Who refers to employees and workers. Division of personnel into categories. What is the difference between professionals and employees

A paradoxical situation has formed in the labor markets of individual states: people no longer want to earn a living with their mind, since “manual” professions are paid better and do not require so much emotional costs. That is why it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between workers and employees. This will help you choose work to your taste, which will be suitable not only for payment, but also for other parameters.

Who are employees and workers

  • Employees- employees are not physical labor employed in sectors of the economy such as public administration(officials, top management), industry (constructors, engineers, designers, secondary personnel), education (teachers, graduate students), services (tour manager, IT specialist), trade. This social group is related to such common features, as the need for specialized (most often higher) education, the absence of heavy workloads, the need to use a creative approach in solving problems.
  • workers– owners labor resources employed in the manufacturing sector of the economy and engaged in physical labor. These include both the traditional "working class" and assembly line workers, drivers, builders. Workers do not have the means of production and most often receive wages on a piece-rate basis.

The difference between employee and worker

So, the features of labor social groups differ significantly. Starting with the fact that employees most often work "from 9 to 6", and workers - around the clock, but in shifts. The places of residence of social groups differ significantly. For a worker, this is a machine tool, a construction site, a workshop where he creates a real product that can be calculated and measured by physical means. For employees, the place of work is an office in the office or a table. There he creates a "mental" product that can be calculated speculatively.

The difference between an employee and a worker is as follows:

  • Qualification. In most cases, workers need a secondary specialized education, while employees need higher education.
  • Means of production. Workers use "manual" labor tools, employees - "intellectual".
  • product of labor. The worker produces realistically quantifiable objects, the employee provides services.
  • Prestige. The work of an employee is considered more honorable than that of a worker.
  • features of the working day. Employees, as a rule, work from 9 am to 6 pm, workers of industrial specialties work around the clock in shifts.

Each profession is important and distinctive. A person of each specialty has his own designated job tasks, the amount of remuneration, characteristics of the workplace, categories, etc. Each enterprise has a system of bonuses and punishments, specificity professional activity etc.

Qualification guide

To determine the classification of positions and instructions, there is a special unified qualification reference book. Abbreviated ETKS, approved on the basis of a government decree Russian Federation. Thanks to him, enterprises form personnel activities. According to the content of Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the qualification of professions and duties is carried out on the basis of a unified tariff-qualification guide.

It consists of two chapters: the first characterizes the sectoral managerial staff, the second - the professions provided for by the main employees and working specialties at the enterprise.

Leading and working professions according to ETKS in the agricultural industry

The classifier gives an exhaustive list of working professions in agriculture. This includes specialties that are in demand in the agricultural industry.

Management team

This list includes the following occupations:

  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist) of the enterprise.
  • Ch. agronomist-agrochemist at work.
  • Ch. agricultural service specialist (agronomist) in the field of crop protection.
  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist for the study of the soil).
  • Ch. specialist in veterinary service (veterinarian).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist (livestock specialist).
  • Ch. specialist of the zootechnical service in the horse breeding industry (livestock specialist of the state stables).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist - hippodrome livestock specialist.
  • Ch. melioration service engineer.
  • Ch. mechanical engineer.
  • Ch. energy specialist (energy engineer).
  • Ch. judge in the field of breeding horses.
  • Veterinary service worker veterinary pharmacy.
  • Veterinary service worker vet section.
  • Head at the enterprise garage.
  • Head point of procurement in the production of processing flax and other bast crops.
  • Head toxicological laboratory.
  • Head production laboratory biomethod of plant protection.
  • Head laboratory of the state inspection for plant quarantine and fumigation squad.
  • Head laboratory for diagnosing and predicting the future occurrence of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head laboratory for assessing the quality of tested varieties of the State Commission for sorting agricultural crops.
  • Head breeding laboratory. case and artificial insemination.
  • Head transport department.
  • Head oil depot.
  • Head experienced field.
  • Head border crossing point for plant quarantine.
  • Head item artificial method insemination.
  • Head point of signaling and forecasting the appearance of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head repair workshop.
  • Head seed station.
  • Head of tech. exchange office.
  • Head variety testing area.
  • Head phytohelminthological production laboratory.
  • Head seed storage.
  • Head of mech. detachment.
  • Head of Procurement Department.
  • Head of the department (section) of production and veterinary control.
  • Head of the technical department operation of the fleet and equipment of agricultural enterprises.
  • Head of the production department of the hippodrome.
  • Head of plant protection station (at the level of the subject, region and district).
  • Technical station manager maintenance of the fleet, service stations maintenance of the machine-building park.
  • Head of livestock department.
  • Head of fumigation department.
  • Technical station manager maintenance of machines and equipment of livestock farms, poultry farms and farms.
  • Head of the feed production department.
  • Head of the department for land reclamation.
  • Head of the incubation department.
  • Head of the mechanization department.
  • Head of plant growing department.
  • Head of the expedition for bioprotection of plants.
  • Head of department for transportation management.
  • Farm manager, foreman.
  • Head of KFH-farmer.

