Professional retraining program "economics and management at the enterprise". Department "Economics and management at the enterprise in the field of service Economics and management of the organization

Effective management largely depends on the efficiency of enterprises. Leadership is our everything. Where are they prepared? What can future students get from the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise"? What are the job prospects? We will talk about all this in the article.

general information

So, the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" is a universal specialty, which allows you to master the methods and techniques effective organization manufacturing, doing business, achieving maximum results at the lowest cost and teaches how to maintain strategic competitiveness. What profession do people who have completed the training master? They receive the specialty of an economist-manager. In fact, it is an integrator of basic business processes that take place in an enterprise. Although not only that. But first things first.

What are the prospects?

What does "Economics and management at the enterprise" give? Who to work after training? Essentially, this is leadership training. During training, a person acquires theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, which will help to develop a strategy for the development of an organization in market conditions, manage investments and developments, capitalization growth, optimally allocate resources in accordance with the established priority, analyze and assess the financial condition of the enterprise.

Specialists of this profession study the basics of rational production management, social development of companies, taking into account their industry specifics, work technology and economics. This allows you to work in different enterprises, in design organizations, organs government controlled and local structures, as well as in educational and research institutions. Positions held - from an investment specialist to a wide range of economists, so to speak, for all occasions.

Tasks to be solved

What professional problems can be solved by a person who has studied in the direction of "Economics and Management at the Enterprise"? Higher education will allow you to solve the following tasks:

  1. Forecast and plan the activities of organizations with different forms of ownership.
  2. Training business case for investment and development.
  3. Managing the activity of the subject.
  4. Develop strategies for the development of the organization.
  5. Evaluation of the results of the work of the structure.
  6. Analysis of the organization's activities.

Particular attention is paid to rational use available options. People are being prepared to provide effective implementation programs and projects. They are faced with the task of organizing the process of creating an aggregate social product, as well as a national income. Specialists after graduating from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the enterprise will be able to engage in organizational, managerial, design, analytical, financial, foreign economic, entrepreneurial, research and educational activities.

Where can you get it?

Now there is a trend towards the universality of universities, when they provide training in a variety of specialties, some of which are not targeted within the framework of the original doctrine. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on the most prestigious establishments. Of course, in order to enter them, you must have good scores and, more importantly, knowledge. Where can "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" be mastered? Universities offering this service:

  1. Academy MNEPU.
  2. MEPhI.
  3. Bauman State University.
  4. International Academy of Business and Management.

Here is such a small list. Many may have the impression that you can master this specialty only by moving to Moscow. This is not true. Training in this specialty is also provided by many regional higher educational institutions. Of course, many would like to have a prestigious diploma. But the most important thing is knowledge. Teachers will not consider all aspects, and much attention will have to be paid to self-education. This is even provided for in modern curricula. The direction "Economics and enterprise management" is not an exception to this. The institute can tell you which direction to move in, but you will have to study on your own. And probably for the rest of your life.

A little about future work

The qualification of the specialty sounds like “economist-manager”. If you translate the meaning into Russian, you get a business manager-manager. Where can the acquired knowledge be used? Conditionally, the following directions can be distinguished:

  1. Entrepreneurship.
  2. A skilled worker involved in the management structure.
  3. Advisor.

Each of these areas has its own specific features. And for a better understanding of the situation, they will be considered separately.


What is the essence of economics and enterprise management? Education within this direction allows you to get basic knowledge about economic processes, the terminology used and a number of other points from which the foundation for confident activity in this area is cemented. If you have an idea of ​​​​how everything works, then you can independently try your hand at the field of entrepreneurial success. And here it is not at all necessary to start everything from scratch and reinvent your wheel. You can take advantage of the developments of other organizations and structures by purchasing a franchise.

The only thing without which it is difficult to start is capital. But if the work is carried out in the service sector, then this is not so critical. Of course, it will be quite difficult to go far on one theory. It is also necessary to have practice and an idea of ​​the real state of affairs. Of course, no one will let you manage the enterprise in this case. But who said that this is exactly what is needed? It is necessary to look for the opportunity to observe the processes in order to get a real picture of the operation of the enterprise. Even if it is possible to just carry important pieces of paper, this is also progress. After all, a really interested person will be able to study them, memorize and evaluate the actions taken, which will allow them to more confidently start working for themselves. Of course, you can do without all this, and, having determined the scope of work, begin to act.

skilled worker

In this case, a person gets a job at an enterprise in order to gain experience and make a career. It is not necessary to think that all life will be spent within one structure. Long gone are the days when people worked for decades at the same enterprise. Therefore, having gained experience, you can try yourself in another enterprise. Initially, it is hardly worth counting on receiving critical assignments where you can significantly prove yourself. good reputation and years of experience. Although just hoping that the opportunity to prove oneself will appear from the sky is not necessary. We need to find ways to get to the top. This can be achieved by conscientiously fulfilling one's duties, showing initiative, analyzing the current situation and giving practical advice. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the existing realities. Perhaps the leader does not want to say goodbye to such a good worker. Such a possibility, alas, also exists. If it is impossible to advance and grow, it is better to take a step back, look around and decide to move to another company.

