The sides of the character in the summary. Personal qualities in a resume: strengths and weaknesses. How to express yourself in an original way

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When compiling a resume, the applicant is recommended to describe the experience and education received, to highlight their own positive and negative sides, focusing on the requirements for the desired position, as well as indicate personal qualities in the resume.

  • evaluate skills as concisely and truthfully as possible;
  • specify personal characteristics, focusing on the goals of the resume and the importance of qualities for the position;
  • choose the most important positions from personal characteristics and describe them in detail.

Examples of personal qualities in a resume

The resume should briefly describe the personal qualities that the applicant possesses. Requirements for such qualities are individual and characterize the wishes of the employer.

You should consider examples of the personal qualities of applicants in the context of positions.

Personal characteristics: sample list

When compiling a resume, an applicant for employment is advised to select a few key personal qualities that most fully describe his candidacy. To do this, you can use the characteristics from the list below:

The above list of personal characteristics of the applicant is not complete.

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

When writing a resume, an applicant for employment is advised to indicate not only personal characteristics, but also key skills that demonstrate his abilities.

The following types of key skills are distinguished:

It is required to give examples of key skills in the context of positions.

  1. Sales manager (sales experience, negotiation skills, customer acquisition, organizational skills).
  2. Accountant (knowledge of tax and labor law experience in accounting, tax reporting and passing inspections).
  3. Driver (driving experience, knowledge of the routes of the city and the device of the car, skills in working with travel documentation).
  4. Specialist in foreign economic activity(contracting skills, knowledge of customs and tax legislation, experience with customs authorities, knowledge of English).

A universal set of personal characteristics of the candidate that the employer will like

There is no universal set of personal qualities of an applicant that suits any employer.

Most often, employers value in applicants such qualities as: responsibility, sociability, customer focus, punctuality, diligence, dedication, etc.

However, when interviewing a candidate for a vacant position, it is not recommended to copy standard set other people's personal characteristics.

Since employers value the naturalness and sincerity of applicants, candidates should favorably present their own qualities that characterize their personality.

Strengths and weaknesses in a resume

Depending on the vacant position and corporate culture organization representing the employer, the same quality of the candidate can be considered as an advantage or a disadvantage.

The strengths include the following:

An applicant for a vacant position must indicate and weak sides. This will testify to the recognition by the candidate of his own shortcomings, his readiness for self-development. The applicant should not list all the shortcomings, indicating 5 weaknesses can positively affect the choice of employer.

Weaknesses include the following:

  • straightness;
  • reliability;
  • self-confidence;
  • lack of work experience;
  • emotionality.

Since it is impossible to unequivocally determine whether a characteristic is an advantage or a disadvantage of an applicant for a vacant position, weaknesses should not conflict with the candidate's future responsibilities.

How to write a manager resume

The main goal of the manager is to improve the current performance of the organization. In this regard, attention should be paid Special attention writing a manager's resume. It is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Accounting for features professional activity applicant and confirmation of his managerial abilities in brief description candidate.
  2. Indication of the results of activities in the position of manager in quantitative and qualitative terms. These data should indicate the positive influence of the manager on subordinates.
  3. Inclusion in the summary of the description professional qualities leader. It is necessary to highlight the key skills that characterize an effective manager and confirm his individuality (experience in change management, development individual plans development of subordinates, etc.).
  4. Highlighting achievements corresponding to the desired position. indication milestones career aspirant for a managerial position can have a positive impact on the decision of the employer.

Also in the summary of the manager, education, work experience, achievements in the position of manager and personal characteristics of the applicant should be highlighted.

Feb 24, 2018 zakonadminnin

A well-written resume will serve a person well when applying for a job.. This document should be written in such a way that it intrigues a potential employer. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities in a resume are very important. Examples and life experience show that it is this information that managers and personnel officers are seriously interested in.

Important Points

Before indicating personal qualities in a resume, you must carefully study the samples and examples in order to fill in the required section in accordance with all the rules:

  • The information must be truthful and reliable, since the deception will be revealed sooner or later anyway, so there is no need to "philosophize slyly."
  • Personal qualities should be stated clearly and concisely, but you should not use only common hackneyed phrases that will not potential employer complete information about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • This section must be written correctly, without colloquial vocabulary and errors.
  • As a rule, it is required to indicate the most important personal qualities (5 options), so you should not be too zealous in indicating everything in a row. It is necessary to analyze everything and enter only those character traits that will really be useful for a vacant position or profession. For example, a salesperson will need the ability to resolve conflict situations, but it is not necessary for an economist.

