Internet equipment at the dacha Rostelecom. How to make the Internet in the country? Satellite Internet for the dacha - equipment. One way satellite internet

One way or another, but every modern person is to some extent Internet addicted. More recently, access to global network was necessary only at work in the office, then - it was no longer possible to do without it in a city apartment. Today the situation has changed - the Internet is needed everywhere, including in places of recreation, outside the city, in summer cottages. For those who want to visit their favorite social networks, watch movies online in a country house, we will consider how to make the Internet in the country. To do this, there are five of the best options that provide quick access to the World Wide Web.

And if in urban areas the issues of connecting to the Internet are resolved with almost one call to the nearest provider, then in suburban villages everything is a little more complicated. The way out is often found in very non-trivial ways. We will consider in detail how to conduct the Internet to the country.

cable internet

This is the first, most familiar and familiar way to connect to the Internet to every city dweller. But the possibilities of its implementation in a holiday village are reduced to almost zero. Naturally, if the house is located in a prestigious area, then there is a high probability that the developer has already brought a fiber-optic line to the village and the question of how to make the Internet in the country will be quickly resolved. If the dacha is not on Rublyovka, then it will be very expensive to run a cable to the village.

A good and relatively inexpensive solution would be to use an ordinary copper telephone cable. In large settlements, the technical possibilities for this exist. Even 120 km from large cities, villages and towns have telephone lines that are connected to the nearest exchange. If the wire goes to the nearest pole, but does not go anywhere else, this is also not a problem. For two thousand rubles, special people will connect it to the right place.

But you should not rejoice ahead of time, even if you found a house in the house. Not always in summer cottages there are automatic telephone exchanges that have the necessary ADSL complex. If there is no equipment, then it remains only to return to the 90s and get a dial-up modem from the old chest. In villages located close to large regional centers, you can get an unlimited channel with an acceptable speed. And it will be inexpensive Internet at the dacha - the cost can reach several hundred rubles a month.

Among the advantages of this option in the case of a fiber optic channel are high speeds, stable connection, affordable prices.

Among the shortcomings are the need to make a year-round subscription fee, a low probability of having a technical capability. In case of line or channel damage - low speed restoration and repair.


In some holiday villages there may be local networks(similar to those found in each apartment building). These are often wireless networks based on Wi-Fi. It is implemented as follows. An industrial access point is installed on one of the pillars in the center of the village. The server that performs authorizations is connected to this point. The main canal can be implemented in any way, depending on the characteristics of the village. The power of the access point is enough to cover the entire village.

In these networks, among other services, there is also wireless Internet. It is enough to bring a laptop, tablet, smartphone - anything with you from the city to the dacha. Prices for services may be different and depend on a specific point on the map. But on average, the cost is kept at the level of 500 to 1 thousand rubles. Providers can limit the speed and traffic.

Any modern gadget supports Wi-Fi, so no additional devices are needed. An old desktop PC or multiple users may need an adapter or router.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any additional equipment.

Among the cons wireless internet to the cottage - the ability to work with only one device at a time. You cannot use two devices at the same time.


There are many providers in the Moscow Region that provide wireless fixed radio access to the Internet. Unfortunately, in most regions the situation with this service is worse. But if you seek, you can find.

An antenna is mounted on the roof of the country house. Its dimensions resemble a standard terrestrial television antenna. There is a specially designed modem in the house, to which you can connect a router or a computer.

Such wireless access over a radio channel makes it possible to organize a symmetrical channel, the data transfer rate in which will reach 10 or more Mbps. Often, many providers offer summer residents inexpensive Internet to the country, while traffic is not limited. Only the speed is limited.

It would seem that a solution has been found, but there are significant limitations here. Yes, a set necessary equipment, which users do not buy, but rent for a long time, while paying its price in the “connection cost” format, will cost 15 thousand rubles and more. This is provided if you need a fast country Internet.

The second problem is range. In order for the complex to work normally, it is necessary to create a direct line of sight from base station to the antenna on the roof. The base station is located in the district center. So, in a particular village it may not be corny technical capabilities to connect to such an Internet.

Also, WiMAX is quite expensive. For example, the size of the subscription fee from the Infoset provider will be from 12,000 r / m for unlimited access at a speed of 5 Mbps. Cheap and affordable country Internet based on this technology at a speed of 1 Mbps will cost 3,300 rubles. Provider "Credo-Telecom" offers Internet from 600 rubles per month. Speed ​​- only 512 Kbps. 20 Mbit will cost from 6 thousand rubles.

Most other providers offer a completely opaque pricing system - they promise in the contract that there will be an individual approach to each situation. And it seems that this approach is somehow correlated with the size of the dacha.

Among the advantages of WiMAX are stability, good unlimited access to the Internet without any traffic count. But the disadvantages are too expensive tariff and limited coverage.

Satellite Internet at the cottage

The main advantage of this method is complete independence from the presence of any infrastructure. You can make such an Internet anywhere - even on a distant farm in the deepest forest with the nearest settlement several hundred kilometers away.

Satellite Internet in the country can be either one-way or two-way. The first system is now considered obsolete. It was relevant several years ago, when its operation gave cost advantages. In rare cases, such a connection is still relevant now, if an inexpensive channel is available along with satellite.

Features of one-way satellite Internet

The principle is very simple. The direct channel, through which the subscriber receives data, is implemented through the Reverse channel, through which requests go, through terrestrial networks. It can be cellular networks or wired.

The advantage is that the Internet equipment to the dacha according to this scheme will come out cheaper - there is no need to create a reverse channel to the satellite. There is only a receiver, no transmitter.

