Business portal of the path to success. How to choose a wheel alignment equipment for a car service Business plan work season wheel alignment

In order to start your own business, you don't need much. Initially, just a passionate desire to earn, diligence and determination is enough. If you have firmly decided that it’s simply impossible to live the way you used to, and your business ideas that have been accumulating in your head for years are simply obliged to be implemented, it’s time to start taking action.

Nothing is impossible for those who have the desire to earn. Have you heard about people starting their own business from a small market stall or, for example, from a garage converted into an auto repair shop? In order to start earning, it is not necessary to have a huge start-up capital. You can start your own small garage business without buying expensive franchises or hiring employees. Initially, a small fraction of investments, improvised materials and an ordinary technical room, such as a basement or garage, will be enough.

What business to open in a garage? Consider simple but effective options available to absolutely everyone.

Is the so-called "garage business" possible today?

If you are a professional auto mechanic and just tired of working for a penny, enriching someone else's uncle, then you probably often come up with ideas about starting your own business. There is a garage, hands and head are also in place - try to start from scratch. Is it real? Quite!

Properly distributing the workspace, organizing a narrow-profile car repair, which will require almost no costs other than your skills and abilities, you will eventually be able to create your own clientele and even claim to be a successful entrepreneur. But that's all later. And first you need to solve the dilemma: "Business in the garage - is it a myth or a reality?".

Worried about the legality of your plans? If you want to initially just practice without documenting your activities, so to speak, take a closer look at the clientele, weigh the demand for this species services, etc., then you can wait a little with the package of documents necessary for opening. In the future, this issue is resolved without much difficulty.

Equipment for a garage business is another matter, and we will return to it later. The same applies to payback periods.

The garage business is real way make money in an hour when all other methods are simply not as effective.

How to use a garage for business?

There are tons of garage small business ideas out there, and none of them are new! After thinking carefully, you will understand that in the garage you can equip a mini-car service, convert it into outlet, create a workshop for the production of furniture in it, announce the storage season for tires, tyres, bicycles, etc. You can also rent a garage for a decent monthly fee.

Still do not believe that the garage can be very effectively used to earn money? Let's take an example: an amazing art space has been operating in St. Petersburg for a long time - a modern art gallery, organized in an ordinary garage. Amazing, isn't it?! Among dozens of gray, outrageously similar garages, someone managed to place an art gallery. Based on the inexhaustible crowds of people storming the creative exhibition contemporary artists, we can assume that this is more than profitable! What were the costs involved? All that the owner of the miracle garage did was decorate it with bright colors, thoroughly cleaned the room and made shelves for the exhibition "exhibits". All!

Judge for yourself how much effort, time and money a person has spent, and what he has now.

Do-it-yourself car repair shop in the garage is one of the proven methods!

In order to open a repair shop, you need time to prepare. If you immediately decide to legalize your activities, then you will need to take a certificate of conformity, which gives you the right to perform the types of work you specified, as well as conclude an agreement with the chairman of the cooperative to which your garage belongs. Also important aspect will be approved by Rospotrebnadzor.

As for the licensing of these services, starting from 2011, such a procedure is no longer mandatory for car services.

Having certified your work, you need to think about the equipment. The most elementary things for any car service are a lift, the ability to drive a car onto an overpass, and the presence of an installation for the implementation of wheel alignment. It is not expensive and not troublesome, just order what you need in any online store specializing in the supply of such equipment.

The terms of organizing such a business will vary from a few weeks to 2-3 months. It all depends on collection. necessary documentation, as well as the delivery of equipment and its debugging. Payback at successful start your work is guaranteed for the next 2-3 months.

The idea to grow a garage business certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. But the answer to the question: is it possible to take and open in an ordinary garage that has been empty since you sold the car, for example, to your own auto repair shop, is unequivocal. Of course it's real!

One of the possible ways to earn money: the production of furniture in the garage.

Are you a born woodworker, can you make an excellent table, chair, bedside table and other household items out of a piece of log? Then the idea of ​​organizing your own carpentry workshop is just for you.

The production of furniture, of course, requires certain costs, but the timing of opening such a business, as well as its quick payback, indicate that it is still worth a try.

The necessary documentation for the implementation of your plans is a mere trifle. Those wishing to open a production for the manufacture and repair of furniture must open an activity from Group 36.1. Next, you need to assemble simple equipment for work and, if necessary, take care of support staff.

As a rule, this business idea pays off quickly, since practically no investments are required in this business. Just advertise certain types of work and wait for the first order.

People today often resort to the services of repair and custom-made furniture, as the prices in specialized stores, to put it mildly, are not encouraging.

Please note that this type of business is only suitable for people who have special skills and understand what this type of activity is.

Seasonal storage of bicycles, tires and various equipment.

Unfortunately, for many residents of megacities (and not megacities too), there is a problem of lack of free space in the house. Well, if the apartment has some kind of storage room. But what if there is none? This is where your business idea can come in handy with opening a warehouse for storing things in your garage.

