External pr activity. Coursework: Internal PR organization. When it is necessary to create an internal PR system

Main types of PR activities

Remark 1

It is known that initially activities in the field of public relations were aimed only at the consumers of the organization. PR campaigns contributed to the formation of awareness of the company and its trademarks.

Now the objects of PR activity are not only the company's clients, but also potential investors and partners, government officials and politicians and the staff of the organization itself.

Therefore, there are several types of PR activities depending on the goals and direction:

  • Working with mass media
  • Corporate PR (creating the reputation of the enterprise)
  • Crisis management (development of measures to combat crisis situations)
  • Financial or investment PR (relations with financial institutions and investors)
  • Interaction with power structures and local population (lobbying and political PR)
  • Marketing PR (commodity propaganda, sales support)
  • Internal PR

In general, there are three types of PR activities:

  1. political PR;
  2. trade or marketing PR;
  3. media PR

Political PR is aimed at creating a favorable image of voters during the election campaign. This is a rather complex process, which includes several activities:

  • Development of a campaign strategy
  • Holding sociological research to determine the attitude of the population towards the candidate
  • Image support of candidates
  • Work with public, charitable and other organizations
  • Media Involvement
  • Development of promotional material.

Definition 1

Marketing or trade PR is the process of planning and executing programs that promote sales growth and customer satisfaction, as well as the formation of a positive reputation of the enterprise.

PR in marketing implements the following functions:

  • holding special PR campaigns, organizing exhibitions and fairs;
  • issuing press releases about new products;
  • creation of consumer incentive programs;
  • analysis of public opinion;
  • measures to create a favorable image.

Definition 2

Media PR is PR in the field of mass media.

Interaction with the media is the basis of PR activities. This is the main tool for enterprises to communicate with the public and receive feedback.


  • Writing and publishing materials in print media
  • Preparation of informational materials for appearance on television or radio

Features of external and internal PR

External PR is about creating an attractive company image and improving public relations.

He direction to work with the outside environment enterprises, namely with the target audience (most often with customers).

External PR includes the following activities:

  • Working with the media (creating a database on the media, writing press materials, their distribution and placement, preparing and holding press events, interviews, etc.)
  • Business communications (drawing up a calendar of important and significant events, participation in specialized exhibitions, forums, etc.)
  • Internet communications (development and implementation of programs to promote the company on the Internet)
  • Repositioning and rebranding (changing the name of the company, its range of goods and services, brands, creating new concept companies, developing a presentation in accordance with the expectations and requests of consumers).

Definition 3

Internal, or intra-corporate PR is the creation of a trusting and favorable relationship between the company's management and employees. Corporate culture is of great importance in internal PR.

The main components of intracorporate PR:

  • the effectiveness of the system of interaction between departments and employees in the company (exchange of necessary information at all levels of the enterprise structure, creation of working groups for projects, involvement of employees in the decision-making process);
  • motivation of activity (employees should be focused on achieving the goals of the company;
  • Employees are the main intangible asset of the company.

Changes are the norm of life of any company, the law of development, the axiom of business. But how they are implemented in a company can either be a catalyst or a brake on change. Many ideas were buried only because they did not find support among employees, were incomprehensible and unaccepted .

According to the classical definition, PR (public relations) is managerial function, aimed at establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial relations between the organization and the public, on which its success or, conversely, failure depends. Properly built communications with target groups of the public allow the organization not only to create a positive image of the company, but also to achieve the maximum effect from its activities.

Considering the target groups of the public, we often forget that in addition to such important groups as consumers, customers, shareholders, competitors, the media, authorities, there is another community whose attitude to the company's activities can become literally decisive for the success of all its activities. These are company employees. It has been proven that the losses of companies from the disloyal attitude of the staff are on average three times higher than from the activities of competitors or unfriendly media. However, in modern Russian practice few companies make a conscious effort to establish favorable communications with their staff. The purpose of internal PR is the development of effective communication with the internal audience, the creation and strengthening of corporate loyalty.

Really working internal PR is a complex activity in which a variety of tools can be used. The main thing is compliance with the goals that your company seeks to achieve by building a system of relationships with its internal audience. Internal PR is designed to increase the level of loyalty and motivation of the staff, and hence the effectiveness of its activities. In addition, the creation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of employees affects the image of the company in the outside world, because the staff is one of the channels for transmitting information to the outside.

