I'm nervous about what to do before the interview. How to calm down before an interview (formal receptions). Everything that is consumed by the body

Hello dear friend!

The cause for excitement at the interview can arise unexpectedly.

How not to worry in an interview? This way of posing the question is not entirely correct. We already talked about this in the article How not to worry before an interview? Excitement during a responsible conversation is a completely normal phenomenon. Problems arise when it grows into a strong one.

The interview usually takes place in several stages. And at some stage you may encounter uncomfortable, tricky or even simple stupid questions. Sometimes with psychological pressure techniques, "knockout" techniques.

Some people specifically use them to unbalance, unsettle. Such "knockout" techniques allow you to knock off a prepared conversation scheme. Someone does this because of their character, the desire to what is called "bend over" the interlocutor.

Sometimes a recruiter or manager thinks that this can test your resistance to stress.

Example from practice:

"We know everything about you!"

Most candidates respond immediately: "What exactly?». “Well, now, if you wish, you can find any information” the interlocutor answers. According to my estimates, about 3 out of 5 candidates become noticeably nervous. Everyone has some roughness in the biography. Not a trace of the former confidence remained.

Another example:

“You tell me the main thing! What is the point of the question?!” All attempts by the candidate to explain something are met with resistance.: “You are essentially speaking! In three words, explain what the highlight is. Oh, you talk about achievements, but you are not able to explain the essence.

That's some pretty tough pressure.

You won’t believe how many notorious people hide under the mask of “cool” and confident.

Someone falls into a stupor, someone begins to feverishly say something or make excuses. Someone is showing aggression. In this state, many people's brain turns off. The consequences of such a state are usually not the best. Test failed.

I have identified several effective techniques that will help reduce the degree of excitement and prevent it from growing uncontrollably.


You can prepare for such questions, about the “fog game” counteraction technique a little lower,in the meantime, the advice is this: Learn to pause. Smile, just say that the question is unexpected, now I'll figure it out.

In a few seconds, self-control will surely return to you and you will find something to answer. It is no coincidence that they say “grandmaster” pause. And no one will call you a brake. A well-timed pause speaks of your emotional maturity. and help you bounce back from an unexpected twist.

And then to the statement “We know everything about you” you will not blurt out with a machine gun with round eyes “What exactly?” and calmly say: “Very well, a competent leader will find a way to find the necessary information”. And continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.

This is a simplified demonstration of one of the techniques for countering pressure - fogging.

In fairness, I will say that psycho-suppression techniques are used relatively infrequently.

2. Technique "Game in the fog"

A way to respond to a collision that deprives support. The technique may seem somewhat strange, frivolous to you, but it leads to good results, and this is the main thing.

“You are a bad person!”

“Some people are really not very good.” You agreed. But not with what the interlocutor said, but with the part of the statement that is true.

"You're twisting the context."

“Sometimes the context really juggles.” Everything that the aggressor tells you seems to dissolve in a fog, you agree. He was counting on a response, but no, and he throws this useless business.

A kind of psychological aikido.

Each person has a certain shell-sphere. When communicating, the spheres are in contact, and if I remain neutral at the border of contact, you have no reason to be aggressive. If I get on your side, it starts to annoy you, and then word for word ...

The fogging technique allows you to respond in a way that is neutral but still has an opinion. And to answer in such a way that it is easier to agree with you than to enter into a confrontation.

Let's go back to the question " We know everything about you!” Following the technique of fogging, you can answer like this: “I am no longer a boy, I have a fairly extensive professional and life experience. And what you know is great. It will be easier for me to talk about myself.”

What do you agree with?

With part of the offer. Only someone like you can get out of the house in this weather! - The weather is really rubbish ... You agreed.

Now consider how to be in a situation,

When emotions start to run high

This happens often.When emotions are whipping over the edge, the brain cannot “think”, reflexes come to the fore. Higher brain functions are shut down.

You read “slow down”, fall into a stupor. Or vice versa, in a state of aggression.

