Who is in charge of HR in the school. Peculiarities of personnel accounting in educational organizations. Information and settlement documents

There are mandatory (provided) and recommended documents. If your KDP is a complete zero, you should vigorously take up the creation of mandatory documentation. In the very general view it falls into two categories:

  1. Local regulations.
  2. Documents generated during checkout labor relations.
  • protection provision.

Here, but taking into account the specifics, we can include:

  • regulations on etc. (if such features exist at your enterprise).
  • personnel records (employment, civil law contracts; personnel orders; personal cards of the employee);
  • documents on accounting of working hours and calculations (timesheets, payrolls);
  • personal documents of employees (work books, documents of a personal file).

Numbering of orders in personnel records management

Usually beginners have a question: how to number orders? The good news: there are no legal requirements, rely on common sense.

There are several hint questions, by answering which you can create your own order numbering logic.

  • How many in the organization staff members: 10, 50, more than fifty?
  • What is the staff turnover?
  • How often do you have to change working conditions (transfer employees from position to position, involve them in work on weekends, etc.)?

If you see that the volume of orders will be small, you can do continuous numbering with the addition of the letter "K" (annually starting from No. 01-K) to separate them from orders for the main activity. If there are a lot of orders, experienced personnel officers advise dividing and marking with letters different types orders depending on their topic.

In order not to get confused and keep the documentation in order, it is also recommended to keep a register of orders.

Managing personnel records

This difficult work is carried out on the basis, which contains a library of samples of all documents - you can take and use. By the way, since 2013, no one has the right to demand documents only in the form in which they are presented in the resolution: but why waste time on inventing a bicycle?

To begin with, it is recommended to issue an instruction or regulation on the KDP, where it is written how all personnel procedures are documented, how they take place within the organization, etc. Such an instruction will become a reliable basis for the entire KDP at the enterprise and will allow you to put it in perfect order.

Personnel records management at school is carried out in the form of organizational, administrative and information and reference documents that contain information about employees and their labor activity while working in an organization.

Personnel records management at school: principles of work

Responsibility for the conduct of personnel records management, compliance with the established rules and procedures for working with documents are assigned to the head or personnel specialist. Employees occupying these positions must have the appropriate education and possess certain knowledge. For example, a human resources specialist must have a higher professional education know the legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management, labor legislation, regulations on and qualification tests, the procedure for election (appointment) to a position, the procedure for processing, maintaining and storing documentation related to personnel and their movement, the procedure for the formation and maintaining a data bank on personnel, the procedure for compiling reports on personnel, be able to calculate wages teachers. In addition, the specialist must have certain personal qualities and professional skills. Practice shows that it is not easy to find such an employee.

At the same time, personnel records management at the school, the maintenance and storage of documentation in accordance with the law is carried out in accordance with special requirements, since it records information that allows teachers to exercise their right to work, social insurance, pensions and much more. An illiterate or executed document, an incorrect calculation of the wages of teachers, may infringe on the rights of an employee - for example, deprive him of a preferential pension or reduce its size.

During checks personnel documentation in organizations, supervisory authorities often detect errors regarding the completion of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment. For example, in an order (instruction) on hiring an employee (form No. T-1), the name of the organization is often incorrectly indicated, the “OKPO Code” field is not filled in, the date of the order (instruction), position (specialty, profession) of the employee is incorrectly indicated , as well as the calculation of wages of employees of the organization, the size of its tariff rate or salary.

Personnel records management at school: accounting

Download the book "Payment"
Free download in .pdf

It is obvious that the effectiveness of the organization of personnel records management affects the work of the accounting service, allowing for high-level accounting control in the school. As a rule, if the organization complies with the requirements of the law for the preparation of documentation, as well as the internal workflow schedule, then the procedure for calculating wages, benefits and payments is also observed.

  1. automation and unification of the office work process, the calculation of the salaries of teachers for all departments of the complex;
  2. Creation of a unified service for conducting personnel records management and payroll on the basis of the Intercomp CBU operation center.

The main advantages of the Intercomp CBU solution:

  • guarantee of timeliness, quality of settlements and payments under contracts;
  • execution of all payroll operations in strict accordance with the approved schedule;
  • minimization of administrative risks associated with the incorrectness of reporting data on the wages of employees;
  • reduction of costs for the implementation of the functions of accounting and personnel records and, as a result, the possibility of redistributing budgetary funds for the development of the organization and extrabudgetary activities.

Intercomp CBU bears material responsibility for all operational errors.

AT modern conditions effective management impossible without a well-organized office work. A well-written and executed document is an indicator of managerial culture. Ignoring the accepted rules of office work and the requirements for paperwork reduces the effectiveness of management, leads to managerial and legal errors.

The purpose of this article is to disseminate information about the organization, maintenance and improvement of systems documentation support activities of schools on the basis of unified organizational and methodological approaches. All presented material is based on the current regulatory legal acts, including GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

The publication is intended for school directors, their secretaries, office workers, personnel departments, as well as anyone interested in office work.

General provisions

Schools organize and conduct office work on the basis of relevant instructions developed in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts and methodological documents in the field of office work.

Note. An exemplary instruction for office work in educational organizations can be downloadedfrom the websitehttp: // site (section "Documents", subsection "Management of an educational organization".

The organization of document management at the school is carried out by a special structural unit or a person appointed responsible for office work (in small schools, this is usually the director's secretary), who are entrusted with the functions of documentary support for management (hereinafter referred to as the DOW service).

Responsibility for organizing office work in the structural divisions of the organization rests with their leaders, who independently determine those responsible for maintaining office work in their unit.

When preparing documents, it is recommended to use GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. The standard establishes the composition and procedure for processing the details of documents and requirements for document forms. Although the requirements of GOST R 7.0.97-2016 are not strictly mandatory for application and are advisory in nature, unified approaches to documentation not only simplify the process of preparing documents, but also significantly improve their perception and understanding by employees of the organization and external recipients. This also applies to other recommendations in this publication.

Note. Content GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the execution of documents" is presented in Sample instructions on office work in educational institutions, which can be downloaded from the site http: // site (section "Documents", subsection "Management of an educational organization".

Features of preparation and design certain types documents

command, order

In schools, the most common documents are orders and instructions. They are often considered synonyms, although there are certain differences between them.

An order is a legal act issued by the head of an organization (governing body) acting on the basis of unity of command in order to solve the main and operational tasks facing this organization (governing body). The order is issued in order to resolve operational issues and, as a rule, has a limited duration and concerns a narrow circle of officials, employees and citizens. Orders are signed only by the heads of organizations or those who perform their duties, and orders can be signed by their deputies within their competence.

Orders, like orders, are binding.

Thus, orders and instructions formalize managerial decisions of a regulatory nature, as well as decisions on operational, organizational, personnel and other internal issues. In some cases, the order may apply to a wide range of organizations and officials, regardless of subordination. For example, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations(surveys) of workers employed in hard work and at work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor" applies to all organizations, regardless of subordination and forms of ownership.