The content of the activities of the internal PR

The need for an internal PR system is relevant for medium and large companies. Especially for those that consist of disparate divisions: several offices, production complexes and office building, chain stores, networks of regional branches, etc. How to unite these divisions, show that all employees of the organization are one team that works to achieve one goal? It is necessary to fill communication gaps, form uniform standards of behavior, establish a system for informing employees, and form a positive image of the company. And to do it in such a way that each employee feels like a part of the company and is proud of it.

Internal PR is a purposeful and structured informational impact on personnel, designed to strengthen the company's image in their eyes. Internal PR is part of the personnel management policy, which should be built within the framework of a single concept and start from the goals that the company faces.

Creating an internal PR system involves long-term work, which, as a rule, consists of four main stages: preparation, selection of funds, project implementation and evaluation of its effectiveness.

At the training stage, for HR employees who are just starting to think about building an internal PR system, it is important to pay attention to two key points.

Internal PR system

The internal PR system will help unite the team, show that all employees of the organization are one team that works to achieve one goal.

First, analyze what is the current situation in the company? To what extent are your employees informed about the prospects for the development of the company, how effectively do employees of different departments interact with each other, are they satisfied with the current state of affairs? It is not difficult to find out: personal conversations with employees, heads of departments, observations, including in an informal setting, and questionnaires will help you.

Second, evaluate the scale of the proposed changes. You may need to carry out several specific activities, such as organizing the operation of an internal corporate website and informing employees about changes in the company in a timely manner. Or maybe there will be a need to build an entire structure to carry out a long-term program: from writing a company code to organizing corporate events. When planning changes, remember that the effectiveness of the whole system will always be higher than a set of its individual elements.

So, having determined the scope of the proposed changes, it is necessary to determine what practical means will be required to achieve them. There are several groups of events that make up the system of internal PR.

Image events include the definition of the company's mission, the creation of a corporate code and the development of corporate symbols. Their task is to form uniform standards of behavior and adherence to the values ​​of the company.

Mission- this is the purpose of the organization, its main function in society, its role in a particular market, in any direction of business. Mission statement - result of work management team, therefore it is very important that all employees of the company share its values.

Along with such popular areas as the promotion of goods and brands, PR projects related to the creation and management of reputation, the formation of corporate culture, philosophy and mission of the company. Directions of activity of internal PR today are noticeably updated. However, today the following statistics are monitored: “no more than 15% Russian companies are consistently and successfully engaged in internal PR - building communications between employees, promoting the company's values, Sergey Gurov, manager of the Feedback agency PR agency, is convinced. According to him, in most medium and large companies, internal PR is reduced to holding holiday parties. Susan Walker, head of communications research at the British marketing company MORI. Corporations such as Honda, Boots Group, Cable & Wireless also make internal PR mistakes. “The main miscalculation of top managers is the unwillingness to maintain feedback with employees, the inability to use the benefits of established contact with them,” Susan Walker told Vedomosti. At the same time, Viktoria Chuprovskaya, director of the Capital PR Agency, believes: “company managers are reluctant to turn to an external PR agency with a proposal to develop a PR strategy for internal communications. This happens only in case of serious problems (lack of staff motivation, team feeling and, as a result, a decrease in the efficiency of the company). Not wanting to “wash dirty linen in public”, the top management of the company, as a rule, tries to solve the problem on its own or entrusts the solution of the problem to the PR manager (employee of the company).

Public relations management in an enterprise or organization should always be aimed at specific categories of the public whose behavior is essential to the success of the firm.

The entire public in a particular company can be conditionally divided into internal and external. The internal public primarily includes:

company personnel (main and auxiliary workers, specialists, service staff etc.);

leaders structural divisions companies (departments, departments, services, laboratories, bureaus, etc.);

shareholders directly and permanently participating in the management of the company and solving the most important issues of its functioning.