You forget important points, the mind seems to be clouded.

It is important to recognize the approaching threshold of loss of control in time and take emergency measures.

3.Technique "Climb"

This is an express method that can be applied right during the interview. Take a look at the picture:

You are a boat, and the situation of nervous tension that has arisen is a whirlpool. You are rushing straight into the whirlpool. Your task (boats) is to overcome the whirlpool and continue on your way to the right direction. A whirlpool can easily suck the boat in or throw it in a direction we don't need.

You can try to turn on the motor at full speed and overcome the whirlpool head-on. But far from the fact that it will turn out. Or maybe use a smarter way?

Imagine that the boat has an air cushion and can rise above the funnel. Then it will not be difficult for him to choose the right direction.

Being above the situation, it is much easier for you to make a decision. So, to quickly calm down, mentally switch to the mode air cushion and you will easily overcome the whirlpool.

  1. Mentally command: "Stop the car!".You recognize the situation and inhibit the buildup of emotions.
  2. Command "Switch to neutral!". Take a quick inhale and a longer exhale. It may only take a few seconds. Repeat the breathing cycle as many times as possible. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.
  3. Command "Get high!". Feel above the situation. Take a bird's eye view of the situation.

Your excitement is just a momentary weakness and nothing more. Here you play by the rules that you are offered. Your interlocutors are also players. But, sometimes too zealously impose their own rules. But you don't care. Everything will pass, and this will pass.

Use this method as emergency measure helps a lot.

It is important to choose the right moment, because the exercise takes some time. But not as much as it might seem - literally 5-6 seconds.

4. "Bell of awareness"

Set your cell phone to ring for a specific time within the interview (or other negotiation) period. The signal should be short and quiet, since it is not customary to listen to the waxwings of mobile phones during the interview.

When there is a signal, think for a moment about whether your psychological problem. If so, mentally fix it and turn on the “stop machine”.

5.Technique "Thank you mom"

I explained this exercise in detail in the article How not to worry before an interview. I can only add that, having chosen the right moment, it is quite appropriate to apply it at the meeting itself.

On this, let me bow.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Job interviews are always stressful. The main thing is to be able to cope with nervous trembling and tune in to the positive, but how to do it?

There are many ways to calm down. If this is not your first interview, try to recreate your past interviews, remind yourself of your successes, and look at the upcoming meeting from the perspective of the future. Your task is to reduce the importance of the interview: this is just a passing stage in your life, and nothing particularly terrible can happen here.

Take on a quick wits task to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts and help you concentrate. Or clench your fist and slowly, slowly - about five minutes - unclench it. Sometimes it is useful to write abstracts about what you would like to tell a future employer about yourself. This will provide an opportunity not only to put your nerves in order, but also to prepare for the interview. Just don't overdo it: it should be short information without insignificant details. It’s not worth memorizing answers to possible questions and having ready-made formulations in reserve: firstly, no one knows what the interviewer will ask you for sure, and secondly, forgetting a phrase, you can simply fall into a stupor and yourself harm.

A well-known relaxation technique is meditation and proper breathing: inhale deeply and exhale at the expense, try to distract yourself from heavy thoughts and think about something pleasant. For example, remind yourself of those moments in your life when you succeeded, you were at your best, and the people around you admired and supported you. You must convince yourself that you will succeed and that you are not afraid of anything. If time permits, listen to your favorite music.

If you have a panic attack right at the interview, try to control your emotions and master the situation. To reduce its importance, you can look at your interlocutor from an unusual, even ironic, point of view. One public speaking teacher advised in this case to imagine the interviewer without clothes or inside the zoo cage, while you yourself are outside.

If you feel like you're starting to panic, take a short pause: it's okay to pause the conversation for a few seconds and take a deep breath. Try to take control of the situation in your own hands, show petty acting hooliganism: for example, speak in a slower or lower voice than usual. After all, fear attacks are caused by a loss of control, but if you take power even in such insignificant things, it will seem to you that the amount of control has increased and you are again ready to communicate on an equal footing.

