Provocative questions at the interview of an economist. Interview questions for an economist - questions that are asked at - interviews

If you are not ready to take young specialists for training. But the latter needs to be done either independently or with the help of the existing analytical department. Examining the Resume: Qualities and Skills When reviewing a candidate's resume, you will need to pay attention to the exact title of the specialty. This is necessary, since there are a lot of areas of economic education. And, for example, if you need an economist for an enterprise where you need to work with equipment and complex calculations, it is better to look for an engineer-economist. Or, if there is a need for a specialist with knowledge of jurisprudence or another direction, this is also worth paying attention to. It's good if you come across a job seeker whose resume contains marks about completed additional courses or advanced training. This means that you will get on the team a person who does not stand still and strives to develop his skills.

Job interview...

Interview. Who does not know the feeling of excitement that visits us at a job interview? Dialogue with potential employer can cause stress even for job seekers with extensive work experience. Therefore, we understand how important it is to prepare for an interview in advance, think over the strategy of your behavior and know the answers to tricky questions that an employer can ask at an interview. We've reviewed 10 frequently confusing questions for job seekers and prepared templates for you to build your answers around.

  1. Why do you want to work with us? The applicant, who on the eve of the interview got acquainted with all available information about the company, shows his interest in this particular vacancy.

Preparing for an interview: 10 tricky questions

If you are interested official duties, work schedule, career prospects, the opportunity to get additional education, then in this way you will show that you strive not to stop there and are able to develop further, build a professional career for the benefit of the company. Truthful answers, a well-written resume, tastefully selected clothes that emphasize individual business style, well-groomed hands - all this will help you take a step forward in professional career. At the interview, it is important to show that this vacancy in a bank or other area is of interest to you in terms of the company's image, the opportunity to work in a team of real professionals and the level of tasks that need to be solved.

Interview Questions

Stages of selecting economists Tests for working as an economist are not the only difficult stage, there are others, just testing causes the greatest anxiety among applicants, although there are also interviews with top managers, group business cases. Briefly, the stages can be grouped as follows:

  • submitting a questionnaire;
  • testing;
  • a series of interviews;
  • assessment center;
  • final interview.

Submitting an application and attaching a resume is easy, but here you also need to be careful. After the application, the candidate is contacted by an employee of the HR department, conducts a brief survey, and invites for testing, although in recent times tests for economists when applying for a job are conducted online, and applicants receive links to tests and the final deadline.

Economist job interview

With the growth in the number of economic universities and specialists who come out of these educational institutions, there is a growing chance of getting a job with an employee with low qualifications or, even worse, with a purchased diploma. In addition, not all students soberly understand who they are studying for, since often their desires come down to sitting in the office and simply sorting papers. Therefore, before taking a new person for a free vacancy in economics, it is important to pay attention to some of the knowledge and skills that a candidate who comes for an interview should have.
In this article, you will learn what an economist should know in an interview. … Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

Test for an economist when applying for a job

Testing also happens in offices, and it can be combined with an interview, and then the test for an interview with an economist begins before or after the interview itself. Several interviews are conducted, these are interviews with representatives of the HR department, employees and heads of departments in which vacancies are open. Not all companies, but many evaluate candidates using group business cases, when applicants are divided into two teams, and each must present a solution to a specific problem, while the participant must also show individual qualities.
If the position is high enough, the decision on employment is made by the top manager, for which he conducts a final interview, and only after that the applicant can receive the coveted "offer".
Have you been interviewed in other places? You can honestly say yes (if you did), but it is not necessary to specify exactly where. What are your strengths? Emphasize those qualities in yourself that are useful for this job. What are your weak sides?Answering this question, try to shift the emphasis, tell us about the advantages that compensate for your shortcomings.


Why did you leave your previous job? Do not talk about conflicts, even if they were, do not criticize your former boss. If the interviewer is aware of a conflict in your former job, explain that this was a unique case due to special circumstances, do not go into details. Say only positive things about your former job: experience, skills, professional connections, and so on.

Why did you decide to change jobs? This question is often asked to a candidate who is still working in another organization at the time of the interview.

Chief Economist in cx interview questions

Example 2 Several children stayed at school for an after-school program. One of them drew very well and quickly, as a result, the teacher gave him the task: to draw all those students who cannot draw themselves. The boy thought and could not understand whether he should draw himself: If he can draw himself, then he should not do this; But if he does not do this, then he should draw himself. What should the boy do? Answer: Ask a clarifying question to the teacher.

