Book promotion. Features of promoting an online bookstore. How to survive in a highly competitive niche? Promotion of publishing products

We know what you dream about!

You want your books to find their reader, right? And the reader who WANTS to read YOUR BOOK. Let's go like this →

From you - a dream. We bring your dreams to life. Or - realization of your book

Agree, the writer must be able to write:

hatch a plan


Change storyline 150 times

ruthlessly pull out weed words from the text

Selling is not his forte. And meanwhile, work should be rewarded, right? We will not only take over the publication of your book. We will help you realize the book, that is, we will lead it to your reader.


How will everything happen?

We will publish your book on various platforms

Of course, before that, we will assign a unique ISBN number to the book, register it at the book chamber and deliver it there. We will provide you with all output data. If necessary, we will develop a unique cover for the book. Then we will send your offspring to “look for your reader”:

To retail

AT online services and shops

In "bins" to wholesalers

the shops

Our store

book wholesale

25 online stores

10 retail stores

5 large wholesale companies

If necessary, we will organize the promotion of the book

  • stands out brightly against the background of featureless materials
  • causes an irresistible desire to buy and read
  • intrigues with an unusual title/cover/theme.

You, mind you, do not need to know WHAT to do and HOW. Our specialists will take care of the promotion themselves, which includes such actions as:

The promotion service is paid. The cost is negotiated individually.

What about the price of the book?

We probably won't make a discovery for you if we say that:

However, when “setting” a price, keep this in mind: before your book reaches the point of sale, it will experience a number of markups (taxes, shipping costs, wholesaler and store markups, etc.). And in the end, it will add + 180% to the price you set.

In other words →

If you want to get 200 rubles for 1 copy, then you should immediately calculate that buyers will see it in stores at a price of 560 rubles.

Schematically, the markup process can be represented as follows:

Your book.
You rated her 100 r.

Be sure to study how much books on your subject are in stores. If the total (your starting price+ 180%) will be very high, change your strategy. Otherwise, you risk not selling anything.

Three ways of your book to its reader, or Three schemes for the implementation of the book


publishing house

your reader

The shortest and most profitable way. Both for you and for the reader. Markups are minimal


publishing house

your reader

More chances of implementation, but higher margins


publishing house

Publishing Dealer

Retail business

your reader

In reality, all three schemes work. Therefore, the chances of your book being sold are quite high. Of course, demand is difficult to predict 100%. A lot of things play a role here: from the theme of the book and the cover design to the place on the bookshelf in the store.

Therefore →

We cannot guarantee a 100% sale. But we guarantee that we will make every effort on our part so that the sale reaches 100%.

  • Our publishing house has been in the service market for more than 7 years
  • During this time we have published more than 4000 titles of books
  • Over 5000 satisfied customers
  • By the number of published books, we are still in the top 15 Russian publishing houses
  • We provide prepress services
  • Set very reasonable prices
  • We sell books for free
  • Ready to publish a book from 1 copy
  • We work on cutting-edge digital technology: Konica Minolta from the leading Japanese manufacturer and the bizhub printing system.

How is our work structured?

You leave a request

We discuss the terms, sign the contract

You approve the layout. We print edition

At your request, we take is free a book for sale and publication in stores

Do you want your book to find its reader? Leave a request for the sale of the book right now

Anticipating the opening of this new large group of services, today we are starting to publish excerpts from the report “Book Publishing in Russia. Status, trends and development prospects”. This report was prepared by the Department of Periodicals, Book Publishing and Printing of the Federal Agency for Press and mass communications Russian Federation and published in 2009 as an industry analyst report.

The report is quite large and detailed, it addresses many issues related to state of the art and development trends of the Russian book market. We are in this case Let's turn to the chapter titled "Publisher Promotion and Factors Determining Book Buyers' Choice of Books."

The first publication will consider the methods, ways and forms of book promotion, which are traditionally used in their work by publishing houses and bookselling organizations.

