The company manufactures products which require production. Production problem of linear programming. Topic: "The share of net and additional

The factory produces two types of products: P 1 and P 2. Products of both types go to wholesale. For the production of these products, three initial products are used - A, B, C. The maximum possible daily reserves of these products are 6, 8 and 5 tons, respectively. The costs of raw materials A, B, C per 1 thousand products P 1 and P 2 are given in table. A study of the sales market showed that the daily demand for P 2 products never exceeds the demand for P 1 products by more than 1 thousand pieces. In addition, it has been established that the demand for products P 2 never exceeds 2 thousand pieces. per day.
Wholesale prices 1 thousand pieces. products P 1 are equal to 3 thousand rubles, 1 thousand pieces. P 2 - 2 thousand pieces.
How many products (in thousands of pieces) of each type should the factory produce in order to maximize the income from the sale of products?

The construction of a mathematical model should begin with the identification of variables (desired values). After that, the objective function and constraints are determined through the corresponding variables.

In this example, we have the following:
Since it is necessary to determine the volume of production of each type of product, the variables are:
X 1 - daily output of the product P 1 in thousand pieces;
X 2 - daily output of the product P 2 in thousand pieces.

objective function. Since the cost of 1 thousand products P 1 is equal to 3 thousand rubles, the daily income from its sale will be 3X 1 thousand roubles. Similarly, income from the sale of X 2 thousand pieces. P 2 will be 2X 2 thousand rubles. per day. Assuming the independence of sales volumes of each of the products, the total income is equal to the sum of two terms - income from the sale of products P 1 and income from the sale of products P 2.
Denoting income (in thousand rubles) through f(X), we can give the following mathematical formulation of the objective function: determine the (admissible) values ​​of X 1 and X 2 that maximize the value of the total income:
f(X) \u003d 3X 1 + 2X 2, X \u003d (X 1, X 2)
Restrictions. When solving the problem under consideration, restrictions on the consumption of initial products A, B and C and the demand for manufactured products should be taken into account, which can be written as follows: Consumption of the initial product for the production of both types of products

The maximum possible supply of a given input product

This leads to three restrictions:
X 1+ 2X 2 ≤ 6 (for A),
2X 1+ X 2 ≤ 8 (for B),
X 1+ 0.8X 2 ≤ 5 (for C).
Restrictions on the magnitude of demand for products have the form:
X 2 - X 1 ≤ 1 (the ratio of the demand for products P 1 and P 2),
X 2 ≤ 2 (maximum demand for products P 2).
The conditions for the non-negativity of variables are also introduced, i.e., restrictions on their sign:
X 1 ≥ 0 (output P 1)
X 2 ≥ 0 (output P 2).
These restrictions lie in the fact that the volume of production cannot take negative values.
Therefore, the mathematical model is written as follows.
Determine the daily production volumes (X 1 and X 2) of products P 1 and P 2 in thousand pieces, at which
max f(X) = 3 X 1 + 2 X 2 (objective function)
with restrictions:
X 1 + 2X 2 ≤ 6
2X 1 + X 2 ≤ 8
X 1 + 0.8X 2 ≤
5 - X 1 + X 2 ≤ 1
X 2 ≤ 2
X 1 ≥0, X 2 ≥ 0

resource task

For the manufacture of products of type A and B, three types of raw materials are used, the stocks of each of which are P1, P2, P3. For the production of one product of type A, it is required to spend a1 kg of raw materials of the first type, a2 kg of raw materials of the second type, and a3 kg of raw materials of the third type. For one product of type B, b1, b2, b3 kg of each type of raw material is consumed, respectively. Profit from the sale of a unit of product A is α monetary units, and products B - β monetary units. Draw up a plan for the production of products A and B, providing maximum profit from their implementation. Solve the problem using the simplex method. Give a geometric interpretation of the problem.

Mathematical model of the problem
2x1 + x2 ≤438
3x1 + 6x2 ≤747
4x1 + 7x2 ≤812
F(X) = 7x1 + 5x2 => max

Resource usage problem (production planning problem)

For the manufacture of two types of products P 1 and P 2 use three types of resources S 1 , S 2 , S 3 . Stocks of resources, the number of units of resources spent on the manufacture of a unit of output, are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Resource type

The number of units of production spent on the manufacture of a unit of production

Resource reserves

R 1R 2
S12 3 20
S23 18
S31 4 10

Profit received from a unit of production Р 1 and Р 2 respectively 2 and 3 c.u. It is necessary to draw up a plan for the production of products in which the profit from its sale will be maximized.
Solution. Let's make an economic-mathematical model of the problem. Denote by x 1, x 2 - the number of units of production P 1 and P 2, respectively. Then the total profit F will be 2x CU 1. from the sale of products Р 1 and 3х 2 f.u. from the sale of products P 2, that is

F = 2x1 + 3x2. (one)
Since the amount of resources required for the production of products is limited, we will compose a system of resource restrictions. Production will require (2x 1 + 3x 2) units of resource S 1 , 3x 1 units of resource S 2 and (x 1 + 4x 2) units of resource S 3 . Since the consumption of resources S 1 , S 2 , S 3 should not exceed their reserves, 20, 18, 10 units, respectively, the relationship between resource consumption and their reserves will be expressed by a system of inequality constraints:

So, the economic and mathematical model of the problem: to find such a production plan that satisfies the system of constraints (2), in which the objective function (1) takes the maximum value.
The resource utilization problem can be generalized to the case of producing n types of products using m types of resources.
Denote by x (j = 1, 2,…,n) the number of units of production P j planned for production; b 1 (i = 1, 2,…,m) – stocks of resources S i , a ij – number of units of resource S i spent on manufacturing a unit of product P j ; c j - profit from the sale of a unit of production P j . Then the economic-mathematical model of the problem in the general formulation will take the form:

F=c 1 x 1 +c 2 x 2 +…+c n x n →(max) (3)

Find such a plan output that satisfies system (4), at which function (3) takes the maximum value.
Comment. This task It is also called the problem of determining the optimal range of products.

Production target to the minimum

The team accepted an order for the manufacture of 57 pieces. products P1, 68 pcs. products P2 and 80 pcs. products P3. Products are produced on machines A and B. For the manufacture of a unit of production P1 on machine A, 15 minutes are required, units of production P2 - 50 minutes, units of production P3 - 27 minutes, on machine B - respectively 11, 15 and 13 minutes.