I have heard that in an interview it can be useful to use the mirroring method - repeating the pose or some phrases of the interlocutor. This method is needed rather in order to establish contact with the interviewer. I myself have not used it, but perhaps this method will be effective. The main thing, in my opinion, is not to see the enemy in your interlocutor. Try to convince yourself that no one here wishes you harm, but on the contrary, wants to help you get a job.

Everything is important in an interview: from a well-thought-out resume to knowing the right answers to all questions. But it happens that the applicant has everything for success, except for one thing - the ability to calm down before the interview and present himself with the best side. And the more important this particular interview is for you, the more you worry. To overcome fear, all means are good if they work and do not contradict the Criminal Code. We offer you nine simple options.

Medications. A tablet of valerian or 10 drops of corvalol will do the trick. Moreover, valerian, motherwort or novopassit is preferable, otherwise you will spread a pharmacy smell around you, which is absolutely superfluous in this situation. Do you think that one tablet of valerian is not enough to get the result? Stop counting like that. Nobody canceled the placebo effect.

Aromatherapy. Essential oils able to change mood and mood. The most versatile fragrances, the inhalation of which brings the spirit into an elevated and balanced state: grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, cedar, tea tree, bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender. However, care must be taken as dosage can be misleading and paradoxical individual reactions are possible. So, it is better to experiment in advance.

Breath. There are various breathing techniques that allow you to focus and tune in. Begin to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply, focusing on all the variety of sensations that give you inhalation and exhalation. You can try yoga breathing: take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale the air through your mouth with sharp jerks. One exhalation is divided into four or five portions. Ten to fifteen breaths are enough. Only for the implementation of such a technique is it recommended to retire.

Good song . On the one hand, this is a special case of breathing technique. On the other hand, the peppy "March of Enthusiasts" or the restrained melody of "Dark Night" will distract you. Of course, do not sing out loud - you are not in your soul. Let the words ring inside your head.

"I see" . You are waiting for the time when you will finally be called and completely exhausted. Try to focus on what you see or hear and begin silently naming what you see or hear, beginning each phrase with "I see." For example: "I see a green wall, I see a picture on the wall, I see a black frame for this picture." And do the same with "I hear": "I hear the voice of my neighbor, I hear the rustling of the newspaper."

Imagine naked. Such a method for setting the mood for a presentation (and an interview - in a sense, is a special case of self-presentation) was proposed by psychologist Ron Hoff. If the very sight of the interlocutor inspires you with horror, develop your imagination - mentally take off his clothes. A naked person is defenseless and a little ridiculous. And not dangerous at all. However, your fantasies should be kept in check and not allowed to develop in an erotic direction.

Ritual. Here, everyone has their own. Eat three fried eggs for breakfast, kick the battery with your foot, enter the conference room with your right foot... The astronauts watch the "White Sun of the Desert" before the launch - a wonderful ritual that has proven its effectiveness.

Reality Transurfing. Fashionable theory, described in detail in the books of Vadim Zeland. Within the framework of the picture of the world he offers, people can shape their future in the desired way and, as it were, attract it to themselves. Imagine that the interview is over, everything went great, congratulate yourself on your success. True, it's easier said than done. But knowledgeable people they say that they do this trick with invariable success.

Affirmation. Effective way convince yourself of something and tune in to the positive. These strange texts are created according to the laws of NLP and, as it were, are programmed for success. You need to pronounce them regularly in order to be imbued with every word. It is better to make an affirmation on your own, but it is not forbidden to use the achievements of experienced affirmatologists. Example: “I quickly and efficiently solve the tasks before me. I independently determine the direction of my life. Every moment gives me an opportunity for self-realization.”

What Not to Do

1. Glass "for courage." Front hundred grams are good before the attack, and not at the moment when you need to demonstrate your best qualities.
2. Psychotropic drugs. Most of them soothe to the point of complete apathy.

