Business for the production of dry building mixes. Production and sale of dry building mixes - a profitable business Sale of a dry building mix plant

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One of the fastest growing types of business today can be called construction. No matter what, private houses, cottages, multi-apartment residential complexes, office and business centers, hypermarkets, roads, infrastructure facilities, etc. are being built.

As part of world-class sporting events - European football championships and the Olympics - unprecedented construction projects are being carried out. In addition, large-scale construction activities are underway within the framework of gas transmission facilities. It is clear that there are multi-billion dollar assets involved in this industry, so Building bussiness always attracts large investors.

Market Growth Rate


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A plant for the production of dry building mixes (CCC) is for sale.

The company has (authorized capital - 21 million rubles) was established in 2005 in Moscow with the aim of launching a plant for the production of dry building mixtures in the village of Novogurovsky, Tula region.

The plant is located along the M2 Crimea highway, 150 km from the Moscow Ring Road (70 km from the border of New Moscow, 30 km from Tula, 80 km from Kaluga, 200 km from Ryazan), being a separate production unit.

Industrial production began in 2007.

The production capacity of the plant is 10-20 thousand tons of products per year (when working in 1 shift with 2 days off).

There is technical capabilities for modernization and increase in productivity by 2-3 times.

Buildings and structures registered as objects of real estate owned by LLC:

1. Production and warehouse building with an area of ​​2110 sq. m. Covered high platform (800 sq. m.) and a railway track for 5 cars (located along the main workshop).

2. Warehouse with an area of ​​382 sq. m.

3. Warehouse with an area of ​​301 sq. m.

4. Administrative building (ABZ) with a laboratory, with an area of ​​131 sq. m.

5. Transformer substation(dedicated power 6 MW).

6. Garage (17 sqm)

7. Checkpoint (16 sq.m.)

Land plot with an area of ​​8.2 thousand square meters. m. is registered in the ownership of an individual (category - industrial land).

The plant is equipped with reliable German equipment from Eirich, Haver&Boecker, Riela and Framat (France).

The production line is automated and under computer control.

The equipment includes:

Eirich brand R18 main mixer, 2.0 cu. m., with a capacity of up to 200 tons of products per shift.

Framat dosing mixer 2.5 cu. m. Used for weighing components and pre-mixing.

Productivity - up to 300 tons per shift.

Packing line, consisting of 2 single-choke AeroPress machines by Vselug with a capacity of 140 tons of products per shift.

5 silos with a volume of 100 cubic meters m., 1 Silo with a volume of 60 cubic meters. m., 1 Silo with a volume of 30 cubic meters. m.

APCS, which allows automatic mode load, mix and release products.

Auxiliary equipment - augers, conveyors, elevators, lifting devices, overhead crane, palletizing robot, etc.

Vehicles - 2 electric forklifts (Bulgaria and China), 1 truck with a load capacity of 5 tons FAW (China).

In total, more than 60 items of fixed assets.

There is also expensive German equipment that was not included in the production line. It is mothballed for sale or use in the further modernization of the plant.

The following types of mothballed equipment have the highest estimated value:

Classifier-sorter Niagara by Haver & Boecker with a capacity of 40 tons per hour.

Packing line by Haver & Boecker, including two single-choke packing machines with a capacity of 35 tons per hour each, bunkers and conveyors. Designed for packing granular products with self-flow.

4 mixer-granulators from Eirich, each with a volume of 2.4 cubic meters. Designed for mixing dry mixtures and their pelletizing by injecting small doses of special solutions. The laboratory as part of the asphalt plant is equipped with equipment for quality control of raw materials and products. The products have been produced under our own registered trademark since 2007.

Mixes for general construction purposes: The range includes a complete line of building mixtures based on cement (gray and white), gypsum, dry polymer binders, complex binders: Adhesives for gluing all types of materials. Cement, cement-lime, composite, gypsum plasters. Finishing decorative plaster mixtures based on marble chips (with the texture of "Fur coat" and "Bark beetle") of various fractional composition. Gypsum, cement-polymer, polymer putties. Floor screeds, self-leveling floors. Sand concrete (M100, M200, M300, M400).