This problem creates a situation in which there is no solution, because there are no additional conditions due to which one could find a meaningful answer. And with its help, you can see if an economist can determine how much data will be enough for him to solve the problem.

  • Determination of the market value of all final goods produced during the year in the country: a) national income; b) national wealth; c) net national product; d) gross domestic product.
  • What does the Laffer curve show: a) the dependence of demand on price; b) quantitative measurement of inequality in income distribution; c) tax revenues to the budget; d) the dependence of tax revenues on the tax rate.
  • If we talk about tasks, then the most in a simple way to test the knowledge of the candidate will give him the task to write some formulas and build some graphs in Excel. Without the applicant having such skills, you can safely refuse his candidacy. You can also try to test the general intelligence of a person by asking him a few tasks for quick wit and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • what is break-even analysis;
  • Analytical study of the dependencies between costs and incomes at different levels production.
  • what ratios belong to the group of financial stability ratios;
  • Autonomy coefficient, ratio of borrowed and own funds, coefficient of the ratio of mobile and immobilized funds, maneuverability coefficient, coefficient of provision with own funds.
  • costing based on actual costs;
  • This is a costing method in which the actual direct costs of materials and labor, as well as manufacturing overheads, are included in the cost of production.


Experience Experience - that's what can be the main trump card of the candidate. The larger the enterprise, the higher, as a rule, should be the level of a specialist, his outlook, because large companies are more likely to be imprisoned government contracts. Therefore, preference during the selection of applicants is given former employees large enterprises.

Men - "green light" I try to hire young men, because. the risk that a girl who recently graduated from a university may go on maternity leave is very high. Despite the fact that I may be accused of gender discrimination, I, as the head of the department, would not want to spend time training a person and bringing him to the level we need, knowing that we will soon have to repeat this path all over again. Phone conversation during telephone conversation negotiating salary with applicant probation.

Some companies like to ask you what your ideal job is like. In others, why manhole covers are round and not square. Some employers consider standard interview questions useless and improvise, while others carefully consider each next step. We've put together 20 questions you're likely to be asked during an interview.

Different questions serve different purposes. But most often, employers ask quite expected things related to the personality of the candidate, his professional level, career ambitions, understanding of the work mission, position fit.

1. "Tell me about yourself." You will be asked to do so, so be prepared to share the highlights of your work bio. Use the simple formula "present - past - future". First, talk about who you are this moment what you do, what you know. Then talk about what brought you to where you are today: a combination of skills and experience. At the end, talk about your plans and prospects.

2. "Name your strengths." It is important here not only to list your best qualities but also give an example of how they helped to achieve certain goals and success in work.

3. "Name your weaknesses." Position your weaknesses as points of growth: tell us about how you plan to work on the shortcomings that you have already managed to fix.

4. "Why do you want to work with us?" Here you can demonstrate the degree of preparation for the interview, the level of knowledge about the company, and interest in the job. If you can't find enough information, feel free to ask your employer questions.

5. "Why did you leave your previous job?" It is not necessary to be frank here. If your relationship with management did not go well or you just got bored, the employer will be wary. : You would like to see more variety in the work, or the ideal boss, in your opinion, does not bother you after hours.

15 more questions you might be asked:

6. "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" be accurate in forecasts: here the employer is interested in your train of thought and direction of dreams.

7. "What are your? Be prepared for the fact that after that you will be asked about the salary in the last place.

8. "What do you plan to do in the first month/quarter of your job if you get this job?" It’s not scary that you don’t know the intricacies yet, the main thing is to demonstrate an active attitude, a willingness to join the process.

9. Tell us about your achievements in the previous place .

10. Tell us about your biggest failure.

11. Do you have children?

12. How long have you been looking for a job? Are there other offers that interest you?

13. What exactly did you do at your previous job?

14. How do you feel about overtime?

15. What is your latest major project?

16. Why should we choose you for this job? How are you different from other candidates?

17. Why did you choose this major/university?

18. How do you spend your free time?

19. Do you have bad habits?

20. What problems do you most often have to solve in your work?

If you already know which company you want to work for, but do not find a suitable vacancy for you, send the message to the employer "I want to work for you!". It will fall into a special folder, and the employer will know about your candidacy.