You can work not only for your own company, but also for another, acting as an investment consultant. In this case, it is necessary to be able to soberly and objectively assess the situation that has developed in another organization, and provide your own recommendations for decision-making. Over time, you can "cross" this occupation with entrepreneurship.

Let's look at a small example. There is such a fairly well-known investor - Warren Buffett. This is one of the richest people in the world. Initially, he also worked as an investment advisor. Gradually, he began to invest part of the money he earned in the same thing that he recommended to his clients. The result of this approach, multiplied by knowledge, is clearly visible to all of us - Warren Buffett is rightfully considered one of the richest people on earth and an extremely successful investor. Of course, it is not given to everyone to repeat his path. But at least it's worth trying. Even if you fail to reach its heights, it is quite possible to become a millionaire, which is not something out of the ordinary and fantastic.


So why choose this specialty? And where to do? Applicants must find answers to these questions on their own. If you need knowledge to organize your own business, if you have talent in working with other people, if you have discipline and a desire to work, then this is certainly a very useful specialty. It is also suitable for people with mathematical and analytical skills. But it should be remembered that you need to go where there is interest, and it is important to study well. This does not mean memorizing the material, but understanding it and understanding why everything is so. It is by understanding the connections, causes and effects that one can act optimally. In addition, a person who can quickly find a problem and describe it in an accessible language for everyone else is clearly a valuable shot.

Specialization: Enterprise personnel management.

FORMS OF TRAINING: full-time, part-time (weekend group), part-time (using distance learning technologies).
NORMATIVE TRAINING TIME: 5 years (full-time).
TRAINING CLASSES are conducted by leading teachers of the Moscow Socio-Economic Institute, the Russian Customs Academy, the State University of Management within the framework of an agreement on joining efforts to improve the educational and professional level of students.

The manager of the personnel of the company after receiving the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" performs the following managerial functions:

Monitors the quality and productivity of labor;
Controls the payroll and the average salary;
Regulates the structural number of personnel;
Saves social and human capital, monitors its optimal placement by variety labor resources, behind the speed of circulation of capital;
Governs social sphere, including housing and communal, hotel and restaurant, banking, health, tourism, etc.;
Monitors the creation of organizational innovative structures and forms of management, including automated control systems, or automated systems management;
Evaluates the psychological aspects of personnel behavior, such as the formation of optimal management teams, leadership style, motivation. Carries out the selection, hiring, release of personnel, certification, sends for training, etc.;
Engaged in scientific organization of labor and production;
Provides training and placement of highly qualified personnel, heads of enterprises;
Predicts personnel and socio-economic risks and their Negative consequences. Resolves labor conflicts.

A manager with an inexpensive economic education can work:

in industry;
in the field of banking;
in bodies of local self-government, state administration;
in trade;
in the tourism business;
in transport;
at state enterprises;
in joint-stock companies;
in private companies.

At the Moscow Socio-Economic Institute, applicants can get an economic education inexpensively. A student who graduates from MSEI in this direction can work in the following production areas:

1. Organizational and managerial:
develops job descriptions, regulations on departments and divisions of the company;
organizes the production process at the enterprise;
is production plan organizes its control.
2. Planning and economic:
calculates the expenses and incomes of the enterprise, product prices;
develops innovative projects, including reconstruction, development new products etc.
3. Financial and economic:
is financial plan companies;
controls spending.
4. Analytical:
analyzes the results of the enterprise.
5. Foreign economic:
plans the foreign economic activity of the company.
6. Entrepreneurial:
organizes the enterprise, structures its activities;
analyzes the competitiveness of the company, its status in the domestic market.

Following the results of training, students receive a diploma in the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" or in the direction of "Economics". Students-conscripts of the full-time department of the MCEI were granted a deferment from military service. Graduates of technical schools and colleges have the right to receive economic education inexpensively under reduced programs. All those who wish have the opportunity to receive a second higher education.

September 20

Specialty Economics and enterprise management

Economists are needed by any organization, be it a factory, Insurance Company or tour operator. Labor market experts are sure: there can be no overabundance of these specialists, since they are the basis of all entrepreneurship and production.

There are several economic specialties. The most applied of them is "Economics and Management at the Enterprise". It is these two keywords- economics and management - determine the nature of the future activities of graduates. They are ready to work in financial and analytical, production, planning, marketing, design and economic departments. Situation on modern market labor is such that in the management structures of any enterprise, specialists with an economic education are in demand, first of all.

At the stage of choosing a university, you must first decide in which industry you would like to work. If, for example, in trade, you can enter the Russian State University of Trade and Economics, if in agriculture- to the Russian State Agrarian University (RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev) or to the Moscow State Agroengineering University. V.P. Goryachkina, if in transport - to Moscow State University means of communication (MGUPS), Moscow State Road Institute, Moscow State Academy water transport etc. In a word, it all depends on your preferences.

For those who are not ready to think so far ahead, there is a universal option - the State Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov (Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov) or non-state MIRBIS Institute, International Academy of Business and Management, Institute modern economy and etc.


