What is a world cafe. Technology "world cafe" as an unconventional form of holding a pedagogical council. About World Cafe technology

World Cafe:

small conversations with big meaning

The clinking of coffee cups on saucers and the bitter smoke slowly rising from the cup and dancing in the air… Surprisingly quiet for a room full of people. But you can hear waitresses taking orders, women whispering, men exchanging sports news and job stories… and the slight scratch of pencil on paper around the corner where a silent observer is leaning against an abandoned jukebox.

The beginning of one of the coffee stories

The "Café of the World" is not a world-famous coffee shop, although, in a sense, it is, too; this is a world-famous technology that allows you to masterfully combine business with pleasure, transfer the cozy atmosphere of coffee shops to serious audiences and make discussions comfortable, enjoyable, creative and productive.

The World Cafe was conceived in 1995 as a result of a two-day seminar held at Pioneers intellectual capital". Impressed by the depth, creativity, and quality of the interaction, the participants asked themselves: “How did such a wonderful dialogue happen with such a result?” Further reflection on this subject led to the creation of "Coffee Etiquette" and the principles of the "World Cafe".

"World Cafe" refers to technologies that allow creating a platform for reflection on the experience gained, planning and creating new creative ideas and products. Conversation between the participants is a creative process that promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as the creation of opportunities for further cooperation. This technology can be carried out in groups of any size. By its principles, the Cafe is similar to the Open Space technology, but communication here is built according to a different scheme.

The "World Cafe" is widely used in Europe in various fields: both in business and in education (formal and informal). There is even an online community of trainers working with this technology (www.theworldcafecommunity.org). On the community website, you can get acquainted with the calendar of the Cafe around the world, as well as its results, start your own blog and meet foreign colleagues, ask all your questions and much more, and learn more about the technology on its official website: www.theworldcafe .org

In Russia, the Cafe is just beginning to be used, and in Belarus the pioneer in its approbation was the “Educational Center “POST””. We hosted a World Cafe at the end of a long youth educational program"Inhale-and-Exhale" in order to summarize the results and discuss plans for the future. We were very impressed with both the process and the results. However, for the Cafe to really succeed, you need to carefully prepare it.

Several manuals have been written on the implementation of the technology, which have been translated into 7 languages. Unfortunately, there is not yet a complete, well-translated manual in Russian, therefore, if the hosts do not speak English or other languages, it is difficult to put the material together and figure out the algorithm for holding a Cafe on their own. We ourselves studied examples for a long time, looked at photographs, read all kinds of teaching materials to prepare it at a decent level, fully maintaining the procedure. In this article, I have collected, as it seems to me, all the material necessary for the beginning "owner of the Cafe". However, in order to understand it, it will be necessary to read the article from beginning to end, without jumping over paragraphs.

It should be noted that the main load in this technology falls on the preparation stage. The more time you put into it, the more rewards you can expect.

How to prepare and hold the "World Cafe"?

Stage one: why do we need all this?

Before starting direct preparation, the facilitators should clearly understand for themselves answers to the following questions:

Why do people go to the cafe? What question would you like to state for consideration and research?

Who should be invited as participants in order for the discussion of this issue to be most effective?

Which of the participants will represent the “traditional” point of view on the issue, and who will represent the “unconventional”, different from the usual?

How long can the discussion last?

How many aspects of the proposed problem would you like to discuss? Which ones will be the most important, and which ones will stimulate creativity?

What seems to be the most desirable outcome of the discussion?


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ADUKATAR №2(18), 2010

Stage two:

how to turn a pumpkin into a coachman?

When people are asked where the most significant conversations in their lives took place, many people name the place next to the dining or kitchen table. When people gather around a small table, intimacy comes naturally.

Cafes all over the world see as their primary task the creation of an atmosphere in which customers feel comfortable. When a person enters the room and sees the coffee tables, he realizes that he was not in the traditional discussion. When people feel comfortable and entitled to be themselves, they are more likely to think creatively, listen and speak. Therefore, the creation of a friendly atmosphere and the appropriate design of the Cafe is a very important part of it.

Creating an atmosphere begins with an invitation to visit the Cafe. The invitation must indicate the name of the Cafe, its theme or the central issue that will be discussed. It must be emphasized that this will be a study of the problem (question), and not a discussion in the “problem-solution” format.

In addition to the theme, the Cafe should have a name. "World Cafe" is the common name for the technology. And the Cafe, which you will conduct, should have its own private name, which will emphasize its individuality. Let's say "Creative Cafe", "Discussion Cafe", "Intercultural Cafe", etc. We held a "Creative Cafe" on the topic "How to learn to be a highlight in a barrel of raisins?", and the focus of the discussion was the opportunity and the need to learn how to freely express, defend and embody even the most incredible ideas.

The design of the room in which the technology will be carried out (this can be an ordinary audience or a real cafe) is usually done as follows:

If possible, choose a place with natural light and good view out of the window.

Tables (for 4-5 people; less than 4 people will narrow the possible perspectives in the discussion of the issue, more than 5 people will narrow the opportunities for personal interaction) are arranged randomly; they should not be arranged in straight lines.

Artificial bright tablecloths are used, which are covered with two sheets for flip chart.

Mugs or glasses for wine are placed on each table, in which water-based markers, pencils, pens are laid out. You can also put a stack of white napkins. Participants are invited to write and draw on "tablecloths" and napkins.

A vase of flowers and a candle complete the composition.

The process of communication in the Cafe is accompanied by light music.

Snacks and drinks must be displayed at a separate table.

Stage three: how to ask correctly?

In fact, compiling a list of questions for the Cafe is a key step in preparation. If the questions are well composed, the host will not have to worry about the course and outcome of the event. It can be discussed as one or several issues that are a continuation of each other.

Well-formulated questions draw energy and our attention to what is really important about the topic under discussion. They do not involve immediate action, they involve the study, not the defense of one's own beliefs. It is desirable to formulate open questions that do not require a "yes" or "no" answer. It should be remembered

what good question meets the following criteria: it is simple and clear; stimulates thinking and the desire to study the problem deeper; generates energy; sets the direction of the research; reveals intuitive knowledge; opens up new possibilities.

There is a lot of literature on the effective formulation of questions, but it is for the Cafe that I would recommend reading the book “The Art of Asking Effective Questions” (Vogt, E., Brown, J., Isaacs, D. “The art of powerful questions”), which can be download from the official website of the World Cafe.

Here I will only comment on the basic principles that beginner "coffee lovers" will need.

An effective question has 3 dimensions: structure, frame, and assumption.

1 The linguistic structure of a question can either open our consciousness to new experience and reflection, or close it. Compare the effectiveness of the following

a few questions:

- Are you satisfied with our business relationship?

- What do you like the most about our working relationship?