Professions in the agricultural industry

If we talk about professions in the agricultural industry, then the list of working professions and positions of employees, after the management team, is divided into specialists (laboratory assistants, machine operators, etc.), positions common to all industries (weigher, warehouse worker, etc.). ), subsection positions with professions in the field of crop production and animal husbandry, as well as professions where there is no rating by category. The list of working professions in construction is also quite wide.

Workers in the sphere of harmful professions

Labor law and a unified classifier of professions separate industries where management staff, job positions are characterized as hazardous production and the industry as a whole. There is a list of working professions with harmful conditions labor.

Spheres of economic activity where employees are recognized as employees of hazardous professions

Here is a partial list of such professions:

  • Persons whose activities are related to gunpowder, ammunition equipment, as well as initiating and explosive substances.
  • Employees oil industry, coal mines, etc.
  • whose activities are related to metal processing.
  • Employed in electrical production and maintenance of such equipment.
  • Manufacturers of radio engineering, production of building materials.
  • Glass and porcelain production.
  • Manufacturers and processors of synthetic and artificial fibers, the labor composition of the pulp and paper industry.
  • Employees of institutes and research centers in the field of manufacturing medicines and biomaterials.
  • Labor composition in the field of health care, printing workers, transport workers.
  • Those whose activities are related to radiation and exposure, workers in the nuclear industry.
  • Divers.
  • Welding workers.
  • Research activities related to microorganisms.
  • Metal testing.
  • Cleaning metal with sand.
  • Mercury substation workers.
  • Workers of electric trains and stations.
  • Labor composition of the food industry.
  • Working in the field of film copying.
  • Workers in the field of construction, repair and restoration.
  • Communication workers.
  • workers in the agrochemical industry.
  • Mining industry workers.
  • Workers in the chemical and paint industry.

Positions of employees

The positions of employees are included in the list of working professions. If we talk about employees, then this is a category of citizens involved in any of the industries in positions below the leadership professions. The category of employees includes agents, artists, archivists, secretaries, etc.

Engineering professions

If you make a list of working professions in mechanical engineering, there is a division into management, specialists and working professions. Let's consider in more detail.

For example, managers are included in the list of working professions of the management team (head of the design department, head of the testing department, head of product release, etc.).

If we talk about specialists in mechanical engineering, then these are mechanical engineering technologists, mechanical engineering engineers, designers, etc.

Also involved in mechanical engineering are professions that belong to the category of the same in all sectors of the economy.

List of working occupations for women

Allocates a single classifier and a separate category of women's work positions. They tend to be associated with lighter activities.

Some of them are listed below:

  • manicurist;
  • beautician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • cleaning service worker;
  • secretary-typist;
  • painter;
  • specialist in laying out and sorting goods;
  • salesman;
  • masseur;
  • nurse;
  • cook;
  • confectioner.

