Historical journals. Historical periodicals Russian historical journals list

The library named after I.I.Vasilev of the MUK CLS of Pskov presents periodicals to help teachers of history and social studies.

The journals will also be useful to students and anyone interested in Russian and world history, local history.

We are waiting for you at the address: Oktyabrsky prospect, 19 "a".

The magazine "Rodina" for almost 20 years of its existence has become one of the most authoritative and widely read domestic historical publications. It comes out once a month. Its authors are well-known historians, ethnographers, archaeologists, writers, publicists. The goal is to tell about the history of Russia not boring, but interesting. The main headings (more than 100 in total): "Drama of History", "Epoch and Faces", "Cultural Layer", "Our Research", "War and Victory". Special issues of the magazine are published regularly major topics national history. Here is the September 2009 issue. – special issue: “Veliky Novgorod – Motherland of Russia”. It opens with an interview with the famous historian VL Yanin, whose entire scientific life is connected with the study of this ancient Russian city. You will read about the latest discoveries of Novgorod archeology, about where the “new city” came from and what this anniversary means for it - all this, as well as about Pskov and its relationship with the Great Neighbor, you will read in a special issue.

"Military Historical Archive" is a popular science monthly magazine that publishes materials on the history of military affairs, the army, special services and the military-industrial complex. The main content, for example, of the July 2009 issue is the history of the Great Patriotic War (articles about the Voronezh defensive operation of 1942, about detachments, SMERSH and penal battalions, memoirs of veterans).

The monthly edition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Military History Journal" notes in 2009. his 70th birthday. Its pages constantly publish exclusive materials covering actual problems domestic and foreign military history, the military policy of the Russian state at all stages of its formation and development, the activities of outstanding Russian and Soviet commanders and naval commanders. Topics of the August issue: the Warsaw uprising of 1944, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact of 1939, NATO aggression against Yugoslavia: 10 years later.

The monthly journal "Questions of History" is one of the oldest historical publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published since 1926. Our library contains a set of all issues starting from 1992. A large place in the journal is occupied by historical documents, mainly archives, which were banned for a long time. These materials are published under the heading "Political archive of the 20th century". Its sections such as "Historical portraits", "Historical journalism", "Historians about time and about themselves" and others deserve special attention.

We draw the attention of historians and local historians of Pskov to the article "Topography of secular and spiritual institutions in Russian cities of the 11th - 17th centuries." (K.S. Nosov), placed in the eighth issue of the journal, which also examines the social structure of medieval Pskov.

Leading topics of publications of the journal "History and Modernity" (publishing house "Uchitel"): the history of civilizations and peoples; theoretical problems of history; the main problems of the present. The journal also publishes bibliographic reviews and reviews, information about the events of scientific life. Frequency - 2 times a year. The first issue of the journal for 2009 opens with an article by Doctor of Philosophy L.E. Grinin “The Modern Crisis: New Features and Classics of the Genre”, in which an attempt is made to show how the modern crisis is similar to a number of previous cyclic crises of overproduction and what fundamentally new You can already see features in it.

"Historical Archive" is a scientific and publishing journal, published 6 times a year. The publication acquaints readers with previously unknown sources on key issues of ancient and modern Russian history. The journal publishes documents on such issues as reforms and revolutions, power and society, culture and economy, history of foreign and national policy of the state, political parties and social movements. A separate area consists of materials on the Great Patriotic War, space exploration, about the Russian abroad, the state and the church, etc. The main content of the third issue of the magazine for 2009 is documents and materials for the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. They tell, in particular, about the fate of Russian prisoners in Sweden during the Great Northern War, about the trophies taken from the Swedes during the Poltava Victory, about old postcards issued for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. A large place in the issue is also occupied by the publication of the correspondence between Yu. O. Martov and L. D. Trotsky (1910–912), which significantly expands the understanding of the views of two prominent party leaders of Russian social democracy, of the relationship between factions and trends in the RSDLP.

The newspaper "History" is a scientific and methodological publication for teachers of history and social science, published 2 times a month.

Main headings: "Full face and profile", "Clio's view", "Antiquities shop", "Forgotten plot", "Historian's workshop". On the eve of the new academic year, in the "Forgotten Plot" section, the newspaper publishes materials on the nature of the Soviet-German treaties of 1939. and a selection of documents on the diplomatic history of Europe in the last year before the outbreak of World War II (“Munich Pact”, “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” and others).

"New and Contemporary History" is the leading Russian academic journal in the field of new and recent history. Published 6 times a year. The publication systematically conducts discussions, organizes "round tables", referring to debatable topics. An important place in it is occupied by the sections "Criticism and Bibliography" and "Historiography". They highlight the achievements of domestic scientists in the field of modern and contemporary history, provide analytical information on the results of recent foreign research. In recent years, the journal has been actively involved in the process of liberation of historical science from the previously dominant ideological dogmas and schematism, defending the diversity of scientific views.

The fourth issue of the journal for 2009 published materials for the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, research on the history of Italy, America, Czechoslovakia, China, Great Britain. The section "Historiography" analyzes the discussion on the modern historiography of the Russian Revolution of 1917. and considered "new history" cold war»» in modern foreign studies.

The journals "Teaching History at School" and "Teaching History and Social Studies at School" are scientific and methodological publications focused primarily on the professional needs of subject teachers in secondary schools, methodologists, teachers of university methodology departments, employees of advanced training institutes. Frequency - 10 issues per year.

They introduce the latest methodological and didactic developments, lesson planning, the latest research in history and social science. The issues published on the eve of the new academic year discuss such topical issues as “Motivation in teaching history and social science” (articles by A. N. Ioffe, N. N. Lyapina, V. V. Esaulova in No. 6 “Teaching history at school” ), “Patriotic education” (How do modern schoolchildren understand patriotism? What needs to be done to change the situation in the field of patriotic education in modern school? What does the experience of pre-revolutionary domestic teachers testify to? The answers to these questions can be found in the articles by N.P. Ovchinnikova and N.S. Ulyanova, as well as by M.T. Studenikin, in No. 6 of the journal Teaching History and Social Studies at School).

Our library has a complete set of all issues of the journal "Otechestvennaya istoriya" since 1992. From the beginning of 2009 it is published under the title "Russian History", is an organ of the Institute Russian history RAN. The journal publishes discussion materials, materials of "round tables", historiographic reviews, reviews, a chronicle of scientific life, a list of new literature on the history of Russia, topics of doctoral dissertations approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation on Russian history, as well as information on new arrivals of foreign literature on the history of Russia in State Historical Library in Moscow. The second issue of the Russian History magazine for 2009 contains a number of discussion materials on the issue of the standard of living and consumption of the population in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which also provide data for the Pskov province.

Journal “Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 8. History ”is published once every two months (published since 1946)

An authoritative scientific publication, the articles and materials of which reflect the topics of the most important areas of theoretical research at Moscow University. Specific scientific issues are discussed, the achievements of scientific areas and schools of Moscow State University are reported, teaching methods are highlighted academic disciplines, materials about conferences and discussions, about books, textbooks and teaching aids. Designed for scientific works nikov, teachers of higher and secondary schools, graduate students, students, anyone who is interested in the achievements of Russian science.

Bibliographic notes and historiographic articles.

Historical periodicals are represented by publications addressed primarily to historians and readers who are especially interested in history. These are mostly magazines. For historians, they are historiographic studies and at the same time publishers of various materials on history.

Historical journals perform the function of organizing centers of historical literature (monographic research, popular science, newsreel, reference and bibliographic).

Historical periodicals reflect the whole current life of historical science, its institutions and organizations, professional activity scientists, the historical thought of the era.

The first scientific publications on the history of Russia

prototype scientific journals in Russia became Monthly Historical, Genealogical and Geographical Notes in the Vedomosti (published in 1728-1742) - a monthly supplement to the newspaper St. Petersburg Vedomosti, published by the Academy of Sciences, edited by G.F. Miller. In 1755-1765. The first popular science magazine in Russia, Monthly Works for the Benefit and Entertainment of Employees, was published, introducing readers to the achievements of science, including historical science. In 1773-1775. writer N.I. Novikov published in St. Petersburg a multi-volume periodical collection (10 volumes were published) “Ancient Russian Vifliofika (i.e., a library - Auth.) or A collection of various ancient works”, which is considered the forerunner of special historical journals. In 1788-1791. the collection was republished in Moscow in 20 volumes.

