Presentation on the topic; "Aromatherapy in a preschool educational organization". Presentation on essential oils aromatherapy Presentation on aromatherapy

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  • Consider and study methods for obtaining essential oils;
  • Consider their application and impact on the human body.
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    • The period of acute respiratory diseases is approaching, the number of sick children at school is growing.
    • Essential oils - priceless gift nature! They allow you to improve the condition of the body, create a completely unique mood.
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    The human genotype is programmed for at least 115 years.
    For a person on Earth there is everything you need!
    Nature is a wise mother, always using the best means to achieve your goals.
    Mark Handel

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    History reference

    six thousand years BC
    in Egypt knew how to get
    from plants turpentine
    and some essential oils.
    They were used mainly for oiling, for religious purposes, and for smell - in the very least. Oils were very expensive and were the privilege of the nobility.

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    In Japan, more than 2000 years ago, not only mint oil was obtained, but menthol was also isolated from it. Essential oils were used for fragrant incense, as cosmetics and medicines, for embalming.

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    The first aromatic water
    based on alcohol and essential oils
    became the "Water of the Queen of Hungary".
    It was created in 1380
    and presented to the seventy-year-old queen
    unknown monk.
    The fact is that the queen was very ill, but after tasting the water (they also drank aromatic waters at that time), she recovered from her illness, rejuvenated and was even betrothed by the king of Poland. Considering that life expectancy in the 17th century averaged fifty years, aromatic water performed a great miracle.

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    The effect of essential oils on the body

    Essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body. However, it is necessary to remember about possible negative effects, which can manifest themselves in the form of irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, lacrimation, sneezing, coughing, dizziness, odor intolerance.

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    Essential oils and mental health

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    Almost everyone knows
    feeling of fear. Fear of the dark in children
    uncertainty, poverty
    diseases in adults - all these are phobias.
    The state of anxiety is manifested in motor disorders - excessive gestures and facial expressions.
    Fill your bedroom with your choice of lavender, neroli, or sandalwood fragrance, depending on your individual perception, and you will forget about nightmares.
    If you are afraid of an exam, a conversation, a trip, or have suffered a nervous shock, apply two to three drops of basil, lavender, frankincense, juniper, peppermint oil on a handkerchief.

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    Anxiety about any
    events or severe stress
    may lead to a state
    irritability, when trifles are perceived as major incidents, and the ability to control irritation, anger and other negative emotions is lost. To relieve the state of increased irritability, you can use the following essential oils: anise, cypress, lavender, lemon balm, nutmeg, rose, chamomile, sandalwood.

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    Impact on the nervous system

    The effect of essential oils on nervous system no doubt, because inhaling pleasant aromas causes a feeling of relaxation, pleasure, and sometimes even euphoria.
    Indications - neurosis, insomnia, fatigue
    Contraindications - exacerbation chronic diseases respiratory organs, kidneys, acute infectious diseases, individual intolerance.

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    Impact on the digestive system

    Ancient Egyptian papyri contain recipes that require the use of anise, mustard seed, coriander, thyme, cumin, saffron, and dill in cooking.
    Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Pliny in their writings brought to us the recipes for the use of aromatic plants in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

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    Spices taken with food help to improve appetite and improve mood. In different regions of the planet, depending on the climate, there is a set of aromatic plants.
    Hippocrates said, "Our food is our medicine."

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    All spicy aromatic plants are sources of essential oils. Among the spices used in food, anise, basil, star anise, vanilla, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, juniper, nutmeg, clary sage, parsley, dill should be mentioned.

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    Methods for obtaining essential oils

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    Enfleurage when heated

    The technology is:
    the petals are immersed in a container with animal fats or vegetable oils, kept for a certain time in a water bath or in the sun, then filtered. The resulting thick lipstick is washed several times in alcohol until the fat is completely eliminated.

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    Enfleurage without heating

    The petals are laid out on the surface of the fat distributed on a glass plate in a wooden frame, 40 - 60 cm high. The flowers, still alive, remain there for a certain time, and then change to a fresh batch until the fat is most saturated with aroma. After the fat is washed with alcohol, separated from the raw materials and evaporated to obtain the so-called "absolute" lipstick.

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    Cool spin

    It is used for raw materials that perfumers refer to as citrus fruits. Oils are obtained from the fruit peel by pressing.

