How to open a bookstore: smart business. Book store

Electronic gadgets are rapidly replacing paper books from our lives. In addition, studies show that with the advent of the Internet, the reader's mind began to perceive information in a fragmented way, with the least amount of time. At the same time, the book publishing industry is not experiencing much difficulty in the buyer, despite fierce competition. When developing a business plan for a bookstore, you must be prepared to compete for each customer. This example will help you figure out where to start such a business.

Project Summary

The reading public, spoiled like never before by special effects in the cinema, unlimited access to information on the Internet, makes more stringent demands on the literature they want to buy. That's why marketing strategy bookstore should focus on two main areas: a wide variety of literature and quality book design. It is no secret that many people love books not only for their content, but also for their appearance. High demand on gift editions with reproductions of famous artists confirms this.

The situation on the book market is further complicated by the fact that Internet projects like Litres, large online stores (Ozone, Labyrinth), etc. have joined the printing industry. To successfully occupy a niche in the market in your city, you will have to compose bookstore business plan with calculations, which will involve all strengths direct competitors: affordable prices, a wide range of products, ease of choice, competent staff and, of course, high-quality service. A qualified seller who understands modern literature and can recommend a book to the buyer will be an excellent bonus.

We will open a bookstore in large shopping centers and supermarkets. So an entrepreneur can kill two birds with one stone: get a constant flow of customers and rent an almost ready-made retail space for a store, without the need to obtain permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

Selection of assortment

The range of book products is the main component of the success of the bookstore. In order to receive a stable profit, it is necessary to satisfy the requests various categories readers. No need to be naive and focus solely on your tastes, even if it's a classic. The demand for classical literature today is no higher than for the so-called ladies' reading from Daniela Steele and detective novels by Daria Dontsova. Give preference to large publishers, their products are more likely to be successful.

The following categories of literature should be present in the bookstore:

  • Classic and modern fiction (40%).
  • Popular science literature in the spirit of S. Hawking's Theory of Everything (10%).
  • Children's literature, picture books for the little ones, textbooks, encyclopedias, fairy tales (10%).
  • Tutorials, educational literature, textbooks for self-education, self-instruction books (10%).
  • Business and coach literature, books for personal growth (10%).
  • Documentary and historical literature (10%).
  • Collection and gift editions (5%).
  • Special literature: religion, philosophy, law, etc. (5%).


Depending on the scale of activity and the format of the store, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

OKVED code 52.47 "Retail sale of books, magazines, newspapers, stationery and stationery" is elected. The choice of taxation regime also largely depends on the size of the store, the number of employees and other features of doing business. If the area of ​​the store does not exceed 150 sq. m, then you can issue single tax on imputed income (UTII), if more - a simplified taxation scheme ("simplification").

Room search

Find space for a bookstore in big city not difficult. The best option is a shopping center, but if the future entrepreneur has his own premises, then you can use it, but for this you will have to bring it into full compliance with existing security requirements. In practice, the rental of finished premises in mall, despite the high cost, is more profitable, as it eliminates the need big investments in clearance commercial premises from scratch. The recommended area of ​​the store, excluding utility and storage facilities, will be at least 100 square meters. m. This will allow you to place shelves with books so that customers can conveniently view and select literature.

The cost of renting a room will cost us 50,000 rubles, and utility bills will amount to about 10,000 rubles per month with an average annual calculation.

Equipment selection

One of the benefits of trading books are minimum expenses on equipment and its contents, because books do not require compliance temperature regime, as food, or mannequins and spinning coasters, as for clothing and decorations. All you need to equip a bookstore is:


Here everything also depends on the format of the store. A modest and cozy bookshop may well exist with one seller who can take on the function of a cashier. But we assume a standard list of employees for the enterprise:

When calculating the cost of paying staff, do not forget about the UST 30%. Total per month, the minimum cost of staff salaries is 58.5 thousand rubles.

The function of the accountant and manager for the purchase of books will be performed by the entrepreneur. In addition, the owner of the store, together with the seller, will sell books according to the schedule 2/2, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


In accordance with the assortment strategy, it is planned to purchase the most common and currently in demand literature. You should not take risks and buy books with dubious demand, it is likely that they will remain on the shelves forever. Having singled out the main list of books, we will spend 300,000 rubles on the first purchase, while making a 150% margin. It is planned to implement about half of the first purchase in the first active month. Estimated revenue will be 225,000 rubles.

