Internal and external PR of the company. Intracorporate or internal PR. Internal PR tools

Interest generated by various aspects corporate culture and internal communications is greater than ever, with the only difference that internal communications, which have become a common practice for Western companies, are at the beginning of their journey with us. The last decade has been marked by global processes that have stirred up hundreds of thousands of companies from within. Consolidation of business, a wave of mass mergers determined the portrait of Western business, mass privatization and a change of owners - domestic. When people talk about the state of our PR industry, they traditionally talk about lagging behind. Indeed, today you are unlikely to find Western company, which does not systematically information work with its staff and does not have a corresponding service. We have a completely opposite situation: such companies are still rare. Nevertheless, with all the traditionality and "knurled" Western practice of internal communications, executives and PR managers are forced to admit that dialogue with employees of their own companies is a little more troublesome than with external audiences.

A worldwide study by the consulting group AT Kearney, which analyzed 115 mergers between 1998 and 1999, illustrates that one of the most important factors in successful mergers is internal communication.

What is a merger in terms of PR? This is the ability of each of the companies to convince their own staff that this merger is necessary, to remove fears and negative expectations; it is the ability to recognize the cultural differences between the two teams and not allow intercultural conflicts to take over, drag out or even break up the alliance; it is stimulating the formation of a single team working for a single result.

The conclusions of AT Kearney are striking: in two cases out of three, such traces did not meet the expectations of their creators and did not bring the planned economic effect. Insufficient attention to the fears and resistance of the staff - inevitable in the event of major structural changes - and neglect of the differences in corporate cultures are not important here. last place. A textbook example of “how not to do it”, specialists and Western media called the Daimler Chrysler alliance, announced in May 1998. They note that the pedantic Germans, who respect hierarchy and diligence, and the Americans, who rely on the private initiative of workers, did not achieve the desired synergy as a result of combining their teams - the difference in business cultures turned out to be too significant. At the end of 2000, Daimler Chrysler was worth about $370 billion on the New York Stock Exchange, less than Daimler-Benz alone before the merger.

In 2000, the PROPAGANDA Center conducted a study in a number of cities in Western Siberia with a single-industry economy (enterprises are included in a number of large companies). In each of these cities, despite the fact that three to five years have passed since their privatization, between 15 and 25% of the population still shares anti-corporate sentiments. And, although the intensity of passions has significantly diminished, the picture is as follows. The beginning of a joint history with the parent company is perceived as a "capture", "loss of face" ( “before them, we did the same thing ourselves”, “we are not considered”- based on group interviews); clear "we - they" ( “We are employees of an enterprise, not a company”), respectively, the characteristic mechanisms of perception of "strangers" are triggered; the “local” managerial link reconciled, but did not accept new owners - there is a hidden conflict between “white-collar workers” and local managers, etc. It is obvious that the sphere of relations with personnel and internal PR are an important point of strategic interest of Russian corporations in the coming years.

Internal PR is often compared to the heart, which keeps the entire system alive. Indeed, behind it is a personnel policy, and staff motivation, and the foundation for a stable reputation. However, the difficulty lies precisely in the fact that internal PR is effective only when it is supported by real management decisions, and vice versa.

Like the introduction of any management decision, effective internal communication is built "from top to bottom": from the first person down vertically. The leader formulates new approaches, “infects” with them, first of all, his environment. Tweaking internal PR is like spreading a virus.

The proposed sequence of actions ensures that the company's words about readiness for dialogue and the behavior of its managers will not contradict each other.

firstly, employees look at the company from the inside, their needs for information are an order of magnitude higher than those of any interested external observer. Secondly, they are always more emotional about the actions of the company, because it affects them directly. And, finally, news in the company, especially bad news, spreads at lightning speed and is completely uncontrollable. If an attempt to embellish something, hush up something or get around something can pass with external groups, then it can’t work with company employees. And, of course, it is necessary to speak with employees in a language they understand and in accessible models of understanding. In order to put on the market new brand, you need spectacular ideas, a competitive budget and a year of life. In order to put in order the internal image, it is necessary to have a vision of the future and purposefulness, patience and not a year, and maybe even not two. Internal PR is the way to sustainable reputations.

Changes are the norm of life of any company, the law of development, the axiom of business. But how they are implemented in a company can either be a catalyst or a brake on change. Many ideas were buried only because they did not find support among employees, were incomprehensible and unaccepted .

According to the classical definition, PR (public relations) is managerial function, aimed at establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial relations between the organization and the public, on which its success or, conversely, failure depends. Properly built communications with target groups of the public allow the organization not only to create a positive image of the company, but also to achieve the maximum effect from its activities.

Considering the target groups of the public, we often forget that in addition to such important groups as consumers, customers, shareholders, competitors, the media, authorities, there is another community whose attitude to the company's activities can become literally decisive for the success of all its activities. These are company employees. It has been proven that the losses of companies from the disloyal attitude of the staff are on average three times higher than from the activities of competitors or unfriendly media. However, in modern Russian practice few companies make a conscious effort to establish favorable communications with their staff. The purpose of internal PR is the development of effective communication with the internal audience, the creation and strengthening of corporate loyalty.

Really working internal PR is complex activity which can be used with a variety of tools. The main thing is compliance with the goals that your company seeks to achieve by building a system of relationships with its internal audience. Internal PR is designed to increase the level of loyalty and motivation of the staff, and hence the effectiveness of its activities. In addition, the creation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of employees affects the image of the company in the outside world, because the staff is one of the channels for transmitting information to the outside.

The content of the activities of the internal PR

The need for an internal PR system is relevant for medium and large companies. Especially for those that consist of disparate divisions: several offices, production complexes and office building, chain stores, networks of regional branches, etc. How to unite these divisions, show that all employees of the organization are one team that works to achieve one goal? It is necessary to fill communication gaps, form uniform standards of behavior, establish a system for informing employees, and form a positive image of the company. And to do it in such a way that each employee feels like a part of the company and is proud of it.

Internal PR is a purposeful and structured informational impact on personnel, designed to strengthen the company's image in their eyes. Internal PR is part of the personnel management policy, which should be built within the framework of a single concept and start from the goals that the company faces.

Creating an internal PR system involves long-term work, which, as a rule, consists of four main stages: preparation, selection of funds, project implementation and evaluation of its effectiveness.

At the training stage, for HR employees who are just starting to think about building an internal PR system, it is important to pay attention to two key points.