Groups and Templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups that have their own specific templates.

First work

If a labor activity is just starting and the resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work effectively in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Ease of learning.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options personal qualities- depending on the proposed position and profession.

It is not always necessary to indicate your weaknesses in a resume. But if, nevertheless, it is required to indicate the weaknesses of the character in the summary, their examples may not be so fatal. Therefore, you should not be afraid to describe them.

Everyone has their shortcomings, but it is important for the employer to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. Therefore, try to choose such traits of your character that in everyday life can be considered a disadvantage, and for the performance of the proposed work, these qualities will be a virtue, for example:

  • Fear of air travel.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Slowness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Love for formalism.
  • Excessive emotionality, irascibility.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Reliability.
  • Inability to be flexible.
  • Too direct.

All these weaknesses can be looked at from a different angle, and then they can turn into advantages for the employer. For example, restlessness for active manager or sales representative is more of a plus than a minus. Or reliability, which will give the manager a reason to think that you can always be trusted with overtime work.

Weaknesses and professional qualities

Each applicant must correctly orient his weaknesses to the profession in which he wants to work. For example, a design engineer or future accountant might write the following:

Although such a list is not at all suitable for a person who, in the process of work, must constantly communicate with people. For example, a future sales manager can provide the following negative qualities for a resume:

  • Excessive sociability.
  • Workaholism.
  • straightness.
  • Distrust.
  • The need for external motivation.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Restlessness.
  • self-confidence.
  • Hyperactivity.

An applicant for a managerial position needs to prepare more carefully before filling out a column that will indicate his weaknesses. He can write about the following traits of his character:

Little tricks

To prevent an employer from immediately sending your resume to the trash after reading about your shortcomings, do not be too frank. Neutral qualities that can in no way affect future work. The following personal qualities (disadvantages) are suitable for almost any job:

  • Fear of airplanes.
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).
  • Vespertiliophobia (fear of bats).
  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
  • Sweet love.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Love for shopping.
  • Excess weight.

This information is quite transparent and will not pose any “danger” to the applicant in the employment process.

You can also write:

  • I am overly fond of analyzing past mistakes.
  • prone to reflection.
  • Too trusting.
  • I can't always accurately express my thoughts.

These are negative qualities for a resume, but they rarely affect the workflow.

You can specify the following:

  • When I have to lie, I noticeably worry.
  • I can't swear.
  • I take everything to heart.
  • I don't like gossip.
  • Too carried away by nature, so I forget to take breaks.

Some nuances

There are some items that should not be included in a resume. For example, you should not write:

  • I love office romances.
  • I am often distracted.
  • Not punctual.
  • I don't like making my own decisions.
  • I'm afraid of responsibility.
  • I don't like getting up early.
  • Sometimes laziness prevails.

For example, after reading about laziness, the employer will decide that you are not eager to work.

Strengths in resume

To get a decent job, you must provide an excellent reference and profile. Indicating in your resume positive sides, you need to adequately evaluate yourself in professionally and enter in the required columns only the most best qualities which, no doubt, will be appreciated by the employer. A sample list of strengths is as follows:

You should also indicate your business characteristics, which must be described in one sentence, for example: "Seven years as a chief accountant." It is important to ensure that personal and business qualities did not conflict with each other.

Some examples of job descriptions


Mandatory qualities: responsibility, learning, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, conflict-free, stress resistance.

Sales Manager

Required qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

well appreciated: competent speech, non-standard thinking, stress resistance.


Mandatory qualities: diligence, accuracy, stress resistance, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, grooming, pleasant appearance.

Universal positive qualities

  • Absence bad habits.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Initiative.
  • Honesty.
  • Fast learner.

Do not forget to indicate the personal qualities that your future employer. To do this, put yourself in his place and think about who you would like to take on your team.

Checking the veracity of what is written

Most job seekers tend to embellish their resumes, so employers invite applicants for an interview and ask additional questions that help to better reveal a person.

For example, they want to know your opinion about a particular conflict, and based on the answers they receive, they conclude how true the answers in the resume regarding squabbles and scandals are.

One should remember a number simple rules things to keep in mind when interviewing:

Focusing on following tips professional personnel officers, you can quite easily please your future bosses:

  1. The summary should be composed in a restrained manner, and humor is inappropriate here. However, creative and creative positions may suggest this.
  2. Copied, template resumes will not bring success, since personnel officers see such tricks right away.
  3. Five professional characteristics will be quite enough. Among them, stress resistance is always highly valued.
  4. You should only specify necessary qualities for the desired position.
  5. Questions should only be answered to the point. Chatting the personnel officer will not work, but the impression of the applicant will be spoiled.