Special purpose blends: Repair mortars for concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces and structures (house-building panels, bridges, flyovers, underground structures, pipes, locks, etc.), including thixotropic, cast, injection mortars, having different filler sizes, viability, compressive and bending strength , etc. special technical indicators. Waterproofing compounds for concrete and reinforced concrete structures, including hydraulic seals, coating, suture, injection compounds; Fire-retardant and heat-insulating plaster compositions for concrete and metal structures; Repair grouting compounds for oil wells. Structural mixture for 3D construction printer.

Strengths, advantages in business.

1. Reliable German equipment. The main mixers have a capacity of more than 200 tons of products per shift (more than 60 thousand tons per year). The existing capacity of the plant (20 thousand tons per year) is due to the performance of the existing filling machines and the lack of need for modernization due to low sales volumes. The presence of stocks of various mechanisms, units (remaining after the reconstruction of the old production) allows you to make repairs and some upgrades without additional financial investments.

2. Professional understanding of the business, developed unique SSS recipes. attraction professional specialists already at the design stage of the plant, it allowed to launch the plant in the shortest possible time, became the basis of the company's development strategy - the development of general construction and innovative products, formed a high professional reputation companies. This is one of the main factors for the company's survival in the face of competition with other manufacturers of dry mortar.

3. Location of the plant on the same industrial site with Heidelbergcement. This is an important factor in proximity to the main raw materials - cement and dolomite powders. The logistical shoulder of their delivery is 500 meters. The cement plant was built in 2012 and produces CEM I 42.5R (M500) cement of excellent quality, the best in the central region. In addition, partnerships with the cement plant made it possible to conclude contracts for: - The use of railway locomotives of the cement plant to move the company's wagons between the federal highway and the plant (loading and unloading wagons is possible directly from the workshop), - The use of an external security loop of the cement plant to control entry and exit road transport, control of the passage of employees of the company. - Using the laboratory of the cement plant to test products for compressive and flexural strength.

4. Good location next to the M2 highway (Crimea). Today it is one of the fastest routes, illuminated throughout the entire length, with 6-8 lanes from the Moscow Ring Road to the interchange at Chekhov (86th km M2). Services transport companies cheaper on our route. The travel time to Moscow is commensurate with the travel time to objects in Moscow. After determining the new boundaries of Moscow, the plant approached the capital by 80 km and is located 70 km from its southeastern borders. Considering that it is in New Moscow that a large volume of new construction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities of the capital is planned, the logistical advantages of the location of the plant will become more and more evident. The company has developed and implemented reliable recipes for all types of building materials. There are about 100 of them. We are constantly working on new ideas and products, not only for construction, but also for other sectors of the economy. This is important because innovative products give the company exclusivity and greater contribution margin on the certain period until the product is mastered by other plants. The first innovative development (in 2007) was a repair compound for oil wells. The work was initiated by an oil service company that serviced Lukoil's wells. They also tested this material in the field. The composition received an excellent rating and was registered in technological cards oil company. This ensured the regularity of orders, but, unfortunately, not everything is stable with volumes, because. Lukoil Komi has problems with the budget for repairs. In 2008, materials for thermal insulation of facades with a thin plaster layer were developed. At that time, few people produced them, the LLC worked by order of the German company Meffert Polilyusk ( trademark Tex). Now the compositions have practically ceased to be sold, because. several key manufacturers (Ceresit, Weber, Osnovit) have practically taken over the main market share by organizing powerful marketing campaigns. Repair (2014) and Waterproofing compounds for concrete (2015) were developed as analogues of materials from BASF (mixtures Emaco), Mopei. It was possible to obtain the required technical indicators. Materials are gradually introduced into the market, their sales volume is growing. The outlook is optimistic. In 2016, Fire-retardant plaster mixtures (2016) were developed and certified, they are produced under the trademark, work to improve the characteristics continues. This material has good prospects, high yield, but it will take another year or more to enter the market. In 2016, a customer appeared for Mixes for a construction 3D printer (from Apis Cor). This is a completely new construction technology, so it is very interesting for us. Now the company's technologists continue independent developments, there is interesting ideas. And in 2017, Apis Cor signed an agreement for the development of mixtures with MGSU.