Two way satellite internet

This is a completely self-contained system that eliminates the need to think about where to get a terrestrial connection. Such two-way connections have already become affordable - the price for the complex is comparable to the cost of an average smartphone. The kit can be installed for some 20 thousand rubles. The exact price depends on which satellite the work will be carried out with.

The average speed is from 4 to 6 Mbps with direct links. In the reverse - 0.5-2 Mbps. It is impossible to get a higher speed due to technological limitations.

Features of tariffication of satellite access

But you have to pay for autonomy. Operators involved in satellite access, often practice different forms of payment for consumed megabytes. Traffic in the required amount is bought immediately up to one ruble per megabyte, or packages are purchased where the price of one megabyte, depending on certain volumes, will be up to 50 kopecks.

There are also so-called conditionally unlimited tariff plans. Allergo Sky for 8 thousand rubles offers up to two megabits per second and 1600 megabytes every day. If we consider other providers, then such a pleasure will still cost at least several thousand every month.

There are also cheaper rates. However, there providers introduce serious restrictions. For example, you can only download HTML pages. It will no longer be possible to watch your favorite bloggers on YouTube, listen to a new track on in social networks won't work either. But for use email and reading the news will do. As an example - "Social" tariff plan from "Rainbow-Internet". Some tariffs may include Internet and television to the cottage via satellite.

Mobile Internet

This method of access has recently become much more accessible and is the most popular. In networks mobile operators third generation, supporting 3G, it is already possible to receive information at a speed of 10 to 15 megabits. On a 4G network, you can count on 30-40 Mbps, depending on the quality of the signal.

However, which one to choose Mobile Internet to the dacha (or rather, what specifications connections)? It depends on where the cottage is located. With the approach to cities and federal highways, there are more chances to get high-quality coverage with networks of the third and fourth generations. In various remote areas, you can only rely on GPRS at a speed of 10-20 Kbps. It doesn't fit at all. Impossible at this speed download elementary Google search page.

But don't forget about Sky Link. For remote areas, this operator offers the most extensive coverage. And let the technology be outdated, but its capabilities are enough for a maximum of 3 Mbps. It's better if there is nothing.

However, various operators cellular communication are constantly evolving - coverage is improving, available speeds are increasing. And if the Internet did not catch before, then it is quite possible that now there is both coverage and speed.

About choosing an operator

In such a problem as making the Internet in the country, it is recommended to choose operators not according to tariff plans, but according to the real opportunities that the provider provides. This is easy to check - just take a few SIM cards with you to the country house and test them one by one. You also need to remember that the mobile operator sells an encrypted modem.

Features of the distribution of mobile Internet

The easiest way to distribute the Internet to other devices is from a smartphone via wireless networks. Operators now allow you to enable a modem option on any tariff plan and do not prohibit distribution. This function is supported by any smartphone. You can buy this for a small amount and constantly keep it on charge.

USB modems are good for their availability and low prices. But they are encrypted and can only connect to a PC or laptop. To connect other devices, you need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. There are problems due to a weak signal. But not everyone knows how to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. You can use a remote antenna, and then the Internet will be enough for everyone. It is attached to the highest point of the roof. An important condition for its work is the absence of obstacles in the form of trees or other, higher houses. This is the only way to really amplify the signal.

An alternative solution is a 3G modem/router. They can be very different - plugged into a power outlet, connected via USB. The cost of such equipment is not more than 5 thousand rubles. The second option is a regular stationary router with the ability to connect a USB modem.

Such a solution has a lot of advantages, and most importantly - these are low prices for equipment, the ability to deploy a full-fledged network. This is the most affordable way to make the Internet in the country.

If no mobile operator can provide a signal of adequate quality, then this problem can be solved. The operators themselves tell how to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. It is enough to use special amplifiers or reflectors.

What to choose?

So, we need the Internet to the country. What to choose? The most relevant solution is still the mobile Internet. The possibilities of modern cellular networks allow a lot. This is high speed, unlimited access, the minimum cost of equipment. But you don't need to buy minimum tariffs. They are for those who are going to work in the country or will not often go to the computer. For everyone else, you need at least 2 GB per day or more.

That's all the ways of how to spend the Internet in the country. Many of them are no longer relevant, but they are, and in some cases this is the only way out for Internet addicts and outdoor enthusiasts.


Now you can spend the Internet everywhere, including in the holiday village. But outside the city it is better to take a break from all the fuss. After all, that’s why she’s a summer house, to sit with a fishing rod by the lake, ride a bike in the area, surf the local mud in an off-road vehicle. Sometimes you need to surf the Internet in the country. What to choose to connect? What suits the money and technical capabilities.

The problem of suburban Internet in the price-quality ratio. To connect to the network, you have to buy expensive equipment and endure delays, unstable connections, slow speed. However, this problem has almost been solved by mobile networks and technologies that work on a similar principle. In the article we talk about connection options in more detail.

How to organize wireless Internet in a country house in the suburbs

Wi-Fi hotspots

For the provider to stretch cable Internet into each a private house expensive: the cost of cable consumption and its maintenance pays off for a long time. A cheaper way to set up the Internet for both the provider and subscribers is to create a Wi-Fi access point. With this connection method, the provider extends the fiber to the settlement, and then sets up the Internet distribution point via Wi-Fi.


  • Saving money on laying lines.
  • The ability to conduct Internet in a sparsely populated area.
  • High connection speed.