An important instrument of labor law

If we talk about the classification of professions in general, then they are divided into a list of working professions according to the field of activity, working conditions, harmfulness of production, severity of labor, etc.

The unified classifier characterizes each profession separately, attaching a list of job duties that are mandatory for execution, the procedure for the benefits provided, the categories assigned, etc.

Based on the classification, the entire labor process, starting with accrual and calculation wages, ending with bonuses and the duration of vacations.

The classifier provides a list of positions for each economic sector, defining the scope of duties and rights official or an employee.

The use of the classifier of professions allows each organization, enterprise to streamline the work process, clearly distribute responsibilities in the work team, and comply with labor laws.

As legislative acts in labor law, Labor Code and the classifier are approved with links to each other. This indicates that a violation of the provisions of the classifier of professions will be the basis for a violation labor law and administrative misconduct. When organizing personnel activities at enterprises, a single list of working professions is taken as the basis for the formation of positions, labor hierarchy, reward and punishment systems.

The classifier is constantly being improved, amendments are made necessary in connection with changes in the country's economy. However, these nuances are not significant and practically do not concern the main list of positions.

The list of professions and the job classifier is the most important tool labor law, personnel service any enterprise, acting as a guarantor in the organization and remuneration of almost every employee.

It is also support staff. Its representatives work in procurement or service shops.

  • Employees. Their activities are mainly mental in nature. The result of their work is the identification of management problems, the formation of new information flows, the adoption of various decisions in the field of management. An example of this category would be accountants, lawyers, managers. Employees are further divided into three categories. These are the heads of the enterprise itself or its departments. This group also includes deputy heads. These are specialists: engineers, economists, accountants. The third group is the employees themselves (junior technical staff, accountants and clerks).

The difference between a specialist and an employee

OKPDTR consists of two sections: a classifier of occupations for workers; the classifier of positions of employees, which contains the positions of managers, specialists and employees. 33. Workers include persons directly involved in the process of creating material values, as well as those engaged in repair, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, provision of material services, etc.
In OKPDTR, the occupations of workers are listed in section 1. Workers, in particular, include persons employed: 33.1. management, regulation and monitoring of the operation of machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as directly managing or maintaining machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the work of these workers is paid according to tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers; 33.2.

5. categories of personnel

Li-Lu Belarus, Minsk #8 February 18, 2010, 02:17 pm Irina, there is a position of "Secretary". According to the category of the position, she belongs to the category of “other employees” (category code for OKRB - 3). qualification requirements according to EKSD (ETKS - these are the professions of workers) for positions belonging to the category of other employees, there is no requirement for special education: general secondary education and special training according to the established program are sufficient.


Whereas for posts in the professional category minimum requirements secondary special education. I want to draw a moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

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  • Chief designer of the project
  • Chief Project Engineer. The chief architect of the project
  • Chief landscape architect of the project
  • Head of design department
  • Head of the department (bureau) for the design of project materials
  • Head of drawing and copying bureau
  • Head (leader) of a brigade (group)
  • Chief Specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop)
  • Lead Designer
  • Design engineer
  • Architect
  • Landscape architect
  • Design Technician
  • Draftsman-designer

Employees of the profession


There are people who call themselves specialists, and there are those who prefer to call themselves employees. What can both do? The content of the article

  • Definition
  • Comparison
  • Table

Definition The term "specialist" is very capacious.

It can be understood as a person who is well versed in any field - due to extensive experience or education. There are also official definitions of the term. For example - if we are talking about the qualification "specialist", indicated in the diploma after 5 years of study at a university.

Many employees of Russian offices work as specialists. At the same time, their areas of professional activity can be very different.

There are consultants information technology, HR, financial matters. Extremely rarely, however, workers and engineering professions are called specialists.

Except unofficially.