They can be associated with the profile of an educational institution or remain quite universal. For example, in the Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business there are such specializations as “organization of the activities of a travel agency”, “organization of the activities of hotel complex"and" organization of the activities of enterprises Catering", and at the Institute for Business Security (IBB) -" management economic security". The Institute of Economics and Management of the International Academy of Business and Management offers students a choice of " financial management”, “banking”, “administrative management”, “program and project management” or “foreign economic activity”, etc.


Preparatory courses of different duration (from two weeks to eight months) are available today, probably, in any educational institution. It is quite possible to enter non-state universities and paid departments of state universities based on the results of final tests of eight-month courses. True, for this you need to attend all classes and conscientiously fulfill the tasks of teachers.

Elena S., student of the Russian Academy of Economics G.V. Plekhanov: “Each university has its own specifics. I went to courses at Plekhanovsky and studied with a math tutor from the same place. But I passed the exams at once to two universities - also to the Financial Academy. As a result, in an hour and a half, out of ten tasks, I solved only six correctly. And in REA - no problem.

Depending on the chosen specialty, applicants are offered to study one or another set of subjects. If it is not possible to pay for the course in a complex, teachers advise first of all to “pull up” profile mathematics. In order to get an idea of ​​the rest of the exams at the university, you can sign up for express courses. There they will briefly go over all the topics and tell you how not to get caught on "provocative" questions.

After self-training, it is very difficult to enter a prestigious university. Although such happy cases are known.


Profile test in state universities - mathematics. Usually this is a written exam (less often - testing). It is considered the most difficult. The main screening of applicants - up to 40% - occurs precisely after it. Although, if the mark is low, but still satisfactory, there is still hope to get the missing points at the expense of other subjects. But can you then study at this university if problems arose already at the entrance exams?

The second compulsory subject is Russian. On "Economics and management at the enterprise" he surrenders in the form of a dictation, presentation or testing. The complexity of the exam often depends on the number of applicants remaining on the stream by that time: the fewer there are, the easier the task. Igor V. , student of the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov: "I passed Russian" with eyes closed". The text was dictated with all the commas - they made such pauses that you can't go wrong. In my opinion, any eighth grader of an ordinary school, familiar with the elementary rules of spelling, could write it.

The third exam can be a foreign language, social studies, history. And in industry universities - specialized subjects: physics (Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering), chemistry (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT), biology (RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev) and others.

Most exams are taken in writing. It is believed that this form allows you to evaluate knowledge as objectively as possible. Yes, and when filing an appeal, you can reasonably prove the validity (or invalidity) of the mark.

As a rule, assignments for paid departments of state universities are simpler, sometimes there are fewer of them. Applicants who have not passed the competition for the "budget" are also accepted.

In non-state universities, tests are carried out mainly in the form of simple tests or interviews.


Education in any accredited university is always conducted according to state standard programs, which indicate a certain set of compulsory subjects. However educational establishments can supplement it through the so-called university component. Some consider it necessary to pay more attention foreign languages, others - to planning, others - to mathematical analysis.

But the basis of the foundations is economic and managerial disciplines: macro- and microeconomics, world economy, management (financial, strategic, innovative), organization of production, etc. The economics of the industry is thoroughly studied. These items accompany students throughout the entire period of study. Besides them, in curriculum Philosophy, political science, jurisprudence, cultural studies, physical education are necessarily present ...

Despite similar programs and educational standards in the specialty, the same training in different universities can not be called. It depends on several factors.

  • The teaching staff and the nature of the classes. Teachers are different: theorists and practitioners. And if the first give knowledge of the basics economics, will help you understand the terms, talk about economic and mathematical methods and models, then the latter will teach you to apply all this knowledge in practice. In serious universities that care about their reputation, master classes are regularly held with successful entrepreneurs, trainings are held and business games Real-life situations are analyzed in the classroom.
  • University specifics. Studying at the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys ( Technical University), for example, one cannot avoid getting acquainted with the basics of the metallurgical industry. At the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of Moscow State University, students study the features tourism business, at the University of Oil and Gas - the subtleties of organizing work in oil industry etc.
  • Technical equipment. A good economist should not only have a developed mathematical thinking, but also be proficient in information technology.
  • Provision of educational materials. Collections of normative acts, manuals, manuals, textbooks, filings of specialized newspapers and magazines - all this should be in the institute library.
  • And finally, the student's attitude to learning. Anyone who really wants to get an education should make an effort for this. Otherwise, even the most wonderful teachers will not help.

Students usually choose a specialization at the end of their second year. And at MITHT them. M.V. Lomonosov is an interesting system at all. Here, all applicants pass the same exams and those who have passed the competition are enrolled in the first year. For two years they study according to the general program of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and then students are distributed into areas of training and specialties, depending on the personal rating of each. The higher it is, the more chances to get into the most demanded specialty (among them, by the way, is "Economics ..."). Agree, a good incentive to study well - at least in the first two years.

IBB offers students unusual electives: firearms shooting training with the issuance of ROSTO MPEI certificates and special physical training with the issuance of certificates from sports organizations.

MIRBIS Institute has international exchange programs. Starting from the second year, students can go to study at one of the partner universities abroad (for a period of one semester to one year). To do this, you need to get a recommendation from the educational department and pass a selection interview at the institute.