Internal PR system

The internal PR system will help unite the team, show that all employees of the organization are one team that works to achieve one goal.

First, analyze what is the current situation in the company? To what extent are your employees informed about the prospects for the development of the company, how effectively do employees of different departments interact with each other, are they satisfied with the current state of affairs? It is not difficult to find out: personal conversations with employees, heads of departments, observations, including in an informal setting, and questionnaires will help you.

Second, evaluate the scale of the proposed changes. You may need to carry out several specific activities, such as organizing the operation of an internal corporate website and informing employees about changes in the company in a timely manner. Or maybe there will be a need to build a whole structure to carry out a long-term program: from writing a corporate code of a company to organizing corporate events. When planning changes, remember that the effectiveness of the whole system will always be higher than a set of its individual elements.

So, having determined the scope of the proposed changes, it is necessary to determine what practical means will be required to achieve them. There are several groups of events that make up the system of internal PR.

Image events include the definition of the company's mission, the creation of a corporate code and the development of corporate symbols. Their task is to form uniform standards of behavior and adherence to the values ​​of the company.

Mission- this is the purpose of the organization, its main function in society, its role in a particular market, in any direction of business. Mission statement - result of work management team, therefore it is very important that all employees of the company share its values.

Along with such popular areas as the promotion of goods and brands, in recent times PR projects related to the creation and management of reputation, the formation of a corporate culture, philosophy and mission of the company are becoming increasingly important. Directions of activity of internal PR today are noticeably updated. However, today the following statistics are monitored: “no more than 15% Russian companies are consistently and successfully engaged in internal PR - building communications between employees, promoting the company's values, Sergey Gurov, manager of the Feedback agency PR agency, is convinced. According to him, in most medium and large companies, internal PR is reduced to holding holiday parties. Susan Walker, head of communications research at the British marketing company MORI. Corporations such as Honda, Boots Group, Cable & Wireless also make internal PR mistakes. “The main miscalculation of top managers is the unwillingness to maintain feedback with employees, the inability to use the benefits of established contact with them,” Susan Walker told Vedomosti. At the same time, Viktoria Chuprovskaya, director of the Capital PR Agency, believes: “company managers are reluctant to turn to an external PR agency with a proposal to develop a PR strategy for internal communications. This happens only in case of serious problems (lack of staff motivation, team feeling and, as a result, a decrease in the efficiency of the company). Not wanting to “wash dirty linen in public”, the top management of the company, as a rule, tries to solve the problem on its own or entrusts the solution of the problem to the PR manager (employee of the company).

Public relations management in an enterprise or organization should always be aimed at specific categories of the public whose behavior is essential to the success of the firm.

The entire public in a particular company can be conditionally divided into internal and external. The internal public primarily includes:

company personnel (main and auxiliary workers, specialists, service staff etc.);

leaders structural divisions companies (departments, departments, services, laboratories, bureaus, etc.);

shareholders directly and permanently participating in the management of the company and solving the most important issues of its functioning.

The external public of the firm can, in turn, be conditionally divided into close and remote. The main groups of the close external community that have a significant and permanent influence on the work of the company:

suppliers of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, assemblies, parts, spare parts and other initial components of products (works, services);

enterprises and infrastructure organizations that ensure the normal functioning of the company (energy, transport, supply, trade, intermediary, consulting, legal, financial and credit, insurance, utilities, etc.);

shareholders who are not directly involved in the management of the company, but have significant number shares;

consumers of products (works, services) manufactured by the company;

bodies of state control and regulation, authorized to carry out various checks, issue orders, impose fines, etc.

The main groups of the remote external public that have an indirect indirect impact on the work of the company:

firm's competitors;

local authorities;

the population living in the locations of the main production and marketing divisions of the company.

Features of certain categories of the public should be taken into account when building an appropriate communications management system at an enterprise or organization.

In this work, as noted in the topic, we will consider only the internal public and one of the ways to work with it - the stages of organizing and holding festive events.

So, inside the firm, PR performs a number of vital modern business features:

assistance to employees and specialists in getting acquainted with the goals, capabilities and traditions of the company;

clarification of the general policy of management and the principles of its work with personnel;

meeting the needs of staff for information about events in the company and around it;

ensuring and stimulating two-way communication between the management of the company and its employees;

promoting the development of positive motivation for each employee in relation to the company and the high quality of work;

formation organizational culture and corporate identity;

education of employees as representatives of the company, carriers of its image and culture.

Correct Implementation listed functions is possible only if the management of the company provides different kinds ensuring the process of public relations management: ideological, personnel, material and technical, financial, legal, technological, informational, etc.

The main task of intra-company PR-work is to provide two flows of information: "from above" and "from below". In the first case, we are talking about information coming from the top officials of the company, which should be systematically communicated to the staff. Each employee has a need for a "feeling of the leader", for knowledge of the intentions of the management, the results and prospects of the company, the state of affairs, the validity of rumors. No less important is the counter flow - from the staff to the manager. Moods, opinions, decisions, assessments, attitudes, possible suggestions for improving things - the manager can learn about all this only directly from the employees. Therefore, it is extremely important for the management of the company to have a "feeling of each subordinate." If the first persons of the company do not build this flow of information, it begins to take shape spontaneously and also by no means in favor of the cause. Both of these flows of information, both creating a “feeling of a leader” in subordinates, and creating a “feeling of a subordinate” in management, are ultimately aimed at achieving a single goal - the formation of a “feeling of We”, belonging to a common cause. And here important role in the formation of positive motivation plays properly built selection and placement of personnel, carefully debugged technology with a focus on information.

It should also be remembered that literally everything in the company is indirectly related to internal PR - the way employees greet each other, the way their workplaces are decorated, and even the color of the office walls.

In practice, there are a number of methods for working with the internal public - such as collegiate meetings between company employees, (preferably) with the participation of company management, meetings, meetings, seminars, conferences, collection and analysis of proposals, wish books, newsletters, annual reports, stands, wall newspapers, bulletin boards, permanent and temporary exhibitions, articles and letters to the media, the use of photo, film and video materials, printed materials (reference books, memos for beginners and beginners), holding joint weekends, celebrating professional, national holidays , as well as the "holy" - the birthday of the company.

