What Internet is better to connect for a private house? Wireless mobile internet Wireless internet home

Wireless Internet connected in cases where a wired connection is either not available or does not provide adequate quality, such as ADSL, or is prohibitively expensive (tariffs or wire laying). So, we will look at 5 main types of wireless Internet, their features, pros and cons.

1. WiFi bridge

A popular option for wireless connection is the organization of a Wi-Fi bridge between the connection object and the Internet source (emitter), which in turn is connected to the network by a wire. Here it is worth noting that an important feature is the organization of the source, i.e. installation of equipment that will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal on the air. If, in principle, everything is clear with the receiving side, then problems may arise with the transmitting side. As a rule, transmitting Wi-Fi equipment is installed on high-rise buildings at a maximum height in order to avoid possible interference in the transmission of the Wi-Fi signal. Such an object still needs to be found, negotiated with the owners, with the HOA, with management company etc., if necessary, coordinate the installation of the emitter with other organizations (firefighters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, TV crews, electric companies, etc.). Further, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment, as well as adequate protection against theft and burglary. In addition, an important condition is the choice of a private Wi-Fi range for channel organization. The standard 2.4 GHz band, especially in high-rise buildings, is heavily loaded, which leads to noisy air, respectively, to a decrease in signal quality and Internet speed. The use of the 5 GHz band is regulated by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GRKCH), respectively, you need to obtain permission and register the receiving and transmitting equipment. There are also specific Wi-Fi bands such as 3 GHz, 6 GHz, however, difficulties can also arise in them. First of all, with the equipment, because. it is not always possible to find receivers, transmitters, antennas and other equipment for specific bands. In addition, it must be understood that the higher the frequency, the worse the signal permeability and, accordingly, the range of the system. Thus, in the case of solving all organizational problems, as well as the availability of an initial wired channel, when organizing a Wi-Fi bridge, you can get a fairly high Internet speed at the facility. The distance from the transmitter to the receiver can reach 10-15 km (in the case of direct visibility).
High speed(up to 300 Mbps)
➕ Stability (the connection does not depend on other users, because the channel is exclusive)
➕ Low subscription fee(similar to tariffs for wired Internet, because in fact this is it from the point of view of the provider)
➖ High price of equipment installation (30-80 thousand rubles)
➖ Difficulties in channel organization
➖ In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies, large fines are possible with the dismantling of equipment
➖ Limited use (only in cities, because you need a wired Internet source and high-rise buildings to install transmitting equipment)

2. Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet as well as satellite television and satellite communications have been used for a long time. The main and in fact the only advantage is the availability and independence from the location. Satellite Internet can be installed in the mountains, on an island, in a forest, in a remote village. At the same time, modern equipment is also quite simple to set up, approximately the same satellite TV. However, there are also significant drawbacks.
➕ Availability ( Satellite Internet can be installed almost anywhere
➕ Independence (perhaps only from weather conditions)
➖ High cost of equipment (20-40 thousand rubles)
➖ Low speed (average 5-10 Mbps)
➖ No completely unlimited tariffs
➖ High subscription fee (up to 5 thousand rubles per month)

3. Radio channel

Internet radio is inherently similar to a Wi-Fi bridge, however, not the widely used IEEE 802.11 standard is used as a carrier channel, but some alternative or specific one. In principle, any data can be transmitted over a radio channel, including the Internet. WiMAX, AirMAX and others are often used.
➕ High degree of security
➕ Potentially high speed, but depends on the implementation of a particular provider
➕ Low cost of equipment due to ready-made kits from providers
➖ High subscription fee
➖ Extremely low coverage area
➖ Equipment specifics

4. Wireless optical communication channel (BOX)

The transmission of the Internet over an optical wireless channel (not to be confused with optical fiber) is similar to a laser beam. There is a beam transmitter and a beam receiver, they must be in line of sight without interference. The data transfer rate can reach 10Gbps. However, in practical implementation, this technology is extremely rare when connecting end objects. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment and the complexity of channel implementation.
➕ 100% channel security
➕ High speed up to 10Gbps
➕ Connection stability
➖ Extremely high cost of equipment (from 100-150 thousand rubles)
➖ To organize Internet access, the original wired channel is required
➖ Need for line of sight and no interference between transmitter and receiver

5. 3G/4G/5G internet (public networks)

