Economic activity of the Cossack troops presentation. Cossacks in the history of Russia. Such a camping life

There are several versions of the origin
Cossacks. According to the unofficial version (which
insists that the Cossacks are military
estate within Russia, which is not in accordance with
Cossacks, considering their roots more ancient and that
has been a source of controversy for centuries
the line is considered the original homeland of the Cossacks
Russian fortified cities bordering the steppe,
going from the middle Volga to Ryazan and Tula, then abruptly
breaking to the south and resting on the Dnieper along
line of Putivl and Pereyaslav.

Cossacks were people's self-defense aimed
to protect the civilian population from constant raids
armed gangs of Tatar origin. This
people who constantly encounter in the steppe with
Tatar soldiers and was assigned the Turkic
the name of the Cossacks, then spread to
free people in northern Russia. ancient
the news about the Cossacks speaks of the Ryazan Cossacks,
who rendered their city a service in a collision with
Tatars in 1444. In the 16th century, city Cossacks, and before
in total, Ryazan began to settle as military-commercial
artels in the open steppe, in the region of the upper Don.
(V. O. Klyuchevsky, “Course of Russian History”

The Cossacks also owe their
the emergence of an existing
time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke
"living tribute", that is, people
which Russian principalities
supplied to the horde for replenishment
Mongolian troops. And the very word
Cossack has Turkic
origin meaning
light cavalry. Mongols loyal
related to the preservation
subjects of their religions, including
number and the people who were part of them
military units.

After the collapse of the unified Mongolian
states remaining and settled on it
the territory of the Cossacks retained the military
organization, but at the same time turned out to be in full
independence and from the fragments of the former empire,
and from Moscow appeared in Russia
kingdoms. The runaway peasants only replenished,
but were not the root of the emergence of troops. themselves
Cossacks have always considered themselves a separate people
and did not recognize themselves as runaway men

In the Moscow state of the XVI and XVII centuries. Cossacks
were part of the guard and stanitsa
services that guarded the border areas from
devastating raids of the Crimean Tatars and Nogays.

Cossack communities ("troops")
began to form and
territory of the Moscow
16th and 17th century kingdoms from the composition
guard and stanitsa services,
that guarded the border
territories from devastating
raids of the Crimean Tatars and
Nogaev. However, the oldest
all Cossack formations
the official version is considered
Zaporozhian Sich, founded
in the second half of the 16th century
territory of present-day Ukraine.

Part of the Cossacks went beyond the Danube, into the territory,
then belonging to Turkey, and founded
Transdanubian Sich, part retained Cossack status,
but was relocated to the Kuban, as a result of which
the Kuban Cossack army arose.

Cossack troops took an active part in
development of the Caucasus, Siberia (expedition of Yermak) and
Far East. In 1645 the Siberian Cossack Vasily
Poyarkov sailed along the Amur, went to Okhotsk
sea, discovered Northern Sakhalin and returned to

In 1648, the Siberian Cossack Semyon Dezhnev sailed from
the Arctic Ocean (the mouth of the Kolyma) to the Pacific (the mouth
Anadyr) and opened the strait between Asia and
In 1697-1699 the Siberian Cossack Vladimir
Vasilyevich Atlasov (1661-1711) researched

The Cossacks for centuries was
universal branch of the armed forces. About the Cossacks
they were said to be born in the saddle. At all times
they were considered excellent riders, not
who knew their equals in the art of horse riding.
Military experts evaluated the Cossack cavalry as
the best light cavalry in the world. military glory
Cossacks fortified on the battlefields in the North and
Seven Years' War, during the Italian and
Swiss campaigns of A. V. Suvorov 1799.

The Cossack regiments were especially distinguished in
Napoleonic era. Led by
legendary ataman M. I. Platov
irregular army became one of the main
perpetrators of the death of the Napoleonic army in
Russia in the campaign of 1812, and after foreign
campaigns of the Russian army, according to General A.
P. Ermolova, “the Cossacks became a surprise
Europe". Not without Cossack sabers
one Russo-Turkish war of the 18th and 19th centuries

“For this, a Cossack will be born, so that the king in the service
come in handy, ”says an old Cossack
proverb. His service under the law of 1875
lasted 20 years, starting at the age of 18
age: 3 years in the preparatory category, 4
in active service, 8 years on exemption and 5 in
stock. Everyone came to the service with his
uniforms, equipment, cold
weapons and horses. for preparation and
carrying military service answered the Cossack

. The main owner of the land was
state, which on behalf of the emperor
took away the Cossack army conquered by their blood
ancestral land as a collective
(communal) property. Received land
the army, leaving a part for the military reserve, divided
between villages

. In the 19th century, the main economic activity
the Cossacks became agriculture, although in different
troops had their own characteristics and
preferences, for example, intensive development
fishing as the main industry in the Urals, and
also in the Don and Ussuri Troops, hunting in
Siberian, winemaking and horticulture in the Caucasus,
Don, etc.