The emergence of special scientific and historical periodicals is associated with the activities of circles and societies created at universities. So, the Free Russian Assembly, formed at the Imperial Moscow University in 1771, published "Experiences of Labor", in which historical ones were published. "Society of History and Russian at Moscow University" (OIDR) published in 1815-1937. the first time-based scientific and historical publication "Notes and Works", in which for the first time many primary sources of the ancient history of Russia saw the light. In 1845-1848, and then after a break in 1858-1917. The Society published "Readings", which published valuable sources relating to the 16th-18th and 19th centuries (a total of 260 books were published).

The government's awareness of the importance of historical knowledge raised the question of their propaganda and dissemination. In 1728, a bookstore was opened at the Academy of Sciences. By decree of Emperor Alexander I, the duty to publish ancient chronicles was entrusted to the OIDR. Since 1818, the publication of the "Proceedings" of the Academy of Sciences began, which had a special historical and philological section. In 1862-1895. "Notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences" were published. In connection with the need to publish written sources, the foundations of a special discipline, archaeography, were laid. Since the 1820s, special archeographic expeditions have been carried out to identify documents. An unofficial association of scientists named after its organizer N.P. Rumyantsev - Since 1811, the Rumyantsev circle has been engaged in the search for, description and study of handwritten historical monuments.

Historical periodicals of the 19th century.

The growth of public interest in the knowledge of national history in the first half of the XIX century. led to the fact that many general journals assigned special sections for relevant materials: Vestnik Evropy (1802-1830, editors N.M. Karamzin, then M.T. Kachenovsky), Son of the Fatherland (1812-1825, editor N .I. Grech), “ Domestic notes"(1818-1830, editor P.I. Svinin), "Northern Archive" (1822-1828, editor F.I. Bulgarin), "Moscow Telegraph" (1825-1834, editor N.A. Polevoy), "Contemporary "(1836-1866)," Muscovite "(1841-1856, editor) and others. They published texts of historical sources and printed science articles.

From the middle of the XIX century. Until 1917, several dozen special historical journals appeared in Russia, which were published by individual historians, scientific societies, scientific and educational institutions. Journals published by societies and institutions were printed at public expense and did not go beyond official constructions and estimates. The greatest popularity was gained by magazines designed for a wide range of readers, published by individual historians or book publishers and distributed by subscription. For a long time they published: "Russian Archive" (1863-1912, editor-publisher P.I. Bartenev), "Russian Antiquity" (1879-1918, editor M.I. Semevsky), "Historical Bulletin" (1880-1917, editor S.N. Shubinsky, publisher A.S. Suvorin), "The Past" (1900-1904, editor V.L. Burtsev; 1906-1907, editors V.Ya. Bogucharsky and P.E. Shchegolev). Collections were published more or less regularly, among which the most famous are "Collections of the Russian Historical Society" (from 1867 to 1915 147 volumes were published). Specialized publications also appeared - archaeological, numismatic, ethnographic, military-historical, historical-literary, historical-art studies, etc.

Historical periodicals of the XX century.

After 1917, the publication of some old magazines continued for some time: “Voice of the Past” (1913-1923, editors S.P. Melgunov and V.I. Semevsky) and the publication of the magazine “Byloe” was resumed (1917-1926, editor P.E. . Shchegolev). However, there are many new periodicals, which published sources and scientific articles on issues that previously either did not attract the attention of historians, or did not exist as such. One of the first Soviet historical journals was the Archive of the History of Labor in Russia (1921-1924), which published materials on the history of Agriculture, working conditions, the strike movement. Published from 1922 to 1941 by the Central Archive, the journal Krasny Arkhiv, the largest and most respectable, had the task of publishing archival materials on the pre-revolutionary period in the history of Russia, the Great October Socialist Revolution, the history of the Civil War and foreign intervention, on international relations of modern times, on the history of the Bolshevik Party. The journal Hard Labor and Exile (1921-1935), published by the Society of Convicts and Exiles, published mainly memoirs on the history of the revolutionary movement in Tsarist Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Materials on the history of the labor movement for the same period were published in the journals Proletarian Revolution and Krasnaya Letopis. The All-Russian Association of Oriental Studies published the journal "New East" (1922-1930), which, along with documents, published articles, essays, and notes on the history of the peoples of the Soviet and foreign East. Many documentary sources on the history of Russian culture and social thought in the XVIII - early XX centuries. saw the light on the pages of the periodical Literary Heritage (since 1931). From 1936 to 1954, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences published the "Historical Archive" - ​​collections in which sources on socio-economic issues were published with introductory articles and comments. From 1955 to 1962, under the same name, a journal was published that published documents on the history of the USSR.

Along with publications that print primary sources, from the 30s - 40s. 20th century a number of scientific and historical journals were published, the main content of which was research articles. The Marxist Historian (1926-1941), founded as an organ of the Society of Marxist Historians at the Communist Academy (later published as an organ of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences), covered issues of national history and the history of foreign countries. The journal is currently published under the title Questions of History. Since 1937, the same institute has been publishing, founded on the initiative of B.D. Grekov's collection "Historical Notes" (118 volumes were published); since 1995, the publication has continued under the auspices of the Department of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The extensive publishing base, which was financed by the state, allowed in the 60s - 80s. 20th century to publish special historical journals in significant editions: "History of the USSR" (1957-1992), "New and Contemporary History" (from 1957 to the present), "Questions of the History of the CPSU" and others. In the same years, multi-volume collective labors: "History of the USSR", "World History", "World War II", "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "Essays on the History of Historical Science in the USSR": according to pre-Soviet historiography in 3 volumes (1955-1963) and on the history of historical science of the Soviet period in 2 volumes (1966, 1984) and others.

From the 90s of the XX century. in historical journals published in Russian Federation, the problematics have changed significantly, which was also reflected in the change of names: “History of the USSR” since 1992 became known as “National History”, and from 2009 to the present it has been published under the name “Russian History”. In the same years, some publishing publications declared continuity with previously published historical journals: a new journal (editor A.A. Chernobaev) was published under the name "Historical Archive" in which sources on a variety of issues are published. There are also new magazines. So “Russian archive. The history of the fatherland in the evidence and documents of the XVIII - XX centuries. (founded in 1991, publisher N.S. Mikhalkov) publishes mainly memoirs and personal correspondence. From 1993 to 2003, as an appendix to the magazine Rodina, the publishing magazine Istochnik. Documents of Russian History”, on the pages of which, with introductory articles and comments, sources extracted from the archives on a wide range of Russian history were published.

Recommended reading

Barg M.A. Historical consciousness as a problem of historiography

Voronkova S.V. The school of Valery Ivanovich Bovykin (On the issue of traditions and innovation in the development of Soviet historical science) // “Russia at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. Materials of scientific readings in memory of Professor V.I. Bovykin. Moscow, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, January 20, 1999" M., 1999

History of Moscow University. 1755-2004 Collection scientific articles

History of the USSR from ancient times to the present day. T. 1-11. M., 1966-1980

Kovalchenko I.D. Essence and features of socio-historical development // Historical notes. Theoretical and methodological problems of historical research.» Issue. 1/119. M., 1995

Kovalchenko I.D., Shiklo A.E. Crisis of Russian bourgeois historical science in the late 19th - early 20th century

Essays on the history of historical science in the USSR. T. 1-5. M., 1955-1985

Rubinshtein N.L. Russian historiography. M., 1941

Sakharov A.M. Historiography of the history of the USSR. pre-Soviet period. M., 1978

Sokolov A.K. The main trends of modern Russian historiography in the study of the country's modern history // Ideas of Academician I.D. Kovalchenko in the XXI century. Materials of IV scientific readings in memory of academician I.D. Kovalchenko. Moscow, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, December 10, 2008" M., 2009

Cherepnin L.V. Russian historiography until the 19th century. M., 1957

A selection of historical books, at this stage mainly on the Slavs, nomads and the ancient peoples of Europe. In the future there will be books on the history of other peoples. The network has many different kinds of libraries, including books on history. Why do you need another one? Soviet and Russian historical science has already accumulated a large amount of literature, the vast majority of which is at best available as scans in an unrecognized form, and most often only in libraries. Thus, a full-text search in these books is impossible in the era of total informatization. At least to a very small extent, we are trying to fill this gap by posting on the site electronic versions of good, in our opinion, historical books.