Workers and employees

  • Head of Public Relations Department
  • Sales Manager
  • Head of Social Development Department
  • Head of standardization department
  • Head of planning and economic department
  • Head of production department
  • Head of the repair shop
  • Shift Supervisor
  • Head of technical department
  • Head of Financial Department
  • Head of economic department
  • Head of the central factory laboratory
  • Head of the shop (section)
  • Pilot production shop manager
  • Head of the legal department
  • Foreman (foreman)
  • Team leader for the inventory of buildings and structures
  • Branch manager (farm, agricultural plot)

What categories of staff are divided into

Classification of personnel of the enterprise Personnel is divided into categories depending on specific characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • property relations.

    There are owners (founders) of a legal entity. They own a share of the enterprise, derive profit from its activities. There are also employees.

  • Degree of involvement in production activities. Production personnel involved in activities directly, non-production - indirectly.
  • Place of main service. Employees may or may not be on the staff of the enterprise.

Some employees differ from others in the specifics of their activities, the peculiarities of labor relations with enterprises.

Industrial and production personnel

The industry employs engineers, designers and designers. The service sector is represented by IT specialists and managers.

Teachers, lecturers and graduate students are employed in the field of education. Cashiers and sellers work in trade. Professions related to employees As mentioned above, the professions of specialists and employees are aimed at ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus, providing services to the population and supporting the economy.

Employment is characterized by creative and intellectual, non-physical activity. Required to work high qualification, analytical rationalization mind, erudition, confirmed by a university diploma.
Often, having a diploma is not enough and a master's or postgraduate degree is required from the applicant.

What is the difference between professionals and employees

To ensure the life of the country, it is necessary to ensure the stable operation of all industries. These are the national economy, law enforcement agencies, the socio-cultural sphere, environmental and educational institutions and political organizations. To organize the performance of the functions of these devices, specially hired employees work, who belongs to them, a list of professions is presented in this article. They coordinate social and financial processes, deal with issues of law and order, health and education.

In the performance of their duties, employees must comply with the legislative interests of those whose service their work is directed to. This requires ensuring the qualification of personnel, providing means for intellectual production and regulating the product of services, as well as determining working hours.

Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code 1, refers to managers.

Managers include, in particular: directors ( CEOs), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, foremen of work at enterprises, in structural units and divisions; main experts: Chief Accountant, chief dispatcher, Chief Engineer, chief mechanical engineer, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, head economist, main Researcher, Chief Editor; government inspectors. The category of managers also includes deputies for the above positions. 35.

The director of the branch itself also has a secretary for the manager's reception, she had the same questions today. True, that secretary of the head has only a secondary education and she has 20 years of experience, in the planning and economic department she was told that she could only be an employee, because.

she has no higher or secondary education.

The number of employees is about a thousand. Why, then, is she shoved into employees. I want to draw a moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

Lelya Belarus, Minsk #7 February 18, 2010, 2:15 pm Irina, in fact, you should not have been made the secretary of the manager's reception, but since you have the SECRETARY OF THE ADMINISTRATOR'S RECEPTION in your contract, then the payment should be appropriate (I already wrote about this) . Regarding the secretary in the branch, the situation is similar to yours. Once called "Secretary of the reception of the head", then you have to pay accordingly.

How are professionals different from employees?

Irina Belarus, Soligorsk #3 February 18, 2010, 13:37 I work in the state. organization, at the CHPP from RUE "Minskenergo" I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: A notification is being sent ... Lelya Belarus, Minsk # 4 February 18, 2010, 13:49 Irina wrote: I work in the state. organizations, on

CHP from RUE "Minskenergo" in this case, Irina, you cannot be the secretary of the manager's reception - you do not actually perform the functions provided for in this position. Your position is secretary, i.e. an employee, and, accordingly, is no different from a secretary-typist. The head of the branch is considered to be the director of the branch, and your mini-CHP is just a workshop like any RES.