Marketing and Advertising

Advertising for a bookstore is an optional issue, and part of the costs will still have to be directed to attracting customers. Don't overlook the power of the Internet printing products as well as window dressing and signage. On average, store promotion investments will include the following:

  • Development and installation of a sign - 10,000 rubles.
  • Development, printing and distribution advertising booklets in crowded places - up to 20,000 rubles.
  • Creating a landing page (landing page) to attract an audience online - from 30,000 rubles.

In total, marketing costs will amount to 65 thousand rubles, excluding the online store.

To attract buyers, it is necessary to develop monthly promotions and Special offers. In addition, new arrivals of books must be announced in the form of posters inside the store, the price is 1,000 rubles.

Income and expenses

Summing up, we can name the intermediate amounts that will have to be invested in order to open a store with the opportunity to make a profit:

Starting costs:

In total, the amount of expenses for opening a bookstore will be 462 thousand rubles, excluding possible costs for registration, obtaining permits and other small expenses (on average, another 12 thousand rubles).

Monthly expenses

In total, about 119,500 rubles will have to be laid out per month. New books should be purchased 1-2 times a month in the amount of 70-100 thousand rubles.


225,000 - 140,500 = 84,500 rubles. Taking into account taxes, we get 84,500 x 0.15 = 12,675 rubles. In accordance with the law, we are entitled to a tax deduction of the amount of unified social tax for ourselves and employees, but not more than 50% of the tax. Our tax will amount to 6,337.5 rubles.

The total profitability of the bookstore will be 84,500 - 6,337.5 rubles. = 78,162.5 rubles.

The profitability of a book selling business can now also be calculated:

(78162.5/140,500) x 100% = 55%. This profitability for starting a bookstore is acceptable. Every month the number of buyers will increase, mainly due to word of mouth and promotional tools.

Payback bookstore:

462,000 / 78,162.5 = 5.6 months Within 5 months, the costs of opening a bookstore will be covered.


The bookstore is good business on which you can earn. But for this it is important to understand the literary market and its trends. The right assortment will be a key factor, and, for sure, after analyzing the sales statistics, you will soon change the assortment policy in favor of more profitable destinations. It is important to hire well-read employees who are required to know the assortment and be able to professionally recommend literature to the buyer.

During the year, it is planned to increase profitability by 100% by adjusting the assortment and using new advertising tools: voice advertising in the shopping center and Internet marketing tools.

Despite the possibility of using electronic media, books have not lost their relevance. The idea of ​​opening a bookstore has great opportunities for successful implementation. But it is necessary to approach it fully armed, that is, to develop a competent business plan for a bookstore, where all questions of the concept of the future business should be reflected:

  • its expediency and development prospects in certain conditions;
  • characterization of the existing book market;
  • organizational and legal issues;
  • calculation of costs, investment and other financial indicators;
  • assessment of potential income;
  • risk analysis.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 700 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 100 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 8-12 months

Business Description

A book selling business can have many different options. The choice of option depends on such factors as the relevance of a particular book product in a particular city, the real possibilities of organizing a bookstore from the financial side, cooperation with book publishers, etc.

For book lovers in big cities, a bookstore with a wide range of products is relevant. There are other options to consider:

  • bookstore with exclusive books;
  • a small store with related products;
  • bookstore.

Despite the decline in the interest of the population in the book as a whole, competition among bookstores, especially in cities, is quite strong. Therefore, it is so important to think over a business development strategy not only for the first years, but also for the future. Experts recommend opening not just one, but a chain of bookstores. This will reduce competition and give a large turnover of sales, on which the profitability of the book business primarily depends. Even if you plan to open one bookstore, you need to plan for expansion in the future.

Description of services

Naturally, the main service of a bookstore is the sale of books. Book production can be represented by the following sections:

  • educational, methodical literature and dictionaries. This section is in demand among a large group of buyers - students, students, teachers, researchers, etc.;
  • fiction. This section can be divided into subsections: novels, detective stories, fantasy. There are quite a few fans of this product, so this section must be presented in a wide range;
  • children's literature. This type of book production is also in demand. Books are especially in demand. preschool age made in colorful design;
  • special literature. This is also a section of many types, which may include books on military history, martial arts, medicine, technology, astrology, law, etc.

In addition to the main book products, other types of books can be presented in the store. publishing products:

  • magazines;
  • newspapers,
  • literary posters.

Market analysis

The development of the book business in Russia, as in all countries of the world, is associated with a decline in the interest of the population in reading. The preferences of modern Russians, as studies have shown, relate to business, educational and applied literature, while interest in fiction is noticeably declining.