  • World Digital Library
  • World Virtual Library
  • Presidential Library B.N. Yeltsin
  • Russian libraries
  • Foreign Libraries

    • World of History - There are links to various Russian and foreign historical Internet resources
    • International Historical Journal - analytical studies on history, historiography, new archival materials, historical personalities, philosophy and methodology of history, etc.
    • History - a version of the newspaper of the publishing house "First of September". Scientific and popular science articles, interviews, news review, etc.
    • Sibirskaya Zaimka - the history of Siberia: development, archeology, nomadic peoples, religion, Soviet Siberia, power and people, traditions, culture, folklore, ethnology. History of the Cossacks
    • New historical bulletin - articles by modern domestic historians
    • Skepsis - the content is based on political journalism, analytical materials on the reform of education, relations between the state and the church, the protest movement, etc. There is a library of scientific literature on history, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, ethnography, etc.
    • Labyrinth of times - The main attention is paid to little-known and controversial facts and events of world history
    • Russian land - a magazine about Russian history and culture. Literature, "sound architecture", military affairs, trade, photo archive, links, etc. (Orthodox edition)
    • Mars - journal-almanac of the Academy of Russian Symbols. Faleristics, uniforms, weapons, heraldry, symbols, emblems
    • Electronic versions of scientific journals
    • "Primorsky host" - Monthly magazine dedicated to the issues of agriculture in the Primorsky region (1912-1922)
    • Website - "Historical Journal"
    • Site of the historical magazine "Rodina"
    • Website of the journal "Voprosy istorii"
    • Website of the electronic journal "World of History"
    • The site of the electronic journal "History"
    • Site of the historical magazine "Privy Councilor"
    • Site of the historical magazine "Amateur"

    One of the tasks of our portal is the professional expertise of numerous Internet resources on history that exist in the network. Many of them give incorrect factual information, for example, errors in the dating of historical events. Many resources present unverified information from dubious sources. The editors of the portal, with the involvement of professional historians, have prepared an annotated catalog "Electronic resources on the history of Russia".

    These are "pure historical internet" sites that you can trust. The catalog is organized into nine sections. It will be updated with new sections and resources. We are ready to accept your suggestions for the development of the Catalog.

    • I. ARCHIVES (17)
        • Portal "Archives of Russia"

          Electronic resource of the Federal Archival Agency. It contains systematized information on archives and archives of the Russian Federation, including archival legislation, archival reference books, links to all federal archives, regional archives, museums and libraries, databases, the Central Stock Catalog. Presented methodological manuals, information about activities Russian Society historians-archivists, about current thematic conferences, seminars and exhibitions, information about declassification. The thematic catalog of links is placed.

        • State Archive of the Russian Federation
        • Russian State Archive of Literature and Art

          The RGALI documents contain information about the cultural life of the country, about various stages in the development of literature, art and social thought, about creative contacts between representatives of domestic and foreign culture. The archive contains funds of central government bodies in the field of culture, theaters, film studios, specialized educational institutions, publishing houses, public organizations; personal funds of writers, critics, artists, composers, theater and film workers, collections of documents. The site provides the ability to search for documents in the electronic catalog.

        • Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA)
        • Russian State Military Archive (RGVA)

      The website of the FGU RGIA was developed within the framework of the project "Creation of an automated information and reference service and expansion of access to the RGIA funds". The AISS creation project was financed by a grant from the Investment Fund for Support of Culture. The site presents an electronic catalog - the result of a comprehensive informatization of the scientific reference apparatus of the archive. It is based on the replication of a single archive database. The site contains indexes: nominal, geographical, subject-thematic, guide to funds, register of inventories.

    • Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI)
    • Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents
    • Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg
    • Historical archive of the Omsk region
    • Server "Siberian Cossack army» The State Archives of the Omsk Region
    • Rosokhrankultura. Official site
    • Documents of the Soviet era

      Recently opened resource. The collections of approximately 300,000 electronic copies of documents from the Politburo (1919-1932) and the fund (1866-1996) stored in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History were placed first. As digitization proceeds, sets of documents of key importance for understanding the Soviet era will be presented: databases and collections of digitized copies of archival documents stored in federal archives and in the public domain, as well as texts of relevant documentary publications and reference books.

    • II. MUSEUMS (112)
      • Museums of Russia
      • Moscow Kremlin

        Website of the Moscow Kremlin Museums. It provides complete information about the work of museums, announcements of scientific and cultural events, contains information about the history of the Moscow Kremlin, offers a virtual tour, presents materials from the scientific reference library, contains a section "Virtual exhibitions" from the collections of the Moscow Kremlin museums.

      • Altai State Museum of Local Lore
      • Archaeological Museum-Reserve Tanais
      • Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Taltsy
      • Astrakhan State United Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve

        Astrakhan State United Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve is the oldest of the regional museums in Russia. Today, the museum-reserve includes 13 branches, four of them are located in the city of Astrakhan, nine in the regions of the region. The museum has restoration and art workshops, a taxidermy laboratory, and a carpentry workshop. The collection of the museum has over 300 thousand items and is very diverse. It includes unique natural science collections - archaeological, ethnographic, numismatic, taxidermy collections of flora and fauna, and many others.

      • Belgorod State Museum of History and Local Lore
      • Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Veliky Ustyug Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Reserve
      • Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve
      • Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore
      • Military Historical Museum of the Pacific Fleet
      • All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin

        All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin's history dates back to 1879. The museum's richest collection has evolved over many decades, and today the museum's funds have a unique collection of iconographic, memorial, pictorial, historical and household materials of the Pushkin era; works of painting, graphics and sculpture by outstanding masters of the 19th and 20th centuries.

      • Gatchina. State Museum-Reserve
      • State Borodino Military Historical Museum-Reserve
      • Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812
      • Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"
      • Memorial of the Patriotic War of 1812

        The main sections of the electronic archive: events, personalities, written sources, painting, architecture, objects, cartography, organizations, audio and video, information sources.

      • State Military Historical Museum Reserve "Prokhorovskoye Pole"
      • State Historical-Architectural and Natural-Landscape Museum-Reserve "Izborsk"
      • State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin (GILMZ A. S. Pushkin)

        Located on the territory of two suburban estates Zakharovo and Vyazema.

      • State Historical Museum
      • State Historical Museum-Reserve Gorki Leninskiye
      • State Literary Museum
      • State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo"
      • State Memorial and Natural Reserve “Museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana"
      • State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy
      • State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin
      • State Museum-Reserve Pavlovsk
      • State Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoe"
      • State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov
      • State Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoye Selo"
      • State Museum of the History of the Gulag
      • State Museum of the History of Religion
      • State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg
      • State Museum of Defense of Moscow
      • State Museum-Estate Arkhangelskoye
      • State Museum-Estate "Ostafyevo"
      • State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia
      • "Gogol's House". Library and Museum Center
      • Essentuki Museum of History and Local Lore. V.P. Shpakovsky
      • Trans-Baikal Regional Museum of Local Lore. A.K. Kuznetsova
      • Ivanovo State Museum of History and Local Lore D.G. Burylin
      • Historical, architectural and art museum "New Jerusalem"
      • Kazan Kremlin. State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
      • Kaluga Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Kemerovo Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Reserve
      • Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Kovrov Historical and Memorial Museum
      • Koryak Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Kostroma Museum-Reserve
      • Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. E.D. Felitsyna

        The Krasnodar Museum-Reserve is the largest museum association North Caucasus region included in the list of objects of all-Russian significance. The Krasnodar Museum of Local Lore has the richest collections, primarily archaeological (the world's largest collection of ancient amphoras, a huge lapidary collection) and ethnographic, known to specialists and lovers of antiquities all over the world. Widely known scientific Library, and the rare book fund.

      • Cultural and historical complex Kolomna Kremlin
      • Kursk State Regional Museum of Archeology
      • Ladoga. Museum-reserve
      • Literary and Memorial Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky
      • Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
      • Museum of the City of Novosibirsk
      • Museum diorama "Battle of Kursk". Belgorod direction
      • Lipetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Moscow Museum-Estate Ostankino
      • Moscow State United Art Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve
      • Museum-Reserve "Kizhi"
      • Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Pole"
      • Museum-Reserve "Battle of Stalingrad"
      • Museum and Memorial Complex of the History of the Russian Navy
      • Museum Association "Museums of Moscow"
      • Museums of Tatarstan
      • Museum Estate Kuskovo
      • Murmansk Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • National Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol
      • Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve
      • Omsk fortress. Historical and cultural complex
      • Omsk State Museum of History and Local Lore
      • Official website of the historical and memorial museum "Battle of Kursk"
      • Penza State Museum of Local Lore
      • Peterhof. State Museum Reserve
      • Pereslavl-Zalessky. Museum Reserve
      • Museum Perm 36 includes preserved and reconstructed buildings of the camp (corrective labor colony) for political prisoners, where during the years Soviet power were kept in the most difficult conditions, dissidents, dissidents, active fighters for human rights in the Soviet Union, opponents of the communist regime, champions of the national independence of enslaved peoples - politicians, public figures, writers, scientists - suffered and died.

