Chief Economist job responsibilities briefly. Job description of the chief economist of the enterprise

[Name of company]

Job description

I approve

[Position name] [Organization name]

______________/___[FULL NAME.]___/

Head economist

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the chief economist [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The Chief Economist is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The Chief Economist belongs to the category of managers and is subordinate to:


Economist for labor and wages.

1.4. The Chief Economist reports directly to [name of position of immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.5. The Chief Economist is responsible for:

The work of the department, the timely and high-quality performance of its tasks as intended;

Performing and labor discipline of subordinates;

Safety of documents (information) containing information constituting a trade secret of an organization (enterprise), other confidential information, including personal data of employees of an organization (enterprise);

Security safe conditions labor, maintenance of order, compliance with fire safety rules in the premises of the department.

1.6. A person who has a higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and work experience in the specialty in the field of organization can be appointed to the position of chief economist. financial activities at least 5 years.

1.7. In practical activities, the chief economist should be guided by:

Legislation, regulations, and local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the organization (enterprise) regulating the financial and economic work and activities of the financial service and department;

Rules of internal work schedule;

Rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the Deputy Director for Financial and Economic Work;

This job description.

1.8. The Chief Economist should know:

Legislation, normative legal acts on the organization of financial work;

The organizational structure of the organization (enterprise), the system of its provision with financial resources, the procedure for its functioning, the organization of financial work;

Current and prospective needs of the organization (enterprise) in financial resources, methods of their planning and forecasting;

The tasks of the department to meet the needs of the organization (enterprise) in financial resources, its ability to solve these problems;

Methods for analyzing the financial activities of an organization (enterprise);

Status and prospects for the development of financial markets;

financial and accounting and reporting;

The procedure for drawing up financial plans, forecast balances and budgets Money, plans for the sale of products (works, services), plans for profit, distribution financial resources, efficiency definitions financial investments, normalization working capital;

system financial methods and levers that ensure the management of financial flows of the organization (enterprise), the procedure and forms of financial settlements;

The procedure for financing an organization (enterprise) from the state budget, short-term and long-term lending, attracting investments and borrowed funds, using own funds, issuing and acquiring valuable papers, accrual of payments in the state budget and state off-budget social funds;

Advanced domestic and overseas experience organization of financial work;

Composition and structure of financial and accounting documentation of the financial and economic service and department;

Management (to the extent required for the effective management of the department), Business Etiquette, rules of conduct business correspondence on financial matters;

Means of computer technology, communication and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the chief economist, his duties are assigned to [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Functional responsibilities

The Chief Economist is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead the work of the department and manage it confidently.

2.2. Ensure timely and high-quality performance by the department of the daily tasks assigned to it in strict accordance with the approved work procedure.

2.3. Organize the management of the Company's financial resources.

2.4. Ensure the development of the financial strategy of the Company, draft long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and cash budgets, as well as bringing the approved financial indicators to the divisions of the enterprise.

2.5. Participate in the preparation of draft plans for the sale of products, planning their cost and profitability of production, profit calculations and income tax.

2.6. Determine the main and reserve sources of financing of the Company's activities.

2.7. Manage activities for managing the assets of the enterprise, optimizing their structure.

2.8. Ensure timely receipt of income, execution of financial, settlement and banking operations in a timely manner, payment of invoices of suppliers and contractors of the Company, repayment of loans, payment of interest, wages, transfer of taxes and fees to the federal, regional and local budgets, to state off-budget social funds, payments to banking institutions.

2.9. Analyze the financial activities of the Company, based on the results of the analysis, develop proposals aimed at ensuring solvency, preventing the formation and liquidation of unused inventory items, increasing production profitability, increasing profits, reducing production and sales costs, strengthening financial discipline.

2.10. To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the state of financial work, the implementation of financial plan and budget, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, behind the termination of production of products that do not have a market, the correct expenditure of funds and the targeted use of own and borrowed working capital, the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, the timeliness of its provision to external and internal users.

2.11. Ensure that accounting for the movement of funds and reporting on the results of financial activities in accordance with the standards of financial accounting and reporting, reliability financial information used by the Company.

