Quotes about people who talk behind their backs. Statuses about gossips and envious women with meaning. Beautiful women attract men... and gossip

statuses for social networks about envy, gossips and envious people.
Envious people are weak in spirit, who cannot think of anything better than to slander a person in order to seem to lower his authority, slander spreads, and gossip is born.

Never discuss or envy the bad. Envy the best, discuss the best.

It is better to be the center of attention, having a scandalous reputation, than to be in the primitive herd of judgment.

Why do people believe rumors instead of asking about everything and finding out the truth.

Let us enjoy our lot without resorting to comparisons - he who is tormented by the sight of greater happiness will never be happy ... When it comes to your mind how many people are ahead of you, think about how many of them follow behind. Seneca

There are so many people around who are aware of my life that I want to come up and ask: - Well, what, how am I doing there ?!

They say that gossipers, condemning a person, take away his sins. So I can live in peace...

A handful of facts can spoil the best gossip.

Precious gossips, gossips and envious women! Open your mouth at the level of the fly, and not in my direction !!

If someone condemns you ... or collects gossip, he simply suffers from a complex! He is worse than you and he knows it! Do not honor him, do not respond to chatter! Let him even crack with anger, but whoever is smart will understand you ...

If gossip bothers, there is no need to be upset. Know - worms choose only the best fruits!

The envious person says not what is, but what can cause evil. — Publius Sir

Itching and gossiping is the anthropological inevitability of all women.

No matter how boring your life is, do not climb into someone else's ...

When the vessel is empty, it echoes any sound. So gossip echoes in empty people.

Whoever gossips with you gossips about you.

A lot of gossip is not frank people and losers. Everyone gossips a little.

You can’t get enough muzzles for all those who yelp behind your back, but sometimes a thrown bone is enough for them to gnaw each other ...

I don’t know if one who spreads dirty gossip about everyone can be called a “man”. In the pursuit of popularity, “it” denigrates acquaintances behind their backs ... What a pity, you can’t put the stigma “Asexual, insignificant schmuck!” on the forehead!

Don't jump to conclusions about a person until you've talked to them in person, because all you hear is hearsay.

Some want to give a grater ... to scratch their tongue ...

I hate people who smile in their eyes and gossip about me behind my back.

And I love it when they gossip about me and carry nonsense. I immediately feel like a showbiz star.

Gossiping about me is a new sport...compete suckers!

I hate people who try to seem better at the expense of others! Trying to hide their misdeeds and turn white, they spread gossip even about their closest friends, thereby becoming even lower in the eyes of those who once respected and trusted!

To torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Do you condemn? No problem! Continue in the same spirit ... Dissolve, since it is pleasant, your dirty rumors about me. Just know that your thoughts make me neither cold nor hot.

Gossip is the best activity for those who have nothing to do.

I don't care what people say! What I was, and I will remain like that, I don’t need your empty souls, I don’t need your love either. From false words, sometimes ears wither. Cover your sins with your tails, don't touch mine, I'll figure it out myself. Like I said, rest! I don't need your friendship!

Gossips are the lowest people. And to punish them is the same as sinking to their level!

Gossips are very reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner with a torn filter - it didn’t seem so dirty at the entrance, but one g flies in the air ... but

It's better to spit directly and in the eyes than in the soul behind my back.

I want to leave, hide from arrogant muzzles and gossips ... fall apart on a beach with pebbles and enjoy the cry of seagulls.

A person who is happy will never wish harm to someone, spread ridiculous rumors, and try to quarrel someone. Only sick people do this, and unfortunately they are sick in soul and heart.

Eh, girlfriends ... Girlfriends ... Only pillows can be silent ...

Section topic: statuses about envy, gossips and envious people with a sense of cool and instructive about envious people.

I want to meet you and punch you in the face so that you don't relax! I'm tired of listening to these gossips of yours behind my back!

Don't believe gossip, listen with your heart and soul...

Live in such a way that you will not be ashamed to sell a parrot to the main gossip of the city.