      • Intercession Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral
      • Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic
      • Russian Ethnographic Museum
      • Rybinsk Museum-Reserve
      • Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. P.V. Alabina
      • Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore
      • Holy Russia

        Unique in scale and significance, the exhibition project "Holy Russia", opened on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, presents more than 300 works of Russian art of the 10th - early 18th centuries from 20 domestic museums, libraries and archives.

      • Smolensk fortress wall
      • Smolensk State Museum-Reserve
      • Tank Museum in Kubinka
      • Tarkhany. State Museum-Reserve
      • Tomsk Memorial Museum "Investigation Prison of the NKVD"
      • Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. M.B. Shatilova
      • Tomsk writing. Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve
      • Tula State Museum of Weapons
      • Ferapontovo
      • Central Naval Museum
      • Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

        The Central Museum of the Armed Forces was founded in December 1919. The exposition of the museum is located in 24 halls and in an open area. It reflects the history of the Armed Forces of the Fatherland from the moment of their inception on a regular basis to the present. The collection includes more than 800 thousand museum items.

      • Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art. Andrey Rublev
      • Chelyabinsk State Museum of Local Lore
      • Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
      • Section "Images of Russia" of the portal "CULTURE.RF - Cultural Heritage of Russia"

        More than 170 objects of cultural and historical heritage are presented.

      • State Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad
      • State House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky
      • Literary museums Peredelkino
      • Museum of Anna Akhmatova in the Fountain House
      • Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery
      • National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan
      • F. Brockhaus, I.A. Efron. encyclopedic Dictionary

        Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron consisted of 86 volumes. Initially, this encyclopedic dictionary was conceived as a translation from the German Conversations-Lexicon. However, in the process of working on the Encyclopedic Dictionary after the first volumes, it was decided to completely create their own dictionary. Such well-known scientists as Vladimir S. Solovyov, D.I. Mendeleev, S.A. Vengerov, A.N. Beketov, A.I. Voeikov and many others.

      • Great Soviet Encyclopedia

        The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) is one of the most extensive encyclopedias published in the world. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) contains about 100 thousand articles and about 35 thousand illustrations. All this wealth of information fits in 30 volumes. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) went through three editions - 1st edition: 1926-1947; 2nd ed.: 1950-1958; 3rd ed. presented on this site was released from 1969 to 1978.

      • Culture of the Leningrad region. Encyclopedia

        Electronic encyclopedia "Culture of the Leningrad region". The encyclopedia contains 1597 articles, 2546 illustrations, incl. rare archival photographs, images of paintings and drawings. The encyclopedia is presented on the Internet in two languages: Russian and English. The encyclopedia includes an electronic local history reference book "Small Indigenous Peoples of the Leningrad Region", created in the encyclopedia database by local historians of the Leningrad Regional Universal Scientific Library (LOUNB).

      • Perm region. Encyclopedia
      • Encyclopedia. Monuments of history and culture of Kostroma
      • Monuments of history and culture of the Pskov region. Encyclopedic reference
      • Encyclopedia. History of wars
      • Military Encyclopedic Dictionary
      • Encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
      • History of Russia since ancient times"> History of Russia since ancient times

        The site is an illustrated encyclopedia of Russian history. The site presents a wide selection of historical materials from the ancient times of the formation of the first Slavic state to our days. The materials are presented in the form of separate articles, sequentially sorted into sections from Kievan Rus to modern history Russian state.
        The content of the site is designed both for an audience of school age and for students of higher educational institutions.

      • The site contains descriptions of warships of various countries and periods. The encyclopedia contains: classes of ships, types of weapons, graphic images, feature films and documentaries. There is a large library with books on the navy. The encyclopedia of ships was created on the basis of information from the Internet, as well as various books and magazines.

      • Anthology of uniforms of parts of the Russian army

        The huge volume of military units, various uniforms, ammunition, weapons does not allow one person to consider all aspects, and sometimes the finds of some forever remain a mystery to others. This project provides for uniting the efforts of all interested parties.
        At the same time, this project proposes to change the approach to considering the problem from the periods of reign and military branches, to the consideration of uniforms, ammunition, banners, differences for each specific military unit, from formation to its liquidation, despite the change in name or status.

      • Russian coins of the XIV-XVII centuries
      • Runivers.ru - Russia in the original

        Site about Russian history and culture. The Runivers project was created for informational and educational purposes. It publishes mainly facsimile books published before 1917, as well as photographs, documents and other historical materials. The core of the project is an electronic facsimile library. Now there are books published in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily on history, the works of Russian philosophers, encyclopedias, collections of documents, maps, photographs that were derived from cultural circulation for almost a century, and have not been reprinted since. An electronic encyclopedia is being developed on the site to search for the necessary information. Many materials are presented in Djvu.

      • Old Russian literature. Anthology

        The site contains over 300 different works created up to the 17th century inclusive, of various genres: chronicles, lives of saints, historical chronicles and documents, writings of the church fathers, books translated from other languages, but which were widely circulated in Russia, and much more. In addition, for a more complete perception of the proposed works, the structure of the site includes additional sections: dictionaries, historical chronicles, a collection of icons, photographs of Russian architectural monuments, maps, tables, up to the culinary recipes of Ancient Russia.

      • Old Russian literature
      • Old Russian birch bark letters

        For the first time, the materials of the site present on the Internet in full the most valuable historical and linguistic source - ancient Russian letters on birch bark of the 11th-15th centuries. (birch bark letters). The basis of the fund of birch bark documents is made up of documents extracted from the cultural layer of Veliky Novgorod by the Novgorod archaeological expedition (NAE, leaders: A. V. Artsikhovsky - from 1933 to 1978, V. L. Yanin - since 1978) kept in the State historical museum(GIM) and the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve (NGOMZ).

        The basis of the site is a database that includes photographs of birch bark letters, their drawings, Old Russian texts, translations into modern Russian, and basic information about documents.

        The site is part of the system of electronic resources being created, which also includes a digital master archive and a multifunctional database containing complete archaeological information about documents and a text corpus with lemmatization and morphological markup. The full version of the database upon completion of work on it can be downloaded from the site.

        The materials of the site do not represent an independent electronic publication, but are based on the existing basic editions of birch bark. At the time the site was opened, they reflect the state of study of the corpus recorded in the book: A. A. Zaliznyak. Old Novgorod dialect. 2nd ed., revised taking into account the material of the finds of 1995-2003. M., 2004, with the addition of new data.

      • Complete collection of Russian chronicles

        In 1841, in St. Petersburg, the Archeographic Commission at the Imperial Academy of Sciences published the first (by numbering - the third) volume of the Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles. This marked the beginning of the publication of one of the most important sources of Russian history - Russian chronicles. After more than a century and a half since that moment, the PSRL series, despite all the difficulties, political and social cataclysms continues to be published.

        The need for this edition for every professional historian is beyond doubt, but over the past years, many volumes have become a bibliographic rarity, often simply inaccessible outside the walls of metropolitan libraries. The latest reprint edition of the series, undertaken since the late 90s. 20th century publisher A.I. Koshelev was called upon to partially solve this problem, but the arbitrary rearrangement of the content within the established numbering of volumes provoked criticism from a number of experts.

        This project was carried out within the framework of the Laboratory of Information Systems in Historical Sciences of ChelGU and with the support of Vice-Rector for Research of ChelGU A.V. Melnikov.

      • Slavic manuscripts

        The site contains more than 4200 manuscripts. The placement of manuscripts is carried out within the framework of a joint project of the Russian State Library and the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.

      • 1150 years of the birth of Russian statehood

        The site is devoted to the history of the origin of Russian statehood, presents material on the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Russian statehood and the organization of the celebration of its 1150th anniversary.

      • Old Russian life in pictures
      • One of the best Russian-language sites, which provides high-quality translations into Russian of historical sources on the history of the Middle Ages.

      • History of Russia in the 19th century

        The site presents written, statistical and graphic sources.

      • Documents of the twentieth century. world history on the internet
      • old newspapers

        The site contains articles from Soviet newspapers mainly from the 1930s-1950s. Statistics - there are 346 newspapers in total; in html - 219, in djvu - 313. There is no list of publications. Only the names of hundreds of newspapers, some of which have real stories behind them. For example: Izvestia, Pravda, Gudok, Evening Moscow and others.