Build a mathematical model of the problem, on the basis of which you can find how many products and what kind should be produced on machines A and B so that the order is completed in the minimum time.

Solution. Mathematical model of the problem.
x 1 - manufactured products P1 on machine A, pcs.
x 2 - manufactured products P1 on machine B, pcs.
x 3 - manufactured products P2 on machine A, pcs.
x 4 - manufactured products P2 on machine B, pcs.
x 5 - manufactured products P3 on machine A, pcs.
x 6 - manufactured products P3 on machine B, pcs.

Quantity restrictions:
x 1 + x 2 ≥ 57
x 3 + x 4 ≥ 68
x 5 + x 6 ≥ 80

Target function:
15x1 + 11x2 + 50x3 + 15x4 + 27x5 + 13x6 = min

The problem of optimal production

Example #1. The enterprise plans to produce two types of products I and II, the production of which consumes three types of raw materials A, B, and FROM. The need a ij for each unit of the j-th type of product of the i-th type of raw material, the stock b i of the corresponding type of raw material and the profit c j from the sale of a unit of the j-th type of product are given by the table:
  1. For the production of two types of products I and II with a plan x 1 and x 2 units, make up the target profit function Z and the corresponding system of restrictions on stocks of raw materials, assuming that it is required to produce a total of at least n units of both products.
  2. Under the conditions of task 1, draw up an optimal plan (x 1 , x 2) for the production of products that ensures maximum profit Z max . Determine the balance of each type of raw material. (Problem to be solved by the simplex method)
  3. Construct a polygon of feasible solutions according to the obtained system of restrictions and find the optimal production plan geometrically. Determine the corresponding profit Z max .

Example #2. A farmer can grow 4 crops on an area of ​​80 ha. He has already invested agreements for the sale of certain products (sales volume) and may purchase 250c of mineral fertilizers.
The area of ​​tilled crops (sunflower, sugar beet, potatoes, corn) should be 20 ha.
Labor and fertilizer costs, profit per 1 ha are shown in Table 2.
Determine how much space should be devoted to each crop in order to maximize profit.
Develop an economic-mathematical model and solve the problem.
Take the output according to the option (Table 2)

x 1 - area under buckwheat, ha; x 2 - area under barley, ha; x 3 – area under millet, ha; x 4 - area for potatoes, ha
Objective function: 140x 1 + 110x 2 + 120x 3 + 380x 4 → max
Fertilizer cost limits

Sales volume restrictions

Area restrictions
x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ≤ 80
Row crop area restrictions
x4 ≤ 20
In total, we have the following ZLP
3x1 + 3x2 + 2x3 + 5x4 ≤ 250
10x1 + 30x2 + 25x3 + 180x4 ≤ 200
x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ≤ 80
x4 ≤ 20
x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 ≤ 0
Objective function: 140x 1 + 110x 2 + 120x 3 + 380x 4 → max