What is needed for this? Let's try to list all aspects:

  1. have a fairly spacious garage, not cluttered with various rubbish;
  2. if there is one, but you yourself have too many “necessary” things - try to get rid of everything superfluous as much as possible and clean the room thoroughly;
  3. it is necessary to order stands for tires, as well as to equip a place for the safety of other people's bicycles.

As you can see, almost no investment is required from you. If you have a spacious garage and everyone around is storing their favorite bikes, skateboards, snowboards, car tires, etc. on dusty mezzanines, so why not make money on the provision of this kind of service.

Put a good security system and simply come to the customer's call to open or close your garage. Monthly, weekly or one-time fees for such services will be a great addition to your family budget.

The payback of this business begins with the first client. The advantages of this idea also lie in the absence of its legal registration.

Renting a garage, or how to develop your business.

Your idea of ​​renting a garage can be a good business. In cities, the number of cars has now increased, but not everyone can afford to pay for a place in an expensive parking lot.

If your garage is empty due to the lack of any equipment, then you simply have to put it into action.

Let's figure out who and what this area may need:

  • the garage can be rented for parking a vehicle in it;
  • as a warehouse for working equipment;
  • for warehouse organization household appliances, commercial equipment etc.;
  • a warm garage with certain amenities (sofa, TV, refrigerator) can be rented by car enthusiasts for their comfortable pastime.

If you do not have your own garage, but this idea is very to your liking, then you can easily get permission to build it.

In big cities, the permit and the construction itself will cost approximately 50,000 - 90,000 rubles, this money will be repaid in 2-3 years, since the average price for renting a garage is about 2,500-3,000 rubles per month. It turns out that you will receive about 35,000 rubles in a year and in a few years you will receive your stable income without any investment.

At successful delivery garage in the future, you can increase the number of rented places and take up the construction of one or two more premises equipped for parking.

Trading in a garage - is it possible?

What can be traded in the garage? Yes, anything! If you are an avid entrepreneur at heart and want to start your own business, then it is not necessary to pay fabulous money to rent a retail space. If your garage is located in the city, you may well use it as a retail facility. Is it legal? Why not!

Based on the fact that "stationary garage boxes are objects of stationary trading network, who do not have trading floors", then, according to Art. 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all taxpayers can exercise retail through such objects, calculating the tax base for UTII using a physical indicator of the base yield.

The garage can easily be turned into a specialized base wholesale trade. Necessary costs for the organization of such a business are minimal.

It would be best if you take care of the insulation of the room, organize a good security system, and also be able to bring video surveillance to the garage.

As for the design of the interior, everything is very clear here:

  1. equip shelves for storing boxes and various containers;
  2. bring an electrician to the garage;
  3. take care of the proper advertising of your trading warehouse.

It is not always easy to start, but when the so-called “word of mouth” works, which “sounds” equally well in a small regional center and in a huge metropolis, things will go perfectly.

The payback of such a business will depend on your investments, equipment, etc. If you need an organization trading activities it is necessary to purchase industrial refrigeration units or similar expensive equipment, then do not expect huge profits in the next year and a half. If we are talking about the trade in automotive parts, your idea will pay off in about the same time. It all depends on what your investments and profits will be.

Is a garage business profitable?

Do you want to get a 100% answer to the question: is a garage business profitable? If the answer were so obvious, then every second would become the owner of a prosperous "garage" enterprise.

Judge profit small business in the garage is possible, based on many factors. If you are a goal-oriented person, know what you want, and are confident in your own abilities, then it is very likely that you will succeed. Do you know how to repair cars, and crowds of friends always come running to you for help and advice in this matter? Try to open a car repair shop, and if you are really a master of your craft, then in a month or two you will not end up with customers. Woodworkers, salespeople and just people who want to achieve something more - everyone has a chance to start their own business from literally nothing.

One thing is for sure: a garage business is inexpensive and allows people who are afraid of serious, dramatic life changes to “start up”.

Start slowly, do everything on your own, and you will see how people are interested in your small business. In time, you may have a great future!

Summing up, it can be noted that starting your own business can be not only a solid investment, buying a well-known franchise or opening a huge establishment. Try to create a name for yourself, organize and promote your family business. You need minimum cost and maximum effort. If you are capable of it - go for it!

Our suggested garage small business ideas are just some of the options. Consider opening a greenhouse in your garage for your wife's many plants, or raising rabbits, chickens, and ducks to sell. Perhaps you could be engaged in smoked products, basket weaving, making monuments or turning.

The choice, in any case, is yours!

The LAUNCH X631 wheel alignment stand, in my opinion, is the best option both in terms of price-quality ratio and performance

The idea of ​​​​opening a site for adjusting the camber in my car service arose after I once again encountered this problem when repairing my own car. Why did you choose this particular niche? Because this service is one of the most demanded, and the organization of such a service does not require large investments. Traveled more than a dozen auto repair shops - even in the elite queue. Therefore, I think that right choice workshop location equipment gathering collapse pays off in a few months. If you follow my calculations, then within two to three months at average prices for the service in the city.

Choosing wheel alignment stand faced with several options: laser systems and modern models - cord, wireless and using 3D technologies.