The procedure for preparing, agreeing and signing orders and orders is almost identical. Their projects are prepared and submitted by the structural divisions of the organization on the basis of instructions from the headmaster, his deputies, or on their own initiative. Drafts of orders on personnel issues are being prepared personnel service based on the relevant ideas.

Ensuring the quality preparation of draft orders (orders) and their coordination with interested parties is entrusted to the heads of structural units that prepare and submit the project.

Draft orders (instructions) and annexes to them are endorsed by the executor and the head of the department that introduced the project, the heads of departments for which the project provides for tasks and instructions, as well as the head of the preschool educational institution and the legal service (legal adviser). Objections to the draft order (instruction) that arise upon approval are set out in the certificate that is attached to the draft.

If fundamental changes are made to the draft order during the approval process, it is subject to reprinting and re-approval.

Draft orders (orders) submitted to the head for signature are endorsed by the deputy heads in accordance with the distribution of duties.

Draft orders (orders) are printed on standard forms of the established form and are reported for signature, if necessary, with a certificate that should contain a summary of the essence of the order, justification for its necessity, as well as information on the basis of which the draft was prepared and with whom it was agreed. The date of the order (instruction) is the date of its signing.

Draft orders (orders) prepared jointly with other organizations are printed on standard sheets of paper without a form, indicating their names.

Orders are numbered by serial numbering within the calendar year; orders for core activities, for personnel and orders are numbered separately.

Copies of orders (instructions) or their reproduced copies are certified with the seal of the DOW service and sent to the addressees in accordance with the distribution index, which is compiled and signed by the performer. A copy must also be sent to the contractor and to the DOW service.

The order (instruction) is printed on the form of the established form and has the following details:

Name of company.

The name of the type of document is an order (instruction).

Date and number - the specified details are printed in a centered way.

The date is written digitally or word-to-digital; the number consists of the sign "N" and the serial number of the order, for example: June 15, 2018 N 21; 06/15/2018 No. 21.

The title should briefly and accurately reflect the content of the text of the order. For example: About sending employees of the Department of Education to ...

There is no dot at the end of the heading. A heading consisting of two or more lines is printed in bold with 1 line spacing.

The heading of documents drawn up on forms with a longitudinal arrangement of details is aligned in the center.

Orders, as a rule, do not have a heading.

The text is separated from the title by 2-3 line spacing and printed in font size N 13 1.5 spacing from the left border of the text field and aligned to the left and right borders of the text field. The first line of a paragraph starts 1.25 cm from the left border of the text field.

The text of the order consists of 2 parts: ascertaining (preamble) and administrative.

The ascertaining part briefly outlines the goals and objectives, facts and events that served as the basis for issuing the order. It may begin with the words "In order", "In accordance", "In execution", etc. If the order is issued on the basis of another document, then the name of this document, its date, number and heading are indicated in the ascertaining part.

The preamble in draft orders ends with the word "I order".

The administrative part should contain a listing of the prescribed actions, indicating the performer of each action and the deadlines for execution. The administrative part can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. Actions of a homogeneous nature can be listed in one paragraph. Structural subdivisions or specific officials are indicated as executors. The last paragraph of the administrative part may contain information about the unit or official who is entrusted with control over the execution of the order.

If the order changes, cancels or supplements a previously issued document or some of its provisions, then one of the paragraphs of the administrative part of the text must contain a reference to the canceled document (document paragraph) indicating its date, number and title. The text of the paragraph should begin with the words "Recognize invalid ...".

The order should not include the item "Order to bring to the notice ...". The subdivisions (officials) to which the order is brought to their attention are indicated in the distribution index, which the contractor prepares along with the draft order.

Visas include the positions of the approvers, personal signatures, transcripts of signatures and date.

The signature consists of the title of the person who signed the document, a personal signature and a transcript of the signature (initials, surname).

Orders (instructions) are signed by the director of the school, and in his absence - by the person replacing him.

Applications to the order are signed by the head structural unit who prepared the project. The signature is placed on reverse side the last sheet of the application.

Joint orders of two or more organizations are printed on standard sheets of A4 paper (210 × 297 mm) without a letterhead.

When issuing a joint order:

names of organizations are located on the same level;

the name of the document type - order - is centered;

the date of the joint order is the same, corresponds to the date of the later signature; located centrally;

the registration number of a document drawn up jointly by two or more organizations consists of registration numbers document of each of these organizations, separated by a slash in the order of authors in the document;

the signatures of the heads of organizations are located below the text at the same level.

Order template

municipal institution

"Average comprehensive school N 1"


dated December 15, 2018 N 69


In order to improve the organization of office work and in connection with ______ (base), I order:

1. Approve and put into effect from November 1, 2019 Instructions for office work in secondary school N 1 (Appendix N 1 to this order).

2. Recognize as invalid the order __________________________________.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on ____________.

Director (signature) (signature transcript)

Visas (back side)


When solving the most significant regulatory and legal issues, public authorities within their competence issue resolutions as independent documents. The preparation and execution of the details of the resolution are similar to the execution of orders and instructions. In schools, the adoption of resolutions is practically not found.

Regulations, rules, instructions

Regulations, rules and instructions are signed by the head or approved by order of the head of the school. Accordingly, the approval is issued in the form of a stamp of approval or by issuing an administrative document on their approval. The stamp of approval is placed in the upper right corner of the first page or title page document, for example:


Head teacher

(signature) (signature transcript)



by order of 01/27/2018 N 12

The procedure for preparing a draft regulation, rules and instructions corresponds to general order preparation of draft normative-legal acts.

The text of the draft regulation (rules, instructions) is printed on the general letterhead of the organization.

The text is written in the third person singular or plural. The text uses the words: "should", "should", "necessary", "prohibited", "not allowed".

The title to the text of the provision (rules, instructions) answers the question "About what?" (for example, "Regulations on internal quality control educational services”, “Instructions on the procedure for filling out reporting documentation”, “Instructions on organizing work with citizens' appeals”). Header for the instruction containing job requirements and the order of work, answers the question "To whom?" (for example, "Instructions for interviewers on conducting a sociological survey in schools").

The ascertaining part of the provision (rules, instructions) is the section "General Provisions", which indicates the grounds for development, the main purpose of the normative act and its scope, responsibility for violating the established rules and technologies.

The main text of the provision (rules, instructions) can be divided into chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs. Chapters must have titles.

Chapters are numbered with Roman numerals. The paragraphs and subparagraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals.


Minutes - a document containing a consistent record of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies.

The procedure for the preparation and execution of protocols and decisions of collegiate bodies is established by the regulations on these bodies or the regulations for their work.

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of the records made during the meeting (sessions, collegiums, pedagogical council), submitted abstracts of reports and speeches, references, draft decisions, etc. Materials for discussion are submitted by the structural divisions of the organization and third-party organizations that are entrusted with their preparation, no later than 15 days before the date stipulated by the work plan of the collegial body. Certificates are signed by heads of subdivisions-executors.

Records during the meeting, the collection of materials and the preparation of the text are entrusted to the secretary of the collegial body or the service of the preschool educational institution and the employees of the departments that prepared the questions for discussion. The text of the minutes must be prepared no later than 3 days from the date of the meeting. The drafts of the relevant points of the protocol are endorsed by the unit responsible for preparation.

