An example of opening a car service center for car maintenance: a service station business plan with ready-made calculations. The cost of renting and repairing the premises

According to statistics, today every fifth family has a car. And sooner or later it breaks down. Not everyone can find and fix a breakdown, in this case only a car service can come to the rescue.

From this we can draw the appropriate conclusion - as long as there is a vehicle, there will always be a need for automotive services.

Project Description

A car service is a service provided by one person or group of people to another (motorist) in relation to a vehicle. Any novice businessman always faces a dilemma: what kind of services to give preference to, what type of machines to prefer, how to draw up a business project correctly? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Roughly, the field of activity can be divided into five categories:

  • Motorcycle repair;
  • Car repair;
  • Repair of fixed-route taxis, minibuses;
  • Repair trucks weighing up to 30 tons;
  • Repair of agricultural machinery.

The location of the points is not accidental: the lower, the greater the cost of opening, however, the payback with a profit is corresponding.

It is also important to decide which vehicle manufacturer will be a priority - foreign or Russian. The rhetorical question of which car is better and which one breaks down faster has remained so for many years. It all depends on numerous factors, from which we can conclude: the percentage of failure in both types is approximately the same. This means that when choosing, it is necessary to proceed from the following: spare parts for a foreign car, as well as its repair, are more expensive than domestic spare parts.

Decide on the direction of activity

Auto service is a very broad concept. It includes:

  • Car wash;
  • Lubrication and filling types of work;
  • Repair of the "heart" of the car - the engine;
  • Body work, including painting;
  • Welding works;
  • Assembly and dismantling works;
  • Steering and system repair;
  • Balancing and tire fitting works;
  • Battery charging and repair and so on.

Which of these areas to choose depends on how “savvy” a person is in this area, what kind of finances he has, how he knows how to organize a business.

As experienced owners of car services advise, it is necessary to cover several types of activity to begin with or, if it is chosen, do not get hung up on one brand of vehicle - later the niche will be determined, the consumer segment will be formed.

Competitive Advantages

In order to have an advantage over competitors, you must first know all the service stations located in the area where your service is located. Visit them to draw up your action plan to improve competitiveness.

Typically, the main steps are:

  • The need to improve the quality of services provided;
  • The need to reduce the time required to complete the order;
  • The need to expand (diversify) the range of services;
  • The need to revise the pricing policy. Namely: discounts, preferential prices, promotions, maybe even some kind of barter;
  • The need to increase the warranty period for parts or labor, or both at the same time;
  • The need to improve the professionalism of staff. To a greater extent, this concerns a respectful, friendly attitude towards customers.

By the way, about the location of the car service. Initially, it is worth assessing the infrastructure of the area: permeability is one of the main conditions. Great if there is a gas station, garages, highways nearby.

If this option is not suitable, then you should choose a place, adhering to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Namely:

  • it is impossible to have a car service at a distance of less than 50 meters from water bodies and residential buildings;
  • the premises must have a centralized water supply, as well as sewerage;
  • a hole is required. Although otherwise you will have to purchase lifting equipment;
  • the area of ​​the premises depends on the number of employees, since according to the regulations for one worker it is five square meters, not counting the space for equipment.

For more information about opening such a business, you can watch the following video:


They are constants and variables. fixed costs Those are the ones that happen monthly. These include: wage employees, pay telephone connection, rent, if the premises are not owned, payment of some utilities. These costs may increase due to, for example, widespread price increases.

Variable costs are another type of expenses that increase in proportion to the amount of work or services provided: the purchase of spare parts, tools, materials, fuel, and the like.

In theory, the initial capital is important. It's believed that amount starts at $20,000. However, even if there is no such amount, options are always possible. For example, instead of a room, you can use a garage. Instead of buying some rarely used equipment, you can rent it.

Personnel and equipment

Recruitment is perhaps one of the most important moments. Of course, it is necessary to measure this with financial capacity, but at least two specialists should work at the first stage.

It is worth recruiting personnel either on the basis of the demand for services, among the first of which is body repair and tire fitting, or on the principle of employee versatility. Naturally, the first option is preferable.