      • Newspaper oldies
      • The World History. Unified scientific and educational space

        The site implements a project to create a social professional network of historians. Materials on world history for scientists, teachers, students, conferences, seminars, advanced training courses, books, publications, reviews, reviews, training courses. On the site you can watch online broadcasts and recordings of meetings of the scientific interdisciplinary seminar "People and Texts". The site publishes the Russian Historical Journal of Reviews and Annotations (RIZHAR).

      • The Internet project is part of a cycle of works on historical science and society. Opened in 2010 working group Russian historians at the Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library. S. Sarovsky "Vologda historian".

        The editors of the site are a research group that sets itself the task of giving a complete picture of the history of Russia from primitive times to modern history. The material is systematized chronologically and supplemented by "historical cuts" (wars of Russia, Great battles of Russia, Uprisings of Russia, History of Russian literature). Complete information on many Russian writers.

      • Russian city
      • Russia: autobiography
      • P.A. Stolypin
      • Archive of Alexander N. Yakovlev

        The Internet project "Archive of Alexander N. Yakovlev" is dedicated to the life and work of an outstanding state, political and public figure, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev (1923-2005).

      • Internet project "1812"

        The library contains more than 100 full-text e-books Keywords: memoirs and diaries, letters, works of art, historical works. All books and articles are annotated and presented in three formats: html, txt and zip-archive. The editions are richly illustrated. special attention deserves the first reprinted 4 volumes from the 7-volume anniversary edition "Patriotic War and Russian society”, issued by the partnership of I.D. Sytin on the 100th anniversary of the war of 1812. When reprinting this, one of the most authoritative, and rather rare editions, all the illustrative material of the book was completely preserved.

        A separate section of the library is reserved for the bibliographic section. Lists of books on Napoleonic subjects published from 1800 to 1999 in Russian and foreign languages are constantly replenished.

      • 1812

        The page of the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is devoted to the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 in general and, in particular, to the Battle of Borodino.

      • Patriotic War of 1812 Digital educational resource GPIB
      • Russian imperial army

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Russian Imperial Army and its military formations. The materials posted on the site have been collected and systematized for several years and gradually acquired the form of an Internet directory. The site administration plans to continue to work on increasing and clarifying these data in the future.

      • Tsushima. Naval history
      • World War I

        The site contains several sections: Chronology, Battles, Generals, Library (books and articles), Photos, Weapons, Propaganda. Convenient navigation.

      • Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich

        The site project is based on a photo album published in a limited edition in 1986 by the PLANET publishing house containing a selection of unique photographs from the funds of TASS, APN, the State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, the Museum of M.I. Kalinin, the Central Documentary Film Studio, the archives of the Turkmen and Tajik SSRs, the personal archive of S.M. Budyonny and the author of texts and compiler A.M. Zolototrubova.

      • Library. military history

        Collection of texts related to military history and the history of wars. Primary sources, archival documents, memoirs, research, prose and poetry, biographical works, propaganda materials, articles, books on the history of technology and weapons, regulations and instructions, and more.

      • Military history publications
      • Eastern front of Kolchak's army
      • History of White Siberia
      • Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
      • "A great victory"

        A project dedicated to one of the turning points of the Great Patriotic and World War II - the Battle of Moscow. Lists of heroes, a chronicle of hostilities, partisan movement in the Moscow region, maps of battles. The site presents a photo chronicle, which presents the surviving documentary photographs that have not been published anywhere before. There is also a catalog of military network resources.

      • Video Century

        Video chronicles of the twentieth century, presented by thematic (from the history of the economy, politics, culture, military clashes, chronicles of cities) and chronological principles. It contains an archive of photo documents and articles about documentary filmmaking.

      • Project "Living History"

        Materials about veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in the East Prussian operation. The site contains text material of interviews, video and audio clips of memories, photo albums of veterans. It has a convenient search system that allows you to get acquainted with the fate of specific people and find information on the military past of our region. The site also contains a large number of unique archival military documents.

      • I remember
      • P.A. Stolypin

        The site contains memories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

      • Winners. Soldiers of the Great War

        The site is of a memorial nature, it contains lists of veterans from Russia and abroad: Belarus, Transnistria, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, Israel, Czech Republic, Turkmenistan, Estonia, Moldova. The lists include more than 1,046,000 people. An important place on the site is occupied by an interactive map of the Great Patriotic War.

      • Victory. 1941-1945

        The site is hosted on the all-Russian portal "Archives of Russia" and includes an exposition of the most striking archival photographic documents of the Great Patriotic War, information on the composition and volume of photographic documents of the war period stored in the state archives of the Russian Federation (6 federal and 86 state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). 475 photo documents on 20 topics were presented. Photo documents are accompanied by information about the place, date, authors of filming and participants in military events captured on photo documents, as well as information about their storage location and archival ciphers. The works of famous front-line photojournalists placed in the exposition are of special military-historical and artistic value. The site contains photographs of the press service of the US Army, photographs seized from captured Wehrmacht soldiers, photographs of the Ministry of Propaganda of the III Reich, photographs collected by representatives of the ChGK. The "Links" section contains links to Internet resources with collections of documentary photographs from the period of World War II.

      • Leningrad. Blockade. Feat
      • Heroes of the country
      • Russia and the USSR in the wars of the XX century

        Losses of the armed forces. Statistical research. Under the general editorship of the candidate of military sciences, professor of the AVN, Colonel-General G. F. Krivosheev. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2001. Electronic publication.

      • History of propaganda

        The site is dedicated to the history of propaganda in all its aspects - from political to scientific and technical. The materials are systematized chronologically (propaganda before 1918, from World War I to World War II, World War II, after World War II, Modernity. There are biographies of propaganda figures and a library of books on propaganda.

      • Postcards of Siberia and the Far East
      • Russian empire. History of Russian Goverment

        The site contains a lot of information on the history of Russia. It presents: numerous images of representatives of the Romanov dynasty, posters of the White Guard, pre-revolutionary postcards, visual sources on the history of the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War, materials about the rulers of our country from the Ruriks to the present day, various materials on all chronological stages of the history of Russia.

      • Foundation "Historical Memory"

        Website of the Historical Memory Foundation, established in 2008. The resource presents scientific research on Russian and Eastern European history of the 20th century.

      • Perspectives. Historical Perspective Foundation

        Foundation website historical perspective. Scientific materials on the history of the XIX-XX centuries are presented. on the topics: state and politics, our society, economic reviews, demographic challenge, security contours, Russian civilization, international relations and international politics, etc. The authors are mainly employees of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

      • Cultural heritage sites

        This information resource is an information and reference resource and is not a resource of a single state register objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation). The current volume of historical and cultural monuments subject to state protection is currently about 140 thousand objects, 25 thousand of which are historical and cultural monuments of federal significance, the rest are historical and cultural monuments of regional and local (municipal) significance.

      • Scientific projects of the institute are freely available.

      • Turko-Tatar world

        Free access materials on the topics "Medieval Turkic-Tatar states" and "Tatar murzas and nobles: history and modernity." Project of the Department of Medieval History of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

      • Central Asian History Server

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Central Asian peoples, and the editors are not limited by the geographical scope of this concept. Therefore, the Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern peoples are included in the number of Central Asian peoples. In nomadic studies, the limits of the life activity of these peoples are called by a capacious and beautiful name - "Great Steppe". The site will be of interest to those who are engaged in history, ethnography, archeology, genealogies of the Central Asian peoples.

      • Treasures of the Bulgar people

        Collection of articles on Turkology. It consists of ten articles containing valuable source material.

      • Omsk Genealogical Center
      • Heraldry.ru
      • Military heraldry
      • Uniform. Online magazine for uniformology lovers
      • History Library

        The library contains 8 volumes of the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World History, the encyclopedia "Military History", 4 volumes of the "History of World War II".

      • Electronic Library of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) (U) MFA RF

        This is an open electronic library created on the basis of the digitized funds of the State Public Historical Library of Russia.

        At the moment, BIBLIOPHIKA contains 1235 volumes (467,912 pages) from the GPIB funds published before 1917. It includes the laws of the Russian Empire, sources on the history, geography and ethnography of Russia, books on genealogy, heraldry, cultural history. Working with the library is possible in two access modes - guest and full.