But oddly enough, against the backdrop of a decline in interest in the book, there is an increase in the book market and an increase in the number of bookstores. Today in different regions of the country, but mainly in major cities there are over 2,000 bookstores. Moreover, many of them are of a new format:

  • combining a cultural and leisure center and a bookstore directly;
  • bookstore in malls.

Such new formats are inherent in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar. In such stores, book exhibitions, meetings with writers, and various promotions are held.

In the regions, the picture is different. Medium and small bookstores struggle to compete with non-bookstores, as their profits do not allow them to pay the same amount of rent as grocery or beauty stores.

Today, retail bookstores remain the largest distribution channels for books, although they are being squeezed in competition by chain stores and online stores. Forecasting for business book trade pretty cautious today. Before starting a business in the form of a bookstore, one must carefully weigh all the positive and negative points for each specific case. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the needs potential buyers, study the competitiveness of products of different genres and choose the most popular ones for your business.

At the moment, the most competitive are bookstores with a wide range of products. positive side business is the large number of book publishers that are extremely interested in selling their products.

Over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in book sales profits. This is due to an increase in the price of book products.

Marketing plan

organizational plan

If the store has one owner, then it is better to register the business as an individual entrepreneur. If the store is established by two or more co-owners, then it is better to register the business as LLC.

No license is required to set up a book trade business. But books are classified as fire hazardous products, so there are certain requirements for trade organizations. These are the “Fire Safety Rules for Enterprises and Organizations of Roskompechat”, according to which the owners of bookstores bear criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility for their violations. Also, their future activities will have to be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Business management is the prerogative of the store owner. His responsibilities include coordination of all business structures, its planning. Directly subordinate to him is the administrator, whose duties include organizing the purchase of products, maintaining the turnover and documentation for the goods.

Requirements for sales assistants - implementation of the sales plan, consulting on the store's product range, receiving goods, merchandising, designing racks, shop windows and purchases.

Financial plan

Starting costs for opening a bookstore at average prices will be something like this:

  • purchase of equipment - 150,000-200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 350,000 rubles;
  • decoration of the premises - 110,000 rubles;
  • expenses for registration and registration of a business - 40,000 rubles.

In total, it turns out the amount of 700,000 rubles. Now we need to calculate the profitability of the business. The average income can be up to 600,000 rubles. From this amount, you need to calculate the monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises - 120,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees - 160,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 150,000 rubles;
  • utility costs - 20,000 rubles.

From the amount gross income subtract the amount of expenses and get the net profit for the month:

600,000 - 450,000 \u003d 150,000 rubles.

Taking into account the tax of 6%, the business can pay off within 8-12 months.

Risk analysis and insurance

It is impossible to predict all the risks that are possible on the way of the development of the book business, like any other. But it is quite realistic to analyze the potential ones and reduce them to a minimum.

The main risks that stand in the way of any business can be divided into two groups:

  • external, which are not subject to the businessman;
  • internal, which can be eliminated completely or partially.

External risks include:

  • change in the political situation in the country;
  • difficulties with the implementation of legislation due to constant changes in business laws;
  • economic situation in the country. Today, these are the presence of sanctions, the unstable exchange rate, the lack of assistance from the state;
  • natural disasters.

Internal risks:

  • production: rent increase, loss of reliable suppliers;
  • market: instability of prices for book products, changes in demand for goods;
  • financial: making a profit much less than expected.

Internal risks can be adjusted by the entrepreneur himself and depend on his capabilities. You can reduce negative risks, for example, by diversifying - creating several independent sources of income. For example, in the book business, it is recommended to have several suppliers at once in order to level out situations with non-compliance with the terms of delivery of goods or the unilateral termination of the contract for the supply of products.

Insurance will also help reduce risks and negative factors in business. This is one of the reliable ways not to lose all funds as a result of any situations: industrial, financial or others. For small and medium businesses, there are the following main types of insurance:

  • goods during transportation;
  • material values ​​as a result of natural disasters;
  • from bankruptcy.
  • from a production break, in connection with which the loss of profits and unplanned expenses is possible.