Purchasing equipment is another important step. Here, as a rule, there is a choice between two options: more expensive new (imported - more expensive, domestic - cheaper) or less expensive used. Of course, the second option is preferable when a tool is required, the cost of which is extremely high.

It should be noted that depending on the brand of the car being repaired, the products differ not only in price, but also in the manufacturer.


Why do most car services that have recently started work fail? Because of bad suppliers who do not meet deadlines or supply obviously low-quality goods.

As experts advise, it is necessary to order spare parts in advance, when demand is just starting to grow - this phenomenon is called “seasonal demand”. For example, for tire fitting, the hot time is the end of autumn and the beginning of spring.

Catalogs with auto parts are posted on the websites of manufacturers or dealers. It is very comfortable. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the moment: if there are not many parts required, there will be no discount from the supplier.

Services with a wide range of services have two behaviors: either purchase of auto parts with a good stock(more costs, but less “headache”, as well as downtime), or online delivery service(costs are overstated, but there are no "mountains" of unclaimed spare parts). The first option is especially interesting when a network of establishments opens.

It is reasonable to open a car shop during the service: firstly, parts will not be stale, and secondly, there will be an additional inflow of funds.

Advertising and marketing

What is a customer acquisition plan? It includes:

  • Marketing. You can conduct a survey on what customers lack in terms of service delivery. What would they like to improve? It is worth studying competitors (that is, nearby service stations): the quality and quantity of services, price range, strengths and weaknesses.
  • USP - unique selling proposition. To compose it, it is necessary to answer the question about the target consumer - who is he? What is his income? What are your life priorities and interests? Why should he go to this car service, and not to another? Having studied the data obtained, it is possible to answer the main question of the USP: what can only I offer?
  • Advertising. Outdoor advertising should be bright, noticeable (on the building), it is additionally worth installing a stationary or remote structure (in the best place - near the roadway). Additionally, at your disposal is the Internet, newspapers, magazines, radio, television. Flyers can be distributed.
  • Stimulation. With a frequency of once a week or two (immediately after the opening of a car service and up to a year), you can distribute leaflets on which the following data must be located: address, list of services, map, contact numbers, work schedule, promotions, bonuses, discounts.

Opening an institution

As many people as possible should know about the opening of the service. To do this, you can advertise, for example, on the Internet. Why is it necessary? First, learn more about you potential clients. Secondly, a priori it is believed that until the company is promoted, the price range will please. Thirdly, during the opening it is worth holding a promotion - for example, for showing a driver's license, getting a discount on services.

As for the timing of the opening, it is important not only the preparedness of the premises with equipment and tools and the recruited personnel, but also the money for the initial payments.

The speed of opening a service station depends on the readiness of the required documents, such as:

  • License to engage in this activity. The application is submitted to the licensing company along with:
    • testimonial;
    • bank details;
    • land lease agreement;
    • charter of the future service;
    • a certificate from the fire department and SES;
    • order on responsible persons who monitor the repair of the vehicle:
    • safety order;
    • here it is worth adding a statement about professional suitability, photocopy of diploma, work book;
    • from tax office you will need a certificate, thanks to which there will be no problems with taxation in the future.
  • Certificate of conformity. It is necessary in order to have proof of the permission of the work being carried out.
  • Room lease agreement.

As for the work schedule, everything is individual here. You can work as standard: 7 days a week, schedule from 9:00 to 18:00. And you can vary, although the best option is to work until 20:00 in the evening.

Every day the number of motorists is steadily growing as in major cities as well as in small towns. Many of them are busy people who do not like to spend their free time repairing their own car, even if it is simply necessary. For this reason, many drivers are willing to pay any money for car service. So why not make money on it? How to open a car service from scratch? What business plan format should I use?

The idea of ​​opening a service station is very relevant and promising, if it is carried out correctly. To do this, it is best to use a car service business plan with calculations, which we will consider today.

Service sector

On the this moment the vehicle fleet in Russia has tripled, which has led to an expansion of the structure of the car service market. At the moment it includes:

    Private repair services. There are now a huge number of such individual masters; their services are the cheapest, but not always the highest quality.