A bit of information about laser camber stands. Why didn't you take it? Despite the fact that such equipment for wheel alignment is simple in design and inexpensive, it, in my opinion, has a number of significant drawbacks: the main one is the speed of work. Even an experienced craftsman needs a lot of time to adjust the wheels of the car. And, the main thing that didn’t suit ... - everything is still done by eye. With a good passability of the car service, which I actually want to strive for, such speed of work and technology will cause queues and loss of customers. In addition, given that qualified personnel is one of the most important issues when opening a service, he did not want to take a laser stand for the collapse. Adjustment on it is performed by eye and requires highly qualified specialist.

Modern cord equipment for wheel alignment provides very high measurement accuracy, but tangible inconvenience in this case associated with significant number wires. In addition, the limited length of the wires seriously constrains when placing the stand, slowing down the work process and making it less comfortable. Therefore, it was also excluded from consideration.

Actually, I liked the 3D technology. Very easy to use 3D stands - HUNTER 3D and Techno Vector, although they are very expensive to purchase and maintain. HUNTER 3D so became generally space money began to cost. The installation of such equipment will cost about 20-40 thousand rubles - how lucky, besides, each time the calibration will cost a pretty penny. These are serious disadvantages. Also, it is necessary to take into account the additional costs of the targets, with which customers may accidentally leave. At the same time, the question logically arises - for what period of time will such an expensive “toy” pay off? In my opinion, it is possible to buy a 3D wheel alignment stand in case of good cross-country ability of the site and high prices for this service. I kept all these calculations in my head during the selection process.

After a lot of reading on the forums, comparisons of characteristics and visits to dealerships, I decided to purchase a wireless camber stand LAUNCH X631, equipped with 4 sensors and 8 cameras, creating a complete closed loop. When working, you can use both all the sensors at the same time, as well as the rear or front ones separately. Thus, measurements can be carried out even in unusual cases with a closed wheel arch or a low bumper overhang. The tilt range of the sensors is 15-45°, which makes it possible to work on machines with low weight. high precision measurements are guaranteed by two independent horizon sensors – bubble and electronic. It is possible to connect a monitor for the pit. The booth menu is completely Russified. The program offers 2 modes - "beginner" and "expert" with tips and the corresponding speed of operations. The communication between the sensors occurs by means of infrared radiation, and with the central unit - via Bluetooth channel - no wires. And what is very important - you can quickly learn to work on such equipment yourself, which greatly simplifies the issue of selecting service personnel.

I bought a stand at Silverline - equipment for a car service (by the way, their website - is presented here in a large assortment. I was pleased that I had the opportunity to see everything in action in a large bright office. At the exhibition there were both a 3D stand and a wireless stand - both twisted in my hands. In addition, the employees are highly qualified. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of service, especially after having previously visited several dubious companies. That's why I bought it here. Thanks guys.

Car service owner, Sergey Sviridov

Service Vehicle both cars and trucks is gaining popularity every year, due to the growth in the number of cars in the territory Russian Federation. Over the past 10 years, the number of cars has increased by 2.5 times, which indicates that the opening of a car service is a profitable investment that can bring stable high profits.

Sample - an opportunity to analyze the prospects for investment in this segment.

According to 2012 data, the volume of the car service market in Russia grew by 16%. Such growth indicates overcoming and exceeding pre-crisis indicators. The conducted studies allow us to conclude that the number of truck service stations per this moment 2.3 times less than required, based on the number of cars in this class. Due to the current situation, a large proportion of cars are operated in a faulty condition.

Overview of the market of cargo car service in Russia

In the period from 2010 to 2013, the growth rate of the market of cargo car services in monetary terms amounted to 15-20%, the market volume in 2013 amounted to 21.5 billion dollars. The rendered repair services amounted to 13 billion dollars. Among the main factors that led to the expansion of the segment is the increase in the number of cars in the country. Data from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation indicate that today every 4 citizens of the country own a car. General economic factors also have a positive impact on the segment: increasing the level of purchasing power and accelerating the pace of life.

At the moment, the number of cargo car services does not meet the needs. 1/3 of the existing car services are located in Moscow, which makes the situation throughout Russia catastrophic and provokes the use of cars in poor condition. 60% of the segment belongs to independent car services (single and network), 25% - authorized technical centers, 15% - individual workshops.

The data above are averages for major cities in the country. Analyzing different regions, one can observe the opposite picture, this situation is explained by the economic and social factors of the region. With deterioration economic situation proportionally decreases the number of branded service centers. Thus, the analysis of the Voronezh region has the following indicators: 70% - independent car services, 20% - individual workshops, 10% - authorized technical centers.

Authorized Services freight transport occupy a small share of the segment due to the high cost of services, which suggests a lack of competition. An analysis of the sector of independent car services allows us to conclude that there is no brand in this segment and an anarchic state. Foreign truck service networks are in no hurry to diversify the domestic market.

Individual workshops are currently not able to provide qualified services, and the quality of the work performed is not regulated by law. The low cost of services is determined by the fact that such organizations do not pay taxes and rent.