What does this give us? – For authors who are actively engaged in the promotion of their books, this gives an understanding of the general picture of how the promotion of book products is generally carried out by specialists in this field. Based on this information, you can adjust advertising and marketing activities in order to achieve the greatest effect.

Ranked list of promotion methods, "promotion" of books and their authors

The above report cites data from a study conducted by the Book Industry magazine in 2008.

In the course of this study, it was studied which methods and methods of promotion are considered the most effective by publishers, as well as bookselling organizations that sell books directly.

If we summarize the results in a general table, we get the following ranked list of advertising and marketing activities to promote book products.

Promo channel (promotion method)

A priority
Priority display and POS materials in the store
Participation of the author in thematic shows and other programs on the central channels of radio and television
Participation in professional, thematic exhibitions-fairs
Publication of the author's interview on the pages of the federal press
Internet advertising: author's pages (or LJ), banners, blogs, interviews and conferences in online stores, etc.
Visiting the store by the author (meeting with the reader, autograph session)
Placement of advertising modules of the project in the subway
PR campaign with book presentation and buffet
Direct-mail (electronic and mailing lists information letters, leaflets, booklets, catalogues, etc.)
Author appearance on local TV/publication of interview in local newspaper

Comments on the list of book promotion methods

Display and POS materials

As you can see, in the first place is such a promotion method as priority display and POS materials in the store. Moreover, both publishers and booksellers unanimously put this type of promotion in the first place.

POS materials mean Promotional Products at points of sale (from the English point of sales - place of sale), which should attract the attention of the buyer. These can be beautifully designed price tags, signs, signs, information stands, advertising stickers, etc.

If we talk about online stores, then there may also be POS materials and ways to attract attention. For example, displaying the title of a book at the top of the general list of books, highlighting a book in the general list with a color, larger font, special indexes, etc.

"Illumination" of the author in the central media

The second group of promotion methods is formed by the “exposure” of the author in the means mass media. No wonder they say that in order to sell books, you first need to make a name for the author, and then this name will already sell his books. This group includes the participation of the author in various kinds of programs on central television and radio, interviews in federal newspapers and magazines, as well as participation in such public events as book fairs.

Internet promotion

The third group in terms of importance already then, in 2008, included methods of promotion on the Internet. Moreover, here in the report they are presented, firstly, quite modestly, and secondly, not quite correctly.

Only banners can be classified as advertising. "Author's pages" are now becoming full-fledged author's sites. Blogs and LiveJournal are one and the same (LJ - LiveJournal, one of the most popular resources in Runet with many blogs). Finally, interviews and conferences in online stores are essentially the same speeches and interviews as in the mainstream press, only carried out in the Internet space.

Out of sight in this case remained contextual advertising on the Internet, search engine optimization, promotion in very, very rapidly progressing social networks, etc.

Local Promotions

The last, fourth group of promotion methods can be called local promotions, since all of them are somehow tied to a certain local territory. Perhaps that is why in the general list they look less effective than the previous ones. However, these marketing and promotional activities are used in one way or another by both publishers and booksellers.

This group includes a visit by the author to a store (a meeting with readers, an autograph session), placement of advertising modules in the subway (respondents had the greatest discrepancies on this item), a PR campaign with a book presentation and a buffet table, Direct-mail (electronic and postal distribution of newsletters, leaflets, booklets, catalogs, etc.), as well as the author's appearance on local television or the publication of an interview in a local newspaper.

Temporal dynamics of data

Thus, we have considered a list of the most commonly used methods for promoting books. The only thing that needs to be done here is two discounts.

The first is temporary, since the study was conducted in 2008, and much has already changed over the past 3 years. In particular, we are talking about the rapid development of the Internet, which today is becoming the main information space.

In the same cases, when it comes to publishing e-books, the list of promotion services may vary significantly. In particular, in the list of services for the promotion of books and their authors, which we are now preparing for publication, a different promotion scheme will be presented, which differs significantly from the traditional one.