An economist is a modern profession, but, meanwhile, the word "economics" in Ancient Greece(it was there that it was coined) meant "housekeeping". That is economic analysis subjected to housekeeping. The first economist is traditionally considered Aristotle, who builds theories about the exchange of goods, their cost and utility, although, based on the research of Asian scientists, it can be concluded that the “first” was still the Brahmin Chanakya (c. 350-283 BC) - Advisor to Emperor Chandragupta.

Today, not only an adviser to the emperor, but also a small trading company it is difficult to imagine without a specialist in economic issues. The requirements for economists depend on the specifics of the company's business.

He shares his experience in selecting specialists from the economic sector Denis Oreshkin, head of the planning and economic department of a defense enterprise , who got to this position 10 years ago and went through all the stages of an "economic" career.


Getting acquainted with the resume, I first of all look at the university that the candidate graduated from. I need people with higher economic education. It is desirable if it is an engineer-economist, because. He must also be technically savvy.

Economic and legal education is good when a specialist is needed in the labor department and wages. Let it be, for example, an economist who graduated from law courses. Such a specialist will have an advantage over everyone else, because this means that a person is constantly striving for something, wants to grow, work on himself, and improves his professional level.


It is important that the work experience in the position of an economist be at least two three years. Five years is great, which means that the applicant already knows a lot, he can be entrusted with a separate site.

Unfortunately, I cannot take yesterday's student of the institute to average salary in the department, because I will have to train him for a year, while other specialists will know about it. Questions will arise why he receives as much as they do, and unnecessary nervousness will be created in the team.

If, on the contrary, an applicant of pre-retirement age, who has breaks in work for no more than one to three months and work experience in one place for at least two years, then it is clear that he will not go anywhere, he will hold on to his position with his teeth. In addition, such candidates usually no longer have problems with children and absenteeism. So the last option is preferable for me.

An experience

Experience - that's what can be the main trump card of the candidate. The larger the enterprise, the higher, as a rule, the level of the specialist, his outlook should be, because large companies are more likely to participate in the conclusion of government contracts. Therefore, preference during the selection of applicants is given to former employees of large enterprises.

Men - "green light"

I try to hire young men, because the risk that a girl who recently graduated from a university may go on maternity leave is very high. Despite the fact that I may be accused of gender discrimination, I, as the head of the department, would not want to spend time training a person and bringing him to the level we need, knowing that we will soon have to repeat this path all over again.

Telephone conversation

During a telephone conversation with the applicant, we discuss the amount of salary for a trial period. If a person says: “I agree” or “I will think”, then I will think too. If the person who said “I'll think about it” adds when and at what time he will call back to give an answer to the subject of the interview (even if negative), this characterizes him from the winning side. If he agrees to at least something, then, most likely, this is an unclaimed specialist, otherwise he would rate himself more highly.

Preparing for an interview

It is better to schedule interviews for the next day and for several candidates at once (at different times). And not in the morning, so that I could do all the urgent things, and they had enough time to properly get together, prepare, put themselves in order, find the way. I leave all the phones - both mobile and internal. If a person arrived on time - not later, but not earlier, I really appreciate it. Questions: "How to get there?" - already superfluous, and begin to alert, tk. addresses, in my opinion, enough.

Appearance and speech

During the conversation, first of all, I pay attention to the speech - how it is delivered, how literate it is. It is important how the applicant is dressed. For a man, the norm is a formal suit, a light shirt, ideally a tie. For girls, in addition to clothes (strict suit), hairstyle is important - businesslike, not overdressed, and makeup, which should be moderate. In general, the most businesslike look.

The documents

Next, I look at the documents of the applicant. A business person should have everything with him, including a passport. If there is a young man in front of me, I will look at his military ID. I’ll find out from a person who did not serve the reason why he was not taken into the army - I don’t want to run into a cowardly or sick person. Delayed by family circumstances you also need to be careful so that it does not expire just when the newly minted conscript has just been taught everything.

Mandatory employment history, diploma, and with grades. Correspondence student, and even with triples - not our option. Only “5” is also bad: such a “crammer” does not have an analytical mind, because a specialist does not need all the subjects, his goal is to think, reason. The main thing is that a person learns to do this, which means that at work he will be able, based on his basic data, to find the answer to new questions for him.