In order to attract the attention of the employer, it is very important to think over all the points of the resume that relate to the personal qualities of the applicant. Correct completion of this document will guarantee your employment.

In my job, I often had to interview candidates for the position of "Sales Manager". In a corporate questionnaire, the candidate is usually asked to answer questions about his strengths and weaknesses. It is striking and surprising that for the most part people write replies. There are practically no weaknesses, and strengths written, as if, under a carbon paper.

One lady, answering a question about her weaknesses, wrote the following phrase: “I have no weaknesses. I got rid of them a long time ago." I wonder what she thinks to do next, if not developing and strengthening her various abilities? After all weak sides- these are not bad habits that need to get rid of, but something that needs constant attention and development.

Or the situation that I see all the time: people only know how to go to work. Someone else knows how to relax, someone combines relaxation with work in the country, well, and even little things. But no one dares to look into himself, his beloved ...

Think back to when you were a kid, or think back to when your kids were little. You know from experience that parents go out of their way to send their child to different schools (dance, sports, music, art, etc.) in order to determine what their child is passionate about. Where can he show his talents more strongly.

But as adults, we safely forget about it and surrender to the flow of life. Wherever it goes, we'll swim there. Someone still becomes successful in some activity, maybe due to luck or a favorable set of circumstances, but most do not think about the realization of their abilities, respectively, they do not achieve anything in their own lives.

This also happens because many people could not find their business, and did not even try to find it. In his book Golden Lessons: Achieving Goals, John Maxwell described the story of how he once looked into a store that sold all sorts of things. And his attention was attracted by a sign hanging at the entrance: “You will find absolutely everything here. If you can."

You probably know, the same can be said about any of us. Those unique abilities that are given to us must be searched very carefully. Perhaps they are hidden very deep.

Strengths. What's this?

Talents are at the heart of our strengths. Talent is the ability to do something better than something else. For example, you sing better than you knit. Or you play football better than you draw. When we develop our talents with knowledge and skills, we turn talents into strengths. Strengths are the ability to show high results in a particular activity. The next step is to polish your strengths to the level of mastery. That is why you need to pay great attention to your development and the development of your children.

Scientists have identified a list of human strengths:

  1. Adaptability (change yourself depending on the requirements environment, adaptation, flexibility).
  2. Activation (energy to get down to business and get it done).
  3. Analytical thinking (understanding cause and effect, critical thinking).
  4. Faith (the presence of deeply rooted values, ideas, the search for the meaning of life).
  5. Inclusion (helping others become whole and successful).
  6. Imagination (creativity, originality, new ideas and concepts).
  7. Harmony (ability to find common ground, avoidance of conflicts).
  8. Discipline (organization, ability to keep within time, order and structure).
  9. Achievement (pursuit of goals, performance, satisfaction from what has been achieved).
  10. Significance (great desire for recognition, hard work).
  11. Individualization (perception of other people as individuals and recognition of their talents, attention to differences).
  12. Intelligence (the ability to think in many directions, intellectual discussions, decisions).
  13. Information (active acquisition of knowledge, curiosity).
  14. Correction (recognition of problems and the ability to solve them).
  15. Communication (explanation, clarification, ability to speak well).
  16. Competition (hard work to achieve a high result, success, desire to win, comparison with others).
  17. Context (to see historical parallels, objectively assess what is happening).
  18. Maximalism (increase in personal and group skill level).
  19. Learning (enjoying the learning process, focusing on improvement).
  20. Orientation to the future (focus on the future, the ability to see opportunities, motivate others to act).
  21. Responsibility (to be someone you can rely on, many duties and obligations).
  22. Relationships (establishing intimate relationships with people)
  23. Positivity (enthusiasm, optimism, excitement, stimulating others).
  24. Consistency (equal treatment, fairness, preoccupation with good and evil).
  25. Development (seeing the potential in others and helping them develop it).
  26. discretion (acceptance) right decisions, thoroughness, consideration of all options).
  27. Leadership (the ability to cope with conflicts and crises, the ability to bear responsibility).
  28. Self-affirmation (self-confidence, independence of thinking).
  29. Connectivity (connection of ideas or events into a meaningful whole).
  30. Strategy (seeing the pros and cons, understanding the situation as a whole, developing an adequate action plan).
  31. Focused (prioritization, direction setting, efficiency).
  32. The ability to win over (quickly establishing contact with people, creating groups / relationships).
  33. Ordering (organization, coordination, determining the right combination of people and means).
  34. Empathy (understanding others, establishing supportive relationships).

