Set up a modem on Windows 10. How to quickly set up wired Internet on a computer or laptop. Configuring access to folders in the created network

Many ISPs around the world offer their Internet services via what is known as a high-speed PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection. To connect to the Internet via PPPoE, ISPs typically give their customers a unique username and password, which are required to connect to their networks.

The downside of PPPoE is that you have to start the connection manually every time you turn on your computer. This is an annoying inconvenience that many users would like to forget about once and for all. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which a computer with such a connection will automatically connect to the Internet during startup.

1. Start the task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch the regular task scheduler. The most simple and fast way to do this is to use the system search box. Enter the first few letters of the keyword, and then click on the "Task Scheduler" item in the search results.

In Windows 10, the Task Scheduler can also be launched from the Start menu: All Applications\Administrative ToolsWindows.

In the control panel, it is located in the following path: Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will see the following window as a result:

2. Schedule automatic connection at login

Now we need to schedule automatic connection to the Internet every time you log in.

In the task scheduler window on the right, click "Create a simple task."

In the task creation wizard window, enter a task name, for example, "Auto redial". You can also enter a description, but this is not required. Click "Next".

Next, you need to choose when exactly our task should be performed. Since our goal is to have the PPPoE connection automatically connect to the Internet each time we log in, select "When I log on to Windows". Click "Next".

The penultimate stage of creating a task is choosing an action. We want the PPPoE connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, select "Run the program". Click "Next".

And now the most important part of the process - setting up a script that will be executed automatically.

In order for the system to automatically connect to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the Program or Script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add Arguments (Optional)" field must contain the connection name (in quotation marks) and the username and password with a dash in front of them. For example, let's say your PPPoE connection is called www and to connect to it you use the username Ivan and password 123456 . In this case, you need to add the following arguments: " www"Ivan 123456.

Leave the "Working folder" field blank.

On the final stage you will see a brief description of the created task. Click "Finish".

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main task scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. We restart the computer and check

Finally, restart your computer to check the result of your actions. If all the steps were followed correctly, the system should connect to the Internet automatically after the reboot. Please note that from now on, each time you log in, a console window will briefly appear on the screen, signaling the start of the connection process.

Have a great day!

Hi all! For most users, including me, the Internet connects automatically when you turn on your laptop / computer. I didn’t think about the fact that automatic Internet connection on Windows 10 needs to be configured. But Botan and Borodach entrusted me to write on this topic, so I had to figure it out. Well, let's get started.

What is it for? The most important thing is to simplify the use of a PC and speed up access to the Internet. Agree, it is very convenient that after downloading operating system you can go online right away. Usually, the wizard performs such settings for us, and I will tell you and show you how to do it yourself.


Let's start from the very beginning - setting up a high-speed connection. The most commonly used connection type today is PPPoE, so the instructions will be for it:

The described guide will work for all versions of Windows (there may be minor differences):

  • Open the Run application (key combination Win + R);
  • In the "Open" line, type control, press Enter or OK;
  • The control panel will open, where we are interested in the "Network Control Center ...";
  • On the page that opens, select "Creating and configuring a new connection ...";
  • Now you need to select the connection option - click on the topmost one, click "Next";
  • We select "High-speed with PPPoE", if you have a different type, check the box next to "Show options ...";

  • We fill in user data for accessing the Internet (name and password received from the provider), you can come up with your own “Connection name”;
  • If you plan to set up automatic PPPoE connection in Windows, check the "Remember password" box;
  • If you want other clients to use the Internet, check the box next to the required option;
  • When all the lines are filled, click "Connect".

After the connection, you will see an inscription that the connection has been completed. Now it will be reflected in the list of available ones.

In order to access the network in Windows 7, you need to click on it and click "Connect". On the "ten" you need to click on the notification icon (in the lower right corner), select "Network", where to find the created connection, then "Connect".