“For any business structure operating in modern conditions market, it is necessary to create a system of intracompany communications between employees of the company”, since these interactions form its organizational culture. And if such a mechanism of internal communication is debugged, then sympathy arises between the participants in communications, the psychological climate is harmonized, the level of mutual assistance and mutual assistance increases in work, responsibility increases, the level and severity of conflicts decrease. Development corporate relations contributes to the improvement economic indicators organization's activities. The so-called “internal PR tools”, which we will discuss in the next section, help to control them.

Internal PR tools

“To implement the tasks of internal PR, public relations specialists have a number of tools at their disposal. These tools can be conditionally divided into information, analytical, communication, organizational and crisis (post-crisis) response tools.

So, let's take a quick look at the tools of each group:

Informational tools are means of one-way communication. They are intended to inform employees of the enterprise about current events within the framework of public relations.

To the main information tools internal PR include:

Internal publications - information (corporate) bulletin;

Other printed products intended for internal distribution: congratulations, condolences, individual correspondence, copies and extracts from official documents(reprints), reports, etc.;

Corporate web resource (page, site, portal);

Cable broadcasting (radio, TV, internal computer network)

Analytical internal public relations tools are a means of one-way (reverse) communication designed to study the opinions, moods and responses of employees of the enterprise.

The main tools of intracorporate PR of this type are:

Monitoring the responses and reviews of the employees of the enterprise to the information disseminated among them earlier;

A comprehensive analysis of the results of surveys conducted among the employees of the enterprise, the results of questioning, etc.

Communication tools of internal public relations have the main advantage - direct contact, personal communication between employees and management.

The main activities here are:

Management speeches;

open interviews;

open letters;

Evenings of questions and answers;

Oral messages from management;

Announcement of management orders.

Crisis and post-crisis response tools are the means to increase the effectiveness of the use of PR tools and techniques. It contributes to:

1) A deliberate and balanced attitude to every word addressed to the employees of the enterprise is emphasized: “The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it!”.

2) Proactive work, intensification of information exchange in both directions;

Particular attention to the feedback, manifestations of the opinions and moods of employees, maximum flexibility in matters of public relations.

Organizational tools of internal PR are represented by a set of special events held for employees of the enterprise with the direct participation of management. Among these activities we note:

meetings and meetings (as a rule, timed to coincide with the days of nationwide memorable and solemn dates);

evenings of rest;

competitions (Moreover, “here it is not so important whether it will be a chess or football tournament, the main thing is the desire of the participants themselves and the opportunity to show their abilities and qualities in non-working time».)

inside corporate holidays(Birthday of the enterprise, Day open doors, Young Professionals Day, Veterans Day)

The main purpose of these events is to strengthen the corporate spirit among the employees of the enterprise in an informal, festive atmosphere.

Stages of internal PR

Statement of objectives of the corporate myth. For example, employee loyalty, increasing motivation, improving relationships, popularizing management, etc.

Exploring the company's current internal mythology.

The choice of carriers of the corporate myth: an idea, ethics, a charismatic leader, a common good deed, a way of life, a fight against a common evil, great prospects, etc.

Determining the content of the corporate myth.

Development of a systemic concept of a corporate myth (culture).

Establishment of the main and supporting subsystems of the corporate myth.

Highlighting the main (necessary) and additional (desirable) elements.

Determining how the explicit and implicit benefits of the organization's employees will be linked to following the Corporate Myth.

Development of standards, rituals and intra-organizational PR events.

Based on system relationships, determine the sequence of implementation.

Stages of Internal PR: events

Building an organizational subsystem of internal PR based on HR and marketing departments with the direct participation of top management.

Systematic implementation of the implementation steps from point nine. Internal press releases, writing a management message book, general holidays, operational awards to “our people” and other rewards, vociferous keeping of promises, etc.

Launching formalized courses on instilling corporate mythology in newly arrived employees and regular PR campaigns for existing employees, trainings on implementation and maintenance corporate standard. Development of long-term measures.

Monitoring the current state of the company's myth, maintaining a dossier of employees, prompt response, suggesting additional actions, preparing texts, scripts, documents and using circumstances.

Depending on the size of the organization, the work on the project can take from several months to one or two years.

Training of employees of the internal PR department

Creation and implementation of the Corporate Myth can be carried out by involved specialists. It is better (and cheaper) to entrust the maintenance of an effective and strong company myth to specially trained own employees companies.

The training of such employees can take place both at special seminars and in the process direct work on the development of corporate culture together with a team of professional office technologists.

Formation of an internal image as one of the tasks of internal PR

Striving for organizational success foreign market, the company's management takes care of the formation of an external image in the eyes of customers and partners, which is created effective advertising company, modern design of premises, quality of goods and services, level of service, etc.
At the same time, it is very often forgotten that the managers and employees themselves, communicating with each other, set certain standards of attitude towards work, towards colleagues, towards the process of customer service. Thus, the internal image of the company is formed, that is, how its employees see it.

Usually the external and internal image of the company differ sharply from each other. Here is how employees might describe the most common organizational problems:

Our main problem is that management does not see the employee as a person, a person. They look at us like robots who should only perform narrow tasks...

We have no idea what is expected of us top management and line managers...

Nobody knows what we should do and how individual employees and as a company as a whole. We have never been involved in goal setting, we don’t know where our company is going…

In such a situation, it is difficult to expect employees to work with full dedication. Usually this process is unconscious and spontaneous. Tough management style, rudeness, lack of respect for subordinates, shown by management, affect the motivation of subordinates, or rather its absence. In turn, ordinary employees show the same qualities when working with colleagues and clients, as the safest objects on which to vent their aggression on the manager.

So the lack of value of dialogue, so often broadcast by leaders in our culture, leads to the fact that the efforts spent on attracting customers are nullified by disloyal and unmotivated staff.

The task of the HR manager is to identify and convey to the manager what kind of informal attitude towards the organization has developed in the team. How can I do that:

Conduct an anonymous survey of employees (collect their feedback on personnel policy companies);

Conduct interviews with dismissed employees;

Check how the company's employees meet new unfamiliar partners, customers;

Observe how employees spend their time temporarily free from work (play computer games, translate English or something else);

Listen to what stories and jokes employees tell;

How they welcome newcomers, what information about the company they are given.

If the company's management strives to create a customer-oriented organization, then the first thing to start with is the formation of staff loyalty to the organization (internal PR). In order for the attendants to look for the meaning and reason for their work in the client, they must be able to enter into the role of another person, understand his position, see the situation through his eyes.