The external public of the firm can, in turn, be conditionally divided into close and remote. The main groups of the close external community that have a significant and permanent influence on the work of the company:

suppliers of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, assemblies, parts, spare parts and other initial components of products (works, services);

enterprises and infrastructure organizations that ensure the normal functioning of the company (energy, transport, supply, trade, intermediary, consulting, legal, financial and credit, insurance, utilities, etc.);

shareholders who are not directly involved in the management of the company, but have significant number shares;

consumers of products (works, services) manufactured by the company;

bodies of state control and regulation, authorized to carry out various checks, issue orders, impose fines, etc.

The main groups of the remote external public that have an indirect indirect impact on the work of the company:

firm's competitors;

local authorities;

the population living in the locations of the main production and marketing divisions of the company.

Features of certain categories of the public should be taken into account when building an appropriate communications management system at an enterprise or organization.

In this work, as noted in the topic, we will consider only the internal public and one of the ways to work with it - the stages of organizing and holding festive events.

So, inside the firm, PR performs a number of vital modern business features:

assistance to employees and specialists in getting acquainted with the goals, capabilities and traditions of the company;

clarification of the general policy of management and the principles of its work with personnel;

meeting the needs of staff for information about events in the company and around it;

ensuring and stimulating two-way communication between the management of the company and its employees;

promoting the development of positive motivation for each employee in relation to the company and to high quality work;

formation organizational culture and corporate identity;

education of employees as representatives of the company, carriers of its image and culture.

The correct implementation of the listed functions is possible only if the company's management provides for various types of support for the public relations management process: ideological, personnel, logistical, financial, regulatory, technological, informational, etc.

The main task of intra-company PR-work is to provide two flows of information: "from above" and "from below". In the first case, we are talking about information coming from the top officials of the company, which should be systematically communicated to the staff. Each employee has a need for a "feeling of the leader", for knowledge of the intentions of the management, the results and prospects of the company, the state of affairs, the validity of rumors. No less important is the counter flow - from the staff to the manager. Moods, opinions, decisions, assessments, attitudes, possible suggestions for improving things - the manager can learn about all this only directly from the employees. Therefore, it is extremely important for the management of the company to have a "feeling of each subordinate." If the first persons of the company do not build this flow of information, it begins to take shape spontaneously and also by no means in favor of the cause. Both of these flows of information, both creating a “feeling of a leader” in subordinates, and creating a “feeling of a subordinate” in management, are ultimately aimed at achieving a single goal - the formation of a “feeling of We”, belonging to a common cause. And here important role in the formation of positive motivation plays properly built selection and placement of personnel, carefully debugged technology with a focus on information.

It should also be remembered that literally everything in the company is indirectly related to internal PR - the way employees greet each other, the way their workplaces are decorated, and even the color of the office walls.

In practice, there are a number of methods for working with the internal public - such as collegiate meetings between company employees, (preferably) with the participation of company management, meetings, meetings, seminars, conferences, collection and analysis of proposals, wish books, newsletters, annual reports, stands, wall newspapers, bulletin boards, permanent and temporary exhibitions, articles and letters to the media, the use of photo, film and video materials, printed materials (reference books, memos for beginners and beginners), holding joint weekends, celebrating professional, national holidays , as well as the "holy" - the birthday of the company.

“For any business structure operating in modern conditions market, it is necessary to create a system of intracompany communications between employees of the company”, since these interactions form its organizational culture. And if such a mechanism of internal communication is debugged, then sympathy arises between the participants in communications, the psychological climate is harmonized, the level of mutual assistance and mutual assistance increases in work, responsibility increases, the level and severity of conflicts decrease. The development of corporate relations contributes to the improvement economic indicators organization's activities. The so-called “internal PR tools”, which we will discuss in the next section, help to control them.

Internal PR tools

“To implement the tasks of internal PR, public relations specialists have a number of tools at their disposal. These tools can be conditionally divided into information, analytical, communication, organizational and crisis (post-crisis) response tools.

So, let's take a quick look at the tools of each group:

Informational tools are means of one-way communication. They are intended to inform employees of the enterprise about current events within the framework of public relations.

To the main information tools internal PR include:

Internal publications - information (corporate) bulletin;

Other printed products intended for internal distribution: congratulations, condolences, individual correspondence, copies and extracts from official documents(reprints), reports, etc.;

Corporate web resource (page, site, portal);

Cable broadcasting (radio, TV, internal computer network)

Analytical internal public relations tools are a means of one-way (reverse) communication designed to study the opinions, moods and responses of employees of the enterprise.