The original documents on the issues considered at the meeting are sent for filing in the case to the executing unit along with an extract from the minutes of the decisions taken.

Copies of the minutes of the meetings, copies of the agendas of the meetings and materials for the meetings are destroyed after the need for them has passed, and copies of the minutes - according to the act.

On the protocol containing information of limited distribution, the mark "For official use" is put down.

The text of the protocol, as a rule, consists of two parts: introductory and main.

The following details are given in the introductory part:

Chairman or Presiding Officer


Attended - a list of those present or a link to the attached list of those present


Rapporteurs for each agenda item

The main part of the protocol consists of sections corresponding to the agenda items. The text of each section is built according to the scheme:


A form of drawing up a protocol is allowed, in which only adopted resolutions (decisions) on relevant issues are recorded.

The protocol shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting.

Protocols are assigned sequential numbers within a calendar year separately for each group of protocols: protocols of board meetings, protocols of pedagogical, technical, scientific and expert advice and others. Minutes of joint meetings have compound numbers, including serial numbers of minutes of organizations participating in the meeting.

The numbers of resolutions (decisions) adopted at the meetings consist of the number of the minutes, the number of the issue under consideration on the agenda and the serial number of the resolution (decision) within the issue.

Copies of the minutes, if necessary, are sent to interested organizations and officials in accordance with the distribution index; the index is compiled and signed by the responsible executor of the unit that prepared the consideration of the issue. Copies of the protocols are certified by the seal of the DOW service.

The decisions made are communicated to the executors in the form of extracts from the protocols, which are drawn up on the appropriate form and certified by the seal of the PEI service.

Protocols are printed on a standard form of the protocol or on the general letterhead of the organization in A4 format.

Protocol template

Secondary school No. 8



dated 10.02.2018 N 7

Chairman _____________________________

Secretary ________________________________

Present: 35 people (list attached)


1. On the results of work in the field of labor protection at school in 2017 and tasks for 2018. Report of labor protection specialist A.A. Ivanova.

2. Oh...


Ivanova A.A. - the text of the report is attached


Petrov P.P. - a short recording of the speech

Sidorov S.S. - a short recording of the speech


1.1. Work in the field of labor protection at school in 2017 is recognized as satisfactory.

1.2. Approve the draft plan of the main activities in the field of labor protection at school for 2018.

1.3. ...




Chairperson (signature) (signature)

Secretary (signature) (signature transcript)

Service letters

Service letters according to the content and purpose are divided into instructive, guarantee, information, letters of inquiry, letters of notification, letters of attachment, letters of response, etc.

The text of the letter, as a rule, consists of two parts. The first part sets out the reason, basis or justification for compiling the letter, provides links to documents that are the basis for preparing the letter. The second part, starting with a paragraph, contains conclusions, proposals, requests, decisions, etc.

Service letters are being prepared:

As answers on the implementation of instructions from higher authorities;

As the execution of instructions from higher authorities;

Like cover letters;

How to respond to inquiries various organizations and individuals;

Like initiative letters.

The deadlines for preparing response letters are established by the resolution of the head on the basis of the available deadlines for the execution of instructions, requests, or by decision of the author of the resolution.

The texts of the response letters must exactly correspond to the tasks fixed in the resolution of the head. Terms of preparation of initiative letters are determined by the heads of structural divisions.

Service letters are printed on standard forms of A4 or A5 format.

When writing a letter on two or more pages, the second and subsequent pages are numbered in the middle of the top margin of the sheet with Arabic numerals.

The text of a business letter, as a rule, should relate to one issue or several issues if they are interrelated and will be considered in one structural unit of the addressee's organization.

The text of the letter is written in the 3rd person singular.

For example:

"Ministry of Education Russian Federation considers...", "The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation considered..."

If the letter is issued on the letterhead of an official, then its text is stated from the 1st person singular: "I ask ...", "I send ...".

The date of the letter is the date it was signed.

The right to sign official letters is established by the relevant provisions, regulations, instructions. These documents should provide for the procedure for signing letters in the absence of senior officials.

Job Descriptions

The job description is the main organizational legal document defining the tasks, functions, duties, rights, responsibilities of employees and the qualification requirements. Compiled for each position, is impersonal in nature and is declared to the employee against receipt when concluding an employment contract (agreement), incl. when moving to another position, as well as during the temporary performance of duties on the position.

The job description indicates the name of the educational organization, the specific position, details of approval and approval.

The names of the positions of employees in job descriptions must correspond to the nomenclature of positions of school employees.

The main regulatory legal document in the development of job descriptions for school employees is the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 08.26.2010 N 761n (as amended on 05.31.2011) "On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of educators".

The job description consists of four main sections:

General provisions;



A responsibility.

In the section "General provisions" indicate:

Level of education and additional vocational training an employee necessary to perform the prescribed job duties;

Requirements for work experience in the specialty;

The main requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge and professional skills, as well as knowledge legal documents, teaching materials, methods and means used in the performance of official duties;

Fundamental organizational and legal documents on the basis of which the employee performs official activities and exercises his powers;

The list of structural units and (or) individual positions of employees directly subordinate to him in the service (if any);

The procedure for replacing an employee and performing official duties in the event of his temporary absence.

The section may include other requirements and provisions that specify and clarify the status of the employee and the conditions of his activity.

In the section "Responsibilities" indicate the duties of the employee, taking into account the tasks and functions of a particular structural unit of the educational organization with a detailed description of the main areas of his work. The list of job responsibilities can be supplemented or reduced depending on the external and internal conditions of the educational organization.

In the "Rights" section, a list of the rights of the employee is given. It is allowed to specify certain rights, taking into account the specifics of the duties performed by the employee.

In the section "Responsibility" indicate the degree of responsibility of the employee for non-compliance with labor duties. This section also indicates how the materially responsible person bears material responsibility for damage caused to the organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The section may include other items that clarify and specify the responsibility of the employee.

An integral part of the job description is the familiarization sheet. It is allowed to place a mark on the familiarization of the employee with the instructions on the sheet of the job description itself. AT this case the corresponding mark must necessarily include the date and signature of the employee.

The approval stamp of the job description is located in the upper right corner of the document. The job description is approved by the head of the organization or a specially issued document (order or instruction). When approving a document by an official, the stamp of approval of the document must consist of the word I APPROVE (without quotes), the title of the person approving the document, his signature, initials, surname and date of approval.


Principal of school N 1

________________ (signature)

Petrov I.I.


When approving a job description by order or order, the approval stamp consists of the word APPROVED, the name of the approving document in the instrumental case, its date, and number. For example:


order (name of educational organization)

dated 01/23/2018 N 18

The approved job description is numbered, laced, certified with the seal of the organization and stored in the personnel department in accordance with established order business management. For current work, a certified copy is taken from the original job description, which is issued to the employee and head of the relevant structural unit of the organization.

Note. Samples of job descriptions for employees of schools and other educational organizations can be downloaded from the site http: // site (section "Documents", subsection "Job instructions".