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    The use of essential oils

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    Massage is relaxing
    and nutritional treatment
    because it is associated not only with contact,
    based on touch, but also
    with effective penetration of oils through the skin. It is also useful to massage those places that cause a feeling of discomfort. For example, peppermint (diluted) can be rubbed clockwise into the stomach area to aid digestion.

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    Skin oils and lotions

    Good for dry and mature skin
    rose and neroli oils are suitable;
    geranium, bergamot and lemon
    good for oily skin.
    A few drops of the oil can be mixed into a cream or lotion, or added to the base of a face mask, which may consist of oatmeal, honey, or clay with the addition of a crushed mass of various fruits.

    slide 23

    Cold and hot compresses

    Hot compresses
    especially useful when
    back pain, rheumatism and arthritis,
    abscesses, earaches and toothaches.
    Cold compresses are also prepared, only very cold water is used instead of hot water. This type of compress is useful for headaches, sprains and tendons and other local swelling caused by inflammation.

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    Thus, I conducted an extensive literature review on the topic “Essential oils. Aromatherapy.
    We got acquainted with different ways of obtaining essential oils, the effect on the nervous system, digestion.
    Learn how aromatherapy is used in medicine.

    View all slides

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    GAPOU JO "VOLSK MEDICAL COLLEGE IM. Z.I MARESEVOY" Presentation on the topic: "Aromatherapy and stress" Performed by students gr.622 Shilova Marina, Kurenkova Victoria. Head Petrova S.V.

    a field of knowledge about the methods and forms of exposure to the body of volatile aromatic substances obtained mainly from different parts of plants using various physical and physico-chemical methods Aromatherapy

    It is believed that the birth of aromatherapy, as a direction of medicine in the twentieth century, was helped by chance. While working in the laboratory, the French perfumer and chemist Gattefosse burned himself badly and dipped his burned hand into the essential oil of lavender standing right there. The wound healed quickly. This fact forced the chemist to take a closer look at essential oils. In fact, this is nothing more than a beautiful myth. The history of the emergence of aromatherapy

    In ancient Babylon, aromatic oils were specially added to Construction Materials from which temples were erected. For 600 years dl. Babylonian merchants supplied incense in flasks, alabaster and porcelain jars to the Roman and Greek markets

    Chinese healers believed that essential oils contained the magical powers and souls of plants. Most often, the ancient Chinese used essential oils in combination with acupuncture and massage. In Russia, aromatic oils were made in the royal pharmacy, their recipes were kept secret.

    The main tools of aromatherapy are essential oils.

    According to experts, during an aromatherapy session, the effect of odors occurs on several levels at once: aromatic oils act on the body and brain not only through the sense of smell, but also through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Aromatherapy, as a method of treatment, restoration of the body, is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

    It is very important in aromatherapy to choose the right essential oils. All oils have certain properties, and they are selected strictly individually. However, they also have common properties: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial. Essential oils

    What methods of aromatherapy and the use of essential oils are widespread in our time?

    Aromatherapy offers you: - aromatic massages - compresses with aromatic oils - aromatic baths - inhalations with essential oils

    Useful properties of some essential oils Juniper Juniper is used as a diuretic, cleanser, helps cleanse the blood of toxins and uric acid, normalizes water-salt metabolism and strengthens the nervous system. As a psychosomatic action, juniper normalizes mental activity, removes the feeling of fear, increases self-confidence. In cosmetology, juniper is used to treat seborrhea and acne, swelling of the lower extremities, eczema, and dermatitis.

    Lavender Lavender is an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, draining agent. As a psychosomatic action, lavender normalizes mental activity, relieves suspiciousness, and facilitates decision-making. In cosmetology, it has a cleansing draining effect on the body, is used to increase skin firmness and elasticity, improves skin color after sunburn. It is added to cosmetics, massage oils and aroma lamps.

    Lemon Lemon has a draining effect, lowers blood pressure, activates water-salt metabolism, and normalizes the tone of blood vessels. In addition, lemon enhances mental activity, increases the concentration of mental resources. In cosmetology, lemon relieves swelling in the treatment of cellulite, helps to relieve congestion, to treat brittle nails. Baths are made with this oil, it is added to cosmetics.

    Therapeutic effects of essential oils - Mental (psychotherapeutic effects) - Antiseptic (antiviral, antimicrobial, - mycostatic and other effects) - Vegetative (vasodilating, hypotensive, etc.) - Metabolic (including antioxidant or prooxidant, narcotic, immunostimulating effects and etc.)