    Single car service. One of the most popular segments of the market, advertising itself due to the ideal combination of "price-quality".

    Specialized car services. They work with a specific brand of car, which greatly reduces the number of potential customers, but highlights a clear target audience.

Depending on your capabilities, personal goals and market conditions, you need to choose one of these segments for work.

If commercial transportation is very popular in your city, then it is reasonable to use a business plan for a cargo car service with calculations, an example of which will help determine the average investment.

Private and solo car services are more profitable in terms of initial costs, but their payback may suffer due to serious competition from more big companies. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Network service stations are best opened in places where there is no popular brand in this area. Here, the main costs will go to advertising promotion of the brand.

The franchise car service is advertised by itself, but for this the owner of the network imposes certain requirements on the businessman, ranging from maintaining a certain appearance office, ending with the tactics of selecting each employee. AT this case the business plan (sample with calculations) of a car service may change, as investments in advertising are reduced here.

Analysis of the market situation

A new car service has a good chance of success if it correctly assesses the environment in which it will have to work. In order to choose the right direction of activity, possible specification and territorial location, it is necessary to analyze the market situation, without which the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service will not be relevant.

To begin with, it is worth objectively assessing the number of your competitors, the range of services they provide, their cost and target audience. If you feel that your service station will not be able to compete against the background of neighboring bus stations, you better choose another specialization, there are a number of jobs that you will perform at a higher level or at a lower price, or focus on a particular brand of car that you want to service.

Having learned all the weaknesses of competitors, you can safely use the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service for your own purposes. An approximate calculation of investments will help you navigate the possibility of organizing such a business.

Services provided

The business plan of a car service with calculations, an example of which we are considering, is designed to provide a wide range of services: overhaul of the main components of the car, diagnostics and repair of the electrical part, body and locksmith work, tire fitting, painting and much more. As additional services it is worth considering work on the selection and installation of acoustics, alarms, gas equipment, airbrushing, vinyl application, interior upholstery, etc.

The most profitable from this list are repair work with the gearbox, engine, clutch, steering gear. It brings less income, however, it is simply impossible to refuse it.

It is best for workshops to choose a narrow specialization, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the business. However, this tactic can greatly reduce the number of potential customers.


Once you have decided on a direction commercial activities, you need to choose the room in which you will carry it out. At the moment, rent or construction is available for a businessman.

The latter option is used extremely rarely, as it requires the execution of additional agreements with the local administration, waiting for the decision of the commissions and then buying out the rights to rent. Thus, it turns out that the construction itself requires an investment of 600-900 thousand rubles, and rent land plot- about 200 thousand rubles a year for 7-9 acres.

It is cheaper to rent a room, but it is difficult to find a suitable option, since many of them either do not meet the requirements of a businessman or do not comply with fire regulations. If you're lucky, you can rent the required area for service stations for 200-300 thousand per month.

In all cases, the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service should take into account the future size of the workshops and the required area for the tire fitting and electronics departments.


In the resulting room, there will be nothing but bare walls, so the next step is the selection of equipment. The main expenses here are spent on diagnostics (90-150 thousand rubles), workbenches (from 20 thousand rubles), a lift (90-120 thousand rubles), large tools (from 140 thousand rubles). Also, do not forget that the work requires and small tools: hammers, vise, side cutters, etc., which can take up to 30 thousand rubles.

In fact, the car service business plan with calculations, the example of which is given here, includes the standard characteristics of the service station, which can be improved by investing more impressive amounts.


Not only the quality of work and the number of customers, but also the image of the company itself depends on who will work at the service station. Therefore, the choice of personnel should be considered carefully. For a small car service, 2-3 masters, a manager and a customer service specialist are enough. Thus, for a staff of 5 people, the average salary is from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. This amount should also be included in the initial expenses, since at the beginning the business may not bring the desired income.

If the service station will carry a different focus, then the staff should be expanded. So, a business plan for a cargo car service requires at least 10-15 people.


The law requires a clear implementation of the prescription regarding the service station. Thus, the operation of a car service should be coordinated with the fire service, traffic police and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The room in which the work is carried out must be connected to the central sewerage system and located no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings.