I am terribly annoyed by people who first enter into trust, poke their nose into my personal life, then spread gossip, after which much collapses ...

Gossiping about me is a new sport...compete suckers!.

Dear gossips! you will open your mouth at the level of the fly, and not in my direction.

Mom, I'm not a gossip)) I just have a shop and seeds go)))

I'm tired of gossip girlfriends! For me, he is the best!

Whoever gossips with you will gossip about you.

Women are big gossips, but men are just as gossip...

I am not one of those who, in envy and anger at others, often washes the bones!

The holidays started recently, and someone besides me wants to go to school bustle ... where there are gossip, friends, beautiful boys ..??

To stop gossip, ignore...

I just want a friend. A friend, no, not a friend! They are gossips!

Dear gossips: you will open your mouth at the level of the fly, and not in my direction.

You're a beauty queen in front, you're a gossip queen in the back...

It is true that the best friends can make you crazy, but without them, our life is not so rich.

Two men deceived by one woman are somewhat related.

How visual and fun it would be if the gossips' tongue grew ... exponentially to their gossip ...

I'm not an angel, I'm sinful without a doubt, like everyone else ... There are no saints on Earth ... Well, what the hell, tell me, opinions, who barks me out of the dirt?

Everything needs to be tested and evaluated. . . Misfortune, pain, betrayal, grief, gossip - Everything needs to be passed through the heart.

She will always be special! because she is sincere, and there have always been few such people...

Many relationships can be broken just because one believed gossip without asking the other “is it true”

A friend always gives a friend what he needs, even when he does not ask for it. Being a friend means not giving up even when a friend refuses.

Dear gossips and gossips! I'm not happy with all this going on. But now I have to write to you simply so that you do not wait for fairy tales, do not ask about them in a personal message, and so on.

And for example, when I meet girls, we don’t gossip, but discuss everything and everyone :)))

I slowly pulled off his T-shirt and realized that I was selling my soul.

Wind, wind, you are mighty. Gossips you, bitch, screw it!

Silence is a shield from many troubles, and chatter is always harmful. A man's tongue is small, but how many lives he has broken!

Gossip is a comfort to women who are no longer loved and no longer cared for.

When talking with "distorters" and "reversers" of information, you must use a voice recorder ...

Do not envy me with black envy, envy me with white envy - I am pleased to communicate with bright people ...

Gossip for women is poison: in large doses they kill, in small doses they treat ...

There is nothing more vile when a man gossips with a woman ...

Oh gossips! Oh, their stories! I love their regal mouths. Their ears are like toilet bowls, infallible and pure...

I feed liars and gossips only with what benefits me. I don’t even know whether to praise myself or silently rejoice.

Statuses about gossips and gossips

Gossip is like counterfeit money: decent people do not make it themselves, but only pass it on to others.
Claire Booth Luce

Smart people know that we can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart ones know which half.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Rumor is a disaster, faster than which there is nothing in the world.

A gossip is someone who talks to you about others; bore - the one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is someone who talks to you about you.
Lisa Kirk

People see only what they want to see and hear only what they want to hear. 90% of the monstrous rumors, false reputations, sacred gossip rest on this property of human nature. I ask those who disagree with me to remember what they have heard about themselves.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Whoever spreads rumors has abandoned virtue.

The human ear is susceptible to all sorts of tales.

When gossip gets old, it becomes myth.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

As for those empty words that people say about us, we should pay no more attention to them than the dome of an old church pays attention to the crows circling around it.
Mary Ann Evans

There is no cure for slander in the world. We need to live honestly and despise slander, and let gossips talk to their health.

