Current working professions. Types of professions. Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage design engineer

Every person, of course, needs a profession. From childhood, he begins to think about who he wants to become. Someone wants to be like dad or mom, someone relies on their own interests. But now it's time to make your choice. The professions of the whole world are open before you. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

Professions around the world. Where to stop?

So, in more detail. Professions around the world give everyone the opportunity to choose their own life path. Often, this is not so easy to do. After all, I want the profession to be in demand and highly paid. True, we should not forget that there is nothing eternal in this world. The labor market is constantly changing. Once prestigious professions become irrelevant. They are replaced by more ambitious specialties - like marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, etc. So what professions are the most in demand today? Let's try to figure it out.

genetic engineers

Describing the professions of the whole world, of course, it is impossible not to mention them. These people receive today about 98 thousand dollars a year. Constant population growth can lead to a serious problem - hunger on the planet. Even now in many underdeveloped countries there is a shortage of food. And the ability of the Earth to grow the right amount of food is not so great.

advertising managers

The rating of professions includes these guys in the top ten. The number of different services on the market and a variety of products is also growing very rapidly. Ways to promote them need the most original and bright. To date simple production a quality product is not enough. He needs a unique image positive image. The buyer should not want to buy it, but definitely do it. And so this specialty appeared.

IT specialists

The salary of some "IT people" is 100 thousand dollars a year. It's no secret that computer technology controls everything today. IT-specialists protect systems from hacking, develop software. In short, this specialty is our technological future.


Professions all over the world include this specialty in the first places in the ranking in terms of demand. It is lawyers who deal with the settlement of all kinds of legal conflicts. In today's world, without their intervention, not a single contract is drawn up, not a single document is signed, and not a single major deal is turned over.

Market Analysts

Let's look further at the rating of professions. Market analysts receive today about 112 thousand dollars a year. They help answer questions about whether it is worth releasing your product into circulation and when it is better to do it. Specialists collect necessary information, analyze, predict potential future sales, customer availability and business success.

The medicine

In the coming years - this is apparently in the field of medicine. For example, the demand for dental services is four times greater than the supply. New dental offices open regularly, but they still cannot completely fill this niche.

Anesthesiologists also earn a lot. This position is especially popular abroad. This is not just a doctor who chooses the dose of anesthesia during the operation. This is a professional who ensures the safety of the patient both during the operation and after its completion.

Surgeons receive about 350 thousand dollars a year. In addition to performing operations, their duties include a lot of "paperwork" and constant examinations of patients. Accordingly, such a high level of wages is well deserved.


Remember the nursery rhyme that "all professions are needed." Pilots are in demand today no less than doctors. Air transport is the fastest and most popular in the world. Therefore, the profession of a pilot is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But there are a lot of requirements for it: precise skills, training, psychological stress, responsibility for people's lives. Today, of course, unmanned aircraft are already appearing. However, they will not be able to completely displace living people for sure not soon.

Senior managers

The directory of working professions, as a rule, does not include such specialties. In fact, these positions are very much in demand. These include the president of the company, and CEO. In essence, they are one and the same. The top manager is the main figure in the functioning of the enterprise. He needs to make important decisions, choose the course of the company, be responsible for the final result of the work. This position requires a lot of responsibility, therefore it often leads a person to stressful conditions.

social professions

Next item. Social professions have a lot of advantages. They provide opportunities for a variety of interesting activity, broaden horizons, provide self-realization of the individual.

Social and humanitarian professions include: coach, psychologist, sociologist, Social worker, social educator, ethnographer, archaeologist, blogger, copywriter, media employee, political scientist, educator, teacher, recruiter, tour guide, graphic designer, PR specialist, linguist, translator, speech therapist, culturologist, museum worker, librarian. Social and economic specialties include: accountant, marketer, manager, economist.

Rare Professions

So, the positions in demand are considered. Now it is worth turning your attention to the most rare professions in the world. This group includes the position of a sign language interpreter. The professions of a stylist (a person who makes wigs, beards, eyelashes, sideburns, mustaches and braids to order), a machine operator at a match factory (osierator), a kavist (a specialist in alcoholic beverages offering a specific wine for a specific dish), teatester (tea taster), greenkeeper (specialist responsible for the condition of green lawns for football, baseball, rugby, golf, etc.), oenologist (specialist who selects grape varieties for making wine) and speechwriter (writer for politicians and businessmen ).

Rare male professions

And now more specifically. The rarest professions in the world among men are sometimes simply striking in their originality. Among them: a dergal (a specialist who collects seaweed for three months a year), an organ builder, a climbing equipment tester, an airplane washer, a monsterologist (a specialist in the study of monsters), a cow shearer, an observer at the work of strippers. The latter watch the girls dance for two months, take notes and receive a salary of 10 thousand dollars a month.

Rare female professions

Recently, the line between men and began to blur more and more. Nevertheless, there are such professions where meeting a woman is a rarity. For example, there is only one single female gondolier in the world. To master this profession, the Venetian had to undergo six months of training and pass exams.