Particular attention must be paid to labor protection. The service station is a place of increased danger, therefore, compliance with labor code, namely the chapters on personnel safety, is required very strictly. It is in the interests of the businessman himself to comply with fire safety rules, not to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in order to save money, introduce rules for the storage of combustible substances, and provide employees with uniforms and protective equipment.


If the service station does not operate under the wing of a franchise, then it is worth highlighting a separate chapter on advertising in the expense item. Promotion methods can include advertisements in newspapers and magazines, distribution of informational flyers, outdoor advertising on banners and in transport, advertising on TV and radio, design and promotion of the site. Such a complex set can cost 400 thousand rubles. However, in a small service station, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Then the costs will gradually decrease, as their own will appear and the so-called "word of mouth" will be launched.

Final count

For those who are thinking about how to open a car service, it is better to use a business plan as a recommendation. Constant changes in the exchange rate, economic events, increased competition can affect the amount of investment required to open a business. At the moment, this is the reality.

The business plan (example with calculations) of a car service includes the following expense items:

1. Initial expenses:

    purchase and installation of specialized equipment - 1.5 million rubles;

    coordination with other authorities - 50 thousand rubles.

rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles;

salary for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

expendable materials- 100 thousand rubles.

So, investments in the first month of work will be about two million rubles. If done correctly, the monthly revenue of a service station can exceed 600 thousand rubles, of which about 200 thousand rubles is net profit.

Thus, I was able to answer the question of how to open a car service, even of an exemplary nature.

The proposed work considers a plan for creating a parking garage with a car maintenance complex for Avtotrade LLC, for which the need for such a project is especially strong. During the operation of the car, serious problems often arise with the place of its stationary parking and storage. Keep the car under open sky impractical for reasons of corrosive wear of the body and deterioration of the technical condition of its units, which reduces the amount of cargo transportation in winter.

Under these conditions, the most optimal solution to the problem is the construction of a specialized parking lot and a garage on the territory of Avtotrade LLC.

The project involves the construction of 50 garages, the construction and equipment of a building for a car maintenance complex, as well as the allotment of a part of the allocated territory (total area of ​​2 hectares) for a parking lot for 150 cars. It is planned to return the invested funds through the sale of part of the garages, as well as the receipt of rent for garages and parking lots and from the services of a car service station.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The mission of the enterprise proposed for investment is the creation in Magnitogorsk of a high-tech enterprise for servicing motorists, which is distinguished by inexpensive prices and excellent quality of services provided, which will bring the city's automotive service to a new quality level.

The purpose of the enterprise is the construction, equipment, organization production process car maintenance, as fully functional as possible, combining the possibilities of a car service with the possibilities of renting space for parking a car. The short-term goals of the enterprise are to conquer a sufficient market segment and form a stable image of the company.

It will be quite difficult to implement the proposed mission of the enterprise, therefore, the strategic direction of its development is the focus on the development of the entire range of services, a competent marketing policy, the rapid formation of the company's image, that is, there will be serious competition for the consumer.

The strategic analysis of this project shows that the enterprise proposed for investment has development prospects when implementing the following development strategy:

  • as quickly as possible entry into the service market and its development,
  • use of the possibility of applying prices for services that are lower than the prices of competitors,
  • application of a competent marketing policy, constant monitoring of the market situation,
  • the use of high-tech equipment, the introduction of know-how,
  • employment of highly qualified workers, effective personnel policy, creating employees' interest in the success of the enterprise,
  • "tuning" of production to the interests of consumers, constant feedback,
  • flexibility of production, the possibility of expanding the range of services offered

Adhering to the developed strategy, this enterprise for the implementation of car service services will be able to achieve success, that is, within 1 year, return the borrowed funds, as well as create prerequisites for the development of production, creating a sustainable image of the company and occupying a sustainable segment of the market for motor transport services in the city.

3. Description of the market

General characteristics of the state of affairs in the field of car service in Magnitogorsk.