Announcement of the next publication

In the next publication of this small series of articles on "promotion" and promotion will be considered.


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Modern promotion of publishing products is developed as a result of the process of the so-called analog marketing, the essence of which is to copy the ideas of competitors, refine them and adjust them to own business. As a rule, there is no genuine marketing innovation in the publishing business. However, this situation is also due to the specifics of the business.

One of the main methods of competitive struggle is the price. However, price is not always an effective competitive tool: the desire to reduce the price of products, price wars and price dumping will sooner or later lead to a deterioration in the situation in the book industry as a whole, provided that the price is reduced without specific actions to reduce costs. At the same time, cost reduction often leads to a deterioration in consumer characteristics of the product: lower quality paper and ink are used, printing and prepress technology suffers. This, in turn, affects the perception of the product by the buyer, because the modern buyer, approaching the choice of a book, chooses not the cheapest copy, but one that is pleasant to hold in his hands and easy to read. If the buyer wants to save money when buying a book, he will most likely use the electronic version of the publication he is interested in, which can be purchased on the Internet, including for free. According to book market experts, more and more often at the present stage, traditional printed books are purchased for collecting, and this trend will continue in the future.

One of the ways to achieve success in the competition is to actively promote the publisher itself, its products or authors. There are three main directions of promotion in the book market:

  • · Trade promotion oriented to the bookselling network and libraries. The main purpose of these tools is to establish partnerships with intermediaries - wholesale and retail booksellers.
  • · Cooperative promotion - tools implemented jointly by publishers and booksellers and aimed also at the end customer. The main goal is to convince the buyer to purchase the book of this publishing house in a certain point of sale.
  • · Consumer promotion - tools focused on the end customer.

Today, there is a lack of an active marketing policy among publishers, as a result of which buyers are not familiar enough with the publisher itself. Buyers make their final buying decision at the store where they are targeted by tools not on behalf of the publisher, but of the bookseller. Of course, the exception is when the bookstore network is owned by the publisher, as in the case of the Eksmo publishing group. In this case, the publisher can set its own rules in the outlet, and the action of the outlet, which is an element in its structure, is not negative for it. This statement is especially true for small publishers that sell their products in bookseller chains and independent stores that do not belong to them, which can dictate their terms to them without the ability to marketing communications publisher and buyer, resulting in lost communication between the publisher and potential buyers.

According to the Book Market Report, the most preferred promotion channels for publishers and booksellers to achieve sales growth are:

  • · Participation of the author in thematic shows and other programs on the central channels of television and radio;
  • · Publication of the author's interview in the press;
  • · Priority layout and POS-materials in stores;
  • · Participation in exhibitions and fairs;
  • Advertising in the Internet space, including banners, blogs, work in social media.

Within the framework of the same study, the importance of marketing communications channels in promoting a publishing project was assessed from the point of view of publishers. results this study are presented in table. 6:

Table 6 - Priorities of publishers in the choice of marketing activities

Channel (medium)

Priority score

Priority display and POS materials

Participation in professional and thematic exhibitions and fairs

Book presentations as part of PR events

As can be seen from the table above, the employees of publishing houses consider special displays in stores and printed materials at points of sale to be the most effective channels for promoting products. The key to the successful implementation of this tool is the establishment of reliable and trusting relationships with the outlet, since it is the staff of the bookshop that organizes the layout. Undoubtedly, this is a powerful tool for influencing buyers who visit this outlet in order to buy a book. The location of publications in a conspicuous place and the information materials accompanying them (posters, catalogs, booklets) should attract attention potential buyer, even if he visited the store for the purpose of buying a particular book. As a rule, the buyer makes the final decision on the purchase at the point of sale, so this tool is very effective. It follows from this that many publishing houses that sell their products at a certain point of sale apply for a special layout and placement of printed promotional materials in the store. It is in this link that there is a high competition of publishers with each other - a competitive struggle for the location of the bookseller. At the same time, a variety of tools are used - both price (discounts, payment for space for special accommodation) and non-price (implementation of joint advertising projects, exhibitions, meetings with writers, etc., combined, according to our classification, into one group - stimulating intermediaries and sales staff).