So, the book business is quite accessible for implementation if there is a well-developed business plan and a great desire to implement it. But experts in the book business recommend it to those people who themselves love and know literature. After all, a business based on a beloved and understandable business always succeeds.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

2 200 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

443 000 ₽

Net profit

6 %


21 months

Payback period

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a bookstore for retail book products. This business plan is designed to justify economic efficiency project. Target audience bookstore will be all populations, ranging from preschool children. The assortment of the bookstore will include the following product groups:


    children's literature;

    educational literature;

    applied literature;

    literature about art, culture, tourism/local history;

    professional literature;

    gift literature;


Investments in opening a bookstore will amount to 2,286,000 rubles. Funds will be taken from personal savings. Project implementation will require preparatory phase for a period of 3 months, which will be needed for registration procedures, search for premises and signing a lease agreement, search for suppliers and conclusion of a supply agreement, repair and equipping of the premises, hiring and training employees. The payback period for the store will be 21 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

Today, the Russian book market is undergoing its transformation. According to an industry report on the state of the book market in Russia by the Federal Agency for Press and mass communications, over the past few years in the domestic book industry there has been a downward trend in traditional book publishing and a constant decline in the volume of the book market. In 2014, the lowest results for the production of printed books and brochures in 7 years were recorded. Since 2008, the printed mass of publications published in the country has almost halved - by 45.3%. The situation in sales is not so critical: there is a reduction the market is coming not so fast.

From 2011 to 2015, the market volume in terms of money decreased from 80.5 to 75.2 billion rubles. Among the main factors of stagnation, one can single out a decrease in the readership, a gradual outflow of readers to the network, as well as a decrease in spending on book products due to a decrease in purchasing power.

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According to experts in the book industry, there are currently about 1,500-2,000 stationary bookstores in Russia. Despite the negative trends, some market players are recording an increase in profits due to an increase in the price of book products, which has been growing noticeably in recent years. Only from 2014 to 2015 average check increased by 10-15%. average price for book production at the end of 2015 - the beginning of 2016 in the regions is at the level of 300-350 rubles, in Moscow - 500-530 rubles. During the crisis and a decline in sales, the strongest players were able to adapt to new market conditions by reducing the financial burden on the business, in particular, by renegotiating lease agreements from foreign currency into rubles, and starting to work more actively in the direction of online sales.

The aim of the project is to open a bookshop for retailing books. The target audience of the bookstore will be all population groups, from preschool children. Considering modern tendencies in the industry, the store will feature a versatile range of books and related products, including fiction, children's literature, educational literature, applied literature, professional literature, literature on art, culture, tourism and local history, as well as gift books and stationery.

The area of ​​the bookstore will be 85 square meters. meters. The building will be located on a street with high pedestrian traffic, on the first line of houses. The location was chosen taking into account the maximum coverage of the population, the minimum number of existing competitors, and a large number of educational institutions.

The organizational and legal form of the store is IP. The taxation system is simplified (USN 15%). The OKVED code for this business is 52.47 Retail sale of books, magazines, newspapers, stationery and stationery.

The management structure of the bookstore is linear. Responsibilities for management are assigned to an individual entrepreneur. In his submission is an administrator who manages the sales staff and an accountant who works on outsourcing.

3.Description of products

The store will provide customers with book products and stationery in the middle price category. The size of the average check will be 350 rubles with a markup of 75%. The share of books in the assortment will be 70%. The number of book titles is 15,000. The offered products will be divided into sections:

    Fiction: non-fiction, classical literature, modern literature, historical literature, detective stories, adventures, love story, memoirs, journalism.

  1. Professional literature: economics, business, finance, computer literature, transport.
  2. Society and culture: literature about art, culture, psychology, philosophy, socio-political topics;

    Educational literature: school textbooks, teaching aids for university students, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, phrasebooks.

    Religion, esotericism and more: literature about religion, astrologers, magic, esotericism, mysticism.

    Sports literature: medical literature, sports literature.

    Tourism and travel: maps, guides, atlases.

    Applied literature and hobbies: cooking, fishing, gardening, horticulture, hunting, crossword puzzles and more.

    Printing house and stationery: magazines, pencils, pens, notebooks, notepads, diaries, postcards, calendars, etc.

The choice of book assortment will be based on the analysis of competitors' offers and ratings of the most popular publications and new products.

Retailing books and stationery does not require a license. However, paper products are classified as flammable. In this regard, there are certain requirements for book trade enterprises, set out in VPPB 46-01-95. "Fire safety rules for enterprises and organizations of Roskompechat". It will also be necessary to coordinate activities with Rospotrebnadzor.

4. Bookstore sales and marketing

One of key factors that influence the book market is purchasing power. According to the All-Russian Center for Living Standards, the number of high-income and middle-income Russians in 2015 decreased by 25% and 46%, respectively, while the number of low-income and needy citizens increased by 8 and 28%, respectively. The slowdown in consumption Russian citizens, the transition to a savings regime and a focus on buying only essential goods against the background of the continued departure of readers to the network as a whole adversely affect the book market. The market for book production is slowly but "stably" stagnating.