The development of service stations for freight transport can take place in several directions. The most optimal from the point of view of economic benefits is the expansion of individual specialized stations for the brands of trucks and the creation of universal stations for servicing trucks.

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Analysis of economic indicators over time

Making a profit depends on the range of services provided, so in the freight transport segment, 27% are locksmith work, 19% - body work and 18% - car painting work. Monthly authorized centers are able to bring $ 150,000 per month, independent car services - 40 - 50,000, individual - 8 - 10,000.

The peak of activity of cargo car services falls on December and decreases in the summer months. Truck owners show maximum interest in the service in November and December, with a short break for new year holidays. The demand curve reaches its lows in July-September, February figures may exceed August data by one and a half times. Separate services also have special features, for example, the repair of mufflers and the removal of dents does not have seasonal fluctuations. This fact should also be taken into account when drawing up an economic model.

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Stages of organizing a car service

When deciding to open a truck service center, it is necessary to resolve a number of technical, organizational and legal issues.

Choice of location. When determining the further location, it is worth considering not only the presence of major highways, garage complexes and gas stations, but also the possibility of placing outdoor advertising. The legislation determines that car services cannot be located near water bodies and residential buildings. A car service station must be separated from the residential complex by a minimum distance of 50 m, the premises must be equipped with a centralized water supply and sewage system.

Formation of a package of documents. Obtaining permits involves collecting a package of documents, a detailed study of the technological project, determining the composition and area of ​​​​premises (industrial, storage, sanitary facilities), space-planning solutions.

Development of a security system and automation of a car service.

Selection of the general contractor and subcontractors for general construction works, selection of suppliers of materials and equipment.

Planning of civil works.

Obtaining permits for putting the object into operation.

Obtaining permits from labor protection, energy inspection, Ministry of Emergency Situations, sanitary and epidemiological station.

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Products and services offered

Modern car services proper organization processes are able to provide more than 100 types of services. Most of them are for electrical, lubrication and filling, control and diagnostic, tire fitting and balancing work. With regard to freight transport, assembly and dismantling, tin-welding, repair of the steering system and steering, debugging of engines, charging batteries and painting are no less in demand.

The list of services to be implemented will depend on the choice necessary equipment, and hence the investment base. At the moment, the market offers a wide choice of both imported and domestic equipment. By giving preference to the first option, you get an advantage in the form of the possibility of attracting more customers, as well as using this fact for advertising purposes. If the economic factor is at the head of the choice, it is worth giving preference to a domestic manufacturer that offers a more affordable price.

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car service- This is one of the most common types of services in any city. Every year this type of business is gaining momentum.

In this regard, the issues of preparation are very topical. car service business plan. To familiarize users, we present car service business plan example for a small town, which you can download for free. The predicted payback period of the presented project is 3 months. Please note that the car service business plan is published in 2 parts.


Name of the project:

Car service organization

Initiator of the project:Ways of Success LLC

This business plan is submitted on a confidential basis solely for making a decision on project financing and may not be used for copying or for any other purpose, as well as transferred to third parties. Please return the business plan if it does not arouse interest in participating in its implementation



1. Description of the project and specifics of the business

Ways of Success LLC is a company specializing in car maintenance. This enterprise will be located in the town of Uyezdny. The main activities are car washing, diagnostics, alignment, engine repair, tire fitting and other minor repairs.


The car service will be located in a modular building. The advantages of a modular design are, firstly, its low cost, and secondly, the ease and speed of construction. The use of a modular building design will significantly save time and money on the construction of a car service building.

The building will consist of three modules docked together. The 1st module is a 2-post washing, the 2nd is a common module for all other posts, the 3rd is an administrative and utility room. With the help of partitions, additional utility rooms and a bathroom are organized.

Design description

The foundation is a shallow strip foundation.

The supporting frame is rolled metal (channel, angle, pipe).

Walls and ceiling - the ceiling and walls are made of sandwich panels based on isover insulation, the outer layer of which is a painted galvanized metal sheet. The thickness of the panels is 180 mm. Modules are delivered in full factory readiness with mounted lighting, heating and ventilation.

Construction time

Project development - from 15 to 30 days.

Production of modules at the factory - from 1 to 10 days.

Installation on site - from 1 to 10 days.

Main settings

Building area - 250 m2;

Height - 6m.

Production cost - 150 USD / m2

Characteristics of the services and equipment provided

The new car service plans to provide the following range of services:

Washing and cleaning the interior;

Change of oil;

Diagnostics and adjustment of wheel alignment;

Tire fitting;

Engine and suspension repair.

Thus, the new car service center will provide an almost complete range of services, except for those that require highly specialized knowledge and equipment, namely hull work (hull repair and painting, installation of additional parts).

Below is a brief description of the services provided by the car service according to the main parameters: the number of jobs, the required number of personnel, equipment and its cost, price, time for the operation


A 2-station car wash using mobile washing machines will be organized at the car service. The washing will be organized in a separate box, the area of ​​which allows washing two cars at the same time.