Such value in the work of employees will appear when top management and direct supervisors treat them as individuals, understand and respect their needs for information about what is happening in the organization, positive feedback(support), optimal operating voltage, safety, etc.

Thus, the successful development and implementation of internal PR begins with the formation of a positive image of managers and leads to the emergence of a sense of faith and pride of employees in their company.

Methods of internal PR

Methods of internal PR practically do not differ from those traditionally used in the field of public relations. The difference is only in their specifics dictated by your audience.

Domestic media- the most common internal PR tool.

The volume, variety, frequency and circulation of the media is determined by the size and needs of the audience, as well as technical capabilities companies.

Example. On a large industrial enterprise(more than 1000 employees) it becomes reasonable to create an internal radio station, and in an office with no more than 100 employees, a weekly information leaflet or a monthly magazine is sufficient.

Do not forget that we are lucky to live in the 21st century, so use the electronic media. Train staff to communicate on the intranet, create electronic internal media.

Guide to corporate culture.

This guidance should address aspects of conduct both within and outside the company. The manual should be available to employees of all grades. When writing a corporate bible, it's best to avoid dogma and get creative with the process. Don't be afraid to use non-traditional genres. After all, most employees will not read a boring textbook on business etiquette, but will prefer an ironic detective story with neatly inscribed norms of behavior or a collection of stories about the interaction of neighbors in the stairwell.

Form style.

A very powerful visual communication tool. Try to ensure that every employee of the company wears products with the symbols of your organization with pride and can always distinguish a fake from the original. Knowledge by staff of the main differences (color, logo, office design, signs, etc.) helps to unite the team on the basis of belonging to something specific. Create symbols - this is the oldest way to unite the masses.

Public events(sports, art, tourism, etc.).

It all depends on your imagination, but do not get carried away. If all your life you have dreamed of learning how to water ski or your boss loves opera, it does not mean at all that the team is also ready to listen to The Tsar's Bride in 4 acts, even at the Bolshoi Theater.

Choose activities that can involve as many people as possible.

Example. Football championship between branches (subdivisions) of your company.

If the event you invented seems brilliant to you, you were supported by working group, you have been allocated a budget, but some of the employees do not support you, do not despair! If the project succeeds, with each subsequent project the number of opponents will decrease, and the rating of internal PR will grow.


Rumors are much easier to use in internal PR than traditional PR. Firstly, in a company, you can create a kind of tree of spreading rumors and achieve 100% awareness of employees and induce conversations on the topic you need. Second, you can get immediate feedback and manage the process from start to finish.

It's harder to deal with unwanted rumors. Here you can use the same "scrap" - i.e. refuting rumors or your internal official sources information with the help of statements of authoritative persons, on a topic of interest to the staff. This will have a much greater effect.

Bulletin board.

A bulletin board is an open source of information that encourages discussion, and, therefore, promotes communication between people in a team. Even if there is an electronic bulletin board, it is advisable to leave the traditional board and place it in the place of the highest throughput flow (dining room, smoking room, entrance).

Hall of Fame.

This old tradition should not be considered a relic of the past. A company that is proud of its employees deserves to be proud of its employees. And for many, especially not young teams, the honor boards have remained very strong motivators.


Interpersonal communication trainings, group work, work in the context of company restructuring, etc. help to maintain a favorable climate in the team in a difficult situation. Don't forget that even the most talented employees sometimes need help. Trainings are best carried out with the involvement of an external specialist. HR specialists should organize and conduct trainings, and the working group should determine their feasibility and role in the overall internal PR strategy.


Depending on the specifics of your team, these can be quarterly meetings in the assembly halls with reports on the work done or weekly five-minute meetings in departments where the manager sets a task, distributes work and summarizes the previous week.

Social programs.

Necessary, but must be economically justified. Try not to transfer the entire burden of costs to your organization. With the right use of funds allocated for these purposes, you can partially participate in several projects than fully implement only one.

Only classic PR tools are listed here, but your creative thought can change them beyond recognition. The main thing is not to overdo it and listen to the advice of colleagues. When forming your own internal PR strategy, use only tools that are acceptable to your organization. The better they are adapted to solve the tasks assigned to you, the faster you will feel the result of your work.


The activity of internal PR is aimed at the organizational culture of the company. All work on PR is directly related to the formation of this culture.

The main principles of public relations management at an enterprise or organization include: scientific character, systematic nature, complexity, efficiency, continuity, objectivity, legality, flexibility, constructiveness, efficiency.

To implement the tasks of internal PR, public relations specialists have a number of tools at their disposal. These tools can be conditionally divided into information, analytical, communication, organizational and crisis response tools. A corporate holiday belongs to the communication tools of internal PR and is of great importance for the formation of organizational culture.

12. Novikov V. Increase in premium. Holidays for employees have become an integral part of corporate culture. Expert Northwest. 11/12/2001.

13. Newstrom JV, Davis K. Organizational behavior. SPb., 2000.

14. Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. M., 1995.

An effective internal PR system is a tool for building employee loyalty and corporate spirit, which can significantly increase labor productivity and employee involvement in the work process.

What is internal PR?

Traditionally, internal PR is understood as a set of measures aimed at creating a positive image of the employer company among employees and thereby increasing the efficiency of their activities. Among such events, specialists distinguish:

    image-building: development and implementation of a mission, company philosophy, rules and procedures, formation of a corporate culture, etc.;

    training: holding seminars and trainings to improve the skills and professional growth of employees, as well as to adapt newcomers and employees who have moved to a new position;

    communicative: informing employees about all the major events that take place in the company, issuing corporate media, using the intranet, establishing communication between management and employees, holding conferences, providing employees with the opportunity to make independent decisions;

    unifying: organization of corporate events - holidays, tournaments, competitions, observance of corporate traditions, involvement of employees' families in such events.

Creating an internal PR system involves long-term work, which consists of several main stages:

  1. Training
  2. Tool selection
  3. Implementation
  4. Efficiency mark

1. Preparation

At this stage, for those who are just starting to think about building an internal PR system, it is important to answer a few key questions.

1. What is the situation on this moment?

Diagnosis, analysis of the current state is required. If some work is being done, it is necessary to understand how effective it is, what needs to be done to improve its quality? Do I need to add some elements or completely rebuild it? etc.

2. What is the scale of the proposed changes?

Perhaps a few specific activities are planned, or it may be necessary to build a structure aimed at the implementation of a long-term program. Obviously, the efficiency of the whole system is higher than individual elements, but much depends on the specific situation.