The balanced and dynamic development of the regional economy, the provision of convenient and comfortable living conditions for the population of the city cannot be imagined without the creation and normal functioning of the service sector.

Among the most general principles development of the service sector in the city include the following:

  1. Taking into account the socio-economic specifics of the region, the prospects for its economic and demographic potential, since this largely determines the growth rate of the non-productive sector in the region.
  2. Study of the main trends in demand for the type of service under consideration and identification of the main factors influencing it.
  3. Study of the existing material and production base to meet the demand for services and identify opportunities for its expansion through investment.
  4. Finding sources financial resources to implement the planned development strategy; agreement on purpose and available cash.
  5. Analysis of specific investment projects for the creation, expansion and reconstruction of non-production facilities.

The primary moment in the development of the city's auto service network is the analysis of its economic condition. The solution of these problems can help to increase business activity by revitalizing trade and transport routes, increasing the volume of transported goods, and increasing the number of the existing vehicle fleet. The integrated development of a car service can be an impulse, which in the future will become the beginning of the path for the region, leading it out of a depressive state.

Thus, the development of a car service should be organically linked to the overall integrated program development of the city as a whole. The experience of developing such programs indicates that their central direction is usually the development of small business and the provision of employment for the population.

The solution to these problems in to a large extent can be solved by creating a network of relatively small car service enterprises; at the same time, the strategy for the formation of a car service economy should be an integral part of subprograms for the development of small businesses and employment. Thus, the development of a car service can successfully perform important socio-economic functions, providing new jobs in the region and increasing employment.

Prospects for the development of the auto service sector are based on a scientifically based assessment of the development prospects transport network linked to the general economic objectives of the development of the city as a whole.

In the general structure of paid services to the population for the analyzed period, and especially in the last period, personal services have been developing quite intensively, which also include car service services. Within 4 years, there is a tendency to increase their volume compared to previous periods.

Analyzing the above data, we can conclude that in the structure of paid services to the population, the largest specific gravity constitute services passenger transport- 41%, household services - 20%, communications - 9%.

By sales channels, the volume of paid services to the population is distributed as follows:


2006 in % of volume

2007 in % to 2006

2008 in % to volume

2009% to 2008

2009 in % to volume

2009% to 2004

Total volume of paid services, including:

Enterprises. of them:

Large. average


The largest share in the structure of paid services is occupied by household services.

Thus, the analysis of the above statistical data shows that in recent years the city has seen a significant growth and development of personal services to the population, including services for the repair and maintenance of automotive equipment.

4. Sales and Marketing

Service analysis and positioning strategy

The offered service of the company is comprehensive and is a set of maintenance services (engine diagnostics, unit repair, painting, installation of electrical equipment, vulcanization and tire fitting, wheel alignment correction, oil change), maintenance and protection of the territory and maintenance of garages.

The complexity of the provided service ensures its functional completeness for almost any consumer. The distinctive quality of this service is also its high technological and quality level, determined by the quality of equipment and high qualifications personnel.

High consumer properties of the service in question are also determined effective organization production process, production management.

Preservation and expansion of the content of the specified functional properties of the service makes it possible to form its stable positive image and ensure a highly competitive position of the company in the automotive service market.

The same goal will also be facilitated by the use of a flexible system of discounts, as well as warranty obligations applied under various types car repair.

To organize the work of the service center, it is necessary to supply various components:

The supplier of equipment for our company is the company "Hunter Engineering", which is the world leader in the production of equipment for car services. It manufactures state-of-the-art wheel alignment stands, balance stands, tire changers, lifters and brake test stands. Hunter equipment approved and used by manufacturers Vehicle, tires, and their official representatives around the world.

In addition, contracts are possible for the supply of equipment from the Moscow company EUROSIV, including the ROTARY SPOA35 and ROTARY SPA30EM two-post lifts and the NUSSBAUM UNILIFT 3500A scissor lift, as well as the BLOWTHERM WORLD 7000 spray booth.

The supply of auto parts is expected from the Moscow company Tire Plus, which is engaged in retail and wholesale tires, rims, batteries and auto parts. Distinctive feature supplier are big choice both domestic and imported products, reasonable prices and professional service. In addition, auto parts for Korean-made cars are supposed to be purchased from the Moscow company CANYON, which specializes in this type of product and offers optimal purchase prices.