- Why in our business relations are there ups and downs?

A pyramid of effective question words allows you to better navigate which of them are less effective, which are more. The words at the bottom of the pyramid are ineffective. The higher to the peak, the more effective the question word.

2 It is important to be able not only to correctly structure questions using interrogative words, but also to correlate them with the possibilities and needs of the situation. For example, in

the following three questions, the framework is gradually expanding:

- How to effectively manage our working group?

- How to effectively manage our company?

- How to effectively manage our network of organizations?

If we were to ask the question "How to manage the economy?", the scope would immediately become too broad. The question should not push the boundary beyond the capacity of the discussants.

Who? When? Where? Which? Not really?

3 The nature of language is such that most questions involve assumptions in one way or another. They may or may not be shared by the group that responds to them. For example, the question “How to build a system of bilingual education in Belarus?” contains the assumption that the debaters agree that bilingualism is important

students' ability.

Effective questions challenge many commonly held assumptions. For example, what assumptions can be called into question by the following question: “How to eliminate the border between Belarus and Poland?”?

For wording effective questions it is important to see the assumptions and use them as a tool.

In the following two questions, the assumptions are instrumentally triggered with different effects:

- "Who is to blame and what to do?" (assumption: error and fault). The assumption in this question is a "safety cushion" for the responder, since the very fact of the answer sets the defensive position.

- “What can we learn from the situation that happened, and what are our prospects?” The assumption in this matter stimulates more reflection and cooperation among the members of the group leading the discussion.

We spent on compiling questions for the Cafe “How to learn to be a highlight in a barrel of raisins?” a total of about 8 hours. During the first meeting in 4 hours, we could not make a list that would meet all the criteria, and would satisfy us. Most of the questions were successful only at first glance, but if you imagine the need for their active discussion and access to new level understanding, which in turn can lead to a new level of action, it became clear that the questions would not work the way we needed.

I had to study additional literature. In the library of the owners of the Cafe on the site dedicated to technology, there are links to the literature necessary for this. By the way, if you want to run good Cafes, the art of asking easy-to-understand but difficult-to-answer questions will have to be mastered.

In the end, for 5 rounds of the Cafe on the topic "How to become a highlight in a barrel of raisins?" We have compiled the following questions:

First round: what ideas of ours are worthy of being evaluated publicly?

Second round: why do we often fail to implement our ideas, although we consider them successful?

Round Three: How can we use this group to help us fulfill ourselves as best we can?

Fourth round: If we were guaranteed success, what would we do now?

Round 5: Which of our ideas are worth being publicly valued?

For comparison, we can also cite the questions that were used for the Cafe, the purpose of which was to develop a vision of mediation services in various institutions. This Cafe was the finale of various educational activities for professionals from the field of education (formal and non-formal), as well as the service sector (for example, tourism).

First round: what problems can be solved if mediation services are created?

Second round: what obstacles need to be overcome in order to create effective mediation services?

Third round: what should be the sequence of actions to implement mediation in my institution?

Fourth round: How can we support each other in the next steps to bring mediation to a professional level?

Fifth round: what problems can be solved if mediation services are created?

In the latter case, the questions were less effective. Why? We did not focus on each individual participant, asking the question frame too broad. As a result, the participants swung to the point of solving demographic problems and reducing crime through mediation, which, of course, is a fantasy, cut off from the professional reality of everyone, as well as from reality in principle. Given the tendency of our people to total generalization in judgments, questions must necessarily contain a specific frame. For example, it would be better if our question was: “What problems of the institution where I work can be solved if a mediation service is created in it?”

Algorithm for holding a coffee meeting

First, determine the number of rounds of your Cafe and explain the rules to visitors. Each round usually lasts 20–30 minutes. For optimal discussion of the topic, it is better to hold 3-4 rounds.

It is advisable to put a memo with “coffee etiquette” and guidelines for the “table owner” on each table. If it is not possible to print them for each table, you can write them out on a flip chart, which will be available for viewing throughout the discussion.

coffee etiquette

- Focus on what matters.

- Contribute with your ideas.

- Speak with your mind and heart.

- Listen to understand.

- Combine ideas.

- Listen carefully for insights and deepening of the issues discussed.

- Play, record and sketch - writing on napkins is welcome!

- Enjoy!


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I am the owner of the table. What should I do?

- Remind people at your table to jot down key relationships, ideas, discoveries, and newer questions as they arise.

- Stay at a table when the group leaves and greet travelers from another table.

Leaders should also keep in mind five possible ways to improve the Cafe:

Use a graphic secretary

In some cases, all discussions of the Cafe are recorded by a graphic secretary, who sketches the group's achievements on a flip chart.

Take graphic tours

Sometimes members post their group's notes on the wall so that others can see the group's thinking as they explore an idea.

Write down your insights

Participants can use large sticky notes to write key ideas down on the board or wall so that other people can brush up on ideas during the break.

Create an idea tree

Stickers are grouped by degree of similarity so that similar ideas can be viewed to plan the group's next steps.

Create a story

Many Cafes create stories or books as an end product that can be shown to people after the Cafe is closed. The graphic editor can create a book of drawings and explanatory documents for them.

Conducting our "Creative Cafe" we went along the classical path. The cafe was real (in the sense that the technology was carried out in the premises of a real cafe). On a separate table behind the main discussion tables, we set out water and snacks.

We covered the tables with paper for a flip chart, set up candles, laid out markers and napkins. It seemed to us that the participants were likely to make minimal use of notes on paper napkins or "tablecloths", since such a system is not practiced and not particularly welcomed in the formal education system.

However, we were wrong. Our "clients" filled half of the napkins with pleasure, used sheets for flipcharts, as well as additional A4 paper.

Stage four:

how to discuss?

Display the first question and announce the first round. Encourage participants to write down, sketch their ideas on napkins and large sheets of paper in the center of the table. Before the end of the round (not just the first, but everyone else), ask one person to stay at the table as the "host", while the rest of the participants will act as "travelers". Their task is to transfer the accumulated ideas and discuss them from a different point of view at other tables, that is, the rest of the participants disperse one or two to other tables

Cafe, thus forming new groups for discussion. Each time, moving to a new table, a person brings with him a thread of conversation from his previous table and weaves it into the threads of conversations of other travelers. Each new round advances the discussion in greater depth.

Display the second question and announce the second round. The discussion in the second round should take into account the ideas of the first round. The table owner welcomes the new group and briefly shares the main ideas, topics and issues discussed here, and each "traveler" shares an idea from his previous group. The task of the second round is to connect the threads of the ideas of the first round from different tables with the ideas that arise on this moment. By the end of the second round, all ideas in the Cafe will be “crossed” with each other.