According to the magazine "Book Industry" for 2015, the volume of the printed book market amounted to 48.52 billion rubles. (including purchases budget organizations- 75.27 billion), while in 2011 the estimated turnover was 53.65 billion rubles. (total turnover - 80.58 billion rubles). At the same time, it should be noted that the share of bookstores, including regional and federal chains, remains approximately at the same level, while the share of kiosk chains and non-book retail is noticeably falling. The best indicators are demonstrated by online stores, the indicator of which increased from 6.69% to 10.16% (for more details see Table 1).

Table 1. Market Size and Sales Channels*






channel share, %

estimated turnover billion rubles

estimated turnover billion rubles

channel share, %

estimated turnover billion rubles

estimated turnover billion rubles

channel share, %

Printed book market, incl.






Bookstores (including regional chains)









Federal networks









Online shopping









Kiosk networks









Non-book retail









Industry turnover (including budget purchases and unstructured sales)






Budget organizations (libraries, schools, universities)









Unstructured sales (direct sales, commissioned publications, subscription publications, etc.)








* Source: Book Industry magazine

Ready-made ideas for your business

The key niches for the Russian print market are educational and children's literature. Third place is held by fiction for adults (see Fig. 1). One trend in the book industry is the growing share of non-book items in sales. Today, the ratio of revenue from book and non-book products is estimated at 75/25 and 70/30. At the same time, the share of non-book products in the assortment is gradually increasing and can reach 30-50%.

Figure 1. The share of enlarged thematic groups in the turnover of the Russian book market (excluding budget sales and electronic publications)

*Source: Book Industry magazine

According to marketing research, the most active book buyers are women, usually middle-aged and older. This is largely due to the fact that it is women who most often purchase children's and educational literature for their children. The most active buyers of bookstores behave before the start of the school year and in the autumn-winter season. Surges in sales are also recorded in December before the New Year holidays. Traditionally, the low period is the spring-summer season (with the exception of resort towns).

Ready-made ideas for your business

To attract customers and form a loyal attitude towards the bookstore, the store management will pay great attention to advertising. During the store opening phase, advertising campaign With competitive program and drawings of books and other prizes to buyers. In the process of activity, the following tools will be used for promotion in the market:

    organization of monthly book sales/thematic sales;

    holding book free markets with the exchange of old books for new ones;

    accumulative system of discounts.

    holding creative meetings, literary drawing rooms and other events.

Also, the bookstore will have its own website, which will provide a product catalog, information on product replenishment, discounts and promotions, contact information.

5.Production plan

The location of the store is a street with high pedestrian traffic, the first line of houses. In the immediate vicinity of the store there are retail stores for food, clothing, pharmacies, multi-storey residential buildings (sleeping area), educational establishments(college, school, two kindergartens). Store hours are 9:00-20:00. The store area is 85 square meters. meters. It will take 100,000 rubles to repair the store, to equip the store with everything necessary equipment- 459.5 thousand rubles. Equipment costs are given in Table. 2.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.


Island book stand


Anti-theft system

Cash machine

Lighting equipment

Security and fire alarm


459 500

In addition to the above list, the store will need software based on 1C to account for inventory balances and quick search book of interest. His approximate cost will be 26,500 rubles.

For the operation of the store, you will need to hire administrative, sales and support staff. The number of staff units - 7. In Table. 3 are given staffing and payroll. Sales staff work in shifts. Wage will consist of a rate and bonuses for fulfilling the sales plan.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

The average planned sales volume will be 80 average checks per day or 2432 checks per month with a revenue of 850 thousand rubles. It is planned to reach the planned volume for 3 months of work. Taking into account the preparatory period and seasonality factors, the projected payback period is 21 months. The key expenses of the main period will be rent (at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per square meter) and salaries to employees (126.1 thousand rubles). Payment will also be required. utilities, accounting services, transportation costs, security services, etc. The variable part of the costs will include merchandise replenishment and expendable materials(bags, anti-theft labels, etc.).

6.Organizational plan of the bookstore

The implementation of the project will require a preparatory stage for a period of 3 months, which will be needed for registration procedures, finding premises and signing a lease agreement, selecting suppliers and concluding a supply agreement, repairing and equipping the premises, hiring and training employees.

The bookstore will be managed by individual entrepreneur. His duties will include strategic planning business, procurement organization, advertising promotion. Directly reporting to him will be an administrator-merchant manager responsible for organizing and managing sales, controlling the work of sellers and maintaining document management. sales staff will be represented by sales assistants and sales cashiers. The duties of sales consultants will include advising on the assortment of the store, fulfilling the sales plan for turnover and checks, maintaining order on the shelves, receiving goods, pre-sales preparation, and merchandising. Sellers-cashiers will perform the duties of processing purchases through cash machine, advising customers on the range of stationery and goods in the checkout area.

