with books, but with visitors, first of all, librarians have a conversation with them, usually in the form of an interview, until it becomes absolutely clear to the librarian what the visitor needs. The library employee is recommended to start the dialogue with the words-questions “where”, “how”, “when”, allowing the interview to continue for as long as the visitor may need. The reader is listened to attentively, not rushed or interrupted until he himself has finished and asks a question. As a result of such a dialogue, the reader receives exactly what he asked for, and in the end - quality service.

Many readers feel uncomfortable in the library without qualified help. They get confused in filing cabinets or are frightened by the sight of shelves filled with books in an incomprehensible order. In this case, and in another case, the librarian becomes an information manager, able to come to the rescue at any moment and find what he needs in the apparent chaos of information.

These opportunities appear for librarians, as the content of their profession changes, and the storage and lending of books gradually become a secondary occupation. Monotonous, routine operations (control over the return of literature, documentation, statistical calculations, bibliographic work and even the activities of the IBA) are entrusted to software and hardware, and in most cases readers take and hand in books on their own.

Among the main reasons contributing to the unattractive image of libraries, librarians and the library profession are political, economic, professional, educational, psychological, functional, moral, pedagogical, statistical and literary and artistic. The most serious obstacle to improving the image of libraries is the attitudes that exist at the level of subjective moods and the stereotypes that arise on their basis” .

Obviously, the image of a librarian affects not only the work of the library itself, but also the attitude of its visitors towards this library. The positive image impact of a librarian on visitors is achieved, first of all, by the high professional qualifications of librarians. Although, as you know, "the clothes meet." Therefore, the employees of the Pomeranian Library in the Polish city of Szczecin figured out how to do away with the stereotype of “gray mice” librarians, as visitors usually think of them, and on their own staged a fashion show and an exhibition of their own photographs in modern outfits in the library building.

Most people visually perceive others, including librarians, by their appearance as well as their manner of speaking, posture, posture and gait, facial expressions, gestures, and charm. “Charm can also manifest itself in an approving smile, a twinkle in the eyes, humor, soft gestures, and in sensitivity, and in attention, sincerity ... In order to create your positive image, you need not only to be aware of the need for this, but also to love yourself , and with openness and lightness to perceive their shortcomings.

A study conducted at the Central Library Service in Orel showed that users “see or want to see in a librarian: attention, memory, sociability, clear literate speech, the ability to think logically, balance, tact, high quality work, the ability to quickly find the information you need.

As S. Ezova notes, “In American and European libraries, the reader and his opinion are respected and all kinds of comfort are created for his stay in the library.”

In conclusion, we note that just about everyone does not address the issues of the image of librarians: from politicians, artists and parodists, to library professional specialists.

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Measuring and evaluating the quality of service delivery are components of effective management. The implementation of these procedures not only allows quality control and provides a basis for analysis and adoption management decisions, but also provides feedback required for any sustainable and thriving system. In the context of reform government controlled in Russia, aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of execution public services, the problem of measuring and assessing quality is of particular relevance.

State and municipal libraries belong to budget institutions ensuring the implementation of the constitutional functions of the state to exercise the rights to search for and receive information, access to cultural property. Implementation of administrative reform, which involves the development and adoption of state standards, the transition to budget planning aimed at results, demanded that library professionals intensify the search for effective methods for measuring and evaluating the quality of library services.

Modern library and modern quality of library services

The image of the modern library

Since the mid 90s. 20th century in the library professional sphere (in practice and in theoretical developments) there is a significant interest in the problems of forming the image of the library.

The creation of a positive image, the formation of a reliable reputation among the general public becomes the basis of a modern library institution and its priority.

The image of a library can be defined as an emotionally colored image that has developed in the mass consciousness, determined by the attitude of society towards the library, its services, resources, and goods. The image of the library is constantly changing.

The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team, the management of the library, which must purposefully, systematically form an image based on the available resources.

Image library policy is long-term and predictable, aimed at shaping public opinion, creating values ​​that increase the possibility of library and information services in the eyes of the user.

The image of the library consists of external library and internal library.

