We provide Internet to a private house. Wireless Internet in a private house. The essence of technology from the Internet company to the country

Living in a private home may impose some restrictions on communication with the World Wide Web, that is, on connecting to the Internet. We will consider options for hosting the Internet in a private house from Rostelecom, one of the largest Russian communication service providers.

Connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private house on this moment can be done in one of the following ways:

  • using the "technical reserve" home phone;
  • in terms of optics optical line communications;
  • connect through a fixed point of wireless communication via Wi-Fi;
  • via mobile or satellite connection.

Services satellite internet for a private house, especially in demand in remote settlements, PJSC Rostelecom itself does not provide at the moment. One of its subsidiaries, RTComm, operates in this niche. It is advisable to resort to this connection method only in cases where other methods are much more expensive than the cost of equipment for satellite communications - it is about 30,000 rubles, although there are cheaper promotions.

Let's figure out how to conduct Internet from Rostelecom to a private house.

PON (optical fiber)

Optical fiber is one of the best ways to bring Internet from Rostelecom to a private house. Technically, the method is data encoding with a light flux, which can transmit large amounts of information at very high speeds - up to 1 Gbps.

The optical cable is not connected directly to the user's computer. You will need a special prefix-decoder that "switches" the connection to a regular twisted pair (Ethernet cable). It is through it that the connection to the Internet is made either directly by a PC or a home router.

How much does it cost to run fiber from Rostelecom to the house? By itself, the price of an optical cable is high and installation is difficult. Special equipment is required for cutting and splicing cables, which cannot but affect the cost of fiber optic connection. The ability to stretch fiber to a private house at Rostelecom directly depends on the distance to the nearest stationary optical router. Ultimately, the price also depends on the same distance. But the quality of communication will be impeccable.

ADSL (telephone line)

How to connect the Internet in a private house using a telephone if the budget does not allow using the technology described above? A good option is ADSL technology, which was used in the "zero" years and still has not lost its feasibility.

To do this, you need to bring a phone from Rostelecom to the house. I mean stationary. Communication using ADSL technology occurs over a telephone cable, while the telephone line itself is not busy. It's all about the frequency difference - telephone conversation is carried out at low frequencies, connection to the Internet is carried out at high frequencies. You will have to purchase a frequency splitter - a splitter (cost about 200-300 r) and an ADSL router, which can also be a Wi-Fi router at the same time. It is better to purchase the latter from the provider company itself, otherwise you will have to tinker with the settings. Its cost, depending on the brand, is 2-3 thousand rubles. Splitter may be included.

The Internet brought into the house using this technology can deliver speeds up to 24 Mbps. In practice, usually less, 8-10 Mbps. It depends on the fact that the speed depends on the length of the telephone line and its quality, as well as the capabilities of the operator himself. The Internet can come into the house through wires laid in the 60s, but be prepared for frequent communication problems, especially in the rain.
However, with frequent complaints, the provider's employees quickly eliminate problem areas on the line, and communication is improving.


Rostelecom provides the private sector (villages with a population of up to 500 people) with wireless Internet by installing Wi-Fi routers there. Communication is available on any device that can connect to a Wi-Fi network. This is done under the government's "Digital Divide Bridging Program", so currently such a connection is free, but the speed is limited to 10 Mbps, sometimes less. The list of sites that can be accessed is limited to 2,000 different government portals.

Using wireless Internet technology, Rostelecom also connects a separate house, but this is already a paid service. There are no restrictions on sites, except for those established by law. It is called "Internet at home", an application for it can be left on the official website of the company.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom for a private home may be a good option for people who use mainly tablets and / or smartphones. Not so long ago, this company joined the ranks of providers providing 3G communication services. Rostelecom offers users a number of tariffs, from which you can choose any one you like - to surf the Internet all day or to connect at home periodically to check mail. The amount of traffic provided is from 70 Mb to 25 Gb per month - each according to his needs.

Service cost

The price of connection and the price of use are two different things. It is impossible to say for sure how much it costs to install the Internet in a private house. The cost of connection is determined individually in each specific case. It depends on many factors, primarily on the location of your home and on the chosen connection method.

The tariff for ADSL-Internet is one - 349 r / month (the rate may change over time). The main direction of development is optical fiber. The price of "optical" Internet at Rostelecom for the home depends on the chosen speed - from 99 r / month for the "minimum" to 890 r / month for unlimited at a speed of 200 Mbps. Additional services are connected for a fee - parental control, antivirus, etc.