4. The enterprise produces product B from material M. For one product, in accordance with the technology existing at the enterprise, the consumption rate of material M is 50 kg. In the third quarter of the year, based on market requirements and production possibilities The enterprise needs to manufacture 10,200 items B. As of July 1, the enterprise has 6.3 tons of the specified material in its warehouse, and in June 3 tons of materials have already been ordered to the supplier (but not yet received). Determine the required volume of purchases of materials M for the third quarter of the year. 5. The company produces science-intensive products, the production of which requires components. You can buy these components from a supplier at a price of 50 thousand rubles. for a unit. Or make them yourself. Variable costs enterprises will amount to 43 thousand rubles. per unit of components. Fixed costs will amount to 64,500 thousand rubles. Determine the “strategy for supplying” the enterprise with components: to purchase them from a supplier specializing in their production, or to manufacture them at the enterprise? 6. The trading enterprise plans to increase the amount of profit and reduce costs after receiving a loan during the first 3 years in the following amounts: Indicator 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Profit, thousand rubles. 220 290 380 Level of distribution costs, % 21.2 20.6 20.0 It is planned to maintain the average level of gross income (ie the ratio of the amount of trade markups to the amount of turnover in %) in the amount of 27%. share fixed costs treatment is provided for 40% and variables - 60%, respectively. Based on the established target indicators of profit and profitability commercial activities it is necessary to determine the volume of sales of goods (turnover) in 1, 2 and 3 years. To characterize the dynamics of trade and profit for three years. 7. ITC experts determined the following profit indicators depending on the market situation (in million rubles): Company strategy Profit depending on the situation Situation No. 1 Situation No. 2 Situation No. 3 1. Products A 50 65 55 2. Products B 90 25 50 3. Products C 70 50 80 21 1) If the experts are sure that the demand for all goods will increase, and its structure will remain unchanged, then what strategy should be chosen? 2) If there is a risk (experts consider the most likely implementation of situations No. 1 - 40%, No. 2 - 35%, No. 3 - 25%), what strategy should be considered optimal? 3) Assume that the conditions for the sale of goods will be unfavorable. What strategy can be proposed this case? 8. In the planned year, the wholesale and intermediary company decided to carry out additional marketing events and thereby increase the volume of sales. Based on the forecast of the total profit in the planned year, evaluate the feasibility of sales penetration, i.e. growth of actual sales of products due to coverage of new consumers. Calculate: a) sales penetration rate (KTpp KPLpp) in the current and planned year; b) profit in the current and planned year. Draw conclusions regarding changes in the sales indicator, the volume of actual revenue and gross distribution costs. Determine the profit in the current and planned year. 9. It is known that the annual demand for products is 10 thousand units. Shipping costs CU20. unit price CU 2.4 the cost of maintaining the stock is 40% of the price of the goods. What price should the seller charge when delivering products in batches of 450 units? 10. The enterprise's annual demand for raw materials is 6400 tons. With an increase in the volume of the purchase lot, the supplier provides buyers with discounts from the price. The cost of placing and fulfilling one order is 100 thousand rubles, and the cost of storing 1 ton of raw materials in a warehouse per year is 8,000 rubles. Calculate the economic lot for purchasing raw materials, excluding price discounts, as well as the total costs, including the costs of purchasing, placing and fulfilling the order, and holding inventory. 22 4. BRIEF GLOSSARY OF TERMS Bilaterism is an organization international trade on the basis of direct agreements concluded directly between the two states. Gross revenue - the excess of current income over the current expenses of the enterprise. Gross revenue includes: net profit, depreciation and non-mobilizable reserve funds. Dumping is a set of measures aimed at lowering the prices of exported goods in order for them to successfully compete with other similar goods in one or many foreign markets. Salary is a monetary remuneration proportional to the time or work task, paid to an employee who is bound by an employment contract with an employer. Indexation is the adjustment of the cost of capital or income to the evolution of some referenced variable (eg price, output, productivity level). Inflation is a general phenomenon of monetary leveling of tensions. arising in any socio-economic environment; characterized by an increase in the general level of prices and depreciation of money. A cartel agreement is an explicit or implicit, limited or all-encompassing agreement between two or more enterprises or groups of enterprises on the distribution of responsibilities between them, the harmonization of their decisions and policies in order to exclude mutual competition. A clearing agreement is a trade agreement that provides for the use of export earnings for settlements with importers in order to achieve equilibrium in mutual trade. A collective agreement is an agreement on working conditions concluded between trade union organizations of workers and employers. A commercial loan is a deferred payment provided by a supplier of goods or services to its trade client. 23 Competition is a state of relationship in which there is a free, complete and reliable comparison of all economic entities in terms of both supply and demand for goods and services, means of production and capital. Consignment is the transfer by the supplier of goods that remain his property for storage to the client. Consumerism is the activity of any kind of association and organizations of consumers, with the aim of making public authorities and manufacturers take into account the interests and point of view of consumers. Concentration is the union of factors of production around one center. Geographical concentration is the desire of enterprises to settle and develop in those places where other enterprises are already located. Economic concentration - the desire to increase the size of the enterprise. Liberalization is a measure or set of measures aimed at facilitating trade by reducing customs tariffs and expanding or eliminating quotas. A license is a permission obtained from administrative bodies for the implementation of any type of activity or certain operations. Margin (sales margin) is the difference between the selling price and trading costs, excluding prime cost. Gross merchant margin is the difference between the sale price and the purchase cost. The net margin is the difference between the selling price of a product and the sum of all (fixed and variable) costs associated with the production of this type of product or service. The Delphi method is a procedure for organizing and using expert advice. This method does not allow discussion of the problem by experts "face to face", and thus ensures the anonymity of judgments. The method involves identifying common positions through answers to repeated questions. A minimum wage is a minimum wage set by law in order to guarantee wage earners in the poorest categories an income corresponding to the socially accepted subsistence level. 24 Monopsony is a market situation in which competition on the demand side is incomplete because there is only one buyer. The general wage fund is the totality of all wages paid by business entities wages and social contributions of entrepreneurs. Purchasing power is the amount of goods or services that a certain amount of money can buy. Supply - the volume of goods and services provided in this way to meet demand. Preferences - a more favorable than usual customs regime provided by a country to goods coming from certain countries or groups of countries. Surplus value is the difference between newly created value and advanced capital. Profit is the company's net income for certain period operating activities, net of mandatory costs, distributions to shareholders and any provision for business risk. Profitability is the ability of the allocated or invested capital to generate income, expressed in financial terms. A recession is a decline in economic activity. A situation of a noticeable slowdown in economic growth, up to stagnation, which could lead to an overall reduction in production. If the slowdown process gains momentum and does not stop, the recession may turn into a depression with all the signs of a crisis. Ristorno is a price discount on purchases made by a customer in a certain period, usually proportional to the total cost of these purchases. Self-financing - financing of investments of an economic entity at the expense of its own resources. Seasonal loan is a loan granted to perform a certain operation for a limited time, corresponding to the cycle of its completion in trade, industry. 25 A merger is a combination of all property or activities of several companies with the aim of creating a new company or the takeover of all these companies by one of them. A customs union is a group of states whose territory forms a single customs area. A commodity exchange is an institution created for the organizational functioning of markets for goods and services. Trading is an activity that consists in the purchase of goods, services or valuables for further resale (with or without further processing), for hiring or transferring for a fee the right to use or benefit. Trust (concern) is a form of concentration leading to the establishment of a group of enterprises subordinate to one management unit. Holding - a company that sets itself the task of obtaining and maintaining participation in the capital of enterprises in order to control or direct their activities. Net revenue is the sum of net profit after deducting taxes and deductions to non-mobilizable reserves. This indicator makes it possible to determine the amount of available self-financing resources, for which, in this way, a maximum limit is set, as it were. An economic crisis is an imbalance between supply and demand for goods and services, which gives rise to a depressive process in the economic environment. In a broad sense, it is a general or characteristic state of an oppressed conjuncture that is characteristic of individual industries or a region. An economic forecast is a cumulative calculation of the activities of an economic entity for the current or subsequent period (usually within a year) within one territory. Extrapolation is the hypothetical extension of a law, function or value beyond the time frame in which they are objectively located or observed. 26 5. RECOMMENDED LITERATURE a) basic 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Parts 1.2 - M.: Legal Literature, 1994. 3. Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Parts 1.2 with changes and additions). 5. Law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services" dated 10.06.93 No. 5/5/-1 (with amendments and additions). 6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On integrated program development of the infrastructure of the commodity markets of the Russian Federation for 1998-2005.” dated 15.06.98 No. 593. 7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” dated 24.12.94 No. 1418 (as amended and supplemented). 8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures for the state regulation of trade and improvement of trade services" dated 12.08.1993 // Trade newspaper, 1994, August 25 9. the federal law RF “On tenders for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs” dated May 6, 1999. 10. Alexandrov Yu.L., Tereshchenko N.N. Economics of commodity circulation. - Krasnoyarsk: KGU, 1999 11. Zagladina S.M. USA: circulation of goods and services in the economy. 12. Petrov P.V., Solomatin A.N. Economy commodity circulation: Uch. for universities. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001 13. Samsonov L.A. Sphere of circulation of personal consumption items. - M., 1986 14. Economics and organization of activities commercial enterprise. Textbook under the general editorship of Solomatin A.N. - M.: INFRA -M, 1999 15. Economics of trade: Textbook. - M., 1990 16. Economics of a commercial enterprise. - M: Economics, 1996 b) additional 1. Large economic dictionary./ Ed. A.N. Azrilyana. - M.: 1994 2. Valevich R.P.. Davydova G.A. Economics of the enterprise: Uch. allowance. – MN.: Vysh. school., 1996 27 3. Worst I., Reventlow P. Economics of the firm. Per. from Danish. - M.: Higher school, 1994 4. Genkin B.M. Introduction to the theory of labor efficiency. SPb, 1992 5. Gruzinov V. Economics of enterprise and entrepreneurship. - M.: Sofit, 1994 6. Dubrovsky V.Zh., Chaikin B.I. Economics and management of an enterprise (firm): Textbook. - Ekaterinburg: UGEU, 1998 7. Osipova L.V., Sinyaeva I.M. Fundamentals of commercial activity. Textbook for university students on special. Marketing, Commerce. - M .: Banks and exchanges, ed. association "UNITI", 1997 8. Pankratov F.G., Seregina T.K. Commercial activity: Textbook for higher. and avg. specialist. textbook establishments. - M.: Information and Implementation Center "Marketing", 1996 9. Russian Trade Encyclopedia: in 5 volumes - M.: ROOI and P for social protection and fair taxation, 1999. Trade legislation of Russia. Prior Publishing House, M.: 1999. 10. Suvorov A.V., Sukhorukov G.M. Forecasting income and consumption of the population // Problems of forecasting, 1996, No. 4 11. Statistics of the market of goods and services. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002 12. Goods and services. Management problems. - M., 1990 13. Trading business: economics and organization. Textbook / Ed. Bragina L.A. etc. - M.: INFRA-M, 1997 14. Trading business: economics, marketing, organization: Textbook. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged./ Ed. prof. L.A. Bragin and prof. T.P. Danko. - M.: INFRA -M, 2000 15. Economics of a commercial enterprise: Textbook for universities / A.I. Grebnev, Yu.K. Bazhenov, O.A. Gabrielyan and others - M .: Economics, 1996 16. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for universities / Ed. Gorfinkelya V.Ya., Krupryakova E.M. - M.: Banks and exchanges, 1994 17. Fatrell Ch. Fundamentals of trade. - M.: Dovgan, 1996 18. Economics and statistics of firms. Textbook for students of economic specialties of universities / Adamov V.V., Ilyenkova S.D., Sirotina T.P. Ed. Ilyenkova S.D. – M.; 1997 19. Ivanitsky V.I. Efficiency of use of fixed assets of trade. - M., 1974 20. Yakutin Yu. Conceptual approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of corporate integration. // Russian Economic Journal, 1998, No. 5 Magazines and newspapers: " Modern trade”, “The Economist”, “Economic Issues”, “Russian Economic Journal”, “Economics and Life”, “News of Trade” and others. Periodical Statistical Handbooks "Trade in Russia" 28 Appendix 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution higher professional education "TYUMEN STATE OIL AND GAS UNIVERSITY" Department of Trade Economics student / Checked by: __________________________ / full name teacher, position / Tyumen, 200_ 29 CONTENTS 1. General provisions 3 2. Course program 4 3. Tasks for independent work of students 13 4. Concise Dictionary terms 23 5. Recommended reading 27 Appendix 29 30