      • socioscience

        The website of SocioScience contains complete information about scientific and theoretical journals, almanacs and monographs in Russian and English, which are published by the Uchitel Publishing House, the Volgograd Center for Social Research or with their participation in cooperation with a number of well-known academic, scientific and educational institutions, including such as the Russian Philosophical Society Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, Institute for African Studies RAS, Institute of History and Archeology (Ural and Far Eastern Branches), Russian Ecological Academy, Academy of Military Sciences, etc. Many leading foreign anthropologists collaborate with English-language journals and publications, political scientists, sociologists and philosophers.

      • Fundamental Electronic Library "Russian Literature and Folklore" (FEB)

        This is a full-text information system on works of Russian literature, bibliography, scientific research and historical and biographical works. The main content of the FEB is presented in electronic scientific publications (ENI), each of which is dedicated to an individual author (Pushkin, Lermontov), ​​genre (epics, songs) or work (“The Tale of Igor's Campaign”).

      • Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

        This is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 14 million scientific articles and publications. On the eLIBRARY.RU platform, electronic versions of more than 2500 Russian scientific and technical journals, including over 1300 open access journals.

      • Library "Orthodoxy and the World"

        The largest library of patristic literature and books of contemporary theologians.

        The library is a continuation of one of the best Orthodox libraries - pagez.ru. After the author of pagez.ru announced that the site would not be updated, but the database could be used and copied, it was decided to keep the library, technically improving it, adding convenient reading formats.

        Unlike all Orthodox libraries that exist today, our literature is available both for online reading from a computer screen and in all popular formats for e-books, including Kindle, iPad or E-Ink devices that have become widespread in Russia. In addition, we are working to ensure that our site is easy to access both from desktop computers and from phones, mobile tablets and electronic "readers".

      • Library "GUMER"

        Story. Books on the history of Russia.

      • gbooks. Books on history, archeology, ethnography, genealogy, published mainly before 1917.

        The main goal of the project is to collect and organize links to e-books in a single catalog that may be of interest to students of history, geography, ethnography and other related disciplines. The list of electronic libraries on history, archeology, genealogy is presented.

        The main thematic and chronological framework is the history up to the end of the 18th century. From the 19th century, mainly books on military and naval topics, some on statistics, and descriptions of non-European countries are laid out. However, these restrictions are rather arbitrary, if only because even historical research often captures different eras, and ethnography and philology are tied to time frames rather conditionally.

      • Electronic Library of the Republic of Karelia

        Publications on all historical and related scientific disciplines studied in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, including educational and educational literature, as well as primary sources and archival documents.

        Publications on world history, the history of Russia and the USSR, the history of Moscow, the history of Europe, the history of Asia, the history of America and other parts of the world and individual foreign countries, the history of the Ancient World, the history of antiquity, the history of the Middle Ages, modern and recent history, the history of individual peoples, theory and methodology of historical science, historiography, source studies, archeology, ethnography, ethnology ("ethnology", the origin of individual peoples - ethnogenesis, customs and rituals, way of life), auxiliary historical disciplines (genealogy, heraldry, historical geography, numismatics, historical chronology, epigraphy and etc.). Reference publications, series, collections, literature of universal content. The resource is paid.

      • Page of the RNL website “Virtual reference service “Ask a bibliographer”
      • P.A. Stolypin

        Materials are presented on theoretical issues of history, on the history of international relations, World War II, the history of the CIS countries, the history of Belarus, the history of Russia before the formation of the state, Ancient Russia, the history of the Rurik dynasty, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the history of the XVI-XIX centuries, the history of I World War, Soviet period, Revolution and Civil War, collectivization, Post-war period, history public institutions, political parties and organizations, repressions, the history of emigration, the post-Soviet period, in archeology, ethnography, auxiliary historical disciplines.

      • Guide to Local History Resources on Library Sites Online

        RNB website page

      • Dokusfera. Electronic fund of the Russian National Library

        This is a project of the Russian National Library to provide modern access to its electronic collections.

      • Electronic library RUKONT

        More than 800 publications in the sections of history, archeology, memoirs.

      • Central Scientific Library of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
      • State Public Historical Library
      • Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev" of the city of Moscow
      • Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
      • Library-reading room. I.S. Turgenev
      • Scientific Library of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
      • Scientific Library of the Russian State University for the Humanities
      • Scientific Pedagogical Library named after K.D. Ushinsky
      • Office of Library Collections (Parliamentary Library)
      • Central Universal Scientific Library named after N.A. Nekrasov, Moscow
      • History of the Russian Church of His Eminence Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna

        Electronic publishing

      • Holy Ros

        Encyclopedic dictionary of Russian civilization. Compiled by O. Platonov.


        Website of the St. Petersburg Society for Byzantine-Slavic Studies. Information about the activities of the Society, publications of sources, full-text archives of the journal "Byzantinorossika" are posted. Internet resources on various fields of knowledge related to the study of Byzantine-Slavic antiquities are presented.

      • The task of preserving the scientific heritage and creating conditions for its effective development is considered as an integral part of the strategy for the development of domestic science and, more broadly, the development of national culture. The project is able to provide a solution to this critical task.

      • Non-commercial electronic library ImWerden

        The site contains more than 3,500 full-text materials posted chronologically, including ancient Russian literature, periodicals of the early twentieth century, periodicals of the Russian emigration, samizdat, documentaries about Russian writers.

      • Library of Frontistes
      • Historical Library

        The site presents a selection of historical books, at this stage mainly on the Slavs, nomads and the ancient peoples of Europe. In the future there will be books on the history of other peoples. The network has many different kinds of libraries, including books on history. Why do you need another one? Soviet and Russian historical science has already accumulated a large amount of literature, the vast majority of which is at best available as scans in an unrecognized form, and most often only in libraries. Thus, a full-text search in these books is impossible in the era of total informatization. At least to a very small extent, we are trying to fill this gap by posting on the site electronic versions of good, in our opinion, historical books.

      • Books about aviation

        The site contains: memoirs, biographies, history of aviation, prose, theoretical and educational base on aviation, literature on the navy.

      • Electronic Library of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg University
      • Cultural and historical interactive Atlas
      • Reading 21

        Literary maps of Russian regions

      • Inga Clemens website

        Electronic publication of the book Ivan K. Okuntsoff. History of Russian Emigration to North and South Americas. (Reprint from The Sower - Buenos Aires, 1967)

      • Catalogue: History, historical sciences of the Presidential Library B.N. Yeltsin
      • Collections of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin
      • TOP 100 of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin
      • Portal of creators of e-books, authors of works and translations. Section: History. Historical sciences (Source studies. Auxiliary (special) historical disciplines. History. Archeology. Ethnography. Theory and methodology of historical science. History of historical science (historiography). Personalities of historians. Historical views of scientists, writers, statesmen and public and political figures.

      • Classical writings on the history of Russia
      • Descriptions, chronologies, indexes on the history of Russia
      • Digital Library "Book Monuments of Siberia"
      • History and culture of the Rostov land

        Digitized materials of conferences (from 1991 to 2011) of the State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin".

      • Bulletin of Omsk state university. Collection of full-text articles, section "History"
      • Cambridge University Library
      • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
      • CEU Library Catalog
      • Bibliothèque nationale de France
      • Bibliothèque du Center Pompidou
      • Library of Congress Online Catalog
      • Official blog of the State Public Historical Library
      • Library of the Academy of Sciences
      • Electronic Library "Scientific Heritage of Russia"
      • BiblioRossica

        BiblioRossica is a modern Electronic Library System designed for students, teachers and researchers. The library contains the latest scientific and educational publications on a wide range of disciplines and university specialties in Russian and English.

      • Russian State Library of Arts
      • Electronic collection of the Russian National Library "Dokufond"
      • Archeology of Russia

        National server of electronic information resources on archeology and history of Eurasia from antiquity to modern times. The site contains both links to materials on archeology on other sites, as well as its own articles.

      • History of Russia in detail

        The site is based on the materials of the publication " The World History in ten volumes. USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of History. Asian Peoples Institute. Africa Institute. Institute of Slavic Studies. Publishing House of Socio-Economic Literature “Thought”. Edited by: V.V. Kurasova, A.M. Nekricha, E.A. Boltina, A.Ya. Grunta, N.G. Pavlenko, S.P. Platonova, A.M. Samsonova, S.L. Tikhvinsky.

