Toilet cabin. Great need for big business or how to open a network of paid toilets Business toilet on the street

Starting investments in this business are moderate, and the profitability exceeds 20%. Dry closets are needed and so far they are clearly not enough. There are several options for the development of this business, you need to choose based on the financial capabilities and conditions of the locality.

A network of dry closets is a business that will bring you stable income for many years. This business is called humane and clean. To date, the profitability of this business is approximately equal to 20-30 percent.

This business is quite easy to enter, as the required starting threshold is low. The starting amount will be approximately equal to three thousand dollars. Some of them will be spent on the purchase of two dry closet cabins.

Two brand new cabs will set you back $1,200. But you can significantly save on the purchase of booths - purchase used equipment. It will cost about 250-300 dollars.

But in order to find used equipment of decent quality and at a low price, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. On the wages teller operators will take some money. Yes, of course, the salary depends on many conditions that determine the position of the trading economy, but all the same, it will be small and will not require much finance.

You will also have to spend money on cleaning tanks. It must be done ten times a month, and sometimes less. One such cleaning will cost you about twenty dollars.

Dry closet cabins are very easy to maintain. They do not need to be connected to any communications. You need to use coupons here. strict accountability, which were approved by the Ministry of Finance, and not tickets, as many people think. The taxation of this business is optimized with the help of "simplified". You do not need to purchase and use cash registers.

But this business, like any other, has its problems, its pitfalls. The main problem of this business is vandalism. There is no way to insure against it, but fortunately the cost of repairing booths will be small. There are other problems: administrative barriers and staff turnover.

The main asset when starting such a business are booths, so take their choice with special care. The choice of toilet cubicles is very important at the initial stage. When choosing booths, pay special attention to the strength of the tanks, technical specifications, fastening doors and their reliability, anti-vandal characteristics. Remember that the profit and stability of this business and firm depends on the toilet stalls and their durability.

Difficulties may arise at the beginning, when organizing this business. Usually, difficulties at the initial stage are associated with the design required documents. You will need to conclude an agreement with the city water utility service, obtain permission from the city planning committee and the SES, as well as many other city authorities.

But the most important permit you need to get started is a waste disposal license. There is a way by which you can avoid all this hassle with documents. This way is the choice of experienced suppliers for the purchase of toilet cubicles.

Such companies, which are experienced and reliable suppliers and sellers of equipment, take care of everything related to documents, licenses, permits and obtaining them. They will also be able to give you advice if necessary, suggest where to start, where to put the toilet cubicles and help with many other issues.

Be sure to pay attention to the climatic conditions in which the booth can function normally. For example, at a temperature of thirty-five to forty degrees, ordinary plastic simply begins to melt, and in severe frost, the contents of the tank freeze, and the booth temporarily ceases to function.

When organizing this business, consider the pricing policy, the seasonal factor and the cost-effectiveness of prices for toilet cubicles. This business will become profitable and quite stable with the normal functioning and operation of fifty to sixty toilet stalls.

But don't start with a large number of stalls, start small, like two or three toilet stalls. And then just over time, gradually buy more equipment. If you are going to organize your business in a city with a population of about half a million people, then strive to increase the number of functioning booths to one hundred or one hundred and fifty.

Once you have a sufficient number of toilet cubicles at your disposal, it is worth considering creating a reserve park. Cabins from the reserve park can be used at various city and regional events.

Also, don't forget about disinfectants. With the development of the network, you can save a lot on buying your own fleet. One car from the fleet can easily serve about eighty locations per month. Also, with the growth and prosperity of the network, you can think about a site specifically designed to store cabins that are not used on this moment.

If you manage to organize a booth rental, then it will be good and allow you to make great money. With the help of a rental point, you can easily save yourself from the worries and problems with the operation of toilet cubicles. There will be enough clients from such a business, since many organizations and facilities are required to have washbasins and dry closets in operation in accordance with regulatory documents.

The booth rental will be especially popular with summer restaurants and cafes. When opening such a point, it will be very useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of mass events in your city. This will help you figure out how many booths and where you need to put.

If you want to engage in the production and manufacture of toilet cubicles, then you will need to invest in organizing this business. In order to organize production, it is necessary to find suppliers of the materials necessary for production, obtain a hygienic conclusion from the center for epidemiological and sanitary surveillance and a certificate authorizing the production of this type of product. Whatever path you choose, you need to think about selling products and providing services not only in the city, but also outside it.