Definitely the most popular and demanded way of wireless connection to the Internet is the use of 3G and 4G LTE networks of operators cellular communication. Such networks in our country are offered by both the Big Four operators (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2), and local operators such as Vainakh Telecom, FreshTel, Fly, etc. The indisputable advantage of this method of connecting the Internet is the versatility of the equipment, due to which the Internet is available almost everywhere, except for the most remote areas, mountains, the far north, taiga, etc. However, there are few consumers in these areas. In densely populated areas, operators are actively developing 4G LTE networks and are starting to implement 5G, as It is these technologies that promise many advantages, primarily high speed and stability of the connection.
➕ High degree of availability (about 90%)
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbps in LTE-Advanced networks, on average about 20-50 Mbps)
➕ Unlimited Internet (for BIT.ONLINE subscribers)
➕ Low cost and equipment versatility
➕ Using different 3G/4G networks to connect
➖ The complexity of self-assembly and configuration of equipment

BIT.ONLINE company specializes in connecting wireless Internet in 3G and 4G LTE networks of Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2 operators. We offer completely unlimited tariffs, high-quality equipment, turnkey installation, configuration and installation. Our experienced specialists will measure the signal of various operators, select necessary equipment and connect the internet as soon as possible. Call ☎️ 8-800-707-72-44 .

-=Produced jointly with and for Tele2=-

You know I'm an old paranoid. In our difficult time for the country, no one can be trusted. First of all open networks WiFi. Do you want to lose passwords, data bank cards and catch a virus? Welcome to public Wi-Fi! When I am in Moscow, I spend most of my time running around the city. Somewhere I took something off, somewhere I sat down, processed it and posted it. Previously, it was necessary to look for a cafe with the Internet. But for several years now, I have never connected to public Wi-Fi networks at all. What for? Works great in Moscow Mobile Internet. Few countries in the world will see such speed. At one time, I didn’t even have the Internet at home, since it was easier to distribute from the phone than to look for a provider and set up a router.

It is also important that the Internet is not only mobile, but also fast. After all, it’s not enough to write in a messenger, you need to record an online broadcast and watch a heavy video on YouTube.

A year ago, a fourth operator, Tele2, appeared in Moscow. And good internet became even more. Today Tele2 claims that it has the fastest mobile Internet in the city - it was recognized as the best in Moscow three times.

Don't believe?

Here are the latest tests in different places.

The Bolshoi Theater has a download speed of just over 17 Mbps, and an upload speed of 19.7 Mbps.

At Historical Museum the speed is even better - the reception is 19.9 Mbps, and the transmission is 20.4 Mbps.

The State Duma has 18.9 Mbps for reception and 20 Mbps for transmission.

In my office on Tverskaya, the speed is worse - 17.3 Mbps for reception and 3 Mbps for transmission. In a building, the speed is always slightly worse than in the open air.

But they say this is not the limit and there are places where the Internet is even faster. Therefore, I ask you to help me find a place with the highest internet speed. Whoever does this will receive 5,000 rubles from us and Tele2 to the account.

What do we have to do?

1. Connect to Tele2 (if you haven't already) and check your mobile internet speed. This can be done in the SpeedTest application (here is the version for iPhone, Android and Windows).
2. Find the location with the fastest speed, and take a screenshot from the SpeedTest app.
3. Send a screenshot in the comments to this post and write where exactly you took it. Do not try to cheat - Tele2 will definitely check whether such a speed is really possible at the specified point.

Screenshots in the comments can be sent until Friday. Then, together with Tele2, we will select two people who recorded the highest speed in Moscow and the Moscow region, and transfer 5,000 rubles to their account. What can I spend 5,000 rubles with a Tele2 SIM card for?

Within 8 months, an unlimited number of times to call numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region.
- During the year, spend 10 GB of Internet traffic from your phone every month.
- Break the world record for 55 and a half hours of uninterrupted phone conversation (the current record is 54 hours and 5 minutes).

Well, everyone else can go to the Tele2 gift site, where every day you can receive bonuses from the company's partners. Or take part in creative competition: create the Tele2 logo in many creative ways, take pictures and share photos on social networks with the hashtags #Tele2yeartogether and #MoscowSpeaks. For the most original options, you can get a year of free communication at the Blackest tariff, an annual subscription to a fitness center, an annual cinema subscription and other pleasant surprises.