Pros and cons of non-state education

Olga Karbysheva, student:

I study at a non-state university majoring in Economics and Enterprise Management. Lectures are few and their quality leaves much to be desired. There are only two or three teachers who you want to go to and who are interesting to listen to. During the year of study I wrote a term paper and two answers to questions, I did not pass exams. The meaning is this: if you need it, teach it yourself, if you don’t need it, no one will ask. Of the benefits - only a low cost of training. In general, this is a variant of the legal purchase of a diploma, knowledge cannot be obtained here.

It's simple: you have to go where you want, and in the end get settled where they take you. Sorry for the banal and even a little rude first sentence, but almost everyone gets a job this way. Now specifically about you: I studied marketing, but on the course we had guys who were economists and managers. As far as I can tell, the range of knowledge there is quite wide, so that, formally, the path to many vacancies is open to you. Well, here I have a reasonable question: why, after graduating from the institute, you have not yet received work experience and do not even know where you should go to work? It will be harder for you than for others. Maybe I will surprise someone, but getting a managerial specialty, knowing what competition is, in a world where every third is a manager, you need to earn competitive advantages as soon as possible. You urgently need to go work somewhere (and this "somewhere" is tantamount to "anywhere"). Any place where you will be accepted and where you can relate your theoretical knowledge to real life (there may be surprises here). An operator at a bank, an economist at an old, inefficient Soviet factory for 10,000 salaries, an assistant manager or financial consultant - anywhere where you can get real knowledge and find out what you will talk about in future interviews in serious companies (they are unlikely to ask about the Phillips curve). You do not need a mark of experience, but real experience. Take part in case championships This is not a real experience, of course, but close to it, and at least you will be able to decide what you want. Now about who your specialty gives you the opportunity to work: a middle manager of any specialization (salesman, advertiser, economist, analyst, project manager, etc.), all the same specializations for the starting link. Then it all depends on how you will educate yourself and improve.

P.S. All of the above is not entirely about you if you have a red diploma from one of the best universities (I'm talking only about the top ten, if not the top 7), you are sociable, you know what you want, you already know a lot about the real economy and have decided practical tasks, speak the language. Here it is much easier for you: the path is open to many global companies. The competition is tough, you have to plow, but it's worth it. But you would not ask a question about work, I think, if it was about you. And a little kindness: I myself studied at the Southern Federal University(I think you have not heard of him), but never experienced problems with work. So everything is in your hands. True, he worked from the second year and did not even come to defend his diploma, as he led an important project, but life at 22 is just beginning and you will make up for your lost experience very quickly. Most importantly, keep improving.

Department of "Economics and management at the enterprise in the field of service"

I.Yu. Levitina

Enterprise economy

for the implementation term paper

for students of specialty 060800

"Economics and management at the enterprise

(in the service sector)"

St. Petersburg

Approved at a meeting of the department "Economics and management of a service enterprise", protocol No. 3 dated 10/18/2005.

Approved by the Methodological Council in the specialty 060800, protocol No. 4 dated October 29, 2005.

Enterprise economy. Guidelines for the implementation of course work for students of the specialty 060800 "Economics and management at the enterprise (in the field of service)". - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2006. - 43 p.

Compiled by: Cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor I.Yu. Levitina

Reviewers: Cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor E.E. Sharafanova;

cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. Yaluner

Scientific editor: Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor V.N. Solovyov

Ó St. Petersburg State University

service and economy

1. Goals and objectives of the course work ... 4

3. Choosing a topic and preparing a task for term paper 8

5. Guidelines for the implementation of the practical part of the course work ... 21

5.1. essence of franchising. 21

5.2. Determining the amount of investment to create a new business. 22

5.2.1. Determining the amount of investment in the formation of fixed assets of the enterprise. 22

5.2.2. Determining the amount of investment in the formation of intangible assets of the enterprise. 23

5.2.3. Determining the amount of investment in the formation of working capital of the enterprise. 24

5.3. Formation of the enterprise's balance sheet and identification of sources of investment financing. 26

5.4. Calculation economic efficiency. 28

5.5. Determination of current expenses. thirty

5.6. Costing and pricing
for goods and services. 34

5.7. Determination of the company's income and financial results of its activities. 36




Goals and objectives of the course work

"Economics of the enterprise" is one of the first major disciplines in the system of training an economist-manager in the specialty 060800 "Economics and management at an enterprise in the service sector". The purpose of the course is to study the modern economic mechanism that ensures the life of an enterprise in a market and competitive environment, the acquisition of basic theoretical and practical skills necessary for the successful development of all disciplines of the specialty that form a specialist whose activity is "aimed at ensuring the functioning of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms in order to rational management of the economy, production and social development taking into account the industry specifics of equipment, technology, organization of production ... "(state standard in specialty 060800). This course lays the student's basic concepts of the enterprise as a single whole in relation to the external environment, the internal structure of the enterprise, its main functional systems and their interaction, giving a complete picture of the main definitions and concepts, which will be further studied in more detail in special courses.

As a result of studying the discipline, an economist-manager must:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the enterprise;

Domestic and foreign experience in the field of enterprise economic management;

Forms and Methods economic management enterprise in modern conditions management in Russia;

Be able to independently and creatively use theoretical knowledge in the process of subsequent training in accordance with the curriculum.