An application is a document addressed to an official containing any request from a citizen (for example, for employment, leave, etc.), as well as a message about violations of laws and other regulatory legal acts, shortcomings in work government agencies, local governments and officials.

The application is official document, therefore, when compiling and processing it, it is recommended to comply with GOST R 7.0.97-2016. However, it should be borne in mind that the requirements of the standard are advisory in nature and, moreover, it is difficult to require applicants (if they are not employees of the organization) to comply with all the rules for filling out an application. They may not know the exact name of the organization, the names of officials, the names of their positions, etc., so an incorrectly executed application is not a reason to refuse to consider it.

Depending on the appointment, the application is written in free form or in the prescribed form and is usually addressed to a specific official.

Application details are:


Applicant's address (home address, telephone). If the application is transmitted from an employee of the organization, then instead of the address, his position and the unit in which he works are indicated;

Type of document (application);

The date;

The text of the statement;

Application (if any);

Applicant's signature.

As a rule, the text of the statement begins with the essence of the issue and the appeal (please translate ..., please check the status ...), then comes the detail of the issue raised. The presentation form is free. Sometimes in the first place there may be a preamble, outlining the history and essence of the case, references to legal acts, etc.

The text of statements on the same type of recurring issues (for example, personnel) can be typical.

The application may have attachments (for example, originals or copies of educational documents, a questionnaire, autobiography, etc.) are attached to the job application.

The application is signed by the author and submitted (sent) for a decision. The management's decision is expressed in a resolution. A statement with a resolution serves as the basis for issuing an order (for example, on personnel matters) or another document (a letter to the author about the decision, a statement on the status of the issue raised by the author, an order for an examination, verification, etc.).

In order to save time, improve the quality of applications and the efficiency of working with them, standard forms and sample applications are used. An example is a sample application for admission of a child to a school.

Sample application letter for enrolling a child in a school

Registration number ________

Director of MBOU


(Full Name)

from a parent (legal representative)

(strike out unnecessary)

residing at: _____________

Telephone _____________________________

Passport series ___________ N _________

Issued (by whom and when) __________________


Please accept my child (son, daughter) _____________________________________________


(Full Name)

in grade 1 at your school.

Date of birth of the child _________________ Citizenship _______________________________

visited Kindergarten(name of preschool educational institution) ____________________________________________

Familiarized (a) with the statutory documents of the school: Charter, educational programs, certificate of accreditation, license for the right to conduct educational activities.

_________________ (signature)

"______" _____________20____

Information about parents (legal representatives):

Mother: FULL NAME. ________________________________________________________________________

Place of work: _____________________________________________________________________

Job title: ________________________________________________________________________

Mobile phone): ______________________________________________________________See Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 N 678 "On approval of the nomenclature of positions teaching staff organizations implementing educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations".

Do you want to put things in order in personnel work? Where to start in a new company, how to put things in order in an existing one? Follow expert advice. And without panic! You will succeed.

In practice, there are two situations when professionals are interested in the topic of step-by-step personnel office work:

  1. In an already existing company, personnel records management is “somehow” conducted, there is no system, there are many violations. If you find yourself in such a situation, first assess the state of personnel documentation from the employer and issue the results of the audit. Examples of memos from the article "" will help you. After checking, start restoring and systematizing the work according to the 8 steps from this article.
  2. A newly created organization is just starting its activity or an individual entrepreneur has its first employee - it is better to immediately start personnel work correctly. Step one...

1 step. Organize staffing. There are three ways

Determine the person responsible or responsible for the state of personnel records management at the employer. All employers are very different. They differ in the number of staff, field of activity, staff turnover, management approaches, economic opportunities. Answering a favorite HR question:

Are there standards for the number of personnel officers for the number of employees?

“Unfortunately, there is no universal formula that would suit everyone. The standards for personnel procedures, which are given in the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991 No. 78, are outdated. On average, the figure according to the standards currently ranges from 200 to 270 employees per personnel officer. But ideally, you need to calculate the time for paperwork directly with your employer.

Depending on the state of the company, staff turnover, economic opportunities An employer can organize personnel records management in one of the following ways:

  • structural unit, for example, the personnel department headed by the head;
  • the only HR specialist;
  • internal combination - most often found in small companies up to 100 people. Internal alignment- this is when the work of conducting personnel records management is entrusted to an employee whose labor function is not initially related to personnel records such as an accountant or an office manager.

Combination is an assignment to an employee with his written consent to additional work in another position, profession, specialty (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To apply for a combination, include the position in staffing(at the same time, the rate may not be an integer, it is important to simply reflect the employer's need for the labor function of a specialist in personnel records management).

A typical misconception: the position for which the combination is drawn up is not included in the staff list. In the consent, write down the term, content and volume of the work performed and the amount of the additional payment.

So, the first step is to determine how you were assigned to conduct personnel records management:

  1. Your position is part of a structural unit, for example, the HR department.
  2. You are the only specialist in personnel records management, you have an employment contract, and it is your responsibility to conduct personnel records management in full.
  3. HR records management is registered for you in the form of a combination.

After you have checked your authority to organize and maintain personnel records, carefully study founding documents.

2 step. Study the founding documents

First of all, pay attention to the name of the employer.

Typical mistake: in personnel documents, the name of the employer is not indicated in accordance with the constituent documents. For example, in the Charter, the full and abbreviated name are spelled out, and in personnel documents - only the full or only abbreviated name of the employer.

Study in the constituent documents the issue of the authority to make a decision on the conclusion, termination of an employment contract, according to the approval of local regulations. Determine who is the authorized person of the employer, if it is a legal entity.

Typical mistake in an employment contract: in the constituent documents, the head of the company is registered as an authorized person of the employer, in the preamble of employment contracts the head acting on the basis of the Charter is indicated, and at the end of the employment contract, the signature of the employer is affixed by the head of the personnel department, or deputy CEO etc., that is, not the leader himself.

Remember a simple rule: who is indicated as an authorized person of the employer at the beginning of the employment contract, he signs it.

3 step. Create a staffing table

Why is the staffing table one of the first documents that is directly related to the labor function of a personnel officer? The staffing table is a document of an organizational and administrative nature, which in its essence answers the question: what kind of labor functions does the employer need.

Remember the rule: not a single employee can be registered outside the staffing table, “out of state”. There, "outside the state", only contracts of a civil law nature. All the needs of the employer in labor functions are determined by the staffing table.

A labor function is work according to the position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications; the specific type of work assigned to the employee (Art., Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The staffing table can be approved in a unified form - form T-3 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1) or develop and approve your own form (preferably, an annex to the organization's accounting policy). In the column "Number of staff units" you can indicate not a full rate, for example, 0.25 or 0.5.

Who develops the staffing table?

Evgenia Konyukhova, teacher at Kontur.School:

"In accordance with qualification handbook positions, the labor economist is engaged in the development of the staffing table. But not all employers have such happiness (a labor economist). Therefore, the one responsible for the development of the staffing table is the one in whose official duties includes the development of a staffing plan. It is approved by order and kept constant. There are no legislative restrictions on the number of changes to the staffing table.