Analyze the situation and choose the most beneficial solution for the enterprise:

A. Make the parts yourself.

B. Purchase parts on the side and use your own released equipment for the production of other products that can bring a profit in the amount of 18,000 rubles.

Problem 24

The company has 1,000 obsolete computer parts purchased earlier for 200,000 rubles. What is more profitable: to process parts with a cost of 40,000 rubles. and sell them for 64,000 rubles. or sell them for 17,000 rubles. without any processing?

Problem 25

The company produces technically complex products, the production of which requires significant amount component parts. The company can buy these parts at a price of 100 rubles. / PCS. or make them yourself. Determine what is more profitable for the enterprise (the threshold of profitability has been crossed).

The cost of production of parts at the enterprise itself:

straight variable costs- 85 rubles. / PCS.;

Initial data for calculations:

fixed costs - 60,000 rubles; selling price of a unit of production - 20 rubles; variable costs per unit of production - 12 rubles; current sales volume - 8200 units; the acceptable range of production volumes is 4,500–12,500 units.

Problem 46

Based on the table. 1 and 2 initial data to calculate the retail price of the old and new goods.

Table 1 Expert assessments quality parameters of old and new goods

Table 2 Conditions for calculating the retail price

An enterprise is a business entity that, at its own risk, carries out independent activities aimed at systematically extracting profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services, and which is registered in this capacity in accordance with the procedure established by law. The enterprise independently disposes of the manufactured products, the profit received, which remains at its disposal after paying taxes and other obligatory payments.

To carry out its activities, the enterprise forms property that may belong to it on the basis of ownership or full economic ownership. The sources of the property of the enterprise are:

*Money and material contributions of the founders of the enterprise.

*Income from the sale of products, works and services.

*Securities and income from securities.

*Capital investments and subsidies from budgets different levels.

*Gratuitous or charitable contributions.

*Donations from organizations, enterprises and citizens.

Redemption of property of state enterprises through competition, auction, tender.

*Repurchase of property state enterprise through shareholding.

*Other sources not prohibited by law.

The mechanism of the functioning of the enterprise.

The socio-economic role of the enterprise in market conditions is changing significantly. This change comes in a number of areas:

1. The main requirement that the market puts forward for an enterprise is to work in such a way that the result of the activity was not only the release of products or services, but also the receipt of profit, i.e. there should always be an excess of income over expenses, and the higher this excess, the more profitable the enterprise is.

2. To replace the requirement to release as many products as possible, since social economy is permanently in deficit for a particular range of products, a demand comes - not only to produce products, but also to sell them, to sell them. Further increase in volumes is expedient only in conditions of guaranteed sales of the latter.

3. The existing restrictions on the part of higher organizations are being replaced by the independence of enterprises in many areas of its activity, but as a price for this independence - the danger of insolvency and bankruptcy, i.e. the enterprise can be withdrawn from the economic sphere, since it could not work in the market conditions and was forced to leave it.

Consequently, the behavior of the enterprise in market conditions of management is changing, and this change concerns many aspects of the enterprise's activities.

Any enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form, form of ownership, industry affiliation, manufactured products or services, is an open economic system.

1 block enterprise, whose main task is the transformation of resources.

2 block-input resources - labor, material, financial

3block resources at the output, i.e. converted resources - finished products, production waste, profit, cash

4 block - social environment with which the enterprise-state, municipal bodies, legislation interacts.

5 block - natural environment - consumption of natural resources, minerals, air, water.

6 block-relationship with the market, marketing, and this block interacts both at the input of resources and at the output.