    Essential oils when used in household aromatherapy (at the level of smell) have practically no contraindications - with the exception of individual psychological immunity. Contraindications

    Now, in the age of stress, aromatherapy provides an invaluable service for their removal by natural means. It brings psycho-emotional comfort and peace of mind. Normalizes sleep, relieves irritation. Or, on the contrary, invigorates, tones. stress in old age

    One feature of the manifestation and impact of stress is that it occurs more often in women than in men, but women cope with it more easily and adapt more quickly to its effects.

    Experts believe that the secret of such endurance of the “weaker sex” is that women cry more often and thus discharge negative emotions through tears, tantrums, etc.

    Stress is as contagious as the flu. If one of the family members has stress, then he can pass it on to the whole family.

    A joke, humor is one of the most powerful stress relievers. People who lack a sense of humor suffer from stress much more often and more than those who are always ready to laugh at themselves, their troubles, ailments, wrinkles.

    Old people should avoid dark people, dark movies, dark novels. To maintain health and vigor, comedies, anecdotes, comedians and cheerful interlocutors are much more useful.

    The increase in life span is associated with its quality: interest in life, efficiency, preservation of all the feelings that are inherent in a person, with his dignity, feelings and joys. Aromas of flowers, forests, meadows in a "test tube" can to a certain extent solve this delicate problem of an elderly person.


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    Aromatherapy and stress

    Essential oils - you can not only spray in the room, but also use for massage

    Essential oils - you can inhale their scent from a bottle.

    An aroma lamp is a small porcelain vessel, there is a candle in the lower part, water and a few drops of oil are poured in the upper part, from heating the smell of oil quickly spreads throughout the room.

    Exists great amount oils or their mixtures, which are used to relieve stress.

    Ylang-ylang has a strong antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antiseptic, general tonic effect. Normalizes blood pressure.

    Spruce emits phytoncides with antimicrobial properties, so it makes the air in the house healthier.

    Today, more than 2,000 essential oils are used to treat and prevent many ailments.

    This is the effect of aromatic substances dissolved in fresh water on the human body.

    The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The water temperature should be 37-40 gr., for better dissolution of the oil, you can add sea or table salt.

    An excellent method of aromatherapists: a couple of essential oils enter the open pores quickly enough, and the high temperature of the baths speeds up the process.

    The essential oil added to the massage has direct contact with the skin, instantly penetrates the body and irritates many receptors.

    One by one, stress becomes chronic, the body's defenses weaken and cannot actively resist harmful factors. environment. Natural oils will help relieve stress by acting on certain brain centers. Creating a feeling of relaxation and peace in a person. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils are suitable.

    Recommended drugs for the treatment of stress conditions and insomnia. Some drugs also cause acute symptoms. An effective pain therapy, aromatic essential oils work wonders on your body, without any side effects.

    Physical stress. Physical stress is caused by overexertion of the body, physically.

    Environmental stress Caused by loud noise, bright lights, drive through heavy traffic, constant trouble, environmental pollution.

    chemical stress. Drug abuse or overuse of oral medications can lead to chemical exposure due to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

    Mental stress is associated with depressive thoughts, the grace of painful emotional problems for a long time and very low self-esteem.


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    Vitamins Low molecular weight organic compounds of various chemical nature, necessary for the implementation of the most important processes occurring in a living organism.

    Vitamins are organic substances that enter human and animal organisms with food or are synthesized by them, necessary for normal metabolism. Vitamins were discovered by N. I. Lunin in 1880. The first to isolate the vitamin in crystalline form was the Polish scientist Casimir Funk in 1911. A year later, he also came up with the name - from the Latin "vita" - "life". About 50 types of vitamins are now known. In the body, they, as a rule, are not deposited, and their excess is excreted by the excretory organs. Most vitamins are found in plant foods, but some are found only in animal products. With a lack of vitamins in food, diseases develop in the body - hypoavitaminosis.

    Alas, many older people experience significant hypovitaminosis. The reason is not only in the meager and unbalanced diet of their diet, but also in the natural wear and tear of the body's enzyme systems, due to which the absorption of useful components from food worsens. Vitamin deficiency is also aggravated due to diseases (primarily diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys), as well as drugs (especially antibiotics), diets, surgical interventions and, of course, stress and poor ecology.