4 step. Determine the required number of local regulations

Local regulations are a big topic. Most often, experts ask for a “magic pill of happiness” in the form of an exhaustive list of local regulations that are mandatory for them. But there is no universal, suitable list for all employers. There are a few rules to keep in mind:

  1. Only employers classified as micro-entrepreneurship entities in accordance with Art. 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, may partially or completely abandon local regulations. Provided that they transfer those issues that should be resolved in local regulations to a standard form of an employment contract. All other employers are required to have the required number of local regulations available.
  2. There is a list of local regulations that is mandatory for all employers: internal regulations work schedule(Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), local regulations establishing wage systems (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), local regulations establishing the procedure for processing personal data, rights of employees, features of the transfer and storage of personal data (Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ).
    Pay attention to the local normative act establishing the remuneration systems: as such, it may also not exist in an independent form, for example, in the form of the Regulation on remuneration, if the remuneration systems are prescribed in the employer's internal labor regulations or collective agreement. also in without fail it is necessary to develop and approve a vacation schedule - no later than two weeks before the beginning of the calendar year for which it is drawn up. If the organization was created at the beginning or middle of the calendar year, you finalize this year without a vacation schedule.
    There may be local regulations that become mandatory when certain conditions, for example, the provision on business trips, collective agreement, regulations on attestation of employees, etc. It is in this matter that systemic, comprehensive knowledge of labor legislation as a whole is needed. In the advanced training course "" and the course of professional retraining "" local regulations dedicated to a separate lesson.
  3. Local regulations are adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body in accordance with Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This item is mandatory if there is a representative body of employees, but at the stage of organizing personnel records management, most likely, it is simply absent. If so, skip this paragraph.
  4. With all accepted local regulations the employee must be familiarized against signature in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Newly hired workers must be familiarized against signature before signing an employment contract (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5 step. Check how the manager is recruited

The leader is the key person in the organization. First of all, check all the documents for its design. There must be a response to a request from the register of disqualified persons maintained by the tax authorities. This is a requirement of Part 2 of Art. 32.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The head has a dual legal status:

  • is the sole executive body of a legal entity;
  • performs the duties of an employee labor function leader.

The manager must be issued documents on the appointment (election) of his general director in accordance with federal laws and constituent documents and documents in the framework of labor legislation: an employment contract, an order for employment. An entry must be made in the work book.

Beginning specialists, and even experienced ones, sometimes ask the following question: how to make an entry in the work book about hiring a general director? The answer lies on the surface: the work book is the main document confirming the length of service, and information about hiring, and not about the procedures for election or appointment, is entered in the work book. Therefore, after concluding an employment contract, issuing an order for employment, make an entry in the work book specifically about employment with a link in column 4 to the details of the order for employment.

A typical mistake in drawing up an employment contract with a manager: the term of the employment contract does not correspond to the term of his powers as the sole executive body in accordance with the constituent documents. At the stage of concluding an employment contract, carefully study the constituent documents in order to prevent such a mistake.

6 step. Prepare a draft employment contract

An employment contract is one of the main documents in regulating labor relations with employees. I recommend that you carefully consider and develop templates for employment contracts for hiring different categories of workers.

Based on the results of inspections by the State Inspectorate, the employment contract also becomes the most expensive document in personnel records management in terms of penalties. Responsibility is provided for under Part 4 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for legal entities, for example, from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, and sometimes inspectors multiply the fine by the number of employment contracts.

A standard form of an employment contract has been developed and approved only for heads of state (municipal) institutions and employers, small businesses classified as microentrepreneurs. In other cases, employers independently develop the form of an employment contract.

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee and the name of the employer (surname, name, patronymic of the employer-individual) who entered into an employment contract;
  • information about documents proving the identity of the employee and the employer-individual;
  • taxpayer identification number (for employers, except for employers-individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs);
  • information about the representative of the employer who signed the employment contract, and the basis by virtue of which he is endowed with the appropriate authority;
  • place and date of conclusion of the employment contract.

As a rule, this information is entered in the preamble to the employment contract, or some of the information remains in the preamble, and some is transferred to the last page of the employment contract.

Example:"Society with limited liability“Interest”, (TIN 1234567890) hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, represented by Deputy General Director P.S. , on the one hand, and a citizen of the Russian Federation Nikolai Sergeevich Veselov (passport series 0477, No. 123456 issued by the Federal Migration Service for the South Administrative District of Moscow on August 20, 1997), hereinafter referred to as the “Worker”, on the other hand, in accordance with the current on the territory of the Russian The Labor Legislation Federations have concluded this employment contract as follows: ... "

Recommendation 2 Remember about mandatory conditions employment contract, they are listed in Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But not all of them are always required! Some are required under certain conditions:

  • the term of the employment contract and the circumstances (reasons) that served as the basis for concluding a fixed-term employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code or other federal law (specify only when concluding a fixed-term employment contract);
  • guarantees and compensations for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, indicating the characteristics of working conditions at the workplace (specify only if you employ an employee with harmful or dangerous working conditions);
  • mode of working time and rest time (include in the employment contract only if the mode differs from general rules operating with the employer);
  • conditions that determine the nature of the work (travelling, mobile, on the road).

Recommendation 3 Consider Articles Labor Code establishing the features of regulation of labor relations with certain categories of workers or norms federal laws governing your activity. When developing a draft employment contract, do not use sources of dubious origin from Internet resources.

look different sources and, passing them through the "prism" of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, develop your own form.

The employment contract can include additional, named in Part 4 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and other conditions. But for their absence, the employer will not be held responsible.

If the activities of employees are related to the maintenance of material assets, I recommend immediately developing and preparing a template for an agreement on full liability. Then you can sign it at the same time as the labor one.

There is a separate detailed lesson on liability in Kontur.School. In the lesson program:

  • Material liability employee: grounds, terms and procedure for attracting.
  • Cases of full liability of the employee.
  • Agreement on full individual or collective liability.
  • The liability of the employer for the delay in wages, vacation pay, and other amounts due to the employee.

7 step. Prepare documents for maintaining work books of new employees

To get started, prepare an order appointing a special authorized person responsible for maintaining, storing, accounting and issuing work books.

Remember that forced labor is prohibited. If the duties of maintaining, accounting, storing and issuing work books were not prescribed in the employment contract or the job description of the responsible person, it is necessary to supplement the employment contract with these duties by agreement, or to amend the job description. If such responsibility will be assigned to an employee whose function does not include personnel records management, for example, to the chief accountant, I recommend that you first draw up a combination agreement, i.e. on entrusting the employee with additional work with his written consent with an additional payment in accordance with Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At this stage, also check that the organization has purchased and accounted for in the income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and the insert in it, the forms of work books and inserts in it. The employer is obliged to constantly have the required number of work book forms and inserts in it (clause 44 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, hereinafter - Decree No. 225).

Store forms of work books and inserts in the accounting department as strict reporting forms. The income and expense book is also kept by the accounting department (see clause 41 of Resolution No. 225). At this stage, also issue a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them. It is run by the Human Resources Department.

The income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and the insert in it and the book for accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

8 step. Prepare HR documents

Registration of personnel procedures begins with the registration of employees for work.