Infrequently, you can also meet women truckers. However, such cases do occur. Women are driving huge trucks. At the same time, they build family life, raise children.

Women are also known to cope with the work of glassblowers no worse than men. Moreover, they can create masterpieces thanks to their subtle feminine taste.

The rarest profession in the world

The rarest profession in the world is considered to be the caretaker of a paradise island. It arose when a person was needed who could promote holidays on one of the Australian islands. One of the travel companies was looking for such a person. For six months, the man had to live in a villa on the island, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take pictures, play golf and blog. For six months spent on Hamilton Island, the happy owner of this profession was able to earn 110 thousand dollars.

Summing up, it is worth saying: "To each his own!". Do not forget about the above quote - "All professions are needed!".


Demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages, forms the specifics of the market. There are many professions that pay well in most countries of the world. There are such professions in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are a lot of specialties, having mastered which you can make a good profit. Highly paid job in Russia:

  1. High level leader. This is the most highly paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Executives in the banking sector receive more. The work involves maximum employment, you will have to work 14-15 hours a day. The salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Manager internal communications. This specialty involves the organization of the work of employees of the company. You can get for this from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary - from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​is required, world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft. This direction is in the lead among demanded.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have an enormous responsibility. Upper bar - 350 thousand rubles
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 tr.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in high demand. On the entry level salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and Purchasing Managers. The salary is influenced by the region, business area, corporate policy and other factors. Average level payment - 45 tr.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive experience and recommendations receives 100–200 thousand rubles.
  9. Logistician. Average pay- 45 thousand rubles. It is not theoretical knowledge that is important here, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

Popular opinion that a woman is hard to find high paying job, erroneously. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist - 100–300 thousand rubles
  2. Advertising manager. Girls are successful in this area. Having settled down as an advertising manager and having proved yourself at first, you can receive up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Specialties in the beauty industry. There are many professions in this area, each can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the skill level of the girl, the range of services provided, and the degree of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 thousand rubles
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. Additional bonus- Frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid specialties. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This work is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Sphere of construction. Most of the professions in this category are male. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered to be in demand and highly paid. SMM-specialists are engaged in promotion in social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

Sadly, in our country, doctors do not earn too much. List of profitable medical positions:

Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some jobs do not even require higher education. To get a good salary, you need to diligently perform duties and develop. You can become an employee of a large company, a small team, or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and demanded working specialties:

IT industry specialists

The pay in this area is good. Highest paid IT specialties:


Software Engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst

Analyst programmer

Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The wages in this area are decent. Profitable jobs:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Simple or directional drilling engineer




Machine gunner and surveyor

Desalination and dehydration plant operator and technologist


For the humanities

To make good money, it is not necessary to have a technical mindset. There are many liberal arts majors that bring good income. Well paid are:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To be a good brand manager, you need to be creative. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette Specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person who gives private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also belongs to the category of humanitarian, there is no upper limit.

Veterinary, work with animals

Pet Protection Agent - Inspector of the Special Rescue Service. Its mission is to stop cases of cruelty to animals.

An aquarist is a specialist in the creation and maintenance of closed ecosystems in artificial pools.

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals.

A veterinary assistant, as in “big medicine”, is a specialist with a secondary medical education who has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

A groomer is a specialist in grooming pets (usually dogs and cats).

A trainer is an artist who trains animals to perform in front of an audience.

A zoopsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in the behavior of animals.

Cynologist - a specialist in the education and breeding of dogs. It can work with most different breeds, because next to a person live bull terriers that cause awe, and calm Labradors, and nervous tiny dogs, which are considered to be couch dogs.

A taxidermist (from the Greek derma - skin, skin and taxis - cooking, processing) is a specialist in the manufacture of stuffed animals and birds (stuffed animal).


A felinologist is a specialist in domestic cats.

In the jewelry business, the gemologist is the number one figure. A professional gemologist can easily determine the type of gemstone and its origin, distinguish synthetic analogues and imitations of gemstones from natural gemstones.

A surveyor is a specialist in compiling terrain maps, making calculations necessary to describe the terrain.

A geologist is a specialist in the study of the composition and structure of rocks for the purpose of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits. The profession of a geologist closely combines the solution of production problems and the development of theoretical problems, the study of natural objects and patterns, and the assessment of the possibilities of their practical use.

A petroleum geologist is a specialist in the exploration of oil and gas fields, the most important energy sources of modern civilization.

A geophysicist investigates the origin, evolution, structure, properties of the Earth and the processes occurring in it and its shells.

Geochemist - a specialist in geochemistry, geochemical methods of search, with knowledge in the field of regional geochemistry, geochemistry of elements and their isotopes. He owns methods of experimental and theoretical modeling of natural processes, methods of instrumental analysis of the chemical composition of natural objects, determination of the absolute age of minerals and rocks.