7block ratio of input resources with output resources forms economic work in the enterprise, the economics of the enterprise.

As noted above, in a market environment, an enterprise solves two problems - to produce and sell products. Depending on the solution of these problems, the enterprise will flourish or become insolvent. In order to know what needs to be produced - what assortment, in what quantity, an enterprise must study the market, i.e. engage in marketing before it begins to expend resources for the manufacture of a particular product. Moreover, marketing

it is necessary to engage constantly - both before launching products into production, and after in the process of selling products. Therefore, in the scheme, the market is given before the start of production and its end.

To make decisions, it is necessary to collect and analyze the reliability of information, which includes:

*Description of goods: whether they are end-use goods or intermediate goods, finished goods or semi-finished products, whether a service is needed or not, whether the price is acceptable by the consumer, like the prices of competitors.

* Channels of distribution of goods: the presence of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer, their number.

*Specific market conditions: Are there legal restrictions that may interfere with marketing activities.

*General characteristics market: a large or small number of consumers, ways of buying goods, the attitude of buyers to goods, terms and conditions of delivery, terms of sale from competitors.

*Legal restrictions: Are there any legal restrictions that may hinder marketing activities

*Levels management activities in the field of marketing: long-term goals of the company (for 10-15 years), taking into account the situation in the domestic and foreign markets and its development trends.

*financial materials and other resources necessary to achieve these goals.

*Prospective (up to 5 years) goals of the company that arise in this case and their security necessary resources.

*Operational, current goals and objectives set by market conditions that do not contradict long-term strategic goals.

In the production of a product and the implementation of a marketing policy, it is necessary to take into account the life cycle of a product in the market, which consists of a number of stages:

*Introduction, which requires a lot of money, so trading a product at this stage, as a rule, is unprofitable.

* Growth as a result of consumer acceptance of the product and the rapid increase in demand for it. With an increase in sales volume and, accordingly, profits, advertising costs stabilize.

*Maturity is characterized by the fact that the majority of buyers have already purchased the product, so the sales growth rate, having reached a maximum, begins to fall, profits also begin to decline due to an increase in advertising and other marketing activities.

*Saturation: in this period, despite the measures taken, sales growth is no longer observed. Profit from trading continues to increase due to lower production costs.

*A recession is a period of sharp decline in sales and then profits.

The input enterprise consumes resources of a certain type, so that later as a result production process at the output, get transformed resources, resources of a different consumer value.

The ratio of resources at the input and output is the content of such a concept as the economics of the enterprise. For the economy of an enterprise, to a certain extent, the product being produced, the chosen production technology, the composition and qualification level frames. The only thing that interests her is the ratio in the use of resources, which implies an excess of the revenue side over the expenditure side (profitable operation of the enterprise), an excess of the expenditure side over the revenue side (unprofitable operation of the enterprise), and, finally, equality of the revenue and expenditure parts (the operation of the enterprise in conditions self-sufficiency).

The enterprise consumes

Raw materials and materials Land resources Devices, tools, equipment

Accessories Equipment Household inventory

Fuel and energy Vehicles Cash

Equipment Computing facilities Transmitting devices

At the output, the enterprise releases resources in the form

Finished products in a specific nomenclature, assortment, quantity, price form

production waste

production costs

Payments different kind


How an enterprise works - profitably, unprofitably or within the framework of self-sufficiency, to a large extent depends on the methods and methods of transforming resources and can be determined by a number of both private and overall indicators efficiency:

Overall volume gross or net output.

Average population workers.

Average annual cost major production assets.

Current material costs for production.

Production cost

In order for the transformation of resources to be carried out, the enterprise must have a certain structure, certain processes must take place on it, it must perform certain functions for the management and organization of production.

Company structure

Main production divisions

Auxiliary production divisions

Subdivisions serving side and ancillary

Management services and divisions

Processes carried out at the enterprise

Scientific research Transportation

Design, construction

Manufacturing Recovery

Repair and modernization Preservation and packaging

Control and prevention of marriage Cleaning and neutralization

Maintenance Safety Prevention

Storage Management

Enterprise management functions

Accounting, statistics Motivation

Analysis Performance control

Planning Regulation

Decision making and implementation

Functions of the organization in the enterprise

Rationing Resourcing

Coordination in time and space Routing of objects of work

operational planning Workplace planning

Dispatch Creation favorable conditions

Execution of control functions Implementation finished products

Division and cooperation of labor Identification of reserves and rational


P the process of transforming resources in an enterprise

An important element of the production process at the enterprise is the selected technology option. It is the chosen technology that determines the composition and the required amount of resources at the exit to production system. A change in technology leads to a change in the professional and qualification composition of personnel necessary for the production, technological equipment, Vehicle, tools up to changes in the types of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components used. An enterprise, depending on the nature of its products, the scale of investment opportunities available to it, chooses one or another technology. The selected technology is closely related to two indicators of the enterprise: the price of products and the level of its quality. At the same time, these two factors form the competitiveness of products, more often the preference is given to the second indicator. A little more about these indicators.

Under the conditions of planned management of the economy, the enterprise planned the level of prices, costs and the standard of profitability. In market conditions, these values ​​are freely set by the enterprise.

In market conditions, the price serves as a significant regulator of production and has a direct and indirect impact on the amount of generated profit, on the nature and results of competition. The price of manufactured products for the enterprise is the contractual price between it and the consumer. There are several options for contract prices (Cd):

Option 1: CD = Cost + Profit

Option 2: CD = Demand - Supply

3rd option: Competitor's price< Цена кнкурент j

The first variant of setting the contractual price is completely determined by the conditions of production and is concentrated within the enterprise. However, in market conditions, this is more an exception than a rule, since there is usually more than one manufacturer on the market. This option is applicable in the case when the manufacturer of the goods is the leading this market and when the results financial activities satisfy management. This option makes it possible to fairly fairly distribute profits between the manufacturer, who does not offer a scarce product, and the consumer, for whom the price is not a decisive factor in the purchase. The second and third options are close to reality.

In the second option of setting the price, the forecasted demand and the cost of goods are taken as the basis. The task for the enterprise is set as follows: the price per unit of goods is predetermined and it is necessary to establish at what quantity of goods sold the enterprise will begin to receive real profit. The inverse problem is also possible: the approximate number of products that can be sold on the market is known, it is necessary to determine at what price this sales volume will not lead to losses.