What mandatory documents should be at hand at the personnel officer at the stage of registration of employees for work?

Typical kit (excluding features):

  1. A set of local regulations to familiarize employees with them.
  2. A draft employment contract with job responsibilities included in it or in the job description.
  3. Form of an order for employment (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The order can be in a unified form - form T-1 (form T-1a) or in a form approved by the employer.
  4. Forms of a personal card in the form T-2 (for state or municipal employees, form T-2 GS (MS)). Please note: the T-2 personal card (T-2GS (MS)) is kept in writing, on cardboard.

Records about the employee, about hiring, permanent transfers, dismissals of the employee must be familiarized against signature in the relevant sections of the personal card (clause 12 of Resolution No. 225).

What to consider according to work books at this stage? Write an application to the accounting department with a request to issue a work book form if the employee does not have one, or enter information about the work book he has in the book of accounting for the movement of work books.

Organize a record of working time: the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by the employee (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For these purposes, you can use unified forms time sheet T-12 or T-13, or approve your form.

How to make changes to the employment contract?

Prepare documents:

  1. Agreement on changing the terms of the employment contract / supplementary agreement to the employment contract (if the change in the terms of the employment contract occurs by agreement of the parties in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. An order to change the organizational or technological working conditions, written notices of changes and reasons that served as the basis for changing the terms of the employment contract, written proposals for another vacant job corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, as well as a vacant lower position or underpaid work(if the change in the terms of the employment contract occurs at the initiative of the employer in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of documents for processing a translation depends on the type of translation:

  • at temporary transfer an additional agreement is concluded to the employment contract on the transfer, an order for the transfer is prepared (as a rule, in the form T-5 or T-5a);
  • at permanent translation– an additional agreement to the employment contract on transfer and an order on transfer. An entry is also made in the work book and in the personal card T-2 (T-2GS (MS)).

List of documents for registration of holidays:

  • vacation schedule (approved no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year). Read the article "";
  • written notices to employees about the start time of vacation in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see the letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1);
  • leave order (form T-6, form T-6a).

This list may vary depending on the categories of workers or circumstances. For example, if an employee asks for leave not according to the vacation schedule, but at a convenient time for him on the basis of his written application (for example, such leave is granted to minors, Honorary donors of Russia, etc.). In this case, there will be no vacation notice. The employee will write a statement, and the employer will issue an order.

Labor legislation establishes requirements for the availability and execution of personnel documents in cases where the employer:

  • attracts employees to work outside the established working hours;
  • attracts to work on weekends and non-working days holidays;
  • sends employees on business trips;
  • provides guarantees and compensation. This block of questions should be studied separately. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the professional retraining program "" in the Circuit. School.

How to file an employee layoff

In this case, ground documents are needed, the type of which depends on the grounds for dismissal. For example, for the dismissal of an employee on his initiative, his written statement is required, for dismissal by agreement of the parties - an agreement on termination of the employment contract, etc.

Without fail, prepare an order for dismissal, with which you familiarize the employee against signature. If the employee is absent or refuses to read the order, mark the order accordingly.

Based on the order, make an entry in the work book and in the employee's personal card. After that, the employee puts his signature in the work book, personal card and in the book of accounting for the movement of work books when issuing a work book to the employee.

We looked at the mandatory steps for organizing HR records management from scratch.

  1. Develop a staffing table, determine the needs of the employer in labor functions.
  2. Check how the documents for the head are drawn up.
  3. Prepare a set of required local regulations.
  4. Develop employment contract templates for different categories of workers.
  5. Prepare the documents required for applying for a job.
  6. Prepare draft documents for registration of procedures related to the movement of personnel (holidays, business trips, recruitment to work on weekends, etc.).

In educational institutions, as a rule, there are no specialists in document management.

In order to rational organization documentation support in educational institutions of the education system, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation prepared and agreed with the Federal Archival Service of Russia "Guidelines for working with documents in educational institutions."

Heads of educational institutions, territorial, municipal and regional educational authorities are recommended to use the data guidelines in business work.

First Deputy Minister A.F. Kiselev

1. General Provisions

1.3. Direct management of office work in general educational institution is assigned to the employee appointed responsible for record keeping, who ensures the accounting and passage of documents on time, informs management about the status of their execution, familiarizes employees with regulatory and methodological documents on record keeping.

2. Documentation management activities educational institution.

The documents of a general educational institution include:

organizational documents. (charter of a general educational institution; agreement with the founder; regulations on subdivisions; job descriptions employees; structure and staffing; staffing; internal labor regulations);

administrative documents ( orders, instructions); information and reference documents ( protocols, plans, reports, references, acts, memorandums, and explanatory notes, letters, telegrams and telephone messages, agreements, labor agreements, contracts, etc.).

Documents, as a rule, must be drawn up on forms of a general education institution that meet the standard ( GOST R 6.30-97 With change N 1 2000), have an installed complex required details and stable order of their location.

ORDER - a legal act issued by the head to address the main and operational issues of the activities of a general education institution.

The order comes into force from the moment of its signing by the head of the educational institution.

An order is issued on the letterhead of a general educational institution and must have the following details: name of the type of document, date, order number, place of publication, title, text, signature, visas, approval.

When preparing the text of the order, the following principles should be observed:

  • Reliability and objectivity of the described situation;
  • The completeness of the information necessary to justify the measures taken;
  • brevity and conciseness;
  • Neutrality and the present character of the presentation;
  • Emotionless assessment of the situation and facts;
  • Compliance of the content of the text and orders of the head with the norms of law and his competence, determined by the charter of the educational institution;
  • Adherence to the norms of the official business style of speech.
  • The text of the order consists of two parts: ascertaining and administrative.

    In the statement part the goals and objectives of the prescribed actions, the reasons for issuing the order are reflected, a link is given to the document that served as the basis for preparing the order:

    Administrative part contains the prescribed actions, the names of the officials responsible for their implementation, and the deadlines for implementation. The administrative part is separated from the ascertaining part by the word “I order”, a colon is put. The administrative part of the text of the order, as a rule, is divided into paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals with dots.

    Each paragraph of the administrative part begins with an indication of a specific action, expressed by the verb in an indefinite form.

    Separate tasks (for example, tasks containing digital data) can be drawn up as an annex to the order with a link to them in the relevant paragraphs of the order.

    On the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner is the inscription:

    Application (1,2…)
    to the order dated 11.02.2001 N 2

    If documents of another organization are given in the annex to the order, then a corresponding entry is made in the upper right corner of this application:

    to the order dated 02.02.2001 N 12

    The pages of the order and applications are numbered as a single document.

    The order can be signed:

  • leader;
  • the person acting as the head in the absence of the latter;
  • deputy (if the charter of the OS allows the deputy director to issue orders).
  • It is not allowed to sign orders with the preposition "for", putting a slash or other signs before the name of the position. An order without a signature has no legal force.

    The signature of the head is sealed with the official seal of the institution.

    In the book of orders, the signature of the head is sufficient, certifying the order, since there are rules for maintaining and storing the book of orders that do not allow falsifications and corrections of entries made in it.

