The concept of visual communications in the service sector. Visual Communication Design System of Visual Communication Signs

Definition 1

Visual communications represent a type of interaction in which the transfer of information is carried out using sign systems, images, infographics, images.

The main difference of this type of communicative interaction is the fact that communication is wholly or partially relies on vision.

AT modern society visual communications are at the stage of their intensive development, realizing several urgent tasks. The over-intensification of the pace of development of this type of interaction is due to the active introduction of modern information and communication technologies into social reality, which facilitate the processes of transmitting visual images. Visual communication today is an integral part of the activities of the media, social media etc.

Approaches to understanding the essence of the definition of visual communications in the framework of social psychology

Visual communications are one of the fundamental categories of social psychology. Within the framework of the indicated direction of scientific knowledge this species interaction is interpersonal communication based on visual, optical interaction. Tools non-verbal communication signals of movements appear - gestures, facial expressions, postures, eye contact, gait, as well as physiognomy - the structure of the body, the structure of the face, skull. These means of interaction organically complement verbal signals, help to clarify and correct the meaning of what was said.

Functions of visual communications

Visual communication tools successfully implement a number of relevant functions, including the following:

  • informational - the function of transmitting information messages;
  • expressive - the ability not only to convey the meaning, but also the subjective evaluation of the meaning of the message;
  • pragmatic - the ability to broadcast communicative attitudes that have a certain impact on the recipient.

Optical-Kinetic Visual Communications Subsystem

The implementation of visual communicative interaction largely depends on appearance interlocutor, his facial expressions, facial expressions, gestures, postures, body movements, etc., forming the optical-kinetic subsystem of communication.

Definition 2

In modern scientific literature, kinetic gestures are understood as a set of movements of the hands, head, and other parts of the body that accompany the speech of a person, emphasizing the meaning of what was said.

More than a million bodily signals are distinguished, signs that can be used by a person in the process of interaction. Gestures can emphasize the meaning of what was said, enhance the expressiveness of the informational message. At the same time, inappropriate use of gesticulation can give out confusion, uncertainty of the communicant, possible lies contained in the words. Indirect evidence that a person is telling a lie is such gestures as licking the lips, rubbing the eyelids, avoiding a direct look, protecting the mouth with a hand, an expressionless voice, etc.

There are a number of gestures that testify to the openness or closeness of a person for communication. Open, open palms are evidence that a person is set up for frank, sincere communication. On the contrary, clasped fingers, as a rule, act as a negative signal that betrays disappointment, the desire to suppress emotions. Grasping the wrist with a hand can act as a signal of nervousness, insecurity of a person. Crossed arms give out a negative or defensive position of one of the actors of the interaction. Intertwined fingers can signal disappointment, hostility, nervous tension.

Thus, visual communications in social psychology are an integral component of interpersonal communication, organically complementing, clarifying the meaning of a verbal message, and in some cases completely refuting it.

Andrey Baturin, July 27, 2017

Andrey Baturin

It is not the first time to say that the site should not wander around the vast expanses of the web because it simply is. It has its own tasks and goals, which communication with the user helps to achieve. Obviously, he cannot sit quietly in the kitchen with a cup of tea with his visitor. But he has his own ways of communication, which are no worse, and in some ways even better than conversation.

Today, visual communications are extremely advanced and designed to perform several tasks at once. In web design, they play an important role: thanks to their competent use, the user performs targeted actions, can navigate the site spaces well and interact with it.

Visual communication is a type of communication in which the transmission of information partially or entirely relies on vision.


In many areas, color plays a big role. With regards to communication, the perception of colors is similar for all of us, and therefore they easily convey their message to huge audiences.

Red- emotionally, this color is perceived as important, confident and powerful. It grabs our attention more than other colors and, as a result, is used for warnings and important announcements. In website design, color can carry the following emotional messages: passion, energy, importance, strength, blood, etc. You need to use it wisely, otherwise there is a risk of scaring off the audience, which seeks to leave the “dangerous” zone full of aggressive tint as soon as possible.

Orange- a cheerful and cheerful neighbor of red color in the spectrum. Color is associated with energy, youth, movement and cheerfulness.

Yellow- cheerful, juicy and sunny color. Its use and meaning depend on the selected hue. So, for example, bright yellow carries positive energy, and its darker shades, such as gold, refer us to noble and wise antiquity.

Green- a transitional color from yellow to blue, from warm to cold, which combines the characteristics of both colors and is on the verge of relaxing and invigorating. The result is a balanced and stable color. Depending on the shade, it is used for various purposes: brighter colors symbolize freshness, environmental friendliness, and darker ones symbolize abundance and luxury.

Blue- cold color, the value of which also depends on the shade used. Lighter shades carry the meaning of security, openness and friendliness. This is especially noticeable in the world social networks, where every second developer chooses them. Darker tones evoke in us associations with reliability and inspire confidence, as a result, they are in great demand among corporate sites.

Violet- Historically, purple is associated with us as truly royal, with a hint of luxury. Again, to the difference in shades: if light ones, such as lilac, evoke feelings of romance and lightness, then dark shades are the epitome of rich chic.

Black- the strongest of the neutral colors, and is used on almost every site. Its meaning depends on the colors used with it in the palette. As a base color, it can be associated with evil and aggression, but for most sites, black is used to create a sense of sophistication. To achieve the effect of elegance, black is used together with white.

White- White color in Western culture is associated with kindness and innocence. Most often on websites, it is used as a background for minimalistic design. The abundance of white creates a feeling of lightness and purity.

Brown- natural color: it surrounds us in nature and is inseparable from it. Brown conveys warmth, integrity and honesty. Lighter shades are associated with comfort and coziness, while darker ones carry signs of conservatism and are more often considered masculine.