3. What is the purpose of this activity?

The main goals of internal PR, as a rule, are to form employee loyalty and corporatism, build internal corporate communications, and increase employee motivation. The result of these processes should be an increase in labor productivity and the efficiency of the company as a whole. When designing an internal PR system in a company, it is important to focus on strategic goals and company priorities.

2. Choice of tools

At this stage, it is necessary to determine what activities will be required to achieve the goal? This is already a choice of practical means.

1. Corporate media: newspaper, magazine, newsletter, etc.

A corporate newspaper (or magazine) informs about the company, its objectives, goals, successes, news, products and services. The purpose of a corporate newspaper is to form loyalty to the company's activities among employees, customers and partners who are the readership of the newspaper.

The release of a corporate publication can be carried out by employees of the personnel department, marketing and PR department or with the help of involved specialists. The experience of many companies shows that if the newspaper is prepared in the HR department, then in terms of content it is more focused on the company's employees, but if it is handled by marketers, then it is more focused on customers.

The volume, frequency and type (paper or electronic) of the newspaper depends on the financial and time capabilities of the company.

If a new issue of the newspaper is prepared every week or every month, it performs an informing function for employees and is a news dissemination channel. If the publication is published less than once every two months, then, most often, it performs a commentary function, bringing information to employees about past events.

The newspaper may include a variety of headings:

    Appointments (key to the destination company)

    Our employees (interviews with key employees)

    Past events (coverage of corporate events)

    What awaits us (announcements of future events)

    Novelties (new products or services)

    Our friends (information about friendly companies: partners, customers, suppliers)

    Employee birthdays

    Reader Page


One of the dangers is the perception by employees of the newspaper as an official publication, the release of which is not expected, and, having received, they do not read. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to focus on the expectations of employees as much as possible, continuing to follow the previously chosen concept. For example, employees may be asked to become authors of articles or entire headings. When describing an event, it is important to involve participants of past events as interviewees and post group photos. If employees are waiting for a new issue to come out, show it to their relatives and friends, this is an indicator that the newspaper is readable, and you are on the right track.

2. Corporate Code

The corporate code is a document or set of documents that describes the rules for doing business and relationships within the company. The Code can convey the values ​​of the company, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

One of the functions of the code is to regulate the behavior of employees in difficult work situations. Improving the efficiency of employees' activities is carried out by: regulating priorities in interaction with customers, determining the procedure for making decisions in difficult situations, pointing out unacceptable forms of behavior.

The publication of the code in the form of a separate brochure allows each new employee to familiarize himself with it, and, if necessary, the candidate during the interview for the position.

The Code will not be perceived by employees as “something imposed by management” if, during its creation, working groups were held in which key employees were involved, determining what is really important for the company.

3. Mass events

Each company has its own history of corporate events: someone celebrates the company's birthday, New Year, somebody - professional holidays. The format of the event is chosen, most often, depending on the size of the company.

Employees of our company are accustomed to sports competitions that take place three times a year. We organize bowling, karting and volleyball tournaments. From 15 to 20 teams are usually declared for each of the tournaments: there are small divisions in the company that can unite and put up a team of two or three departments.

The choice of sport depends on the goals of the tournament. If the goal is to increase the corporateness of employees, then such tasks are solved by bowling or karting tournaments, for example. The competition itself will take 2-4 hours, which can be attended not only by participants, but also by fans. If the task is to increase teamwork in different divisions, then it is possible to hold football or volleyball tournaments, for example, the regulations of which assume a “cup system” of the competition. The organization of such events is a time-consuming and, most often, costly project.

When organizing such events, it is important to actively use internal PR tools. The announcement of the upcoming corporate sports tournament, the rules of the event, the list with the names of the teams and the names of the captains can be placed on information boards, on the intranet, sent to e-mail. It is important to inform the participants in detail about all the news, you can organize a corporate "bookmaker's office" to increase general interest in the event. Information about the passage of the tournament and photos of the winners can be placed in the corporate newspaper or on the corporate website.

4. Competitions

Monthly "Best Employee" competitions are very effective tool internal PR. This event should be carefully designed and presented to employees.

Competition rules must be prepared and announced in advance. The criteria should be clear to the employees, and the assessment according to the criteria should be made as objectively as possible, otherwise the competition itself will demotivate employees: this is possible in situations where employees actively participate in the competition, but do not win it, and the organizers do not explain the criteria by which participants are evaluated and the winners are determined.

It could be a mistake to use expert assessments activities of employees or departments based on points, without describing the order of their assignment. This situation arose during the competition for the best team in the production shop. Several evaluation criteria were identified (productivity, quality, discipline, sanitation and hygiene, etc.), which were evaluated in points. The lack of a description of the scoring system led to disappointment among the employees of the non-winning teams, and the event, instead of stimulating effective work, reduced staff loyalty to the competition in subsequent periods. The current situation required clarification of the criteria and principles of evaluation.

For some professions, such as an accountant, for example, the results of the competition may be summed up at the end of the year. The awarding of the winners of the competitions should take place as publicly as possible. Employees are congratulated at the department meeting, information about the winners is posted on the intranet and on information boards.

5. Training

Trainings perform not only a learning function, but also establish relationships between employees, strengthen the employee's attachment to his company.

The first training that all company employees attend is Welcome! training. At the three-hour Welcome! training, beginners are shown a 10-minute film about the company and are told:

    about the history and structure of the company,

    about the achievements of the company and key employees,

    about the company's products,

    about the characteristics of the snack market in general.

The training ends with a product tasting and a tour of the factory to the production workshops, which is conducted by the personnel manager. Also, each participant receives a brochure "Pocket Handbook of Employee" with the above information, which he can use in the future in his work.

Our training groups are formed according to the principle of prefabricated (or open) trainings, when employees from different departments are trained in the same group, which allows them to get to know each other better and exchange experiences.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that internal PR cannot exist in a company separately from the personnel management policy. Without being directly involved in the processes of adaptation, motivation for the development of personnel, it is important to constantly and purposefully cover HR events with the help of internal PR.

6. Other

In addition to the listed measures for the formation of an internal PR system, the following can also be mentioned:

    Board of Honor, which contains information about the leading employees, winners in the "Best Employee" competition, "old-timers" of the company.

    A stand with photographs reflecting the history of the company, which can be viewed by new employees, customers and other visitors to the company.