Cossacks often acted
against the central government
(Notable is their role in
Russian Time of Troubles, in uprisings
Razin and Pugachev, which arose
due to permanent
curtailment by the state of rights and
freedoms of the Cossacks, violation
foundations and traditions), but with
XXI century to Oktyabrskaya
revolutions they are basically
acted as a protector
Russian statehood
and pillars of royal power.

After the revolution, the Cossack troops were
disbanded as they are for the most part
took the side of the white movement. In the years
civil war, the Cossack population was subjected to
mass repression.

During World War II, as part of the Red
Armies fought 4th Guards Kuban
Cossack Cavalry Corps, 5th Guards
Don Cossack Cavalry Corps,
Cossacks as part of the Red Army, horse-mechanized groups, plastun divisions,
Cossack hundreds and detachments of militias.

August 2, 1942 near the village of Kushchevskaya 17-
th cavalry corps of General N. Ya.
Kirichenko as part of the 12th Terek-Kuban, 13th Kuban and 116th Don Cossack divisions
stopped the offensive of large Wehrmacht forces,
advancing from Rostov to Krasnodar.
The Cossacks destroyed up to 1800 soldiers and
officers, 300 people were taken prisoner, captured
18 guns and 25 mortars.

Since 1943, there has been an unification
Cossack cavalry divisions and
tank units, in connection with which
horse-mechanized groups were formed. Horses
used to a greater extent
to organize a fast
movement, in battle the Cossacks were
employed as infantry. From
Kuban and Terek Cossacks as well
plastunskie were formed
divisions. From among the Cossacks, 262
cavalrymen received the title of Hero
Soviet Union, 7 cavalry corps and 17
cavalry divisions received guards

Since 1989, attempts have been made to revive the Cossacks

In 1996-1998. in the state register were
10 military, 3 district, 4 separate
Cossack societies, including: Volga,
Siberian, Irkutsk, Trans-Baikal, Tersk,
Ussuri, Yenisei, Orenburg,
Kuban military Cossack societies, as well as
Cossack society "Great Don Army".

On July 3, 2008, the President of the Russian Federation adopted the "Concept of State Policy towards the Russian Cossacks"

According to the concept,
"Cossacks actively
contribute to the solution
values ​​based on
interests of the population and
considering historical
and local traditions.


"Who are they Cossacks?

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Verbina

Don, Don land, Don Cossacks...

You say these words, and before your mind's eye the feather grass steppes, the Don Father, the glorious images of Ermak and Platov, Razin and Bulavin, Minaev and Krasnoshchekov and Ilovaisky, Sukhorukov and Kryukov, Sholokhov and Chekhov and hundreds, thousands of images of other Donets, whose deeds glorified Don and Russia.

How many honors were paid to them, how much blasphemy poured out on them! Everything has passed, centuries have flown by like moments, time has gone like sand, but the memory of descendants remains, inextinguishable and indestructible, despite the efforts of the enemies of the Cossacks. .

“... Love everything that from an early age you absorbed into the blood and flesh of the free steppes of your Motherland.” Commandments of the Don Cossacks

The upbringing of a citizen and patriot who knows and loves his homeland - task is especially relevant today . It cannot be successfully solved without a deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of one's people, the development of folk culture.

Cossack traditions and customs had one basisten commandments of christ

  • Don't kill
  • Don't steal
  • Don't commit adultery
  • Work according to your conscience
  • Do not envy your neighbor and forgive offenders
  • Take care of your children and parents
  • Treasure girlish chastity and female honor
  • Help the poor, do not offend orphans and widows
  • Do not offend orphans and widows
  • Defend your Fatherland from enemies.

Cossack symbols

Coat of arms of the Great Don Army

Flag of the Great Don Army

Bunchuk - a symbol of Cossack power

Mace - a sign of ataman power

In ancient times, people from all over Russia fled to our region from a hard life. They settled along the banks of the rivers of our region.

Don is our Father

Why did people settle and build their dwellings along the banks of the rivers?

Because where there is water, there is life.