2.12. Manage the development of documentation for the department.

2.13. Ensure the rational use of material, technical and other means of the department in the interests of fulfilling tasks for their intended purpose.

2.14. Provide reliable protection documents (information) containing information constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

2.15. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills.

2.16. Monitor compliance by subordinates with the internal labor regulations, safety requirements.

2.17. Use in relation to subordinates the granted rights to encourage them (bring them to responsibility).

2.18. Manage planning and reporting on the activities of the department.

2.19. To study, generalize and apply in the daily activities of the department advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of finance.

2.20. Timely and fully work out and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate powers.

If necessary, the chief economist may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, by decision of the director of the organization, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The Chief Economist has the right to:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize financial work, ensure the daily activities of the department - on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the immediate supervisor your proposals for encouraging (bringing to account) the employees of the department - in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the deputy immediate supervisor your proposals for improving the financial work, the activities of the department (its additional personnel, logistics, etc.).

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to the financial work and activities of the department.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The Chief Economist bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to comply with labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. infliction material damage and / or losses to the company or third parties related to the action or inaction during the execution official duties.

4.2. The evaluation of the work of the chief economist is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the chief economist is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of the chief economist is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the chief economist can travel to business trips(including local importance).

5.3. For solutions operational matters to ensure production activities department, the chief economist may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Right to sign

6.1. To ensure his activities, the Chief Economist is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Acquainted with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

Posted On 12/16/2017

Job Descriptions

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I. General provisions

1. An economist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. For the position:

3. Appointment to the position of an economist and dismissal from it is made by the director

4. An economist must know:

5.2. This job description.

7. During the absence of an economist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in in due course which acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.

II. Job Responsibilities


1. Does the work of implementation economic activity an enterprise aimed at improving the efficiency and profitability of production, the quality of products and the development of new types, achieving high end results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

2. Prepares initial data for drafting economic, financial, production and commercial activities(business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes and increase profits.

3. Performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products, the development of new types of products, advanced technology and technology.

4. Exercises economic analysis economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure a savings regime, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional production.

5. Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

6. Participates:

7. Prepares materials for the conclusion of contracts, monitors the deadlines for fulfilling contractual obligations.

8. Monitors progress planned assignments for the enterprise and its subdivisions, the use of on-farm reserves.

9. Participates in the conduct marketing research and forecasting the development of production.

10. Performs necessary work associated with non-routine settlements and control over the correctness of the implementation of settlement operations.

11. Keeps records of economic indicators of the results of production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as records of concluded contracts.

12. Prepares periodic reports in due time.

13. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to the reference and regulatory information, which is used in data processing.

14. Participates in the formation of the economic formulation of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using finished projects, algorithms. Application software packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing economic information.

15. Examines specialized literature related to the work performed, as well as on the topics of ongoing research and development, composes various economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and reviews.

16. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The economist has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

3. Within the limits of their competence, report to their immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Involve specialists of all (individual) structural divisions to solve the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head).

5. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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I. General provisions

  1. The economist belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. For the position:
    • an economist is appointed a person who has a higher professional (economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary professional (economic) education and work experience in the position of a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions occupied by specialists with secondary vocational education at least 5 years;
    • category II economist - a person with a higher professional (economic) education and work experience in the position of an economist or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with a higher professional education for at least 3 years;
    • Economist of the 1st category - a person with a higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an economist of the 2nd category for at least 3 years.
  3. Appointment to the position of economist and dismissal from it is made by the director
  4. The economist must know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative acts, resolutions, orders, orders, other normative acts, teaching materials on planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise.
    2. 4.2. Organization of planned work.
    3. 4.3. The procedure for developing promising and annual plans economic, financial and production activities of the enterprise.
    4. 4.4. The procedure for developing business plans.
    5. 4.5. Planning and accounting documentation.
    6. 4.6. The procedure for developing standards for material, labor and financial costs.
    7. 4.7. Methods of economic analysis and accounting of performance indicators of the enterprise and its divisions.
    8. 4.8. Methods of determination economic efficiency introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions.
    9. 4.9. Methods and means of carrying out computational work.
    10. 4.10. Rules for the preparation of materials for the conclusion of contracts.
    11. 4.11. Organization of operational and statistical accounting.
    12. 4.12. The procedure and terms for compiling the established reporting.
    13. 4.13. Domestic and foreign experience rational organization economic activity of the enterprise in the conditions market economy.
    14. 4.14. Economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    15. 4.15. Fundamentals of production technology.
    16. 4.16. Market methods of managing.
    17. 4.17. Rules for the operation of computer technology, the possibility of its application for the implementation of technical and economic calculations and analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.
    18. 4.18. Labor legislation.
    19. 4.19. Internal labor regulations.
    20. 4.20. Rules and norms of labor protection.
  5. The economist in his activities is guided by this job description.
  6. During the absence of an economist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