      • The first general census of the population in 1897

        The census of the population of the Russian Empire in a certain sense is<потерянной>census. Access to its results published more than a hundred years ago is difficult for most researchers, both Russian and foreign. Creation of an electronic information system is essentially the input of these data into a wide scientific circulation. The scope of the project results: from the implementation of established methods in the development of other information resources on the history of Russia in the XIX-XX centuries. and specific historical studies of changes in the structure of Russian society to the construction of mathematical models of demographic and social dynamics at the macro level. Due to the publication on the Internet, the circle of users is limited to users global network However, the project is primarily aimed at demographers, specialists in the field of socio-demographic and economic history.

      • State history

        The site is dedicated to the history of Russia. The main emphasis is on exposing the persistent myths that have developed around Russian history.

      • Russian history. File library
      • Fundamental Electronic Library "Russian Literature and Folklore"
      • Materials of Russian history

        Classical works of Russian historians (N.M. Karamzin, V.O. Klyuchevsky, N.I. Kostomarov, S.M. Solovyov, V.N. Tatishchev, S.F. Platonov) and a small number of sources.

      • Russia: autobiography

        Documents about the historical events of the state, which are written by their participants or contemporaries.

      • National history

        The site contains maps of Russia from the period of Kievan Rus to the Muscovy, a selection of literature on the history of Russia, as well as links to other historical resources.

      • Ancient maps of the Russian Empire

        The site contains maps of Russia from the 17th to the 20th centuries. True, for the most part, not the cards themselves, but a list of what the site owner has - he offers to contact him for the necessary cards.

      • Cartographic Rossica

        European engraved geographical drawings and maps of Russia published in the 16th - 18th centuries.

      • World War II military maps

        The site includes maps of military operations of the Second World War from domestic and foreign sources, geographical atlases of this period, literature on the history of the war, links to thematic resources.

      • Kola maps

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Kola Peninsula. Contains a large number of maps of the Kola region of various historical periods, dictionaries, articles on the history of the peninsula, as well as historical photographs.

      • Our edge. History of the North

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Russian North. Contains articles on the history of the Pomors and the Solovetsky Monastery, as well as photographs of local attractions.

      • Siberian Zaimka. History of Siberia in scientific publications

        The site contains a large number of articles on the history of Siberia - archeology, nomadic peoples, the development of Siberia by Russians, etc.

      • History of the Urals
      • Tsushima. Naval history 1885-1945

        An overview of the naval campaigns of Russia and the USSR from the Crimean to World War II. Maps and diagrams. personalities, specifications ships, organization of the fleet, etc. Huge photo archive. Electronic library: documents, articles, memoirs, foreign sources.

      • August 1914

        The site presents a collection of scientific works devoted to the problems of the First World War; a set of historical sources about the events of 1914-1918, including documents published for the first time on the Internet; a bibliographic database of works published in European languages ​​about the Great War, constantly updated in order to create the most complete list of publications about the First World War on the World Wide Web; visual materials on the history of the Great War - photographs, reproductions of posters, cartographic documents.

      • Revolution and Civil War

        "Revolution and Civil War" is a multimedia library of materials about major events Russian history of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: revolution and civil war. The site was created for everyone who is interested in national history.

      • Coats of arms of Russian cities

        Data about the coats of arms of the cities of Russia. Systematized in accordance with the existing division of the Russian Federation into regions, territories, districts and republics. There are also articles on the history of heraldry.

      • Excursion to heraldry

        The site contains articles on heraldry, descriptions of state emblems, detailed description emblems of members of the Romanov dynasty.

      • Journal "Russian History"
      • Chief Editor- Ph.D. Igor Anatolyevich Khristoforov. The journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Russian History" is the leading national scientific journal dedicated to the discussion and analysis of Russian history, historiography and methods of historical research. It has been published by the Russian Academy of Sciences since March 1957 and comes out 6 times a year. There are three main stages in the development of the journal, corresponding to the turning points in the development of the country and modern historical science: the first - from its foundation (in March 1957) to 1992; the second - until 2008; the third - begins in 2009. These periods are expressed in changes in the name of the journal: History of the USSR (1957-1991), Domestic History (1992-2008) and Russian History (from 2009 to the present). The site contains information about the journal, the table of contents of the current issue, readers' reviews. The column "Dialogue about the book" has been opened, which will contain materials from round tables of the journal "Russian History". The materials are available for online reading. Journal page on Facebook

      • Journal "Russian archeology"

        The journal "Russian Archeology" (until 1992 it was called "Soviet Archeology") was founded in 1957 and is the central periodical archaeological publication in Russia. Distributed in the Russian Federation, near and far abroad countries. The subject of the journal: ancient and medieval history and culture of mankind; study of the historical process by archaeological and natural science methods. Chief editor: d.h.s. Belyaev Leonid Andreevich. Posted on the website of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Contains a full-text archive of collections and issues of the journal from 1936 to 1992. in pdf format. Issues of the journal since 2005 are presented in the table of contents.

      • Ethnographic Review

        Chief editor: d.h.s. Sokolovsky Sergey Valerievich. The site of one of the oldest Russian academic journals dedicated to research in the field of the sciences of peoples. Founded in 1926 (From 1926 to 1929 it was published under the name "Ethnography"; from 1930 to 1991 - under the name "Soviet Ethnography".) The founder of the journal is the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. N.N.Miklukho-Maclay. The journal is published under the direction of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published and distributed by the Nauka publishing house. The journal publishes articles on ethnography, ethnology, anthropology and culture of the peoples of the world, reviews, opinions, reports on scientific life. Included in the list recommended by the HAC.

        The site contains the table of contents of the current issue, "Ethnographic Review Online" (EO-Online)- a section of the journal "Ethnographic Review", published exclusively on the website of the journal. The section contains articles, reviews, as well as scientific materials, access to which, in the opinion of the editorial board, is important to ensure the widest possible range of researchers (bibliographic information, reports on scientific events, etc.).

      • Electronic scientific and educational journal "History"

        It is a periodical publication of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal's website presents the table of contents of the archive and current issues and abstracts of articles, as well as information about their authors. Full-text versions of materials are available in limited access mode - only for subscribers.

      • Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice

        Gramota Publishing House and the Department of History and Philosophy of the Tambov State Technical University invite you to cooperate with the journal "Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice" (included in the list of VAK, No. Feb. 2011). On the site you can find the conditions of publication, rules of registration, archive.

      • The series "History" publishes scientific articles by teachers of the Faculty of History of TSU, scientists from scientific institutions and teachers of universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities in Russia and abroad (Bulgaria). The materials published in the journal cover a wide range of problems of modern historical science.

        Included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published.

      • Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities

        It is a scientific periodical of the Russian State University for the Humanities and continues the publication of the same name of the Russian State Humanitarian University, founded in 1996. The Vestnik series correspond to the main directions scientific activity university: historical sciences; documentary, document science, archiving, etc. Among the authors of the collection are teachers and employees of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of dissertation research in all specialties.

      • Motherland

        The only popular science historical illustrated magazine in Russia. It continues the traditions of the pre-revolutionary publication of the same name, founded in 1879. In our time, the publication of the magazine has been resumed since January 1989. The founders of the publication are the Government of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

        Its authors are well-known historians, ethnographers, archaeologists, writers, publicists. As appendices to Rodina, the magazine Istochnik is published, in which archival documents from the former secret vaults of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the KGB, the Presidential Archive are printed for the first time, as well as the Bulletin of Current Forecasts Russia. The Third Millennium, on the pages of which the most important changes in economic, political and spiritual life of the country.

        Included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission.

      • Teaching history at school

        Modern scientific-theoretical and methodical journal with rich traditions. It has been published since 1916 and is the country's oldest publication for teachers of history and social studies. The purpose of the magazine is to help the teacher in his work, introducing the latest reforms in the educational field, fresh methodological developments, results of new scientific research. On the pages of the magazine you will find answers to questions that concern us all: how to prepare for the exam? What is the best way to use computer technology in the classroom? Which textbook is best? How to improve productivity in the face of constant time pressure? - and many others, no less relevant!

        The journal is included in the List of leading periodicals of the VAK.

      • New historical bulletin

        The journal "New Historical Bulletin" was founded at the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, most of the members of the editorial board are its professors and associate professors. The main requirements for articles, dictated by the 80-year traditions of the Historical and Archival Institute: the scientific novelty of the subject of research, the originality of the research problem and the applied research methods, the use of archival documents not previously introduced into scientific circulation, the scientific significance of the conclusions.

      • East (Oriens)

        The journal "Vostok (Oriens)" is the only oriental academic edition of the interdisciplinary profile in the post-Soviet space. It has been published since 1955 (until 1991 it was published under the titles: "Soviet Oriental Studies", "Problems of Oriental Studies", "Peoples of Asia and Africa").