And all you need to do is try to find out as much as possible what strengths our personality matches.

Then you need to understand what jobs and activities correspond to these strengths. That is, in what area they could open up stronger and brighter.

If the task turned out to be difficult, try the strengths that best suit you, rate them on a 10-point scale. Thus, you will be able to identify those in which the combination of talents, knowledge, skills and abilities is most harmonious.

But that's not all. Now ask a few questions about each of them:

  • Is it really mine?
  • Do I enjoy doing this?
  • Where and how can I apply them?
  • What will I have to do to develop the necessary qualities in myself?
  • How will this generate income for me?

Right now you will have those strengths that you either want or do not want to use and develop. Good receiver? And what's really important is that it works. Introduce this method to your loved ones, perhaps it will help them paint their lives in brighter colors.

If any of you are already in the process of identifying your strengths, i.e. actively acting and learning to manage your life on your own, it will also be effective for you to use this technique, which, by the way, can be used in many situations.

Let's take website building as an example. Among my colleagues, webmasters, there are mostly people who do this not under compulsion, but while experiencing the joy and pleasure of doing an interesting and favorite thing. But even in this case, each of us manifests precisely those strengths in which he feels much more comfortable.

As you know, a webmaster combines various professions: designer, writer, SEO (promotion), programmer, coder. In a word, a master of all trades. Of course, it is difficult to have so many talents at once in order to be successful in all directions at once. And over time, each of us finds the area in which he feels at ease, then there is a desire to become a professional, and then an expert, the level of which allows him to teach other people. But for this, of course, you need to make a lot of effort.

P.S. By the way, if you dream of becoming a professional designer, then you can learn this at the Yulia Pervushina Design School. Even if you are not a designer at all and do not know how to draw, but there is a great desire to get a highly paid Internet profession, then you can sign up here:

For example, I am more attracted to the field of copywriting than programming, although, I confess, you still need to know the basics of programming for blogging. But let it stay mine weak side. I'd rather improve my talents. By the way, about my colleagues: we are united by the most important thing - we are engaged in an interesting and beloved business, which allows us to discover new abilities, talents in ourselves, and turn them into strengths.

Each person has strengths and weaknesses of character that can play to his advantage, and to his detriment. Especially when applying for a job or at an interview, on which your future depends.

Human strengths

It is known that among us, ordinary people, there are no “saints”. And each person has their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the first of them. In order to “shine” in live speech during an interview and live communication, think in advance about the qualities that you think are inherent in you.

An example of a good list of human virtues:

  • sociability;
  • Determination;
  • good faith;
  • performance;
  • friendliness;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • A responsibility;
  • Punctuality, etc.

If you list at least some of the above traits and qualities, this is half the battle. If the manager sees how seriously you approached this issue, he will appreciate your ability to correctly express thoughts and convey the essence. You should not praise yourself, and promise what you cannot deliver.

For example, if you do not specialize in a certain industry, but you are asked provocative questions on a specific problem, it would be more honest to answer that you do not yet possess such skills, but strive and want to expand your boundaries and skills. Then the employer will be able to assess your honesty and desire to develop and move up the career ladder.

A future leader may ask you tricky questions, which will not be very convenient to answer. Endurance and the ability to get out of difficult situations are tested in this way by the candidate.

It doesn't seem right. But if you are applying for a good position, with a high salary, and you need the ability to communicate with people competently and without emotions, then you must have endurance and discipline.

A potential employer, through live communication, will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and draw conclusions about your personality.

The manager will also ask you about your strengths and weaknesses. You should not take this question seriously, and completely get all the "skeletons" out of the closet. It will be enough if you name some minor shortcomings: for example, shyness. This little vice rarely scares away. Therefore, you should not worry about this.

In order not to be embarrassed during an interview and a personal conversation with a potential employer, make a list of your strengths in advance. It will be useful for you to analyze the turn of your mind and character, thereby you will be ready for such a question and will not be at a loss.

Take Blank sheet paper and start writing the qualities you are proud of. For example, kindness, understanding, responsiveness, sociability, learning ability, etc. This is some kind of training. You will be able to objectively assess your pros and cons. And in advance, you can write a list of those qualities that you do not possess, but are trying to develop in yourself. This will give you a push and an incentive to change.

Weaknesses of a person, their list

Now we will try to consider the weaknesses of the human character. Most often, when trying to get a job, during the interview, the employer may notice some shortcomings of the future candidate for the position. For example, he may be alerted by inattention, absent-mindedness and slurred speech.