Job description of an economist

Job Responsibilities


  1. Performs work on the implementation of the economic activity of the enterprise, aimed at increasing the efficiency and profitability of production, the quality of products and the development of new types, achieving high end results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.
  2. Prepares initial data for the preparation of projects of economic, financial, industrial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes and increase profits.
  3. Performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products, the development of new types of products, advanced technology and technology.
  4. Carries out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure the savings regime, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional output.
  5. Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.
  6. Participates:
    1. 6.1. In consideration of the developed production and economic plans.
    2. 6.2. In carrying out work on resource conservation.
    3. 6.3. In the introduction and improvement of on-farm accounting.
    4. 6.4. In the improvement of progressive forms of labor organization and management.
    5. 6.5. Improvement of planning and accounting documentation.
  7. Prepares materials for the conclusion of contracts, monitors the deadlines for the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
  8. Carries out control over the progress of the implementation of planned targets for the enterprise and its divisions, the use of on-farm reserves.
  9. Participates in marketing research and production development forecasting.
  10. Performs the necessary work related to non-routine settlements and control over the correctness of settlement operations.
  11. Keeps records of economic indicators of the results of the production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as records of concluded contracts.
  12. Prepares periodic reports in a timely manner.
  13. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to reference and regulatory information that is used in data processing.
  14. Participates in the formation of the economic formulation of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms. Application software packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing economic information.
  15. Examines specialized literature related to the work performed, as well as on the topics of ongoing research and development, compiles various economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and reviews.
  16. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The economist has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head).
  5. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The Economist is responsible for:

  1. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Recruitment agency -> Job descriptions -> E -> Job description of an economist

Job description of an economist.

Job description and job responsibilities of an economist.


1.1. real job description defines official duties , rights and responsibility economist.

1.2. The economist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. For the position:

An economist is appointed a person who has a higher professional (economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (economic) education and work experience in the position of a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions occupied by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years ;
- Category II economist - a person with a higher professional (economic) education and at least 3 years of experience in the position of an economist or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with a higher professional education;
- economist of category I - a person with higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an economist of category II for at least 3 years.

Appointment to the position of an economist and dismissal from it is carried out by the director of the enterprise on the proposal of ________________ (head of a structural unit (other official) to which the employee is subordinated).

1.4. The economist must know:

Legislative acts, resolutions, orders, orders, other normative acts, methodological materials for planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise.
- Organization of planned work.
- The procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for the economic, financial and production activities of the enterprise.
- Procedure for developing business plans.
- Planning and accounting documentation.
- The procedure for developing standards for material, labor and financial costs.
- Methods of economic analysis and accounting of performance indicators of the enterprise and its divisions.

Methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions.
- Methods and means of carrying out computational work.
- Rules for the preparation of materials for the conclusion of contracts.
- Organization of operational and statistical accounting.
- The procedure and terms for compiling the established reporting.
- Domestic and foreign experience of the rational organization of the economic activity of the enterprise in a market economy.
- Economics, organization of production, labor and management.
- Fundamentals of production technology.
- Market methods of managing.
- Rules for the operation of computer technology, the possibility of its application for the implementation of technical and economic calculations and analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.
- Labor legislation.
- Internal labor regulations.
- Rules and norms of labor protection.