A business based on basic human needs will generate income for any economic situation. This area includes the biotoilets business. As practice shows, its profitability is at least 30%, if you find appropriate place and settle all related bureaucratic issues.

Case registration

For this kind entrepreneurial activity Ideally, such an organizational and legal form as individual entrepreneur. Registering this type of business is simple and fast. But if you plan to install dry closets in several neighboring cities, it makes sense to register an LLC.

In addition to registration, you will need to obtain permission from the SES, sign an agreement with the city water utility, agree with the town planning committee on where dry closets will be located, and much more. The main goal should be to obtain a license for waste disposal. However, if you buy dry closets from reputable suppliers, they can solve all bureaucratic issues for a fee.

The choice of dry closets

Finding a supplier of booths is easy - today on the market you can find many offers for price and quality. Where exactly to stop depends on your financial capabilities and goals. For example, you can install mobile booths that are installed where public events are held. Another option is stationary dry closets in crowded places where they are really in demand.

Mobile booths have dimensions of 1.2x1.1x2.1 m and are equipped with a storage tank with a volume of 200-250 liters. Sometimes they are equipped with cisterns, washbasins, soap dispensers and other amenities.

The system of operation of such an installation is simple. A special solution is poured into the storage tank, which absorbs all odors and decomposes sewage. Tank for 200 l. enough for about 500 visits, after which it must be cleaned. To do this, call the sewer machine. If you expand your business to a network of up to a hundred booths, it makes sense to own such a machine.

When choosing booths, consider the climatic conditions under which they will be used. For example, in severe frost, the solution inside the tank freezes, and in heat over 35 ° C, ordinary plastic begins to melt.

Business demand analysis

In order for a business to bring tangible income, there must be at least 200 visits per booth per day at a cost of one visit of 20 rubles. Then one booth is able to bring 120 thousand rubles per month. If you install several booths in especially crowded places, income can be significantly increased. It can be:

  • recreation parks;
  • amusement parks;
  • public events;
  • tourist centers of the city;
  • different kinds of stations;
  • summer cafes.

The only caveat is that the business is clearly seasonal. In winter, people prefer to visit the toilets in local cafes and other heated establishments. And not every cashier will agree to sit all day in the cold, collecting payment for a visit. Moreover, the minimum payment is offered to him - about 6 thousand rubles. per month. Therefore, it is better to open another business in winter.

Financial part

The main items of expenditure will be:

Monthly expenses will average about $ 400. If we accept the condition that at the cost of one visit of $ 0.25 per day, about 150 people visit one booth, then about $ 37 can be earned per day from one booth. This turns out to be over a thousand dollars. From these funds, you must deduct the amount of monthly expenses, as well as 6% income tax. The income is not fabulous, but quite normal, as for a small business.

How to increase business profitability

By purchasing new booths, you can earn not only on their direct use, but also on renting them out. For example, all summer cafes are required to provide their customers with this kind of service. Such establishments are yours potential clients. From renting one booth, taking into account all maintenance costs per month, you can earn about $ 100.

Similarly, you can rent booths for public events. But then it is better to calculate the possible profit in advance. Sometimes it is much more profitable not to rent them, but to install them yourself, directly.

Another additional option for generating income can be renting out space in booths for advertising. One way or another, correctly placed advertising will always be in front of a person, so you can safely negotiate with advertisers.

Main business risks

Like any activity, the dry closet business has its risks. These primarily include:

  1. Vandalism. After some time, the booths will have to be repaired due to the fact that visitors break them, outline them, use them without adhering to the established rules. This risk cannot be avoided.
  2. Cashier dishonesty. Often cashiers withhold part of the proceeds, putting it in their pocket. There are many ways to deal with the dishonesty of a cashier: install a door opening counter, a video camera, correlate the fullness of the tank with revenue, and so on.
  3. Personnel turnover. Since the job of an usher is an unskilled and low-paid job, cashiers often change. Finding a new employee takes a lot of time. To be able to offer competitive wages, it is worth installing more booths.
  4. Close attention from the sanitary and epidemiological station. If the booths are poorly and irregularly cleaned, the SES has many questions and complaints. As a result, the business can simply close. Therefore, the issue of waste disposal and cleaning booths must be addressed clearly and quickly.
  • Recruitment
  • Expenditure part
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the provision of dry closet services
  • What documents are needed to open a company

The profitability of the dry closet business is estimated at 30-40%. At the same time, the risk of burnout is minimal, since there will always be a demand for services that satisfy the daily needs of a person.