Number of jobs: 2

Required number of staff: 4 people during busy hours, 2 people at other times.

Price: about 150 rubles. for washing the hull, 400 rubles. for a full car wash with interior cleaning. 60% of the cost of work is the cost of cleaning materials.

Operation time: 20 minutes for a simple wash, 40 minutes for a wash with interior cleaning.


mobile devicefor a hot wash of the Kranzle type and the same apparatus for a cold wash.

Purification systemdesigned for water purification and recycling, provides water savings: dirty water is cleaned and re-supplied to the sink.

Vacuum cleaner for interior cleaning.

Compressor for air supply.It is also used at other posts, in particular, at the tire fitting post. In this regard, it is planned to purchase the most powerful apparatus to provide the entire plant - with a capacity of about 1,000 l / min.

The cost of washing equipment

Hot washer KEW, WAP (Denmark), Kranzle, Karcher (Germany) 1,500

Apparatus for cold washing KEW, WAP (Denmark), Kranzle, Karcher (Germany) 700

Purification system 3,500

Vacuum cleaner KEW, WAP (Denmark), Kranzle, Karcher (Germany) 300

Compressor AIRTEK (Italy), Hoffmann (Germany) 2,000

Total equipment cost 8,000

Change of oil

Changing the oil is an operation regularly performed by all car owners, thus, the demand for it is constant. This operation requires special equipment, which can be leased from oil producers.

The practice of leasing oil filling equipment is followed by most major oil producers. To obtain equipment on lease, it is necessary to make an application to the representative office of the oil manufacturer or to an authorized dealer, where you indicate the expected sales volumes. After sending the application, the car service is inspected by a representative of the manufacturer, who draws up a conclusion on the possibility of fulfilling the obligations specified in the application.

The main criteria for making a decision are the location of the car service, the history of activities, etc. In case of a positive conclusion, the equipment is leased with the obligation to buy out the declared volumes. Upon reaching a certain volume of purchases, the equipment becomes the property of the car service.

The car service plans to use the above scheme and organize an oil change post. The post will be organized in a separate box or on a specially designated area of ​​​​the general repair box.

Number of jobs: 1

Required number of staff: 2 people during busy hours, 1 person at other times.

Price: As a rule, the cost of replacement is included in the cost of the oil itself. Thus, when a client buys oil directly at a car service, the service will be provided free of charge, when buying outside a car service, the cost of the service will be 200 rubles.

Time for operation: 20 minutes.

Equipment: Oil filling equipment provided on lease.


An engine diagnostics post will be organized at the car service center. The post will be equipped with equipment to effectively determine the condition of the engine and give recommendations for its repair.

Number of jobs: 1

Price: 500 rubles. for a complete diagnosis.

Time for operation: 30 minutes.

Equipment: Diagnostic stand, consisting of a computer with a scanner and a CD with a database of engines of all brands. Such stands are produced by the world's largest manufacturers, in particular, the Bosch company (Germany), however, domestic developments are also offered on the market. In this case, it is advisable to prefer domestic equipment, since in the absence of a practical difference in capabilities, the cost of imported equipment is 3 times higher.

The cost of equipment for the diagnostic post

Name of equipment Brands Cost, USD

Motortester with Tecoil database (Russia, own development) 3,300

Scanner for connection to on-board computer Bosch (Germany) 4,000

Total equipment cost 7,300

Wheel alignment adjustment

Number of jobs: 1

Required number of staff: 1 person.

Price: 500 rubles.

Time for operation: 1 hour.

Equipment:4 post lift– can be used for repair work. It is planned to install a lift with a lifting capacity of at least 4 tons. The lift can also be used for car suspension repairs and other repairs.

Electronic wheel alignment stand with 8 sensors, which ensures the greatest accuracy of wheel alignment and taking into account the largest number of parameters.

The cost of equipment for the wheel alignment adjustment stand

Name of equipment Brands Cost, USD

4 post lift with add. Equipment Rotary (USA), Nussbaum, Hoffmann (Germany) 5,000

Stand 8-touch Bosch, Hoffmann (Germany 11,000)

Total equipment cost 16,000

Tire fitting

Number of jobs: 1

Required number of staff: 1 person.

Price: 200 rubles per wheel.

Time for the operation: depending on the complexity of the operation.


Tire changer stand;

Balancing machine.

The cost of tire fitting equipment

Name of equipment Brands Cost, USD

Tire changer with inflator Aquila (Italy), Hoffmann (Germany), SICE (USA) 2,100

Balancing machine Aquila (Italy), Hoffmann (Germany), SICE (USA) 2,300

Total equipment cost 4,400

Engine and suspension repair

This group of services includes all services for repairing the engine and suspension of a car, carrying out scheduled replacements of parts and simple body work, such as straightening dents.

Number of jobs: 4

Required number of staff: 2 people per workplace.

Price: $ 25 / hour, the cost of each operation is calculated based on the standard time for a specific type of work.

Time for operation: depending on the service.