The economist in his work is guided by:
- Regulations on _____________ (structural unit).
- This job description of an economist.

1.6. The economist reports directly to ________________ (the head of the relevant structural unit).

1.7. During the absence of an economist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties of an economist assigned to him.


2.1. Economist:

Performs work on the implementation of the economic activity of the enterprise, aimed at increasing the efficiency and profitability of production, the quality of products and the development of new types, achieving high end results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.
- Prepares initial data for the preparation of projects of economic, financial, industrial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes and increase profits.
- Performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products, the development of new types of products, advanced technology and technology.
- Carries out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure the savings regime, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional production .
- Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

2.2. Participates:

In consideration of the developed production and economic plans.
- in carrying out work on resource saving.
- in the introduction and improvement of on-farm accounting.
- in the improvement of progressive forms of labor organization and management.
- improvement of planning and accounting documentation.

2.3. Prepares materials for the conclusion of contracts, monitors the deadlines for the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

2.4. Carries out control over the progress of the implementation of planned targets for the enterprise and its divisions, the use of on-farm reserves.

2.5. Participates in marketing research and production development forecasting.

2.6. Performs the necessary work related to non-routine settlements and control over the correctness of settlement operations.

2.7. Keeps records of economic indicators of the results of the production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as records of concluded contracts.

2.8. Prepares periodic reports in a timely manner.

2.9. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to reference and regulatory information that is used in data processing.

2.10. Participates in the formation of the economic formulation of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms. Application software packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing economic information.

Job description of an economist at a trade enterprise

Examines special literature related to the work performed, as well as on the topics of ongoing research and development, compiles various economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and reviews.

2.12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.


3.1. The economist has the right:

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
- Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
- Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
- Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head).
- Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
- Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


4.1. The Economist is responsible for:

Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of Russia.
- offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Russia.
- infliction of material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Russia.


Download the job description of an economist in Word format

Planning, accounting and analysis are just some of the job descriptions of an economist. The sample can be downloaded for free from the link.

The labor duties of specialists in the financial sector of an enterprise are subject to special regulation. Planning and economic departments of budgetary institutions and commercial structures solve global issues with monetary distribution, and make responsible decisions. Planning, accounting and analysis are just some of the components economist job description. Contractual, claims work with counterparties, payroll, transfer of tax and other mandatory government payments are included in the list of functions of an economist.

Using a special direct link, you can download a sample of the regulations of the specialist under discussion for free, and apply it in your own practice. For the convenience of users, the document is easily edited in the word program according to the desired parameters. The discipline of the economist will allow the enterprise to solve numerous problems. Clear interaction of structures and departments within the company is the key to success and development.

The official paper is provided for familiarization to the economist along with the contract upon employment.

Mandatory paragraphs of the job description of an economist

  • Approval of the manual in the upper right corner: signature, transcript and seal;
  • General concepts, terms, full name of the employee;
  • List of powers, obligations, issues of responsibility;
  • Additional clauses may be provided in the regulation;
  • Final provisions;
  • Employee Acknowledgment Mark.

The main components of the prescribed duties and powers of an economic employee are: professional qualification, experience and practical skills, preparation of relevant documentation, control of financial statements. In some cases, official functions economist include an analysis of the entire financial structure companies.

In the modern world, the activities of a financial specialist cannot be imagined without knowledge of the 1C system.

Date: 2016-03-22

Job description of an economist

The job description of an economist streamlines labor Relations. The document contains general provisions about the position, requirements for experience, skills, education, the order of subordination, employment and dismissal of an employee from a position, a list of his functional duties, rights, types of responsibility.

The instruction is prepared by the head of the department of the organization. Approves CEO.

The standard form provided below can be used when compiling a job description for an economist in a budgetary institution, for financial work, for the planning and economic department of an enterprise, etc. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the organization's activities.

I. General provisions

1. An economist belongs to the category of "specialists".

2. The Economist reports directly to the CFO/CEO.

During the absence of an economist, his rights, responsibility, functional duties are assigned to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person who has a higher economic education and experience of similar work for at least one year is appointed to the position of an economist.