    Following the signature is placed: “I am familiar with the order: (SIGNATURE F.I.O.)” the signature, decoding of the signature and the date are put by the employee in his own hand.

    All orders issued in an educational institution can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • organization of the UVP
  • Financial and economic activity
  • Personnel
  • students
  • In the work of the institution there are orders that are repeated annually at the same time, i.e. are cyclical.

    A cyclogram (approximate) of orders for an educational institution by months is given in the appendix.


    Orders are issued by deputy directors for water resources management within their competence and are drawn up similarly to orders. The ascertaining part of the text in the orders is separated from the administrative part by the words: “I propose”, “I recommend”, “I oblige”, “I consider it necessary”.

    Application processes management decisions educational institution and the decisions themselves are documented using the minutes of conferences, pedagogical councils.

    Protocols are drawn up in a special notebook and contain the following details: the name of the educational institution, the name of the type of document, the date of the protocol is the date of the meeting. Heading - collection form and name of the self-government body.

    The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

    The introductory part contains constant information (words: "Chairman", "Secretary", "Attended").

    The introductory part of the protocol ends with the agenda, followed by a colon.

    The agenda items are numbered. Each new question starts on a new line. The sequence of questions is determined by the degree of their importance.

    Questions are listed in the nominative case. The report (report, message, information), the title of the position, the initials and surname of the speaker are written in the genitive case.

    Each question must be specific.

    The main part of the text is built in accordance with the agenda items. The construction of a record of the discussion of each agenda item is carried out according to the scheme "Listened - acted - decided (decided)", questions and answers are also recorded.

    In practice, it is applied short form minutes, when only the list of those present, the issues under consideration and the decisions taken are indicated.

    Extract from the protocol

    An extract from the protocol contains the following details:

    name of the general educational institution, name of the type of document (EXTRACT FROM THE PROTOCOL), date (date of the meeting), index, place of compilation, title to the text, text, signatures, mark of certification of the copy, mark of execution, direction to the "case".

    The information and reference documents generated in the course of the activities of the educational institution include: certificates, memorandums, letters, telephone messages.

    Letter. Letters are issued on forms, include the following composition of details:

  • name of the educational institution,
  • date,
  • a link to the index and date of the incoming document,
  • destination,
  • management resolution,
  • title to text
  • text,
  • mark of the presence of the application,
  • artist mark,
  • TELEPHONE GRAM . The telephone message includes the following details:

  • the date,
  • signature,
  • the names of the persons who received and transmitted the telephone message.
  • The text should not include more than 50 words. The telephone message must be dated and signed by the person on whose behalf it is transmitted.

    Reference .

    Certificate - a document confirming any facts or events.

    References are of two types:

    1. Certificates are drawn up to describe or confirm facts or events in the activities of the institution. Compiled at the direction of a higher organization or head of an institution for information on the implementation of plans, tasks, instructions and submitted on time.

    The text of this reference consists of two parts:

    In the first part, the facts that gave rise to its writing are stated, in the second, specific data are given. Conclusions and suggestions are not given in the certificate.

    This is the difference from a memorandum.

    The certificate should objectively reflect the state of affairs, its compilation requires careful collection and verification of information, tables can be provided.

    Certificates drawn up for the head of the institution are signed by the compiler.

    Certificates are compiled at the direction of a higher organization, signed by the head of the institution.

    The date of the certificate is the date of its signing.

    2. Certificates certifying legal facts: confirmation of the place of work, position held, salary, etc. For them, standardized screen forms are used.

    Such certificates are issued upon request. stakeholders(employees) or institutions and are recorded in the journal of issued certificates.

    The text begins with the indication of the surname, name, patronymic (in the nominative case) of the person about whom the information is reported. At the end of the certificate, the name of the organization or institution to which it is represented is indicated.

    In educational institutions, there are mainly three types of certificates:

  • certificate of the student's education in this class, this educational institution;
  • certificate confirming the transfer from another educational institution;
  • help for employees.
  • Certificates are signed by the head of the institution.

    Reporting and explanatory notes.

    memorandum may be handwritten.

    This is a document addressed to the head and informing him about the current situation, the phenomenon that took place or the fact of the work performed, as well as containing the conclusions and suggestions of the compiler.

    The text of the memorandum is divided into two parts: 1-stating, which sets out the facts that have taken place or describes the situation, and 2- where the proposal or request is stated.

    The text of the memorandum must be preceded by a heading beginning with the preposition "About", "About".

    The memorandum is drawn up on a plain sheet of paper with the reproduction of the details of the form.

    Explanatory notes- a document explaining the content of certain provisions of the main document or explaining the reasons for an event, fact, act. Explanatory notes explaining the content of certain provisions of the main document are drawn up on the general letterhead of the institution.

    Explanatory notes about any incidents, situations, actions and behavior of individual employees are drawn up on clean sheets papers with reproduction of the same details and signed by the compiler.

    Employee's personal file is a set of documents containing the most complete information about the employee and his work activity. A personal file is drawn up after the issuance of an order for employment.

    Personal files are maintained for all employees of the OS.

    Documents in personal files are arranged in the following order:

  • Internal inventory of case documents;
  • application for a job;
  • direction or presentation;
  • questionnaire;
  • personnel record sheet;
  • autobiography;
  • copy of the passport;
  • education documents;
  • certification sheet;
  • extracts from orders on appointment, transfer, dismissal;
  • addition to the personal personnel record sheet (it contains data on the receipt of bonuses or the imposition of penalties, on awards, etc.).
  • Copies of orders to impose penalties, certificates of health and residence, leave applications, copies of leave orders and other documents of secondary importance are not placed in a personal file.

    Personal files may be issued for temporary use to certain officials. The circle of persons allowed to use personal files is determined by the director of the educational institution.

    When working with a personal file, it is forbidden to make any corrections in previously made entries, make new entries in it, extract documents from the personal file.

    Personal files are not handed over to the employees on whom they are filed.

    To send personal files on relevant requests to other organizations, the permission of the head of this educational institution is required.

    Personal files have a long shelf life.

    Employment history is the main document on the labor activity of workers and employees.

    Employment records are maintained for all employees of an educational institution who have worked for more than 5 days.

    Applicants are required to present to the director a work book (for a part-time job a copy of the work book), drawn up in the prescribed manner.

    Employment without a work book is not allowed.

    The guide for the director of the educational institution is the Instruction “On the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations” No. 162 of June 20, 1974.

    The educational institution maintains the following documentation for recording work book forms and completed work books:

    * book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them.

    Educational and pedagogical documentation.

    School documents must be drawn up in a timely manner, clearly, legibly, without erasures, blots that cast doubt on the correctness of the data entered. Entries in documents must be made ballpoint pen blue or typewriter. Where it is possible to use computer technology, it is allowed to compose, edit and print texts with their help. An error made in the text or digital data of a document,

    Corrected as follows; erroneous words or numbers are crossed out so that you can read the crossed out, and the corrected data is written on top. All corrections made must be specified and certified by the signatures of the persons who issued the document.