The main tools of intracorporate PR of this type are:

Monitoring the responses and reviews of the employees of the enterprise to the information disseminated among them earlier;

A comprehensive analysis of the results of surveys conducted among the employees of the enterprise, the results of questioning, etc.

Communication tools of internal public relations have the main advantage - direct contact, personal communication between employees and management.

The main activities here are:

Management speeches;

open interviews;

open letters;

Evenings of questions and answers;

Oral messages from management;

Announcement of management orders.

Crisis and post-crisis response tools are the means to increase the effectiveness of the use of PR tools and techniques. It contributes to:

1) A deliberate and balanced attitude to every word addressed to the employees of the enterprise is emphasized: “The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it!”.

2) Proactive work, intensification of information exchange in both directions;

Special attention to the response, manifestations of the opinions and moods of employees, maximum flexibility in matters of public relations.

Organizational tools of internal PR are represented by a set of special events held for employees of the enterprise with the direct participation of management. Among these activities we note:

meetings and meetings (as a rule, timed to coincide with the days of nationwide memorable and solemn dates);

evenings of rest;

competitions (Moreover, “here it is not so important whether it will be a chess or football tournament, the main thing is the desire of the participants themselves and the opportunity to show their abilities and qualities in non-working hours».)

inside corporate holidays(Birthday of the enterprise, Day open doors, Young Professionals Day, Veterans Day)

The main purpose of these events is to strengthen the corporate spirit among the employees of the enterprise in an informal, festive atmosphere.

Stages of internal PR

Statement of objectives of the corporate myth. For example, employee loyalty, increasing motivation, improving relationships, popularizing management, etc.

Exploring the company's current internal mythology.

The choice of carriers of the corporate myth: an idea, ethics, a charismatic leader, a common good deed, a way of life, a fight against a common evil, great prospects, etc.

Determining the content of the corporate myth.

Development of a systemic concept of a corporate myth (culture).

Establishment of the main and supporting subsystems of the corporate myth.

Highlighting the main (necessary) and additional (desirable) elements.

Determining how the explicit and implicit benefits of the organization's employees will be linked to following the Corporate Myth.

Development of standards, rituals and intra-organizational PR events.

Based on system relationships, determine the sequence of implementation.

Stages of Internal PR: events

Building an organizational subsystem of internal PR based on HR and marketing departments with the direct participation of senior management.

Systematic implementation of the implementation steps from point nine. Internal press releases, writing a management message book, general holidays, operational awards to “our people” and other rewards, vociferous keeping of promises, etc.

Launching formalized courses on instilling corporate mythology in newly arrived employees and regular PR campaigns for existing employees, trainings on implementing and maintaining the corporate standard. Development of long-term measures.

Monitoring the current state of the company's myth, maintaining a dossier of employees, prompt response, suggesting additional actions, preparing texts, scripts, documents and using circumstances.

Depending on the size of the organization, the work on the project can take from several months to one or two years.

Training of employees of the internal PR department

Creation and implementation of the Corporate Myth can be carried out by involved specialists. It is better (and cheaper) to entrust the maintenance of an effective and strong company myth to specially trained own employees companies.

The training of such employees can take place both at special seminars and in the process direct work on the development of corporate culture together with a team of professional office technologists.

Formation of an internal image as one of the tasks of internal PR

Striving for organizational success foreign market, the management of the company takes care of the formation external image in the eyes of customers and partners, which is created by effective advertising of the company, modern design of premises, quality of goods and services, level of service, etc.
At the same time, it is very often forgotten that the managers and employees themselves, communicating with each other, set certain standards of attitude towards work, towards colleagues, towards the process of customer service. Thus, the internal image of the company is formed, that is, how its employees see it.

Usually the external and internal image of the company differ sharply from each other. Here is how employees might describe the most common organizational problems:

Our main problem is that management does not see the employee as a person, a person. They look at us like robots who should only perform narrow tasks...

We have no idea what senior management and line managers expect from us...