Stimulation of intermediaries and sales personnel are related to communications in the B2B market. A feature of communications in the B2B market is their focus on professionals working in a particular field or industry, and they are consumed in order to obtain information necessary for work. It should be noted that corporate clients they are not inclined to perceive information, focusing only on emotions and images, they are driven mainly by rational motives and objective data: prices, guarantees, benefits from joint projects. Accordingly, wide advertising in traditional channels in this case will not bring the desired effect. Moreover, thanks to the development of the Internet, intermediaries can obtain the information they need on their own.

One of the main requirements of potential partners is the possibility of personal contacts in order to obtain reliable, timely information, on the basis of which they can take rational decision. As a result, the role of tools such as personal selling, meetings, conferences, participation in thematic exhibitions.

Competitive struggle among the book market is conducted by different methods, including price and non-price. Of course, in a crisis situation, a price war is one of the primary methods of competition, but not all market participants can afford to participate in such competition. As a rule, these are large organizations that can reduce prices due to economies of scale, but other publishers cannot compete with the giants. Profitability investment projects decreasing, which generally affects the state of the industry. A price war is acceptable only as a temporary measure.

Thus, the competition between publishers in the B2B market is mainly in two directions: due to price offers (discounts, bonuses, supply guarantees - trade promotion) and the implementation of joint projects that can benefit both the publisher and the bookselling organization (cooperative promotion).

Consumer promotion of the publishing house is focused on the end-customer market and is aimed at increasing the recognition and loyalty of the audience.

The object of promotion in the publishing business can be an author, a series, a separate book, literature on a specific topic, the publishing house itself. Given the priorities of buyers when choosing book products, publishers consider marketing activities aimed at promoting the author to be the most effective: meetings, conferences, presentations, interviews in the media. According to O. Novikov, during the crisis years, in the conditions of fierce competition between the participants in the publishing business, the Eksmo publishing house concentrated on advertising and promoting its authors without resorting to cuts in the marketing budget. However, in general, the publishing market recorded a reduction advertising budget by 30%, cost reduction, including participation in fairs and exhibitions by 57%.

However, most publishing houses are not engaged in the promotion of consumers on their own, giving these functions to bookselling organizations. It is for this reason that when coming to the store, buyers rarely pay attention to the publisher. Even various events, meetings with authors, presentations of books are organized by merchants, in some cases together with publishers, which once again proves the low level of marketing activity of publishers in the consumer market.

The sale of book products is a completed stage of the publishing business and means its delivery to the final consumer, that is, the reader.

More recently, perhaps the only scheme for distributing books was the following: publisher - enterprise wholesale trade- company retail- buyer.

However, today the options are quite diverse. The real market has formed a variant book trade system offering various schemes implementation, depending on the type of publication and its reader's address, to the financial capabilities of the publisher and the potential buyer.

In the conditions of growing competition from other players in the book market, Russian booksellers are faced with a special need to fight for a buyer. In order to attract and retain a customer, they constantly have to invent new types and sales schemes.

The methods of sales and methods of stimulation in the book market are the same as in any other. Today, in the book market, the exchange of information is carried out both through direct means of communication (direct communication, telephone, correspondence, events of an event nature), and through indirect ones (mass media, radio, television, direct marketing, visual means). The number of information sources is growing, the amount of information obtained from individual experience and personal communication is decreasing.

book advertisement- this is one of the elements of book marketing, a means of stimulating the sale of book products, but at the same time it is information disseminated orally or through technical means A containing information about specific books or services from the advertiser.