Consider a list of the most common shortcomings and weaknesses of a person:

  • indecision;
  • emotional stiffness;
  • Shyness;
  • Timidity;
  • Coarseness;
  • Rudeness, etc.

When talking, try to tell your boss about your hobbies, hobbies, a little about the family in which you grew up. Thus, you will position the employer, and he will appreciate your aspirations and see that you are ready for a lot for the sake of work. Honesty and unobtrusive frankness will do you good.

Weaknesses in resume

When writing a resume, be careful about the reason for leaving your previous job. For example, if these were conflict situations with employees, or disagreements with the employer. It doesn't matter why you quit. Do not paint about the reasons for leaving, it is better to write about it with restraint. For example, I didn’t like the work schedule, or I had to change my position due to moving.

Also, try not to get personal and dedicate the future employer about the past work team. It is better to get around uncomfortable topics tactfully and carefully. At the same time, without losing self-control and self-esteem.

Strengths of a person in a resume example

When writing a resume, be careful to point out your strengths. For example, you should not write about character traits that you do not possess. It is better to focus on the merits of your character. For example, you can write the following traits:

  • Determination;
  • Curiosity;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • Ability to get out of different situations;
  • Active life position.

By listing these qualities, you will definitely make a positive impression on the boss, and your candidacy will be considered.

Strengths and weaknesses of a leader

Additionally, you may be asked what qualities and personal merit you would like to see in your boss. It is worth considering the answer to this question in advance. For example, you can say that in the leader you want to see:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Restraint;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Demanding;
  • sociability;
  • Individual approach to employees;
  • Decisiveness, etc.

You will not just be asked such questions. After all, every employer wants to see what the employee expects from the authorities. If you answer with dignity and like a potential boss, you will get a place in the permanent staff.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Let's sum up a little. When applying for a job, you should think over your answers in advance in order to produce good impression for future employers. If you actively communicate, prove yourself with better side By focusing on the merits of your character, you will definitely get a promising job and the desired position.

Jan 17, 2018 Recruiters often ask candidates to list their shortcomings. The purpose of this question is for the HR specialist to understand how self-critical a potential employee is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. The applicant can independently indicate his negative aspects in the resume, however, not forgetting to focus on his skills and abilities. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly present your negative qualities in a resume and give illustrative examples, But first things first. To get started, consider the basic rules for filling out the disadvantages section.
If the employer sends you an email or offers to fill out a resume form from the company before the meeting, then there will most likely be a question about weaknesses. In no case should you put a dash. If this section is present in the questionnaire, then this item is of interest to the employer unambiguously. Dash in this case will be regarded as an inability to soberly assess yourself and an overestimated self-esteem. Also, do not get carried away by filling out this section. Remember that disadvantages can become your advantage. For example, lack of communication for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for a sales manager, it’s obviously a minus. Remember that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness are evaluated, and not how many shortcomings you have. Examples of undesirable personal qualities in a resume - shortcomings that are definitely not worth pointing out I am often late; I am fond of gambling; The presence of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.); I am often distracted; I work only for the sake of salary; I like to have office romances; I am lazy; I am greedy; what is happening around me, I like to live in my own world. Disadvantages that may not work in your favor: Pedantry; Individualism; Self-criticism; Self-esteem; Hyper-reactivity; Modesty; Distrustfulness; Self-conceit; Straightforwardness; Vanity; Self-confidence; After that, highlight the character traits that will not interfere with you or will help you in your future work. Lucky disadvantages for a resume: Inability to respond with rudeness to rudeness; Increased demands on others; Tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion; Unwillingness to act to please others; I can’t always express my thoughts accurately; Prone to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too much; I spend a lot of time evaluating of my actions and actions; I can get carried away with work and forget about the break; I pass all situations through myself; I don’t know how to swear; I don’t know how to lie. Neutral qualities: Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other living creatures; Fear of airplanes; Lack of work experience (for those who start a career or change their field of activity); Age (for people over 40 years old); Love to make purchases. The list of negative qualities of a person in a resume should not contradict your line of work or question your professionalism. So, for example, to get a job as a sales consultant, you can specify: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); sellers are financially responsible for the goods, and this “flaw” is simply necessary for a good salesperson; excessive love for communication (an important point in working with customers, which is also a positive “flaw” for retail.) people and love for facts (or rather, for numbers); Discharge from disorder (everything should be in its place oh, and only that); Slowness (when working with large sums, you definitely shouldn’t rush); Excessive attention to detail or pedantry.