Nobody knows what we should do and how individual employees and as a company as a whole. We have never been involved in goal setting, we don’t know where our company is going…

In such a situation, it is difficult to expect employees to work with full dedication. Usually this process is unconscious and spontaneous. Tough management style, rudeness, lack of respect for subordinates, shown by management, affect the motivation of subordinates, or rather its absence. In turn, ordinary employees show the same qualities when working with colleagues and clients, as the safest objects on which to vent their aggression on the manager.

So the lack of value of dialogue, so often broadcast by leaders in our culture, leads to the fact that the efforts spent on attracting customers are nullified by disloyal and unmotivated staff.

The task of the HR manager is to identify and convey to the manager what kind of informal attitude towards the organization has developed in the team. How can I do that:

Conduct an anonymous survey of employees (collect their feedback on the company's personnel policy);

Conduct interviews with dismissed employees;

Check how the company's employees meet new unfamiliar partners, customers;

Observe how employees spend their time temporarily free from work (play computer games, translate English or something else);

Listen to what stories and jokes employees tell;

How they welcome newcomers, what information about the company they are given.

If the company's management strives to create a customer-oriented organization, then the first thing to start with is the formation of staff loyalty to the organization (internal PR). In order for the attendants to look for the meaning and reason for their work in the client, they must be able to enter into the role of another person, understand his position, see the situation through his eyes.

Such value in the work of employees will appear when top management and direct supervisors treat them as individuals, understand and respect their needs for information about what is happening in the organization, positive feedback (support), optimal working voltage, safety and etc.

Thus, the successful development and implementation of internal PR begins with the formation of a positive image of managers and leads to the emergence of a sense of faith and pride of employees in their company.

Methods of internal PR

Methods of internal PR practically do not differ from those traditionally used in the field of public relations. The difference is only in their specifics dictated by your audience.

Domestic media- the most common internal PR tool.

The volume, variety, frequency and circulation of the media is determined by the size and needs of the audience, as well as the technical capabilities of the company.

Example. On a large industrial enterprise(more than 1000 employees) it becomes reasonable to create an internal radio station, and in an office with no more than 100 employees, a weekly information leaflet or a monthly magazine is sufficient.

Do not forget that we are lucky to live in the 21st century, so use the electronic media. Train staff to communicate on the intranet, create electronic internal media.

Guide to corporate culture.

This guidance should address aspects of conduct both within and outside the company. The manual should be available to employees of all grades. When writing a corporate bible, it's best to avoid dogma and get creative with the process. Don't be afraid to use non-traditional genres. After all, most employees will not read a boring textbook on business etiquette, but will prefer an ironic detective story with neatly inscribed norms of behavior or a collection of stories about the interaction of neighbors in the stairwell.

Form style.

Very strong tool visual communication. Try to ensure that every employee of the company wears products with the symbols of your organization with pride and can always distinguish a fake from the original. Knowledge by staff of the main differences (color, logo, office design, signs, etc.) helps to unite the team on the basis of belonging to something specific. Create symbols - this is the oldest way to unite the masses.

Public events(sports, art, tourism, etc.).

It all depends on your imagination, but do not get carried away. If all your life you have dreamed of learning how to water ski or your boss loves opera, it does not mean at all that the team is also ready to listen to The Tsar's Bride in 4 acts, even at the Bolshoi Theater.

Choose activities that can involve as many people as possible.

Example. Football championship between branches (subdivisions) of your company.

If the event you invented seems brilliant to you, you were supported by working group, you have been allocated a budget, but some of the employees do not support you, do not despair! If the project succeeds, with each subsequent project the number of opponents will decrease, and the rating of internal PR will grow.


Rumors are much easier to use in internal PR than traditional PR. Firstly, in a company, you can create a kind of tree of spreading rumors and achieve 100% awareness of employees and induce conversations on the topic you need. Second, you can get immediate feedback and manage the process from start to finish.

It's harder to deal with unwanted rumors. Here you can use the same "scrap" - i.e. refuting rumors or your internal official sources information with the help of statements of authoritative persons, on a topic of interest to the staff. This will have a much greater effect.

Bulletin board.

A bulletin board is an open source of information that encourages discussion, and, therefore, promotes communication between people in a team. Even if there is an electronic bulletin board, it is advisable to leave the traditional board and place it in the place of the highest throughput flow (dining room, smoking room, entrance).