We tend to pass on the story told to us in a better way than we received it.
Mrs Humphrey Ward

Gossip is a comfort to women who are no longer loved and no longer cared for.
Guy de Maupassant

Whoever gossips with you gossips about you.
Spanish proverb

Never repeat what you have not heard yourself.
Jules Renard

The pig will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city.
Russian proverb

All the trouble that your worst enemy can say to your face is nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back.
Alfred de Musset

Rumor is the back door for truth and the front door for lies. We often see the truth, but rarely hear it - almost never in its pure form, especially when it comes from afar: then it has an admixture of addictions through which it has passed.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Rumor is born as a mouse and dies as an elephant.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

He who knows how to be silent hears many confessions; for who will reveal himself to a talker and a gossiper.
Francis Bacon

You can blame people, but not revile and ridicule them, for gossip, which confuses many, is still bad if it digs a hole even for one person.
Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra

Reputation: An established gossip.
Leonard Louis Levinson

An intelligent woman does not repeat gossip. She composes them.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

No one gossips about other people's secret virtues.
Bertrand Russell

The exact opposite of what is said about things and people is often the true truth about them.
Jean de La Bruyère

Evil tongues are worse than a gun.
Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov

The only time people don't like gossip is when they gossip about them.

Statuses about envy and gossip are the best way to express negative emotions. In addition, your message will immediately be clear to the offender.

About the truth of life

  1. No need to envy anyone. You have something to put in order anyway. And right now.
  2. How difficult it is to approach a person and just say what you like about him and what you don’t. And how easy it is to discuss all this behind your back.
  3. I love being envied. It means that they are interested in me. But everything has its limit.
  4. If people are discussing you, then rest assured: they will definitely mention your personal life. Just calm down.
  5. Each of us loves gossip, but how terrible it is to find out that someone was discussing you. Even if it's a completely unknown person.
  6. Dear "grandmothers at the entrance"! Before spreading gossip about me, please check it with me.
  7. Yes, you understand. Your discussing my personal life doesn't make yours any better.
  8. Weather, admission, work, a new series, clothes - see how much you can discuss instead of washing my bones.
  9. If you dream about something, and boldly go to your dream, you will be fine. But at the same time, you need to try not to pay attention to gossips ...
  10. Do you know why you should only say good things about yourself? Because everything bad about you has long been said!
  11. Do you know what is the worst thing in the life of a beautiful girl? The fact that even if she is single, she is still credited with 150 lovers.
  12. We will never change gossipers, no matter how hard we try. The best we can do is to accept this fact.
  13. The funniest thing is that I know who started the gossip. And even funnier is that I absolutely do not care.
  14. I immediately stop gossips, even if they are not talking about me. Because I will leave, and then they will definitely talk about me.

Gossip heroes are not only beautiful and happy

If they gossip about you, then you are on the right track. Nevertheless, the status of “envy of people” is still worth establishing.

  1. I don't want to know if your smiles are false or not. I just want to live the way I live now.
  2. You can envy me all you want. But only silently, please, silently.
  3. We can confess to anything, but not that we gossip. But it's not that we're jealous.
  4. Have you ever heard the phrase about gossip girls and fly? Well, it's still relevant today!
  5. When I'm jealous, I think: what else can I do to get at least the same thing. And so do you.
  6. You know, I'll give you a birthday present. Book. So you know what to do instead of discussing me.
  7. Being unhappy is unprofitable for others: then you start to envy a little bit.
  8. Many great things are considered abnormal. Who are considered? First of all, losers.
  9. Why slander others? Yes, because it’s easier than just thinking about how useless your life is ...
  10. Joint washing of bones is often confused with friendship. That's the way it is with us.
  11. Don't rate me. You have long gone out of school age, and, judging by your intellect, you don’t really look like teachers.
  12. And you know, if a person feels good, he doesn't care about gossip. He begins to notice them only when things go downhill.
  13. I look at some people and I understand: you don't have to be me to know how I'm doing.
  14. If people say bad things about you behind your back, you are worth something.

The worst thing is that someone can trust gossip

The status about envy with meaning makes you look at the world in a completely different way. Surprise yourself and your friends!

