Is it worth looking for a job? How to look for a new job while you're still at your old one. You don't like your colleagues at all

Looking for a job when you already have a job can be quite difficult, but it's one of the best things you can do for your career. Many people only look for work when they have to, and this makes them look for new position very fast. When you are looking new job, being on the old one, you seem to be "safe", and this allows you to choose the best offer. In this article, we will guide you on how to look for a job when you already have a job and walk you through some of the most difficult aspects, how to achieve your goals, how to start your job search effectively, how to apply, pass interviews and accept new offers. without destroying the relationship with the current employer.


Part 1

Stay professional looking for a new job
  1. Don't tell your boss or colleagues that you are looking for a job. In most cases, it's best to keep this a secret from your current employer. Even though there is nothing wrong with this, your current employer may take it personally or be concerned that you are no longer focused on your job.

    • Telling your current employer that you are looking for a new job can damage your relationship and prevent new opportunities or promotions within the company. If the search for a new job turns out to be unsuccessful, it can only hurt.
    • Also, be very careful when telling colleagues that you are looking for a new job, even if you think they can be trusted. If colleagues, the chances that your boss will hear about it increase. If you end up leaving, your boss needs to hear it from you, not from office gossip.
  2. Don't include your current manager on the list of people who can recommend you on your resume. Many employees make this mistake. It can backfire when a potential employer calls your current boss who has no idea what you're up to. this moment looking for a job.

    • Putting an executive on this list without telling them is very unprofessional and can ruin your relationship with them. He may also give you a negative recommendation, making you less likely to get a new job.
    • Instead, list previous employers and colleagues, preferably those with whom you had a good relationship.
  3. Be careful with the information you post on social networking sites. While professional sites such as LinkedIn can be a great tool for professional promotion, business communication and knowledge sharing, you should be careful about what information you post on your profile.

    • When using these sites, do not advertise the fact that you are actively looking for a new job, or at least make your profile non-public.
    • Do not upload your resume to job sites as someone in your company can easily see it and alert the manager.
  4. Look for work on your own time. When looking for a job, it is very important to properly allocate time. It is worth looking for a job in your free time; do not use your work computer to look for work and work email to send your resume.

    • If you search in working time You might even get fired for it. Therefore, it is very important to be professional and maintain a good relationship with the employer.
    • Look for work in the evenings and weekends. It can be very tiring to work full time and look for new opportunities, but the time and effort will pay off once you get a new job and can leave your current job on friendly terms.
    • Keep in mind that even if your current employer finds out that you are looking for a job, you might not get in trouble if you didn't use the company's resources.
  5. Don't include work email or phone on your resume. You should not do this, since most companies monitor employee systems and their Internet activity.

    • If you need to talk to a potential employer during your work day, try doing it during your lunch break and personal phone. Try to get out of the office, this will reduce the chance that someone will eavesdrop on your phone conversation.
    • Use your personal email to contact potential employers and try not to check it during the day. Check it once a day when you get home from work. If you need to reply to an email as soon as possible, please try to do so on time. lunch break from a personal device.
  6. Try not to schedule an interview during the working day. If possible, don't schedule the interview for the entire work day. Try organizing it before or after work, on weekends, or during your lunch break (time permitting). This is the most professional approach, and your potential employer should respect you for it, even if it's not as convenient for him.

    • If you can't do that, take some time off work to attend an interview. Don't say you're sick, tell your boss that you need some time to deal with "personal issues".
    • If you scheduled an interview after work or during your lunch break, pay attention to your clothes. If you usually dress informally for work but show up in a suit, your boss and colleagues will know something is up. Try to come home to change before the interview, or take your clothes with you.
  7. Accept a new job offer before about leaving your current job. If you found appropriate place and received a job offer, make sure that you have accepted the offer, that your references have been verified and that you can start working before how you quit your current job. The last thing you want is to find out that you are not hired when you have already left your old job.

    • Stay professional by notifying the current manager accordingly and delegating your responsibilities. This will help to avoid resentment of your colleagues and bosses.
    • It will also reassure your new employer that they will know they have chosen a respected person with a high level of professionalism.

    Part 2

    Search for a new job smartly and efficiently
    1. Make a short and long term plan for your career. Finding a new job is a big step, so it's important to be organized and make a plan. Ask yourself a question about your current role, be honest with yourself. Once you understand what is missing in your current position, you can figure out what you want from the new one.

      • Try to identify your strengths and weak sides and your skills. Ask yourself if you are happy in your current position and if it allows you to reach your full potential.
      • By answering these questions, you can better understand yourself, and it will give you a clearer idea of ​​the direction in which you want to build your career.
      • After you have decided on the direction, you can make yourself a 6-month plan and a plan for 2-5 years. Drafting detailed plans career development will help you stay focused on your goal and not become complacent.
    2. Decide on the jobs you want to apply for. Once you've made a plan and know where you want to take your career, the next step is to determine the type of job you want to apply for.

      • Having a general idea of ​​your career path will help you streamline your job search process. Look on job sites, job listings on certain websites, and company job listings on LinkedIn, and look for the position or industry you want to work in.
      • You can look at similar positions in other organizations and compare them to your current position. In addition, you can look at higher-level positions or in another field and see what skills you already have and if there are skills that you lack.
      • Don't worry if your skills or experience don't exactly match the job description - at this point you're just trying to get an idea of ​​the job market and positions you might be interested in.
    3. Update your resume to include your current job. If you haven't already, update your resume and include your current job. Write down all the new skills you've acquired in your current job, link them to your goals and what you want from your new position.

      • For example, if you want to change careers, prepare a functional resume that lists your professional skills on it. If you are looking for a position similar to yours, it is worth writing a resume presenting your relevant work experience in chronological order.
      • Make it a habit to update your resume every three months. In this way, you constantly analyze your responsibilities and work towards your goals. Even if you are not actively looking for a job at the moment, you never know when a new attractive opportunity will appear.
    4. Write a sample cover letter. In addition to the summary, you will need to include transmittal letter for each of your job applications. A cover letter is a chance for you to draw attention to important information resume and provide additional details. It also allows you to describe why you want to work for this company and what personal skills and experience are suitable for this job.

      • Before starting the job search process, it is worth writing a cover letter, which can then be tailored to specific vacancies. The existing template will help you save time in the future.
      • It's important to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you're applying for. Generic cover letters are boring to the reader and keep you from standing out from other applicants. A good, tailored cover letter will show potential employer why do you want to work in them company and how you can contribute by working as a team.

The best statuses and aphorisms about work

M didn't like mine latest work, but my mother said that it was impossible to work all my life as a sofa driver.

X I want to work ... at the opera ... came ... screamed ... and that's it ... went home ...)

BUT Do you know the difference between "AT WORK" and "WORK"?

T rudo fuck off

AT I just can’t get used to the fact that when the boss asks me “how are you?”, he means him, not me ...

At Work has three pluses: Friday, salary and vacation.

H The boss comes to work on time on the day you are late and is late on the days you are on time.

AND you wait for the end of the working day, you come home, and then - bam! — and the second shift in the kitchen!

R I don't want to work, but every day greed wins over laziness.

To how much tedious work the meager mind of the authorities prepares for us ...

FROM casually sweating, do not forget to show yourself to the authorities.

H Take time to rest, because there is always work, and life tends to end.

AT poured into new team... I especially liked their tradition: any remark from the chef is considered a toast.

At impress your boss. Come to work on time.

FROM I have a strange job - they give tasks like a smart one, and they give a salary like a fool ...

O I love my job... Three stacks of papers. The first must be done urgently, the second - very urgently, and the third - yesterday!

To he gets up early, he hasn’t been cut yet ...

O it seems that even Chukovsky wrote about my work: "And such rubbish all day long - either a seal calls, or a deer"

P pretend to be a fool - do something nice for the boss ...

H To work normally - click now the cross in the upper right corner ...

P seasonal office work: hibernation… spring beriberi… summer indifference… autumn depression…

P oh, I'm pregnant - I'm sick of work and drawn to the salty sea!

To When the boss says "we should get a nosebleed," he never means his own nose.

P go to file:
C:\Crap at work\Hemorrhagic\Stupid clients\Non-payers\Oh… eaten\Dear Sergey Anatolyevich. doc

FROM hardest job for women! Everyone needs 18-year-old girls with 30 years of work experience, with two degrees and adult children!

R WORK, WORK - switch to Fedot, from Fedot to his brother, and their salary to me!

O troubles at work in Russian: at 12:00 everyone was blown away shopping. At 13:00 everyone returned and sat down to dinner.

M We are not afraid of work: there is no work - we go to bed, there is work - we also sleep ...

FROM mocking - a break between arbeiten.

E If you want to go from home to work in the morning and go home from work in the evening, then you have neither a normal home nor a normal job.

E If you are late for work, then at least go home early

"B l @ d "- this is not a swear word, but the sound with which the Internet is turned off in our office ...

FROM the most useful thing I did at work for recent times- greased the door so that it was not audible how I was leaving an hour earlier!

X Well we are working here: movies folder - 520 Gb, music folder - 250 Gb. Folder work - 30 Kb...

E If an employee sits idle for 10 minutes at work, he automatically goes into sleep mode

H To earn a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you have to come up with something else.

L The best job is a hobby that also pays well!

FROM The most reliable plan: "Bullshit, we'll figure it out on the spot!

E If the thought is not born for a long time, the chief comes and performs a caesarean.

At build a flash mob - yawn in the morning at work.

To one working week It's a little orgasm!

M it doesn't seem like the boss is looking at me and thinking: "This device can work faster."

B lean, it's been so long since I've worked in the office that I forgot how to lay out a scarf.

P go to work or sleep? Sleep or go to work? I'll go to work and sleep!!!

R I work according to the schedule: a day through force.

D ear to the sea... Ass on a chair.

At my work has a hidden meaning... So hidden that even I can't find it.

I I work as a lead engineer. And I rest ... a housewife. In short, I'm not resting!

H I don’t want to live in Paris… Firstly, I don’t know French… and secondly, it’s a long way to go to work…

E If I don’t do anything at work, it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about business

AT I don’t want to go to work on Monday in two cases: if I didn’t have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I managed to have a good rest over the weekend

E If you are offered a flexible work schedule, this means that you will be bent over at the first opportunity.

To no matter how you twist a horseshoe, it will not bring good until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing!

"I I will always choose lazy person do hard work because he will find an easy way to do it.”
Bill Gates

Z know how to relax with the whole team on one ticket? Dump and buy a trip to the boss.

BUT I should at least carry bricks ... if only lying down

FROM I'll have lunch now. I will gain strength. And how will I start ... wanting to sleep.

R The working day is divided into "before lunch" and "before leaving".

Z You go to the site in the morning... and you see that everyone is already at their jobs.

FROM The most enjoyable part of work is going home


Catherine Grachev

ICF career coach

What to think about

Calmly analyze the situation by answering a series of questions. Who am I? What are my strengths, values, what are my motivators at work? What inspires me, where do I get my energy from? What are my skills (competencies), what market-demanded knowledge do I have, what professional experience do I already have? So you will understand the direction in which you want to develop further.

Then determine what you really want. The goal may not necessarily be a vertical career. Look wider, think also about horizontal career opportunities. It is worth understanding in which related areas you can find application for your talents. Are there any areas at the intersection where you can be unique?

Analyze the market. Explore the requirements of your dream company, what competencies, knowledge you currently lack. Find resumes of other candidates for the positions you are interested in. Compare with yours. What can you do to get to the right level? At a minimum, you can actively engage in self-education - now the Internet has all the opportunities for online learning: read professional forums, books on your topic, look for thematic groups on social networks (there are also interesting vacancies), subscribe to experts in your field.

Update your resume with new information and do it professionally - show it to an expert. When your career goal is based on knowing yourself and your inner desires (rather than conventional standards), then you will be confident in yourself and have more energy to look for new opportunities.

What to fix in a resume

You can panic only in one case - the financial airbag is blown away. Take into account when calculating possible risks: from exchange rate fluctuations to an underestimation of your own monthly expenses. If you have been out of work for a long time, then you probably want too much (and the market cannot give you this right now) or do not know how to sell yourself. If there is a discrepancy between demand and market supply, you will have to solve a dilemma - to settle for less today or wait. If you decide not to wait - start moving. If the problem is selling yourself as a specialist, then analyze the resume and work on self-presentation skills.

Rewrite resumes according to the requirements of each specific job and company. Recruiter will "filter" you if they don't see you keywords matching the requirements.

In the past, it was essential that relevant experiences be recorded in work book. Fortunately, this is not the case now. Companies look not at the record in the labor and even not at the actual experience, but at concrete results. Highlight them on your resume.

Use more active verbs (“made”, “developed”, “implemented”), voice the numbers confirming your result. Broadcast active position- it confirms that you are ready to take responsibility for the result.

Don't voice desired salary before the first face-to-face meeting with the employer. First - the benefits that the business will receive from you, after - how much it will cost the company. It is especially important to consider this point if you are more expensive than the market. For example, when we selected a product coach at Mango Telecom, we considered only those candidates whose salary requirements fall into our fork. They did not even consider CVs of candidates with requests higher than we can offer. During the interview, one of the candidates announced a higher amount, but I already liked the specialist. In addition, I realized that he would close another important area, and went to negotiate the possibility of a higher salary for him. An expert will always bring added value. Now he works in our company and in addition to training employees, he also mentors novice managers.

What affects the number of invitations

Your profession is "developer" mobile applications”, work experience for three years, do you have a portfolio? The search time will be a negative value - most likely, you have offers from employers before changing jobs. You - Chief Editor publications with a low rating and do not understand what colleagues from successful media are talking about? Six months of searching is your minimum. It is employee hygiene to monitor objective indicators in your industry from time to time, which can affect the search time. For example, with the help of such data.

The search period is directly affected by the individual characteristics of the candidate: objective (professional level and experience, possession of search and self-presentation skills) and subjective (motivation to search, expectations from future work, ambition).

What slows down the search:

You are applying for a high position and salary. Top managers are unhappy people. As soon as they fall out of a certain circle of connections, the search for a job that meets the needs and expectations turns into painful work.

Your age is solid, and your qualifications are low. An excellent doctor, an excellent engineer, an experienced builder will find work at any age. A resume for the position of a junior copywriter indicating the experience of "courier", "loader", "cashier" in combination with age 45+ can be compared to a search brake.

Personal passivity (you don't send responses, you don't update resumes, you don't use personal connections).

How to solve a problem

If work is needed yesterday, then it is too late to engage in prevention. Personal activity is the most basic tool. Online, these are responses to vacancies and correct settings summary. The main goal that an online resource can solve is to receive an invitation to an interview. Each item on your online resume influences the employer's decision to meet with you. Every missing or sloppy section is a wasted opportunity. Based on the experience of searching for a Superjob, for example, we see that if a person writes “not ready” in the “business trip” column, then the number of invitations will be 1-2% less.

Again, online is powerful, but not the only tool. If you are looking for a job, then expand your circle of contacts: former colleagues, friends, relatives, project partners, institute friends, participants professional groups in in social networks. According to, 85% of personal recommendations lead to successful employment.

Where to look for alternatives

A long job search is, first of all, an opportunity to revise your experience and skills. Suppose you have correctly reflected your experience in your resume, correctly written a cover letter, regularly monitor vacancies and are ready for an interview. But under current conditions, when massive layoffs create tremendous competition for jobs, and the employer chooses a new employee from ten similar candidates, this may not be enough. If you can’t find a job for a long time, it’s useful to think about what other industries your skills can be useful in.

For example, if you were an economist, financial knowledge and experience in Excel are applicable in planning - for example, in positions in the Digital field, where many new employees are hired. If you have worked in procurement, experience in finding and working with suppliers, drafting contracts can be applied in an event agency or in design organization. While continuing to regularly track jobs in your current profession is wise, you should also take the time to develop your skills and explore other industries.

Fall is the best time to change jobs, at least according to business coaches and others in the motivational community. Holidays are over, and the market is seeing a noticeable revival. An increase in employer activity is an expected September trend, which often plays into the hands of job seekers. Recruitment is opened in almost all categories, as a result of which candidates can find and choose the most optimal offer. If they are qualified, of course. But there is also an influx of candidates who decide to change jobs just after the summer vacation.

Personnel officers are cautiously preparing for the autumn surge: resumes, applications, and, consequently, the amount of work they have increases significantly. Not only qualified specialists apply for work, but also those who have graduated from universities, who have returned from seasonal work or, for example, a summer rural garden. Increased activity is observed not only among entrepreneurs and companies, but also in the applicant area. So why, then, is autumn considered so favorable, and is it even worth doing employment in the fall? The answer is obvious: depending on who and where!

To whom and where?

It is believed that in the fall it is most difficult to get a job with low qualifications - in a low salary scale. This, in particular, trade, a number of working professions, housing and communal services, work in large supermarket chains, etc. Often such positions are vacated in the spring - employees prefer to spend summer period, for example, in the country, in higher-paid seasonal agricultural jobs or in the resort area. In the summer, many vacancies are occupied by schoolchildren and students, who begin to study in the fall and again vacate positions. But seasonal workers return in autumn, and the behavior of employers in this case is very logical and expected: preference is given to proven, albeit former employees - those who have already managed to show themselves. Naturally, "newbies" in this case will be able to apply only for new positions opened in new organizations.

Those who claim higher positions will also have to compete. In the fall, many specialists who have reached their career peak in those companies in which they have worked for many years decide to change jobs. Plus, they are complemented by those who decide to radically change the type of activity. This has several simple explanations. First, they are preparing for spring, after all, it is after a fruitful autumn-winter period that managers are paid annual bonuses. And this is a very pleasant increase, sometimes exceeding a couple of monthly earnings. Secondly, before employment in new company good to have a good rest. Everything is logical, because at a new place of work, vacation is unlikely to be given earlier than next summer. And then, a new surge in personnel activity will not be earlier than after the New Year holidays, and they are still too far away.

But all this creates an increased supply in the labor market. According to the laws of economics - the higher the offer, the cheaper it is, which does not play into the hands of applicants. M if this may not affect the level of salaries, then the exactingness of recruiters definitely increases. Everything is logical: having 20-30 or even 50 resumes for one vacancy on the table, personnel officers quite justifiably increase the requirements for candidates, finding for themselves the most optimal offer according to the “price-quality” criterion. In the summer, for example, when there is an urgent need to patch up personnel gaps, HRs can be much more lenient towards applicants, because there is not much to choose from. But this does not happen in autumn, in autumn they always demand more, and they try to offer less.

Not the best odds

Personnel officers do not deny that autumn is probably the hottest season for recruiting workers for them. And this is caused not only by the influx of candidates for employment, but also by the activity of the companies themselves. They perceive autumn as a real "fish season" - finding a worthy specialist in September-October is much easier than ever. Plus, it helps to plan for the future. The hiring of a new employee allows the management to “run in” it before the end of the year, and based on the results of this 3-month “test drive”, draw certain conclusions and build financial plans for next year. Including taking into account the requirements for the selection of employees for the post-New Year period. None of them hides that the autumn selection will be really tough and not everyone will be able to pass it. Therefore, you should not quit your old job before a replacement is found - the risk of a fiasco is high.

Upcoming New Year's demand forces to increase activity retail chains, for the same reasons, sales offices of manufacturing companies are engaged in the recruitment of agents and salespeople. For the implementation of new digital projects, IT companies select personnel, and construction organizations open a set for future home work. In general, experts talk about a certain cyclicity Russian market labor, which is associated with many public holidays, New Year holidays, recruiting seasonality, etc. For these reasons, it is the autumn period that becomes the most favorable and fruitful in the HR field, which creates real paradoxes for the labor market: the number of open positions is increasing markedly, but finding a job, on the contrary, is becoming more difficult.

And then, if you understand the situation, considering the structure of the movement work force on the market, it turns out that not everything changes so much. So, it is quite logical that vacancies appear not only because of new projects, but as a result of the dismissal of those who decided to change jobs. They, in turn, in most cases take open positions in competing firms or firms from related industry economy. It turns out such a cycle of specialists in the market. Well, the main indicators of a surge in activity are formed due to seasonal work and offers for a low salary scale and appropriate qualifications.

The main thing is not to rush!

It turns out that September-October is not the best period for finding and changing jobs?! But what about those who have already decided to make changes in their lives and careers, but have not yet received worthy proposals? The main thing - do not rush! Do not rush to quit, do not rush to break business connections, and with employment, too, you should not rush. Of course, looking for a new job while staying at your current job is not an easy task, especially for a full-time specialist. However, the chances of him taking a more competitive place are much higher. The logic here is very clear: an unemployed applicant is sitting at home and is unlikely to wait for a good offer, so he will agree to not the best offers, because he has nowhere to go. The one who searches while working, on the contrary, can count on a more loyal attitude and a pleasant offer. If the employer is interested in a working candidate, he will have to be “outbid” with good conditions.

Not less than important principle September recruiting - try to reach all the employers that have aroused interest. Job search is not recommended to cover the exclusively narrow scope of your activity - pay attention to other sectors. You work as a journalist in a newspaper - try yourself in television, as a legal adviser at an enterprise - try to get into a bank or, for example, into a bar. Regardless of the specialization, the larger the resume, the more likely it is to find a new and interesting job.

If you are asked about the desired level of income - do not be afraid to ask for more. It does not matter where you are trying to get a job, even in a field that you have a very mediocre idea about. Why? And what, otherwise, is the point of changing jobs if the level of your income does not grow?!

It's time to change jobs

But the meaning, the fact is that sometimes there is, and very serious. Sometimes we do not notice that the world around us is irreversibly changing. How to understand that the time has come when it is time to change jobs. We have identified 4 obvious signs, in the presence of at least one of which something will still have to be changed. So, you need to change jobs when:

  1. No time for personal life. Career, experience, material status - this is certainly impressive. But what is the point of all this when there is nothing else but work? It is unlikely that any of the careerists dreams of belonging to themselves only at breakfast or, for example, in the evening shower. A good salary, a respected position, the presence of subordinates - all this makes sense if it leaves time for life.
  2. Lack of career growth. The situation is very common, when already experienced employees are not promoted in order to save a place for those who come "under patronage". There are two ways out - either ask for a raise, or leave. Everything is logical promising specialists need to be upgraded every 3-4 years.
  3. Work no longer interesting. Best Job, this is the one on which it is interesting.
  4. Low salary. Probably the most common reason for changing jobs. And if an interesting option turned up - feel free to go ahead new year holidays, corporate parties and pleasant bonuses.
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Good afternoon! This article will discuss what to do if you cannot find a job for a long time. We will consider in detail all the mistakes and reasons that prevent you from reaching this goal. You will learn how to get out of this situation, and also understand how to get a job if you do not have the necessary experience.

Reasons for a long search

Consider the most popular reasons that prevent you from finding a job:

  • little activity

It may seem to you that you are constantly on the lookout, but in fact, you are not making any effort. Today's competition is so high that one desire will not be enough. Sending a resume and sitting by the sea waiting for the weather is pointless and useless. Imagine how many applications are being considered good company. You must be interested in something more.

What to do:

  1. Be more persistent and come or call the company that opened the vacancy. Remind yourself, show that you are ready for a lot to work there. Just do not overdo it, because obsession can start to annoy.
  2. Try to place an advertisement for a job search not only on the Internet, but also in a newspaper, or vice versa. Some companies may not use one resource but be active in another. The same goes for personal search. You should take into account different sources.
  3. If you think that exchanges are useless, then they are not. Firstly, the state really has a motivation to find a job for you. Secondly, at least some money will be paid during this time. If you have already passed this stage, then try contacting a recruitment agency. Just be careful as there are a lot of scammers out there.
  4. Tell your friends that you are currently unemployed. Word of mouth is much more effective than you think. Perhaps one of their buddies or friends is looking for right person. This way you can find at least a part-time job.
  5. Do not forget to update your application on the site where the resume is posted. Still, new profiles appear, and yours goes lower each time. In addition, this way the employer will be sure that you are still looking for a position, and not just forgot to delete your resume.
  6. Constantly monitor new vacancies, because sometimes it is better to call right away than to remain a fallback after someone who does it earlier.
  • Excessive requirements

Think about it, maybe you overestimate your talents. Courage and self-confidence is good, but the employer always has an advantage. If you have little or no experience, and you are applying for a very good job, then there is only one chance in a hundred that you will be selected. Still, the company is looking for a professional in their field, considering a lot of similar questionnaires.

If you really know how to do everything, but look at an excessively large salary, then difficulties will arise here. Look at different jobs in your profession and estimate how much they are willing to pay for your skills on average. You can also not indicate numbers at all in order to impress with your skills in an interview. In this case, a person may fall in love with you so much that he will make concessions.

Think about it, maybe you have other expectations? For example, you want both a higher salary and light work, and a good schedule, and that she be close to home, as well as countless such desires. Unfortunately, there is no perfect job, and if there is, then usually this place is taken immediately.

Of course, you can find a job you like, but sometimes you have to wait too long for such a chance. If you are not ready to make concessions, then search in parallel with another job that gives at least some kind of income.

And high self-esteem is bad, and low self-esteem, too. Only if in the first case persistence can save, then here the problem is more serious. Still, to consider yourself unworthy of a certain job is one of the biggest mistakes. Especially when you know how to do it, but you think that there are more professional competitors.

Understand that you can try anyway. If they don't call you back, no big deal. And you need to understand that the reasons for the lack of response can be completely different, and it’s not necessarily about you.

Step over yourself, because in extreme cases you can refuse.

  • Errors insummary

Very often, the reason for the lack of responses is precisely a bad resume. And the point is not even that you are an unqualified specialist, because sometimes even this fades into the background. The problem can be in several nuances:

  1. Too superficial and incomplete . You've listed the main points but haven't added many other criteria. For example, they did not indicate strengths or forgot to mention that you have some kind of awards or have taken certain courses that improve your skills. All these little things should not be missed, because they often play the greatest role. Imagine that your opponent has six months more experience than you, but no other advantages. Now think about who the employer will choose?
  2. Too formulaic or too much . If you are looking for a job in a certain profession, then you do not need to indicate absolutely distant school achievements in your resume. Write only what may be useful to someone who views your profile. If a person sees that most of the points are absolutely useless, then this will make him think about your normality.
  3. Absolutely uninteresting and even faceless resume . Of course, this is almost official document but needs to be diluted. Perhaps some work allows you to use a little frivolity in the text. Just keep in mind that the frames also need to be known.
  4. If you don't see any errors, then try looking at other people's resumes. It is best to look for those who apply for the same position. If you have a problem with creativity and want to copy witty phrases or interesting details from another person, then do this. Just keep in mind that the company can look at both profiles and notice similarities. Therefore, it is best to monitor resumes of people who live in another city or even country. In this way, you will exclude the possibility of getting into an awkward situation.
  5. You made a lot of grammatical mistakes in the questionnaire . Executives who fixate on spelling rules will notice this immediately. They will not trust a person who does not know basic things.

Sample of a successful resume

  • Misbehaving in an interview

You were called and you passed the interview, but no one called back. The main reasons for silence:

  1. You came unprepared for a meeting and were just confused . When the manager asked you to tell about yourself, you got confused and gave out something slurred. A lot depends on the presentation, because that's why you were called for an interview. If you can't think of a good story on the go, then write and memorize a speech at home. Also consider answers to questions the employer may ask.
  2. fell for provocative questions . For example, that your children often get sick or you plan to have a baby in the next year. No company wants to take on a person who immediately goes on maternity leave or constantly asks for leave. Also, do not talk about the fact that you quarreled with past bosses or other colleagues.
  3. You were constantly silent or talked too much . Shyness is not a hindrance to some work, but excessive passivity may indicate that this vacancy is not really what you need. Too many words can, on the contrary, confuse the interlocutor or even anger. Nobody likes to be interrupted or not listened to.
  • You don't want to find a job

In fact, this often happens. You really look at vacancies, go to interviews, but things don’t move forward. Read:

Remember how often you turned down an internship when you were already invited to take it? Or did you cheat that you can't at certain times? If you constantly use excuses, then the problem is only with you.

You feel like the job just isn't right for you. However, why did you apply for this vacancy or even go for an interview. Admit it, is it that they really didn't live up to expectations or that you don't want to work?

It should be noted that this is absolutely normal. This happens when a person gets tired and just wants to take a break. Or you rely on and use someone else's help, so you don't want to change anything. In any case, you need to be honest with yourself and stop deceiving others. If you need rest, then take a short break. If the problem is laziness, then you should voice it to those who support you. They may even enjoy helping you.

How to deal with the problem?

What to do if there is no work? First, you need to understand the reason for your long search and try to fix it. If you are doing everything right, but there are no offers, then the problem may simply be a large demand and a small supply. Many firms collapsed due to the crisis or cut employees, reducing jobs.

If it's not about you, then in no case should you become discouraged and lose your mood. When depressed, you don’t want to do anything at all, but what is happening now is not forever. Try to find the positive aspects of unemployment, because they are also there. What can be done:

  • Let yourself rest. Surely you did not have a normal vacation or a long weekend. If there is not much money, then you can go to your parents or relatives. It is especially great if there is a summer house or someone lives outside the city in order to actively spend their holidays. You can also finally meet friends or stay longer with your loved one, children. In this case, it all depends on your budget.
  • Look for some training or courses. Perhaps you do not have enough knowledge for the desired profession or you are a little behind the modern rules. By the way, classes can be on a completely new topic for you. It is not necessary to stagnate in the same place if you are unlucky there. Perhaps you are at a stage when you need to reevaluate your life and change something in it. Think, maybe you have always been interested in something else?
  • Find a hobby. You need to get distracted and stop thinking that you are having difficulty finding a job. The best way out of depression is to actively engage in something. By the way, not every hobby requires a lot of investment, so do not come up with excuses. By the way, very often a favorite hobby turns into a very profitable business of life. Read:
  • Don't be alone all the time. Loneliness is the main friend of despondency, so go out more. Friends and loved ones will help you get distracted, which means that time will fly by much faster.
  • If you really need money, then get any part-time job or consider a vacancy that did not suit you before. This should be done if now you do not have the opportunity to find a job in your specialty. Most likely, the offer will be below your dignity, but this is at least some kind of income. In addition, a vacancy with a small salary can be very promising or good bonuses are possible at this job. The main thing is to somehow move, because you cannot predict the future.
  • Start working on your thinking. In fact, the constant scrolling of negative thoughts in the head has the ability to come true. Try using affirmations that have brought many people closer to their goal. We are talking about phrases that the Universe hears more sensitively and quickly executes. In your case, the following will help:
    “I have a great job and I love this place.”
    - "I'm getting paid high salary»,
    - "I have a lot good suggestions for work”, etc.

You must realize that what you don't have now permanent job is not a disaster. There will be enough work for everyone, because in fact there are a lot of vacancies. Try at least for a while to change your views on the world and in no case get depressed .

I can't find a job, what if I don't have experience?

The paradox of today is that they don’t take work without work experience, but you need to get it somewhere. In this regard, many young specialists cannot find a job in their specialty.

  • You can try to look for jobs for students, as they often require only education or at least some knowledge. You can start with a small salary, but the prospect in this situation is more important.

If you are not satisfied with such conditions, then you need to change something in yourself. Try to design your resume in such a way that the employer is interested. You need to show him that you have a lot of virtues, you grasp everything on the fly, and you don’t need to be retrained. Show your imagination and you will definitely be interested. ( See sample resume above.)

  • Be persistent and come to a company that attracts you. Ask about the availability of any possible vacancies. It is likely that now there are several offers where experience is not required. This is a good opportunity to get into the desired company and prove yourself. Very often, successful leaders start from the bottom and achieve what they have only after a few years.

By the way, now there are a lot of alternative professions, where official experience is not the most important part. Check out the options that bring good income and without an entry in the work book:

  1. infobusiness
    Now it has become very popular to make money on your knowledge and skills. For example, if you studied well at school and college, then there is a great chance to share this for money. The upside is that you won't have a boss and the costs are minimal. Of course, it all depends on what you want to surprise with. By the way, not only a diploma or a gold medal from school, but also various seminars will help to raise your price. Learn from others and turn it to your advantage.
  2. Distant work
    Work on the Internet is available to everyone and many professions require a minimum of skills and knowledge. Some employers are even willing to train, but, of course, in return for a small salary. In this case, you can get experience there, and then go to a place where they will pay more. One of the most popular professions is copywriting. If you know how to write well, then you will like this job. You can also consider such vacancies as: manager of an online store, administrator of groups or pages in social networks. networks, operator, personal assistant, moderator, content manager and many others. Don't be afraid to learn something new. Read:
  3. Blog or vlog
    On a blog, you can write articles on topics that interest you. Also, most readers are very fond of pictures, so add them too. In vlogs, you need to shoot something interesting on video. As for the topics, there are quite a lot of them. Someone talks about travel, someone writes culinary recipes or reveals secrets about cosmetics. It is also popular now to shoot vlogs about your daily routine, because many people are interested in someone else's life. Find something of your own and create a channel or blog. In the beginning, you will earn just on clicks, and then on advertising. If you have a lot of followers, then some brands will be interested and offer you to advertise their product on your page. Read:
  4. Hobby
    Turn your passion into a profession. There you will not only have experience, but also skills. You will know some mistakes and subtleties of a certain lesson, which will definitely come in handy for others. Before you start, it's a good idea to take additional courses in order to have some kind of certificate. As for the options, there are a lot of them: love to cook - create cooking classes, love to take pictures - do private shoots, love to play sports - become an instructor, etc.