The main elements of a trade advertisement are the author, the title, the release date of the book, and the price. It also lists characteristics of the publication that may attract the buyer, contains a list of activities to promote the book and sales promotion, as well as preferential terms for libraries and booksellers.

The task of consumer advertising is to reach each potential consumer and interest him in the book. Cooperative advertising is not yet actively developing in our book market, but nevertheless, it is able to promote sales due to its specific focus and convince the reader to buy a book in the store that participates along with the publisher in this advertisement.

Advertising materials can be presented in a wide variety of formats, depending on what audience they are intended for and through what information channel it is supposed to bring them to the consumer.

Information and Flyers and booklets. Usually they are used most widely to notify booksellers about the upcoming publication, and then they are mainly informational in nature, or they are issued for work at fairs, exhibitions, presentations and other events. Their other important purpose is to serve as information and advertising materials when working with a consumer through mail.

Catalogs. Catalogs include reference and information or advertising publications, which are based on a systematic list of descriptions of certain goods and services. We can say that the preparation and publication of catalogs are one of the leading activities of the publishing house to promote its products to the market.

Depending on the target address of the catalog (book trade, libraries, the general readership, specialized consumer groups), the catalog may include a wide variety of information and come out at different intervals.

The main components of the catalog description are the author, title and bibliographic information.

Posters (posters). Posters intended for bookstores and exhibitions and fairs, as well as for use in in public places(street, transport, etc.) are issued to attract the attention of buyers to the most important publishing projects.

Text on the cover, dust jacket or binding. This text is, as it were, the last advertising appeal to the buyer, hence the requirements for it, it must contain the most important commercial information.

Direct marketing means the sale (promotion) of a product without the use of an intermediary, that is, directly to the buyer.

Until recently, direct sales meant mail-order sales (books by mail). But now there are telecommunication forms of direct sales by telephone, through television channels and, finally, through the Internet.

Direct marketing has two main varieties: work with the buyer, counting on his immediate reaction, and work on advertising and promoting the book to the buyer.

The characteristic features of the work on the "book by mail" system are the preparation of information promotional events and updating the database for individual distribution.

Another means of promoting books is fairs. At the fair, the enterprises of the printing industry are given the opportunity to expand the geography of their activities, establish new contacts, and conclude contracts.

Telecommunications are increasingly being used to promote book products directly. This type of sales began with telephone sales.

Selling books by phone is used not only as a first step in combination with other sales methods, for example, the same “book-mail”. In addition to being efficient and faster than other methods of performing the direct function of selling new books, this form of marketing allows you to get immediate feedback about the publishing product offered for sale, the publisher itself, the market segment in which the publisher operates, and so on. In fact, this is an additional opportunity for market research.

The development of new electronic technologies actively contributed to the emergence of new methods of sales, including in book business. To the greatest extent this applies to the Internet, which in a short time after it became available to the average user, has become a familiar medium for promoting book products.

Competitive economic activity requires from the book market participants competent work with information, the ability to manage communications and build long-term interaction.

The article is devoted to the PR activities of book publishers in web 2.0. The methods used by book publishers for promotion in social networks and blogs are considered, as well as the results of a study showing how actively publishers are engaged in PR activities on the Internet.

Keywords: book publishers, web 2.0, PR activities, social networks


With the advent of the Internet, the work of public relations specialists in book publishing has changed a lot. The reason for this was the active convergence of the media and Internet resources. No less important for the work of PR-specialists was the emergence of social networks and blogs. A large number of people go online solely to access a social network. And this is the only opportunity to communicate with this audience [Khalilov, 2013, p. 12]. Feedback between a book publisher and a reader can take place within seconds. Experts believe that a few minutes after the publication of a short message on Twitter is enough to understand whether it will be popular or not [Khalilov, 2013, p. 96].

In our study, specific ways of communication of Moscow book publishers in web 2.0 were considered. The content of messages in web 2.0, types of communities and ways to promote book products were studied.