How to start a dry closet business

Organizing a business on dry closets, at first glance, is not a big deal. A portable dry closet can be installed anywhere, because it does not require connection to public services. Its installation does not require a foundation and other solid foundation. In case of a bad location, your business can always be moved to a more profitable place.

The cost of one dry closet booth starts from 20 thousand rubles. Good and durable cabins do not cost less. You can think about buying used equipment, but used booths need to be subjected to a thorough inspection. Particularly fragile elements are the doors and handles of the dry closet, they break first.

It is quite logical that it is necessary to start a business with the installation of 5, maximum 10 booths. Especially if start-up capital sharply limited. Starting investments will be from 100 - 150 thousand rubles. Then, having understood all the delights of this case, you can think about loans and other investments in the development of the network. real business starts when the network increases to 50, and preferably up to 100 dry closets. The total investment in the opening of such a network will amount to more than 2 million rubles.

Do I need a permit to install dry closets?

A feature of the dry closet business is that the problem of finding finance to open a business is not the most important. To install your toilets in the most “golden” places will require you to go through tough administrative barriers. You will have to visit the city administration more than once, or to be more precise, the city property management committee, the department of ecology and architecture of the city. It is important that your toilets "fit harmoniously into the architecture of the city" - questions like these will bother the authorities. In addition to the administration, Rospotrebnadzor (SES) will keep strict control over your activities, whose permission must be taken when installing each booth.

There is another way of doing this business - renting dry closets. Current legislation obliges all summer cafes to install temporary toilets and wash basins. Buying a new toilet for a short summer season is not profitable, so cafes often use the service of renting dry closets. The cost of rent is an average of 2 thousand rubles. per month. You can also provide toilets for mass events and city festivities. The attendance of toilets in such places is simply cosmic.

What taxation system to choose for business

To start a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is advisable to use a simplified system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. 15% is more profitable to use if the organization has high expenses and low profits. If the expenses are small, then it is better to pay taxes on the proceeds at a rate of 6%.


To organize a network of dry closets, it is necessary to hire a large number of workers. Imagine how many workers you need to arrange to service 100 booths throughout the city. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to arrange a personnel officer who will deal with paperwork when hiring and dismissing employees. The staff turnover here is very high, this is another disadvantage of this business.

In addition to personnel and service personnel(cashiers), it is necessary to employ an accountant, an administrator and a service team that will repair booths broken by vandals.

How much can you earn from one installed booth

The average passability of the dry closet is 150 people per day. The cost of the service is 5 rubles. The average revenue is 750 rubles. per day or 22500 rubles. per month.

Expenditure part

The first is the salary of service personnel. Maintenance of one booth will cost 6,000 rubles per month, plus insurance premiums for an employee - 2,000 rubles per month. Further, the rental of the installation site, on average, is 1500 rubles / month. Although, if you can agree with the authorities, about social significance your business may be able to install rent-free toilets.

Also, a significant cost item is the call of a sewage truck to clean the sewage tank. On average, such a procedure costs 600 rubles, and it needs to be done about 10 times a month, a total of 6,000 rubles. And the last thing - taxes, on a simplified system of 6% of revenue, the tax will be 1350 rubles.

We get:

  • Salary - 6000;
  • Rent - 2000;
  • Waste truck - 6000;
  • Taxes - 1350;
  • Other expenses (reagents, cleaning products, paper, etc.) - 1500.

TOTAL - 16850 rubles.

Profit from one booth will be: 22500 - 16850 = 5650 rubles per month.

Accordingly, from 50 booths, the profit will be 282,500 rubles. This calculation was based on the average attendance of 150 people per day and the cost of the service 5 rubles / person. However, in highly passable places, the attendance of one dry closet reaches 500 people a day, despite the fact that the price of the service can be 10 rubles / person. Profit from one booth will be many times higher.

Seasonality - lack of business on dry closets

The dry closet business has one significant drawback, which, in other matters, is present in almost every area - this is seasonality. Dry closets are in demand from March to October, that is, in the warm season. At other times, the decline in income is 30% or more. But this shortcoming is more than compensated by the prospect of developing a network of dry closets, especially in major cities. After all, according to world standards, there should be one public toilet for every thousand inhabitants of the city. In the same 15 millionth Moscow, about three thousand booths have been installed so far, to say nothing of peripheral cities, where the market is still very far from saturation.