In the same way, you should act in all rounds until the last. In the last round, the groups return to their "home" tables, and the host must display the question that was discussed in the first round, so the groups will answer it again, but already synthesizing all the new ideas. Sometimes for the last round is placed new question for a deeper study of the topic.

Thanks to well-formulated questions, the discussion within the framework of our "Creative Cafe" was very stormy, there was no need to regulate it, since enthusiastic visitors were already quite active.

I must say that food and drinks not only do not distract, but very well help the discussion process. Have you noticed how quickly you run out of apples, nuts, cookies and other food that is at your fingertips during the thought process? So it was during the Cafe - the first round in this regard was calm. But the more active the discussion process became, the more often visitors turned to the back table, and the faster the food disappeared from it.

Stage five:

how to summarize the discussion?

At the end of the last round, a general discussion of the developed ideas should be held. To do this, each table must be allowed to speak on its initial idea and its final result. You can then ask the whole group the following questions:

If only one statement was possible in a room, what would it be?

What have we learned from this discussion?

AT Within the framework of the "Creative Cafe", the participants developed several interesting ideas for possible further activities, with which work is ongoing. For example, an idea arose to create a student fraternity that would organize the activities and leisure activities of students from different universities in a number of areas (for example, sports, outdoor activities, social problems etc.). The students themselves noted that the activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, which is being carried out in this direction, do not satisfy them, since it is very authoritarian and does not provide an opportunity to realize oneself as one would like. In this regard, the idea constantly arises to create an informal student community that could solve the same problems in a slightly different way. Of course, it is very difficult to implement such an idea in its pure form, therefore, during further discussion, it was transformed into a different version, which is planned to be implemented as a full-fledged project.

The second idea expressed by young people is to hold themed evenings dedicated to some issues of interest to all. Thus, students would be happy to organize a community whose goal would be the mutual enrichment of knowledge and experience. Such a community could meet several times a month and each time prepare a discussion of some pressing issue.

During the discussion in the Cafe, another group emerged that would be ready to take care of homeless animals on a volunteer basis and work on creating shelters for them. Moreover, there were quite a lot of such amateur volunteers. The participants expressed their desire to continue to work with this topic and develop it in different directions. For example, to combine the idea of ​​shelters, animal adaptation and animal therapy in order to basically instill in children and adults the appropriate attitude towards pets.

Ideas of volunteer assistance in the restoration of architectural monuments of Belarus, creative design of houses, playgrounds for children, entrances, as well as the creation of a center for environmental human relations, etc.

Each of these ideas is interesting and each deserves attention and further development. While work is underway to write a draft on only one of them, but in the future we plan to return to all, discuss them with a fresh approach. And try to implement.

In what areas is the World Cafe used?

There are many examples of using the Cafe - from education to business. For example, association financial planning in the United States uses this technology to carefully understand the views of its members and help them build a shared future, and Wells Fargo Bank uses the World Cafe for effective planning.

The World Cafe is now very widely used to discuss global climate change and ways out of the current crisis. And in a small village in Italy, in the form of a Cafe, a conference was even held: 20 foreign students gathered to discuss the issue of the limits of freedom in music together with professors.

An interesting example are the World Café meetings, which were developed by Maori tribal leaders, which integrate traditional tribal rituals into facilitation to reach agreements between different groups of landowners at different stages of land development, carried out as part of a 150-year treaty.

"World Cafe" is being used in distance learning. For example, in the MAOM online master's program. Bo Gyllenpalm, one of the program's instructors, developed his World Café Organizational Development Concepts and Methods course based on the principles used in non-virtual delivery. The course is 12 weeks long with no more than 9 students.

The first step is to register students and introduce yourself. This takes about a week, because people do not simultaneously log on to the Internet while they are online. different countries and in different time zones. This is followed by 3 rounds of the Cafe for 3 weeks each, the 11th week is a reflection of the material acquired in the process of discussing the material, and the last is a discussion of the entire course.

Each round has several questions within common theme around which there is discussion. Each member of the group chooses a question for himself, the “owner” of which he will be, so that during the 12 weeks of the course, everyone will be in the role of “table owner” at least once.

In the first week, the "hosts" post some kind of introductory white paper, which becomes an introduction to the issue, a list of sources related to it, offer their thoughts on this subject for review, and also present a list of questions that could be the beginning of a dialogue.

Discussion of issues within the round takes place simultaneously. Students read the content of the discussion of each "table", write their reasoning, enter into discussions, provide links to additional material, thus contributing to the issue under discussion. In the first week of a new round, the table owners of the previous round have the opportunity to sum up the discussion of their questions. The penultimate week is devoted to preparing a reflection of what is happening and all documents are hung out in a special "Reflexive Cafe".

Bo Gyllenpalm believes that virtual Cafes are no less effective than regular ones (if not to be confused with online chats, which are now often called Cafes), because, firstly, participants quickly understand that each of them is in this case an expert in the topic under discussion, including themselves, secondly, the participants have more time to reflect on primary and accumulated materials before joining the discussion, thirdly, the materials are presented visually, which facilitates the learning process a significant number members of the group, fourthly, students have time to find additional interesting resources for discussion, and fifthly, the group can be very diverse in terms of cultural, social, gender, and other aspects.

Having tried to hold the World Cafe for the first time, we came to the conclusion that any technology that is considered productive is such only when all the rules for its implementation are met. This means that you need to take design issues very seriously, use all the necessary technical means, to fully comply with the rules of conduct, to be serious about the development of issues. In general, follow the procedure. In this case, there is a chance to hope for a good result. If you try to do without some details or stages, or do not pay attention to trifles, the result will be “blurred”. The World Cafe is particularly revealing in this respect.

We also see big potential for the variability of topics, approaches and results that this technology provides, so we hope that it will be actively used in the Belarusian educational space, just as it happens in most countries of the world.