2. Own:

Special economic terminology and vocabulary of this discipline;

basic calculation skills economic indicators the activities of the enterprise;

The skills of self-mastery of new knowledge on the theory of enterprise economics and the practice of its development.

Coursework provides an opportunity not only to expand, systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained by students in the process of studying the course, but also to gain experience in using reference, regulatory materials and literature data. This is the first research work in the process of studying at the university, which is equivalent in complexity to the study of the course and is assessed by a separate self-assessment. Grades for term papers are necessarily reflected in the diploma statement in a separate section.

The main purpose of the course work is the formation of students' skills in conducting research work.

Main goals:

Formulation of the problems of work and systematization of methods for its solution;

Development of search skills for reference and educational literature on a given topic;

Independent theoretical study of methods of economic management of enterprise resources;

Analysis and comprehension of the studied material, its structuring in accordance with the work plan, competent execution of the abstract;

Practicing practical skills economic calculations and their analysis necessary for the adoption of competent business solutions;

Development of skills of competent registration of the results of the work carried out;

Gaining experience in open defense of your work.

The content of the course work depends on the subject of development, the individual task of each performer and specific task, which is determined by the theme of the work. However, in all cases, the main content of the work is presented in the form of an explanatory note, which should give a complete picture of the purpose of the work, the tasks solved by the student, the calculations carried out by him and the conclusions drawn on their basis. For each area of ​​work in the explanatory note, a separate section is allocated, which briefly outlines the necessary theoretical material and provides calculations based on it. However, it must be remembered that this single work and practical and theoretical parts in it form a single whole. An explanatory note is being drawn up in a folder, on sheets of A4 format (size 297x210), all pages, tables, illustrative material must have through numbering, listing of used literature necessarily. Table 1 shows the approximate content of the work, which, depending on the topic, can be changed both in structure and in volume.

Table 1

Approximate content of the course work

Section name Section content Approximate volume
Title page A sample is given in Appendix 1. 1 page
Assignment for term paper A sample is given in Appendix 2. 1 page
Introduction the goals of the work, its main tasks are determined; the problems facing enterprises in the area considered in the theoretical part of the work are briefly formulated. 1-2 pages
Theoretical part essay on the topic of the course work 10-15 pages
Practical part performance of the calculation work according to the given initial data and a parallel presentation of the theoretical material necessary for the correct performance of the calculations 5-10 pages
Conclusion summarizes the knowledge gained by the student in the process of completing the course work 1-2 pages
Bibliography all literature is indicated (including reference literature, Internet resources) that was used in the performance of work, designed in accordance with GOST 7.32-91 1 page
Table of contents Indication of the title of all sections of the work and the pages on which they are presented 1 page

students day department work is done outside of class time and defended during the test week. Successful defense of a term paper is necessary condition to allow the student to take the course exam. Students of the correspondence department work during the period between sessions in parallel with the study of theoretical material. The defense of the course work is carried out according to the schedule of the test-examination session and, as a rule, immediately precedes the passing of the exam for the course.

Work should be started only after carefully reading the guidelines and studying the relevant literature.

After choosing a topic and receiving an assignment for a term paper, full-time students, together with the supervisor, draw up a work schedule that reflects the main stages and deadlines, including the final stage - the defense of the work. An approximate calendar work schedule for 4 semesters of study lasting 18 weeks is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Approximate calendar schedule
course work

Name of the stage of work Stage duration Term
Familiarization with the tasks of the course work and choosing a topic 2 weeks 7.02-20.02
assignment approval Week 1 21.02-27.02
bibliographic search of the necessary literature, coordination of the list of references with the head 2 weeks 28.02-13.03
acquaintance with the special literature and the regulatory and legislative framework, the implementation of the abstract 4 weeks 14.03-10.04
performing calculations 3 weeks 11.04-30.04
preparation of an explanatory note Week 1 1.05-7.05
checking the work by the teacher and correcting the comments to obtain admission to the defense 3 weeks 8.05-28.05
coursework defense Week 1 29.05-5.06

Students of the correspondence department plan their work on their own, adhering to study schedules. The deadlines for submitting term papers for verification are determined by the teacher during the orientation lecture.

Coursework defense is final stage student work and is very responsible. At the same time, two points stand out: compliance with the calendar deadlines for submitting an explanatory note for verification and the successful defense of the solutions proposed in it. In the process of work, the student can receive comments and advice from the head of work on the set days and hours. In case of incorrect execution and errors made in the work, the student is notified about this and must correct the explanatory note in accordance with the comments. Subsequent verification and admission to protection are carried out taking into account the above requirements.

Works that reflect the requirements of the task for the term paper and the successful solution of the tasks set are allowed for defense. The teacher who checks the work makes a mark on the title page about the check and admission to the defense. Protection is carried out on days and hours appointed by the head. The student briefly outlines the task assigned to him, the analysis of the state of the issue, methods for solving it and specific results of the work. After that, the head or those present at the defense can ask questions of interest to them about this work. The answer should be clear, concise, with the competent use of special vocabulary. The lack of answers to questions, even if there is work done in accordance with all the requirements, leads to an unsatisfactory grade for the course work.