Based on materials by Katerina Smirnova

According to the results of many studies conducted in the US and Europe, the fear of public speaking is included in the "top 10" of the main human phobias, along with the fear of death, fear of heights, etc. Sometimes it even takes first place in such "hit parades" . When interviewing, this can become a serious problem.

So, you have decided to start looking for a job, and there are many tests ahead of you. The main one is fear or uncertainty before the upcoming interview with the employer. Remember how you passed exams at school or college, and what a nightmare it seemed to you.

Fear of an interview is a fear of the unknown, of future changes in life. This state can be compared to what a child feels when he has to go to the world without a mother, and he does not know what awaits him there. But you are an adult and can take care of yourself.

The impression you make on an HR manager matters a lot, and doing the right job in an interview can easily outweigh some gaps in your knowledge. Therefore, your main task is not to interfere with the excitement of showing the employer what a great employee you are and what a good service you can serve the company.

Of course, everything will depend on the position for which you are applying. If it involves constant contact with new people, then insecure behavior in the interview will do you a disservice. But if you are going to do analytical and technical work, then there is less demand from you.

Do's and Don'ts

There are several effective ways relieve anxiety before the interview.
Try to look like a confident person. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head.
Remove from your vocabulary the expressions “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “I’ll try.” Change them to the phrases “of course”, “I am sure”, “I can”, “I am ready”.
Speak in your own name: “I want”, “I feel”, “I think”, “I do not agree”.
You can put 1 Glycine tablet under your tongue or drink a small dose of Novopassit. It is better not to take valerian because of its persistent specific smell, which the HR manager will definitely feel.
Some time before the interview, do a little exercise, take a brisk walk or jog in the park.
Warm up your hands - gymnastics of the hands reduces fear and stimulates speech activity.
Give up on the day of the interview from coffee, strong tea and chocolate, a lot of sweets. Instead of sweets, eat sweet fruits, especially if you are in a gloomy mood - fast carbohydrates will come in handy.
There is a well-known psychological formula that says: "We rejoice because we laugh, and we are upset because we cry, and not vice versa." Try to go “from the opposite side”: in order to cope with emotions, you need to breathe deeply, slowly, concentrating on inhaling and not holding the exhalation, not “hiding”.
Try to change the psychological attitude towards interviews and form a new one - "I'm a researcher." Tell yourself that you should stop torturing yourself and try to have fun, for example, by finding elements of the game during the interview.
Use the "reflection" technique. Listen to the pace of the person's speech - let yours be the same. Hold your hands the way he does. Act "in unison" with the interviewer - this is very good remedy to establish contact.
You may not be the hero of the Battle of Psychics program and you don’t know how to read other people’s thoughts, but you can guess what they will ask you at the interview. Do not be afraid to ask questions related to the amount of pay, schedule, workplace, vacation, insurance, white and black forms of payment, etc., that is, to defend your interests. Make a list of questions you might be asked ahead of time, and don't be afraid to voice your own.

Spoon of honey in a barrel of tar

There is even a benefit to the fear that you may experience during an interview: since a little excitement will keep you on your toes, you will be more responsive to questions from an HR manager.

Do not forget that the employer is also a person. He is not at all trying to expose you as a deceiver and a liar, his job is to find the right person for vacant position. You don't need to be a "superman" to be hired by the company, you just need to be qualified for the position.

When going to an interview, it is useful to ask yourself the question: what will actually happen if I am not hired? Perhaps, by answering it to yourself, you will understand that you have nothing to fear in particular. According to statistics, out of 15 interviews, only one is successful. And the faster you hit 14 rejections, the sooner you will succeed.
Good luck!