How to apply and join?

An application for connecting the Internet, as well as other communication services, is easiest to issue on the official portal of the provider. Enough:

  1. Select a region from the list.
  2. Go to the "Internet" subsection.
  3. Check out the options and click on the one you like best.

The system will display an online application dialog. It must be filled in, indicating your contacts, address and full name, and click the "Connect" button. After some time, the manager of the company will call you.
If for some reason this method is not convenient for you, you can leave a request for connection at any office of the company.

Life without an Internet connection in the modern world is a whole series of problems: it is impossible to do bargain shopping in online stores, pay bills through online banking services, communicate with friends and relatives for free, watch new films in online cinemas, work remotely - a whole layer of life becomes inaccessible, in which access to any necessary information can be obtained in a couple of clicks. Therefore, the loss of the ability to connect to global network for those who are accustomed to using the Internet - a disaster, and for those who have not yet received access to it - a reason to experience the inferiority and limitations of their own capabilities. How to solve this problem if you live in a private house, moved to a cottage settlement, built a dacha?

Method one: check if you are lucky?

luck in this case- this is the availability of a connection to the fiber optic network in your locality. Fiber Internet- perhaps the best solution: fast, uninterrupted, affordable. But paying the provider to lay the cable from the city on your own is very expensive. Perhaps one of your wealthy neighbors has already solved this problem by stretching the Internet into your suburban village, and then you just have to find out the name of the provider and order the Internet to your home. Another way is if none of the providers has come to your area yet, negotiate with the neighbors, who, like you, suffer without a network connection, and put together the Internet. Such "wholesale" projects are very interesting for providers, so you may even get a discount. You just need to choose a company with the best conditions and good quality service. However, even this - optimal - option has its drawbacks: cable damage will deprive you of the Internet, however, like a regular power outage (and not necessarily - you, some providers have a connection failure problem when substations are de-energized). Another problem is that you should not use cable Internet during severe thunderstorms: even in low-voltage networks, a lightning strike can cause damage to equipment. At best, the router will burn out, but if you are connected directly, the computer may be seriously damaged.

Method two: mobile 3G4G

Internet If your mobile or smart phone can access the Internet via a cellular communication, why not connect to the global network through it? When using 3G4G technology, you do not need a cable that can be damaged, you do not need electricity (at least for the time that your smartphone and laptop are able to hold a charge). The smartphone itself will perform the function of a router and distribute the Internet to all your devices. There is only one “but” - it will not be the highest quality Internet, the signal may disappear, the speed will be unimportant, and if you have at least two computers, failures will become more frequent. Uninterruptedly, such an Internet will work only if you are lucky to settle next to the tower of some cellular operator. I am glad that this technology does not stand still, and perhaps in the near future the quality of such an Internet will increase, but you can not wait for mobile operators to install a communication tower near your home, but order 3G4G signal amplification using special equipment from us.

Method three: new life landline phone

In some towns and villages there is no Internet, but there are telephone communications. It can also be used to connect to " world wide web". Even if you don't have a telephone set for a long time, it is enough to connect an ADSL modem to your telephone line. If you have a telephone and you are still using a home telephone, do not worry: one will not interfere with the other, since different frequency bands will be used. But in this case, you should prepare for a very low Internet speed, as well as the fact that telephone cables are outdated and often fail. They are being repaired slowly, and all this time you will have to sit without the Internet. In general, use advanced technologies with the help of morally and physically obsolete technical means you probably won't like it.

Method four: Internet from the sky - satellite!!!

If none of the above ways does not suit you, and you live in such a wilderness where there is not only telephone or fiber optic, but also cellular communications, you just have to buy and install satellite dish and receive Internet via satellite. All you will depend on is the power supply for the satellite modem, but this problem can also be solved by installing an autonomous power generator. The disadvantage of satellite Internet is the high cost of installation: the purchase and installation of equipment will require significant costs from you. However, high autonomy and the ability to use it in the most remote places from civilization make this method of connecting to the Internet extremely attractive.