    The educational and pedagogical documentation of the school consists of:

  • student alphabet book,
  • movement book;
  • personal file of students;
  • cool magazines;
  • journals of extracurricular activities;
  • journals of after-school groups;
  • book of registration of forms and issuance of certificates of basic general education;
  • book of registration of forms and issuance of certificates of secondary (complete) education;
  • accounting book for the issuance of gold and silver medals;
  • books of protocols of the pedagogical council of the school;
  • order books;
  • books of accounting for the personnel of pedagogical workers;
  • log of missed and replaced lessons.
  • When changing the director of the school, they must be transferred according to the act. The act is signed by the former and newly appointed directors, as well as the head of the CBR.

    The school files must contain an extract from the decision of the district administration to assign a microdistrict to the school with the exact formation of its boundaries.

    Inspection acts, memoranda or certificates, a book of comments and suggestions of inspecting persons are also stored in the school's files. The following are the basic requirements for maintaining the most important documents general education school.

    Alphabetical record book of students.

    An alphabetical record book of students is maintained at each school. Everything is written in the book

    school students. Every year, information about students of a new admission is entered into it. The names of students are listed in alphabetical order, regardless of the grades in which they study. Separate pages are allocated for each letter of the alphabet, and each letter has its own serial numbering. The serial number of the student's entry in the book is also the number of his personal file.

    The departure of students and their graduation from the school is documented by the order of the director, indicating the reason for the departure; at the same time, an entry is made in the alphabetical book: the number and date of the order, the reason for the departure is indicated.

    If a student who previously left the school, whose departure was issued by order, returns to it again, then the data about him is recorded as for a newly enrolled student, while the date of return of the student marked "return" is recorded in the column "Date of entry to school".

    When using all the pages of the alphabet book, students record on one or another letter, the continuation of the records is made in a new book in the order of subsequent numbers for each letter.

    Corrections in the book are sealed by the signature of the headmaster. The book is page numbered, laced and sealed with the headmaster's signature and school seal.

    Student's personal file.

    A personal file of students is maintained at each school and for each student from the moment of admission to graduation. In the personal file of students, general information about students, final grades for grades and records of awards (commendations, commendations, gold, silver medals) are entered. During the period of students in the 10th-11th grades, the certificate of basic general education is in the personal file of the student and is handed out after graduation from high school.

    AT personal card when a student leaves school, form No. 286 (health information) is enclosed, filled out based on the results of annual medical examinations. The personal file of students in grades 1-4 is maintained by teachers, grades 5-11 by class teachers. The personal file of students has a number corresponding to the number in the alphabetical book; Upon graduation, the personal file of students is kept at the school.

    Cool magazine.

    Cool magazine- a state document of the established form.

  • Cool magazines - stored in the archive of the institution for 5 years, then the last sheets with general information and the final grades of students are withdrawn, formed into one book of the corresponding academic year, such a book is stored for 25 years.
  • The class journal is subject to inspection by the administration with comments being made on the “Remarks on maintaining a class journal” page at least once a month.
  • If there are comments or suggestions from the inspector, it is required to eliminate them within a week.
  • The distribution of pages in the class magazine is carried out by the deputy director for academic work in accordance with the number of hours allotted in curriculum for each academic discipline:


    Office work at school

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    The activities of an educational organization are inextricably linked with the creation of documentation that ensures reporting on all management operations.

    Documentation at school is an important component of the administrative process aimed at the implementation of:

  • educational process at school;
  • solving personnel issues;
  • conducting related business activities.
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    The documentation created to record the intermediate and final results of the work of the management staff contains reliable data on the actual state of all school assets. Therefore, there are special requirements for document management, which are reflected in the current legislative framework.

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    Regulations on office work at school

    The organization of document circulation in the educational institution is carried out strictly in accordance with the regulatory requirements, which provide for the implementation of uniform standards for the preparation and completion of documents in each school.

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    Responsible Valentina Andreeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department labor law and rights social security Russian state university justice

    The inspection bodies require that the heads of educational organizations, when providing the office work system, rely on the following regulations:

    1. Documentation of administrative activities, personnel work.
    2. Processing and moving papers.
    3. Registration when transferring documentation to the archive.
    4. Monitoring the execution of administrative documents.

    Instructions for office work at school

    The rules for compiling each type of document are also subject to strict regulation, fixed by a local instruction of the established form. The provisions of this local act are applicable to filling out paper and electronic media, which makes it possible to guarantee the unification of the school document management system. At the same time, the presented rules for filling out papers apply to accounting, technical and other specialized types documentation only in terms of general principles.

    Certified instructions for the implementation of office work at school should contain the following sections:

  • General provisions governing the application of the rules presented to each individual type of documentation.
  • The composition of the documentation used.
  • Rules for the preparation of documents, fixing the rules for filling out empty forms, specifying details, requirements for the content and structure of each individual type of paper.
  • Preparation and execution of especially important types of documentation: orders, instructions, protocols, official letters, telephone messages, statements, notes, acts.
  • Organization of the execution of documents - a section that approves the requirements for the procedures for preliminary registration, consideration, distribution, processing and transfer of papers.
  • Control over the execution of documents, regulating the forms and terms of control, the level of responsibility of authorized persons.
  • Production and use of seals and stamps.
  • Features of conducting the nomenclature of affairs.
  • The procedure for transferring documents for storage.
  • HR management at school

    In the current labor law In our country, the concept of "personnel office work" is not distinguished. Therefore, the employee responsible for maintaining the document flow in an educational organization - the head or the office worker, the secretary - in his activities should be guided by general state standards on documentary support of personnel work and local acts of the educational institution.

    Implementation personnel consistent office work at school provides for the compilation and preservation of various types of documentation, which include:

  • Labor contracts.
  • Labor books.
  • Staff schedule.
  • Job descriptions of employees of the educational institution.
  • Personal files of employees.
  • Vacation schedules and shifts.
  • Timesheets.
  • HR orders.
  • Applications from teachers.
  • Hospital sheets.
  • Documents on the protection of personal data.
  • Journals of registration of travel documents.
  • Graphs of certification of subject teachers and other pedagogical workers.
  • Office work at school, sample documents

    The textual support of the school's activities is formed by a documentation system, classified in accordance with the areas of application. As part of the office work at the school, samples of such documents remain the most in demand:

    1. Organizational

  • school charter,
  • agreement with the founder
  • job descriptions,
  • internal regulations for employees,
  • staffing schedule.
  • 2. Administrative

    These include orders:

  • on the organization of the educational process,
  • for administrative and economic activities,
  • in terms of staff and students
  • instructions on labor protection, fire safety.
  • 3. Information and reference

    These are references, reports and explanatory notes, protocols of teachers' councils, thematic seminars and forums, letters, telegrams, telephone messages, documents on personnel records management discussed above.

    4. Educational and pedagogical documentation

    These include:

  • students' personal files
  • cool magazines,
  • command books,
  • factbooks, etc.
  • I would like to note that due to the trends of time, the nature of the workflow in the educational institution is changing. Storage of original papers related to ensuring optimal lighting and temperature regime in the archive, fades into the background. A large amount of documentation is translated into electronic form, which allows you to quickly find the information you need and save money on the maintenance of the archive.