The assessment is made according to the established scoring system (excellent, good, satisfactory). In case of failure, the student should receive recommendations on how to eliminate defects in the work with the aim of a successful subsequent defense. By decision of the head in some cases, it can be determined new topic and assigned to another job.

3. Choosing a topic and preparing a task for a term paper

The task for the term paper is formed by the student independently on the basis of the standard task given in Appendix 2 and the information in this section. It is agreed with the manager.

When checking the work, the teacher evaluates the correctness and completeness of the work performed, its compliance with the task and makes a mark on the admission of the work to the defense.

The general theme of all term papers is "Enterprise resources and its financial and economic activities", however, each student has the opportunity to deepen and expand their knowledge in one of the areas based on their interests, so the topic of a particular term paper will correspond to the topic of the essay made by the student.

Approximate topics of term papers:

1. Enterprise property. Analysis of the effectiveness of its use.

2. Fixed assets of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

3. Intangible assets of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

4. current assets enterprises. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

5. Labor resources of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

6. Forms and systems of remuneration. Wage fund, methods of its planning.

7. Income of the enterprise. Enterprise pricing strategy. Ways to increase income.

8. Enterprise expenses. Ways to reduce costs in the enterprise.

9. Basic principles of formation and distribution of profits in the enterprise.

10. Financial resources of the enterprise. Financial resource management system at the enterprise, methods for evaluating the effectiveness of use financial resources enterprises.

The student independently chooses a topic and coordinates it with the head of the course work, after which the approximate content of the theoretical part of the work is determined based on paragraph 4 of the data guidelines and recommendations from the supervisor. The topic may differ from the proposed list if it is related to the scientific interests of the performer or his supervisor. In this case, it must be agreed with the head of the course work and correspond to the subject of this course.

The practical part of the work consists of 2 tasks performed according to options. Choice of option carried out by the first letter of the full name of the student:

option number First letter of the student's name
A, F, L, R, X, E;
B, E, M, C, C, Yu;
V, Z, N, T, H, I;
G, I, O, U, W;
D, K, P, F, W.

Variables are used in the source data:

B - option number;

G - the last digit of the year in which the task was issued for test(if it is "0", then G = 10)

Task 1.

Based on the initial data given below, it is necessary to evaluate the economic efficiency of creating an enterprise operating under a franchise agreement and a simplified taxation system. The calculation should be carried out using a static method, rounding all intermediate results to the nearest thousand rubles.

The solution of this problem involves the following stages of work:

1. Determining the amount of investment to create an enterprise

a. Determining the need for fixed assets

b. Determination of inventory requirements and working capital

2. Determination of the amount of the authorized capital.

3. Formation of the planned balance of the enterprise at the time of its commencement of work, determination of sources of investment financing.

4. Planning the financial results of the enterprise for the first and subsequent 4 years

5. Calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of creating an enterprise

Initial data:

To conduct business under a franchising agreement, LLC "Intellect" is created. Calculation of efficiency is carried out at the rate of 5 years of operation of the company. Conventionally, it is considered that the creation of a company and the formation of property is carried out at the end of the year, and current activities begin at the beginning of the next year.

The authorized capital of the company is formed by two founders. The first provides the necessary fixed assets and its share is 50+V%. The second founder contributes his share in cash. The amount missing to start the activity is taken from the bank on credit for 2 years under (15+V)% per annum.

The franchise agreement provides:

1) one-time franchise payment (intangible asset);

2) monthly payments (royalties) as part of current expenses;

3) the mandatory availability of certified specialists (the costs of certification and training of specialists from the franchisor should be taken into account as part of investments in working capital).

Prior to the commencement of activities, the following expenses must be incurred (investments in the establishment of the enterprise, from which the property of the enterprise is formed):

1. Register a company. To register this enterprise, the founders use the services law firm, which performs all the necessary actions to form the package constituent documents and business registration. The cost of her services is 8+B) thousand roubles.

2. Conclude a franchise agreement and pay the franchise in the amount 10+G thousand roubles.

3. Conduct training and certification of personnel at the franchisor
(G+5 specialists in 10*B thousand roubles. for each).

4. Make an advance payment for the rent of the premises in the amount 500+B*10 thousand roubles.

5. Repair the premises - 50+G*10 thousand roubles.

6. Purchase the necessary property.

7. Create stocks of goods, components, tools and spare parts. The purchase of goods for resale is carried out from the franchisor on credit with a payment period of one month. The first purchase of all stocks is carried out in an amount equal to the planned standard. When calculating the standards, consider a month as 30 days, a year as 360 days. Insurance stock of all kinds AT days.

9. Provide availability Money for unforeseen expenses in the amount of 2 * In thousand rubles.

The company operates under a simplified taxation system and pays single tax– 15% of the excess of income over expenses.

results economic activity enterprises:

Interest on a bank loan must be added to the expenses of the first and second years of work.

Task 2.

Based on the initial data given in Table 3, calculate the results of the economic activity of an enterprise that manufactures roll-curtains and blinds to order. The enterprise has 1 production workshop and a number of receiving points where orders are received and issued.

To simplify the calculations, the following conditions are introduced:

Pricing and accounting is carried out in conditional products;

Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method with a depreciation rate of 20%.