5. The appointment and dismissal of an economist is carried out by order of the General Director.

6. An economist is guided in his activities by:

  • the charter of the organization;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • this job description;
  • governing, normative acts of the organization;
  • methodological materials for conducting activities;
  • orders, directives.

7. An economist must know:

  • rules for the development of annual plans for the economic, production, financial activities of the organization;
  • resolutions, legislation, orders, instructions, other normative acts;
  • methodological materials on planning, analysis, accounting of the organization's activities;
  • planning and accounting documentation;
  • rules for preparing business plans;
  • methods of economic analysis, accounting for the performance of the organization's divisions;
  • rules, terms of preparation of the established reporting;
  • rules for the preparation of standards for the costs of labor, material, financial resources;
  • the procedure for conducting statistical, operational accounting;
  • ways to establish the economic efficiency of the use of new technologies, organization of labor, inventions, rationalization proposals.

II. Responsibilities of an Economist

The Economist performs the following duties:

1. Calculates the material, labor, financial costs necessary for the activities of the organization, the sale of products, the development of its new types, the introduction of advanced technologies.

2. Collects information for the preparation of projects of financial, economic, commercial, production activities of the organization in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes, increase profitability.

3. Establishes the economic efficiency of the organization of labor, production, introduction of new technology, rationalization proposals, inventions.

4. Produces an economic analysis of the economic activities of the organization's divisions.

5. Develops measures to introduce a savings regime, increase the profitability of production, competitiveness of products, labor efficiency, reduce production costs, and sales of products.

6. Helps to reduce losses, unproductive expenses.

7. Identifies opportunities for additional output.

8. Participates in the discussion of production, economic plans.

9. Participates in market research, forecasting, production development.

10. Controls the implementation of tasks assigned to the divisions of the organization, the use of economic resources.

12. Keeps records of economic indicators, results of economic, production activities of the organization's divisions.

13. Monitors the execution of concluded contracts.

14. Maintains databases of economic information.

15. Supplements regulatory, reference information.

16. Performs official assignments of the immediate superior.

III. Rights

The economist has the right:

1. Make independent decisions within your own competence.

2. Receive from management information about decisions regarding their activities.

3. Do not perform functional duties when there is a danger to health, life.

4. Inform the management about the identified shortcomings in the work of the organization, send proposals for their elimination.

5. Communicate with departments of the organization regarding their activities.

6. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of their duties, safe work.

7. Improve your skills, participate in educational activities.

8. Consult with experts on issues beyond the competence of an economist.

9. Put forward proposals to the management to improve the organization's activities.

IV. A responsibility

The Economist is responsible for:

1. Improper performance of their official duties.

2. Violation of the requirements of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety standards, fire protection.

3. Information in the documentation provided to management.

4. Reliability of information about economic condition assigned units.

5. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, customers, the state.

6. Consequences of own actions, independent decisions.

7. Violation of requirements guidance documents organizations.

The leading (chief) economist develops systems of motivation and remuneration. Controlling the timely proper execution documents, pricing services. Manages costs, rational management. Manages economists.

1. Calculation of the effectiveness of measures to improve wages.

2. Consideration of production, economic plans.

3. Registration of materials for the conclusion of contracts.

4. Control of the correctness of settlement operations.

5. Studying best practices in relation to the work being done.

6. Drafting business cases projects.

7. Generalization, analysis of statistical information about the economic activity of the organization.

8. Development of staffing tables.

Organizational and economic characteristics of an industrial organization (enterprise)

Job description for a pricing economist of the 1st category of the planning and economic department (PEO).

Pricing economist of the 1st category carries out work on the formation of prices for products, works, services provided by OJSC Gomel Furniture Factory Progress within the Republic of Belarus.

A person with a higher economic or engineering-economic education and at least 3 years of experience in the position of an economist of the 2nd category is appointed to the position of a category 1 pricing economist.

The 1st category pricing economist reports directly to the head of the department.

Before admission to independent work, a pricing economist of the 1st category undergoes an internship in his position.