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Despite all digital development society and its globalization, to many private sectors and villages, the implementation of the Internet is still not the easiest, and sometimes overwhelming task. Private sectors, as a rule, are tens of kilometers away from the city center. This means that laying Internet networks in these areas is an expensive and problematic task. People living in the private sector often want to become subscribers of a provider and are interested in what kind of Internet will be appropriate in their region of residence. You have to choose between cable Internet, wireless technologies or a mobile network. This article will tell you how to make the Internet in a private house.

Before directly conducting the Internet in a private house, experts recommend making a detailed analysis of the entire situation and understanding how you can connect the Internet in a private house. First of all, you need to find those providers who can and are ready to take on such work. The price of the issue at this stage is not very important, since you first need to consider all possible options.

After that, providers are divided into several categories based on the type of connection. The first category contains those companies that provide cable connections. The second is mobile. The third is satellite and so on.

The analysis done will help you clearly navigate the available options, types of connections and their cost. After that, an analysis is made of the cost of each specific category by type of connection.

Cable connection

This type is the most common among the average city dweller and Internet user in general. Cable Internet itself can be provided using several technologies:

  • ethernet. The most popular option. This type of cable connects directly to a computer or router. The maximum speed of such an Internet connection is 100 Mbps;
  • DOCSIS. Not the most widely used type of connection, as it involves laying a telephone cable, which requires a special divider and router. Its speed does not exceed 45 Mbps.

The first option is preferable, but you should rely on the conditions of the area and the capabilities of the wallet or providers. The second technology also has an advantage: this speed is enough for everyday tasks and watching movies. Moreover, you can watch TV on it, even if there is no Internet.

Important! Ethernet is an expensive option as it requires a separate personal cable and an Ethernet connection. If the equipment is located close to the village, then a twisted pair cable will be laid to save money. If the provider and its stations are located far away, then you will have to spend money on fiber optics.

Telephone line

This is perhaps the most affordable way how to connect wi-fi to a private house. It is based on the laying of a telephone line, which means that there is no need to pay for each meter of cable, since it is already installed almost everywhere.

Such a connection is limited to 20 Mbps, which will be quite enough for a comfortable pastime on the Internet and watching videos of medium quality. However, you still have to spend. This is the purchase of a special ADSL modem and a communication separator for digital and telephone.

Despite this, there are cases when the lines are not drawn or their condition leaves much to be desired. Then wireless types of Internet connections come to the rescue.

Mobile Internet

It is not always possible to stretch the cable, but there is cellular coverage in almost every corner of the world. Such giants of the cellular communication market as MTS, Beeline, Megafon offer their customers great amount convenient rates to choose from. Somewhere you can even set tariff plan under yourself. There are also special packages for using SIM cards in modems. You can find out the cost of specific services on the official websites of each operator.

There is also a division by technology here:

  • 2g. The oldest, slowest and most inexpensive mobile connection. It has the largest coverage area, but rather low speed - up to 500 Kbps;
  • 3g. Average in quality and speed and available in all cities and nearby villages. Its performance reaches 2-3 Mbps. This is enough to communicate in social networks and watching low quality videos on your phone;
  • 4G. Currently the best generation of cellular communication. Real speed this protocol reaches 80 Mbps. The only negative: 4G is only available in major cities and suburban villages.

Important! If you have the opportunity to connect 4G, you should not save money, since its speed is at the level of some wired types, and you can adjust its consumption in the tariff plan.

Lack of mobile internet significant: dependency on coverage area and weather conditions, occupied USB slot in case of modem option.

Satellite Internet

Another way to connect Wi-Fi at home without a home phone. Yes, not only television can be transmitted via satellite communications. This is the most expensive type of all, but it has several advantages:

  • Complete autonomy, since access to the satellite is available anywhere in the world;
  • No influence on the signal of rain, wind and other weather conditions;
  • Speed ​​up to 20 Mbps.

This type is used very rarely, since there are almost always alternatives in the private sector. It costs a lot, because you have to pay for a dish, cables, ports and transmitters.

WiMax Technology

WiMax is a cross between standard Wifi and cellular. The technology has its own relay stations operating at frequencies of 2-11 GHz. The connection speed is significant - up to 120 Mb / s. It is usually used to connect offices and industries, but can also be installed in the private sector.

The disadvantage of this system is its non-proliferation. It uses licensed frequencies, does not have a full-fledged coverage network, and other points due to which many providers refuse to work with it.