7.Financial plan of the bookstore

Investments in the project will amount to 2,286,000 rubles. Funds will be taken from their own savings. Expenditure items of the investment period are presented in Table. four.

Table 4. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Premises renovation

Room equipment

Purchase of equipment

Intangible assets

Site creation

A dynamically developing chain of stores located in Voronezh. Distinctive feature are active work with buyers, creative support of supplier shares, as well as a transparent and understandable system for building relationships with suppliers (including payments). Amital is one of the best book trade experts, a flexible and responsible partner, and the initiator of many non-standard promotions. Even during the economic crisis, there are no disruptions in work.

Stores are successfully configured for regions, sites and consumers. The staff competently manages the assortment and layout at points of sale, and also provides high-quality advice in the hall. A large number of events are regularly held, loyalty programs are developed regular customers. The network works not only on its sites - it arranges various meetings, holidays and competitions based on schools and libraries.

In the network of bookstores "Amital" big choice stationery and books on various subjects: fiction, educational and teaching literature, encyclopedias, gift editions and much more. For the convenience of customers, the Amital bookstore provides many services related to the sale of book products. The range of books is updated and replenished every week. Goods in bookstores "Amital" can be purchased for cash and by bank transfer. According to the invoice issued to the buyer by bank transfer, you can reserve the goods for five days, within five days the price for it will remain original. The buyer can order books that are not currently available in Amital stores.

Amital does its best to meet the needs of the most demanding customer. Thanks to the fruitful work of the organization, it was possible to expand the range of goods and increase the number of interested buyers.

The founder of the Bookvoed bookstore network is Denis Kotov, who started the book business back in 1992, selling books on the street in patches and pavilions. And the first store with an area of ​​100 square meters. m was opened in 2000 without own funds with the involvement of investors.

Today, Bookvoed is 83 bookstores and clubs, as well as a new type of cultural center on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, whose area is 3,000 square meters. m. The total area of ​​stores is 35,000 sq. m. m. The core of the network is 60 stores in St. Petersburg. Gradually, "Bukvoed" enters the cities of the North-Western Federal District. In the next 5 years, it is planned to open about 80 outlets there.

Bookvoed stores exist in 3 main forms: a book club, a book supermarket and a bookstore. Additionally, such types of objects as a store in shopping complex, street retail and convenience store. In general, Bookvoed focuses on creating regional infrastructure in a format that is convenient for the client, mainly opening small (up to 200 sq. m.) stores in residential areas of cities and book clubs (800–1600 sq. m.) in the center.

Books occupy about 65% of the area trading floor. In addition to books, the chain's stores sell stationery, gifts, and postcards. On the basis of Bukvoed, a center with an area of ​​2,000 sq. m, which presents the entire range of educational, including school literature, a wide range of philosophical and historical literature. There are also themed events.

The strategic priority for the development of the network is the Internet direction. Today, the bookshelf of the Bookvoed online store has about 2 million books in 250 languages, ancient and modern. A unique search engine allows you to reserve the right book 24 hours a day in any of the stores.

The company employs more than 1500 people. According to Denis Kotov, "the most important properties of the Bukvoed team are self-learning, self-development, readiness to communicate and solve their main super-task of increasing the reading community."

Book network "House of Books" was founded in 1992. There are 44 stores in Tatarstan and 8 stores in other regions under the Dom Knigi and Book+ brands. The book network is framed by Pegas LLC. Its director and co-owner is Boris Mustashkin. Today it is the largest and dynamically developing network of bookstores in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The stores provide customers with a universal range of books from all leading Russian publishing houses, as well as stationery, postcards, puzzles, and souvenirs. The assortment of various stores ranges from 15,000 to 50,000 items of books and up to 5,000 items of stationery.

As a leading player in the market of educational literature in the Republic of Tatarstan, the network offers the largest selection of books on educational topics and the best prices due to a developed system of discounts. All chain stores have specialized training departments.

"House of the Book" on the street. Tatarstan, 13 has a specialized hall with a wide range of educational and educational literature. The largest store of the network is located on the street. Dekabristov, 182 with a retail area of ​​650 sq. m.

The network completes educational institutions and libraries. A large wholesale warehouse and daily receipt of goods allow you to complete orders as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Trademark "ProdaLit" was registered in Irkutsk on February 1, 1996. Vadim Perevoznikov became the founder of the bookselling company of the same name. Two decades later, ProdaLit became the largest wholesale and retail operator in the book market of Eastern Siberia and entered the top three largest regional book enterprises in Russia.