The competition and gifts are dedicated to the anniversary of Tele2 in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company has something to celebrate: this year it managed to achieve many successes. She offered tariffs that were 25-40% cheaper than other operators, including the first and only tariff in the region with unlimited calls to phones of all operators. So the Big Three also had to cut prices. It turns out that regardless of whether you use a Tele2 SIM card or not, you still have something to thank the new operator for.

In terms of network coverage and quality, Tele2 caught up with the Big Three. I have already told you about the speed of mobile Internet - you can now check it yourself.

I wish Tele2 further success, and good luck to you in the contest;)

High-speed Internet has firmly entered our everyday life. But if in apartment buildings of more or less large settlements there are usually no problems with access to the network, then in the private sector, not to mention remote villages and villages, wired Internet is a rare guest.

Therefore, when it becomes necessary to deliver the Internet to private homes or remote parts of the city, wireless Internet very often comes to the rescue. Although this option has certain disadvantages compared to wired internet, sometimes it is the only reasonable solution.

is a real salvation for those who live in a private house and do not have access to wired internet. In many cottage settlements and country houses, this method of Internet delivery is used.

How does wireless internet work?

Very often, in order to have high-quality wireless home Internet, you need to purchase a special device called a wireless modem. What is a wireless modem? In short, this is a device that allows you to receive and receive signals via mobile networks.

Using a wireless modem allows you to provide Internet not only a private house, but also any place where there is mobile connection. That is, if you travel somewhere outside the city, then with the help of a modem you can always join a certain network and get access to the Internet. To use a modem, it is enough to purchase a SIM card from one of the operators providing such services. For example, there is a very good wireless Internet "Beeline", which allows you to use the Internet at a very good (for a wireless connection) speed. In addition, we can note the wireless Internet from Rostelecom and some other operators providing similar services.

Mobile operators usually offer Internet access at special rates, which you should be guided by. Some tariffs provide a certain amount of traffic for a certain period of time, some provide for payment for each megabyte or gigabyte of Internet used. In any case, before you start using wireless Internet, be sure to make sure that the tariff you need is set. If the tariff is not set, call the operator who can tell you about all the nuances of connecting a particular tariff plan.

For modern wireless Internet, it is best to use a GSM terminal. A GSM terminal is a special wireless modem capable of working with GSM networks. The main advantage of such networks and such modems is a very large area coverage. On the this moment GSM networks cover about 80% of the entire globe. Thus, there is a wonderful opportunity to transmit a signal from almost anywhere in the world.

In addition to providing access ordinary users to the Internet GSM-terminals are also used in many other areas:

  1. Monitoring of moving objects. Allows you to organize monitoring of various objects, vehicles and individuals on the move. It is actively used in logistics systems, in law enforcement agencies, in the fight against terrorism and in some other areas.
  2. Systems of control and accounting of energy resources. GSM terminals make it possible to control the amount of consumed energy resources at certain facilities, therefore they are used in many utilities, in various enterprises, in business and in many other areas.
  3. telemetry. Used in modern systems type " smart House”, allows you to notify the owner of the house about the amount of energy, water, gas and other resources consumed.
  4. Vending. It is actively used in trade to transmit data on the number of goods sold (for example, in vending machines and other similar devices).

These are far from all areas where GSM-terminals can be successfully used, but some of the most significant and obvious ones.

Types of GSM terminals

At the moment, these devices can be classified into two categories.

According to the interfaces used for connection, there are:

  1. USB modems. At the moment, they are one of the most common. To provide access to high-quality wireless Internet, USB modems are very often used for a computer. Usually, the USB interface is used to power such modems, but sometimes modems can use special additional power connectors. Such devices can be used to work in almost all data transmission systems, including mobile Internet.
  2. RS-232 terminals. Devices operating in the M2M data transmission system. For mobile Internet, such modems are not used.
  3. PCMCIA modems. They use EDGE technology in their work and can only be used for mobile Internet.
  4. Express Card modems. Just like PCMCIA modems, they use EDGE technology in their work and are used only for mobile Internet.