Watch video instructions on the topic of the section here:

Auto connection methods

And now about how to make a high-speed connection automatic. First of all, the instructions will be for the most popular Windows 10 OS today and the PPPoE network protocol.

batch file

It's not about a piece of clothing, as some might think. I will tell you how to make a high-speed connection connect automatically when the OS starts. For this we use a BAT file:

  1. RMB click on an empty space on the desktop, select "Create" - "Text Document".
  2. Open the created file and write in the first line cd %systemroot%\system32, in the second - startrasdial, and then the data that was used to create a new high-speed connection - first we write the connection name, the username after a space, the password after a space.

If you have a 64-bit version of the OS, on the first line you need to write cd %systemroot%\sysWOW64.

  1. At the top, click on the "File" tab - "Save as ..." and save with the .bat extension.
  2. Open the Run application and type % ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\startMenu\Programs\startup.
  3. A system folder will open where you need to transfer the created batch file. Windows will ask for administrator permission, feel free to click "Continue".

Now the file will run during the OS boot process and connect automatically.

Windows tool

Now I will describe how to use the built-in Task Scheduler tool. So, how to set up automatic Internet connection in Windows 10:

  1. Open "Task Scheduler". The easiest way is to click the search icon in the system tray at the bottom right and write the name of the application.

  1. On the left in the "Actions" column, select "Create a simple task ...".

  1. The Creation Wizard will open, where you need to give a name to the task, you can also fill in the “Description” (at your discretion), click “Next”.
  2. The wizard will go to the "Trigger" item, where you need to select the "When the computer starts" item. Click "Next".

  1. Now you need to select an action for the task - our option is "Run the program". "Next" again.

  1. The "Run Program" window will open. Click "Browse" and select the file rasdial.exe ( according to the OS version - 32 or 64 bits).

  1. Fill in the line "Add arguments". Here, with a space, you need to enter the name of the connection, username and password (as when creating a batch file). Click "Next".
  2. The wizard will go to the "Completion" section, where we click "Finish".

Command line

Another way to set up automatic Internet connection in Windows 10 is to create a service using a text interface. This is not the easiest option, but it exists, so I will describe it:

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights. On my OS version, I do this: I right-click on the Start menu, select "Windows PowerShell (Administrator)". The system asks for permission to make changes, I select "Yes".
  2. In the text interface we write: sccreate connection namestart=autobinPath=rasdial connection name username passwordDisplayName=“connection namedepend=lanmanworkstationobj=NTAUTHORITY\local service“.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the system will give a response in the form of the word "Success".
  4. Open "Run" and type services.msc, to open services. We are looking for the one that we created by name, right-click, select "Properties".
  5. In the window that opens, on the "General" tab, select the startup type "Automatically ...", click "Run".

  1. Go to the "Recovery" tab, in the lines of the first, second and subsequent failures, select "Restart service". Click "Apply" - "OK".

Windows Registry

Visual instructions are available in the following video:

Setting up automatic Internet connection in Windows 10 is also done through standard application operating system to view and make changes to the registry:

  1. Open the registry editor with the "Run" command regedit.
  2. We go along the path HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RUN.
  3. Right-click on the empty space on the right, "Create" and an additional menu will appear, where you need to select "String parameter".

  1. A new parameter will appear, click RMB - "Change". A window for changing the parameter will open, where in the first line we enter the name of the connection, in the second line - WITHOUT SPACE name, username and password.

  1. Save the entered data with the "OK" button, restart the PC.

The described methods are suitable for autostarting the Internet in Windows 7/10!

You can use any of the 4 ways to automatically connect to the internet when you start Windows 7/10. Choose the one that seems easier. Use on health!