Such booths at the moment can be seen in almost every locality in our country. They are very popular among everyone who wants to earn extra money.

Let's discuss the main points of this business.

Question number 1. How much do these booths cost, and how much do you need to have on hand to get started?

The financial question, as always, is the first thing that interests any businessman. Let's look at all the main costs.

1.) Purchase of dry closets themselves about 5 pieces - $4000.

2.) Purchase of chemicals to decompose waste and remove unpleasant odors - $100 - $150 per month.

3.) Pumping out with a cesspool machine - 2, 3 times a month for 5 points will cost about $190.

4.) Renting a place - by agreement, we will accept for $ 45 / month, for 5 places it will be about - $ 225.

5.) Taxes - about 6% of revenue.

6.) Salary and tax for employees - about $ 1000 / month.

Total total costs will be somewhere around $5565. Fixed monthly expenses are $1565.

Question number 2. How much can you earn?

The question is quite logical and follows from the first. It is not necessary to talk about fabulous money, but you can count on quite adequate profit.

So, let's say that the passability of one point is about 150 people a day. The cost of visiting the dry closet is about $0.25. In total, you can earn $37 per day from one point. From 5 points there will be earnings of about $190 per day. For a month, the amount will be $ 5700.

Net profit minus fixed costs will be about $4135.

Question number 3. What documents will be needed

To get started, you will need to register as an entrepreneur, for this it will be enough to register as individual Entrepreneur (FLP). Also, as a taxation system, you can choose the "simplified", which implies a tax of 6% of revenue. Next, you will need to obtain permission from the SES.

Question number 4. How to get the most out of this business?

You can not only install your own points, but also organize a business for renting dry closets. In connection with the current situation in our country, all cafe-type establishments must have their own toilet. Based on this, in the warm season, the demand for such booths is simply huge. So the price of one booth with pumping waste per month is about $100.

The second option is to install dry closets at mass celebrations. Renting a cabin in this case is about $50 per day. But here it is already worth calculating what is more profitable. As a rule, the attendance on such days of such establishments simply rolls over and it is most profitable to install these booths on your own.

Question number 5. What pitfalls await me?

There were no downsides here.

1.) The first is vandalism. Surely you have seen what happens to the booths after a year of operation. All painted or broken. In most cases, they can be repaired, but still this is additional waste and nerves.

2.) Staff turnover. Since salaries in this field of activity are not too high, and for normal earnings it is worth installing more than 10 booths, the issue of personnel becomes very acute. For businessmen, the search for registration, dismissal, and so on takes just a colossal amount of time.

3.) Special attention from the SES. Without proper care, your outlets will close soon. So it's worth keeping an eye on this.

A business based on natural human needs always has high liquidity, even in times of crisis. A network of paid toilets is a good opportunity to build a successful and profitable business. To open a business, it is enough to purchase a public toilet.

There are several reasons to purchase a public toilet for business:

  • Business in this niche does not require an impressive initial capital;
  • Fast payback;
  • Stability regardless of the economic situation;
  • Relatively low competition (many places with a large flow of people where toilet cubicles have not yet been installed);
  • Possibility to expand with new booths.

Benefits of Public Toilets

Toilet modules of our production can be installed almost anywhere: on city streets and parks, in crowded places, beaches and recreation centers, gas stations.

When ordering modules in our company, you get many advantages:

  • Modules are already completed necessary equipment for comfortable use
  • No need for capital construction
  • Buying a paid toilet for a business is much more profitable than renting. The costs will pay off in a short time, especially in places with high traffic
  • Mobility of modules allows you to change the installation location
  • Use in any season of the year and under any temperature conditions (from - 40 C 0 to + 40 C 0)
  • Vandal resistance and durability. Thanks to the reinforced metal frame, the modules will last for many years
  • Ease of maintenance and ease of installation. Autonomous containers require connection only to power grids, and network models - to city communications. This makes it possible to use the modules almost anywhere.
  • Some models are designed for use by people with limited mobility

If you want to open a public toilet, pay attention to the toilet modules offered by the Kuban Metalwork Plant. The catalog contains men's and women's toilets from one to 6 or more booths, as well as toilet modules for MGN. You can purchase stand-alone toilet modules both wholesale and retail. We guarantee prompt delivery to any region of Russia.