Two post lifts

Tool kits: a portable tool kit for each workstation - a case with the most frequently used tool, plus one trolley, also used at the wheel alignment station, with a full set of tools;

Welding machine for small welding work, for example, welding cracks in the muffler of a car;

Press for pressing various parts;

Counters, racks for tools.

The cost of equipment for general repair posts

Name of equipment Brands Cost, USD

2-post lifts (4 pcs.) Rotary (USA), Nussbaum, Hoffmann (Germany) 12,000

Press Nussbaum, Hoffmann (Germany) 1,300

Welding machine D+L Technik (Germany) 400

Tool kit - trolley Stahlwille (Germany) 1,400

Tool case (4 pcs.) Stahlwille (Germany) 800

Counters, racks (4 pcs.) Russia 800

Total equipment cost 16,700

The success of any enterprise depends on the ability, firstly, to attract new customers, and secondly, to keep them. This fully applies to car service. At the same time, given the constant need of any car for repair and maintenance, the second task is even more important than the first. A good car service after 1-2 years after the start of work can practically not care about attracting new customers - it will receive sufficient income from servicing old ones, who, moreover, will recommend this car service to their friends and provide a sufficient influx of new customers.

However, the first task that any new station must solve Maintenance, is the task of initially attracting customers. Successful completion of this task is ensured by the following factors:

Location of car service;

Appearance of the car service;

The location of the car service must meet the following requirements:

Being in an area with constant and significant traffic flows;

Ease of finding a car service;

Convenient access roads.

Under the appearance of a car service, we mean, first of all, the condition of the car service building itself, the presence of an informative and easy-to-read sign, the cleanliness of the surrounding area, etc.

The solution of the second task - customer retention - almost 100% depends on the quality of the services provided by the car service. Quality, more precisely, its perception by the client, is a derivative of the following factors:

quality and composition of equipment. A well-equipped car service inspires more consumer confidence than one equipped with outdated or low-quality equipment;

attitude towards the client, speed and quality of service, appearance car service and personnel;

the quality of the services provided;


Basic car service

The following lists the types of services provided by car service stations conditionally divided into several groups, and their a brief description of:

car wash and cleaning is one of the most popular services. Demand for it is characterized by high price elasticity, an important factor is the location of the enterprise providing this service. Such a service does not require highly qualified performers, so the quality of its provision is often not too different for different companies. In this regard, car owners, as a rule, do not feel commitment to any particular company that provides this service;

diagnostics, adjustment and regular various operations for the replacement of parts and oils(for example, changing the oil or air filter). The demand for these services also strongly depends on the price, however, due to the fact that much more qualifications of performers and the quality of equipment are required, there is a greater commitment of car owners to perform this operation in one company;

installation of additional electrical equipment(radio tape recorders, alarms, etc.) - a one-time operation, most often performed once in the entire life of the car, as a rule, it turns out specialized stores for the sale of this equipment;

repair, painting and processing of the body, including the installation of additional plastic parts- the most specific service, requires special equipment and highly qualified performers. It is carried out, as a rule, by firms specializing only in these works;

tire fitting and balancing- performed both by specialized shops selling car tires and car services;

chassis and suspension repairs and engine repairs- can be performed

specialized firms, but most often provided by one car service. This service requires highly qualified performers. Price elasticity of demand is present, but the quality of services and the professionalism of the performer are no less important, so most car enthusiasts prefer to perform such work at the same car service, and even with the same master.

2. Market analysis

The condition and size of the car park in a country can serve as one of the most important indicators of its technological and economic development. To assess the car fleet, both quantitative indicators are important, for example, the total number of cars in the country or the average number of cars per thousand inhabitants, and qualitative indicators, namely, the composition and average age car park.

When comparing Russian statistics of a car park with world indicators, the current backlog of Russia in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the national car park becomes obvious.

According to the traffic police of the Russian Federation, the total number cars in Russia is 19.700 thousand units, or about 130 cars per thousand inhabitants. If in terms of the total number of passenger cars Russia ranks 7th in the world, then in terms of the degree of provision of the population with personal vehicles, it lags behind developed Western countries. In the United States, there are 510 cars per thousand inhabitants, in Germany - 501, in Finland - 376, etc. (data "Automobile Review", Switzerland).

As for the qualitative state of the Russian car park, the lag here is even more significant. According to the traffic police of the Russian Federation, more than 75% of passenger cars in Russia are Russian brands (VAZ, Moskvich, GAZ), most of which are outdated models, such as the VAZ-2106, which until recently was the leader in sales of the Volga Automobile Plant. As for the fleet of foreign cars, here the share of new cars is small - about 30%.

The state of the car park is a reflection of the socio-economic situation of the country, and its renewal and growth is constrained by the low rates of development of society, primarily by the growth rate of real incomes of the population. At the same time, it should be noted that there is an emerging trend towards an increase in the pace of renewal of the car fleet, evidence of which is the growth in sales of new cars. .

The crisis of August 1998 markedly changed the balance of power in the Russian automotive market. There was a shift in consumer demand towards cheaper cars of Russian brands, more expensive foreign-made cars lost their market share.