Company pricing policy

Under pricing policy refers to the overall goals that the company is going to achieve by setting prices for its services, which is regarded as one of the most essential elements marketing complex. The price level should be minimally sufficient to provide the enterprise with the planned profit, the competitiveness of the entire range of services, the achievement of short-term and long-term goals, the main of which is mastering the main share of the city's car service market.

Thus, an active pricing policy is proposed, which consists in a price breakthrough strategy, i.e. applying a price level slightly below the price level of competitors and obtaining a greater mass of profit by increasing sales volume and capturing market share. The price does not have to be low, however. absolute value, - it should be relatively High Quality provided services. At the same time, we assume that the price level of competitors cannot be significantly reduced, since the production capacities of these enterprises will not allow a significant increase in the volume of services provided.

5. Production plan

Carrying out repair and maintenance of cars in the conditions of a modern automobile enterprise is associated with the implementation of a wide range of various works. At the same time, along with the main work, such as disassembly, washing and cleaning, flaw detection and sorting, restoration and replacement of parts and assemblies, assembly, testing and painting, auxiliary work is also performed (transportation, storage, technical control, providing energy and materials, security, etc.).

The technological process of car maintenance is a set of technological operations performed in a rational sequence, the set of which is determined both by the technical condition of the car, and by the desire and capabilities of the customer.

As a rule, the first stage is a car wash, cleaning of its main units and assemblies and subsequent diagnostics. It is supposed to use various diagnostic methods - from purely visual, the use of special mobile devices and stands, to computer diagnostics (including the geometry of the suspension, engines, wheel alignment).

The use of automation tools is also expected at the washing stage - the service center is equipped with an automatic car wash for cars brand CWP 6000 with a capacity of 8-12 vehicles per hour, equipped with a large number of devices, including a water purification and recycling system.

The main lifting and viewing equipment and structures include inspection ditches, overpasses and lifts, and auxiliary equipment includes jacks, garage tippers, etc. The repair site is equipped with a specialized post for replacing lubricant in vehicle units and refueling it with coolant and air. During the replacement process, Mobil fuels and lubricants are used, the cost of which corresponds to the official price lists of this company for dealers and authorized service stations.

When replacing units and assembling vehicles, various means of mechanizing assembly work are used to facilitate labor and increase productivity. Assembly should be carried out on special stands or devices that ensure the stable position of the assembled product or its assembly unit.

To eliminate mechanical damage to parts (cracks, spalls, holes, etc.), it is planned to use welding, and to apply coatings on the surface of parts in order to compensate for their wear, surfacing is planned.

The range of services provided by the specialists of the service center is also expected to include preparation for painting and painting of metal surfaces of cars using special technological equipment for spraying paints and varnishes.

To organize an effective system of accounting, warehousing, completing work with materials and spare parts, the method of compiling a diagnostic card and a car repair card is used, which ensures that parts and work performed are accounted for.

Payment for the services of the service is used for the convenience of customers both in cash and non-cash, in which the cost of repairs is somewhat lower. approximate cost standard hour for domestic cars is 290 rubles, for cars of foreign production - 625 rubles. There is a flexible system of discounts for private and corporate clients.

6. Organizational structure

Autotrade LLC carries out cargo transportation, maintenance, repair and storage of vehicles, as well as the supply of materials and spare parts.

Currently, Avtotrade LLC includes an overhaul workshop (CCR), it is equipped with modern specialized vehicles. The car park is constantly updated.

Currently, the car park consists of 40 vehicles. payroll 70 employees, including administration.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is a company with limited liability. The founders are individuals. Starting date of the project - 1.06.2010. after the conclusion of an agreement for the lease of a land plot of 2 hectares in the southern part of Magnitogorsk. The planning interval is 12 months. Project currency - rubles. The required amount of project financing is 16,750 thousand rubles. Of these, 80% are borrowed funds of credit institutions, and 20% - own funds of the founders.