What is better to choose

After analyzing and dividing the available options into types by price, providers and type of connection, you need to choose the optimal and favorite type. For example, cable Internet would be the best option, but if it is not available, you can also use cellular Internet. 4G will be better than some ADSL networks, but finding an unlimited 4G plan at a low price is not easy.

Important! Fast and stable internet is always expensive, and for sending documents and communication, the usual one is enough. Choices must be prioritized.

Provider Selection Criteria

After considering all types of connections, it is worth dealing with the service provider. A city may have several large companies. In addition to these, there may be some other small firms which have better conditions.

When contacting a supplier, you should find out the following criteria:

  • Service cost;
  • Connection speed;
  • Available connection options;
  • Payment Methods;
  • Availability of timely technical support;
  • Availability of promotions, discounts and additional services.

Organization of a Wi-Fi network

Immediately after the provision of services, arrangements should be made wireless network. All you need is a router for this. It is capable of many functions:

  • Connect to the Internet offline;
  • Distribute a wireless signal;
  • Control traffic flow;
  • Set up parental controls;
  • Connect multiple devices to a wireless LAN.

Router selection

At the moment, there are a huge number of different models from various manufacturers on the market. For regular user none of their functions matter, except for the most important thing - the ability to distribute the Internet. For different purposes, different models are chosen: if the house is large, then a model with a greater radius of action than others. If the house has thick walls, then models with enhanced signal transmission.

To conduct the Internet in a private house with your own hands is a difficult task, but quite doable. Based on your own analysis, preferences, as well as on the material of this article, you can safely think about making an Internet connection to your country house.

Internet access for a modern person at the moment is no less important than water supply, electricity and other traditional communications. Work and leisure are directly dependent on the quality of the Internet connection. A large number of people, choosing to live in their own home, do not always immediately think about the presence of an Internet provider. We will look at various. Everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves, depending on the location and financial situation.

Dedicated Internet line

The ability to connect to the Internet via a dedicated communication channel in a private house is an advantage when choosing a building site or when buying a home. This option is not available in all suburban areas and small towns. However, even if such a possibility exists, it is not always the best choice. Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of Internet connection.

Advantages of a leased line

  • Unlimited traffic. Most ISPs in this category provide unlimited Internet traffic for a fixed monthly fee.
  • High connection speed. The provider provides a high speed of information transfer, which is sufficient for most modern online events.
  • Fixed cost. Tariff plans vary in cost depending on top speed connections.

Disadvantages of a leased Internet line

  • Territorial limitation. Connectivity depends on the development of the provider's infrastructure.
  • High subscription fee. In small towns and villages, Internet providers are often resellers of traffic from federal companies and provide their services at an inflated cost.
  • Limited bandwidth. This minus applies specifically to providers in small towns and villages. In fact, the provider is a reseller - it distributes the traffic provided to it for several tens, and sometimes hundreds of subscribers. During line load peaks (holidays and weekends). The data transfer rate may drop significantly.

In which case it is possible to connect a dedicated line to a private house

Satellite internet in the house

At the moment, satellite Internet technologies are at the beginning of their journey. This connection option is recommended if it is impossible to access the Internet in other ways. This technology has not yet reached the peak of its development and, therefore, there are significant limitations in its application. With the passage of time this species relations will develop in a positive direction.

One-way wiring diagram

Benefits of satellite internet

  • The main advantage of this data transmission technology is its availability in any place where there is a connection with a number of satellites. Even in the remote taiga it is possible to make an Internet connection.
  • High data transfer rate. Modern equipment provides a high data transfer rate, so that even in the forest it is possible to watch an online broadcast and quickly transfer large amounts of information.
  • The advantages of this type of connection include a wide variety of tariff plans designed to reduce the payment for Internet services to a reasonable minimum.

Disadvantages of satellite internet

  • High price. Equipment for this type of communication is expensive. Also the cost of Internet traffic.
  • No unlimited data plans. The absence of unlimited tariffs, albeit not on the very high speed, creates the need to clearly calculate the amount of data you use and choose a tariff plan wisely.
  • Possible influence of weather conditions on signal quality. This is a feature of this type of communication, which may slightly reduce the quality of services provided.

Is it worth it to connect satellite Internet to a private house?