During 1999 Russian manufacturers managed to increase their market share, while the share of foreign manufacturers increased from 7.9% to 14.7%. The main reasons for such changes were the fall in effective demand and a smaller increase in car prices compared to the growth rate of the dollar. Russian production, as well as, to a large extent, the fall in imports of used foreign cars to Russia, caused by the tightening of customs regulations. AvtoVAZ was able to improve its positions to the greatest extent, and not so much by increasing production volumes, but by updating its model range. The devaluation that took place made it possible to transfer the new VAZ-2110 model from the "middle" segment, where it experienced fierce competition from imported brands, to a cheap one ( average price new "tens" in Moscow about 5 thousand dollars). As a result, the "tenth" series is currently the leader in the production of AvtoVAZ, displacing outdated models.

It is obvious that in the near future foreign manufacturers will make every effort to return to the market and further increase their share in it, both through marketing policy and through the creation of their own assembly plants in Russia: Ford (assembly plant in Vsevolozhsk), BMW (assembly production in Kaliningrad), etc. The tightening of customs rules for the import of used foreign cars into Russia plays into the hands of sellers and manufacturers of new cars. This change in legislation makes it unprofitable to import foreign cars older than 3-5 years, which previously occupied a significant market share.

Given that there is a significant group of consumers who prefer foreign brands, there is a significant reserve of demand for new imported cars. The results of 2005 already show an emerging trend towards recovery in sales of foreign-made cars - almost 2 times in the second half of the year increased their sales volumes of the brand Volkswagen, Mercedes, Skoda, Daewoo, Mitsubishi.

Thus, an analysis of the current trends in the automotive market allows us to make the following forecast for changes in the composition of the vehicle fleet:

The volume of sales and the number of cars in Russia will increase;

In the volume of car sales, an increasing share will be occupied by cars of the "middle" price segment (6-15 thousand dollars);

The share of new cars of foreign brands will grow;

In parallel with the change in the structure of sales, the share of more modern cars in the total number of cars will increase.

Comparison of Russian car fleets shows certain differences, caused, firstly, by the higher average income level of residents, and, secondly, by the peculiarities of the economy and geographical location cities. First of all, this is a significantly higher share of foreign cars, while the share of foreign cars with a service life of less than 5 years inUyezdny is 42% against 38% in Russia. With an approximately equal share of VAZ cars in both car parks, the share of Russian brands in the city's car fleet is much less due to the low popularity of the Moskvich and UAZ brands - only 2% against 10% on average in Russia.

Car service market in Uyezdny

A car service (service station) is an enterprise that provides a range of services for the repair and maintenance of a car. Thus, when analyzing the market, almost all firms operating in the market in one way or another will be taken into account. automotive services, with the exception, perhaps, of the smallest, providing one or two services, for example, individual sinks.

The car service market in Uyezdny is still poorly understood and difficult to research. Not on the market large companies dictating the rules of the game, the vast majority of firms own one service station. A certain number of firms still exist in a semi-underground state, without registering and without paying any taxes. In the total volume of services provided, there is a large share of single craftsmen working at garages, car and taxi fleets, etc. Such a "diversity" of the market, of course, makes it difficult to study it and collect reliable statistical information.

The state of the road network in the region.

According to experts, the condition of the Uyezdny road network is currently far from satisfactory. Two main problems can be identified:

The level of development of the road network, primarily in Uyezdny, does not correspond to the level of development of the car park - an almost 4-fold increase in the number of cars since the beginning of the 80s has led to congestion of the main transport routes of the city, which, in turn, has led to an increase in accidents, deterioration of the environmental situation etc.;

unsatisfactory condition of the road surface: in general, the accumulated under-repair of roads in the region is 73% of the standard value. Insufficient funding for the reconstruction of the region's road network and the poor quality of repair work do not contribute to improving the situation.

The state of the road network contributes to a significant increase in the required frequency of car repairs, and thus is an additional factor guaranteeing a high level of demand for car service services in the near future.

3. Sales plan.

3.1. Sales volumes

Planning of production volumes of "Ways of Success" LLC is carried out on the basis of production capacities. Production capacity is limited labor resources, production areas, natural component. Sales planning is carried out upon receipt of the company's revenue from the sale of products. The company starts production from 01.05.2011.

The sales plan is presented in table 1.

Table 1. Sales plan by years, tr.

Indicator name


Total 2011

Total 2012

The most famous business that started in a garage was founded by Steve Jobs. We are talking about assembling the first personal computers under the brand name "Apple". Not so much has passed by historical standards of time, and Apple's capitalization has exceeded $600 billion. However, analysts have no doubt that a startup from a garage will be worth at least a trillion dollars in the foreseeable future. I wonder what else you can start producing in the "car house" to get rich?

Framing Workshop

The topic of your small factory in your personal garage worries a lot of Russians, and not only. At the forum of business ideas, many are wondering what can be made in it in order to have a good income. For example, the scj12 forum member asks those who have succeeded in this matter: “Share your experience,” scj12 writes. “Tired of being poor.”