In our age digital technologies access to the Internet in almost every apartment - if not cable, then certainly mobile for sure. But let's look at a typical situation: you had an old computer with XP, which was already painfully familiar, and with its help you surfed the expanses of the global web. But now it's time to change it and you bought a computer (or maybe a laptop) with the "Ten" installed. The interface is completely different, unusual, and users often have difficulty finding one or another parameter.
Accordingly, the question may arise - how to connect and configure the Internet in Windows 10 ?!
At the moment, there are three main ways how to do this, and now I will talk in detail about each of them.

Cable Internet

This is the most popular view access to the global web in Russia. Each high-rise building has at least 2 cable providers. The technologies used are very diverse. Here are ADSL, and FTTB, and FTTH optics in the form of GPON, GePON, etc.

If you have a home router, then connecting a computer with Windows 10 to the Internet is a matter of a couple of minutes. Usually it is enough just to connect the network cable to the computer or to hook up to its wireless network by Wi-Fi. It should receive the IP address and DNS server addresses automatically, from the router, and usually it is not necessary to prescribe anything additional.

If you have a modem installed in bridge mode or a cable from the entrance is connected directly to a computer or laptop, then, as a rule, you need to go to Windows 10 Settings, open the "Network and Internet" section and create an additional high-speed connection using the protocol that the provider uses.

Mobile Internet

Computer access to global network through an operator mobile communications(Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2) usually involves the use of an additional device - a 3G or 4G modem.
Setting up a connection in Windows 10 in this case comes down to installing software that comes with the modem. The procedure is very simple: we connect the "whistle" to the USB port, it is recognized as a USB flash drive. It will have an installer. It must be run and perform all the actions that it asks.

By the way, in some cases, instead of a modem, you can use cellular telephone by connecting it via cable or turning on the mode on it. WIFI router. But this measure is more temporary than permanent.

Wireless Internet

This type of access using WiFi and WiMax technologies is not as common as the previous two, but nevertheless it takes place in major cities. Such networks are usually deployed in a small microdistrict. To connect your Windows 10 computer to the Internet through it, you just need to have a WiFi adapter. Next, click on the wireless network icon in the lower right corner of the screen, by the clock. In the list of available networks that opens, select the one you need and click on it.

You will be required to enter a password. You can find out it, as well as tariffs for using access, at the office of the wireless provider you want to connect to.

Detailed configuration of the operating system is quite complicated for the average computer user, so errors and difficulties often occur in the process. Especially when it comes to creating an Internet connection. It is not always possible to figure out where the network access settings are located and how to use them. However, reading this article will help clarify most aspects, thereby solving the issue of connecting to the Internet without calling a computer specialist.

internet connection

First you need to understand the network interfaces. There are several connections through which information is transmitted from the user's personal computer to the Internet space:

  1. Normal ethernet compound. It implies a direct connection of the provider's cable to the computer. Able to pass through a separate router or built-in ADSL modem.
  2. high speed connection PPPoE, which provides fast data transfer thanks to innovative network technologies.
  3. Wireless WLAN connection. It requires a router that supports the appropriate wireless interface.
  4. Connection via portable USB modem. The speed of such a method will depend on the technology that provides data transfer. Today there is 3G and 4G connection.

We will try to explain how to configure all of the above network interfaces. If you already know which way to access the network you will use, then you can skip to a specific section.

Internet connection via Ethernet mode in Windows 10: via network cable (router, modem)

Let's first consider a simple connection to the Internet via an Ethernet port. It is characterized by the fact that does not require login and password for the full use of services. There is only a laid cable from the provider leading to the consumer's apartment.

To start setting up an Ethernet connection, you need to insert the cable connector into the router and connect the latter to a personal computer(it is also possible to connect to a network card without a router). You just need to plug the cable into the socket.

  • If the Ethernet connection settings have already been entered into the operating system, then the Internet will instantly work, notifying the user about this with a notification in the taskbar. If nothing happened after inserting the cable, you need to install the driver for the network card or router.
  • If a notification appears on the taskbar that the connection was successfully established, but the status " unknown network" or " Limited”, then you should carefully check the settings of the Internet adapter. This usually solves the problem of a non-working connection.