The formation of the image of the library depends on the following components:

staff professionalism;

culture of communication in the library;

library design (external and internal);

workplace culture of employees;

comfort conditions for users;

quality of information resources;

documentation (its compliance with the standards of modern office work);

having your own corporate identity;

traditions and rituals.

Let us consider the most, from our point of view, important components of the library image.

The external library image is how the library is perceived by its visitors, local authorities. It consists of the quality of services, a tangible image (library building), the appearance of the staff and measures aimed at improving the image (advertising, contacts with the press, etc.).

In the modern information society, advertising is the most effective tool for informing the reader about the wealth of the fund, about the breadth of services provided, and creating a positive image. Therefore, libraries are faced with the task of mastering the process of advertising services and products of the library, creating professional and effective library advertising.

Advertising activity as an integral part of the library's marketing policy contributes to the establishment of the image, forms public opinion through the implementation of a system of activities that establish a communicative link between the institution and different categories of the population, government bodies, and authorities.

For the successful formation of a library image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions for the effective organization of the library's advertising activities: creating an image plan, starting with planning and developing advertising (advertising campaign) and ending with determining the effectiveness of the library's advertising activities. The main source for developing an advertising campaign strategy is the general program of the library's activities. Based on this, the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign are formed.

The further process of its creation and action depends on how clearly and clearly the purpose of advertising is defined. Determining the goals of promotional activities depends on a number of factors: the library's marketing goals, the object of advertising, etc. The library needs to determine the object of advertising. It can be: library service as a whole, the service system of the centralized library system; a specific library, its services, resources and how to obtain them; separate structural subdivisions of the library, ways of orientation in them, their services; individual services, library products and the possibilities of their use; library staff, profession in general.

Participation in professional associations, participation in the work of professional library congresses, conferences contribute to the improvement of the image of the library, its prestige and authority.

In the development of public relations, a significant role is played by special publications that reflect the life of the library, its problems and renewal processes, and publish reports on the library's activities. In addition, the issues of library science and practice are widely reflected in numerous periodicals: the journals "Library", "Library Science", "Scientific and Technical Libraries", "New Library", "Library Business".

In the digital age, libraries cannot stand aside from the benefits of a website. Today, advertising on the Internet is already a fairly common type of advertising, the number of network users is constantly growing. Libraries post information about the library, services, electronic catalogs on their websites, provide an opportunity to order books by e-mail. The way you evaluate the results of an online advertising campaign depends on its goals. This may be an increase in the number of users, an expansion of the service sector, and an increase in site traffic. The Internet, as an information environment, provides an opportunity not only to obtain the necessary information, but also to provide information about yourself to the Russian and world community.

The creation of a website is the promotion of information to higher functional levels, participation in the formation of a positive image of the library, drawing attention to the existing intellectual products and services, ensuring the influx of new interested users into the library.

The design and style of the site, the ratio of font sizes and body text, as well as the number of graphics, a competent way of presenting material - these are the components in ensuring user convenience in working with the site, creating a favorable impression of the library and people working in it. Updating the site is a necessary component of promoting the image of the library.

The internal library image is determined by the norms and values ​​(the mission of the library), the organization of internal communications, the history of the library, the socio-psychological microclimate of the team. The most rational approach is to consider the internal library image through three concepts: management, socio-psychological climate and organizational culture.

In relation to the internal library image, the following qualities of a leader are of greatest importance: reasonable perseverance, determination, energy, sincerity, high self-discipline, and the ability to support subordinates. In the absence of an ideal leadership style, the most convincing assumption seems to be that the best leader is the one who is responsible for everything that is included in his job responsibilities.

The reader's image is an important component of the library's image. It includes the reader's orientation, interests and needs in reading, preparedness for the process of working in the library (availability of the necessary writing materials), the appearance of the reader. Compliance with the rules of behavior in the library also characterizes the level of a positive image of the reader.

On the other hand, the librarian acts as a teacher in relation to readers, applying in practice methods of influencing them in the process of individual conversations, recommending books. This achieves the image impact of the librarian on readers, which, in turn, requires the librarian to improve his professional skills in order to meet the needs of all categories of library visitors.