Today it is a powerful bookselling network with 48 outlets in 4 constituent entities Russian Federation: the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The total number of employees today reaches 700 people. The average area of ​​the ProdaLit KG company store is about 400 square meters. m. The largest points (with an area of ​​2,000 sq. m.) are located in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. In terms of total sales area (18,000 sq.m.), ProdaLit currently ranks first among regional book companies in Russia.

In December 2015, the company for the first time reached a retail turnover of 1 billion rubles. The total turnover in early December 2015 exceeded 1.5 billion rubles. Also, the company's achievement in 2015 was the opening of four new stores (with a total area of ​​1300 sq. m) and the relocation of several existing outlets to new expanded retail space. Several outlets are scheduled to open in 2016.

According to the latest data, the range of literature offered by ProdaLit is more than 170,000 titles. The main suppliers are the largest publishing houses, as well as manufacturers of toys, stationery in Russia and the countries of the Near Abroad. To date, there are more than 300 of them, and the company works directly with most of them, without intermediaries. Today, ProdaLit stores are platforms for selling not only books, but also a wide range of stationery, art supplies, a developing range of games, and souvenirs.

For several years now, the company has been actively promoting the idea of ​​the Bookstore as a modern cultural and leisure center. To date, there are four such permanent centers: two in Irkutsk, one each in Angarsk and Ulan-Ude. They host a wide variety of master classes, creative cool watch for schoolchildren, literary quizzes, holidays. Over the past year alone, more than 150 master classes have been held at the ProdaLit CDC, attended by hundreds of children and adults.

"ProdaLit" goes out with field events to schools, kindergartens, libraries. This is how the program of cooperation with preschool children was born and has been implemented for several years now. educational institutions, schools called "Class hour with "ProdaLit"". The loyalty program "First Grader" serves as a guarantor of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between "ProdaLit" and future schoolchildren.

The network has a wide discount program. In ProdaLita stores, promotions, sales, meetings with authors are constantly held, creative projects schools in the city (for example, the "School of Real Affairs", in which high school students try their hand at promoting books and reading in their hometown).

The events “Library Night” and “Book Friday” held annually by ProdaLit became real gifts for book lovers. These holidays allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of reading, music, interesting conversations, intellectual quizzes and competitions. Every year ProdaLita hosts new year holidays, Children's Day and Knowledge Day. In 2015, the company took part in a joint project with the Irkutsk Musical Theater "Meeting with a book in the theater". Also, ProdaLit has been a sponsor of the Total Dictation campaign for 3 years.

The network of bookstores "Chitay-Gorod" is the leading book trade association of our country and has more than 290 trade enterprises in 108 cities of Russia. The chain stores successfully work for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, the Central Federal District, the Volga Federal District, the Kuban, the Urals, Siberia, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Primorsky Territory.

In 2015, 70 new stores were opened. At the same time, the lion's share of discoveries falls on the regions, incl. to remote areas of the country: Ust-Kut, Usolye-Sibirskoye and Angarsk (Irkutsk region), Bor and Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region), resort areas - Yessentuki and Sochi, Vladivostok. Since the beginning of 2016, 26 new stores have been opened: in Smolensk, Tuapse and Biysk. The number of chain stores in Yekaterinburg has grown to 10, and in Novosibirsk to 9.

Chitay-Gorod stores are multi-format outlets- from small, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 200 square meters. m., to book supermarkets with a sales area of ​​2,000 sq. m. All network stores are distinguished by a number of features: a wide range of books on any subject; trained personnel; self-service system; competent organization of the trading space; convenient navigation; bright modern design; interesting programs to promote books and other products.

Bookstores "Chitay-Gorod" are positioned not only as a place to buy books, but also as cultural and leisure centers. In 2015, more than 700 events were held in the stores of the network, including master classes for children and adults, various seminars and trainings, presentations of new publications, meetings with popular writers.

In working with suppliers, the Chitay-Gorod network does not distinguish between "large" and "small" publishing houses. This allows each store to form a unique assortment of books in a variety of fields of knowledge.

Opening new stores in the regions, the Chitay-Gorod network actively participates in the life of each city: it arranges charity events, helps in organizing citywide events, and acts as a partner in various projects.