  • The speed can be limited and significantly reduced when the network is overloaded.
  • The network has a limited range - inconvenient for residents of houses located on the outskirts of the radius.
  • The ability to create an infrastructure for deploying an access point is not available in all areas.

Some disadvantages can be overcome. For example, if the house is far from the point, and the signal is very weak, it is worth buying a signal amplifier.

Internet using WiMAX technology

This is another option for wireless connection. It works almost the same as Wi-Fi, but has a wider range: if the access point provides a signal within a couple of kilometers, then Wimax coverage can reach 80 km. In addition, there are quite a few WiMAX operators in the Moscow region, so connecting to the network will be easier than finding a provider ready to provide a Wi-Fi access point.

To deploy a network using Wimax technology, stations are used in the likeness of mobile operators. Among them there is the main one - the subscriber's one, which transmits a signal to many base stations. Through the base stations, the signal is transmitted to the user equipment - antennas and routers.

The price of WiMAX equipment depends on the operator and can vary from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens. The determining factor is the range, signal reception strength and data transfer rate.


  • Bes wired Internet with a wide range.
  • Convenient connection.
  • High data transfer rate.


  • Expensive connection.
  • Binding to the location of the base station.

As in the case of a Wi-Fi point, with a weak signal, you can install special equipment to amplify the signal.

Installing the Internet using WiMAX technology at a dacha in the Moscow region is the most convenient way to have a stable and high-speed connection to the network. Even significant expenses for the purchase of equipment pay off with high-quality coverage and uninterrupted access.

Internet via satellite

This is the most versatile and expensive way to connect to the Internet. Universal, because it is suitable for almost any district of the Moscow region and does not depend on the existing infrastructure of communication lines. Expensive, because the cost of equipment reaches 30,000 rubles, and the monthly fee ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, taking into account the purchase of additional traffic.

Connection to the network via satellite is carried out using a large antenna installed outside the house. It is she who receives the signal from the satellite and transmits it to the subscriber equipment - a router connected to the antenna via a cable.

Satellite Internet providers limit prepaid traffic. This means that the Internet is not unlimited - at the rate you pay a fixed number of gigabytes. Everything that is spent from above is paid separately.

Often, operators limit the data transfer rate at certain times of the day.

Before you install satellite Internet at a dacha in the suburbs, make sure that other connection methods are not available or inconvenient for you. Satellite communication is not only expensive, but also not always stable - the signal quality is affected by weather conditions.


  • Can be connected to almost any home.
  • Relatively high speed.
  • Independence from the location of the communication infrastructure.


  • Expensive connection and subscription fee.
  • Traffic restrictions.
  • Unstable signal.

Mobile Internet

Previously, mobile Internet was slow and inconvenient - it could only be used from a phone or laptop via a USB modem. Now mobile networks are developing. The connection has become faster, and routers with USB connectors have made network access via a SIM card wireless. The only problem when connecting in small towns is a weak signal. You can solve the problem with a bad signal by installing special equipment that will amplify it. In addition, empirically, you can try to find the telecom operator with the strongest signal in your area.

With the help of mobile networks, you can conduct a dacha in the suburbs unlimited Internet. However, most operators limit the access speed after reaching a certain amount of consumed traffic.


  • No expensive equipment required.
  • Relatively cheap rates.

Just set up.


  • Unstable signal.
  • Speed ​​limits.

Among the advantages of mobile communications is the fact that in winter the Internet can be turned off - this is suitable for those who live in the suburbs only in summer.

How to connect wired internet in a country house in the suburbs

Wired communication is cheaper and better than other methods of connecting to the network. However, it is sometimes too expensive to lay a cable to the house, the price rises at times when there is no appropriate infrastructure in the village. If there is a fiber optic trunk nearby, you can negotiate with the provider to allocate a personal line. It is not necessary to pull it with an optical fiber, it is cheaper to use twisted pair.


  • Unlimited high-quality Internet for summer cottages in the Moscow region.
  • Inexpensive rates.
  • Stable connection.


  • Not all infrastructures are available everywhere.
  • The high cost of laying the cable to the settlement.

How best to spend high-quality Internet at a dacha in the Moscow region depends on the locality. Order free consultation our operator and find out more about opportunities in your area.

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Modern man cannot imagine his life without the Internet. And it's not just about entertainment. The World Wide Web has become an indispensable assistant in all spheres of life. Even when going on vacation or going to the country for the weekend, we have an urgent need to get necessary information online. What to do when the Internet is needed even far from home? To fix this problematic situation, there are a few simple and available ways. The editors of the site have collected for you the most useful advice about how to conduct the Internet to the country house or to.

Even if you have urgent business, you can enjoy a holiday in the country if you have a stable Internet connection.

First of all, each owner of a suburban hacienda faces the question: how to choose the best way to connect to the Internet, which guarantees high connection speed and a reasonable price of traffic? What might your choice depend on? In most cases, the connection involves the use of a cable, but this is not always possible, especially for areas remote from the city. If there are no wired networks in the area, you will have to look for alternative options.

Internet connection options in the country

So far there are only three options:

  • connection with a network cable;
  • connection via mobile networks using 3G and 4G;
  • communication via satellite dish.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed options is the most optimal, in each case a different type of connection is suitable. Let's consider all the methods in more detail and analyze the situations in which the choice of one or another type of access is optimal.

Wired internet in a country house

Cable connection methods have several varieties:

Anyone who understands even a little about networking will definitely say that the ideal option from this list is fiber optic. In second place in terms of quality is twisted pair. Both types of access are available in cities. Large provider companies are engaged in laying such communications.