    VITAMIN A RETINOL Essential for normal growth and development of epithelial tissue. Included in the visual pigment rhodopsin. With a deficiency - the disease night blindness (impaired twilight vision). Contained: in milk, fish, eggs, butter, carrots, parsley, apricots.

    VITAMIN B 1 Participates in metabolism, regulates blood circulation and hematopoiesis, the work of smooth muscles, activates the brain. With a deficiency, Beriberi disease (damage to the nervous system, stunting, weakness and paralysis of the limbs). Contained: in nuts, oranges, wholemeal bread, poultry meat, greens. thiamine

    VITAMIN B 2 riboflavin Regulates metabolism, participates in hematopoiesis, reduces eye fatigue, facilitates the absorption of oxygen by cells. With a deficiency - weakness, loss of appetite, inflammation of the mucous membranes, visual impairment Contained: in meat, dairy products, green vegetables, cereals and legumes.

    VITAMIN B 5 pantothenic acid Regulates the work of the adrenal glands, absorption of vitamins, synthesis of antibodies, fat metabolism Contained in: peas, yeast, hazelnuts, leafy vegetables, chickens, cereals, caviar

    VITAMIN B 6 pyridoxine Participation in the metabolism of amino acids, fats, the functioning of the nervous system, lowers cholesterol levels. With a deficiency - anemia, dermatitis, convulsions, indigestion Contained in: soy, bananas, seafood, potatoes, carrots, legumes

    VITAMIN B 9 folic acid Participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, regulates the work of hematopoietic organs Contained in: meat, root crops, dates, apricots, mushrooms, pumpkin, bran

    VITAMIN B 13 orotic acid Stimulates protein metabolism, normalizes liver function, improves reproductive health Contained in: milk and dairy products, liver, yeast

    VITAMIN B 12 cyanocobalamin Strengthens immunity, participates in hematopoiesis, normalizes blood pressure. When deficient, pernicious anemia and degenerative changes in the nervous tissue Contained in: soy, offal, cheese, oysters, yeast, eggs

    VITAMIN C ASCORBIN K-TA Helps the body fight infections, see better, stimulates cell renewal. With a deficiency - scurvy (gums swell and bleed, teeth fall out. Weakness, lethargy, fatigue, dizziness). Found in: citrus fruits, sweet peppers, berries, carrots

    VITAMIN D CALCIFEROL Responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, proper growth of bones. With a deficiency - rickets (deformation of bones, disorders of the nervous system, weakness, irritability) Produced in the skin under the influence of UV radiation, they are rich in: egg yolk, butter, fish oil, caviar

    VITAMIN E TOCOPHEROL Helps the body to stimulate cell renewal, supports the nervous system, is responsible for reproductive health Contained in: milk, wheat germ, vegetable oil, lettuce, meat, liver, butter

    Avitaminosis Types of vitamin deficiency AVITAMINOSIS HYPOVITAMINOSIS Lack of any vitamin in the body Scurvy, rickets, night blindness, pellagra, beriberi Partial vitamin deficiency Fatigue, decreased performance, increased irritability, decreased resistance to infections

    Hypervitaminosis Hypervitaminosis occurs when there is an excess intake of vitamins. It manifests itself in the form of intoxication (poisoning) of the body. Excessive doses of fat-soluble vitamins have a more toxic effect, as they accumulate in the body. Hypervitaminosis is very often observed in people who are engaged in bodybuilding - bodybuilding and often use nutritional supplements and vitamins without measure.

    The content of vitamins in foods Fat-soluble vitamins Products A, mg/100g E, mg/100g D, mg/100g Beef liver 3.83 1.28 - Cream margarine 0.42 20 - Butter 0.50 - - Chicken eggs 0, 35 - - Soybean oil - 114 - Corn oil - 93.0 - Sunflower oil - 67 - Soybeans - 17.3 - Sea buckthorn - 10.3 - Peas - 9.1 - Cream 20% 0.06 0.52 0.12 Chum salmon 0.04 16.3 Black caviar 0.18 8.0