Mixtures for non-construction purposes (Dry hydrogen sulfide sorbent for treatment plants natural gas(2016-2017) - venture joint project with the sorbent patent holder. The product was successfully tested at Lukoil in 2016, in 2017 it is planned to build a second treatment plant.

By purchasing a dry building mix plant, the owner will receive a property complex and a really working industrial asset, including:

industrial land,

Real estate objects - industrial buildings and structures,

High-quality imported equipment, which will ensure the stability of production for many more years.

Current stocks of raw materials, packaging, products.

Dozens of ready-made actual recipes for dry mixes for various purposes, from simple to unique,

Registered trademark.

An experience professional staff in the production of dry mixes, in the purchase of raw materials and sales of products.

Base of suppliers of chemical components.

A customer base that not only construction companies, but also enterprises serving the oil industry, Rosatom, construction of infrastructure facilities (Engeocom). Providing a guaranteed volume of purchases of the plant's products for construction sites, the construction holding company will easily ensure the stability of the company's business financial basis its further development.

As a result, the asset will develop, increase its value, and it will be possible to earn extra money on its further sale.

Of course, the CCC plant will not be a burden for the holding, but it may be of interest in several ways: The plant will give the holding an additional economic tool for regulation economic indicators in construction by operating with purchase prices for mixtures.

The plant can be both a profit center (with a profitability of at least 50 million rubles per year) and a cost center, while reducing the cost of construction. The presence of the CCC plant will help to expand the volume of construction services through the development of the finishing direction, which requires a large amount of ready-made building mixtures.

The construction holding will receive savings on the work of its own supply department in terms of the department for the purchase of dry mixes.

It is possible to shift the supply of cement from Heidelbergcement to the plant simply because of their location in the same territory and long-standing partnerships. This company's cement is the best in the Moscow region, but the relationship with managers is very difficult, the company is not customer-oriented.

The company regularly participates in tenders of PIK Group for the supply of dry mortar to the company's construction sites and to DSK GRAD (repair mortars and putties). LLC has never won tenders, but the company has a successful (and long-term) experience of similar deliveries to other Moscow construction companies, incl. in DSK "EcoDoc" (KROST), DSK SU-155, Tula. The company also expects that PIK will not lose interest in new technology 3-D construction printer, and that together we will be able to get our own dry concrete mixtures for a construction printer purchased from Apis Cor.

The plant is sold as a 100% share of the company.

If desired by the new owner, the current CEO LLC (it is the current owner) can continue operational management company (for a period of up to 1 year) to prepare its replacement, conduct different types audit, inventories, other technical procedures.

Since the owner is a professional chemist-technologist, he is ready to continue working as a technologist-developer.

Production of dry building mixtures - step-by-step instruction+ 3 sales opportunities finished products.

Capital investments: from 2.5 million rubles (on a leased area).
Payback: from 3 months.

Construction technologies have undergone many changes in recent years.

The simplest mixture of cement and sand, used several centuries ago, is now supplemented with new components so that all structures remain strong for many years.

Building mixtures are special compositions that contain a certain amount of various components in a strictly defined ratio: from aggregates to dyes.

To start production of building mixtures, you need to analyze what work is carried out in a particular region and what mixtures are used most often.

For example, buildings located near highways need soundproofing panels.

The subtleties of business organization, product distribution channels and financial calculations– you will find all this below.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To start a business for the production of building mixtures, you need to register the company as an LLC.

AT this case firm besides retail will be able to accept wholesale orders from enterprises cooperating with legal entities.