Professional skills

I am interested in those subjects that are in the diploma, I ask what I studied. I find out in this way whether the diploma has been bought, whether the candidate has forgotten everything that he was taught. I follow the elementary rules of economics. If a person, answering, for example, the question: “How does profit differ from profitability,” says that they are one and the same, then its level becomes clear, since profit is an absolute value, and profitability is a percentage. The nature of the questions depends on the position for which the employee needs to be hired: the labor and salary sector, the statistical reporting, financial and overhead accounting, negotiable. Asking questions (sometimes 10 is enough) on the qualities that the applicant indicated in the resume, you can determine whether he is deceiving, whether he actually worked in this direction. Starting to go astray and come up with, let's say that it was like this in their organization, the interviewee gives himself away, because this cannot be so or not, because. There are regulations and documents according to which everything is done.

Be sure to take an interest in the degree of computer proficiency. An economist who does not know how to work in Excel is not an economist.

Last job

It is also important what a person has been doing lately, from which enterprise he came to us and what exactly he himself did at his previous job, what he improved and finalized. We have a fairly large reporting, within the framework of contract work we mainly work according to the templates of those government agencies with which we communicate, since their templates are not subject to revision in terms of contracts and necessary annexes to them in the amount of information provided. Medium-sized enterprises also have these forms, but they are smaller in volume. Accordingly, specialists who worked in government agencies, passed competitions, concluded government contracts, are much higher in terms of knowledge, experience in traveling and agreeing contracts, price protocols, performance sheets or providing actual costing than any specialist who worked in the middle or small firm.

Thus, an economist is someone who worked in a large enterprise, because. keeping an economist in small enterprises is expensive and unreasonable. If they exist, they usually perform the functions of an accountant. And this is just a person who performs the operation of rewriting papers from payment orders, preparing small reports. Therefore, if you take a specialist for large enterprise with work experience, it is desirable to hire an employee from a similar level.

Reasons for layoffs

I will carefully listen to all the reviews about my previous work - negative ones will alert me. Be sure to ask the applicant about the reason for the dismissal. I am impressed by people who quit not because of the inability to establish contact with colleagues or superiors and not because of their conflict, but who show a desire to grow, gain new skills, knowledge, broaden their horizons, striving to prove themselves.

A lot of people leave in order to advance career ladder. And this, I think, is logical after three years of work in the same position. If a person has an entry in the labor “deputy head of department” with 5 years of experience and applies for the position of head, this is completely normal. If a specialist applies for the vacancy of the head of a department from the position of a leading economist, i.e. bypassing a couple of steps, then, as a rule, enterprises do not go towards it.

Quite recently, a girl came to us in the place of the leading economist from exactly the same position, who could not get the position of the head of the bureau at her previous job. She even agreed to an equivalent salary, but with the prospect of getting the desired job in six months. If she passes the probationary period, we will be able to set her the salary accepted at the enterprise, and three months later, having seen her zeal for work and having no complaints about her, I will work on raising her.

Dry residue
Even if in front of me was a constructive, intelligent, psychologically necessary knowledge, which I am almost ready to take, I will still make a final decision only after I have talked with all the invited candidates.

I will make sure to notify all unqualified applicants of the decision. And I will do it over the phone, because it is easier to refuse in this way. I’ll wait a week and let you know that we have already selected a person for this vacancy, even if this is not the case, even if the inconsistency of the applicant was clear from the beginning. A week is enough for the latter to calm down and not take everything I said to heart. In this way, I do not humiliate, do not offend his feelings and do not feel embarrassed myself.

  • Recruitment and selection, Labor market

Many employees can have a good education and extensive work experience in a particular field, but not always high qualification accompanied by the ability to get along with the team or the ability to solve problems in difficult situations. For this purpose, almost every applicant for a vacant position undergoes an interview, the purpose of which is comprehensive assessment and professionalism, and psychological attitude.

Why is an interview necessary?

In accordance with current legislation, each applicant for a vacant position is required to provide only one that certifies his identity, as well as qualifications and no more. That is, conducting an interview is not a legally established norm, but, nevertheless, only through communication with the job seeker, future employer can determine whether he is suitable for a vacant position or difficulties may arise, which of course it is desirable to avoid.

Let's say it's very important initial stage to determine what size the applicant is counting on, because the desire to work fruitfully, or just to be present and sluggishly fulfill their duties, depends on the amount of remuneration. Or what priorities the future employee is guided by, is he ready for career growth and related efforts, or this work for him is only a temporary solution to financial problems.