    Daily human need for vitamins and their main functions Vitamin Daily need Functions Ascorbic acid (C) 50-100 mg Increases the body's resistance to extreme influences Thiamine (B 1) 1.4-2.4 mg Regulator of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, the activity of the nervous system Riboflavin (B 2) 1.5 - 3.0 mg Involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates Pyridoxine (B 6) 2.0 - 2.2 mg Protein absorption and nervous system health Niacin (RR) 15 - 20 mg Involved in OVR in cells. Deficiency causes pellagra Folic acid (B 9) 200 mcg Hematopoietic factor, involved in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, choline Cyanocobaltamin (B 12) 2 - 5 mcg Necessary for hematopoiesis, prevents anemia, important for body growth Biotin (H) 50 -300 mcg Participates in the reactions of acid metabolism Pantothenic acid (B 3) 5 - 10 mg Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates Choline 250-600 mcg Synthesis of biologically important compounds Retinol (A) 0.5 - 2.5 mg Improves vision, maintains mobility joints Calciferol (D) 2.5 - 10 mcg Calcium and phosphate metabolism, bone and tooth mineralization Tocopherol (E) 8 - 15 mg Active antioxidant

    However, the vitamin-mineral complex for the elderly itself must meet a number of requirements: it must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals in amounts not exceeding the recommended consumption levels for the elderly, it must be safe to use, and all constituent elements must be preserved ( Otherwise, vitamin prophylaxis will not be effective).


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    GAPOU JO "VOLSK MEDICAL COLLEGE IM. Z.I MARESEVOY” Presentation for participation in the Interregional Conference on the problems of studying gerontology and geriatrics in secondary specialized medical and pharmaceutical institutions Completed by Student 632gr. Fadeeva Natalia Head: Petrova S.V Volsk

    Age and vitamins

    The value of vitamins: Vitamins are biologically active substances, without which the normal functioning of the body is unthinkable. They contribute to the proper metabolism, increase efficiency, endurance, resistance to infections. Lack or lack of vitamins in food can lead to severe disorders of the body, which are now rare. More often you can observe a decrease in the provision of the body with various vitamins (hypovitaminosis). Hypovitaminosis are seasonal in nature, observed most often in winter and spring, and are characterized by increased fatigue, reduced ability to work, reduced resistance to various colds. Vitamins in the body are catalysts (accelerators) for the action of enzymes and hormones. Thus, B vitamins form the active center of many enzymes and coenzymes. In the absence or deficiency of certain vitamins in food, hypovitaminosis occurs.

    The age of the diet of an elderly person, which is quite sufficient to replenish his moderate energy expenditure, cannot provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, the need for which not only has not decreased, but, given their protective role under stress and the impact of environmentally unfavorable factors, has increased significantly

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It plays an important role in the regulation of redox processes, is involved in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen, the metabolism of folic acid and iron, as well as the synthesis of steroid hormones and catecholamines.

    Vitamin A (retinol) Vitamin A is involved in redox processes, regulation of protein synthesis, contributes to normal metabolism, the function of cell and subcellular membranes, plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as body fat; necessary for the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process.

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 is necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids (pyruvic and lactic), the synthesis of acetylcholine, it is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and related energy, fat, protein, water-salt metabolism, has a regulatory effect on trophism and the activity of the nervous system. systems.

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Riboflavin is essential for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, for cell respiration and growth. It facilitates the absorption of oxygen by the cells of the skin, nails and hair. Vitamin B2 intensifies metabolic processes in the body, participating in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Vitamin D (calciferols) The main function of vitamin D is to ensure the normal growth and development of bones, the prevention of rickets and osteoporosis. It regulates mineral metabolism and promotes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue and dentin, thus preventing osteomalacia (softening) of the bones.

    Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) Vitamin E improves blood circulation, is necessary for tissue regeneration, is useful in premenstrual syndrome and the treatment of fibrotic breast disease. It ensures normal blood clotting and healing; reduces the possibility of scarring from certain wounds; lowers blood pressure; contributes to the prevention of cataracts; improves athletic performance; relieves leg cramps; supports the health of nerves and muscles; strengthening the walls of capillaries; prevents anemia.

    Vitamin P (bioflavonoids, including citrus fruits) Rutin, hesperidin, quercetin as part of vitamin P have a capillary-strengthening property: they normalize and maintain the structure, elasticity, function and permeability of blood vessels, prevent their sclerotic lesions, promote vasodilation and maintain normal blood pressure; relieve swelling, improve blood circulation, preventing the development of varicose veins.

    Loss is the deprivation or lack of something that a person had and appreciated. Grief is the emotional suffering caused by loss.

    David Peretz considers 4 main categories of loss: the loss of a significant loved or valued person; loss of a part of oneself; loss of external objects; development loss.