Not later than one month from the date of appointment to the position and periodically (at least once every three years), the pricing economist of the 1st category undergoes a knowledge test on labor protection issues.

The following functions are assigned to the pricing economist of the 1st category: formation of selling wholesale and retail prices for products, works, services of the plant, reporting on prices, preparation of planned annual, quarterly and monthly calculations of production and technical purposes, formation, maintenance and storage of a database economic information on the work performed.

To perform the functions assigned to him, the pricing economist of the 1st category must:

calculate selling prices for products for industrial purposes and consumer goods in connection with the development of the production of new types of products, with a change in standards or specifications for previously mastered types of products;

to form tariffs for the services of auxiliary shops;

review the current selling prices (tariffs) in connection with changes in production conditions, changes in prices for energy carriers and incoming raw materials and materials, monitor the level of profitability;

submit materials on the calculation of prices to higher organizations;

bring to the attention of interested departments and services information on the level of current selling prices for manufactured products;

advise shop floor economists on pricing issues, bring regulations on pricing to the divisions of the plant;

prepare periodical and statistical reporting on time;

make planning estimates;

form planned cost for production and technical products, bring it to the divisions of the enterprise;

comply with the requirements established by the documentation of the quality management system;

comply with labor protection rules, internal labor regulations, labor and production discipline;

ensure fire safety and fire safety in the department;

comply with the requirements established in the documentation of the labor protection management system, environmental management system.

Job description for a planning economist of the 1st category of the planning and economic department (PEO).

The planning economist of the 1st category of the planning and economic department belongs to the category of specialists, participates in the formation of estimates for the formation, distribution and use of income, monthly plans for economic and social development and supervise their implementation.

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Investment activity of OJSC ANPP Temp-Avia
Investments are of great importance for the future position of the enterprise. With their help, an expanded reproduction of fixed assets of both production and non-production character is carried out.

Calculation of economic efficiency and payback period of the car service area - cleaning and washing works
I chose the topic "Calculation of economic efficiency and payback period for a car service area - cleaning and washing works", because this topic is relevant for me, since I am deeply interested ...

job description economist compiling is not easy. First you need to decide on the terms of reference of an economist - whether he will have to "supervise" all the indicators of the company or, for example, he will be an "economist for labor and wages." In any case, you already have a sample job description for an economist.

Job description of an economist

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The economist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. An economist is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The Economist reports directly to the Financial Director / Head of the Financial and Economic Department.
1.4. During the absence of an economist, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of an economist: higher professional (economic) education and at least six months of similar work experience.
1.6. The economist must know:
- legislative acts, resolutions, orders, orders, other normative acts, methodological materials on planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise's activities;
- the procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for the economic, financial and production activities of the enterprise;
- the procedure for developing business plans;
- planning and accounting documentation;
- the procedure for developing standards for material, labor and financial costs;
- methods of economic analysis and accounting of performance indicators of the enterprise and its divisions;
- methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions;
- organization of operational and statistical accounting;
- the procedure and deadlines for compiling the established reporting.
1.7. An economist is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of an economist

The Economist performs the following duties:
2.1. Prepares initial data for the preparation of projects of economic, financial, industrial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes and increase profits.
2.2. Performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products, the development of new types of products, advanced technology and technology.
2.3. Carries out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure the savings regime, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional output.
2.4. Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.
2.5. Participates in the review of the developed production and economic plans.
2.6. Carries out control over the progress of the implementation of planned targets for the enterprise and its divisions, the use of on-farm reserves.
2.7. Participates in marketing research and production development forecasting.
2.8. Keeps records of economic indicators of the results of the production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as records of concluded contracts.
2.9. Prepares periodic reports in a timely manner.
2.10. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to reference and regulatory information that is used in data processing.
2.11. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. Rights of the economist

The economist has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Notify your immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.5. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents resulting from the activities of the company.
3.6. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the economist

The Economist is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for conservation trade secret and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

If the chief economist is absent, another employee is assigned to perform his functional duties, along with responsibilities and rights, in accordance with the internal regulations.

This position is appointed an employee with a higher economic education and similar experience labor activity for a period not less than one year.