Satellite Internet in a private house is able to solve the problem of communication in remote places of residence. This requires investments, which may seem large. But with the development of technology - this type of communication can be a good alternative. Even 10 years ago, it was almost impossible to imagine the use of satellite Internet for home purposes. Tariff plans with the passage of time become more mundane and affordable. The main thing is that such an opportunity already exists and is being developed.

Mobile Internet in a private house

The development of a new generation cellular communication network is moving at a high pace. Mobile Internet capabilities are increasingly surpassing traditional Internet connections in small towns and villages. Increasingly, this type of connection is being chosen to connect the Internet in a private house.

Benefits of mobile internet

  • Wide network coverage. Even in small villages, operators mobile communications provide 3G or 4G connectivity. At poor quality signal, it is possible to connect inexpensive amplifiers.
  • High data transfer rate. As with other common Internet connection methods, the latest generations of data transmission are able to provide online broadcasts and the transmission of large amounts of communication.
  • Variety of tariff plans. You can customize the tariff plan to suit your needs.
  • Good value. When choosing this type of connection as the main one, the monthly fee may be lower than in other types of Internet connection.
  • Availability of equipment. AT modern conditions, often there is not even a need to purchase a special modem to connect to the Internet, most smartphones have the function of using it as a modem. Signal amplifiers do not have sky-high prices.

Disadvantages of mobile internet

When is it better to use mobile Internet in a private house

Mobile Internet in a private home can in many cases be the best replacement for a leased line. Not demanding on the cost of equipment and having adequate tariff plans - it is quite consistent modern standards connections.

How to choose the Internet for a private home?

  1. Determine the connection types available in the area;
  2. If it is possible to connect a leased line, it is necessary to determine the quality of the provider;
  3. In any type of connection, you should at least roughly know the amount of data transfer required.

All connection types have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to know about this when choosing a life outside the city.


We remind you that even if you have not found the answer to your question, we are always happy to consult for free, give additional recommendations and individual advice, promptly answer any questions in the comments!

Residents of the private sector know that connecting Internet services to areas where modern opportunities have not yet reached is quite expensive and time consuming. Many providers refuse to consider single applications at all, because the cost of connecting one house is disproportionate to the benefits that the company could receive from the subscriber.

Rostelecom offers similar services, and not in a single version. Read on to find out how to get internet in your home.

PON (optical fiber)

PON fiber optics is an advanced technology that allows you to conduct Internet with a huge bandwidth for a small fee. Up to a hundred subscribers can be connected to one PON distributor without loss of connection quality.

Unfortunately, the laying of this technology is expensive. Rostelecom was allocated funds to equip the private sectors of cities and towns with households, and now active work is underway to carry out communications even to the most remote corners.

Accordingly, connecting a house using this technology will depend on whether optical fiber has come to you or not yet.

If PON has already been carried out in the village or cottage town, You can connect in the standard way:

  1. Through the site, having formed an application, your address will be checked for availability, and a technician will be sent.
  2. Through, having created an application for connection and choosing a tariff - 88001000800.
  3. In Rostelecom communication salons - you need a passport.

If the technology has not yet reached you, the connection will be economically unprofitable for the company, so technical support can immediately say that this is impossible.

However, there are cases when people managed to insist on their own, and for quite a lot of money to bring the Internet to a village or a private area.

The main principle here is that the more people are willing to connect (and Rostelecom is practically the only major provider who connects private homes to the Internet at all), the more likely the application will be considered. It is recommended to apply if you have enlisted the support of 10 or more neighbors - then the cost of laying the Internet for one household will be less, and consideration of the application with such a large demand is more likely to end with approval.

But be prepared to wait. In some cases, issuing all permits for cable laying and calculating the payback and cost of connection may take 2-4 months, during which it is advisable to remind the company about yourself.

Important! Rostelecom will use contractors to pull and lay the cable - in some cases they may contact you directly on a phone number and "break down" the price. This is a scam, and the amounts reach 25-90 thousand rubles with such requests. Be vigilant and do not agree to dubious connections - only a technician from Rostelecom itself should communicate with you.

ADSL (telephone line)

Most of the "private traders" not only remember what ADSL is, but also actively use it. For Rostelecom, connecting such an Internet is not a problem if you have a telephone line to a village or the private sector.