Hall of Fame.

This old tradition should not be considered a relic of the past. A company that is proud of its employees deserves to be proud of its employees. And for many, especially not young teams, the honor boards have remained very strong motivators.


Interpersonal communication trainings, group work, work in the context of company restructuring, etc. help to maintain a favorable climate in the team in a difficult situation. Don't forget that even the most talented employees sometimes need help. Trainings are best carried out with the involvement of an external specialist. HR specialists should organize and conduct trainings, and the working group should determine their feasibility and role in the overall internal PR strategy.


Depending on the specifics of your team, these can be quarterly meetings in the assembly halls with reports on the work done or weekly five-minute meetings in departments where the manager sets a task, distributes work and summarizes the previous week.

Social programs.

Necessary, but must be economically justified. Try not to transfer the entire burden of costs to your organization. With the right use of funds allocated for these purposes, you can partially participate in several projects than fully implement only one.

Only classic PR tools are listed here, but your creative thought can change them beyond recognition. The main thing is not to overdo it and listen to the advice of colleagues. When forming your own internal PR strategy, use only tools that are acceptable to your organization. The better they are adapted to solve the tasks assigned to you, the faster you will feel the result of your work.


The activity of internal PR is aimed at the organizational culture of the company. All work on PR is directly related to the formation of this culture.

The main principles of public relations management at an enterprise or organization include: scientific character, systematic nature, complexity, efficiency, continuity, objectivity, legality, flexibility, constructiveness, efficiency.

To implement the tasks of internal PR, public relations specialists have a number of tools at their disposal. These tools can be conditionally divided into information, analytical, communication, organizational and crisis response tools. A corporate holiday belongs to the communication tools of internal PR and is of great importance for the formation of organizational culture.

12. Novikov V. Increase in premium. Holidays for employees have become an integral part of corporate culture. Expert Northwest. 11/12/2001.

13. Newstrom JV, Davis K. Organizational behavior. SPb., 2000.

14. Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. M., 1995.

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Internal PR is a purposeful or spontaneous, overt or covert informational impact on employees of an enterprise, which aims to:

  • form a given image of the company (substructures of the company, large-scale projects) in the eyes of the staff;
  • to achieve the subsequent translation of the formed image by the staff into the external environment;
  • install corporate standards behavior and adjust the actions of employees in the desired direction.

Such activities in different companies can be carried out by dedicated functional units (PR service or personnel service, and sometimes even security service), or be distributed among managers of various levels. One way or another, any leaders spontaneously or consciously take actions on internal PR. The result of such efforts is that special corporate culture that is uniquely formed in each organization.

Organizational culture is an intangible asset that forms, among other things, the value of an organization. At the same time, as in the case of other intangible assets, the effectiveness of such systems cannot be assessed by itself, without checking the adequacy of information impacts. strategic goals organizations. In other words, any even carefully planned information impact can be useless or even harmful if it works against a given strategy.

When is it necessary to create an internal PR system?

There is a proverb: "The stone, which the builders looked after, stood at the forefront." Information impacts on employees are carried out in all organizations. There are, however, two classes of situations when internal information influences begin to play a primary role and can become a support or an obstacle to significant management efforts:

  • Combining companies into large holding-type structures, especially mergers and acquisitions of companies for which territorial remoteness or the original features of businesses lead to heterogeneous or contradictory subcultures, enterprises begin to work "in discord" and the organization does not have sufficient integrity.
  • Implementation of cardinal organizational changes: transformation of the company (change in the type of business); marketing expansion or, on the contrary, "compression"; change in the management system, large-scale restructuring (including possible reductions and abolitions of posts), etc.