A number of specialists are engaged in the research of the term PR and its development in the modern media space. Publishing houses are much less involved in studying PR activities. In 2011, a study was conducted by V.E. Krylova, which examined the PR activities of the largest publishing houses in Russia in social networks. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the interest of the largest Russian publishing houses in social networks is very small - only 18% of them use the VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook programs with varying degrees of activity [Krylova, 2011, p. 111-113]. In 2013, several articles were published on the promotion of book publishing houses on the Internet: E.A. Shibaeva "Book marketing in social media" [Shibaeva, 2013, p. 7-13], E.V. Krylova " Social networks book subjects as a special communication environment for subjects of the book market” [Krylova, 2013, p. 130-140].

These works presented not only the existing groups of book publishers in social networks, but also collected statistics on the number of Moscow book publishers represented on the Internet - both on their own websites and in social networks.

The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the PR activities of Moscow publishing houses on the Internet have not been considered in detail before. The book market is changing significantly due to the advent of the Internet and electronic media, representatives of many publishing houses are quite conservative - these features explain their way of developing the promotion of book publishers on the Internet. The purpose of this study is to identify what methods of promotion are used by Moscow publishing houses. These methods are also compared when publishing houses are divided into three groups: small, medium and large. An empirical study was carried out by measuring the ratio of which methods publishers use more or less to promote them.


The work of promoting 232 Moscow publishing houses, the main direction of which is the publication of paper books, was analyzed. The list of publishers studied was compiled from catalogs book fairs and information from online stores and Initially, it consisted of more than 350 publishing houses, but was reduced according to the following criteria: the publishing house closed, stopped publishing books, or is working in other areas. Information about ways to promote book publishers was collected on the Internet from March to May 2014. The work of publishers was considered in the following areas: the presence of a website, the presence of an online store, maintaining groups or pages in popular social networks (Facebook and Vkontakte are considered in more detail). ) and in less popular social networks among publishers (the total number of users using at least one of these sites: Instagram, Foursquare, Twitter, etc.). As a result, a table was compiled with 232 Moscow publishing houses, in which their activities in all these areas were noted. These studies are presented as a percentage of the total number of publishers considered. The study allows us to analyze how actively Moscow book publishers are promoting their products on the Internet.

According to the results of the study, publishing houses were classified into several types in accordance with the volume of published paper literature: large, medium and small. This classification is offered by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The Russian Book Market Industry Report indicates that % of publishers in Russia publish less than 12 books per year (and these publishers can be considered inactive and therefore small). More than 500 books a year are published by less than 1% of publishers. Based on these data, taking into account the specifics of the topic, the following typology criteria were determined: small publishers - less than 12 books per year, medium publishers - from 12 to 120 books per year and large publishers - over 120 books per year. Taking into account this typology, the results of the study revealed the following breakdown: large publishing houses - 31%, medium - 36% and small - 33%.

This division of publishers allows you to see not only general data on their promotion on the Internet, but also to trace the promotion methods and activity of publishers, depending on their size and available resources.

Research results

Studying publishing houses for the presence of websites, we found that 82% have websites and, accordingly, 18% do not. Moreover, if we talk about the types of publishing houses, it turns out that 92% of large publishing houses have a website, 89% of medium-sized ones and only 33% of small ones. If we talk about online stores, it can be noted that only 41% of all Moscow publishing houses have their own online store. If we consider the types of publishers, then the statistics are also natural - 58% of large publishers, 40% of medium-sized publishers and 27% of small publishers have their own online store. The fact that not all small publishing houses have their own websites and online stores may be due to both the lack of financial resources for the maintenance of the site, and the fact that this may not be necessary. Many small publishing houses do not promote and sell their publications, entrusting this work to bookselling companies.

There are three types of sites that book publishers have:

Business card site, where there is only general information about the publishing house and contacts;

An online store where the user can order books.