    Bulletin board as an open source of information about past and upcoming events. On the bulletin board, it is advisable to place, in addition to official information, the birthdays of employees and other announcements.

    Corporate holidays, i.e. holidays invented by the company. It can be Employee's Day or Manager's Day, or the celebration of the anniversary or fifth anniversary of the employee's work in the company, etc.

    Corporate symbols: bags, umbrellas, badges with the company logo.

3. Implementation

At the implementation stage, it is necessary to support all started projects, be sure to bring them to their logical conclusion, and consistently pursue the chosen policy. In the development of individual projects, it is necessary to involve employees, listen to their opinion. To do this, it makes sense to conduct general surveys, focus group surveys, and interviews with individual employees.

Initiative groups can be involved in the development of some projects; it is necessary to enlist the support of the company's management and heads of individual areas.

It is important that information about all available benefits and benefits, about all ongoing activities be available to each employee. After all, even those who do not take the opportunity to visit the library, for example, are proud that they can do it. This creates a positive attitude towards the company in the employee and, thus, is an element of internal PR.

An important aspect that I would like to draw attention to is the PR of the HR service itself and HR projects within the company. In some companies, the HR department is perceived as a department for the selection and registration of employees, while most projects and initiatives are taken for granted and are not associated by employees with the activities of the HR department.

As an example, I will give just a few PR tools of our Training Center, which is structurally part of the personnel service.

  1. Name and logo. This year, our training center was named Nut University (not without some irony, of course), and a fun logo was also designed.
  2. Presentation. A four-minute presentation of the training center has been prepared, which informs about ongoing projects, newly developed trainings, schedule for the next quarter, etc.
  3. Certificates. At the end of the training, participants receive a certificate of completion. To date, the number of employees who have been trained in our company is more than 1,000 people from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk, from Murmansk to Krasnodar.
  4. Polygraphy. We also pay attention to printing: since the establishment of the training center, we have already republished the Employee Pocket Guide three times, and we publish handouts for trainings.

The listed tools allowed the projects of the training center to become recognizable among employees, and the company as a whole to acquire the image of a training organization, which is one of the conditions for competitiveness today.

4. Performance evaluation

It is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken using both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Among quantitative indicators can be:

  • employee satisfaction indicators, such as employee turnover rates and the percentage of employee-initiated layoffs (including key employees)
  • indicators of the attractiveness of the offer on the market: the competition of candidates for the position and the rate of acceptance of job offers by them.

It is not easy to assess the quality of an internal PR system, because there are often no initially set clear criteria, costs are decentralized, and it is difficult to calculate all indicators. The factor and remoteness of the result in time also negatively affects. Therefore, it is best to select several important indicators and analyze the results for them, tracking the correlation of growth or decline in indicators in comparison with their own results for previous reporting periods.

Qualitative indicators

The main methods for conducting internal corporate research in order to obtain information about the employee loyalty index are:

    anonymous survey of all staff,

    focus group surveys,

    conducting interviews with employees.

The choice of research methods depends on:

    number of questions and types of expected answers,

    criteria for classifying responses,

    degree of confidentiality of data collection,

    the number of employees whose opinion is planned to be obtained

    resources used.

When conducting an anonymous survey, it is important to determine the participants of the study as accurately as possible: if in companies with up to 300 employees all employees can participate, in organizations with more than 300 employees, it is important to correctly select a focus group. In this case, representatives of all departments, all professions should take part in the study, and there should also be an even distribution between employees who have been working in the organization for a long time and those who have come recently.

An important factor in the survey is the percentage of returned questionnaires. If it is less than 50%, this may mean that employees do not trust the organizers of the study or do not understand the importance of this event for the company. In this case, it is necessary to raise the status of the study with the help of internal PR and guarantee anonymity for employees.

When conducting interviews with employees, it is important to prepare the interviewer, his ability to further interpret the information received. The recommended number of interviews conducted is 5-10% of the number of participants in the anonymous survey. Experience shows that employees who have been with the company for a long time respond more actively to interview offers. They are more loyal and more tolerant of the problems that arise in the company. The opinion of new employees is no less important: their perception of the internal situation makes the company understand what its image as an employer is, how adaptation measures are adjusted in the company.

Of course, after the assessment is carried out, it is necessary to draw certain conclusions, make adjustments and continue the work again, because the activity on the formation of an internal PR system cannot be finally completed. A certain separate project is finite, after it the next one is initiated. Even if there is some well-established structure - the media, intranet, bulletin board, etc. and it works, all the same, it requires support, updating, creativity, some additions, verification.

The system of internal PR must be developed, adjusted, using valuable experience, including that of other companies, which can be found during industry conferences, where HR-specialists talk about the implemented technologies and tools used, about successful projects and failures.

Based on the materials of the magazine "Kadrovoe Delo"

“A few years ago, my company used only one brand of printers. They worked well enough that there was no need to change them to something else. A young woman named Diana was in charge of selling and servicing printers. As Diana gradually settled in our office, she began to discuss with us the shortcomings of her company, in particular, she said only something negative about her boss.In the end, her gossip and complaints about her company convinced me that they faced some I had to stop buying the printers offered to us, and so did most of the other customers. The printer company lost so many customers that it had to lay off employees."

B. Gee, "The Image of the Firm".

This example leads to the conclusion that the company's employees are its main customers. After all, they represent the organization, to a greater extent creating public opinion about this organization. And this is the most important conclusion that any organization must make for itself, striving to be successful.

One way or another, today's worker is not a "hired force". Activity efficiency modern company depends on the cohesion of the staff, on trusting, interested relationships between management and employees, on the reliability of vertical and horizontal ties.

In this way, internal PR - this ispart of the personnel management policy, designed to increase the level of loyalty and motivation of the company's employees.

The most classic manifestations of internal "public relations" are general meetings and group meetings, film screenings, seminars, and the production press. These activities, based on data from preliminary studies and subordinate general plan, both flexible and decisive, successfully defuse the situation in the team. In other words, the system of internal public relations is an attempt to improve communication between people. Thus, conditions for work are created in which trust and sympathy are increasingly replacing fear, envy and hatred.

Internal tools PR

Internal PR tools practically do not differ from those traditionally used in the field of public relations. The difference is only in their specifics, dictated by the audience. Classic internal PR tools include:

Domestic media

This is the most common internal PR tool. The volume, variety, frequency, circulation of the media is determined by the size and needs of the audience, as well as the technical capabilities of the company. The main purpose of using this method of communication is the need to inform and reassure people who are concerned about certain issues related to the organization.

