If you want to earn money, ask me how. "Beautiful story" or "Want to make money - Ask me how"

Soon New Year, which means, as usual, I will put on a red hat of Santa Claus and will delight you with posts about Christmas trees almost every day! If you suddenly don’t know, I have been driving to Russia for many years. We, unfortunately, do not grow such plants yet, so we have to buy them in Europe.

Last year, in addition to Moscow, they tried to sell Christmas trees in other cities, and things went very well. This year we decided to give sales outside of Moscow to partners. Good opportunity to organize a small seasonal business in own city.

How it works and why it's cool:

  • You get high-quality, hand-selected Christmas trees at wholesale prices. In your area, perhaps no one else sells these;

  • You get an exclusive for your city (subject to the purchase of a minimum quantity);

  • You will receive part of the sales automatically - through people who read my blog. But the main part will have to be sold by ourselves;

  • We will completely copy for you the entire business model of Christmas trees from Varlamov: we will select Christmas trees, make the same website, only for your city, tell you in detail how to organize a warehouse and delivery, help you start accepting payments and advise on what sizes of Christmas trees to buy;

  • We will give you and teach you how to work with an IT system, including a website, an online cash desk, telephony, CRM, sales analytics;

  • We will deliver Christmas trees to your city for free (but not further than Krasnoyarsk, if further, you will need to pay extra);

  • You just have to organize the process of delivery and sales in your city;

  • We will always be in touch with you to prompt and advise.
How much can you earn:

  • If you sell 300 Christmas trees, then after all the expenses, according to our preliminary calculations, you will earn more than 500,000 rubles;

  • If 200 Christmas trees - about 300,000 rubles;

  • If you can sell 500 Christmas trees, then your profit will be about 1 million rubles.
What investments will I need to make:

Prepayment for the trees themselves. We sell sets of Christmas trees of 100 pieces, the set includes a set of Christmas trees of different sizes verified by several years of work. The cost of one set is 487,000 rubles. We recommend taking at least 200 Christmas trees, otherwise all the profits will be eaten up by your office and warehouse costs.

Unfortunately, we do not give Christmas trees for sale. Only 100% advance payment.

Who sets the cost of trees?

  • You. We will have suggested retail prices, but you are free to change them as you wish;

  • You also set the delivery rules: you can make it free or paid.

How can I arrange delivery in my city?

  • We will write a detailed manual for you, but in general it is very simple: either hire a team of loaders (or two), or enter into an agreement with a delivery company and follow their work;

  • The Yolok team from Varlamov will always be in touch with you to advise if something goes wrong.

What if I can't sell all the trees?

In this case, you may not earn anything or even lose something. This is your risk, I also get nervous every year.

I don't have a registered business

We will advise you on how to register an IP. It's very simple. The tax will be 6% of the turnover.

How many Christmas trees do you need to buy to get an exclusive for the city?

It depends on the city. General formula: 0.04% of the city's population, but not less than 200 Christmas trees. That is, to get an exclusive, for example, to Samara, you need to buy 520 Christmas trees.
To Ryazan - 215 Christmas trees. To St. Petersburg - 2120 Christmas trees. If the formula comes out too much, don't worry, write to the mail how much you would like to buy, and we will consider the offer. Perhaps we will make an exclusive for you on other conditions.

Can you just buy Christmas trees, without exclusives?

You can, if no one bought an exclusive for your city. Sales from the site will then be distributed randomly.

If you want to sell our trees - write to the mail [email protected] . Don't delay: there was a lot of interest, exclusives for the cities you are interested in can quickly disappear.

Hi all! Today I want to write a small reviewer that may help you get started and make money on the Internet. Those who follow the life of my blog know that not so long ago I interviewed Alexander Prokudin. So, today he is launching a “Manual for making money by selling eternal links” on his blog. Let me remind you that in 2011 Alexander received a net profit from the sale of links of 1,600,000 rubles.

What useful can this manual give you?

The most useful thing that you get by purchasing paid access to Alexander's manual is experience! The experience of a person who, not in words, but in deeds, has shown himself to be an expert in the field of selling links. I have been talking with Sanya for a year now, and I can say that she is a real expert in her field.

Access to the Manual will cost you $30. But, for those who do not want to pay, some of the information is also available, this is about 60% of all available information on the blog.

That's all I wanted to tell you today!

P/S. Video in which Sanya shows her earnings for 2011. The net profit of which amounted to 1,600,000 rubles ...

"Beautiful story" or "Want to make money - Ask me how"

Antiques, art objects and just things that please the eye, that can become part of your interior, decorate it and .. help you increase your income! Yes yes exactly. "How?" - some will ask, "This is a myth," others will say. Really how?

Many owners of antiques were faced with the fact that they simply could not sell previously purchased items, not only more expensive, but it was not even possible to return the “money invested”. Why? Yes, because they bought either expensive, at an inflated price, or not very liquid goods, even if they were beautiful. So what's the point of all this?

But there is a meaning and it is quite specific. Imagine the stock market, the stock market, so you come there and start buying and investing, but you don’t really understand this - and what is the result? And the result is unpredictable, it's like in a casino: either win or lose. You can seek help and advice from professionals, and this will help reduce the risks. So, after the transaction, you become the owner of a small number of pieces of paper. Satisfied and confident in your well-being, you go home. But we are here with you a little departed from the main topic.

Wake up, we are on an antique site and antiques are for sale here. And believe that you can invest in it just like in securities. But this requires consultation. Consultant in this case may be professional seller antiques, antiques He, based on your budget, will offer the most optimal case (a number of items from which you make a choice). And after the transaction, you do not get pieces of paper (although of course they will also be in the form of contracts), but a real, tangible thing. You become its owner. And this is where things get interesting...

You are now a full member antique market, so to speak, an antiquary trainee. And the consultant is your guide in this world. You can take the item to yourself and use it for its intended purpose. You can give it to the exposition of any gallery. In both cases, this antique item of yours is for sale: either live or from a photograph. And the benefits of such an investment do not end there. Guaranteed upon sale you get 20% per annum! How are you? I think it's gorgeous.

Recruitment to the RSSU Business Incubator continues

The main task business incubator- help startup teams build a business model, choose the most effective development strategies and implement their projects.

The regulation provides for three forms of participation. If the authors of an already working and profitable startup project want to enter the new level development, they can apply to the RSSU Business Incubator and obtain the status of a resident. This will give them a number of advantages. Experts will provide aspiring entrepreneurs with consulting support in the areas of strategic planning, marketing and legal aspects of the business, as well as help to select the base of potential investors and partners. A pleasant bonus will be the opportunity to use specially equipped workplaces, meeting rooms, the Internet, telephone connection and office equipment.

If the students have this moment there is only a promising idea, then they can become candidates for residents. When successful completion a two-three-month trial period, the guys will receive assistance in the implementation of their project.

In addition, any student of RSSU can attend free open events held at the sites of the Business Incubator.

Daria Rakhimova, director of the RSSU Business Incubator: “We are waiting for all students who really want to develop and work on themselves. We are most interested in ideas and projects in the social sphere.”

The first resident of the incubator was "Land of Talents"- All-Russian social program, created with the aim of finding and supporting gifted children and youth in Russia. Every year "Strana" holds creative contests and subject Olympiads establishes grants. The author of the project was Evgeny Chernyaev- faculty student information technologies RSSU.