Twisted pair uses technology based on TSP/IP protocols. That is, the provider pulls a network cable from its switch to your computer. The longer the cable, the more interference in the signal, and in remote areas the network speed drops dramatically.

Optical fiber solves the problem of signal attenuation due to modern technologies using SFP modules, switches and routers. Optical fiber is not a cheap pleasure, and so far only business objects can afford it. The guaranteed speed of 1000 Mbps at any distance also has a rather impressive monthly fee, so few decide on such an expensive connection. But for him, no doubt, the future.

The listed types of access have not yet reached summer cottages. Providers have enough customers in metropolitan areas. In this case, you can pay attention to the cable television and wired telephone that exist in many suburban settlements. These engineering networks have the ability to connect the Internet in parallel.

Coaxial cable provides access to the network using DOCSIS technology. The connection speed will depend on how many users are simultaneously connected to this TV cable. On average, the reception will be 40 Mbps, the return - 9 Mbps. The telephone line will provide you with Dual-Up, ISDN or ADSL access.

The provider declares a maximum speed of 24 Mbps, but in fact you will not see such figures, since the quality and age of engineering communications will not allow such results to be achieved. All types of wired connections outperform wireless in one thing: they give a stable signal. So if you are still deciding how to connect the Internet in the village, and you have the opportunity to arrange access via telephone or cable TV, do not hesitate for a long time.

How to organize wireless Wi-Fi Internet in the country

How to connect the Internet in a house without a phone or cable TV? There is such a possibility. The first thing that comes to mind is Wireless Fidelity technology, or, as we used to call it, Wi-Fi. It can appear in your home if there is a local wireless network in the community of summer residents. Roughly speaking, server equipment is installed in the center of the village or on your street, which covers all nearby houses.

Access to the network through such a connection will cost you 800-1000 rubles per month, the price will depend on the speed and limited traffic. You do not have to rack your brains on how to bring the Internet into the house and install some special equipment. For a desktop computer, you only need a Wi-Fi router, and a laptop, phone or tablet will pick up the signal themselves.

Note! Keep in mind that such a connection will not "pull" the work of several computers at once. We'll have to establish in the family the order of visiting the World Wide Web.

A few tips for choosing a Wi-Fi router:

  • the router must support the protocols of the provider;
  • RAM of the device must be at least 64 MB;
  • check that the modem has a WAN connector for connecting the cable;
  • give preference famous brand offering a multifunction device.

WiMAX Internet without wires in a private house

What other Internet can be carried out in a private house? Pay attention to WiMAX technology. Now it is rapidly developing in areas of megacities. The principle of operation of WiMAX is connection via wireless radio access. To use this technology, you will have to purchase a kit: a modem and a small antenna, which must be installed as high as possible - on the roof or mast near the house. The speed of WiMAX radio access is up to 20 Mbps. If you want to get unlimited stable Internet to your dacha, this is one of the available options.

This type of connection also has disadvantages: renting a set of equipment is not cheap, not in all settlements the signal is strong enough for uninterrupted operation, and the subscription fee will cost at least 3,000 rubles. What is unpleasant is that the companies supplying such a signal use the so-called “individual” approach to pricing, which means that if you have a decent country house, then the Internet will cost a “decent” amount.

If we compare WiMAX and Wi-Fi technologies, then it should be noted:

  • WiMAX is convenient for remote settlements;
  • Wi-Fi is more suitable for local networks.

Satellite Internet outside the city

How else can you install the Internet in the country? An affordable option is the use of satellite equipment. What does this give us:

  • satellite communication gives a fairly high connection speed;
  • the operation of such a connection is completely autonomous;
  • it will take a little time to install the equipment, all work can be done independently;
  • your connection will be completely secure, without the risk of connecting third parties and intercepting information;
  • put satellite equipment possible in the most remote parts of the country.

This method also has its drawbacks:

  • connection performance depends on weather conditions, in cloudy and cloudy weather, the speed drops;
  • the cost of satellite provider services is quite high;
  • installation of equipment is simple, but you will have to invite a specialist to set it up;
  • often there are problems with the IP address.

However, this type of connection is the only option for many. Consider its types.

One-way or two-way Internet in a country cottage

Satellite equipment can offer you two technology options:

  • One way access works on the principle of asynchrony. The signal is divided into outgoing and incoming. Incoming information comes through one channel from the satellite, and outgoing information passes through mobile or terrestrial communications, and they are already sent to the satellite. Such a connection guarantees a speed of 5000 Kbps.
  • Bilateral system involves the simultaneous transmission of incoming and outgoing signals via satellite. This guarantees complete protection of information and excellent speed characteristics.

Which antenna is more profitable to install for the Internet in the country

To date, the federal provider Tricolor has the most active and affordable offer for satellite Internet. It covered almost the entire territory of the country with a network. Kits from this provider can be found in many holiday villages and villages.

How much does the Internet cost from Tricolor TV to the dacha

In order for you to imagine the cost of the services of this provider, let's introduce you to some figures for 2018:

TrafficAverage cost (as of April 2018), RUB per month
1 275
2 490
3 680
5 1045
10 1095
20 3650
30 5180
50 8000
100 14000

The company guarantees a speed of 40 Mbps on the incoming channel and 12 - on the outgoing one. This connection also has an unlimited tariff, but you can connect to it only until 09/30/2018. While it will cost 990 rubles a month, and what will happen after September 30, Tricolor does not explain.

Installing satellite Internet in a private house will cost an average of 30,000 rubles - this is the price of Tricolor equipment.