ADUKATAR №2(18), 2010

MBOU NOSH No. 21, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Shavrina Irina Vladimirovna
Deputy Director for VR/Primary School Teacher
first qualification category
Master Class
Topic. Organization of the teacher's activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO using the "World Cafe" technology.
The World Cafe Method
Technology of organizational development and changes "The World Cafe" (The World Cafe) -
it is the technology and art of talking to the point, talking about the essence of the matter in a relaxed and open atmosphere - in the cozy atmosphere of a familiar cafe.
The World Cafe method allows you to involve the collective intelligence of the participants in the discussion process and disposes them to a large-scale, multi-level dialogue.
The method originated in California, 1995. The authors of the method are Juanita Brown and David Isaacs. They believe that "the health of any community is determined by the quality of the conversation between its members."
The World Cafe technology is ideal when it is necessary to collect information, organize an exchange of opinions of a large number of people on issues and problems that are important for an organization or community; explore opportunities for further action and innovative solutions. It is important that “everyone talks to everyone”; developed a common vision of the problem; there are several points of view to the same question, and it is necessary to order them. The technology requires minimal preparation - determining the topic and issues for discussion, but this stage is the most important and determines the success of the entire event.
The goal of the "World Cafe" is to create an opportunity for contact not so much professional as, first of all, personal, according to the principle: "If human relations, then the result business communication will always be successful."
The task of the World Cafe participants is to collect as much information as possible: impressions, opinions and assessments of experienced professionals.
And the result of such work should be a “picture of the world” obtained in a very short time, a reflection of the situation in the minds of those present, in other words, a “section of the general opinion” on the topic of the Round Table (in this case). Detailed reflection and outline joint activities by generating ideas.
The technology of the "World Cafe" can be used in their professional activity subject teachers, methodologists, class teachers, teachers additional education, social educators and psychologists.
The host is in charge of inviting participants, organizing the space for holding a cafe.
Action algorithm
The participants of the Round Table are divided into groups of 5-8 people and are distributed at tables numbered from No. 1 to No. 7.
The "owner" - the moderator - constantly sits at each table, and the rest of the participants - the "guests" move from table to table whenever a new round of changing the topic and table is announced - the "discussion round" (every 5-8 minutes).
The host gives each guest stickers (at least 3-4 according to the number of questions discussed at the table), on which guests must write their vision of the topic, their answer to the question (their experience, their ideas, reasoning, feelings, suggestions).
After 3-4 rounds (when the circle is closed and the guests returned to their first host, to their first table), a "harvest" is held - an analysis and summing up of the Round Table. There is a reflection, the designation of perspectives joint work. On the "tablecloth" - sheets of A-4 paper or whatman paper, the guests, with the help of the host, place the main ideas and thoughts born in the course of the cafe's work on their theme by all the participants of the cafe.
The World Cafe ends with a presentation from each table. Delegates from each table (1-3 people) inform the rest of the participants of their result - their conclusions GENERAL WORK on the subject of this table.
Questions for discussion by moderators-owners of the tables.
Table No. 1 Topic: “Problems that you encounter in the course of the implementation of the GEF IEO (you can graphically) Table owner ___________________

What problems hinder the formation of UUD (who, what, how)?
What can teachers do to improve the level of knowledge of modern schoolchildren?
Table number 2 Topic: “Successful pedagogical experience and achievements in the course of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO (you can graphically). Table owner ___________________
Questions from the owner of the table, to which the guests answer in writing on sticky pieces of paper
What forms, methods, technologies are used in the lesson at your school, taking into account the introduction of the GEF IEO
Which of them do you think are the most effective?
Table 3: Problems and prospects for organizing extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. What problems did you encounter when organizing extracurricular activities?
2. Ways to solve the problems that have arisen in organizing extracurricular activities in your school in the process of introducing and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard?
Table No. 4 Topic: "Modern challenges - a threat or a resource for successful work on the implementation of GEF IEO?" (can be graphically) Table owner ___________________
Questions from the owner of the table, to which the guests answer in writing on sticky pieces of paper
1. How are modern children different? Pluses - minuses. Do we “keep up” with them or do we not need to “keep up”?
2. What modern forms, techniques, programs do you use in your work with children in extracurricular activities?
Table 5: "Organization of cooperation between families and schools in the context of the introduction of the GEF IEO"
1. What areas and forms of work with the family, in your opinion, are the most effective and efficient within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
2. What is the role of the parent community in the implementation of GEF IEO?
Table No. 6 Topic: "Issues of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and a new understanding of the quality of education"
1. What methodological techniques or pedagogical technologies have been mastered or are planned to be mastered by teachers of your school in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard?
2. What suggestions for methodological support can your group offer?
Table 7: Various teaching materials, innovations guidelines to the EMC, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. Which teaching materials do you prefer?
2. Why do you prefer this UMK?
Recommendations to the presenter and hosts of the table
round Activity
leading “table host” Participants / “guests” of the cafe
The introductory talks about the features of the work, the rules and the expected result;
introduces the owners of the tables invites guests to the tables;
focuses on the theme of the table
Proposes to consider the issue distributed and united in groups;
meet the hosts
start discussing, looking for answers
The initial round of discussions (conversations) during the conversation walks around the tables, supporting and pushing everyone to participate;
politely announces that it is time to move to another table and start the next
round of conversation;
reminds participants to capture key ideas, sketch out diagrams, and draw on the tablecloth;
makes sure that, to the extent possible, all key ideas are written down and
visualized, collected and discussed;
reminds the participants that if they are uncomfortable for some reason at the table, they can step aside, write down their thoughts on a sticky note. fixes without criticism helps to fix ideas (do not miss any);
directs the discussion vector in the right direction (without overt intervention) get time to look for all the answers to the question, write down, sketch and sketch key ideas on sticky notes - "tablecloths" or make notes on sticky notes ONE statement per ONE sticky tablecloth
Travel Round
(2 transitions) welcomes new "guests";
introduces the topic of conversation;
reminds those sitting at the table that they should briefly write down key ideas, thoughts, as soon as they “pop up”;
when returning “their” guests after all rounds, helps to analyze all the ideas, thoughts, reflections received in the process of work and helps guests to make general conclusion on the topic of "their" table, they become travelers or "ambassadors of understanding, meanings and meaning";
as new participants in the table, supplement the existing list with their ideas, for clarity, write down
The final round of discussions (conversations) return to their tables and summarize the discussion, systematize ideas, draw conclusions and present them visually on the tablecloth: for example, highlight several key ideas
Gallery of ideas
("Harvesting"): - the ideas of the tables are voiced Combines the whole statement into a common vision. Helps to nominate 1-2 people to present the results of the work of "their" table participate in the discussion, clustering of ideas, consolidation of ideas
Links to sources:
Martynova A.V. Facilitation as a technology for organizational development and change. //Organizational psychology. 2012 No. 2. P 53-91. or on the Official website of the Organizational Psychology Journal http://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2011/12/29/1262441531/OrgPsy_2011-2_Martynova_53-91.pdf
Official website of the Journal of Organizational Psychology www.orgpsyjournal.hse.ru