You can also apply for a connection in three ways:

  1. Personally in the salons of the company, where the manager will immediately check the possibility of connection. It is recommended to take documents to the telephone line with you, if you have them, and be sure to have a passport. Examination technical feasibility it may take a couple of days, after which the operator will call you back and coordinate the arrival of technical specialists.
  2. On the Internet - on the rt.ru website, select your region and the "Internet" tab, select a tariff plan and leave a request. The operator will contact you by phone.
  3. By phone hotline - 8800 100 0800.

If it is not technically possible to connect you to the network, you will have to use other options, or wait until fiber optic technology comes to your sector.

Mobile Internet

An expensive, but very working option if there is no desire to go through the complicated procedure of agitating neighbors and trying to connect fiber optics.

Mainly used in dacha cooperatives and remote villages, with 3g or LTE coverage.

The connection principle is as follows:

  1. You purchase a special SIM card from Rostelecom, which can be used in portable modems. The modem can also be purchased from the company, or independently.
  2. One of the tariffs with a limited amount of traffic per month (from 15 to 50 GB) is connected to this SIM card.
  3. In the house, you find a place where signal reception is best, connect an LTE modem to a router (if you want WI-Fi) or directly to a computer / laptop, and start using it.

This type of connection provides you with mobility - you can take the modem, for example, on trips, move around the house with it, etc.

The only negative may be the connection speed - it depends on interference and distance from the Rostelecom mobile tower. At the same time, the monthly fee is always slightly higher than for leased lines.


To have Wi-Fi in your house, you can use the previous option and purchase a Rostelecom modem + SIM card and a special router with support for 4G modems.

If you want to make a dedicated line, the difficulties will be exactly the same as with the GPON gasket.

The main principle of connection will be the availability of technical capabilities - either a line passing near your sector, or, in principle, the presence of an Internet cable in the village. Also, in some cases, an agreement can only be concluded if people can be registered in houses (in other words, not for summer cottages).

Connection costs can be high.

If there is a technical possibility, and regular FTTH has already been wired to your village (for example, you have apartment house and the fiber was routed to it at one terminal), the connection will take place as in an apartment building:

  1. Application through the website or hotline, or in person.
  2. Tariff selection.
  3. Arrival of technicians.
  4. Laying the cable from the distributor-terminal to your home.

If there is no technical possibility, and your area has not been connected, both the cost and terms increase, as well as the complexity of the procedure.

The principle remains the same as with GPON - the more people express their readiness to connect, the faster and more willingly Rostelecom will approve the application.

Of the negative - the price of connection. More about her.

How much does it cost to connect a private house

When technology has already arrived in your sector or village, the connection may not cost anything at all, as it happens in apartment buildings.

However, due to the specifics of homeownership, the prices for stretching optical fiber even just from the Rostelecom "pillar", on which the distribution terminal is hung, can start from 5-6 thousand rubles. Even if the distance from the pole to your house is less than 30-100 meters. According to the feedback of subscribers who provided such services, the price tag can be either 5 or 13, and even 20 thousand for one household. AT recent times, however, it tends to go down, since Rostelecom is actively building a network to the most "hard-to-reach" settlements at a cheap PON technologies, and people are willing to connect (there is a demand).

In the future, the subscriber simply pays a monthly fee for the tariff in the standard mode, as in an apartment. Additional network service charges may (but usually do not) apply.

If you need to “pull” the Internet into the village and it is not yet connected, the price tag increases, sometimes many times over. Even 10 kilometers of such a connection can cost the company more than 200-300 thousand, and not all subscribers will agree to "share the burden." We just have to wait until the technology itself knocks on the door.

When connecting ADSL, the cost is, of course, lower, because the company does not have to lay anything additional, everything is connected to an existing telephone line. Here the price can be from 500-1000 rubles and more. Sometimes for free.

Connecting a 4G modem is the easiest, but you will have to spend money on the modem itself and, possibly, a router with the ability to connect such equipment. There is no one-time payment for a SIM card.

How to apply for connection

Application for connection is left through:

  1. Internet - the address, full name, contact phone number and the selected tariff are indicated. This can be done on the official website of Rostelecom in the "Internet" section.
  2. Phone - call the hotline. Do not forget to ask the operator at the end of the conversation for the application number, and write it down. When contacting Rostelecom while waiting for a decision, call this number and it will be easier for you to transfer the results of the consideration.
  3. Salons of the company. If you want to leave a collective application, it is logical to appoint one "responsible" for communication with Rostelecom and act through him. If the application is ordinary, only a passport will be needed.