    The corporate newspaper is a powerful tool for interaction with the team. Typically, a corporate newspaper is defined today as a non-commercial publication published by an organization to maintain contact with employees. The main objectives of such a publication are to create a sense of cohesion in the team, strengthen confidence in the management, explain the organization's policy, attract employees to cooperate with the administration, awaken their interest in the affairs of the company, etc. But, in addition to this, the newspaper should contain articles on the most common topics: it is necessary to more fully cover the life of employees outside the organization, their achievements in sports, hobbies. An important condition for a corporate publication is ease of reading and understandability of the content.

Duche, head of Isorel , about the company's newspaper: “Why did I get the idea to create this newspaper? There is only one answer to this question: so that members of the Isorel family can still participate in the life of their enterprise ... It is necessary that each of us be aware of the family interests of our community ... "

    Corporate television and radio carry the same goals and objectives as corporate newspaper. They are especially effective for large industrial organizations and companies whose branches are scattered over a large area.

Benefits of this modern way lies in personal communication, in the face-to-face version, which can lead to a deeper mutual understanding between the administration and the staff.

    Internal corporate site. It combines the advantages of multi-circulation with interactivity. In fact, it consists of two parts: an electronic bulletin board and a permanent forum. It is possible to have an internal corporate e-mail.

Bulletin board

This is an open source of information that encourages discussion, and, therefore, promotes communication between people in a team. Experts believe that the bulletin board accurately models the specifics of the corporate communication of this team: the set of announcements, their subject matter, frequency, and design clearly define the range of issues raised by management for hasty information.

Bulletin boards are quite common in organizations. However, management does not always remember that they can be used not only to inform emergency situations but also to improve productivity, reduce losses and incidents.

The advantage of the bulletin board is the efficiency of influencing the opinion and behavior of small groups, a high degree of personalization of the message. There may be an electronic bulletin board.

Events for employees

It is necessary to clearly understand the goals and objectives of the activities. Typical intra-corporate PR events are usually divided into two groups:

    Various forms of official intracompany communication: a solemn summing up of the results of the year in the form of meetings; the so-called "flyers"; appeal of management to subordinates with an explanation of the current situation; meetings of top managers.

    Various forms of informal communication: corporate holidays; trainings; sports events; conferences.


In some organizations, rumors are the most powerful means of communication. Often they spread faster than official information and are more influential than ordinary instructions. So rumors can be devastating.

Rumors are not always enemies in communications with busy people. Corporate gossip can be as much a means of communication as print or employee meetings. They can be even more valuable because they are believed and everyone can contribute to their creation and distribution.

Rumors are much easier to use in internal PR than traditional PR. Firstly, in a company, you can create a kind of rumor spreading tree and achieve one hundred percent awareness of employees and induce conversations on desired topic. Second, you can get immediate feedback and manage the process from start to finish.

Hall of Fame

A company that is proud of its employees deserves to be proud of its employees. For many, especially older employees, honor rolls remain very strong motivators.

Letters and congratulations

They are designed to imitate a direct, personal appeal of management to staff in a colloquial, personal manner of communication.

Form style

A very powerful visual communication tool. Knowledge by staff of the main differences (color, logo, office design, signs, etc.) helps to unite the team on the basis of belonging to something specific. Symbols are the oldest way to unite the masses.

Corporate Code

The life of every organization is subject to certain rules, which can be reflected in the corporate code. The corporate code is a document that describes the rules for doing business and relationships in an organization. Each corporate code is unique - it sets the values ​​and patterns of behavior that all employees of the organization, including management, must follow. The Code also contains basic prohibitions, indications of unacceptable patterns of behavior, administrative measures of influence, etc.

All these means will be effective only if the feedback works, i.e. there is not one-sided propaganda, but a two-way exchange of information and opinions.

The success of a modern company largely depends on the cohesion of the staff, trusting, interested relationships between management and employees, on the reliability of vertical and horizontal ties. Investing in external PR and not taking care of internal is a waste of money. Attempts by management to present their point of view to employees without showing interest in their position, as a rule, do not bring success, sooner or later cause resistance and rejection by employees performing in this case only the role of mechanical performers.

The main thing is that you will never be able to convince someone from the outside of the competence, prospects and usefulness of your organization until the majority of your own employees believe in it.

Motives that increase the employee's interest in quality own work
Sam Black identified the following motives:

Complete and true information, directed from top to bottom, from bottom to top and from employee to employee;

- an atmosphere of trust between the employee and the employer;
- working conditions that are safe and harmless to health;
- worthy reward;
- absence of conflicts;
- job satisfaction;

The concept, goals and objectives of the internal (corporate) PR

In order to define the concept of “internal PR”, it is necessary to understand what PR is and how internal differs from external.

In foreign and domestic literature There are various definitions of the concept of "public relations".

So, V.G. Korolko defines PR as "... a special information management system (including social), if management is understood as the process of creating informational occasions and information by the party interested in it, the distribution of finished information products by means of communication for the purposeful formation of the desired public opinion."

The author of the book "Public Relations" E.G. Kaliberda proposes to understand PR as one of the functions of managing an organization (company); this function is aimed at establishing contacts and relations with the general public, the media, clients of the organization, government authorities in order to form a positive attitude towards the organization (company) among these audiences.

The UK Institute of Public Relations (IPR) gives the following definition: public relations is a planned, ongoing effort to create and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organization and its public.

Joe Marconi, in his work "PR: The Complete Guide", proposes to understand PR as "... a system that performs many tasks and functions: communication, social relations, industrial relations, employee relations, consumer contacts, customer relations, international relationships Investor Relations, Problem Management Process, Media Relations, Press Contacts, Promotion, Publicity, Shareholder Relations, Public Speaking Writing and Visitor Relations.

As you can see, there are many definitions, but in all of them one common point can be distinguished: the activities of any company today are significantly influenced by public opinion, and public relations are connected precisely with the impact on this public opinion, in order to make it favorable for the company.

Thus, PR is a management function designed to establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between an organization and the public.

Distinguish between external and internal PR. The difference lies in the audience impact. Audience Impact internal PR will be employees working in a particular organization.

Based on the foregoing, internal PR is a managerial function designed to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its staff. In its activities, internal PR uses, in fact, the same mechanisms as external PR.