It should be noted that the interview is conducted not only by the applicant himself, but also by the company, since in the process of communication the applicant vacant position also has the right to ask questions. Let's say about company policy, oh overtime work, about the rules of conduct in the team and about many other nuances that will be present in the workplace, and in fact, on which the applicant's answer will depend.

Construction principle

The success of any company directly depends on the professionalism and personal qualities employees, which is why when selecting applicants being developed own structure preliminary survey, the main explicit principles of which are the maximum reliability of data and objectivity in the selection, and the hidden principles of psychological selection, which is not always objective.

The fact is that it is possible to evaluate the professionalism of a future employee in advance using the submitted documents, for example, a diploma, or, but to understand how the applicant will “fit” into the team and will work effectively only through personal communication, which is conditionally possible divided into three stages:

  • "First impression";
  • "Test for professionalism";
  • "Psychological probing".

As a rule, the first impression is formed already during the first minutes of communication, during which the appearance, voice timbre and psychological mood of the parties. After a preliminary acquaintance, the purpose of which is to establish contact, there is a smooth transition to a discussion professional activity, during which the parties check the reliability of previously received data, and evaluate the conditions for future cooperation.

And at the last stage, both the applicant and the employer, after analyzing the data obtained, ask clarifying questions, the purpose of which is to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden motivation. After all, in fact, the future employer wants to make a profit at the expense of the employee with the least losses, and the applicant is just a decent income.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Key questions to ask in an interview

Each employer is aimed at making a profit in any area of ​​the company's activities, including when attracting employees who are promising, which is why the questions are based on the principle of attractiveness of the company itself and the possibility of employee dedication.

Usually, The following questions are asked first:

  1. What interested you in our offer and what do you know about our company?
  2. Why do you want to work with us?
  3. What heights would you like to achieve and what are you willing to risk or sacrifice?

The purpose of these questions is to identify the degree of employee's interest in cooperation with this particular company, as well as the possibility of engaging in overtime work, performance additional responsibilities in order to obtain the maximum return for the benefit of the company.

Then follow questions about the employee:

  1. What experience do you have in this area?
  2. Why did you quit your previous job?
  3. How much did you earn at your previous job?
  4. How much do you value your work to date?
  5. What will the company gain as a result of cooperation with you?

At this stage of the interview, the applicant’s expectations for future cooperation are already assessed, as well as his work experience in the previous place and the possibility of problems, based on the applicant’s previous experience and, of course, the company’s profit in the future.

What can the employer ask directly?

Naturally, many applicants prepare for the above questions and generally give positive answers, the purpose of which is to show a sufficient degree of interest in future cooperation. That is why many employers are developing an additional list of questions that will help clarify the data obtained, as well as assess the personal characteristics of the future employee.

As a rule, for professional clarification of the nuances cooperation is followed by the following questions:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself.
  2. Assess your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Tell us about your professional plans for the next 5 years, as in professionally, as well as in personal.
  4. How do you deal with stressful situations?
  5. Your dream job? If possible in more detail.

The purpose of these questions is to identify the primary priorities of the applicant, his psychological background, as well as the ability to identify weaknesses, which can then be exploited in case of a favorable outcome. Of course, more questions may arise, and they will not necessarily be clearly divided by topic, since the future employer will check both the consistency of thinking and the ability to be cunning, and the speed of reaction or the ability to solve complex problems in an extreme situation.

In particular, generally meaningless questions or small tasks may be asked, and possibly situations, with the sole purpose of revealing the ability of the employee to respond correctly. For example, when interviewing for a job as a sales assistant, they might ask how much an elephant costs? This does not mean that the applicant must immediately give the correct answer, but he must be able to show that he can cope with any buyer, as well as his requirements, for example, with the help of humor or changing the subject in a painless way.

Possible answers to these questions

Not all applicants are ready for additional questions from the employer, since it is not always clear what they want to hear from them in the end. Let's say you can talk about yourself many, but not all, which is why many are lost. And the purpose of this question is to clarify the priorities of the applicant. For example, you can say I am married, I have two children, and then I have an accountant education and 10 years of general experience.

Thus, from the answer we can conclude that the priority is the family, not career growth.
Or in the matter of the weak and strengths it cannot be said that everything is perfect and at the same time, you also do not want to make a bad impression by listing your shortcomings. Therefore, it should be noted that the wife knows best about the shortcomings, and professionally there is a desire for self-improvement, which the former employer can confirm. In any case, the diplomacy of the answer, as well as a small amount of humor, will only benefit.