Attached files

World Café: WORLD CAFÉ small conversations with great meaning Alena Lugovtsova, photo by the author The sound of coffee cups on saucers and bitter smoke slowly rising from the cup and dancing in the air… Surprisingly quiet for a room full of people. But you can hear waitresses taking orders, women whispering, men exchanging sports news and job stories… and the slight scratching of pencil on paper around the corner where a silent observer is leaning against an abandoned jukebox. The beginning of one of the coffee stories "The World Cafe" is not a world-famous coffee house. Several manuals have been written on the implementation of the technology - although, in a sense, this is also true; it is world wide which are translated into 7 languages. Unfortunately, there is no well-known technology yet that allows a masterfully compatible, well-translated manual in Russian, to combine business with pleasure, to transfer a cozy atmosphere, therefore, if the hosts do not speak English or other coffee houses in serious audiences and make the discussion in com-languages, it is difficult to put the material together and independently - comfortable, enjoyable, creative and productive. but deal with the algorithm of the Cafe. We ourselves studied examples for a long time, looked at photographs, read “The World Cafe”, which was invented in 1995 as a result of all kinds of methodological materials in order to prepare those two-day seminar that took place in his company at a decent level, fully maintaining the procedure “Pioneers of Intellectual Capital ". Impressed by the depth. In this article, I have collected, as it seems to me, all the necessary, creativity and quality of interaction, its participation for the beginning "owner of the Cafe" material. However, for Nicky, they asked the question: “Due to what happened such a remark, in order to understand it, it will be necessary to read a detailed dialogue with a similar result?” Continue the article from start to finish without jumping over paragraphs. reflections on this subject led to the creation of "Coffee Etiquette" and the principles of the "World Cafe". It should be noted that the entire main load in this technology falls on the preparation stage. The more you devote to the "World Cafe" refers to technology, allowing time, the greater the return you can count on. who want to create a platform for reflection on the experience gained, technology planning and creation of new creative ideas and products. Conversation between the participants is a creative process that promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and creates opportunities for further collaboration. Can this technology be carried out in the World Cafe? groups of any size. In terms of its principles, the Café is similar to the Open Space technology, but the communi- cation here is built according to a different scheme. Before starting direct preparation, facilitators should have a clear idea of ​​the answers to the following “World Cafe” is widely used in Europe in various fields: both in business and in education (formal and informal). There is even an online message. Why do people gather in the Cafe? What question would the trainers working with this technology want to raise for consideration and research? (www.theworldcafecommunity.org). On the community site, you can get acquainted with the calendar of the Cafe around the world, as well as its results, start your own blog and get to know who should be invited as participants in order to discuss this issue more effectively? questions and much more, and learn more about the technology Which of the participants will represent the "traditional" ADUKATAR №2 (18), 2010, on its official website: www.theworldcafe.org point of view on the issue, and who - "unconventional", excellent - nuyu from habitual? In Russia, Cafe is just beginning to be used, and in Belarus, the pioneer in its approbation was “Educational” How long can a discussion be held? Center "POST". We held the World Café at the end- How many aspects of the proposed problem would a long-term youth education program want to discuss? Which ones will be the most important, and "Inhale-and-Exhale" to summarize the results and discuss - which ones will stimulate creativity? plans for the future. We were very impressed with both the process and the results. However, for the Cafe to really succeed, What seems to be the most desirable result, you need to carefully prepare it. discussions? Stage two: that a good question meets the following criteria: it is simple and clear; stimulates thinking and desire to study - how to turn a pumpkin into a coachman? chit the problem deeper; generates energy; sets the direction When people are asked where the most significant research took place; reveals intuitive knowledge; open life conversations, then many call a place next to promises new opportunities. daytime or kitchen table. When people gather around Literature to effectively formulate small table questions, intimacy comes naturally. quite a lot, but it is for Cafes that I would recommend Cafes all over the world see their paramount task to read the book "The Art of Asking Effectively Creating an Atmosphere in which Customers Feel Questions" (Vogt, E., Brown, J., Isaacs, D. "The art of powerful is comfortable. When a person enters the room and sees coffee-questions"), which can be downloaded from the official site tables, he realizes that he is not at the traditional "World Cafe". discussion. When people feel comfortable and feel- Here I will only comment on the basic principles, there is a right to be yourself, they are more likely to be needed by beginner "coffee lovers". think creatively, listen and speak. Therefore, the creation of a friendly atmosphere and appropriate design. An effective issue has 3 dimensions: the structure, the organization of the Cafe is a very important part of it. frame and permission. Creating an atmosphere begins with an invitation to visit the Café. The invitation should indicate the name of the Cafe, its topic or the central question, which will be 1 The linguistic structure of the question can either open our minds to new experience and reflection, or close it. Compare the effectiveness of the following discussed. It must be emphasized that these will be names - several questions: but a study of the problem (question), and not a discussion in the “problem-solution” format. - Are you satisfied with our business relationship? - What in our working relations to the greatest extent- In addition to the theme, the Cafe should have a name. “Does the world impress you? cafe" is the common name for the technology. And the Cafe, which - Why do rises happen in our business relations - will you spend, should have its own private name, you and downs? which will emphasize his individuality. Let's say "Creative Cafe", "Discussion Cafe", "Intercultural Pyramid of Effective Question Words Allows Cafe", etc. We held a “Creative Cafe” on the topic “How to navigate better, which of them are less effective, learn to be a highlight in a barrel of raisins?”, And which ones are more accentuated. The words at the bottom of the pyramid are of little discussion making the opportunity and need to learn effective. The higher to the peak, the more effective the question is - to freely express, defend and embody one's own words. the most incredible ideas. The design of the room in which the technology will be carried out (it can be an ordinary audience or a real audience) 2 Questions it is important to be able not only to correctly structure using question words, but also to correlate them with the possibilities and needs of the situation. For example, in a public cafe) is usually carried out as follows: the following three questions are gradually expanded: If possible, a place with a natural environment is chosen - How to effectively manage our working group? lighting and a good view from the window. - How to effectively manage our company? Tables (for 4-5 people; less than 4 people will narrow down the possibilities - How to effectively manage our network of organizations? possible perspectives in the discussion of the question, more If we asked the question "How to manage the economy?", 5 people will narrow the opportunities for personal interaction- frame would immediately become too broad.Question should not be placed in random order; one should not extend the boundary beyond the capacity of those who discuss it. arrange them in straight lines. Artificial bright tablecloths are used, which are technically covered with two sheets for a flip chart. Mugs or glasses for wine are placed on each table, in which water-based markers, pencils, pens are laid out. You can also put a stack of white napkins. Participants are invited to write and draw on "tablecloths" and napkins. A vase of flowers and a candle complete the composition. The process of communication in the Cafe is accompanied by an easy