Only the general director has the right to appoint an employee as the chief economist, as well as to relieve him of such duties, according to his own issued order.

The economist does his job according to following documents:

  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • normative legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • internal rules of labor discipline;
  • orders of the head of the organization;
  • principles of job description;
  • managerial, established in the company;
  • methodological data on the implementation of the labor process.

Knowledge of the following is required from the chief economist:

  • conditions for the formation of annual economic, production, financial projects enterprises;
  • resolutions, legislative rules, orders, orders, other normative acts;
  • methodological information concerning planning, analysis, accounting of the company's work;
  • planning and accounting documents;
  • business planning procedures;
  • methods of economic assessment, monitoring of the performance of each department of the enterprise;
  • conditions, terms of development of necessary reports;
  • rules of preparatory measures for the norms of expenses for material, labor and financial resources;
  • the procedure for performing statistical and operational registration;
  • methods of forming effective for the economy use of the latest technological means of production and discoveries, creating a labor process.

Regulatory regulation

The work of the chief economist is regulated by the relevant documentation. It consists of:

  1. External documents, namely, normative and legislative acts related to the production process.
  2. Internal: Charter of the organization, order and order of the general or financial director as well as the head of the department. This also includes the provisions of the planning and economic department; rules of labor discipline within the organization; instructions for this position.

Features of work in a budgetary institution and agriculture

The work of the chief economist in a budgetary institution does not differ much from the functions of the same official in a trade organization.

AT this case calculation formulas will be different, along with accounting entries and financial reporting. However, the specifics of the work remains the same. The economist in both cases deals with analysis, calculation and support of the production process of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the Chief Economist include planning and organizing everything economic process Agriculture.

Together with other experts and the working staff of the organization, the functions of the chief economist include drawing up a work schedule for one year for certain periods and analyzing the performance of work according to these schedules. He is responsible for the quality and timely execution of the production process.

Rights and obligations

To rights Chief Economist include:

  1. Making decisions on the competent development of a financial program. He can ensure the daily workflow of the economic division of the enterprise, resolve issues related to his authority.
  2. Sending your own proposals to management in order to encourage or hold employees accountable, if this is not in his competence.
  3. Preparation and submission to the head of the department of their proposals aimed at improving the financial activities, as well as the production process of the economic unit of the organization. Such innovations can be achieved with the help of additional personnel, logistics.
  4. Participation in the activities of collective management bodies that consider the financial tasks of the enterprise unit.

The responsibilities of the Chief Economist include:

  1. Calculation of material, labor, financial costs, thanks to which the company carries out its activities, masters new equipment, introduces advanced technologies.
  2. Collection of data that allows you to draw up financial, economic, commercial, industrial projects that ensure the growth of the number of products sold, increasing profitability.
  3. Formation of economic efficiency production processes, the use of new technologies, discoveries and proposals.
  4. Conducting an economic assessment of the work of departments of the enterprise.
  5. Development of ways to introduce an economy system; increasing profitability; competitive advantage manufactured products and their marketing; profitability of production; reducing the costs of the enterprise.
  6. Help to reduce waste and waste.
  7. Identification of possible additional production.
  8. Participation in the review of production and economic planning.
  9. Cooperation in activities for market research, forecasting, production development.
  10. Control over the solution of issues within the responsibilities of departments and related to the expenditure of economic resources.
  11. Sending the necessary reports in due time.
  12. Keeping records of economic data, results of economic and production work departments of the company.
  13. Monitoring the implementation of existing contractual agreements.
  14. Addition of reference and regulatory information.
  15. Fulfillment of official orders of the head.

Categories, requirements, education

Persons with a full higher education and relevant categories of training, i.e. masters and specialists.

The economist is engaged in the development of a program of required work, for example, in relation to the repair of the housing stock.

His responsibilities include performing recalculations, if necessary.

It determines the payment for the resources that were spent by the tenants. This is possible if the owners of the apartment have not installed meters.

In addition, it is the responsibility of the specialist to explain to the tenants information about how the tariffs were applied.