A certain entrepreneur, calling himself “a self-taught cooperative”, spoke about his success: “The garage needs to be insulated, which I did. Then he opened a workshop for the manufacture of baguette frames. I bought an inexpensive baguette guillotine, desktop version, and a stapler and started my own business. I’m very happy that I don’t have to pay rent to anyone.”

Installation of anti-theft devices

Startup expert Igor Malyugin also responded to the scj12 question: “I looked at a dozen successful entrepreneurships on the stated topic,” says the analyst. - And I saw that the installation of anti-theft devices is in good demand. Garage boxing is very convenient for these jobs. Of course, a certain qualification is needed, but if a person feels the strength in himself in this field, then training, or rather a master class, can be done in companies that distribute "alarms" and mechanical transmission interlocks.


Ivan Sergeevich Markelov, a pensioner, took and opened a forge in his personal garage. “All my life I dreamed, but I was afraid that the business would not work out,” says the gray-haired blacksmith. – Now there is a blacksmith press, a forge, a cutting wheel and welding machine. I make everything from metal that the client wishes: fences, stairs, gates and even furniture.” According to many experts in the field of self-employment, it is this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducing in a garage that is potentially the most profitable “garage business”. The simplest start is estimated at fifty thousand rubles, while income from thirty thousand rubles can be received.

car service

But more profitable business is definitely a car service. If the garage has a comfortable and well-lit pit, then tools and hardworking hands are needed for success. “I used to have an old “six”,” the ABVCRG forum member shares his story. - He did it. Then he helped the neighbors start the cars. Then he began to take money for it. I soon realized that in the garage I can earn many times more than at the factory. In the end, I went to auto mechanic courses in one automobile and road college with a specialization in “budget foreign cars”.

Great tinker

Forum member Yuraufa also addressed the Internet public: “I want to do production in my garage, located in a cooperative: tuning, service, painting. There is an idea to do real chrome plating. Who specifically dealt with this case, please help. I think that you can use a regular airbrush, car putty, etc.”

Car body repair specialist Sergey Mikhailov from Moscow, commenting on this idea, is sure of its success: “I don’t know about chrome plating, but straightening and painting are always in demand, especially in the days of the “great tinsmith” - immediately after the first ice”.

Production of building materials

There is another story that deserves attention. The user Stradivari told about it:
“A friend put a vibrating machine in the garage, bought molds for casting, gypsum, impurities and dyes. Engaged in the production of facing tiles. He says that he plans to make more building blocks if he finds a room for a warehouse.

And in fact, small production building materials can also be placed in the garage. Technologist Mikhail Krasnov believes that such a business can be successful for a detached garage with a free area in front of it, where it is possible to place the production of a seasonal cycle, for example, foam concrete blocks.


Another garage theme deserves special attention- this is the provision of a service for adjusting the "descent-collapse". For these services in megacities, as a rule, there is a queue, on average, two or three cars per “point”. Forum member aleksand311, when asked what kind of garage business should be engaged in, writes:
“Try to find out if you have a wheel alignment in your city. good equipment(rough estimate of half a million rubles). If you come to these guys, you will see how busy they are with work.”

The growth of the country's car park also contributes to the popularity of this business. To be fair, not all garages are up to the task - only those that have easy ingress and egress near high traffic routes.

First furniture experience

Information is being circulated on the Internet that the largest Miass cushioned furniture” also has garage roots: they say, people who know the director say he started in their garages. At first, sofas and armchairs were made together with a partner. Now it is one of the largest factories in Russia. Indeed, the organization of a small furniture production also under the force of the "garage".

For example, forum member sarwar-83 commented on his experience:
“I have been manufacturing custom-made furniture for 1.5 years already, it’s pretty good, I was thinking about expanding, but the crisis has really knocked down.”

Igor Malyugin also believes that the furniture theme for the garage business can also be considered as a starting point. As a rule, such entrepreneurs, having barely fledged, after a couple of years begin to rent full-fledged furniture workshops.

In the footsteps of Steve Jobs

As lucrative and easy-to-follow as garage manufacturing ideas are, the most attractive business is smart start-ups. The car box is an ideal platform for the production of prototypes, which can already be offered to large investors. These can be drones, various firefighting robots, machine tools and equipment, and even military developments, that is, something that can be in demand by reputable companies. Your developments should be exhibited at numerous venture exhibitions and meetings. Only this garage business can bring an entrepreneur multimillion-dollar income.
And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe

Each of the listed garage business ideas certainly has the right to succeed. Meanwhile, most small (and not only) businesses are characterized by cyclical demand. Without knowing why, suddenly successful enterprises begin to lose momentum, many of their owners lose their footing and become disillusioned with the freedom of enterprise. However, there is a way out here too.

First of all, it is necessary to reorient in time to the production of other products or to the provision of other services. “Over the past ten years, we have not been anything but. Made metal doors until they were released large factories. Produced plastic containers, collected blinds, recycled car tires- says Andrey Andreev from St. Petersburg. “This is exactly what a garage business is good for with an inexpensive start, when you can do something else without regret and loss.”