Setting up an Ethernet connection in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can configure the adapter using the following instructions:

1. First of all, you need to click on the network connection notification and then in the window that appears, select " Network Control Center».

2. In open window select section " Changing the settings of a (network) adapter”, then a window with available network cards opens. Here we point to ethernet adapter, right click and open it " properties«.

In the list that opens, select " IP version 4 and click on it 2 times. In the settings window that appears, check that the mode is set to " Automatic IP connection and addressesDNS". If not, it should be noted. Upon completion, you must confirm the changes with the " Ok».

After all the above steps, the Ethernet connection should definitely work. Otherwise, you need to restart the computer, check the integrity of the network cables and make sure that there are no breakdowns on the side of the Internet provider.

Tip: in case of unsuccessful attempts to set up a network connection, you need to check with the provider about the availability binding by MAC address. If there is such a binding, it is recommended to tell the provider the address of the computer. He will indicate it in his database and the Internet connection will start working.

Setting high speed PPPoE connections in Windows 10

Some ISPs run network cables into customers' homes and then provide a special login and password, required for mandatory connection authorization specific to this high-speed PPPoE connection. To configure it, you need the same practical manipulations as in the case of Ethernet. But with the only difference, which is the need to independently create a connection.

Tip: if the network cable passes through the router, nothing needs to be configured on the personal computer, since all settings are made in the router itself. You just need to insert the cable leading from the modem into the appropriate connector on the computer case. The sequence of actions for creating such a connection is described above.

In the absence of a router, you will have to connect the network cable directly to the computer. This will require knowledge of the login and password given by the provider. If this condition is met, you can proceed to the following instructions.

  • To get started, the user needs to open " Network Control Center» after clicking the internet connection icon on the taskbar.

  • Then you need " Create a new connection»by entering the section of the same name. Select item " Internet connection” and click the “ Further».

  • In the window that appears, select " high speed connection” and click on it with the mouse. After that, the options will appear.

  • Now you should enter the username and password provided by the ISP. You can also name the connection with the name of the provider, so as not to get confused. Check the box next to " Remember password". After the actions taken, you need to press the " Connection».

In the case of correctly set parameters, the Internet should work in a few seconds.

  • You can view information about an established network connection and manage it on the taskbar by clicking on the corresponding icon.

If you click on the name of the connection, a special menu will open. In it, the user can change the connection settings at his discretion.

Connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi in Windows 10

If you have a wireless router, connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi is very fast. It allows you to visit the network from any home device, and also provides complete freedom of movement around the apartment due to the absence of cables. To set it up, you first need to install the appropriate Wi-Fi adapter driver on your computer. Although the Windows 10 system almost always does this automatically. A potential user can only open the list of available networks (WLAN), select the required one and enter the password set on the router. After a few seconds, the computer will connect to the Internet.

  • Click on the Internet connections icon on the desktop (bottom right), select the one you need by clicking on it, set the checkbox for the subsequent connection and click " connect«.

Connecting and configuring the Internet via a 3G / 4G modem in Windows 10

It remains only to describe the connection method using a portable modem that supports 3G or 4G communication technology. If you have previously had the experience of installing such a connection on previous versions of the Windows operating system, then there will be no particular difficulties. And for those who are engaged in such an activity for the first time, detailed instructions are given below.

  • First you need to insert the modem connector into the USB port of a personal computer. The necessary driver can be installed by itself if the modem manufacturer has provided a corresponding function. Sometimes you need to deal with this issue yourself. For example, find a driver on the manufacturer's website or install from a disk. When connecting the modem, when prompted to install the driver, specify the path of its location, previously downloaded and by inserting the installation disk. If there is no driver for Windows 10, you can try software for previous versions of Windows 7.8 systems.
  • After finding the driver and installing it on your computer, you should start setting up the connection. The sequence of actions performed is similar to that which is carried out when creating a high-speed PPPoE connection. Need to open Network Control Center» after clicking the internet connection status on the taskbar.