The founders of the project believe that the creation of a parking garage with a car maintenance complex will greatly improve the situation with the timely delivery of goods, providing a large residential area with a parking place, repair and maintenance of cars.

The concept of growth is based on three ideas:

  1. Progressive business idea;
  2. Promisingly productive idea;
  3. Production idea.

The developers hope that it is the justification of these ideas in the proposed project that will provide Avtotrade LLC with investor confidence and attract the necessary capital.

The planned number of the firm's staff is 19 people. The composition of the staff, as well as the planned labor costs are reflected in the table.

Staff Composition


Job title




Management staff


Commercial Director

Chief mechanical engineer

Chief Accountant

Production personnel

Auto Mechanic

Diagnostic section mechanic

Auto Mechanic

Curing area mechanic

Auto Mechanic

Repair shop fitter

Painting department technician

car wash technician


Service staff

area cleaner


Thus, the monthly labor costs amount to 202,000 rubles.

Particular attention is supposed to be paid to the selection of personnel, which should be carried out, if possible, from men under the age of 35-45 years with at least 5 years of experience in this industry, with an education of at least secondary specialized, since the installation and development of new equipment is supposed to be carried out by the personnel of the company . Also important are such qualities of employees as the ability to learn and be creative, the ability to adapt psychologically in a team, sociability, etc., since the personnel factor is quite significant in ensuring the competitiveness of the company.

7. Financial plan

The planned production plan and the amount of cash receipts is determined at the next level.

Enterprise income, rub. per month





Realization of garages

Garage rental

Parking fee

Car wash services

Car interior cleaning manual

Engine Diagnostics

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

In the modern world, a car is an integral part of the life of almost every person. Every day there are more and more cars on the street, which means that the need for maintenance and repair of iron pets is growing.

STO is a promising direction for opening a new business. And, of course, to get started, you will need a competent business plan.

On this page you will find an example car service business plan which will help you decide what actions to take next.

We tried to take into account all modern realities, the main points and important features that you will encounter. You can figure out how to draw up a business plan for a car service yourself, or you can use our ready-made offer.

In the current market situation, the following car service options are possible:

  • – authorized services specializing in one or more brands;
  • network services;
  • – single services;
  • - mini car services that perform a limited range of work or work on call.

The first option is the most profitable and prestigious, but it is still better to start with a simpler one. After you decide on the form of your car service, you can begin to draw up a business plan.

The sample car service business plan presented here consists of two parts − detailed description all aspects and financial calculation.

The descriptive part begins with setting the goals and objectives of the business plan.

The first part of the car service business plan describes the essence of the enterprise, its main activities, determines the form of ownership, mission and goals, opportunities and potential.

It should be borne in mind that data must be collected, taking into account the situation on the market of your particular region.

Also, the business plan of a car body repair service includes an analysis of competitors, a description and comparison of their strengths and weaknesses, from which potential opportunities for your enterprise are determined.

The next step is to consider your client - who is the end user of the services, what are his goals, what he expects to receive. It is desirable to segment customers according to relevant characteristics. You will find an example of such an analysis in the example presented on this page, and you can also download a free car service business plan right here.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to draw up a tentative description of the enterprise itself - what personnel are needed, where the office should be located, what equipment will need to be purchased, etc. A car service is best located near parking lots and gas stations, this is where you will find the target audience. The area will need from 30 to 150 sq.m.

The ideal option would be the construction of a pre-fabricated car service from sandwich panels according to ready-made projects. Sometimes it makes sense to design car service with a small shop or waiting area. Your car service will pay off over time and will become more profitable than rented premises.

The number and specialization of staff will depend on the list of services of your car service.
A pricing policy and an approximate price list for services provided by a car service are also drawn up. We will also need this data to draw up the financial component of the business plan.

In the final part of the car service business plan, which can be downloaded for free directly on this page, the expected expenses and profits are signed.

This part of the plan is drawn up after you decide what services, in what quantity and at what specific prices you plan to provide to your customers.

The business plan presented here presents the following calculations - projected revenues, costs (fixed and variable), as well as opportunities, risks, strengths and weak sides development of this company in the future.