    The state of grief and loss is not an official medical diagnosis, however, if it lasts more than one year, then a complicated variant of the loss reaction may develop. It is characterized by the fact that the grief reaction intensifies, affecting all areas of the sufferer's life: close relationships, violates beliefs and, most often, leads to a bitter experience of loss of meaning and a constant desire for a deceased loved one.

    People who lose loved ones unexpectedly to violent causes are at higher risk of developing major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or complicated grief. Major depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by persistent depression and/or irritability that lasts for two consecutive weeks and is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as: sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, weight changes, impaired concentration.

    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, has developed a model for understanding grief, which is described in her book On Death and Dying. She identified five stages of grief: denial, anger, deal, depression, acceptance.

    1. Denial and shock. The person denies the inevitability of this loss.

    2. Anger and irritation. A person is tormented by questions about why exactly he had this loss, and experiences resentment and indignation.

    3 . Bargain. Man tries to delay the inevitable by resorting to magical thinking.

    4. Depression and incipient acceptance. A period of helplessness, after which the person realizes that the loss is indeed inevitable.

    5 . Adoption. It marks a turning point on the way to developing a more positive attitude towards loss. Death is seen as the completion of obligations to life.

    Diagnosis is done by a specialist to assess what symptoms a person is suffering from, then consider whether they are suffering from normal grief, complicated grief, or any other problems. The practitioner may also attempt to determine which stages of grief the patient is experiencing and which stage predominantly determines how he or she feels at the time of the assessment.

    One approach to grief treatment is the dual process model, which views the mourning process as a dynamic struggle between the pain of the death of a loved one (loss orientation) and recovery (recovery orientation). This treatment model recommends that bereaved individuals alternate direct work over loss (confrontation) and interruption (avoidance) of this process when needed.

    Pain is an unpleasant sensation and emotional experience that is associated with actual or potential damage to body tissues. Distinguish between: Superficial pain Deep pain Pain internal organs Neuralgia Radiating pain Phantom pain Psychological pain

    It is possible to exacerbate pain with insomnia, fatigue, fear, sadness, social abandonment. Pain tolerance increases good mood, relaxation, creativity, and empathy for others.

    In our unstable time, when we get so used to stressful situations that we don’t even pay attention to the state of our nerves, we need to balance negative emotions at the initial stage more than ever, so that after a while the anxiety and nervousness do not turn into depressive states. Aromatherapy offers excellent remedies for these problems. She uses soothing and invigorating essential oils that offer a compelling alternative to antidepressants and other chemical treatments. These oils can relieve nervous tension and stimulate the brain at the same time, helping to restore inner balance and self-control. Therefore, with constant psychological stress and nervous fatigue, it is recommended to use soothing and invigorating essential oils (basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, sandalwood). These oils can be used alone or in combination with other essential oils. What are essential oils? Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, fragrant substances, they used to be called incense. Essential oils are not produced equally in all plants, this is most pronounced in essential oil plants, which grow in abundance in the Holy Land. The amount of essential oils in plants varies widely - from thousandths of a percent to 25%. The accumulation of essential oils is influenced by: climate, light, soil, age, type of fertilizer, development phase, etc. Essential oils accumulate in plants in various places: leaves, flowers, fruits, roots... Smells are the most powerful signals, catching which the brain gives us access to the very bowels of our memory. Other experiences and states only they, smells, can fish out from these depths. More than the other four of our five senses. Sounds romantic, but it's pure scientific fact. The use of essential oils as fragrances has a long history. The name of this group of substances was given in the 18th century, when their chemical composition nothing was known yet. In our unstable time, when we get so used to stressful situations that we don’t even pay attention to the state of our nerves, we need to balance negative emotions at the initial stage more than ever, so that after a while the anxiety and nervousness do not turn into depressive states. Aromatherapy offers excellent remedies for these problems. She uses soothing and invigorating essential oils that offer a compelling alternative to antidepressants and other chemical treatments. These oils can relieve nervous tension and stimulate the brain at the same time, helping to restore inner balance and self-control. Therefore, with constant psychological stress and nervous fatigue, it is recommended to use soothing and invigorating essential oils (basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, sandalwood). These oils can be used alone or in combination with other essential oils. What are essential oils? Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, fragrant substances, they used to be called incense. Essential oils are not produced equally in all plants, this is most pronounced in essential oil plants, which grow in abundance in the Holy Land. The amount of essential oils in plants varies widely - from thousandths of a percent to 25%. The accumulation of essential oils is influenced by: climate, light, soil, age, type of fertilizer, development phase, etc. Essential oils accumulate in plants in various places: leaves, flowers, fruits, roots... Smells are the most powerful signals, catching which the brain gives us access to the very bowels of our memory. Other experiences and states only they, smells, can fish out from these depths. More than the other four of our five senses. Sounds romantic, but it's pure scientific fact. The use of essential oils as fragrances has a long history. The name of this group of substances was given in the 18th century, when nothing was known about their chemical composition.