Building an internal PR system:

When aging the internal PR system, it is necessary to:

  • Define organizational structures who will implement internal PR activities. Traditionally, in large and medium-sized organizations, this activity is "shared" between PR services or personnel services (sometimes with special units, for example, the corporate culture management department). AT small organizations there may not be a dedicated unit and internal PR activities are placed on the shoulders of line managers, one way or another distributed along the management vertical.
  • Reconstruct the target features of the corporate culture, analyze to what extent the existing informational influences work in resonance or as opposed to the strategic goals of the management, build the content of PR influences.
  • Fine-tune internal PR processes and develop PR activities to provide informational impacts. For each organization, several basic PR processes compatible with its characteristics (regulating the systematic communication of information to employees and broadcasting the target corporate culture to them) are allocated, as well as regular or one-time PR campaigns and events are planned.
  • Train employees of specialized services and line managers in new PR technologies. The content of such training usually depends on the subject of PR-influences. If internal PR activities are implemented by a PR service, then the strong side is usually well-functioning communication channels, the weak side is understanding of the specifics of corporate culture, commitment and loyalty problems. In the case of personnel services, the picture is reversed. For line managers involved in internal PR campaigns, the problems of loyalty and commitment (the content of PR messages) are usually spontaneously understandable and clear, but the problems of communicative competence and the inability to organize an effective impact on employees in the presence of resistance "from below" come to the fore.
  • Implement planned PR activities, evaluate their effectiveness, debug the PR system. The system is built with the potential for self-development. It is often not enough to conduct one-time PR campaigns, it is necessary to ensure permanent implementation functions by internal PR. However, the first targeted PR campaigns may be accompanied by consultants, as they allow the introduction of new PR technologies and the training of internal line managers and specialists.

Methods and methods of work:

To solve the problems of forming "control centers", a wide class of diagnostic and influencing methods is used:

  • Methods of "direct" (immediate) formation corporate cult: intra-company information exchange (newsletter, electronic or printed corporate publications, intranet portals, knowledge management, corporate holidays and rituals; corporate codes of conduct, etc.).
  • Indirect Methods the formation of a corporate cult, implemented within personnel processes and events: in-house training aimed at rallying and team-building trainings), internal PR within the framework of attestation interviews, etc.
  • Methods of intergroup interaction are based on technologies for conducting business and organizational-activity games and technologies for conducting internal conferences; methods of "Delphi-groups"; presentation techniques, public speaking techniques and involve the implementation of the principles of space organization during mass events (meetings, plenary sessions).
  • Multimedia programs, corporate video. Influence the situation in the organization with the help of corporate stories and story video, for which active groups are involved in the filming and development of concepts. Employee participation in production can range from very low to very involved, depending on the objectives of the information company. The company communicates goals to employees and accompanies changes, and also becomes the basis for the formation of corporate history, symbolization and consolidation as such of corporate heroes and significant persons for the company.

The purpose of PR is to organize two-way communication, in the process of which the general ideas or common interests and there is mutual understanding, which is based on truth, knowledge and full awareness. The size of such interaction, focused on the development of stable public relations, can be very different, it depends both on the size and on the nature of the parties.

PR specialists use modern ways communication and persuasion to establish contacts and find mutual understanding. Understanding is facilitated by reputation, existing experience and cultural factors!. It should not be forgotten that an important part of a large number of PR programs to gain a reliable reputation is to create an atmosphere of trust and implement a unified strategy.

For effective PR activities, it is extremely important to identify key audiences, as well as target audiences, which, in turn, are divided into internal and external. When working with external and internal audiences, ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ communication (internal and external) and certain tools for influencing a certain type of audience can be used.

When preparing PR campaigns milestone there will be a complete study of the audience (target groups) Moreover, it is extremely important to decide who belongs to the external target audience, and who - to the inner.

The internal target audience includes all employees of the organization, as well as pensioners and relatives of the company's employees, i.e. that part of society that is directly related to the organization and will be the bearer of the corporate image.

The external target audience refers to that part of society, to which the activities of the organization apply.

Once the target audiences have been identified, it is necessary to identify those expectations that are necessary to perform actions when working with these target audiences.

When working with target audiences, PR specialists strive to solve a number of tasks, such as:

  1. studying the expectations of target audiences;
  2. informing target audiences;
  3. establishing and maintaining contacts;
  4. conflict prevention;
  5. formation of a strategy for activities in the domestic and foreign markets.

Specialized events are developed for the external target audience, which include press releases, press conferences, press events, press tours, press lunches, briefings, conferences, customer surveys, direct mail, etc.

For the internal target audience, specialized events are also held: a competition for the best specialist, corporate events, demonstration of the achievements of the internal target audience. Internal corporate events contribute to the formation of a positive corporate image.