Use the following work plan:

1. Make a cost estimate for production.

2. Make a cost estimate for 1 conditional product.

3. Determine the cost of technological, production, full, the amount of conditionally fixed and conditionally variable costs.

4. Set a price for a conditional product based on the planned level of profitability. For further calculations, round it up to whole rubles.

Table 3

Initial data for solving problem 2

Index Meaning
Number of collection points (pcs) AT
Book value of workshop equipment (thousand rubles) =200*V
Book value of equipment of 1 collection point (thousand rubles) =200+G
Depreciation rate for all types of fixed assets, % =10+V
Plan for the current year (thousand conditional products) =(V+D)/2
Consumption rates for 1 conditional product:
materials (rub/piece) \u003d 100 * V + G
accessories (rub/piece) =800+G
basic salary (rub/piece) =100*V
salary additional fee, % =10+G
Maintenance costs for 1 reception point:
rent of premises (thousand rubles / month) =5+V
salary of a receptionist (thousand rubles / month) =2+V
utility bills (thousand rubles/month) =2+G/10
lighting (rub./month) =200+G
repair costs (thousand rubles/year) \u003d 20 + V + G
Equipment maintenance costs:
repairman salary (thousand rubles/month) =3+V
spare parts (thousand rubles/year) =100+G
auxiliary materials (thousand rubles/year) =70+V
Workshop maintenance costs:
rent (thousand rubles/month) =10+G
utility bills (thousand rubles/month) =2+V/10
electricity (rub./month) =800+G*10
foreman's salary (thousand rubles/month) =4+G
Management costs:
director's salary (thousand rubles/month) =5+V
salary of an accountant (thousand rubles/month) =4+V
cleaning lady salary (thousand rubles/month) =1+V
communication services (thousand rubles/month) =1+(V+D)/10
travel expenses(thousand rubles/year) =2+V
car maintenance (thousand rubles/year) =30+G
gasoline (thousand rubles/month) =V+G
Implementation costs:
advertising (thousand rubles/year) =V+D+5
participation in exhibitions (thousand rubles/year) =V+D+1

Attention! When performing calculations, it is necessary to pay attention to the units of measurement indicated in the initial data.

Attention! Part of the initial data can be replaced by the teacher at the installation lecture.

In this section, you must complete an abstract on a given topic. The volume of the abstract is not limited. The minimum content of the abstract is determined by the use of all didactic units indicated in the transcript of each topic. The necessary literature is selected by the student independently. Be sure to use the regulatory and legislative documents that are relevant at the date of the work. The wide use of Internet resources is encouraged (except for the use of ready-made abstracts) with the obligatory indication of links to sites. The minimum set of literature and normative-legislative acts is available at the end of the guidelines.

When using literature, the student must critically evaluate the material, choose the most basic, necessary for work. It is better to express it in your own words, taking into account the current situation in the Russian economy. Remember that the economy of our country is developing dynamically, organization and service technologies, the regulatory and legislative framework are constantly being updated, and the market is improving. Acquaintance with the modern regulatory and legislative framework governing the activities of the enterprise in modern Russia, is mandatory.

The student is obliged to master the chosen section of the course more deeply than it is set out in the basic textbook for the course "Enterprise Economics", to freely use all economic terms that are used in the work, study well the regulatory and legislative framework and understand the essence of the problems facing enterprises and a specific area of ​​study.

The first stage of work on the topic should be considered familiarization with special literature in the library. After conducting a bibliographic search and familiarizing yourself with the literature, it is necessary to draw up an approximate outline of the abstract. The plan, together with the compiled list of references, is best agreed with the supervisor of the work before the start of the abstract. The teacher can make changes to them in order to more fully disclose the topic, clarify the sequence of presentation of the material, check whether you have found all the necessary regulatory and legislative documents. Consultation with the supervisor at this stage of work will save you from unnecessary work or the need to finalize the abstract.

The abstract must:

Demonstrate the student's ability to independently analyze scientific sources;

Show the ability to collect, process and analyze statistical information on the problem under study;

Conduct an assessment of the accumulated domestic and foreign experience solutions to the problem under study;

Provide for the relationship between theoretical and practical aspects of the problem under consideration;

Further, the main didactic units are revealed, which must be reflected in the abstract specifically for each topic. These didactic units are obligatory for disclosing the topic of the abstract, their use is obligatory. Broader coverage of the topic of the work is encouraged.

Topic: Enterprise property. Analysis of the effectiveness of its use.

The property of the enterprise, its reflection in the form 1 of the balance sheet of the enterprise. The composition of the property of the enterprise, a brief description of the main elements of the asset balance of the enterprise. Sources of formation and replenishment of the property of the enterprise and their reflection in the liabilities side of the balance sheet: authorized, additional and reserve capital, trust funds, short-term and long-term liabilities.

Financial results from the use of the enterprise's property, their reflection in form 2 of the enterprise's balance sheet. Profit as the main source of education and replenishment of the property of the enterprise.

Methods for analyzing and evaluating the efficiency of using the enterprise's property based on the data of the enterprise's balance sheet.