Why? music. How? Snacks and drinks must be displayed at a separate table. What? 38 Stage three: how to ask correctly? Who? When? Where? Which? Not really? In fact, compiling a list of questions for the Cafe is a key step in preparation. If the questions are compiled successfully by ADUKATAR No. 2(18), 2010, the facilitator will not have to worry about the course and result of the event. Both one and several issues, which are continuations of each other, can be discussed. Well-formulated questions draw energy and our attention to what is really important in 3 The nature of language is such that most questions contain assumptions in one way or another. They may or may not be shared by the group that answers them to the topic under discussion. They do not imply immediate action. For example, the question “How to build a system of bilingualism, do they involve the study, and not the protection of one’s own learning in Belarus?” contains the assumption that beliefs. It is desirable to formulate open-ended questions that discussers agree that bilingualism is important and does not require a “yes” or “no” answer. It should be remembered the ability of students. Effective questions challenge many commonly held assumptions. For example, what assumptions can be called into question by the following question: “How to eliminate the border between Belarus and Poland? "? WORLD CAFÉ To formulate effective questions, it is important to see the assumptions and use them as a tool. In the next two questions, the assumptions are instrumentally triggered with different effects: - "Who is to blame, and what to do?" (assumption: error and fault). The assumption in this question is a “safety cushion” for the respondent, since the very fact of the answer sets the defensive position. - “What can we learn from the current situation, and what are our prospects?” The assumption in this matter stimulates more reflection and cooperation among the members of the group leading the discussion. We spent on writing questions for the Cafe “How to learn to be a highlight in a barrel of raisins?” a total of about 8 hours. During the first meeting in 4 hours, we could not make a list that would meet all the criteria, and would satisfy us. Most of the questions were successful only at first glance, but if you imagine the need to actively discuss them and reach a new level of understanding, which, in turn, can lead to a new level of action, it became clear that the questions would not work the way We need. In the latter case, the questions were less effective. I had to study additional literature. In the Bible. Why? We didn't focus on every single point that the owners of the Cafe on the site devoted to technology have a lot of contributors, asking the question frame too broad. links to relevant literature. By the way, if, as a result, the participants swung to the decision of mediation, you want to run good Cafes, the art of asking demographic problems and reducing crime, which, of course, are simple to understand, but difficult to answer questions, but are a fantasy, divorced from a professional, you will have to master . noah reality of each, as well as from reality in principle. In the end, for 5 rounds of the Cafe on the topic "How to become Given our people's tendency to total generalization, the raisin in a barrel of raisins?" we made the following in judgments, questions must necessarily contain con-questions: a specific frame. For example, it would be better if our question was: “What problems of the institution, in which the First Round: what ideas of ours are worth being the rum I work for, can be solved if it is created and publicly evaluated in it? to the mediation service? Second round: why do we often fail to implement our ideas, although we consider them successful? Third round: how can we use this group, the Conducting Algorithm, to help us fulfill ourselves as much as possible? coffee meeting technology Round four: if we were guaranteed success, First, determine the number of rounds of your Cafe and what would we do now? explain the rules to visitors. Each round usually lasts for 20–30 minutes. For an optimal discussion of a topic better rated publicly? do 3-4 rounds. For comparison, we can also cite questions that it is desirable to put a note on each table with were used for the Cafe, the purpose of which was to develop “coffee etiquette” and guidelines for the “table owner”. What is the vision of mediation services in various institutions. If it is not possible to print them for each table, the Cafe was the final of various educational activities can be written out on a flip chart, which will be available for specialists from the education sector (formal and review throughout the discussion. informal), as well as the service sector (for example , tourist). First round: what problems can be solved if mediation services are created? - Focus on what matters. Second round: what obstacles to overcome - Contribute with your ideas. ADUKATAR №2(18), 2010 to create efficient mediation services? - Speak with your mind and heart. Third round: what should be the sequence - Listen to understand. steps to implement mediation in my institution? - Combine ideas. Fourth round: How we can support each other - Listen carefully for insights in follow-up actions to bring mediation to and deepen the issues discussed. decent professional level? - Play, record and sketch - records Fifth round: what problems can be solved if on napkins are welcome! will mediation services be established? - Enjoy! Cafe, thus forming new groups for discussion - I am the owner of the table. Denia. Every time you move to a new table, man. What should I do? brings with him a thread of conversation from his previous table and weaves it into the threads of conversations of other travelers. Each new round advances the discussion - Remind people at your table briefly in great depth. list key relationships, insights, discoveries, and newer questions as they arise. Display the second question and announce the second - Remain at the table when the group leaves, and the round. The discussion in the second round should take place with the greeting of the travelers from the other table. taking into account the ideas of the first round. The table owner welcomes the new group and briefly shares the main ideas, themes and - Briefly share the main findings, the questions discussed here, and each "head traveler in the process of the first round to nickname" shares an idea from his previous group. The task of others to draw parallels and link them from the second round is to connect the threads of the ideas of the first with the ideas of their group, discussed in the previous round from different tables with the ideas that arise in this round. ny moment. By the end of the second round, all the ideas in the Cafe will also be kept in mind by the facilitators about the five possible ways "crossed" with each other. Improving the work of the Cafe: In the same way, you should proceed in all rounds. Use the graphic secretary to the last. In the last round, the groups return to In some cases, all discussions of the Cafe are recorded on their “native” tables, and the presenter must display on the graphic secretary, who sketches the group screen, the issue that was discussed in the first round, developments on the flip chart. thus, the groups will answer it again, but already synthesizing all new ideas. Sometimes for the last round there is a new question to explore the topic in more depth. Sometimes members post their group's notes on the wall. Through well-formulated questions so that other people can see the group's thinking, the discussion in our Creative Café was about exploring an idea. very turbulent, there was no need to regulate it. Write down your insights because the enthusiastic visitors were already quite active. Participants can use large sticky notes to write down key ideas, which are placed on the board It should be noted that not only are food and drinks not distracting, or the wall, so that other people can refresh ideas, but they help the discussion process very well. break time. Perhaps you've noticed how quickly you run out of apples, nuts, cookies, and other foods that happen to be. Create an idea tree at your fingertips while you're thinking? Likewise, the Stickers are grouped according to the degree of similarity in such a way that the time of the Cafe - the first round in this respect passed in order to be able to view similar ideas for planning. But the more active became the process of discussion, vaniya next steps of the group. the more often visitors turned to the back table, and the faster the food disappeared from it. Create a Story Many Cafes create stories or books as an end product that can be shown to people Step Five: After the Cafe is closed. Can the graphic editor summarize the discussion? create a book of drawings and explanatory documents for them. At the end of the last