Online stores usually have large publishers that can handle the logistics and additional costs, as well as small and medium-sized publishers that take on the books of their colleagues. Online stores of publishers do not always have a user-friendly interface, but the prices there are lower than in bookstores so orders are still coming in. The catalog of publications on the site is usually created in order to present the assortment on the Internet - both to readers and to the bookselling companies that cooperate with the publisher. A business card site is created for the general presentation of a publishing house on the Internet, and often news and information about publications are already posted on social networks, almost without updating the site. Moreover, there are examples of thematic book online stores, which have a platform only in the social network and take all orders there.

Not all Moscow publishing houses use social networks to promote their products - only 38%. Moreover, if we consider in more detail which social networks are most often used by publishers, then the following statistics are revealed: 31% of publishers use VKontakte, 30% - Facebook and 12% - social networks less standard for publishers (Instagram, Foursquare, Twitter and others). It is important to note that both non-standard social networks, and Facebook, and VKontakte are simultaneously used by 12% of publishers, which allows us to conclude that those who are actively engaged in promotion in social networks try to use all platforms at the same time.

If we talk in more detail about the use of social networks by publishers, depending on their type, then the statistics are somewhat logical: 50% of large publishers use at least one social network to promote their products, 36% - medium and 29% - small. All other data is quite predictable (see the figure), however, it is worth noting that medium-sized publishers use Facebook more for promotion than VKontakte (31% vs. 28%). This may be due to the fact that the audience of large publishing houses use Facebook more, and the fact that the employees of the publishing houses themselves prefer this social network more.

Studying in more detail the communities of book publishers in social networks, you should pay attention to the content and frequency of news updates. Dmitry Khalilov, one of the first SMM specialists in Russia, believes that the optimal amount of news in an average community (via VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki networks) is 2 per day [Khalilov, 2013, p. 96]. In the group of the EKSMO publishing house on VKontakte, news is updated from 2 to 7 times a day, for ROSMENA - 1-2 times a day, for the Klever publishing house - an average of 4 times a day. It is worth noting that representatives of the latter publishing house use delayed posting, since the time of posts often coincides daily up to minutes (accordingly, their placement is planned in advance for a certain time).

The content of publishing communities in social networks often duplicates the information that they post on their website. Thus, the EKSMO publishing house, which has 14,500 members in the VKontakte group, daily talks about presentations and meetings with authors, new books and projects of the publishing house, publishes reviews in the media on new publications, and also places interesting quotes. At least half of the messages on the wall of the ROSMEN publishing house group on VKontakte are questions from readers who are interested in how to find some book, are waiting for the continuation of the series, or specify when this or that publication will be released. Subscribers do not just read the news, but also take an active part in the life of the publishing house - for example, they choose the one they like best from several potential covers for a book and vote. As a result, the publisher chooses the cover that the majority liked. Such voting is practiced by representatives of the Meshcheryakov Publishing House.

1) publishing house;

The main content of communities dedicated to publishing houses are news, book novelties, information about authors and books. Groups dedicated to a series or a single book are much rarer. Often they support each other as they move forward. Initially, the Rosmen publishing house created the Chasodei group, dedicated to a cycle of teenage fantasy books. When they published a book from the same cycle, written by an unknown author, they created a community about it. They arranged an exchange of subscribers - those who love the Chasodei cycle joined the new book group, and those who liked the new author added the Chasodei group to their bookmarks. Serial publications are especially popular among teenagers and young people and are actively promoted in social networks. fans popular author want to find him online - to ask questions, find out when the author has new books coming out, and just to get closer to their idol. The activity of the author himself on the Internet usually has a very positive effect on the promotion of the book, and sometimes the result from the PR activities of one author is no less than from the work of the entire PR department.

The most active and often interesting form of PR campaigns is contests. With the help of social networks and blogs, new opportunities for their implementation have appeared:

1) more effective method dissemination of information about the competition;

2) quick feedback from the contestants;

4) the opportunity to see the effect of the competition.

