Literary monuments of ancient Russia presentation. Presentation - Old Russian literature. The origins of Old Russian literature

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The origins of Old Russian literature Chronicler Nestor The Tale of Bygone Years Contents:

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Origins of Old Russian Literature Parchment is a specially processed skin of lambs. Birch bark - a light layer of birch bark Manuscripts scrolls separate sheets CHARTER - SEMI-STATE - HORSE WORK Oral folk art - ACCEPTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY - sermons, lives, teachings

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HISTORICAL PERIODS OF THE LITERATURE OF ANCIENT RUSSIA: Literature of Kievan Rus: XI-XIII centuries Literature of the period of the Horde yoke and the struggle against the Mongol-Tatar invaders, the beginning of the formation of the Russian state: XIII-XV centuries prince, and then the sovereign of all Russia): the end of the XV-XVI century Literature of the XVII century: there is a process of transformation of medieval literature into the literature of the new time. 17th century - literature ended Ancient Russia as a special phenomenon of Russian and world culture.

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Chronicler Nestor Lived in the second half of the 11th century - the beginning of the 12th century. CHRONICLE Description of the events of Russian history by years (years) What happened this year What the descendants of NESTOR - a monk (monk) of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery should know and remember, CHRONICLE

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The Beginning of Russian Literature The Baptism of Russia In 988, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kyiv decided to be baptized by the Church of Constantinople. After that, during the reign of the Emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII Porphyrogenic, the clergy baptized the people of Kyiv in the waters of the Dnieper and Pochaina. According to the tradition of the Russian Church, this happened on August 1, although there is no reliable information about it. According to the Russian chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years, the prince offered the following prayer during the baptism of his people: Prince Vladimir the Red Sun

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The adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir largely determined the spiritual and political development of Russia for many centuries to come, contributed to the spread of writing, the development of architecture and painting in its medieval forms, the penetration Byzantine culture. K. Lebedev "The Baptism of the people of Kiev" Great God, who created heaven and earth! Look at this new people and give them, Lord, take you away, the true God, as if you have taken you away the Christian countries, and establish in them the faith of the right and incorruptible, and help me, Lord, on the opposite enemy, but relying on You and Your power I will overcome his wiles!

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Old Russian literature

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev 1906-1999 "Ancient Russian literature fills us with pride for our distant predecessors, teaches us to respect their work, struggle, their concern for the good of the motherland"

The interior of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv

The Church was a microcosm for the man of Ancient Russia, and at the same time she was a macroman

Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich 956 (?) - 1015 Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv

Perun Christians and pagans The overthrow of the idol of Perun

In 988 Russia accepts Christianity

Russia in the time of Vladimir

Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet Cyrillic

Psalter This is what the first books looked like

Chronicle writing began in Russia in the 11th century. fourteen

Basic terms: 15 Chronicler - the compiler of the annals. Chronicle - writing a chronicle. A chronicle is a weather record of historical events produced by a contemporary.

Chronicles - weather (by "years" by "years") records. In the annals, learned monks reported on the events that took place in a given year "The Tale of Bygone Years" Nikon Nestor Chronicle

The message was usually used for journalistic purposes, that is, it was dedicated to some topical issues The first message of Andrei Kurbsky to Ivan the Terrible

Kiev-Pechersk Paterik Paterik - a collection of short stories about monks and lay people Paterik

The Mother of God Walking is a genre in which all kinds of travels to other lands or adventures were described.

Life - a description of the life of the holy Archpriest Avvakum Peter and Fevronia of Murom Sergius of Radonezh Life

Teaching is a genre that sets out the rules of life that the author wanted to convey to the reader: he taught him. Vladimir Monomakh 1053-1125 Teaching

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Origins of Old Russian Literature Chronicler Nestor The Tale of Bygone Years

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The origins of Old Russian literature

Parchment - specially processed skin of lambs. Birch bark - a light layer of birch bark Manuscripts scrolls separate sheets CHARTER - SEMI-STATE - HORSE WORK Oral folk art - ACCEPTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY - sermons, lives, teachings

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HISTORICAL PERIODS OF THE LITERATURE OF ANCIENT RUSSIA: Literature of Kievan Rus: XI-XIII centuries Literature of the period of the Horde yoke and the struggle against the Mongol-Tatar invaders, the beginning of the formation of the Russian state: XIII-XV centuries prince, and then the sovereign of all Russia): the end of the XV-XVI century Literature of the XVII century: there is a process of transformation of medieval literature into the literature of the new time. XVII century - the literature of Ancient Russia ended as a special phenomenon of Russian and world culture.