Question about future plans it is best to answer boldly, mention the desire for career growth and advanced training, as well as self-realization in this particular industry and company. Naturally about personal plans it is best to mention in passing, since the desire to have a second child or buy an apartment is unlikely to please the employer and will not be appreciated.

Question about stressful situations it is best to choose a diplomatic response, because frankness about relieving stress with alcohol or cigarettes is unlikely to be acceptable. Therefore, you should either laugh it off or choose a standard answer, for example, a walk in the park or knitting another sweater.

And here is the answer about better job worth considering, as in most cases the idea of ​​gratuitous earnings and minimum employment is unlikely to meet the expectations of future management, which is why mention should be made of interesting work, communicating with interesting clients, career growth and, of course, higher wages.

When passing an interview, there is no need to dissemble, because everyone understands that, in fact, the applicant is a seller who sells his services, and the future employer is a buyer who strives to get a quality product in exchange for his money.

That's why questions need to be answered clearly, but without fanaticism, do not endure long pauses, as this will be regarded as an attempt at cunning and of course behave confidently, because a weak and insecure person is unlikely to be a good worker.

Checklist of questions to ask your employer

Of course, the applicant has the right to ask questions, but again with great care, since the result of further employment will also depend on the order of the questions and, of course, on their meaning.

Under no circumstances should you start interview with the question of the amount of wages, since the employee is expected primarily to fulfill duties, and not remuneration for work.

That is why the questions should be set in the following order:

When passing an interview under no circumstances should you be persistent and demanding details, since such an attitude will only alert you, you need to remember that everything will become clear in the coming working days, and that everyone has the right at any time, especially at the initial stage and during.

How to ask questions to the employer during the interview, see the following video story:

Questions from a psychologist

Unlike the personnel officer, who basically conducts interviews, the psychologist builds his questions in a completely different way and, of course, is interested in the personality of the applicant, and not in his professional skills.

Suppose a psychologist may not ask questions, but offer several situations or tests, the purpose of which is to identify the psychological state of the applicant. The construction of color schemes or logical chains, it is possible to solve the simplest tasks, the purpose of which is the manifestation of analytical thinking, psychological state, and possibly speed of reaction or stress resistance.

The psychologist pays attention on the applicant's behavior, for example, on the degree of nervousness, gesticulation, timbre of voice, composure and willingness to cooperate. That is, active gestures or biting nails, as well as possibly nervous laughter, are unlikely to benefit. That is why you should behave as calmly as possible, but seriously, since frivolity can also have detrimental consequences for the applicant.

Nuances when interviewing for various positions

As a rule, an interview is conducted not only to determine professionalism and personality traits, but also to identify the qualities and skills that an applicant for a particular profession should have, the features of which are the main ones.


As a rule, an applicant for the position of an accountant is tested by both psychologists and personnel worker and of course Chief Accountant, since a specialist in this industry should be able not only to work with numbers and special programs. But also to have an analytical mindset, to be punctual, accurate and of course responsible, because we are talking about the financial situation of the company and access to information, which is often a trade secret.


When conducting the selection for the vacancy of a lawyer, a special approach is also used, since it is the lawyer who will subsequently be the face of the company when deciding contentious issues, both in court and in negotiations with business partners. Naturally a contender in addition to knowledge legislative framework must have communication skills, the ability to win over people, as well as confidence and a presentable appearance.


Features of the interview for an economist is not only the collection of personal data or professional achievements, which is relevant for many other professions, namely testing skills. For example, enterprises or labor costs in a particular industry, knowledge economic market and latest news in the economic sphere, as well as much more, because it is impossible to evaluate the applicant by two lines in the resume, but knowledge of the course valuable papers either the top 10 most profitable companies will be evaluated immediately.

Sales Representative

The interview of a sales representative, whose duties include communicating with customers and attracting new ones, also has its own nuances. This implies the presence of sociability, perseverance, as well as determination. Must know Sales Representative and markets, methods to increase profits through sales. And of course, a specialist in this profession must have creative thinking and an attitude only for a positive result.

In the police

But with applicants for the police, everything is not so simple, since a policeman must have not only strong principles and good physical fitness. But also to have stress resistance, quick reaction in a difficult situation, sociability, analytical mind and many other qualities, since not only the implementation of the norms of laws, but also the honor of the uniform, as well as proper assistance to the victims sometimes with weapons in their hands will depend on his actions.