An economist who works in the field of housing and communal services must have a thorough knowledge of the taxation of the Criminal Code and the economics of housing and communal services. In addition, the duties of an economist in housing and communal services include tasks inherent in all economists.

This is the preparation of the initial information that is necessary management company for project development; preparation of information that would allow the organization to increase profits.

The work of a housing and communal services economist includes calculations, prepares data on the costs of labor and funds necessary to perform any work.

In addition, he analyzes the activities of the management company, develops ways to increase resource savings. The main task is to develop ways to increase labor productivity.

The economist should be focused on eliminating losses, the duty of the economist in the housing and communal services is to help the housing and communal services organization to prevent unnecessary costs. He should participate in the discussion of the business plan, make recommendations when considering the production plan.

The specialist monitors the progress of the activities, rational use internal resources. He keeps records of the economic indicators of the management company, analyzes the information received. It keeps records of contracts entered into by the Criminal Code.

The duties of an economist also include the preparation of reports within the time limits established by law.

The specialist maintains and fills the database of economic data, he is obliged to make timely changes to the regulatory and reference materials.

An economist working in the UK should be able to create production program, aimed at the competent technical operation of the property.

Among his skills should be the possession of information on how to calculate the cost of spent resources in the event that there are no metering devices.

He must know how to calculate the cost of repairs, what factors affect the profitability of services. He must be able to choose the most appropriate taxation system, optimally suited for the management company.

Job description of a housing and communal services economist

The job description is one of the most important documents, every employee should be familiar with it. The housing and communal services industry was no exception.

It is the job description that allows you to correctly distribute and fix duties, determine the scope of responsibility of each specialist.

Chief Specialist

The chief economist of the management company is responsible for budgeting, develops estimates and analyzes economic indicators. In addition, he takes part in the creation of business plans.

The duties of the employee include control of receivables, he is engaged in the calculation of prices and tariffs.

The specialist must know the BDDS, perform tasks for project activities.

Persons who have already worked in the housing and communal services sector as an economist can apply for the position of chief economist.

They should know legislative framework, standards that are applied in the calculation of housing and communal services. The specialist must know 1C: 8. Housing and communal services.

Housing Economist

The duties of a housing and communal services economist include the formation of estimates for Maintenance residential buildings managed by the management company, as well as estimates for the maintenance of property.

The economist maintains a report on the expenditure of funds that were directed to the maintenance of housing and the repair of property. The responsibilities of a specialist include preparing the papers necessary to receive subsidies. Later, these funds will be used to service apartment buildings.

The employee prepares quarterly reports, prepares reports for the owners of the management company. Responsibilities include participation in the formation of the budget, control over the implementation of the plan. An important point will be the preparation of financial statements.

A housing and communal services employee is obliged to respond promptly to letters and requests from organizations above; control compliance with the rules of document circulation. An important point will be the determination of the costs of the management company for the provision of services and the implementation of work in the event that the amount of funding is changed.

Responsibilities also include the formation of a plan for financial and economic activities, work on the preparation of consolidated reports. The housing and communal services economist should prepare reports on the use of subsidies and payments received from the population; check the acts of work performed, if they were produced by contractors.

Economist of the planning and economic department

A specialist working in the planning and economic department should deal with the accounting and expenditure of funds of the management company, verify the calculations of subsidies.

The duties of an economist in the housing and communal services sector also include working with resource-providing organizations, accounting for expenses for utilities. He takes part in the calculation of the cost of services, determines the cost of work.

The tasks of the specialist include interaction with government budget institutions, verification of acts, primary documents before they are sent for payment.

An employee of the economic and planning department controls the payroll fund, checks payroll calculations. In addition, he prepares analytical materials and reports, responds to citizens' requests, and responds to official letters received.

Wage level

The chief economist working in housing and communal services in Moscow receives from 75 thousand rubles, an economist - 50-60 thousand rubles, an economist of the economic and planning department from 40 thousand rubles. The average salary in the regions is lower.


An economist in housing and communal services performs a wide range of tasks, the main ones include compiling statistical reports, performing calculations, as well as calculating the cost of services. A complete list of specialist duties is indicated in the job description.