The character of the Cossack

In the character of an ordinary Cossack, as a nationality, there was complacency, kindness, generosity, hospitality. At the same time, there was cruelty and ruthlessness towards the enemy. This gave rise to some duality of character and its differences. The Cossack, as a rule, was cheerful, playful and funny, but, unexpectedly, fell into depression, where he became silent and inaccessible. This can be explained by the nature of his life and service. And the Cossack's life was accompanied by constant risk, constant proximity to death. The fallen joy of life and health added to his mood, which stopped from mentioning or remembering the elements of his service and the dangers of fate.

During the performance of the anthem of the Don Army or the anthem of Russia, the Cossacks were required to take off their hats, which was required by the charter.

The Cossacks greeted each other, at a meeting, by raising their headgear and shaking hands.

When a Cossack approached a group of other Cossacks, it was customary to take off his hat, bow and inquire about health: “Great, Cossacks!”, “It was great, Cossacks!” or “Hey bulls, Cossacks!”. To which he received the answer: “Thank God!”. In the ranks, at reviews, parades, the Cossacks answered, according to the military regulations: “I wish you good health, sir ...!”.

"Cossack family - no translation"

Cossack hard lot,

The Cossack is only under the jurisdiction of God,

Through the years sweeps the field:

"We were, we are and we will be!"

Cossack - a free man, brave warrior. The main Cossack commandment - "Love Russia, for it is yours mat b"

Cossack brave, courageous, brave warrior: fought on

horse with rifle

over the shoulder and

saber in hand.

Every Cossack

had a personal

weapons - saber and

riding horse .

courage, bravery,

strength, agility

brought up in

Cossacks since childhood.

Cossacks - a reliable force

Homeland in everything. time

We are direct descendants of the cultural heritage of our ancestors. It is up to us to preserve this vast material.

Therefore, we must not only carefully preserve these traditions, but use them in our family traditions: sing grandfather's songs, dance folk dances, know our history, holidays and rituals well, be proud of our Cossack roots.

Feast of the Intercession

in the "Sunshine" group

We are not simple Cossacks,

Please remember that you.

All Cossacks, oh Don,

In the group "Sunshine" we have .

I will be a brave Cossack,

Wear a saber on a belt,

I won't forget my mother

I will serve my country.

Give me a Don horse,

I will jump across the steppe.

Remove our song

I will drink like the Cossacks.

Who does not know our group?

Guys here are great!

They all ask for an addition of porridge,

Cossacks are daring.

Free wind, steppe without edge,

Smoke to the sky by the fire.

Such a camping life

Don Cossack.

Three Spas on the Don

Look at our Cossacks, they dressed up, put on airs.

Look how daring, smart and young they are.

Take a walk in the village

The Cossacks came out.

Have fun from the heart

Guys and girls.

Disperse, honest people

No dust, track!

Good fellows go

Walk a little.

Today Cossack festivities!

Let's play and sing!

Let's have dances and competitions!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

History and culture of the Don Cossacks He who does not respect the customs of his people, does not keep them in his heart, he dishonors not only his people, but, above all, does not respect himself, his family, his ancient ancestors

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The origin of the Don Cossacks The official founding date of the Don Cossacks is January 3, 1570. However, the Don Cossacks are much older than this date. Back in 1552, the first military campaign of the Don Cossacks on the Volga to the walls of Kazan under the command of Ataman Susar Fedorov was recorded. As a result, the grateful Ivan the Terrible granted the Cossacks a charter for the eternal possession of the Don with all its tributaries. Among the Don steppe fields And the Kuban feather grasses, Where the Kuban and the Don flow Cossacks have long lived. Proud and dashing people Deserved honor for themselves: Courage, courage, bravery On their shoulders.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The free steppes on the outskirts of the state, where the supervision of the authorities was weaker, became the habitat of the Cossacks. Cossacks (Cossacks) are a group of predominantly Eastern Slavs living in the southern steppes of Eastern Europe, Russia. The exact origin of the Cossacks is unknown; there are many theories. Kasogs, Kasakhs, Kasaks are an ancient Circassian people who inhabited the territory of the lower Kuban in the 10-14th centuries. Cossack - in Turkic "free". Runaways from the Horde, and later from Russian lands, became Cossacks. They fled from the tax, from duties, for "freedom".