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Genre originality of Old Russian literature

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    He lived in the second half of the 11th century - the beginning of the 12th century. CHRONICLE Description of the events of Russian history by years (years) What happened this year What the descendants of NESTOR - a monk (monk) of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery should know and remember, CHRONICLE

    Slide 7

    The Beginning of Russian Literature

    Baptism of Russia In 988, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kiev decided to be baptized by the Church of Constantinople. After that, during the reign of the Emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII Porphyrogenic, the clergy baptized the people of Kyiv in the waters of the Dnieper and Pochaina. According to the tradition of the Russian Church, this happened on August 1, although there is no reliable information about it. According to the Russian chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years, the prince offered the following prayer during the baptism of his people: Prince Vladimir the Red Sun

    Slide 8

    The adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir largely determined the spiritual and political development of Russia for many centuries to come, contributed to the spread of writing, the development of architecture and painting in its medieval forms, and the penetration of Byzantine culture. K. Lebedev "The Baptism of the people of Kiev" Great God, who created heaven and earth! Take a look at this new people and give them, Lord, take you away, the true God, as if you have taken you away the Christian countries, and establish faith in them right and not corrupt, and help me, Lord, on the opposite enemy, but relying on You and Your power, I will overcome his tricks!

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years"

    “Behold the tales of temporary years, where did the Russian land come from, who in Kyiv began first before the princes ...” is a literary history of the Russian land from ancient times to the events of the beginning of the 12th century “The Miracle of George about the Serpent” Oleg prophetic Prince Igor and Princess Olga Prince Svyatoslav "The Tale of Belgorod Kissel" "The Tale of Nikita Kozhemyak" Author - Monk Nestor Compiled around 1113

    Slide 10

    Think and answer:

    How did books spread in Ancient Russia? What is a list? Manuscript? Do all works of ancient Russian literature have the names of authors? What do ancient Russian writers value most in a person? What is the humanism of ancient Russian literature?

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    Education and literature.
    Writing in Russia existed
    before the adoption of Christianity
    for example, the text of Oleg's contract with
    Greeks in 911 was written in
    Russian and Greek).
    By the time of the adoption of Christianity
    formed an alphabet. Adoption
    Christianity contributed
    development of writing


    On the broad development of writing
    testify inscribed handicraft
    products: women signed a spinning wheel,
    potters - clay vessels, shoemaker on
    blocks carved the names of their customers.
    More than 500 charters were found in Novgorod,
    Smolensk, Moscow, Polotsk, Pskov and
    other cities. Among the letters there are
    business documents, letters,

    Under Yaroslav the Wise, it was opened
    school in Kyiv, where more than
    300 children. Received his education
    daughter - Anna - one of the first
    literate women, which has become
    queen of France.
    From XI - XII centuries. 80 books have come down to us, 7
    of which have the exact date
    writing. The oldest of them is the Ostromir Gospel, it was
    rewritten in 1056-1057. for
    Novgorod posadnik Ostromir.

    At that time they wrote on parchment,
    on a specially designed
    calf skin. Text started
    write with a capital red splash letter. Unlike European
    countries where Latin was
    recognized as state, in Russia
    wrote in their native language.

    During this period was created
    a number of outstanding
    works. Among them:
    "The Tale of Bygone Years"
    "Teachings of Vladimir
    Monomakh", "Daniel's Prayer
    Sharpener" and others.

    During the feudal period
    fragmentation of the leading idea in
    literature was the idea of ​​unity
    Russian land. Descriptions
    princely strife, the idea
    a single strong grand-ducal
    authorities are full of "Pskov",
    Novgorodskaya, Ipatievskaya,
    "Lavrentievskaya" and other chronicles.
    A special place among the works
    this period is occupied by the "Word of
    Igor's regiment", the pride of our

    The Tale of the Temporal
    The earliest extant
    before us ancient Russian
    chronicles of the beginning of XII
    century. Was compiled in Kyiv.
    Dated part
    history of Kyiv
    Russia begins in 852,
    start of independent
    Byzantine rule
    Emperor Michael.

    Tale of Bygone Years

    The author of the chronicle is indicated
    in the Khlebnikov list as
    monk Nestor, XII century,
    Monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery.
    Although in earlier lists this name
    omitted, researchers XVIII-
    XIX centuries considered Nestor the first
    Russian chronicler, and "The Tale
    of temporary years" - the first Russian

    - one of the first
    Slavic alphabets.
    It is assumed that
    namely Glagolitic
    created the Slavonic
    illuminator st.
    (Kirill) philosophers for the record
    church texts
    in Slavic

    Birch bark and parchment
    Birch bark for writing
    distribution in Russia no later than
    first quarter of the 11th century.
    Birch was considered as
    non-prestigious material for writing,
    unsuitable for long-term storage;
    used for private
    correspondence and personal records, and more
    responsible letters and
    official documents were written
    on parchment.
    Only a few letters were kept
    relatively long: it's two
    large birch bark leaves
    with a recording of literary
    works, both found in the ground
    unfolded, as well as two
    birch books.