The third pricing option takes into account the level of competition in the market and often gives good results. The manufacturer studies the dynamics of competitors' prices and determines what the competitor's price will be for a similar product, with the main focus on reducing costs and increasing profits.

Consideration of the three options shows that under the conditions market economy price is a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of products. Another equally important, and perhaps even more important factor is the quality of the products.

Quality is a set of product properties designed to satisfy the need in accordance with the purpose of the product. Any product is a combination of properties, which include reliability, ergonomics, aesthetic properties, safety and environmental friendliness. Product quality is the result of quality: labor, objects of labor, means of labor, technology, management, and the working environment as a whole.

In recent years, the world's leading firms have been consistently implementing a new strategy for product quality management.

Quality assurance is not understood as technical function implemented by some department, but as a systematic process that permeates the entire organizational structure firms.

The new concept of quality must meet the appropriate structure of the enterprise.

Improving quality requires the application of new manufacturing technology, from design automation to automated quality control measurements.

All this is feasible only when a well-organized quality management system is in place, aimed at the interests of consumers, affecting all departments and acceptable to all personnel.

Entrepreneurial activity is an initiative independent activity of citizens and their associations aimed at making a profit. Therefore, making a profit is the immediate goal of the enterprise. But an enterprise can make a profit only if it produces products or services that are sold, i.e. satisfy social needs. The subordination of these two goals - satisfaction of needs and making a profit - is as follows: you cannot make a profit without studying the needs and without starting to produce the product that satisfies the needs. It is necessary to produce a product that will satisfy needs and, moreover, at a price that would satisfy solvent needs. And an acceptable price is possible only if the enterprise maintains a certain level of costs, when all the costs of consumed resources are less than the revenue received. In this sense, profit is the immediate goal of the functioning of the enterprise and at the same time is the result of its activities. If an enterprise does not fit into the framework of such behavior and does not make a profit, then it is forced to leave the economic sphere, to declare itself bankrupt.

Foreign economic activity - it is economic entrepreneurial activity legal and individuals in the field of international exchange of goods, services, movement of material, financial and intellectual resources.

The choice of the type of foreign economic activity depends on the specific specialization of the enterprise, its financial situation, the mechanism of state regulation, forms of ownership

At present, the main form of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises is foreign trade activity which is the exchange of goods and services between different countries. According to the current legislation in Russia, almost any enterprise or organization has the right to independently enter the foreign market. This implies that the enterprise must itself resolve all issues related to the implementation of a foreign trade transaction with a foreign partner.

First, the question is decided what goods or services the company can offer to the foreign market. Special attention here is devoted to the study of the prospects for the sale of these products on foreign market. Then a partner in the transaction is selected. When choosing a partner, it is very important to obtain information from independent sources about his conscientiousness in fulfilling obligations, about his position in this market (whether he is an intermediary or an independent producer-consumer), how strong his financial position is. At the next stage of the transaction, it is planned to establish business contact with the chosen partner - negotiations. During the negotiation process, all issues related to the future deal should be resolved and agreed upon. The result of negotiations between the parties to the transaction is a foreign trade contract.

List of used literature :

V.Ya. Gorfinkel, G.P. Polyak, V.A. Schwander. "Entrepreneurship". 2000

L.V. Prykin. " Economic analysis enterprises". 2001

O.I. Volkov, V.P. Sklyarenko. "Enterprise Economics" 2001

Pskov Polytechnic Institute-branch of St. Petersburg State Technical University

FEM group 11-02

Student Aleksandrov Artyom.

Pskov 2001.


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  • Coursework - improving the activities of the enterprise (Coursework)
  • Questions and answers on the Organization of commercial activities of the enterprise (Question)
  • Coursework - Organization of commercial activities and ways to improve it (Coursework)
  • Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization and technology of commercial activity (Document)
  • Spurs on Commercial Activities (Cheat Sheet)
  • Diploma - Planning of commercial activities at the enterprise Spetstrans Chulman LLC (Thesis)
  • Coursework - Trade secret of the organization (Coursework)
  • Kiseleva E.N., Budanova O.G. Organization of business activities by industry and application (Document)
  • Tyutyushkina G.S. Organization of commercial activities of the enterprise (Document)
  • n1.docx

    Task 1

    1. An industrial enterprise in the planning year must produce machine tools with numerical program management. The following parts are cast from carbon steel shaped castings for machine tools:

    Table 4

    2. In accordance with the supply plan, the enterprise must ship 12,500 brackets of numbers K-26 - K-35. There is no detailed program for the production of brackets at the time of drawing up the plan. Rate and output data certain types brackets in reporting period are shown in table 5.

    Table 5


    Bracket Numbers











    Draft casting weight, kg











    Volume of production, pcs











    1. Blend recipe:
    Pig iron - 35%

    Iron scrap - 62.4%

    45% ferrosilicon -0.9%

    76% ferromanganese -1.7%

    1. Take the yield ratio of a good casting equal to 85%.
    5. The consumption rate of molding materials per 1 ton of suitable casting is, in kg:

    1. Sand quartz - 870.0

    2. Brick - raw -150.0

    3. Molding clay - 50.0
    4) Refractory clay - 100.0

    5) Fireclay brick. - 50.0

    6) Silver graphite - 0.5

    7) Graphite black - 10.0

    8) Talc -1.0

    9) Bentonite -5.0


    Product type

    Production plan

    Draft casting weight, kg

    The need for casting, t

    Coef. Exit

    The need for charge



    cast iron


    Ferros th




    A. housing









    B. stove









    B. holder























    Production plan for A, B, C = to plan. They produce a year (1200pcs) * number of parts not a machine (tab4)

    The need for casting = production plan * rough weight of the casting (tab. 4)




    Charge requirement (total) = casting requirement * 85%

    A \u003d 1960800 * 85% \u003d 1666680

    B=1047600* 85%=890460

    B=187200* 85%=159120

    Charge requirement (last column 4) = total% (item 3)

    Cast iron=1666680*35%=583338

    Scrap \u003d 1666680 * 62.4% \u003d 1040008.3

    Ferros-th \u003d 1666680 * 0.9% \u003d 15000.1

    Ferrom-c \u003d 1666680 * 1.7% \u003d 28333.6

    Cast iron=890460*35%=311661

    Scrap \u003d 890460 * 62.4% \u003d 555647

    Ferros-th \u003d 890460 * 0.9% \u003d 8014.1

    Ferrom-c \u003d 890460 * 1.7% \u003d 15137.8

    Cast iron=159120*35%=55692

    Scrap \u003d 159120 * 62.4% \u003d 99290.9

    Ferros-th \u003d 159120 * 0.9% \u003d 1432

    Ferrom-c \u003d 159120 * 1.7% \u003d 2705

    For Brackets:

    Production plan = 12500+12500=15000

    Need for casting (brackets) = rough weight * production plan = 26.71 * 15000 = 400500

    The need for charge (bracket) = total *% in the 3rd paragraph

    Charge requirement (total)= sweat casting*85%=400500*85%=340425

    Recipe for the charge for the bracket

    Cast iron \u003d 340425 * 35% \u003d 119148.8

    Scrap \u003d 340425 * 62.4% \u003d 212425.2

    Ferros-th \u003d 340425 * 0.9% \u003d 3063.8

    Ferrom-c \u003d 340425 * 1.7% \u003d 5787.2

    Need for materials

    1. Sand quartz \u003d 3596100 * 870 \u003d 3128607000

    2. Brick - raw \u003d 3596100 * 150 \u003d 539415000

    3. Molding clay =3596100*50=179805000
    4) Refractory clay \u003d 3596100 * 100 \u003d 359610000

    5) Fireclay brick. =3596100*50=179805000

    6) Silver graphite \u003d 3596100 * 0.5 \u003d 178050

    7) Black graphite =3596100*10=35961000

    8) Talc \u003d 3596100 * 1 \u003d 3596100

    9) Bentonite \u003d 3596100 * 5 \u003d 17980500

    Task 2

    Determine the company's need for medium-sized steel and the amount of the order based on the following data:

    The annual production volume is 13 thousand pieces.

    The consumption rate of rolled products per product is 1150 kg.

    Normative backlog of work in progress at the end planning period– 920 ed.

    The expected balance of work in progress at the beginning of the planning period is 750 items.

    The need for repair and maintenance needs - 2650 tons.

    The standard carryover stock is 10 days.

    The actual balance of rolled products on the first day of the month in which the supply plan was developed is 1450 tons.

    The company's need for rolled products for the period remaining before the planned year is 1050 tons .

    Rolled products will be delivered according to the plan for the period remaining before the start of the planned year - 1200 tons.

    Materials on the way - 150 tons.

    Mobilization of internal resources - 3% of the total need for rental.


    Rp + Rnt + Rren + Rnp + Rz \u003d Oozh + Onp + Mwe + Zs

    Rnt - the need for materials for the introduction of new technology

    Rren - the need for materials for repair and maintenance needs

    Expected balance at the beginning of the planning period

    Onp - materials in work in progress at the beginning of the planning period.

    MVE - mobilization of internal resources

    Zs - purchase from the side.

    Let's determine the need of the enterprise for the average daily rental:

    Rp+Rnt+Rren+ Rnp+Rz

    Let's translate 1150kg=1.15t

    Рп = annual production volume * consumption rate

    Rp \u003d 13000 * 1.15 \u003d 14950t.


    Rnp \u003d 920 * 1.15 \u003d 1058t.

    Rz \u003d (14950 + 2650 + 1058-862.5) / 360 \u003d 49.4 for 1 day

    For 10 days = 494

    The need of the enterprise = 14950+2650+1058+494=19152

    Determination of the order quantity

    MVE \u003d 3% * 19152 \u003d 574.5 tons

    Zs \u003d 14950 - (1450-1050 + 150 + 1200 + 574.5) \u003d 2324.5

    Task 3

    Determine the optimal size of the purchased batch, the number of batches and the resumption of orders at the lowest cost of warehousing and procurement services based on the data below. Using the data obtained, construct a graph of the optimal size of the purchased lot. Initial data: 1. Annual consumption of product "B" - 30 thousand pieces.

    2. The price of the ex-warehouse of the buyer for a unit of product "B" - 15 dollars.

    3.Discounts for the size of orders starting from 10 thousand pieces.

    4. Costs for servicing purchases - 1875 dollars. for every game.

    5. Warehousing costs - 20% of the cost of the average annual production stock 6. Number of working days per year - 260.


    Determine the optimal size of the purchased lot:

    Сг - total annual costs

    S- annual demand

    i is the annual cost of keeping a unit of production in stock.

    С=15dol-(discount 5%)=14.25

    Better with discount.

    Lots = 30000/10000= 3 lots

    Lots = 30000/6123= 5 lots

    Order renewal time = 260/3=86

    Order renewal time = 260/5=52

    The size

    number of parties

    1. Lot size - 10000; number of batches 3

    2. Lot size - 6123; number of batches 5
    Task 4

    Develop a quarterly supply plan, determine the degree of its provision with profiled steel (in percent, tons, days of work) and the amount of the order using the data below.

    Table 23




    per quarter,

    thousand pieces


    spending on

    products, kg

    Expected balance at the beginning of the quarter, t


    Work in progress

    production stock

    Work in progress

    Production stock, days











    In the planned quarter, according to an earlier order, rolled products are expected to arrive in
    amount of 150 tons. It also provides for the use of production waste in the amount of 48 tons.


    Determine the need for profile rental:

    Rp+ Rnp+Rz

    Rp-need for materials production

    RNP - the need for materials for the formation of a backlog of work in progress

    Rz - the need for materials for the formation of carry-over stocks

    Rp \u003d 110 * 2.5 + 250 * 1.8 \u003d 275 + 450 \u003d 725t.

    Rz \u003d (725 + 75-108) / 90 \u003d 27t. – in 1 day

    10 days - 270

    The need for profiled steel = 725+75+270=1070t.

    Determine the balance at the enterprise = 108 + 30.8 + 150 + 48 = 336.8 tons.

    Degree of security:

    X \u003d (336.8 * 100) / 1070 \u003d 31.5%

    In days: 336.8/27=12.5

    Determination of the order value: 1070-336.8 = 733.2 tons.

    Task 5

    Determine the form of commodity circulation (warehouse or transit) for sectional structural steel and the maximum annual volume of consumption at which the warehouse form of supply is appropriate.

    Initial data:

    1. Annual steel consumption - 396 tons

    2. Wholesale price (ex-stock supplier) - 1430 rubles

    3. Costs for the delivery of 1 ton of steel:

    • in the transit form of deliveries - 35 rubles.