The following documents should be collected:

  • copies of passports of all Members of the Company;
  • copies of the director's and accountant's passports;
  • decision on the establishment of the Company and the memorandum of association;
  • statement about state registration legal entity;
  • incoming cash orders for the receipt of funds in the authorized capital of the Company.

For the production workshop, a room is needed, which must first be checked by the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

If all the requirements are met, the production manager will receive special certificates that allow participation in tenders of large companies.

You can do without a certificate, but this will not allow you to accept large-scale orders.

In this state of affairs, it is possible to draw up a refusal document, which will confirm that all manufactured products comply with established regulations.

Production of dry building mixtures: key points

Business plan - important document for any business venture.

To make a successful mix for the production of dry mixes, you should initially decide what will be sold.

All types of planned products should be clearly described, detailed recipes for their preparation, as well as a detailed composition.

Before starting production, an analysis of all the difficulties in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity should be made.

For example, request a loan from a bank, if not equity or look for investors to find a source of funding for the business.

For registration, only two permits are required, which must be issued by the SES and the fire department.

The business plan includes the following key points:

  • range of construction products;
  • choice of premises and equipment;
  • sources of investment;
  • raw materials for production (who will supply);
  • staff (specify duties, salaries, work schedule).

Varieties and component components of mixtures

Building mixtures are necessary for cladding, masonry, installation, puttying and other similar works.

For each composition there is a separate recipe for its manufacture.

The components in building mixtures are different, but the main ones are:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

Each manufacturer has its own exact recipe for a particular mixture, with a certain ratio of all components.

The finished mixture may contain gypsum, lime, cellulose ethers, various organomineral complexes.

The composition of the components allows you to determine how resistant this or that mixture is to temperature changes, in rooms with what level of humidity it can be used and how long it hardens.

To achieve a high level of stability, powdered superplasticizers are added to the composition.

The classification of mixtures is determined by the following indicators:

  • What does the binder look like (with and without cement)?
  • What is the dispersion level of the binder filler (usually coarse grain, up to 2.5 mm or fine grain, no more than 0.320 mm)?
  • What is the purpose of the product?

Production technology: recipe and features

Each manufacturer has its own recipe, but the production process remains almost unchanged and includes the following steps:
  1. All components are carefully transferred, then sieved.
  2. Prepared raw materials are loaded into bunkers.
  3. Raw materials are used in strictly defined proportions.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, packaged and sent for storage.

There are many types of mixtures, as well as their compositions, but the basis is always cement and sand.

It is very important to pay attention to the fact that the sand in the dryer drum is well twisted and dried.

In this process, the sand is divided into fractions: from coarse to fine.

When the auger is completely filled with sand, the equipment stops automatically and must be emptied immediately.

Before receiving the finished product, all that remains is to wait for the system to thoroughly mix everything and send it to the packing bin, where the products will be already packaged and ready for transportation.

What is the difference between dry and liquid mortars?

Building mixtures are of two types - liquid and dry.

The second type of mixtures is most in demand due to its stable composition and long shelf life, even if the temperature is below the established norm.

At the same time, the quality of the mixture does not change during the process. construction works.

Dry building mixes have a lot of advantages: high uniformity, increased cohesion, water-retaining qualities and the ability not to delaminate.

A very weighty argument for the production of dry building mixes is also savings.

Such mixtures have a lower consumption, if necessary, they can be diluted in small portions immediately before facing or finishing work.

There are seasonal fluctuations in the trading sector, when the demand for goods falls sharply and then rises again and sales of liquid mixtures also depend on the time of year.

But dry building mixes have a longer shelf life - from 1 year or more, depending on the composition.

Therefore, the demand for them is distributed more evenly.

However, we can say that they are also a seasonal product.

Most sales occur during the summer season, from April to September.

What kind of premises do you need to start the production of building mixtures?

Without a room, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged business plan.

In addition to the production workshop, you need to decide on a warehouse, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be from 50 square meters. meters or more.

Equipment for the production of dry building mixtures

In the business plan, it is also necessary to prescribe all types of equipment that will make up a full-fledged production line.

There may be more than one such production lines - 2-3, depending on the planned sales volume.

One production line consists of the following equipment:

Line equipmentQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: RUB 21,450
1 from 7 000
Packing hopper and auger
1 from 1 800
Sand dryer
1 from 10 000
Vibrating screen for screening
1 from 1 700
electronic scales
1 from 400
commodity scales
1 from 400
Euro pallets
from 20from 150

Such a production line can produce from 8 tons of products per hour.

Recruitment of the necessary personnel

Basically everything manufacturing firms work around the clock, producing products in shifts.

With such a schedule, day and night shifts for staff are drawn up, which should also be reflected in the business plan.

On the initial stage production in a team, not counting the manager and accountant, you need:

How much does a dry building mix business cost?

To start the production of dry building mixes, you need start-up capital required for the purchase professional equipment, paying rent for premises and for wages employees.

Starting investment in business

Regular investments

There are expenses that the entrepreneur makes regularly (usually monthly).

Business profitability and payback

Each bag of dry building mix for 25 kg costs the manufacturer 60-70 rubles (product cost).

It is possible to produce a batch of 450 of the same bags per shift, which equals the total cost of 22,000 rubles (excluding production costs).

You can sell each bag from 200 rubles, and by selling a daily batch of bags, you can earn 90,000 rubles.

The level of profitability of this business is quite high - from 150%.

If the sales figures are stable and high, then soon you can recoup all the initial investments.

Experienced manufacturers call a period of 3 months.

The video below shows step by step process production of building mixtures:

Sales opportunities for finished products

For full-fledged and uninterrupted work on accepting orders for the manufacture of mixtures, a large customer base is needed.

It can be expanded through the following areas for sales:

  • intermediaries specializing in the sale of dry building mixes;
  • retail stores and markets;

At the first stages of production, the equipment should not work around the clock, without interruptions, so that later you do not have to write off the stale goods.

Although the shelf life of the product is quite long, it is better not to abuse this fact.

There is a lot of competition in the construction market, and in order to avoid losses, it is advisable to deliver mixtures at a distance of no more than 300 km from the production base.

Constantly expanding the customer base and assortment, the new production facility can produce up to 12 tons per shift in 5-6 months.

According to the experience of sellers and manufacturers of building mixtures, the return on investment will come in 3-4 months.

In half a year it is possible to achieve sufficiently high production rates - up to 12 thousand tons of products per shift.

This is possible with a diverse assortment of 15 different mixtures and attractive prices for wholesale and retail, as well as if equipment for the production of dry building mixtures will be of sufficient quality, and the process will not be stalled due to breakdowns.

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Organization of a business for the production of dry building mixtures for the needs of building bases, shops, specialized companies and private clients - an excellent source stable income regardless of seasonality and other conditions. This is one of the fastest payback and not too expensive business ideas with a good return.

Dry building mixtures (CCC) are bulk, powdery materials, when combined with water, you can get glue, putty, waterproofing, plaster, assembly mixtures.

Ready-made compositions are stored for a short time, and dry building mixes make it possible to prepare the materials required for work at the right time and in the required quantity. The composition of the SSS is diverse.

The basis of any mixture is

  • binders
    • mineral (silicate or aluminate cement, lime, gypsum, clay, etc.),
    • organic (polymer powders and cellulose ethers, soluble in water),
    • organo-mineral (polymer cement or polymer silicate compositions).
  • Fillers - marble, limestone, dolomite, quartz, ash, slag, stone waste.
  • Functional additives that accelerate thickening, hardening, giving strength, the necessary plasticity, frost and water resistance, etc.

For each specific recipe, depending on the purpose of the finished composition, its own ratio of binders, fillers and functional additives is used.

Is the production of dry construction mixtures promising?

The use of CCC has greatly simplified the task of builders and finishers. An extensive range of mixtures makes it possible to choose compositions with optimal characteristics for specific types of work. In everyday life or when performing large-scale finishing or construction work, it is much more convenient to use a ready-made composition that only needs to be diluted with liquid, mixed and used.

The current growth rate of construction and the demand for services for finishing and repairing residential, industrial and commercial premises have led to high demand for dry building mixes, making their production one of the most promising and fast-payback types of business.


The following building mixtures are in particular demand, the production of which is worth building a business.

  • Adhesives (tile, facade),
  • cement screed mix,
  • Compositions for self-leveling floors,
  • waterproofing compounds,
  • Putties (gypsum, cement, facade, finishing)
  • Gypsum plaster
  • Assembly mix.


  • Building materials stores and building bases.
  • Internet-shops of building materials. This form of sales is in great demand today and brings no small benefit to manufacturers.
  • Construction companies. The regular provision of construction and repair services requires a stable supply of quality materials.

CCC production by stages

The production of dry building mixes is a process chain consisting of the following stages.

  1. Preparation of components and their transshipment,
  2. Screening,
  3. Placement of raw materials in feed bins,
  4. Dosage,
  5. Mixing,
  6. Package,
  7. Warehousing.

Accordingly, for each stage of production is selected necessary equipment.

Required Equipment

Consider two options for equipment production site installations Russian manufacturer"Production company" K + "Moscow

Option number 1

(simplified version).

  • Productivity: 5 tons per hour.
  • Price: 1,563,000 rubles.

Option number 2

(layout no. 10)

  • Productivity: 10 tons per hour.
  • Packing machine: included in the package, packaging is carried out in a semi-automatic mode.
  • Price: 2,890,000 rubles.

As can be seen from the presented analogs, the cost of equipment directly depends on performance. For calculations business case Option 1 (low budget) will be used.

Feasibility study of the project

To organize a business for the production of dry building mixes with a total capacity of 12 tons per shift, the following investments will be required.

Capital expenditures

  • Purchase of equipment (Option No. 1) - 1,596 thousand rubles.
  • Other equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials for 2 months of work - 350,000 rubles.
  • Registration in INFS, opening an account, other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Total investments in the organization of the production of dry building mixes will require investments in the amount of 2,346,000 rubles.

Revenue calculation

* The parameter of profitability of activity according to the expert opinion of the author of the article.

** Payback period after the activity reaches the forecast revenue. In practice, it takes from 6 to 12 months to reach the planned revenue, therefore, actual term payback will be higher (18-24 months.).

    Feedback on the business plan
    "Production of ceramic tiles"

    Received an investment loan in the amount of 280 million rubles for a period of 7 years. The business plan included detailed description market conditions, calculation of revenue and costs, break-even points. The project was accepted by the bank without modifications.

    Voloskov N.N.,

    financial director
    OOO " New line»

    Feedback on the business plan
    "Production of stretch ceilings"

    A well-executed business plan made it possible to attract investments for the opening of a shop for the production of stretch ceilings in the amount of 25 million rubles. Professionalism and scrupulousness to details made it possible to positively resolve the issue of financing.

    Evstafiev I.D.,

    Favorit LLC

    Feedback on the business plan
    "Gypsum board production"

    Thanks to the high-quality and meticulous work done, my partners and I saw the potential bottlenecks of the project, which we did not find during our own express analysis. As a result, an additional working capital reserve was laid down.

    Zheldikov A.V.

    St. Petersburg

    Feedback on the business plan
    "Asphalt Concrete Plant"

    We express our gratitude for the work done on the development of the Asphalt Concrete Plant business plan. As a result, this allowed us to take out a loan for 352 million rubles.

    Sergeev P.V.

    Krasnodar city


    The high demand for dry mixes in construction has long been a proven fact. A business plan for dry mixes implies a detailed description of the steps to organize an enterprise for the production of dry mixes and calculations of plant performance indicators.

    The production capacity of the facility will be about products: polymer, gypsum and cement mixtures. The buyers of the goods will be wholesale buyers, including construction companies, specialized retail chains etc.

    Payback - about 3 years.

  1. Summary.
  2. Characteristics of the concept.
  3. Description production process.
  4. Calendar plan plant construction.
  5. Organizational and legal issues.
  6. Strategy of work with customers, revenue forecast.
  7. Current operating costs.
  8. Calculation of the break-even point and other operational indicators.
  9. Assessment of the sensitivity of the project to risk factors.
  10. Financial and investment indicators.
  11. Conclusions.

What is the purpose of a business plan?

  1. To form an algorithm of actions to launch a business, taking into account all calculations on market analysis and preliminary calculations.
  2. To identify the "pain points" of the project. This will help to foresee various scenarios and plan the appropriate steps in each of them.
  3. To make a request to commercial Bank about granting a loan.
  4. To assess the feasibility of business development in one format or another.

Dry Mix Business Plan Example

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Advanced dry mix business plan with complete business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of dry mixes

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Movement Report Money quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


The advanced business plan includes a dry mix financial model in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will justify management decisions about investing in the creation and development of dry mixes, to predict it financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


To view the content, download the file:

Tables and graphs

To get acquainted with the list of tables, graphs and diagrams, see the file:

Payment and delivery

You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards(Russia)
  • Electronic money
  • Terminals and communication salons
  • Money transfers
  • Bank cards (International)

Sending a business plan and financial model:

Sending is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

Dry mixes are very actively used in construction and repair work. They are good because they are easy to use, they do not require a lot of space for storage, there is no need to mix the components yourself. In order to successfully start in this line of business, be sure to prepare a good dry mix business plan.

Stages of business organization:

  1. Marketing analysis of the environment.
  2. Development of an action strategy.
  3. Selection of a site for the construction of the plant.
  4. Carrying out construction and installation works.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Hiring.
  7. The choice of suppliers of raw materials and the achievement of agreements on cooperation.
  8. Development of the concept of attracting customers.
  9. Start.

When organizing an enterprise, keep in mind that competition in the market is quite high, so it makes sense to start production, focusing on domestic market region, then your competitive advantage there will be a low amount of transport and overhead costs, and, as a result, a decrease in the price of finished products.

Market analysis and dry mix project description

Even despite the crisis in the economy, which also affected the construction market, the production of dry mixes is growing, although in recent years it has not been as active as before. The leader in the production and consumption of dry mixes is the Central Federal District, especially Moscow and the Moscow Region. At the same time, there is also interest in this type of materials in other regions.

Produced goods/services

Gypsum, polymer and cement dry mixes.

Potential clients

Construction companies, large and small specialized retail chains and shops, etc.

Calculations for opening a plant for the production of dry building mixtures are presented below in a sample business plan.

Financial part of the dry mix business plan


AttachmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Organization registration, paperwork

Design work

Plant construction

Conducting communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Finishing events

Procurement of equipment and other items of equipment

Obtaining the necessary permits

Acquisition of raw materials (for the first time)

Other costs

An example of a business plan for an enterprise for dry building mixtures suggests that investments in the business will amount to about 30 million rubles. rubles.


The annual revenue will be about 30 - 40 million rubles.


Annual expenses - an average of 22 - 28 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period is about 3 years, and the profitability is 28%.


The production of dry mixes is a highly profitable activity, which is also in great demand among consumers. Choosing the right territory for locating the enterprise, finding stable suppliers and buyers, building competent logistics, ensuring uninterrupted production - a high-quality business plan will allow you to handle these and many other issues.

Download the business plan template and financial model template and you will be able to:

  • Relying solely on your own strength, calculate the project figures that will allow you to adequately assess the prospects for business development.
  • Save more than 150 thousand rubles on the development of the document.
  • Convince bank employees or investors of the expediency of supporting your particular undertaking.
  • Organize profitable interaction with suppliers and buyers.
  • Prioritize activities and oversee each stage of the plan.

The brilliant American entrepreneur Thomas Watson said: "Business is a game, the greatest game in the world - if you know how to play it." A good business plan will allow you to understand the rules of this game in detail and make the right management decisions. Good luck to you.

Other ready business plans.