The head of a mini-CHP is not even a director, but just a boss. Therefore, specify what your position is called after all (as it is written in the contract) - I'm sure that the secretary.

Other positions medical workers(Jr medical staff): younger nurse patient care; orderly; medical attendant; housewife sister. II. Pharmaceutical workers 2.1. Positions of managers: director (manager, head) pharmacy organization; deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization; organization warehouse manager wholesale trade medicines; head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve; deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines; manager (head) structural unit(department) pharmacy organization. 2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists): pharmacist; pharmacist-analyst; trainee pharmacist; pharmacist-technologist; senior inspector. 2.3.

5. categories of personnel

Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code 1, refers to managers. Managers, in particular, include: directors (general directors), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, foremen of work at enterprises, in structural units and divisions; chief specialists: chief accountant, chief dispatcher, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, chief researcher, chief editor; government inspectors.
The category of managers also includes deputies for the above positions. 35.

IT-workers are ... decoding of the abbreviation, list of positions

For example, the leaders of the links are linear: grassroots (foremen, heads of sections, workshops, etc.), middle (heads of buildings, directors of enterprises, chief specialists of associations) and higher (heads of central departments, ministers, chairmen of committees, etc.) . The control hierarchy is schematically illustrated in fig. 8.4. Specialists Specialists are specialized workers who, on the basis of the information they have, develop options for solving certain specific, usually functional, issues of an industrial or managerial nature.
Management professionals are classified according to management functions and their vocational training. Distinguish between chief specialists, leading specialists, specialists various categories and classes, etc. Specialists include engineers, economists, accountants, lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, etc.

Personnel categories

According to the Qualification Directory of Jobs and Professions, as well as the Unified Classifier of Occupations, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second by specialists, and the third account for all the rest, referred to as other types of employees or technical executors. In a different normative document, called the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided by the nature of their activities into categories, and within each of them - into groups.

What categories does the concept of engineering and technical personnel include? The category of leaders includes those who manage both the entire organization and its individual services and divisions, as well as deputies of the latter.

What category does the position of the chief specialist belong to?

Currently, the division of posts into three categories is accepted:

  • managers - carry out general and functional management, take management decisions and organize their implementation, coordinate the activities of structural units and performers, etc.;
  • specialists are engaged in solving engineering, design, economic, information, planning, supply and other tasks;
  • technical performers- perform accounting, copying and duplicating work, conduct primary processing and transmission of information, carry out time records, etc.

Such concepts are found in Qualification Handbook, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 N 37, which provides that the preparation of such a reference book should be carried out at the specified division.

Information: job titles of employees

The duties of technical performers (secretaries, typists, operators of calculating and analytical machines, etc.) include the performance of various operations (transfer, fixation and processing of information), accounting, computing, graphic and copying works on the instructions of managers and specialists, as well as economic maintenance of the control apparatus. These functions are amenable to mechanization, and the release of engineers from their performance is one of the most important conditions for increasing the efficiency of engineering work. The secretary is a technical executor for ensuring and servicing the work of his immediate supervisor. Auxiliary personnel (technical performers) carry out information service control apparatus.

Big encyclopedia of oil and gas


Details in the materials of the System Personnel: Normative base: Extract from the Tariff and qualification characteristics for the positions of employees of structural divisions government agencies statistics of the Russian Federation, performing information and computing work and services, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 1993 No. 4 (lost force from December 1, 2008 in connection with the publication of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008 No. 665). "..." Chief Specialist 13 - 15 categories Job Responsibilities. Performs an analysis of the activities of the site entrusted to him, designs solutions, selects methods or logical techniques for their justification, assessment of their feasibility and effectiveness. Carries out the development of tasks, programs, methods and techniques for the preparation and implementation of decisions.