  1. Don't be offended by gossips. Maybe for some this is the last chance to feel better.
  2. And let's just wish happiness to all envious people. Then maybe they'll get tired of being jealous.
  3. Envious people lack logic. If your life is bad, improve it. No need to watch someone else instead.
  4. You can say whatever you want about me. But gossip always leaves dirty traces!
  5. But I'm not afraid of envy. By envying me, you increase my self-esteem, and worsen yours even more.
  6. Whatever it is, don't be shy. Anything interesting, just ask. But there is no need to spread gossip.
  7. Like it or not, gossips are friends with gossips. They simply have nothing to discuss with smart people.
  8. I respect my choice, so even if we part, I will not say a single bad word about you. Too bad you think otherwise.
  9. Envy is disrespect for yourself. This means that a person is absolutely not important to his own person and reputation.
  10. How interesting to discuss someone's choice. Especially when there is no way to make your own.
  11. The strongest person is the one who understands that they will always gossip about him, and who takes it easy.
  12. The less others know about you, the more, oddly enough, they have more gossip.
  13. White envy is also envy. So be careful with people.
  14. Your soul will always be spat upon as long as you allow it. However, it is never too late to change something.
  15. As you can see, I can forgive a lot. But I shouldn't forgive gossip behind my back!
  16. The envy of enemies is a common thing. But the envy of a friend is what kills.

If you want to delicately hint to gossips that they are wrong, use these statuses!

The one who tells you about other people's shortcomings tells others about yours.

There will always be a goat who will come up with something nasty about you. A sheep that will not only let this information out to the masses, but will definitely add something from itself, and a ram that will certainly believe all this.

It has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.

If they gossip, then they remember, if they envy, then everything is better than envious people.

They say that gossips, discussing a person, take away his sins. I can live in peace.

What difference does it make what they say about you behind your back if their tongue is in the ass when they meet.

I love it when people talk behind my back. This confirms that I am ahead!

Those who do not have their own personal lives always discuss and climb into someone else's!

There are so many people around who are aware of my life that sometimes I want to come up and ask: well, what, how am I doing there?

Mud cure hasn't hurt anyone yet... Keep on gossiping!

Do not forget that enemies and haters do not appear from a bad life ... So you live awesome and you have something to envy!

The main thing is not what "they" say about you, the main thing is that "they" speak in a whisper.

Around someone who is something, rumors and gossip are always spread by those who are nothing.

Gossip is a drug for oppressed people.

I wish the gossips as much happiness as the truth in their words.

I feel sorry for people who say bad things about me. After all, they are so flawed that they don’t even understand how much I don’t care about their opinion.

If you do not give a reason for gossip, then gossip will be without a reason.

What kind of people went? They hear out of the corner of their ear, they see out of the corner of their eyes, and then they think out with the rest of their brain.

It all depends on taste. You can savor wine, or you can savor someone else's life. Gossips are clearly not gourmets ...

Envious people are not interested in your explanations of how you got up, they are interested in your tears from how you fell.

From gossip you can learn a lot about the gossipers.

Who knows himself, he is not afraid of what they say about him.

Before you stir up someone else's laundry, you need to make sure that your own has been washed.

I don't get offended by people who talk about me behind my back and criticize me. I am glad that at least one interesting topic has finally appeared in their lives.

Gossip about me whatever you want, I'm not greedy!

Never believe gossip about a woman. They come either from a man who could not win her, or from a woman who is jealous of her!

If you are constantly being discussed, don’t worry, it means you are moving, but they are marking time and rattling their tongues out of hopelessness!

The brighter the personality and the more spiritual beauty in it, the more it blinds the eyes of envious people and opens their mouths.

No one can judge others until they learn to judge themselves.

Not always what others say - however, they can praise out of pity, sling mud - out of envy.

There are two types of envious people: the first want everything like you have, and the second want you to have nothing at all.

People start spreading rumors when they don’t know how else to explain why someone succeeds and they don’t.

A black cat is not at all interested in what the gray mice say about her!

Envious people, enemies and gossips are the first to notice other people's mistakes, which is what they give themselves away.

A good person should not have enemies, only envious people.