        Its pages cover the problems of history, economics, sociology, politics and cultural studies of Afro-Asian societies. Materials of Russian and foreign authors are published (articles, reports, translations of cultural and historical monuments, essays, memoirs of Orientalists, information about the work of scientific congresses, conferences, symposiums and seminars, the activities of scientific centers, thematic literature reviews, reviews, bibliographic collections, etc. .) in Russian (or English). Each issue contains summaries of the main articles in English. The journal is intended for researchers, graduate students and students of humanitarian faculties and higher educational institutions of the humanities profile. Publication frequency - 6 issues per year.

      • Journal "Domestic Archives"

        Section of the journal "Domestic Archives" on the site "Archives of Russia". The journal publishes articles on the history, theory, practice of archiving and office work, reviews of publications of archival documents and reference books, texts of previously unpublished archival documents with an introductory article and comments (diaries and memoirs).

      • Herald of the archivist

        The site of the Russian historical and archival journal "Bulletin of the Archivist". The journal publishes scientific articles in the following scientific areas: documentary, document science, archival science - 05.25.02; historiography, source studies and methods of historical research - 07.00.09; national history - 07.00.02; general history - 07.00.03.

      • Ancient States of Eastern Europe

        The site of the collection "Ancient States of Eastern Europe" and the Center "Eastern Europe in the Ancient and Medieval World" (IVI RAS), which is the successor of the Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.T. Pashuto Sector of the History of the Most Ancient States on the Territory of the USSR of the Institute of History of the USSR.

      • Our heritage. Historical and cultural journal

        Materials on the history of Russian culture: texts about Russian culture, illustrations about culture, articles, scientific comments and much more. All the richness and diversity of the world historical and cultural heritage is on the pages of the online version of the Our Heritage magazine.

      • Slavic studies

        The journal (until 1992 - "Soviet Slavic Studies") has been published since January 1965 six times a year, the volume of the issue is about 12 pp. Currently, the circulation is about 600 copies. The only Slavic journal in the country publishes problematic and thematic articles, materials of discussions, round tables, documents, critical reviews, bibliography, chronicle of scientific life, information about books published by the Institute, etc. The editor-in-chief is Mikhail Andreevich Robinson. The page contains mainly indexes of articles in issues by year.

      • Siberian zaimka. History of Siberia in scientific publications
      • Military-historical magazine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

        Actual problems of domestic and foreign military history; the military policy of the Russian state at all stages of its formation and development; problems of military construction; historical experience of ensuring national security; the history of the development of military science and technology; activities of outstanding Russian and Soviet generals and naval commanders.

      • Military Review

        The documentary section may be interesting.

      • Journal "Russian History"

        Aimed at helping young historians. For a novice scientist, the first published work is a powerful incentive to continue the research that has been started.

      • Archnadzor

        Periodical electronic publication dedicated to the identification, protection and restoration of historical and cultural monuments.

      • Electronic version of the journal "History"

        Magazine for teachers of history and social studies.

      • The journal "Russian History", aimed at assisting young historians, appears because there is a need for it, due to all the previous activities of the Moscow branch of the Russian Historical Society.
        Held annually All-Russian competition young historians on best job on Russian history "Heritage of ancestors - to the young", which shows the presence of little-known historians who are thoughtfully studying the past of their people.

      • "History in Detail"

        "History in Detail" is a popular science historical magazine for historians and anyone interested in history. Published since 2010. Published 12 times a year. On the pages of the magazine, well-known and little-known historical facts and events are covered in detail and detail. They are considered in the context of the era, the totality of phenomena and aspects of social life (economy, politics, culture, life, etc.).

      • "AVTOBUS" St. Petersburg children's historical magazine

        A magazine that is read with equal interest by adults and children, historians, art historians and anyone interested in the history of the city. Various issues of the magazine tell about the history of St. Petersburg, about the architects of past eras and those who are building new buildings in St. Petersburg today. Historians and art historians write articles for the magazine, give interviews to the directors of the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, leading artists and architects of the city.

      • Journal of national history "MATUSHKA"

        The magazine on national history "MATUSHKA" was created and is intended to organically take its place so far, unfortunately, the empty niche of a high-quality, and regular, modern educational publication for our children of primary school age, the magazine should become a kind of creative and very high-quality prologue to a very successful study of national history at school, and to form a correct idea of ​​the main very important universals of our national history.

      • Selection of the magazine "Kyiv Starina"

        A site with all issues of the magazine "Kyiv Starina" (from 1881 to 1907) with a breakdown by years, numbers and individual articles. Journals in PDF and DOC format.

      • Magazine "Monomakh" Ulyanovsk literary and local lore almanac
      • Several issues of the journal are presented in PDF format.

      • Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer"

        The page contains the full texts of the articles of all issues of the publication from 1990 to 2012. The articles are devoted to the development of historical informatics in Russia and abroad, scientific life, teaching new information technologies and mathematical methods at the historical faculties.

      • Russian Turkestan. History, people, manners
      • History of the border service of the FSB of Russia
      • Russian Historical Society
      • "History of the State"

        The site is dedicated to the history of Russia. Our main focus is on debunking the persistent myths that have developed around Russian history. In addition to the articles themselves, the site maintains a daily updated blog with short historical notes on various topics from Russian history. Also note that the site has a large collection of historical videos that can be watched online.

      • Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov"> Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov
      • Emelyan Pugachev

        A site about Yemelyan Pugachev and the uprising he led. Basically, popular and fiction literature is used.

      • Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny
      • Chapaev.ru
      • Soldier.ru
      • Heroes of the country

        Catalog of heroes of the USSR and Russia with their short biographies.

      • Stories about the military conflicts of the Russian Empire

        The site contains stories about the wars waged by Russian empire- starting with the Caucasian war, ending with the Russian-Japanese. Also on the site there are maps and battle plans.

      • Seven Years' War

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). It contains many maps, battle diagrams, descriptions of the military branches of all participating countries, uniforms of troops, biographies, documents.

      • World War I

        The site is dedicated to the First World War, the turning point of European civilization, which marked the end of the 19th century - the century of conservatism, enlightenment and stability, and the beginning of the 20th century - the century of great revolutions and world wars, mass terror and rapid technological development.

      • Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
      • Russian Warfare. XX century - Russia in the wars of the XX century

        In essence, the site is dedicated to antique military photography of the first half of the last century, those photographic documents that were made during conflicts involving the Russian Empire/USSR. The resource contains digitizations of ORIGINAL photographic documents (amateur photography, photo postcard, illustrations) from the Russo-Japanese War to the Second World War. The earliest exhibited photograph is dated October 1904, the latest 1947.

      • Navy of the USSR. World War II 1939-1945
      • Leningrad. Blockade. Feat

        Site on the history of the siege of Leningrad. Articles, library, biographies of defenders, posters.

      • Battle of Stalingrad

        Site about the Battle of Stalingrad. Chronicle, information bureau reports, front-line photographs, documents, maps, weapons, heroes and awards.

      • Aviation of World War II
      • Military Historical Society "Red Hill"
      • Border Troops of Russia

        The site is dedicated to the history of the Russian border troops. Contains a large number of documents.

      • Diplomats of the Russian Empire

        The site is dedicated to the life and work of Russian diplomats who defended the interests of Russia abroad for more than two hundred years of our history - from 1700 to 1917.

      • Russian culture
      • Project "Historical Materials"

        The Historical Materials project is dedicated to the history of our country and the history of democratic, liberation and revolutionary movements in the world (library, statistics).

      • Historical Internet portal "Moskovia"
      • Soviet Moscow

        Archive of photographs of Moscow in the Soviet period.

      • Moscow in stories

        The site contains the history of the streets and squares of the city of Moscow.

      • Association "History and Computer"

        The History and Computer Association was founded in 1992. On the site you can get acquainted with the life of the scientific community that is developing a new interdisciplinary direction - historical informatics.

      • Smart Moscow

        The page contains announcements of public lectures on history in Moscow.

      • Grumbling about history. Ab hoc at ab hac

        Ab hoc at ab hac literally translated from Latin means "About this, about this." According to this principle, topics for grumblers are chosen. When choosing plots, preference is given to key, interesting and simply entertaining moments in history. The sources used by the Author when writing his materials are in the vast majority of cases in a bookcase. The author hopes that the published essays and notes will be able to arouse interest in History even among those who consider it a dry science, consisting of a list of dates, events and historical figures. For lovers of History, these essays, as the Author hopes, can deliver a few pleasant minutes.