Techniques for regulating emotional stress (E. V. Sidorenko)

Reduce stress Raise the voltage
1. Emphasizing commonality with a partner (similarity of goals, interests, opinions of personality traits, etc.) 1. Emphasizing the differences between yourself and your partner
2. Emphasizing the importance of a partner's opinion in your eyes 2. Belittling the partner - a negative assessment of the partner's personality, downplaying the partner's contribution to the common cause and exaggerating one's own
3. Verbalization of the emotional state (of your own or your partner) 3. Ignoring the emotional state (of your own or your partner)
4. Showing interest in the problems of the partner 4. Demonstration of disinterest in the partner's problem
5. Giving the partner a chance to talk 5. Interrupting a partner
6. If you are wrong, admit it immediately 6. Delaying the moment of admitting you were wrong or denying it
7. Proposal of a specific way out of the current situation 7. Finding the guilty and blaming the partner
8. Turning to the facts 8. Transition to "personalities"
9. Calm confident speech rate 9. Sharp acceleration of the pace of speech
10. Maintaining the optimal distance of the angle of rotation and inclination of the body 10. Avoiding proximity and eye contact

By the way!

3 Reasons for Interview Fear:

1. This is your first interview in your life, or the experience of communicating with the employer is minimal;
2. You desperately need a job, and possible failure means almost the end of the world for you;
3. You have somewhat embellished your merits in your resume and are afraid of being exposed.

Media holding "Pronto-Moscow"

Stress during interviews is common. And not everyone in this state is able to show themselves, to reveal their potential. Worry makes many of us depressed, doubtful and insecure. What abilities and achievements are there! Therefore, going to the interview, we take a course to overcome the stressful state.

No stimulants

Give up on the day of the interview from coffee, strong tea and chocolate, a lot of sweets. Your nervous system will already work like a clockwork, and fueled by stimulants, in particular, caffeine and sugar, can cause a state close to panic. Instead of sweets, eat sweet fruits, especially if you are in a gloomy mood - fast carbohydrates will come in handy. If you smoke, wait with the first cigarette. First an interview, then a smoke break. First, nicotine stimulates nervous system, and secondly, if the interlocutor turns out to be a non-smoker, your smells can make a negative impression on him even at a subconscious level. And, of course, alcohol the night before is also taboo. Better get enough sleep - good sleep will bring the nervous system into balance.

Be brief

Try to answer the questions briefly - this will protect you from confusing and inconsistent speeches. It is unacceptable to choose words for a long time, to be silent, to mumble and explain in a flowery way. This will eventually make you nervous when you see the impatience, incomprehension or indifference of the interviewer. Do not bore with details unnecessarily and do not be harsh. Sincere interest and friendliness of the interlocutor is the best prevention of stress.

Breathe deep

Proper breathing is a great power. If you feel, or know for sure, that stress is unavoidable, find a way to retire and breathe before the interview in the following way. Inhale “from the bottom up”, that is, first filling the stomach with air, then the lower part of the chest, and then the upper one. At the same time, you need to raise your arms slightly bent at the elbows above your head. Then hold your breath for 10 seconds without lowering your arms, then exhale sharply, making the sound “ha”, at the same time tilt your torso and drop your arms down. You need to repeat several times.

True, if you have already joined the company, especially if you started talking, and it is unacceptable to perform such an action, and stress is nevertheless approaching, use a simple and sure method - breathe slowly and deeply. The slowest exhalation is especially important for stress relief.


You can calm down with the help of an account if you have some time when you do not need to be extremely attentive and collected, for example, while waiting for an interview. Sit in the waiting room and count, but not rams like in case of insomnia, but focus on the numbers themselves. You can imagine them visually - let the two be a silk ribbon, and the three be twisted from wire. The main point of this game with the imagination is to get distracted and stop thinking about the upcoming event. Then you will start the conversation in a light and relaxed state and, before you tense up again, you may be able to make a favorable impression.


When we feel that we are being treated kindly or with sympathy, we relax. In order to please the interviewer, try to "mirror" him - instinctively people react positively to their own kind. Listen to the pace of the person's speech - let yours be the same. Hold your hands the way he does. Breathe in time with the counterpart - this is a very good means of establishing contact.

Also, don't worry about stress. Take it on faith: this is the norm, and stop being afraid of him. If you forget about it, you won't have to fight it.