Promotions and competitions organized by book publishers can also be divided into several types:

1) a competition directly related to the book (it can be a drawing, a poem, a photograph according to the content of the work);

2) competition on a given topic;

3) "repost" and random selection of the winner;

4) the task "bring friends to the group."

Book competitions are no different from standard promotions that were previously held in the media - the difference is only in speed feedback. These competitions are especially popular among children and teenagers - they are ready to do great amount assignments - to draw characters, to be photographed in the image of a favorite hero, to write a continuation of the work. In "ID Meshcheryakova" in, an action was held for parents: "Tell about the contest in your blog and take part in the drawing of a basket of children's books." There were several hundred people who wanted to try their luck, but in the end only one person won the basket of books. Most of the bloggers participating in the contest were moms and dads. Their friends at have similar interests, and they also hosted information about the competition and talked about publishing and books. There are promotions that are directly related to the readers brought to the community - according to the terms of the competition, in order to win a prize, you need to bring 20 friends to the community. Most publishers give away books as prizes. Thus, the cost of promoting a publication on a social network is not at all high, but the result can be very noticeable.

Another method of promotion that publishers have begun to use is games, including role-playing ones. This is especially true for children's literature or books related to fantasy. Moreover, the "hero" of the role-playing game is already registered in the virtual world - in the social network. The only thing left for him is to take part in the game. Now it all depends on the imagination of the creators of the game - they can come up with their own world, their tasks and, of course, rewards. ROSMEN publishing house in the spring of 2013 launched such role play on the teenage cycle "Zertsalia". It is too early to talk about the success and popularity of the game and the book itself (it is becoming popular, but rather slowly), but it is clear how actively the publisher uses the possibilities of the social network in search of its reader.

In addition to the social networks listed above, publishing houses are also starting to use sites that are less popular in Russia. The AST publishing house uploads photos of various events and its authors, covers of new publications on Instagram. Moreover, for the announcement of new books, the representatives of the publishing house have developed their own style - this is not just a photograph, but a small banner designed specifically for this site. Foursquare is not yet very popular among publishers, but some publishers are already using it: EKSMO, Drofa, Klever, ROSMEN, AST, ZhUK and Exam.

Professional blogs and social networks occupy a special place in the life of publishing houses. Among them are,,, etc.

These sites can be divided into two types:

For specialists and employees of the book market;

For lovers of reading.


If many companies, including the media, have already found mechanisms for interacting with the reader in social networks and know what exactly will affect the popularity of the site in the future, the sales of a particular product, then with books the situation is somewhat more complicated. Most even Moscow publishing houses do not yet use social networks to promote their products. However, if according to E.V. Krylova in 2013, only 18% of large publishing houses in Russia used social networks, but according to the results of a study conducted by the author of this article in 2014, 50% of large Moscow publishing houses use social networks. It is worth paying attention to the difference in the geography of the study - Moscow book publishers may be much more active than regional ones.

According to the results of an empirical study, it is worth noting that large publishing houses are much more active in using social networks to promote their products, where the most popular are Facebook and VKontakte. Those publishing houses that use both of these social networks are most often run by others (Twitter, Fourquare, etc.). That is, some publishers (12%) are actively engaged in promotion in social networks and use several platforms for this. It is also worth noting that almost all Moscow publishing houses have their own website (82%), but less than half have their own online store (41%), which is primarily due to additional costs for its maintenance.


Russian book market. Status, trend and development prospects. Industry report. Moscow: Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, 2013.

Krylova E.V. Social networks of book subjects as a special communication environment for subjects of the book market // Proceedings of St. Petersburg state university culture and arts. 2013. V. 201. Book business: yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Shibaeva E.A. Book marketing in social media // Mediatheque and the world. 2013. No. 1.

Received 28.09.2014

Russian book market. Status, trend and development prospects. Industry report. M.: Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, 2013. P. 19.