In the bank

When conducting an interview for bank employees, the selection is carried out, perhaps, in the most rigorous way, since we are talking about access not only to the client database, but, accordingly, to their financial capabilities and to money. The applicant can be subjected to both testing and scrutiny, as well as a lie detector test, since only in this way can moral stability and readiness to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law be revealed.

Conducting an interview, of course, is not mandatory for employment, but since only with the help of personal communication, it is possible to identify all the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant, this species testing is used almost everywhere and not only in our country, but also abroad. Indeed, only in the process of communication, it is possible not only to win over a person, but also to understand how ready he is for fruitful cooperation.

For questions during the interview, see the following video:

Branches, representative offices of all transnational corporations operate in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, these are the following companies: McKinsey & Company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Citigroup, JP Morgan, Raiffeisen, Deutsche Bank, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Cisco, as well as the largest Russian , Ukrainian companies: Gazprom, Lukoil, Privatbank, Sberbank, VTB, etc.

All these firms, many other companies of a lower rank, use the test for an economist to determine his professional level, to reveal mathematical, logical skills. Even the most successful students, graduates of economic departments, must be aware of the selection stages, the tests used, in order to prepare at the proper level.

Stages of selection of economists

Tests for working as an economist are not the only difficult stage, there are others, just testing causes the greatest anxiety among applicants, although there are also interviews with top managers, group business cases.

Briefly, the stages can be grouped as follows:

  • submitting a questionnaire;
  • testing;
  • a series of interviews;
  • assessment center;
  • final interview.

Submitting an application and attaching a resume is easy, but here you also need to be careful. After the application, an employee of the HR department contacts the candidate, conducts a brief survey, and invites for testing, although recently tests for economists when applying for a job are held online, and applicants receive links to tests and the final deadline.

Testing also happens in offices, and it can be combined with an interview, and then the test for an interview with an economist begins before or after the interview itself. Several interviews are conducted, these are interviews with representatives of the HR department, employees and heads of departments in which vacancies are open.

Not all companies, but many evaluate candidates using group business cases, when applicants are divided into two teams, and each must present a solution to a specific problem, while the participant must also show individual qualities.

If the position is high enough, the decision on employment is made by the top manager, for which he conducts a final interview, and only after that the applicant can receive the coveted "offer".

It is clear that there are many stages, and tests when applying for a job are only the first of them, so not passing the test is quite “offensive”, although at this stage the main group of applicants is weeded out.

Testing economists when applying for a job

To prepare, you need to know what professional tests for economists use, it is also important to know in advance whose ability tests a given company uses. Testing of professional abilities is usually carried out after the first test, at the interview stage, and at first, applicants pass numerical, verbal or logical tests.

The standard pair of tests is numerical and verbal, sometimes logical (abstract-logical) can be used instead of the latter. Tests are prepared by Talent Q, SHL or Kenexa, but they do not fundamentally differ from each other.

Numerical test for an economist online consists of mathematical problems where it is necessary to find percentages, ratios, that is, to perform fairly simple algebraic operations. The complexity of the test is in the short time to complete (a minute per task), as well as in the design of the task, where information is presented most often with the help of diagrams, graphs.

With answers for an attestation economist - small texts of complex topics, to which certain statements are attached. These statements should be marked as "true", "false", "little informative", and the difficulty is that it is difficult to quickly distinguish "false" or "truth" from "little informative". Another snag for the test-takers is the varied but rare topics of the texts (psychology, science, medicine).

Logical tests for economists with answers - a series of graphic objects that change according to certain rules, and below are, in fact, the answer options. These figures, especially at a high level of complexity, change according to rather confusing rules, especially when several objects are presented, combined with each other, and the answer options are similar to each other.

Tests for economists who are going to be certified in a top company can become an obstacle or a springboard to a high-paying position, so it's just silly not to prepare with the utmost diligence. Another thing is that practical materials are needed, but specialized forums or sites offering collections of problems with answers and explanations will help here.

Forums are good because you can learn a lot insider information, which the representatives of the employer will not tell about, since the data is often shared by former employees or applicants who have not passed the selection. Quizzes for economists with answers, which can be downloaded for free from some sites, are often the simplest tasks. They are good for familiarization, but not suitable for full training, because on real testing tasks are much more difficult.