Key projects to promote books and reading (2015-2016):

flash mob “The whole city reads, the whole country reads” (united more than 1,200 reading enthusiasts from Belgorod to Irkutsk who came to the Read-Gorod stores to read their favorite books aloud);
the project “We love books, we choose reading” (more than 1,600 book lovers across the country spoke about their favorite books, shared their impressions of what they read and made their recommendations; the action was timed to coincide with Russia Day in 2016);
Read-Gorod is a partner of the annual educational campaign "Total Dictation" (the company provided the winners of the book and all participants of the campaign with discounts on the purchase of books in the stores of the network as a gift);
Chitay-Gorod is a partner of the Open Your Mouth All-Russian Reading Aloud Championship (the company provided books for the Championship, which in 2015 covered more than 4,000 participants in 50 Russian cities).

Every year the stores of the chain are marked as the best Russian stores in the field of bookselling. "Chitai-gorod" participant and winner of the contest "The best bookstore in the city of Moscow" ("New bookstore" in Kuzminki, "Read-gorod" on Tretyakovskaya, "Read-gorod" on Polezhaevskaya, "Read-gorod" in Otradnoe), " All-Russian competition bookselling enterprises” (stores in Moscow, Kaluga, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Saratov, Ryazan, Ufa, Yaroslavl, Stavropol, Penza, Belgorod).

The chain of stores "Chitay-gorod" annually takes part in the largest book forums in the country: in book festival"Red Square", Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF), international fair intellectual literature Non/fiction.

Features of working with the assortment printed publications

The assortment of a bookstore is the entire selection of books (titles) available in it. Types of publishing products: non-periodical and periodicals. Subjects of books, their classification according to their purpose. Studying the State Educational Standards Editions. Classification of types of publications according to their inherent features.

Assortment is a set of products offered to customers in order to attract attention, increase sales.

When forming the assortment of a bookstore, the following factors must be considered:

Shop Specialization

Ø Cultural and economic profile of the served area

The bookstore has a selection of books various kinds taking into account the classification features in accordance with GOS 7.60-2003 Edition.

A publication is a document intended for the dissemination of the information contained in it, which has undergone editorial and publishing processing, is independently designed, and has advantageous information.

Classification of types of publications according to their inherent features

Types of publications

3.2.1 Types of publications by frequency

3.2.2 Types of publications according to the composition of the main text

3.2.3 Types of publications according to the iconic nature of information. Types of art publications

3.2.4 Types of non-periodicals Types of publications by intended purpose Types of publications by reader's address Types of publications by the nature of information Types of publications by the nature of analytical and synthetic processing of information Types of publications by original content Types of publications by way of organizing works Types of publications by repetition of issue

3.2.5 Types of periodicals and continuing publications

3.2.6 Types of printed publications by material design

3.2.7 Types of printed publications by format

3.2.8 Types of printed publications by the nature of design and method of printing

3.2.10 Types of publications by nature of circulation

3.2.11 Types of publications issued in honor of an event or person

Analysis of product groups

Task 1: Form and analyze trade assortment: analyze the assortment of a bookstore by subject, type of publication and readership. Present the analysis in the form of a table 1. Calculate the assortment indicators: structure, present the results in the form of a table (example table 2).

Table 1 Analysis of the assortment by subject, types of publications in the bookstore in the period from 02/20/2011 to 03/20/2011

Merchandising section

The number of presented publications in the range, copies.


Character of information (genre)

Types of publications

By reader's

Official publications


Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Literary and artistic

Wide circle

Kryzhanovskaya - Rochester V.I. Daughter of a sorcerer. Moscow: Ripol Classic. - 2008, 432s.

Textbook for universities


Ten E.E. Fundamentals of medical knowledge: A textbook for universities. - M .: Academy, 2007. - 256 p.

Conclusion: After analyzing the trading assortment of a bookstore, we can conclude that literary and artistic publications occupy a large part of the total volume of book production. The second place is occupied by educational publications. The reader's appointment is mainly for a wide range of readers.

Table 2. Structure of the range of publications

Conclusion: As can be seen from the table. one, specific gravity reference publications in physical terms, 2.9 times higher than in monetary terms. A large share in the assortment is occupied by educational literature - 39.2%, which is determined by the demand for these publications.

When regulating the assortment structure, one should take into account the economic benefits of the enterprise in the case of the predominance of expensive or cheap goods, the cost recovery for their delivery, storage and sale, as well as the solvency of the consumer segment that the trade organization focuses on.

The choice of indicators of the assortment structure in one expression or another is determined by analytical purposes. If it is necessary to determine the need for storage space, as well as the area for displaying goods, then analyze the structure of the assortment in physical terms. When analyzing profitability certain types goods take into account the structure of the range in terms of money.