Topic: Fixed assets of the enterprise (PF). Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

OF composition. OF structure. Active and passive part of OF. FC cost (initial, residual, recovery, balance sheet, liquidation, market). Grade average annual cost OF. Goals and objectives of the re-evaluation of the OF. Sources of formation and replenishment of fixed assets (own, borrowed, attracted - rent and leasing).

Depreciation of fixed assets, types of depreciation.

Depreciation. depreciation rate. depreciation methods.

Generalizing indicators of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets (capital productivity, capital intensity, profitability of fixed assets). Particular indicators of the use of OF.

Ways to improve the efficiency of using OF.

Topic: Intangible assets of the enterprise (NA). Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

Criteria for classifying the property of an enterprise as intangible assets (IA). Composition of NA. Intellectual and industrial property. The cost of NA, methods of its assessment. Sources of education and replenishment of NA.

Depreciation ON.

Methods for creating and using intangible assets (branding, franchising, etc.)

Efficiency indicators of NA use.

NA control methods, ways to improve the efficiency of NA use.

Topic: Current assets of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

Working capital (ObS). negotiable production assets. circulation funds.

Circulation of working capital. Working capital turnover. Coefficients of turnover and loading of working capital. Turnaround time. Relative and absolute release of working capital.

Standardized and non-standardized working capital. Types of reserves and the formation of stock standards. Calculation of standards for certain types normalized working capital and the required amount of working capital.

Own, borrowed and attracted sources of education and replenishment of working capital. Sustainable liabilities as a specific source of replenishment of working capital. Assessment of the value of own working capital and current financial needs of the enterprise.

Influence of management working capital on the end results of the enterprise. Ways to reduce the required amount of working capital.

Topic: Labor resources of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of their use.

Labor resources. Their features.

Quantitative characteristics (list, unofficial average headcount personnel). Qualitative characteristics of labor resources (staff structure, professional and qualification structure of personnel, staffing).

Fund of working time and its use (calendar, nominal, effective fund of working time, planned and unproductive losses of working time, average duration of a work shift).

The concept of labor productivity. The main indicators for assessing the level of labor productivity (production, methods for its determination, technological, production, full labor intensity, maintenance and management labor intensity). Dynamics of labor productivity growth.

Planning the number of personnel based on production standards and service standards.

The main ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of the enterprise (organizational-technical and socio-economic).

Topic: Forms and systems of remuneration. Wage fund, methods of its planning.

Salary (basic, additional, remuneration).

Tariff and non-tariff systems of remuneration. The principle of calculating wages in the tariff-free system of remuneration. Components of the tariff system of remuneration ( tariff scales, rates, tariff-qualification guides).

Tariff forms. Time (by types) and piecework (by types) forms of remuneration. Methods for calculating hours tariff rates and rates. Restriction on the use of piecework wages.

Wage fund, its components. Methods of planning the wage fund.

Topic: Income of the enterprise. Enterprise pricing strategy. Ways to increase income.

The essence of the concept of "enterprise income", classification of income.

The legal meaning of the term "implementation". Methods for estimating proceeds from the sale of products (services) for tax purposes (for shipment and payment). Nomenclature and range of products (services).

Product price. Price types. Pricing principles (based on competitors' prices, based on consumer value of goods, based on production and sales costs). Calculating the price of products (services). State regulation prices for socially significant goods and services. Formation of the pricing strategy of the enterprise.

Factors affecting the amount of income of the enterprise and ways to increase income.

Topic: Enterprise expenses. Ways to reduce costs in the enterprise.

The essence of the concepts of "expenses", "costs", "costs".

Enterprise expenses. Their classification in accounting.

The cost of production and its composition by cost elements.

Direct and indirect costs. Unit cost of production (service). Formation of costing for goods. Types of cost - technological, workshop, factory, production, full.

Costs are conditionally variable and conditionally fixed. Influence of the volume of production on the amount of expenses of the enterprise and the cost of a unit of production. The essence of the scale effect. Determining the critical volume of sales.

Ways to reduce costs in the enterprise.

Topic: Basic principles of formation and distribution of profits in the enterprise.

Profit, its economic content.

Form 2 of the balance sheet of the enterprise as a source of information on the formation of the profit of the enterprise. Types of profit (gross, from product sales, balance sheet, net).

The value of profit for the enterprise. Factors affecting the amount of profit.

The procedure for the distribution of profits. Specialized funds formed from the profits of the enterprise.

Topic: Financial resources of the enterprise. Management system of financial resources at the enterprise, methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of financial resources of the enterprise.

Finance. Functions of finance. Financial mechanism, its methods and levers.

Financial resources of the enterprise. Their formation and use. financial relations enterprises with contractors, consumers, other enterprises, insurance organizations, the banking system, the state, higher management structures.

Financial management system at the enterprise. Services and divisions of the enterprise that are involved in the management of financial resources. Rationing, control, distribution as methods of enterprise financial management. Influence of state policy on the financial mechanism of the enterprise.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the use of the financial resources of the enterprise (assessment of the effectiveness of the current economic activity of the enterprise, assessment of the effectiveness of the investment activity of the enterprise).

Essence of franchising

Franchising is a business organization in which a company (franchisor) transfers to an independent entrepreneur or company (franchisee) the right to sell the product and services of this company.