    • with a warehouse form of supply -95 rubles.
    4. Annual expenses for the storage of one ton of steel in the warehouse of the enterprise 72 rubles.
    5. The norm of the production stock:

    - in transit form of supply - 25 days

    With a warehouse form of supply - 5 days

    6. Capital costs for the creation of a storage capacity for storing 1 ton of steel - 1300 rubles.

    7. Normative coefficient of efficiency of capital investments (Yong)- 0,15


    Annual steel consumption is 396t.

    • with a transit form 396/360*25=27.5

    • with warehouse form 396/360*5=5.5
    Cost definition:

    Ztr \u003d P * Rtr + Vtr * C * K + Vtr * S + Vtr * Q * K

    Zwarehouse \u003d P * Rwarehouse + Inklad * C * K + Inklad * S + Zklad * Q * K

    P-annual demand for this type of material

    Rtr, Rsklad-expenses for the delivery of units of products to the warehouse of the enterprise-consumer.

    Tue, To warehouse - the value of the production stock

    C - wholesale price of this type of materials

    K is the coefficient of effective use of capital investments.

    S- annual cost of storage units. stock in the warehouse of the enterprise-consumer

    Q- capital investments for the creation of a storage capacity for storing units. reserve

    in transit form:

    Ztr \u003d 396 * 35 + 27.5 * 1430 * 0.15 + 27.5 * 72 + 27.5 * 1300 * 0.15 \u003d 13860 + 5898.75 + 1980 + 5362.5 \u003d 27101.25

    in warehouse form:

    Z warehouse \u003d 396 * 95 + 5.5 * 1430 * 0.15 + 5.5 * 72 + 5.5 * 1300 * 0.15 \u003d 37620 + 1179.75 + 396 + 1072.5 \u003d 40268.25

    Maximum annual consumption



    Transit will be more profitable if the number is greater than 10593, and if less, then warehouse.

    Task 6

    Supply Service industrial enterprise it is necessary to develop a supply strategy regarding component "A". It can be purchased from a supplier at a price (including shipping costs) - 710 rubles, or made at home. Variable costs of enterprises self-manufacturing a unit of component "A" will amount to 605 rubles. Fixed costs of the enterprise are equal to 6900 thousand rubles.

    Using the given data, it is necessary to determine what is the feasibility of producing a component product at home and at what volume of output. Determine how a 5% reduction in customer costs will affect the possible production volume.




    Х=65714 (qty) output volume

    By reducing variable costs

    605 – 30 = 575




    Variable cost reduction

    575-29=546 (more profitable)

    Task 7

    The enterprise produces science-intensive products, the production of which requires components. You can buy these components from a supplier at a price of 50 thousand rubles. per unit or make them yourself. Variable expenses of the enterprise amount to 43 thousand rubles. per unit of components. Fixed costs amount to 64,500 thousand rubles.

    Determine the “supply strategy” of the enterprise with components: to purchase components from a supplier specializing in their production or to manufacture them at the enterprise?


    (solved in the same way)


    Task 8

    The company purchases raw materials from a supplier. The company's annual demand for raw materials is 6,400 tons. When the order quantity increases, the supplier provides price discounts to customers in order to encourage them to purchase in larger quantities.

    Order batch Price of 1 ton of raw materials, thousand rubles.

    Q t 1 t up to 499 t 40.0

    From 500 t to 999 t 2% discount

    From 1000 tons and above 3% discount

    The cost of placing and fulfilling the order is 100 thousand rubles. rub., and the cost of storing 1 ton of raw materials per year in a warehouse is 8,000 rubles.


    1. an economical batch of the order of raw materials, excluding discounts from the price, as well as full costs, including the costs of purchasing, placing an order, as well as storing stocks of raw materials;

    2. full costs of the enterprise in accordance with those volumes of the order of raw materials that exceed the economic order size and the sale price of which includes discounts;

    3. select the order lot value that provides the minimum total cost, including the cost of purchasing raw materials, placing and fulfilling an order, and storing raw materials in the company's warehouse.

    Сг - total annual costs

    A - the cost of supplying the purchased batch

    S- annual demand

    C - unit price of purchased products

    qo is the number of product units contained in the purchased lot.

    1. annual cost of keeping a unit of product in stock.
    From 1t to 499t (without discount)

    From 500t to 999t 2% discount


    From 1000t and above 3% discount


    Task 9

    In November, the plant's mechanical shop is scheduled to produce from hot-rolled
    hexagonal steel 24120 parts. The consumption rate of steel for 1 part is 0.8 kg. standard
    work-in-progress at the end of November - 9% of the monthly parts program, expected availability at the beginning of November 1700 parts. The norm of workshop stocks is 3 days. The expected balances at the beginning of November were taken equal to 70% of the shop stock standard. Set a limit for the issue of materials to the workshop for the month of November.



    Product name

    Production plan

    Consumption rate

    Need for materials

    Average daily requirement



















    Zn (kg)



    Pp \u003d 24120 * 0.8 \u003d 19296

    24120*9%= 2170,8

    Pnp \u003d (2170.8-1700) * 0.8 \u003d 376.64

    Average daily requirement \u003d 19672.64 / 30 \u003d 655.7

    Total consumption=19296+376.64=19672.64

    Stocks at the beginning: Zn \u003d 70% * 19672.64 \u003d 1377

    Limit \u003d 1967.2 + 19296 + 376.64-1377 \u003d 20262

    Task 10

    Determine the limit for the shop for the release of sheet metal for the month of April based on the data below.

    Table 24



    Consumption rate

    Actual balance as of 01.04

    Work in progress standard

    Workshop standard





    rolled on









    in % off plan


    product, kg



    rental, days














    Product name

    Production plan

    Consumption rate

    Need for materials

    Average daily requirement



































    Zn (kg)




    Зк - the amount of stock for a specific planning period

    Пп - the need of the workshop for material resources

    Pnp - the need of the workshop for material resources to change the backlog of work in progress

    Zn - the value of the stock of material resources at the beginning of the planning period

    Pp (A) \u003d 1060 * 15 \u003d 15900

    Pp (B) \u003d 2200 * 7 \u003d 15400

    Pp (total) \u003d 15900 + 15400 \u003d 31300



    Pnp (A) \u003d (68.9-85) * 15 \u003d -241.5

    Pnp (B) \u003d (154-160) * 7 \u003d -42

    Average daily consumption:


