Makarevich's new statement stunned everyone. Makarevich, expressing an anti-Russian position, made a new statement and may again speak in Ukraine. Crimeans will not receive mountains of gold

One of the main Soviet rockers Andrei Makarevich turns 65 on December 11. Throughout his career, Makarevich did not remain aloof from social and political issues, but this was not reflected in the work of his Time Machine group.

The musician was critical of Soviet power and in the 1990s supported the government of Boris Yeltsin in the Russian Federation. After that, he sympathized with Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, he changed his views and now often criticizes the actions of the Russian authorities.

Makarevich himself is criticized by a number of Russian public figures for supporting Ukraine and condemning the annexation of Crimea. recalls Makarevich's statements.

Buy Crimea

At the end of July of this year, Makarevich on the air of Ekho Moskvy radio said that the annexation of Crimea, like the war in Chechnya, shows "not double, but ten" standards of Russia.

“There are not even double, but tenth standards here. We know very well how such encroachments of the population of some parts of our country to become independent ended. Not only Chechnya, there were other excesses,” the musician said.

He suggested that Russia could negotiate with Ukraine about Crimea, for example, "buy it."

“I believe that if Crimea was so necessary, it is so necessary that Russia could not live without it, it was possible to find other ways. countries," the musician said.

Makarevich noted that he would have traveled with great pleasure to the Crimea bought by Russia.

"This territory did not turn out very well. beautiful story. If this is really done, as we are told, at their request, by the vast majority of the population, it is still not entirely correct. Because there are laws, there are international agreements. We are told about the referendum, but I have my own idea about this referendum… Little green men appear from another state and hold a referendum here. What is it?” he says.

Later, he called his words about the purchase of Crimea a metaphor.

"If there was such an urgent strategic need to own the Crimea, it was possible to find other ways to get it. Ways are peaceful, conflict-free. I am deeply convinced that, according to final calculations, it would be cheaper," Makarevich said.

Putin will give away Crimea

In June, in another interview with Echo of Moscow, Makarevich said that the return of Crimea to the Ukrainian legal field under the current president of the Russian Federation is doubtful.

"I think that our participation in Donetsk and Luhansk will fade, fade, and so imperceptibly come to naught. I hope so. Putin will give hell to Crimea, of course. Unfortunately, this is true," the musician said.

Occupied Crimea

Makarevich said in April that in no case would he go on tour to Crimea, since he considered this territory occupied.

Makarevich noted that after the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014, he had never traveled to the peninsula and added that he would not go there on tour, even if he received permission from the Ukrainian authorities.

"No, I don't want to go there. I consider this territory occupied," the musician replied in an interview with RTVI.

Crimeans will not receive mountains of gold

In March 2014, shortly after the annexation of Crimea, Makarevich assured the inhabitants of the peninsula that Russia's promises to improve conditions had nothing to do with reality.

"It's amazing how one decision can make everyone feel bad. Ukraine - part of the territory was taken away from them. Russia - we economic situation we hang around our necks a territory that does not even have water and citizens that do not produce anything. They need to be fed. Crimeans - they will soon realize that the mountains of gold that they were promised are empty words. Russian society - it was finally split into "patriots" and "traitors" (conditional names). The world community is frightened and ready to impose sanctions even to its own detriment (I’m not talking about the harm to Russia.) What else have I missed?” the musician wrote on Facebook at the time.

Songs about Crimea

In February 2015, Makarevich recorded a new song, A Conversation with a Compatriot, dedicated to the annexation of Crimea. In a lyrical and ironic form, the musician asks the Russians what the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula has given them.

“Just as soon as we lived quietly in the country, it seemed to us that the country was not enough. And now I am in the shit, you are in the shit, everything is in the shit. Well, what did you miss, brother?” Makarevich sings.

In March 2016, at the Ukraina Hotel in Moscow, at the celebration of his 85th birthday, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev sang Ukrainian songs to the accompaniment of Andrei Makarevich.

Gorbachev sang the song "There is a high mountain" and an excerpt from the song "I marvel at the sky."

"My mother was beautiful woman, Ukrainian. And this means that with a Khokhlyatsky character. When she was asked to marry her father, she refused. Her argument was: "I don't love him!" It was 1929. Think, in a peasant family, a poor one - to raise love topics at this level .... And on top of everything else, she was also a singer," the ex-president said.

Concerts in Donbass

In the summer of 2014, Makarevich gave several charity concerts in Ukraine. Among them was Slavyansk, which the day before came under the control of the Ukrainian military.

This performance caused condemnation in Russia, the singer was offered to be deprived of state awards. Makarevich himself said that he performed in Slavyansk with a concert for children. He won the trial Russian newspaper Izvestia for slander about a concert in front of the military.

Only love to deprive you of life

In the summer of 2015, Makarevich presented a new song Tilka love to deprive you of life, recorded together with the Ukrainian group Gaydamaki and the Polish performer Maciej Malenchuk.

The composition is performed in three languages ​​- Russian, Ukrainian and Polish. The media wrote that it was Makarevich who became the author of the song title. In it, among other things, the phrase comes from the lips of Makarevich: "I saw a dragon with a thousand mouths, whose name is power."

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Makarevich about Ukraine: Andrei Makarevich, completely confused in his words and deeds, whom State Duma deputies want to deprive of awards for anti-Russian statements, continues to make excuses and try to prove that he is not a camel. The performer made a new statement in which he spoke about his ideas about beauty. In addition, Makarevich can speak to the miners in the Donbass - he received such an offer from Iosif Kobzon.

Apparently, the rising storm made Makarevich come to his senses a little and think about what he was doing. The performer's statements became softer and he, declaring that he would not play for the military on either side, as this contradicts his ideas of beauty. In addition, in the near future, perhaps, the performer will perform for the miners of Donbass. True, he himself knows nothing about this yet. Such an offer was made to the singer by Joseph Kobzon in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Iosif Davydovich expressed the opinion that in this way Makarevich could show everyone who was indignant that in Svyatogorsk he really acted not for the purpose of personal gain, but obeying the dictates of the heart, which wanted to help the unfortunate people who got into such trouble.

Recall that Andrei Makarevich, speaking in Svyatogorsk, as reported by the media, sang only three songs, and spent the remaining time on interviews and comments to the Ukrainian press, in which not the most patriotic words were uttered.

— Opinions Tags: Makarevich Andrei Makarevich published another open letter. This time he appealed to all Russians. And the appeal is very unexpected.

Makarevich's appeal was published today in Moskovsky Komsomolets. Andrey Vadimovich reflects on what would change in our country if all the power suddenly changed overnight, and what is actually the root of the problems of modern society. RBC shares excerpts from this appeal. He describes a hypothetical situation: once in a moment, all the power so unloved by the modern opposition (including them) was replaced.

"So what? Do you think life will go differently for us from this day on? And the police (sorry, the police - what's the difference?) Will stop robbing and pressing us, and, on the contrary, will start protecting us? And the officials will stop cutting the budget and sharing kickbacks and will they take care of their direct duties, which they apparently have? And the doctors will stop extracting money from the unfortunate patients and start treating them? And the ambulance will not carry passengers for five thousand on the opposite side of the siren, but will rush to help those who Will the priests stop blessing Orthodox storm troopers for the feat and start healing our souls? And the deputies will stop making us laugh and disgrace the country and will do what they were chosen for? ?"

As a result of rather lengthy reflections, the musician comes to a generally logical conclusion: the source of the problem is not in the existing government, but in society. More precisely, in the people who make up this society, who "humiliate and rob each other". And no matter how much you change the government, nothing will change if the people themselves do not change their attitude towards each other, towards their country and towards themselves.

Having come to this conclusion, Makarevich proposes a solution to the problem: it is necessary that we "already now, under Putin" realized their mistakes and tried to learn to love and respect their country, themselves and others.

The solution is good. Difficult, requiring effort and time, but good. And not new. In fact, this is a new transcription of the gospel truth: "And as you want people to do to you, so do you to them." This rule, known since antiquity (one of the earliest statements expressing it is attributed to Aristotle), is present in one form or another in all world religions and teachings. But for some reason, it is usually used only in interpersonal relationships, although, as between people, the attitude towards each other is "mirrored", in the same way it happens in "man-society" relations and even in interstate relations. Another question is that in more global cases, much more effort is required.

And I am glad that Makarevich understood this.

How do you think we'll manage?


Andrei Makarevich published another open letter. This time he appealed to all Russians. And the appeal is very unexpected. Makarevich's appeal was published today in Moskovsky Komsomolets. Andrei Vadimovich reflects on what would change in our country if...