In a small window that appears, you need to click on " Create a new connection» and select « Internet connection” (this item is the first in the list) and confirm with the button “ Further«.

  • Next, select " Switched". It is marked with a landline icon.

  • It's time to enter the parameters. This includes information such as number and custom name. This information is provided by the provider, so if it is not available, you need to contact the provider directly network services. The image below shows an example where the services of the Intertelecom provider are used. After filling in the text fields, you must press the "Create" button.

After completing the above steps, the network connection should work. If this does not happen, you need to check the USB modem and the signal reception quality. In some regions, the coverage is not very good and the signal may be constantly cut off, preventing you from working on the Internet. A variety of tricks, such as building up an antenna and going out into the open, are capable of solving this problem.

It is noteworthy that the created connection can be stopped, disabled or edited at your discretion. It can also be removed if the need arises to change the provider. To perform these manipulations, you need to click on the network connection icon on the taskbar and select the required item in the list that appears. You should click on it - to display the control page (it is also available in the computer section " Options» -> « Dialing a number«).

The signal reception status will always be displayed on the taskbar as a small icon. By its appearance, the user is able to determine that in this moment happens with communication. If the icon is blinking, data is being transferred. A crossed line means no signal at all. And if a yellow exclamation mark is displayed next to the icon, then there is a problem. Internet in this case refuses to work.


If you have established a network connection on a laptop or personal computer with a Wi-Fi beacon, then you can use it as a router, in the article. This allows you to distribute the Internet to all home devices without a wireless router.

As for the occurrence of the most common error " Limited". This notification has a yellow exclamation mark icon and indicates that there is no network connection. Its causes are varied, and if it appeared. This topic will be covered in the next article of the site.

The above instructions for setting up the connection turned out to be voluminous, but divided into sections. Therefore, if you need to create a connection, you need to go to a specific header and start reading. We hope that thanks to the article you will be able to set up a network.

Often, due to updates to the Windows system, the Internet connection is lost and you have to configure it yourself. But of all the versions of Windows 10, it is the most difficult and figuring out how to connect the Internet in this operating system on your own is quite difficult.

There are several types of Internet connections that can be connected to the system, namely regular network Internet, high-speed connection, Wi-Fi, and tethering. The connection method depends on which Internet is used by the user.

It’s worth starting with how to set up the Internet connected to the Windows 10 system via a standard network cable. Use this method if your service provider has installed a cable but has not provided any connection information. In this case, the Internet in Windows 10 is connected through the creation of Ethernet.

The first thing to do is connect the cable to your computer or laptop. Typically, Windows 10 already has standard settings Internet connection, and the device will immediately respond to the connected cable.

If the computer displays the connection, but it does not work or is limited, it must be configured in this way:

Setting up high speed internet

Need to customize high speed internet in Windows occurs if the provider, when laying the cable, left the network data, namely the password and login. This method is in many ways similar to the previous one, but here, in order to establish a connection, you first need to create it:

Wireless internet connection

In order to set up internet wifi simply select a network from the list of available connections and enter the password in its field. Often, this is the only thing required for the connection, because Windows automatically installs an adapter for this connection.

Setting up an Internet connection via a modem

In order to set up internet in Windows via a modem, you first need to connect it to your computer. Next, you need to install the modem driver on the device. After these manipulations are performed in Windows, you can configure the Internet:

Usually these steps are enough to set up the Internet in Windows, which will work correctly. But if there is no connection, you should check the correctness of the entered data, as well as the modem connection. In order to subsequently further configure, edit or disable the Internet, just click on its designation in the panel below.

If, when connecting to the Internet, it does not work, and in the Windows panel next to the icon there is a yellow restrictive pointer, you need to check all the connection steps again. But if you carefully follow all the instructions, the connection should appear immediately after restarting the computer.