    Essential oils are the quintessence of the healing effects of plants, possessing the energy of four elements: earth, water, fire and air, and this energy is transformed by plants and obeys their main goal - to live. Essential oils - for human health

    Aroma substances come into contact with the entire surface of the body. Due to their high penetrating ability, they are quickly absorbed by the skin, entering the lymphatic network. Essential oils also have a powerful effect on the lungs, intestines, kidneys, central and peripheral nervous system. Baths

    One of the most active methods of influencing the body. Provides rapid penetration of aromatic substances into the lymph and blood, which gives the effect of a comprehensive effect on the body. In addition to a positive effect on the respiratory, circulatory, central nervous system, there is a healing of the liver, intestines and internal glands. secretions. Massage

    Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) Cajuput (Melaleuca leucadendron) Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Sage (Salvia sclarea) Oils that should not be used in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy

    Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Muscat (Myristica fragrans) Muscat (Myristica fragrans) Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) Marsh mint (Mentha pulegium) Marsh mint (Mentha pulegium) Angelica officinalis (Archangeliс officinalis) Angelica officinalis (Archellico officinalis) Curly parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Curly parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Oils that should not be used throughout pregnancy

    Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) Cumin (Carum carvi) Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Mountain Savory (Satureia montana) Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) Juniperus communis

    Children perceive the effect of aromatherapy without prejudice, so their reaction to essential oils is always positive. Due to the fact that the child's body is in a state of development, it is necessary to use aromatherapy products in minimal dosages. Aromatherapy for children

    Rules for the use of essential oils Never apply undiluted oil to the skin and mucous membranes. Never use essential oils in excess of the recommended dosage. Check if you are allergic to the essential oil you are using. Start using essential oils in the most minimal dosages, perhaps they will be sufficient for you.

    Taking baths with essential oil for the first 2 times should not exceed 3-5 minutes. Increase time gradually. Inhalations with essential oils should not be the first 2 sessions for more than 20 minutes. During pregnancy and epilepsy, the use of essential oils is possible only under medical supervision. Store essential oils tightly closed in a dark place, at a temperature not lower than 0 C and not higher than +30 C. Hide from children.

    With the help of an aroma lamp, you can improve mood, increase efficiency, defeat insomnia, increase overall tone, prevent or relieve fatigue, depression, overwork and anxiety. Aromalampe is able to establish harmonious relations between people, and give confidence to those who doubt themselves.

    A classical aroma lamp consists of an upper part – a bowl, where water and essential oil are located, and a lower part – an arch, where a candle is located. Due to the slow heating of the water, the air is filled with vapors of the essential oil. The number of drops of essential oil for an aroma burner depends on the size of the room. On average, they start from the calculation of 1-2 drops of oil per 5 m² of area. Aroma lamp device

    They are divided according to the material from which they are made: Ceramic Glass Stone Metal The principle of operation of non-electric aroma lamps is to heat a vessel with water and a few drops of essential oil with an open fire source (candle). Non-electric aroma lamps

    Phytotherapy (from the Greek phyton - “plant” and therapeia - “therapy”) is a type of treatment in which, as medicines plants are used. Phytotherapy is the use of medicinal plants for the prevention of treatment. Many of the medicinal plants are adaptogens that can increase the protective functions of the body.

    Phytotherapy can be both an independent method of treatment and an additional method to traditional medicine. Phytotherapy treatment can be used by people of any age category - from a pregnant woman and a newborn to a person old age. The only prerequisite should be full medical supervision.

    Phyto-healing is carried out 2 times a year - in autumn and spring. The duration of each course of phytohealth is 3 weeks. 1. For phytohealth, infusions of medicinal plants rich in vitamin C are used. 2. Infusions and decoctions should be consumed 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup (50-80 ml). 3. Phytohealth will be more effective if you use herbal preparations (2-3 components). Phyto-health rules