Related article:

In the publication, we will consider why this is necessary, and what tool is needed, twisted pair pinout schemes, how to properly perform for various types of wires and cables.

What does fast mobile Internet mean in a private house

Nobody needs slow internet. Nowadays high speeds the dynamics of obtaining information is very important. It is for this reason that even in the presence of wired telephone networks, many prefer mobile Internet. Which provider to choose?

How to conduct Internet to the country: choose a mobile operator

In order not to miss the choice of a communication service provider, follow a simple algorithm for selecting a mobile operator:

  • contact several of your neighbors using different providers with a request to measure the connection speed on their computers;
  • find out what tariffs they use and how much the operator's services cost;
  • think about your traffic needs and whether you need unlimited access while limiting the connection speed.

Summarize all the information received. Don't forget to write them down. Make a table showing the cost of using the network, the speed available and the rating of the users. It will be easy for you to choose the best option. It remains only to thank the neighbors and arrange a barbecue party for them.

How to connect mobile Internet in the country? Yes, it's very simple - buy a 3G or 4G modem, insert a SIM card and use it for your pleasure. Such a modem will work in a laptop, desktop computer, and can distribute a Wi-Fi signal for other devices.

What to do if cable Internet has not been delivered to your village or cottage settlement, all local providers ignore you because of the remoteness or small number of potential subscribers, and you want to use Telegram, YouTube and other fruits of civilization?

In this case, Chip and Dale, that is, mobile operators, are in a hurry to help. It is simple, fast and practical, especially if you need seasonal country Internet or “weekend Internet”, so connecting to the Internet in the country through a cable operator will not be an economically justified solution.

Speaking of mobile operators, we mean not only the Big Four (MegaFon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2), but also the so-called virtual or MVNO operators operating on the infrastructure of these four main mobile operators.

What options for connecting to mobile Internet in the country are possible?

Mobile operator selection process, tariff plan and equipment for organizing mobile Internet in a country house depends on the conditions in which you are with your beds and the desire to watch YouTube, chat in instant messengers and hang out on social networks.

Consider all options.

1. You visit the dacha on short trips and you have a stable LTE signal, moreover, your "native" city operator.

In this case, it is enough to simply switch the smartphone to the access point mode and “distribute” the Internet via Wi-Fi to other devices. Of course, at the same time, you must have one of the so-called “package” tariffs connected with a sufficiently large amount of traffic for your needs.

2. Your carrier does not work well in your area, there is no LTE coverage, and in general everything is bad.

Then it's worth choosing the operator with the best signal in your area.

You need to start by installing an application on your smartphone like Find Tower for iOS or Open Signal, “Cell towers. Locator", Network Cell Info for Android. These applications allow you to find the location of nearby cellular transmitters and determine which carriers they belong to.

Then you need to choose an operator, not forgetting about virtual ones, and the tariff that suits you. The information on whose infrastructure this or that MVNO-operator works is not a secret, and is usually indicated on its website. So, for example, if you have a Tele2 tower nearby, then Tinkoff Mobile will also have a good signal (and about a dozen more MVNO operators working on the Tele2 infrastructure).

Having chosen the operator, we proceed to the preparation of the equipment. If you have a dual SIM phone, then there are no problems at all, if only one card can be installed in a smartphone, then you can use an old or inexpensive smartphone as an access point (the main thing is that it supports LTE, and), a portable modem router such as Huawei E5573 ( 2-5 thousand rubles) or a bunch of laptop / USB modem.

3. You live outside the city all the time, do not want to use your smartphone as an access point, or you need better Wi-Fi coverage for your dacha and all your backyard acres.

Then you will need a USB modem (1-2 thousand rubles) with LTE support. With a probability of up to 99% it will be a modem Huawei brand or ZTE (even if it bears the brand of one of the telecom operators).

In addition, you need an access point or a Wi-Fi router with a USB port where you insert this modem (4-6 thousand rubles).

For the correct location of the modem and router (this is important), you can use their web interface. As a rule, there is an indication of the CINR and RSSI signals.

CINR(Carrier to Interference + Noise Ratio is the signal to noise ratio). CINR value is measured in dB

A positive CINR value means that there is more useful signal than noise. Minimum value acceptable for stable network operation: CINR = 10

RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator) is the power level of the signal received by the modem. The value is measured in dBm. Minimum value acceptable for network operation: RSSI = -85 dBm. The higher the RSSI number, or the less negative it is, the higher the signal strength (for example, -40 is greater than -80). RSSI indicates the strength level of the signal received by the modem, not the signal strength level of the Base Station signal.

How to interpret these indicators?

Excellent: CINR of 30 and above / RSSI of -30 to -50

Good: CINR 20 to 30 / RSSI -50 to -70

Fair: CINR 10 to 20 / RSSI -70 to -85

Bad: CINR of 10 or less / RSSI of -85

How to install equipment for country Internet?

A simple rule always works, the modem should be placed as high as possible and in a room with a window facing the base station. The geolocation of the tower can be easily determined using the already familiar Find Tower and Open Signal applications, “Cell towers. Locator".

If the house or plot is large, then for comfortable use of the Internet in the country, you may also have to buy a Wi-Fi repeater (Wi-Fi signal amplifier, the issue price is 1-2 thousand rubles).

To find blind spots in Wi-Fi coverage at home, you can use wifi app analyzer. This will help you install the Wi-Fi signal booster in a way that provides even coverage throughout your home. Routers and repeaters are manufactured by companies such as Zyxel, Keenetic, Asus, TP-Link, Xiaomi, Netgear, MikroTik. In principle, they are all compatible, but connecting a router and a repeater of the same brand is somewhat easier.