Leads the development of regulatory materials.
InterpretationTranslation  STAFF CATEGORIES A classification of employees based on the functions they perform. Employees are divided into two groups: workers and employees. The following categories are distinguished in the group of employees: managers, specialists and other employees related to employees.
When distributing employees according to K.p. guided All-Russian classifier professions of workers and positions of employees. The classifier consists of two sections: a list of professions for workers and a list of positions for employees - managers, specialists and employees. Workers include persons performing the functions of predominantly physical labor, directly involved in the process of creating material values, maintaining machines and mechanisms in working condition, industrial premises etc.

The titles of the positions of heads (chiefs) of structural subdivisions (departments, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor corresponding to the profile of the structural subdivision. For example, "manager surgical department- surgeon". 6. In medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if the medical organization has a structural unit providing specialized medical care, the title of the position "doctor of the admission department" is supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor of the corresponding specialty.
For example, "doctor of the emergency department - emergency doctor medical care". 7.

OKPDTR consists of two sections: a classifier of occupations for workers; the classifier of positions of employees, which contains the positions of managers, specialists and employees. 33. Workers include persons directly involved in the process of creating wealth, as well as those engaged in repair, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, provision of material services, etc. In OKPDTR, the professions of workers are listed in section 1. Workers, in particular, include persons employed: 33.1.

management, regulation and monitoring of the operation of automatic machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as direct management or maintenance of machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the labor of these workers is paid at tariff rates or monthly wages of workers; 33.2.

Registration N 30852

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2012 N 1270-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 31, Art. 4400), the Regulation on the establishment of wage systems for employees of federal budgetary and state institutions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 N 583 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 33, Art. 3852; N 40, Art. 4544; 2010, N 52, Art. 7104; 2012, N 21, Art. 2652; N 40, article 5456; 2013, No. 5, article 396), I order:

1. Establish the maximum share of wages for employees of administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budget institutions and federal state government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation, in the wage fund of these institutions in the amount of not more than 40%.

2. To approve an approximate list of positions related to the administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state public institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the appendix.

Minister M. Topilin


An indicative list of positions related to the administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state public institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

1. Archivist

2. Accountant

3. Lead accountant

4. Lead engineer

5. Lead HR Specialist

6. Leading specialist-expert of the organizational and methodological department

7. Lead Economist

8. CEO

9. Chief accountant

10. Chief Civil Defense Specialist

11. Chief Construction Specialist

12. Clerk

13. Director

14. Manager

15. Document manager

16. Head of office

17. Deputy General Director

18. Deputy chief accountant

19. Deputy director for administrative and economic part

20. Deputy Director for Medical Affairs

21. Deputy director for scientific and methodological work

22. Deputy Head

23. Deputy director for educational work

24. Deputy Director for Social Rehabilitation and Cultural Services

25. Personnel Inspector

26. Information Security Engineer

27. Personnel Inspector

28. Labor rationing engineer

29. Cashier

30. Typist

31. Head of contract department

32. Head, Deputy Head of the Legal Department

33. Head of information and analytical department

34. Head of the General Department

35. Head of the organizational and methodological department

36. Head of Human Resources

37. Head of Capital Construction Department

38. Head of logistics department

39. Head of labor protection department

40. Head of personnel training department

41. Head of department (laboratory, sector) for information security

42. Head of planning and economic department

43. Head of Legal Department

44. Head of social department

45. Head of the financial department

46. ​​Head of the economic department

47. Vice-rector for administrative and economic work

48. Assistant Rector for General Affairs

49. Vice-rector for academic and scientific work

50. Rector

51. Head

52. Executive secretary

53. System administrator

54. Advisor

55. Civil Defense Specialist

56. Record keeping specialist

57. Human Resources Specialist

58. HR Specialist

59. Specialist in educational and methodical work

60. Senior specialist - consultant for pension provision of the social department

61. Programming Technician

62. Scientific secretary of the board of the institution

63. Economist for the organization and planning of labor

64. Economist