    Novgorod Psalter
    Ancient book of Russia.
    Consists of linden boards with
    four pages (tsers),
    covered with wax for writing with
    using a stylus.
    According to the statistics,
    wax code was used
    in the first quarter of the 11th century and
    possibly starting from
    the last years of the 10th century, so
    for several decades
    older than Ostromirovo
    gospel, considered
    the most ancient book in Russia
    with a fixed date
    writing 1056-1057

    Ostromir Gospel
    well preserved
    mid-11th century manuscript
    Russian monument
    extract of Old Church Slavonic.
    Written by deacon Gregory
    in 1056-1057
    For the Novgorod posadnik
    Ostromir, which is in the inscription
    books named "close"
    (relative) of the prince
    Izyaslav Yaroslavich. Manuscript
    is particularly interesting in that it
    end scribe detail
    told about the circumstances
    manufacture and time


    Old Russian (or Russian medieval, or ancient East Slavic) literature is a collection of written works written on the territory of Kievan and then Moscow Rus in the period from the 11th to the 17th centuries. Old Russian literature is the common ancient literature of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples. Features and genres of ancient Russian literature

    Academicians: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov. Leading Researchers of Old Russian Literature

    all works were of a religious or historical nature; in ancient Russian literature there was no concept of authorship, since the works either reflected real historical events, or were a presentation of Christian books. Features of Old Russian literature:

    works were created in accordance with etiquette, that is, according to certain rules; Old Russian literature developed very slowly: over seven centuries only a few dozen works were created. Features of Old Russian literature:

    CHRONICLE is a description of historical events by "years", that is, by years. Goes back to ancient Greek chronicles. Examples of works: "The Tale of Bygone Years", "Lavrenevskaya Chronicle", "Ipatiev Chronicle" Genres of Old Russian literature

    LIFE is the biography of a saint. Examples of works: "The Life of Theodosius of the Caves", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh" Genres of Old Russian literature

    INSTRUCTION is the spiritual testament of a father to his children. Examples of works: "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh" Genres of Old Russian literature

    WALKING is a description of travel. Examples of works: "Journey beyond three seas" Genres of ancient Russian literature

    WORD is a genre of church or secular eloquence. Examples of works: "The Word about Law and Grace", "The Word about the destruction of the Russian land" Genres of ancient Russian literature

    MILITARY STORY is a description of military campaigns and battles. Examples of works: "Zadonshchina", "The Legend of the Battle of Mamaev" Genres of Old Russian literature

    Written literature in the Old Russian language appeared in the 11th century, shortly after the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir. Its basis was originally made up of church books brought from Byzantium, and works of oral folk art. The emergence of ancient Russian literature:

    1. Kiev-Novgorod period (10-12 centuries) - the first chronicles were created, the first lives and religious books and historical chronicles were written. - the first actually Russian written work was created - “The Word about Law and Grace” Two periods are distinguished in the development of ancient Russian literature:

    sermon "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh" autobiographical work "On the ways and catches" chronicle "The Life of Theodosius of the Caves Works of ancient Russian literature of the 1st period

    The first part of the chronicle is a story about world history according to the Bible - from the creation of the world to the global flood and the distribution of land between the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japhet. Then Nestor tells about the settlement of the Slavic tribes, about their relations with neighboring tribes, about the foundation of Kyiv, about the emergence of the Russian land, state, about the first Novgorod and Kyiv princes.

    The literature of this period reflects the gradual revival of Russia, the unification of Russian lands. New genres emerge: the satirical story and the everyday story. The author's beginning intensifies, fiction appears in literature. The period of Muscovite Russia (13-17 centuries):

    military stories "Zadonshchina" and "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev" "The Life of Stephen of Perm" and "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh" autobiographical work "The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, written by himself" "Domostroy" - a set of instructions and rules of behavior in the family and society of a pious person. Works of Old Russian literature of the 2nd period

    "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (1187)

    The time of the central event described in the "Word ..." - Igor's campaign - refers to the period from April 23 to May 10, 1185. However, the author states in the introduction that his story will cover the times “from the old Vladimir to the present Igor”, that is, two centuries. Chronological framework of the work

    The unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor in the Polovtsian steppe was an occasion for the author to reflect on the fate of the Russian land and call on the Russian princes to unite. At the beginning of the campaign, Igor's army finds a solar eclipse, which was considered a bad sign in those days. Igor calls the warriors to courage. In the first battle, the Russians win, and in the second they suffer a crushing defeat, and Igor himself is captured. The author admires the courage of the prince; on the other hand, he condemns Igor for short-sightedness, since the defeat in the battle with the Polovtsy opened the way for new raids by the enemies. Plot

    Thank you for your attention Completed by a student of the 10th grade of the MBOU "Suleevskaya secondary school" Gayazova Ilyuza Nailevna