The last, most difficult option - your house is in a back corner and you do not have LTE coverage.

In this case, you (or a specially trained person) will need to install a MINO antenna. The antenna can be either internal (suitable for wooden houses), and external (the best choice for brick and stone houses).

The antenna is directed towards the cell tower (we have already determined its location using the smartphone application), and then it is connected to the modem. It is important that the modem has connectors for an external antenna (not all modems have it). Moreover, there are two types of connectors in modems - TS9 and CRC9. Accordingly, along with the antenna, you will need to purchase special cables (pigtails) with suitable connectors.

A more accurate location of the antenna is selected using the web interface of the router or modem. I really like the new interface of Keenetic routers. It is convenient, understandable and informative.

If you are paranoid and think that you need a backup Internet channel, then you can connect a second modem.

To do this, you will need a router with two USB ports (there are not very many), a second antenna, and two working operators in your area.

At the same time, it is important that these operators work at different base stations, since if the base station fails, the signal of all those operators who use it disappears. For example, when there was an accident at the MegaFon base station in our area, the Yota and NetByNet signals disappeared, respectively.

For the backup channel, you can choose "light" budget tariffs, they are suitable even with a megabyte payment.

Some routers allow you to set up automatic switching from one modem to another. In the event of the disappearance of the Internet of one of the operators, the router switches to another modem. As practice shows, this is redundant. Crashes are now rare, and manual switching using the web interface takes 30 seconds. It is more relevant to connect the router to an uninterruptible power supply.

Is it possible to use mobile communication as a replacement for landline?

Definitely yes. Even in my bearish corner, my carrier provides about the same connection speed.

And for a monthly fee comparable to a cable connection, I have used this amount of mobile traffic over the past year.

How to connect the Internet in the country: the best options for country houses.

Modern country cottage impossible to imagine without an internet connection. Like. recently, even summer residents of the Moscow region did not even think about how to use the Internet in the country, and now you can already get confused in the abundance of technological offers: fiber optics, satellites, mobile connections ... Which Internet is better for giving, how to choose the best option so that it is “enough” for everyone how to conduct it, we talk about it in our material.

From this article you will learn:

  • What type of Internet connection is the most convenient?
  • How to spend the Internet in the country?
  • What to look for when choosing a USB modem?
  • How to strengthen the wireless signal and get fast Internet in the country?
  • What is two-way satellite internet?

The modern Internet technology market offers the user a wide variety of ways to connect to the Web. However, not all of them apply to summer cottages: or rather, the options are very different in price and a set of advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may turn out that an expensive and promising solution is far from being the most reliable one. This is influenced by various factors: remoteness from the city, the presence of base stations nearby, landscape features (for example, in a lowland or near a forest, mobile Internet is caught worse) and even the time of year - in summer, foliage on trees creates additional "noise" for a wireless signal. Therefore, when choosing a connection, you will have to take into account the maximum parameters. One thing pleases: a suitable option can be found almost always. And it will be easy to mount it with your own hands.

Optical fiber

Perhaps the most reliable connection method is optical fiber. The signal passes through it literally at the speed of light. This is the main advantage of fiber optic cable: it allows you to transfer large amounts of information over long distances without delay. The cable is reliably protected from interference, it is not affected by electromagnetic radiation, which allows you to mount it, for example, together with high-voltage wires.

The main disadvantage of this technology is that it is not always found outside the city. Provider companies prefer, first of all, densely populated areas. The further the cable runs, the more expensive the connection is. Its for countryside can reach up to 20-30 thousand rubles just for holding. But sometimes even this does not stop summer residents from connecting to optical fiber. Here is what our reader wrote about the advantages of optical fiber BigK.


Connection cost - 15 thousand rubles, "subscriber" - 1000 per month. I thought about it and have no regrets. I remember the ordeals in the summer, the lack of a normal signal, equipment breakdowns at the nearest tower ... Everything is forgotten, as if in a nightmare ... I brought the optics to the garage at home, dragged a twisted pair cable into the bathhouse. The main disadvantage is the gray IP-shnik, I had to do port forwarding and configure a little.

Optical fiber requires almost no additional equipment: the cable on suspensions is laid in the air or pulled underground. At home, it can be connected directly to a computer. If desired, you can separate the line using a twisted pair cable to different rooms. Another option is to make one or more Wi-Fi access points at home. The main thing here is to design in advance where and how the channels for laying the fiber will be located.

FORUMHOUSE user with nickname _JG_, engaged in the design and construction of communication lines, advises:

Polyethylene pipes are laid in (thick-walled recycled pipes, at least 63 in diameter), one end of which is located in the basement of the house, and the other is led out with a bend in the pipe to the nearest lighting pole / pole with a minimum output of 1.5 meters. Or the 2nd end is led into the cable sewer well of the village. During the construction of houses, this pipe should be laid even at the backfilling phase. In practice, they start thinking about it late, when a lot of things have already been done.

Instead of "fiber", the cable can also contain copper - an example is the popular ADSL data transmission technology, in which the modem is connected to a telephone line. The data transfer rate over the ADSL channel is less than through the "optics", and the longer the cable is pulled, the lower it becomes. Various factors can affect the quality of communication - from a thunderstorm (if the cable is pulled through the air) to the presence of power lines nearby (if in the ground). All this creates interference and can disable the equipment. By and large, ADSL technology is already living its life and is gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to more reliable and efficient solutions.