According to the technology used to organize cellular communications, there are:

  1. GPRS terminals. Allows you to use GSM in various devices. Most often used in M2M systems, where they provide a very good wireless connection.
  2. EDGE terminals. They have a very good speed, as they use special high-speed protocols for transmitting information. They are actively used both to provide Internet access and to connect elements of the M2M system.
  3. 3G modems. They use even more high-speed protocols in their work than EDGE terminals.
  4. 4G modems. Provide the highest speed and quality connection at the moment. In terms of speed, they bypass 3G modems by 2 times, and some versions are able to work 5 times faster.

Actually, in this way it is possible to produce a typology of modern GSM terminals, without which it is impossible to imagine a wireless unlimited Internet. At the moment, 4G reigns supreme - it is these modems that are able to provide the highest quality and fastest access to the World Wide Web.

We think that after reading this article, the question “how to connect wireless Internet?” won't confuse you. And in case of any problems in this direction, you can always contact mobile operator specializing in this kind of services, and you will be explained all the nuances in the most detailed and understandable way.

Availability of home wireless internet was last modified: May 11th, 2016 by MaximB

Internet provider YS Service is one of the largest telecommunications companies in Russia. The history of the company began in 2008, when our team began to connect 4G Internet at facilities in the Moscow region. It was then that WiMAX networks first appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation in such cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Now our company is a provider that effectively conducts the Internet both in the Moscow region and throughout the country.


YS Service clients can be both individuals and legal entities. Each category of subscribers has its own tempting offers.

Individuals can buy wireless unlimited internet from Yota, Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2 at:

  • apartment or private house;
  • country house, cottage, dacha;
  • office for legal entities

It is enough to use any of the proposed tariffs and connect to the Internet to be in touch anytime and anywhere. Work, study, have fun with YS Service!

For legal entities, we suggest paying attention to unlimited 4G-LTE Internet. If you are concerned about the security of your company data, want to be in touch with foreign clients at any time and provide employees with access to global network- then this option is for you.

The price of services for all categories of clients depends, first of all, on the chosen tariff and connection speed. When choosing Internet for the office, we, as an experienced provider, recommend choosing offers with a speed of 50 Mbps or more to ensure high-quality communication and comfortable work. Connection speed indicators are especially important if the company has a large number of employees.

Also, YS Service will help you connect high-speed 4G Internet in a business center, on point of sale, remotely located branch, HoReCa facilities, etc.

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other services

In addition to providing Internet access, our customers can order services such as:

  • installation of video surveillance equipment;
  • satellite TV connection;
  • computer help(software installation, repair, virus removal, data recovery, upgrade, etc.);
  • measuring the speed at which 4G Internet works;
  • IP telephony.

You will find even more offers in the menu on the site website.

It is worth noting that most of the Internet equipment that we offer to deliver, connect and configure is our own production. Therefore, when a client wants to buy something, we are confident in the correctness of his choice, since we ourselves have been working with this equipment for many years.

Among the most popular pieces of equipment: GSM and Wi-Fi cameras for video surveillance, power supplies, voltage stabilizers, IP phones, satellite receivers, Yota SIM cards for modems and more.

Have you noticed that the Internet often disappears or the connection weakens? We recommend buying signal amplification equipment: antennas and repeaters. They speed up the connection to the network, increase the power of the Internet and at the same time are quite cheap.

Provider No. 1

Benefits of unlimited high speed internet from Yota was appreciated by many subscribers of Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia. High speed data transfer, unlimited traffic, Additional services and a high level of service allowed YS Service to take a confident position among the "top ten" in Moscow.

Wireless Internet will delight you with stable operation without failures, and if problems arise, our specialists will come and fix the problem.

In 2011, the YS Service provider began connecting Yota's 4G-LTE mobile Internet. At the moment, it is the fastest option that allows you to exchange data at speeds from 20 to 300 Mbps. It is available to all residents of Russia. Study the tariffs and prices and choose the most convenient option.

Our company often provides discounts, bonuses and promotions for new and regular customers. Therefore, from time to time you have the opportunity to buy equipment or order a service even cheaper! We want cooperation with us to be affordable, pleasant and fruitful!

We are trusted

During the work at YS Service, more than one came thank you letter from:

  • Directorate of JSC "First Channel";
  • SUBWAY restaurant chains;
  • Eco-Plast LLC;
  • Alef company and others.

We are thanked for high-quality and fast work, assistance in solving various problems (for example, providing an online broadcast of the Miss Podolsk contest).

It's nice to be appreciated. We, in turn, also strive to please our customers even more.

How to contact?

We are located at: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 141 of. 306.