4 slide

Description of the slide:

On the Don, the Cossacks settled on the islands so that the enemies could not attack them unnoticed. Such settlements were called Cossack towns. For housing inside the town, the Cossacks first built dugouts, and then houses made of wood and stone. For their settlements, the Cossacks chose the best strategic places, using natural barriers - river capes, islands, steep banks and protected by ravines and swamps. Later, the towns began to be called villages.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

At first, only men settled in the Cossack towns. defensive ramparts and ditches, inside of which dugout kurens were located. The fortified settlements-stanitsa were surrounded by a palisade, the Cossacks were engaged in fishing, bred horses, and organized predatory raids on their neighbors. The robber life of a Cossack, who knew neither labor, nor dependence and taxes, was free and full of risk. The Cossacks were free people who did not know serfdom. This undoubtedly influenced the character of the Cossack, made him an independent person, able to defend his rights and fight for them.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

All issues of Cossack life were decided at a general gathering - a Cossack circle. Atamans and foremen were also chosen there. The Cossacks received part of their income from military booty, and part of it was state salaries. The economic life included hunting, fishing, farming and cattle breeding. There was no equality on the Don: the Cossacks were divided into thrifty (prosperous) and slanderous (poor). The homely owned the best pastures and vast herds, they got a large share of the booty and the royal salary. Especially a lot of home-grown people were on the Lower Don, while on the Upper Don, goiter predominated.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Weapons of the Cossacks The Cossack is a brave, courageous, brave warrior: he fought on horseback with a rifle over his shoulder and a saber in his hand. Each Cossack had a personal weapon - a saber, a saber, a pike, a riding horse. The pike has been the favorite weapon of the Don Cossacks for centuries. The Cossacks adhered to the principle “there is no extradition from the Don!”: a fugitive who reached the Don became a Cossack. A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun. The Cossack himself is starving, but he will feed the horse.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

By the nature of their service, the Cossacks were divided into city (regimental) and village Cossacks. The policemen included Cossacks who had not yet acquired a stable economy or who were serving in places remote from them. permanent place residence. "Until such a time as to continue it in the forces." Stanitsa Cossacks served in their places of residence, at border posts and outposts. The Cossacks were enrolled in the service from the age of 16 and carried it

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Nizhnedonskaya Cossack Woman Upper Don Cossack Cossacks have always had a special attitude towards women. She was the guardian of the family hearth and traditions. The Cossack woman was waiting for her husband to go home. AT extreme conditions frontier life forged a special type of woman - the Cossack.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The Cossack woman knew how to adequately stand up with a weapon in her hands to protect her children, the hut and the village. A mixture of Eastern and Slavic blood, a special free way of life in serf Russia turned the Cossacks into extraordinary women. She sacredly performed the duties of both the mistress and mother in the family, setting an example for the children of high morality and obedience to her husband. To the honor of the female Cossack housewives should be attributed their concern for the cleanliness of their homes and neatness in clothes. At the same time, she did not lose the features inherent in the weaker sex: femininity and cordiality, coquetry and love for outfits.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

On long winter evenings, the hostess spun yarn, so the spinning wheel is an integral part of the bedroom. The walls of the bedroom were decorated with photographs, there were flowers on the windows. The main room, the hall, is always ready to receive guests. Here stood the best furniture and the best dishes. In the front corner of this room there was a goddess, which had several icons in rich silver frames.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Cossack families A large family was considered to consist of 13 people: father, mother, father's parents, two adult sons and seven young children. The average family consisted of 6 to 9 souls, and the small family consisted of 4 people. The head of the family, of course, was the father. He was engaged in all economic affairs: he was in charge of all the work related to the land, with agricultural implements, and caring for domestic animals. He took part in the social and political life of the village: he participated in the Cossack Circles, gatherings. All housework fell on the shoulders of the mother. Everything that was connected with the nutrition of the family was under her vigilant control: observance of fasts, a festive table, an everyday table, taking care of linen and repairing clothes.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

From the age of five, the boys worked with their parents in the field: they drove oxen to plow, graze sheep and other livestock. The boys grew up bold, dexterous, hardy. They have been preparing for military service. Family upbringing At the age of 4, the girl was taught to pick fruits and feed poultry. At the age of 5, she acquired needlework skills: sewing, knitting. At the age of 7, she worked in the garden and garden on her own, cleaned the courtyard, because. cleanliness must be perfect. From the age of 8, the Cossack child learned to wield a whip. From the age of 12, a Cossack girl was taught to use military weapons - a saber (dagger) and the ability to ride horses. The girl was raised by her grandmother (son at work, daughter-in-law at work). Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults, humility, obedience, respect for elders - all these components of the moral life circle provided a strong family in the future.

slide 2

The Cossacks (Cossacks) are a predominantly Eastern Slavic group living in the southern steppes of Eastern Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

slide 3

The exact origin of the Cossacks is unknown; there are many theories. Kasogs, Kasakhs, Kasaks are an ancient Circassian people who inhabited the territory of the lower Kuban in the 10-14th centuries.

slide 4

By the end of the 14th century, two large groups of Cossacks had formed, living in the lower reaches of the Don and Dnieper.

slide 5

They were joined by a noticeable number of East Slavic settlers from the neighboring Moscow and Lithuanian principalities to the north. By the beginning of the 16th century, both groups had grown into large free troops.

slide 6

The Don Cossacks, in alliance with the Russian kingdom, settled the lower reaches of the Volga, Yaik and Terek, as well as vast territories in Siberia, and became the basis of new troops.