However, there are specifics. Since the audience of internal PR is the employees of the organization, those whose lives and well-being are significantly dependent on the success of the company, it is natural that their need for information is significantly higher than that of any external group. The technologies of "default", "rearrangement of accents" and "shift of the focus of attention", adopted in external PR, are unacceptable methods when working with this audience. The lack of official information will certainly be replaced by rumors and gossip, which can lead to a serious crisis. Internal PR is necessary both to organize proper communications within the company, and to resolve crisis situations, maintain corporate culture, and most importantly, to motivate and form commitment (high loyalty) to your company among employees.


  • Building corporate communications.
  • Formation and strengthening of corporate culture.
  • Motivation and strengthening of staff loyalty.


  • formation of a single information space;
  • manifestation of openness of leadership;
  • clarification corporate policy in the field of personnel training and development;
  • formation of uniform standards of conduct in accordance with the corporate code and ethics of the company;
  • overcoming communication gaps and achieving mutual understanding;
  • getting feedback from company staff.

Internal PR tools can be conditionally divided into 4 groups:

  1. informational;
  2. analytical;
  3. communicative;
  4. organizational.

So, let's look at the tools of each group.

Corporate Public Relations Tools are means of one-way communication. They are intended to inform employees of the enterprise about current events within the framework of public relations.

The main and internal PR tools include:

  • internal publications - information (corporate) bulletin;
  • other printed matter intended for internal distribution: congratulations, condolences, individual correspondence, copies and extracts from official documents (reprints), reports, etc.;
  • corporate web resource (page, site, portal);
  • cable broadcasting (radio, TV, internal computer network).

Analytical Tools internal PR is a means of one-way (reverse) communication designed to study the opinions, moods and responses of employees of the enterprise.

The main tools of intracorporate PR of this type are:

  • Monitoring the responses and reviews of the employees of the enterprise to the information disseminated among them earlier;
  • A comprehensive analysis of the results of surveys conducted among the employees of the enterprise, the results of questioning, etc.;

Communication Tools internal public relations have the main advantage - direct contact, personal communication between employees and management.

The main activities here are:

  • Management speeches;
  • open interviews;
  • open letters;
  • Evenings of questions and answers;
  • Oral messages from management;
  • Announcement of management orders.

Organizational tools internal PR is represented by a set of special events held for employees of the enterprise with the direct participation of management.

Among these activities we note:

  • meetings and meetings (as a rule, timed to coincide with the days
    national commemorative and solemn dates);
  • evenings of rest;
  • competition;
  • intra-corporate holidays (Birthday of the enterprise, Open Doors Day, Young Professionals Day, Veterans Day).

Intraorganizational communications, according to experts, have a number of specific characteristics.

1. They must provide information and be clear and precise. A manager who adheres to this rule is less likely to be misunderstood. So say exactly what you mean. So if you are going to enter a new market segment (say, wholesale trade, and now you have a retail network), it is better to inform the team directly about this, not limited to vague messages like “soon, friends, we are waiting for big changes... ". Entering a new segment means retraining existing personnel, expanding their number, and by no means mass layoffs as you might think from a conversation about nothing.

2. They are truthful and based on facts, and the information itself helps people make informed choices. Let's continue the example. You must justify entering a new segment as not a crazy desire of management, but as a need for the time, citing the actions of competitors, statistics, etc. operating units in the near future.

3. They appeal to the best interests of the people and fight against an atmosphere of mistrust. You do not just give information - you emphasize your good will in this, evaluate the very fact of informing as the willingness of the leadership to cooperate.

4. They play on the word "you" and downplay the word "I." Their motto should be: "What I think is much less important than what you do." When talking about the pronouns "I" and "you", it is obvious that "I" refers to superiors, and "you" to subordinates. And limit the "yakane" at least during internal communications extremely important. But, alas, it is not always easy ... You must at least avoid the form "I", saying "we decided", "it seems to us advantageous", etc.

The need for a serious approach to intra-corporate communications is quite obvious today. After all, the current generation of workers is very different from the previous ones. They are not inclined to blindly obey the orders of the leadership, to behave quietly and just do their job. Today's professionals who make up a good team have much more autonomy, independence and leave without hesitation if something does not suit them. Their personal needs are very important to them. Ultimately, it is up to them how much effort they put in at work, and this effort is directly related to how they are treated and how much they are valued as people, not labor. This is something that many leaders still do not understand - alas, most Russian leaders business, especially medium and small (large corporations included in world economy, willy-nilly forced to reckon with world practice). In Russia, business has traveled too little distance, and here the “management revolution” has not yet taken place in full, that is, very often the owner himself is also a manager. Owner-managers have learned to understand numbers, understand overheads, prices, etc., but are not able to cope with people's feelings and emotions, so they are simply discarded as unimportant. Moreover, they regard the business as “their own”, and employees as “foreigners” and striving to “grab a piece” earned personally, with considerable effort and difficulties.

PR - service within the organization is busy developing and implementing programs for working with personnel, which develops into intracorporate communication.

This policy provides, in particular, for the following:

  • association of personnel based on individual goals (salary, promotion with the acquisition of status, etc.) to achieve a common goal (profit and prosperity of the organization);
  • creation of the ideology and image of the company, in the maintenance of which the staff participates;
  • establishing mutual understanding between management and staff;
  • creation unified system objective assessments based on the contribution of each to the success of the company;
  • maintaining a high level of professionalism;
  • control over motivation, maintaining a favorable psychological and moral climate.

Let's formulate the typical concerns of intra-corporate PR. It:

  • familiarization of employees with the goals, objectives and plans of the organization;
  • informing them about problems, actions and results;
  • consulting with employees about negative, sensitive or controversial issues (and you should be trusted more than the boss, hence the advice not to take sides!);
  • stimulating constant and effective two-way communication between the managerial staff and subordinates;
  • prompt information about the most important matters and decisions;
  • establishing a spirit of creativity and innovation.

All this should be done through the existing channels of intra-company communication, as well as through those channels that we deem it necessary to "lay" in the organization. How can information circulate within a firm, be it a small one? grocery store Or a big bank?

Formal channels:

  • from the head of the company general meetings and personal meetings
  • through heads of departments;
  • through the immediate supervisor;
  • internal newspaper;
  • general bulletin board;
  • bulletin boards by department.

informal channels

  • through colleagues
  • through casual outside contacts