round, a general discussion should be held. Conducting our “Creative Cafe”, we went to class and discuss the developed ideas. To do this, you need to give the Czech way. The cafe was real (in the sense that the technical opinion of each table regarding its originality was carried out in the premises of a real cafe). The initial idea and its final result. After that, you can ask the whole group the following questions at a separate table behind the main discussion tables: we have put water and snacks. If only one statement was possible in the room - We covered the tables with paper for a flip chart, set up a statement, then what would it be like? candles, laid out markers and napkins. It seemed to us that What can be considered the deepest question, if the participants are likely to make minimal use of the notes on such a question, be considered as a result of paper napkins or “tablecloths”, since such a discussion system? ma is not practiced and not particularly welcomed in the formal What did we learn from the discussion that took place? education system. Within the framework of the "Creative Cafe", the participants were nara- However, we were mistaken. Our “customers” were happy to come up with some interesting ideas for a possible future - they used up half of the napkins, used sheets for flip activity, with which the work continues and now charts, as well as additional A4 paper. hour. For example, an idea arose to create a student 40 Stage Four: a fraternity that would organize the activities and leisure of students from different universities in a number of areas - how to discuss it correctly? activities (for example, sports, outdoor activities, solving social problems, etc.). The students themselves noted that the activities of ADUKATAR No. 2(18), 2010 Display the first question and announce the first activity of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, which is being conducted in this direction, is not satisfactory. Encourage participants to write down - it pleases them, because it is very authoritarian and isn't it, sketching their ideas on napkins and large sheets gives them the opportunity to realize themselves the way they wanted the paper in the center of the table. Before the end of the round (not only. In this regard, the idea constantly arises to create a non-formal first, but also all the rest) ask one human student community, which the same problems to remain at the table as a “host”, while we could decide in a slightly different way. Of course, the rest of the participants will act as "travelers". in its pure form, it is very difficult to implement such an idea, so their task is to transfer the accumulated ideas and discuss them with mu during further discussion, it was transformed from a different point of view at other tables, that is, the rest of the vans in a different version, which is planned to be implemented in the participants disagree on one or two at other tables as a full-fledged project. WORLD CAFÉ The second idea expressed by the young people is that in each round there are several questions within the framework of there are theme evenings around a common theme around which discussion takes place. Each with some questions of interest to all. So, students with a member of the group choose a question for themselves, the “owner” of which they would gladly organize a community, the goal of which would be, so that during the 12 weeks of the course each would at least have a mutual enrichment of knowledge and experience. 1 time will be in the role of "table owner". Such a community could meet several times a month and each time prepare a discussion of some kind. In the first week, the “hosts” post some kind of pressing issue. one information document that becomes an introduction to the issue, a list of related sources. In the course of the discussion in the Cafe, another one appeared to offer their thoughts on this issue for review, and a group that would be ready to volunteer also submit a list of questions, who could take care of homeless animals and work to create become the beginning of a dialogue. shelters for them. Moreover, there were quite a lot of such amateur volunteers. The participants expressed their desire and the discussion of issues within the framework of the round to continue to work with this topic and develop it in different directions - simultaneously. Students read the content of the discussion board. For example, to combine the idea of ​​shelters, adaptation of each “table”, write their own reasoning, enter into dis-animal and animal therapy, so that, in principle, addictions, give references to additional material, in such a way to give children and adults an appropriate attitude to the image, make their own contribution to the issue under discussion. In per-pets. During the first week of the new round, the table hosts of the previous round have the opportunity to sum up the results of the discussion. Ideas were expressed for volunteering to help in resolving their issues. The penultimate week is devoted to podration of architectural monuments of Belarus, creative preparation of reflection of what is happening and all the documents for posting up the design of houses, playgrounds for children, drive up to a special “Reflexive Cafe”. dov, as well as the creation of a center for environmental human relations, etc. Bo Gyllenpalm believes that virtual cafes are in no way less effective than conventional ones (if not to be confused with each of these ideas is interesting and deserved - online chats, which are now often called cafes), live for attention and further development. So far, because, firstly, the participants quickly realize that each of them is working on writing a draft on only one of them, but in the other of them is in this case an expert in the discussion - in the future we plan to return to all, discuss them with my topic , including themselves, secondly, the participants have a fresh approach. And try to implement. more time to reflect on primary and accumulated materials before joining the discussion, thirdly, the materials are presented visually, which facilitates In what areas the learning process for a significant number of group members, fourthly, students have time to find additional interesting resources are used for discussion , fifthly - the group can be very diverse both in terms of cultural, social, "World Cafe"? gender and other aspects. There are many examples of using the Cafe - from education to business. For example, the US Financial Planning Association uses this technology to carefully listen to the opinions of its members and help them build a shared future, and Wells Fargo Bank uses the World Cafe for effective planning. The World Cafe is now very widely used to discuss global climate change and ways out of the current crisis. And in a small village in Italy, in the form of a cafe, a conference was even held: 20 foreign students gathered to discuss the issue of the limits of freedom in music together with professors. An interesting example is the World Cafe meetings, which were developed by Maori tribal leaders who integrate traditional tribal rituals into facilitation to reach agreements between different groups of landowners at different stages of land development, carried out as part of a 150-year-old attempt to hold a World Cafe for the first time. , we th contract. came to the conclusion that any technology that is considered productive is such only when the “World Cafe” is sustained and begins to be used within the distance of all the rules for its implementation. This means that one needs training. For example, in an online master's thesis, one should take very seriously the issues of registration, the MAOM gram. Bo Gyllenpalm, one of the instructors of this program, developed his course "Concepts and methods to use all the necessary technical means, to fully implement the rules for conducting, seriously 41 organizational development" in the format of the World Café, related to the development of questions. In general, observe based on the principles that are used in the procedure. In this case, there is a chance to hope for a good ADUKATAR №2(18), 2010, which will not be held virtually. The course is designed for 12 weeks result. If you try to do without any details with no more than 9 students. either stages, or not paying attention to trifles, the result will be “blurred”. The World Café is special in this respect. putting yourself. This takes about a week as people do not access the Internet at the same time, being in different countries. We also see a lot of potential for variability in countries and in different time zones. This is followed by 3 rounds of topics, approaches and results that this technology gives - Cafe for 3 weeks each, the 11th week is a reflection of gy, so we hope that it will be actively used space, as well as nya - a discussion of the entire course. it happens in most countries of the world.