Slide 7

The Dnieper Cossacks formed the Zaporozhian Sich.

Slide 8

In Siberia, the Cossacks appeared at the end of the 16th century as part of the garrisons of the first Russian prisons - Tobolsk, Berezov, Pelym, Surgut.

Slide 9

In the first half of the 17th century, Cossack parties reached the Yenisei and began to conduct reconnaissance along its tributaries, making their way to Chulym, Angara, Abakan, Turukhan.

Slide 10

On their way, they laid new fortified points, winter huts and prisons: Mangazeya (1607), Yeniseisk (1619), Achinsk (1621), Krasnoyarsk and Kansk (both from 1628).

slide 11

In the 17th century, the Cossacks were the main and only force in the garrisons of Siberian cities, fortresses and prisons; were the main link providing public administration edge.

slide 12

By the nature of their service, the Cossacks were divided into city (regimental) and village Cossacks.

slide 13

The policemen included Cossacks who had not yet acquired a stable economy or who were serving in places remote from their permanent place of residence.

Slide 14

Stanitsa Cossacks served in their places of residence, at border posts and outposts. The Cossacks were enrolled in the service from the age of 16 and carried it "until the time it was possible to continue it."

slide 15

A circle official duties Cossacks was not strictly regulated.

slide 16

In the 17th century, military functions were the main ones - the seizure of new Siberian lands, bringing local tribes into Russian citizenship and collecting yasak from them.

Slide 17

In the first periods of settlement of new territories, single and small families prevailed among the Cossacks. In conditions of constant military danger, only small form families able to feed all their members.

Slide 18

The features of the life of the Cossacks-first settlers and the conditions in which the region was settled were reflected in the form of their settlements.

Slide 19

At first, these were fortified village settlements, surrounded by a palisade, defensive ramparts and ditches, inside of which there were dugout kurens.

Slide 20

For their settlements, the Cossacks chose the best strategic places, using natural barriers - river capes, islands, steep banks and protected by ravines and swamps.

slide 21

The Cossacks received part of their income from military booty, and part of it was state salaries. The economic life included hunting, fishing, farming and cattle breeding.

slide 22

The Cossacks mastered and cultivated the vast expanses of the Don, Kuban, Terek and the Urals.

slide 23

To a large extent this was done by women. In the extreme conditions of frontier life, a special type of woman was forged - the Cossack.

slide 1

The emergence of the Don Cossacks

slide 2

May 12, 1570 is considered the founding date of the Don Cossacks
Of course, the Cossacks existed before this day - for the first time, the Cossacks are mentioned in the annals under 1444 in materials about the Battle of Kulikovo. Down the Don from the borders Russian Empire the lands were not inhabited by anyone, but they were fertile, the steppes were plentiful with animals, and the reservoirs were full of fish. It was there that the Cossacks began to move, who from the beginning of the 16th century began to be called Don Cossacks.

slide 3

The village of Razdorskaya is considered the first Don village.
It is the date of its occurrence that is considered the starting point in the history of the Don Cossacks - the history of continuous struggle in the steppe expanses of the southern borders of the Russian state. According to the figurative expression of Leo Tolstoy - "The border gave birth to the Cossacks, and the Cossacks created Russia."

slide 4

The Don Cossacks occupied the territory of modern Rostov, as well as parts of the Volgograd, Voronezh, Lugansk regions and Kalmykia. The Don Cossacks were the most numerous among the groups of Russian Cossacks. During the wars, the Cossacks chose a marching ataman with unlimited power. The army was divided into hundreds and fifty, led by centurions, Pentecostals and cornets.

slide 5

From the 17th century, the Russian government used the Don Cossacks not only to protect the southern borders, but also in wars with Turkey and Poland. For service, salaries were given in money, gunpowder, lead, cloth and bread.

slide 6

In 1637, the Don Cossacks captured Azov from the Turks and, having withstood a three and a half month siege, held it until 1642. The Don Cossack army also participated in the Azov campaigns (1695-1696).