3G and 4G

Today, a wireless mobile connection is perhaps the most popular way among summer residents to provide a country house with stable and fast Internet. Its undoubted plus is price and territorial accessibility. Even a weak signal cellular network if desired, it can be strengthened to an acceptable level, and it will cost several thousand rubles (subject to the purchase of standard, average equipment, otherwise the price soars to a couple of tens of thousands). The minus is also obvious: this is network instability and frequent signal losses - it is greatly weakened or even blocked by various obstacles on the way: power lines, tall buildings, and even trees with foliage. Also, the signal level decreases when the base station is overloaded. By the way, some participants of our portal complained about this: in summer or on weekends, when the number of summer residents in rural areas increased sharply, their data transfer speed dropped for a long time, up to a network break.

But, apart from fiber, 3G and 4G connection is a great way to get an unlimited rate for fast internet outside the city. Depending on the proposed speed, its cost can reach up to one and a half thousand rubles a month, but 400-800 rubles are enough for normal operation. “Unlimited” is offered by all major mobile operators - Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Skylink (all have 3G), as well as Megafon, Yota (4G) and others.

The maximum data reception rate with 3G reaches 14.7 Mbps, and with 4G - up to 326.4 Mbps (although in reality it is usually still several times less).

What is required to install a full-fledged Internet kit? It is worth starting the installation with "reconnaissance" of the area. Make sure your area is within 3G or 4G signal coverage. This can be done on the website of the provider itself or clarified at the point of sale. If everything went well, then the next step is to buy a USB modem, through which you will connect to the network.

Typically, modems, along with a SIM card and special “mobile” Internet tariffs, are offered by the providers themselves, and such devices are configured only for SIM cards of their “own” operator. But if desired, they can be easily “unlocked” and reflashed, making the devices universal. There are enough sites on the Internet offering the necessary activation codes and programs. If you do not want to do this, then you can buy a modem separately in specialized store or order, again, in the online store. There are a large number of modems - some of them work only with 2G and 3G networks, others also capture 4G. The leader in the production of USB modems, primarily for 4G (specifically, its varieties, the LTE standard) is the Korean company Huawei.

As you know, mobile networks of the third and fourth generation transmit a signal in several frequency bands. For 3G it is 900, 2100 or 1800 MHz, and for 4G it is 2600-2700 or 800 MHz. Therefore, when buying a modem, pay attention to what frequencies it works with.

Otherwise, you may repeat the situation that one of the FORUMHOUSE readers encountered some time ago, who provided the Internet to a dacha in the Moscow region.

Internet for a dacha in the Moscow region

Andrey -AA

GSM operators in the Moscow region and new Moscow in some places have a ban from the Ministry of Defense on the use of 2100 MHz frequencies, and this is the main frequency for a 3G signal. There are such restrictions almost throughout the new Moscow, and even much wider, in the Moscow region ... There are different 3G standards, and modems are sold for "dummies" and are simply called "3G modem", without specifying the standard and frequency. What I first ran into, buying a Huawei E303 modem from the bulldozer. And it only works at frequencies of 2100, which turned out to be forbidden for me.

Ideally, when you provide Internet for a summer residence in the Moscow region, and in other regions, you should buy several different SIM cards and, by connecting the modem to your laptop, travel around your village with them. So you will understand which of the operators picks up the signal better, and which base stations are closest to you. If you wish, you can install the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) network analyzer program on your laptop - in the latest versions, it also scans the 4G signal. For a smartphone (they have a built-in 3G modem), a similar NetMonitor or OpenSignal program is suitable.

As a result, such "intelligence" will give you an understanding of several important things. First of all, this is the location of the base stations of mobile operators, the frequency (MHz) and the power of their signal (measured in decibels). Without this information, you are unlikely to be able to properly install an antenna to amplify the network signal. Sometimes a regular USB modem provides good reception on its own. But this happens only when you are in close proximity to the base station, and nothing interferes with the passage of the signal. In other cases, you can’t do without “finishing” the modem.

Do-it-yourself Internet in the country: tohow to amplify the signal

To increase the signal strength you need standard set equipment. The equipment for the Internet in the country is the same for both 3G and 4G: this is a modem for receiving a signal, a Wi-Fi router for its free wireless distribution inside the house, an antenna (as in the case of a modem, when buying, be sure to specify what frequency it is calculated), power supply or POE adapter and cables for connection and data transfer; adapters. A simple circuit, it would seem, but you can mount all this electronics in different ways.

For example, a modem with a router (or a router separately) can be installed in a house or in an attic, regardless of the antenna. This allows you to protect them from temperature extremes, and it is more convenient to organize power from the outlet. But in this case, both the modem and the router will be connected to the antenna with a coaxial cable. And it has limitations in length - no more than 12 meters (when using a thick 8D-FB cable), otherwise signal attenuation will begin, and the speed the internet will fall. With a thinner cable, signal loss is even more noticeable, and a thick cable is not very convenient to mount.

Readers of our portal consider the option more reliable when all equipment is mounted immediately on the antenna, in a small box. Both the modem and the Wi-Fi router are connected to the antenna by pigtails - small ones. Our reader Vipych followed this scheme when installing the antenna for the 4G (LTE) signal.


The best option is when there is no coaxial cable at all (only pigtails in the antenna), and the modem itself is installed in the antenna housing in a thermal housing and connected by pigtails to printed circuit board vibrator. There are two pigtails, since the LTE antenna operates in the MIMO standard and has two carrier signals in different polarizations, which gives excellent propagation to the radio signal. This option eliminates cable losses and gives maximum gain. An ordinary USB wire of 7-10 meters or even a UTP cable of 30-100 meters comes out of the antenna (there must also be a router in the antenna), and all this is powered by the most common POE adapter.