California, 1995 A small group of leaders from business and academia gathered at the home of Juanita Brown and David Isaacs in Mill Valley. None of them planned to create a social innovation that would quickly spread around the world in the next 16 years.

In the morning they settled in a large circle in the courtyard of the house, but their plans were interrupted by rain. Having moved into the house, the participants spontaneously split into two groups, which settled down at the tables. From time to time the groups would break off to switch tables and exchange ideas. Communication turned out to be much more fruitful than they could imagine.

So it appeared World cafe (World cafe) - a method of focused informal discussion. Today this method is very popular all over the world. There are many companies that specialize only in this method and dedicated online communities (eg www.worldcafe-europe.net ; theworldcafe.com ; www.theworldcafecommunity.org). In 2005, David and Juanita wrote a book about this method, The World Cafe: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter.

On the Internet, you can find another version of the first World cafe. They say that in the 50s - early 60s in the USA, industrialists gathered in one of the cafes. Previously, they had never been brought together, it was not easy to unite to solve a common problem. At that time, paper tablecloths were used in cafes, and industrialists were invited to write down on them all the ideas that would arise during an informal conversation over a cup of coffee and a cigar.

The results of the discussion were impressive, and the participants themselves not only found mutual language, but also united for further interaction. In the future, such meetings were repeated several times and always proved to be productive.

Whatever it was, the method is unique. It applies to:

  • solutions complex problems,
  • getting answers to a few questions
  • making unconventional decisions
  • combining multiple points of view
  • group work planning
  • summing up the results of the project, conference, training, year,
  • exchange of experience.

With the help of the World Café, it is possible to bring together completely different people in a short period of time, avoid possible misunderstandings and overcome the reluctance to work together.

The informal friendly atmosphere promotes relaxation and openness during the generation of ideas and subsequent discussion, relieves possible anxiety and stiffness. During the World cafe, the opportunity to freely carry on a conversation over a cup of tea or coffee is allowed and even encouraged.

The event usually takes between forty minutes and three hours, depending on the number of participants and the issues involved. The host does not require special skills and abilities: his task is to observe the timing and instruct the participants.

The work takes place in five stages:

Thus, within the framework of a clear structure and clear rules, a relaxed, friendly atmosphere of the "World cafe" is created. With the help of this method, it is possible to collect information in a period of forty minutes to three hours, to unite the vision, to find the answer to questions. It is enough to observe the following principles of conduct:

  1. Stay within context. Keep in mind the purpose of the event, highlight key issues for discussion, invite everyone who has the necessary information to participate.
  2. Create a cozy friendly atmosphere. The guests of the "cafe" should be comfortable, and they should speak out without fear. Therefore, in the beginning, pay attention to the motivation for active work.
  3. Prepare the questions to help you remember necessary information, start the process of generating ideas, increase group energy, stimulate discussion and help to take into account all the nuances. For example: “What is it important for us to remember? Is that all there is to this question? Who else can help us? What enabled you to complete the task successfully? What needs to be improved next time?
  4. Encourage everyone to participate. The classic use of methodology implies that anyone who wishes to participate in this discussion should be able to do so. Emphasize the value of everyone's opinion and experience.
  5. Use the exchange of different points of view. The ability to move from table to table, to bring a fresh look, a different perception is very valuable. This allows you to see new opportunities and unexpected solutions, get insights, feel like part of a team, an important component of overall success.
  6. Listen to familiar ideas as well as unexpected ones. The ability to hear others is one of the most important success factors of World cafe. The synergy of collective thinking turns on when everyone seeks not only to speak out, but also to hear and understand a point of view that may be radically different from their own. This allows information that is difficult to obtain in a one-on-one conversation to appear, to make hidden knowledge in the company clear.
  7. Share collective discoveries. The final stage of the World Cafe is often referred to as the "harvest" or "harvest". At the end of the event, the ideas of all tables are voiced and combined into a common vision. It is important to present them clearly and visually understandable. You can use special graphic templates for this. What graphic templates are and how to work with them will be discussed in one of the upcoming articles on our website.

So, the World Cafe method can be used both to collect ideas and to combine accumulated experience. Use it to sum up the results of the conference, exchange experience before the start of the project, search for a non-standard approach, and reveal hidden knowledge in the company. Total number participants can be from six ... almost to infinity. Try it, it will add variety to your meetings, help rally the team and become another way to effectively communicate in an informal setting.

The World Café is the technology and art of talking to the point, talking about the essence of the matter in a relaxed and open atmosphere - in the cozy atmosphere of a familiar cafe. The World Café allows you to involve the collective intelligence of the participants in the discussion process and disposes them to a large-scale, multi-level dialogue.

The structure or content of The World Café space:

  • The atmosphere of pleasant chatter in coffee houses
  • Questions, topics or problems requiring research
  • Invitation
  • cafe process
  • Principles (laws) cafe
  • Member Responsibilities
  • Genuine hospitality
  • Magic during (inside) meeting
  • Unexpected, new examples, patterns and insights
  • Openness to the cycle of movement

World Café Concept

The World Cafe is all about process, communication, and bringing something into the conversation that helps hosts (table holders) and discussion participants achieve their goals. The World Café technology has been known since 1995. Tens of thousands of people around the world participated in discussions in The World Café format, sitting at coffee tables. This is a very simple but very powerful method of creating a substantive joint discussion of the burning issues of the participants in the dialogue.

Juanita Brown collaborated with David Isaacs and The World Café community of practice to publish the book: “The World Café: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter” and created the website. They generated worldwide interest in dialogue methodologies and understanding of a very simple idea: if you can change your conversation, you can change your future.

The World Café is a set of ideas about how people talk to each other, engaging their hearts in words and listening. This is not so much a learning process for building a broad view of the problem (tables for four, their owners leading the conversation thread deeper and deeper, hosts inviting people to the discussion - when a person can move from one table to another), but a tool for creating context collective action.

Tom Atlee, author of The Tao of Democracy and founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute, put it this way: “The World Café is a creative dance of discussion and questioning... it is a midwifery gift to the battle for the birth of the future.”

Principles of World Cafe

There are seven fundamental principles for the successful holding of The World Café, which were formulated by the authors and clarified the practices of this technology.

  1. Set context: clarify goals and intentions: Ask: “What can the conversation, if started today, help you see in ways to create new opportunities for the future? What, based on this, are we now ready to explore and discuss?” Identify the right participants - diversify (diversify) questions and problems for groups at the tables: diversity of views enriches voluntary feedback from participants and overall results. The intention, the idea, the goal of the conversation in the format of The World Café is the collective search for opportunities and general access to learning at multiple levels and from multiple perspectives. Although there is no focus on immediate result however, after the conversation, many participants find themselves more confident when they have access to best ideas around the most pressing issues, and prepared to generate and implement innovative opportunities and actions.
  2. Create an atmosphere of hospitality: Think of ways to create a space that is safe, attractive, welcoming, and provides for the obvious necessities of life. Flowers, snacks and music can help a lot. Small tables, by the way, facilitate more contacts.
  3. Explore the issues that really matter: if you focus the collective attention on the powerful issues that are truly important in getting to the heart of the matter, the essence of the problem, then you will get a real meeting - a good, efficient, open, useful conversation.
  4. Encourage the voluntary contribution of each person: when the tables are for four, then no one can “sit out”, everyone hears everything; express respect to each participant, invite full participation and mutual exchange.
  5. Cross-pollinate and connect diverse perspectives and points of view: bring together people who bring a wide variety of different perspectives and then keep the communication focused on the root issues.
  6. Listen together for successes, insights, and deep questions: focus collective attention on what brings coherence and integrity to the whole conversation without losing the personal contributions of its participants.
  7. Gather your harvest and finds: everything can be displayed in collective drawings and diagrams directly on paper tablecloths laid out on tables, and then hung on the walls. Sometimes you can discuss everything again, sitting in a common large circle, inviting the collective intellect to manifestation, visualizing its effectiveness and power.