A pictogram is a sign denoting an object or phenomenon, using its most important recognizable characteristic features.

It is usually presented rather schematically. The image of a shopping cart in the corner of the online store page is an icon, a question mark next to the word “Help” is an icon, a gear for the settings menu is an icon. The site communicates with us using these icons, using the space of the page blocks in an ergonomic way. The principle of their work is based on the associations that images evoke in us: if lightning is drawn here, then there is electricity there, and electricity hurts, and you can die ... so I probably won’t get into this transformer box.


Banners - a graphic image of an advertising nature.

It can be either a static image or a sticky interactive element. Banners usually contain a link to the website of the advertised product.

There are several types of banners:

    Static images- the usual, well-known and gradually disappearing banner-picture.

    Animated Images- banners that can sparkle and shimmer, tell whole stories and generally be quite sticky. Due to the animation, they attract more attention than the previous view, and as a result, they are more effective. But the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the abundance of animation will bring users to epilepsy, and there will be no one to perform targeted actions :(

    richtext- Literally “rich in text” banners are text blocks. They are the most nondescript of all types, but you should not remove them from the arsenal. There are cases where colorful advertising is simply inappropriate.

    Interactive- the block most beloved by users, in which there is an opportunity to have some fun by feeding, for example, a cat on advertising banner Whiskas, or play a real mini-game within advertising campaign. Such banners rarely go unnoticed.

Banners have several tasks:

    The task of selling goods is to attract, interest and push to target action(going to the site, ordering a product or service, etc.) of a potential client.

    Branding task or image task is to increase brand awareness and the formation of emotional associations.

Each site can be divided into two main components:

1. Meaning.
Responsible for solving user tasks, i.e. helps to buy, find out, leave a comment or contact the user, using the title, text blocks, indicators, facts, etc. From all the input information that we have at the very beginning, a site map is formed, problem solving user.

Very well conveys the meaning of the prototype site, which we talked about in past articles on Web design. After all, a prototype is a purely conditional scheme, the task of which is without emotions, but purely pragmatically, to provide content and the logic of user behavior on the site.

Work on the semantic part of the site is carried out not by one, but by several specialists:
- Content manager (in large companies and web studios, it is this person who communicates with the customer, extracting all the information for the UX designer).
- Art director (this person is involved in all stages of creating the site).
- UX designer (he is responsible for working with content and information structure project; this person works with such a concept as "user behavior", i.e. he knows how to logically and consistently place controls on the site, where to make accents, etc.).

Thus it turns out that meaning- this is a kind of functional skeleton from which you need to start working on our site.

2. Emotions.
it visual communication design a site that helps to convey the style and mood of the entire project. The main role in this part is played by the web designer, who uses various tricks, techniques, rules and other goodies to solve an emotional problem. The role of the designer is to work correctly with the user through the visual channel, conveying the semantic component of the site.

The main tools for transmission emotions on the web are:
- colors
- illustrations
- Photo
- icons
- UI style
- fonts (not the text itself, but fonts that in good sites convey the style very competently)

In order to correctly convey emotions, the designer must think in generally accepted stereotypes, but adding his own style. For example, if a site is being developed for a children's development center, then it is clear that the site will not be black and white with strict laconic forms - the way users perceive this or that topic at the subconscious level plays a role here.

A very good tool for demonstrating the emotional component of the site is a moodboard - a collage (made of paper or made programmatically) that collects all the general visual ideas of the site - colors, photos, textures, fonts, etc.

The following specialists are engaged in visual image:
- Designer (works with the assembly of the entire visual part of the site).
- Art director (here he acts as artistic director, mentor and assistant and designer, when he in turn faces the stage of despair).
- Graphic designer (the person who will draw icons and illustrations for the site).
- Technical designer (engaged in applied technical work- processing of photographs, systematization of some visual information, etc.).

We will continue to pamper you with Web design goodies in other articles.
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We look at the world with wide eyes! How much information around us that we perceive visually: objects, images, signs, colors, images. We like something, and we look at it with interest, something, on the contrary, is unpleasant, and we try to look away. This is our visual perception of the world - visual communications.

Visual communications is communication (transmission of information) by means of visual language (images, signs, images, typography, infographics, etc. ...) on the one hand and visual perception (organs of vision, psychology of perception ...) on the other.

In an everyday, vulgar sense, visual communication can be defined as what I see. However, today visual communication is extremely developed and complicated both at the level of language and at the level of perception due to the active development of visual art and electronic and digital technologies.

Visual communications in the twentieth century carried out a powerful expansion into all spheres of culture and fixed in the operational field such concepts as visual text, visual language, visual culture. Visual communications are one of the basic components of modern mass media that create a visual interface for the transmission and consumption of information, as well as transforming and translating, in turn, any information into a visual language (images and press portraits, photos from the scene and a television picture in real time...).

Visual communications in modern society are increasingly moving away from the role of a passive intermediary, "accumulating" codes and (especially in advertising) acquire a pronounced manipulative character - that's what I want to show.

Visual communication combines colors, speech, written language, and images to create messages that are aesthetically pleasing to the viewer's eye, filled with understandable and relevant information.

The modern system of visual communication is characterized by a change in logos, redesign. And this is natural. Progress is sweeping, changing the lives and needs of people, and, consequently, the components of visual communication are also changing. People themselves create for themselves such a system of visual communication that satisfies their needs to the maximum and helps to better navigate in this world.

The development of visual communication is based on the same functions as other types of communication:

  • 1) information (transfer of information);
  • 2) expressive (transmission of information evaluation);
  • 3) pragmatic (transmission of a communicative attitude that has an impact on the recipient).