At his dacha, the user Vipych installed and successfully uses the HITE U-20 antenna with the Huawei E3372 universal modem and the ASUS RT-N10U router. This system works with a SIM-card of any mobile operator in 4G and 3G networks at frequencies of 2100 MHz. Moreover, in LTE networks, the modem is able to simultaneously connect to three base stations of the operator at once.


This antenna with a real gain of 20 dB gives a stable connection with a tower at a distance of 11 km over a dense forest. And the nearest tower (2-3 km from me) is overloaded and is located on the opposite side.

Member of FORUMHOUSE under the nickname Semen233 offers its own version of the amplifying antenna:


Most powerful way amplification is satellite antenna, and an antenna as a converter, you can assemble everything yourself. As an antenna feed, make a regular biquad, a 75 ohm cable, an adapter and a modem with a connector. It is possible without a connector, but you will need to make a special adapter (roughly speaking, wrap the modem around the end of the cable). I've been using it for 5 years now. Before the tower with the Internet, more than 25 km, I did not catch 3G without an antenna, it catches all the sticks with it.

Using various amplification schemes, you can get a decent Internet signal at a distance from the base station up to 15-25 km.

If inside the house the "forces" of one Wi-Fi router is not enough, then you can organize several Internet access points in the cottage. The scheme is the same - an additional router, wire.

  • The higher you raise the antenna, the less “noise” there will be during signal transmission, which means better reception. It is important to direct the antenna towards the base station as accurately as possible. Rotating it, you need to "catch" the direction with the best RSSI (received signal power level).
  • It makes no sense to buy an antenna with a very high gain - an indicator of 11-18 dB is quite enough.
  • Having caught the optimal direction and frequency of the network, remember it and put it in priority in the modem settings (if allowed). Otherwise, then it will begin to "jump" in frequencies in search of a signal.
  • If you do use a coaxial cable to connect equipment, then it should be as short as possible.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with amplifier antennas, and the Wi-Fi signal from the router is too weak in some areas of the house, some experts advise putting additional routers there in repeater mode. Reflecting the main signal, they amplify it and transmit it further to the addressee (in the manner of electrical substations). But this solution has its drawbacks: routers configured for different modes can conflict with each other, and back and forth signal transmission slows it down and prevents it from working quickly. Repeaters for 4G are not recommended at all because of their high power, which can even disable the base station.

Wireless Internet by the type of "Wi-Fi-bridge", as well as the 4G signal of the WiMAX standard and other types of cellular connections that have not yet received sufficient distribution, we do not consider in this article.

Satellite internet for summer cottages

This connection option is suitable even for those who are in areas inaccessible to the frequencies of cellular operators. Satellite signals cover a large (and some and all) territory of the country. The main condition is that there are no obstacles in the path of the signal from the antenna, such as the roof of a house or the tops of trees.

There are two types of satellite Internet - one-way and two-way. The first of them is cheaper, but slower and more unreliable. His era, having lasted for a short time, ends, as well as the era of ADSL connections. The second option is more modern, but also more expensive: the cost of the kit, together with the installation, reaches 30-35 thousand rubles. If you wish, you can try to assemble the kit yourself - the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of devices. Tariffs in both cases are limited, upon reaching limit value either the speed drops sharply on them, or you have to pay extra for additional gigabytes. In principle, there are unlimited VIP tariffs for two-way Internet providers, but their price is exorbitant - from 8 thousand rubles a month. The set of equipment for both types is similar - a transceiver, an antenna, a modem and a converter for converting a satellite signal, cables, connectors. A Wi-Fi router is also useful for “wiring” the Internet around the house.

What is the difference between the two types of satellite connection

One-way Internet was actively offered by satellite TV operators several years ago. But their idea did not receive large-scale development. In this type of connection, the signal from the satellite goes only towards the subscriber. This is logical, since the bulk of home Internet traffic is always incoming data (video, pictures, sound). The outgoing signal (what is not downloaded, but sent to the network) is many times less. Therefore, it was supposed to be launched through a simpler and cheaper channel: wired or mobile. This is the main disadvantage of one-way Internet. Due to the complexity of signal transcoding and the instability of cellular communications, the speed and quality of the signal left much to be desired. Such a network is sensitive to weather changes and electromagnetic radiation.

Two-way Internet is designed to eliminate these shortcomings - the satellite signal here goes both ways. True, this leads to its disadvantages. The so-called ping, or the time it takes for a signal to “leave and return,” lasts longer here than in conventional networks: about 8-9 milliseconds. Due to high ping, the subscriber may experience problems in situations that require signal continuity (Skype video conversation or online network game). This type of satellite Internet is less sensitive to atmospheric interference than its one-way counterpart, but thunderstorms and sticky snow will still degrade the transmission quality. The value of the tariff depends on the speed (on average, 6-8 Mb / s) and the volume of monthly traffic, but it is in the range of 1.2-5 thousand rubles. Two-way satellite Internet in the country is preferable in areas of weak satellite signal.

To summarize: if you have the opportunity, then it is worth connecting fiber optics to the house. If this species connection for your region is not yet available, you can connect wireless 3G or 4G Internet with an amplifier. In the same areas where cellular signal too weak (or if you have extra money), two-way satellite Internet is perfect.

Have a good connection!

On FORUMHOUSE, users discuss how . Watch the video on urban experiences in information sharing and sharing. And if you decide to install your own home, get acquainted with the advice of those who have already done it.