Hydrogeologists are engaged in the search for groundwater and their study. At present, when surface water sources are polluted, the problem of quality becomes relevant. drinking water. So the profession of hydrogeologist is in demand more than ever.

A geological engineer is engaged in engineering and geological surveys in construction, during the reconstruction of buildings and structures and is responsible for the stability of buildings. At present, when the construction of buildings and structures is in full swing, this profession is especially important and in high demand.

The work of a cadastral engineer is primarily associated with land surveying, that is, with determining the coordinates of the boundaries of land ownership, the implementation of land survey plans and the preparation of all required documents for state registration of property.

A cartographer is a specialist in the preparation of paper and electronic maps.

A mine surveyor is a specialist in geodetic measurements and marking in the exploration of mineral deposits, the construction of mining enterprises and underground structures.

Design and applied arts

A guitar maker is a master in the creation and repair of guitars.

Graphic designer specialized in graphic design environment means of graphics. It works with signs, billboards, posters, signs, signs and diagrams that we see in a large number around, and also takes care of the readability of the information we need, such as websites, magazines, newspapers, leaflets, book and CD covers, menu in a restaurant, product catalogs, business cards, as well as packaging of products, manufactured goods and graphic design of shop windows.

An interior designer is a specialist in creating new projects of a harmonious environment to improve human living conditions.

A clothing designer is a light industry specialist who develops sketches of new clothing models.

Type design is the most inconspicuous and at the same time the most responsible job in the field of graphic design and visual communications. Creating signs that encode and convey information is a high-class craftsmanship.

The designer-visualizer works in the field of architecture and interior design. But this specialty is also quite common in the field of graphic design, especially in packaging design studios. The visualization designer develops the project and, in addition to other documentation and drawings, provides the customer with its visualization made using three-dimensional programs.

Art beautiful letter, owned by the calligrapher, still finds its connoisseurs.

A landscape designer is a specialist in the artistic organization of gardens, parks, and home gardens.

Layout designer - a master of creating layouts of existing or planned buildings, structures.

The craft of the puppet master is a game, art and needlework at the same time.

The master of machine embroidery is a specialist in working with an embroidery machine.

Weaving from a vine is an old profession that is experiencing a new heyday.

Hand embroidery is a type of applied art in which the image is made by hand with a needle or crochet.

A mosaicist is an artist or craftsman who works in the mosaic technique.

Art bookbinder is a bookbinding master who creates bindings and covers for books.

From English. VIP - Very Important Person (Very important person). Such a specialist looks after the clothes and shoes of the VIP-person who hired him, and also takes care of the dressing room and manages the wardrobe-related household.

A glass blower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques.

The job of a technical designer is in many ways similar to that of a software engineer. prepress. The only difference is that the prepress specialist works more often directly in the printing house, and workplace technical designer is almost always only in advertising agency or design studio.

Phytodesigner (Designer - florist)

A phytodesigner is a specialist in landscaping and decorating interiors with the help of plant compositions.

Artist of miniature painting - a master in the design of lacquer products in the tradition of folk miniature painting.

A fabric painter is a craftsman who decorates fabric by hand-painting.

Enamel painter - an artist who specializes in painting enamel products.

Textile and light industry artist-technologist - a specialist responsible for the development of textile design.

Image Processing Specialist. The color corrector works with various types of images, its job is to prepare these images for printing in a printing way or for publishing on a website.

Silk-screen printer - screen printing printer using the silk-screen printing method.

A jeweler is a master in the manufacture of art products, jewelry made of precious metals and stones.


A driller is a specialist who controls from the surface of the earth deepening the bottom of a well, fixing rocks on the walls of a well, creating a kind of formwork from high-strength pipes and cement mortar, opening productive deposits and causing an influx of oil and gas, eliminating complications and accidents. A driller is a profession of real men.

Carries out blasting operations in the opening of soil layers, rocks, etc., will carry out seismic surveys, delivery of explosive materials, preparation of charges and blasting operations.

A geologist is engaged in the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as the study of other features of the earth's crust.

There are also professions that are directly related to nature. This job is a mining engineer. Similar occupations are considered to be such professions as a geologist, geophysicist, hydrologist or mining exploration engineer. Many social and social needs of people are satisfied thanks to mineral wealth and oil and gas production.

A miner is a mining worker who is somehow connected with the extraction of minerals. These are geologists involved in the search and exploration of deposits, and repairmen who maintain mining equipment, and miners working deep underground, and mine rescuers, on whose professionalism the life of miners who find themselves in a difficult situation largely depends.

Livestock and crop production

An agronomist is a specialist in the field of agriculture, who has comprehensive knowledge in the field of growing and harvesting plants.

Arborist - tree specialist, specialist in the care of green spaces.

The forester is a forest protector. Without his help, the forest cannot resist human carelessness and natural disasters.

A forester is a specialist in forest management, protection and use of the forest. Many people call a forester a forester, and so: a forester and a forester are two different professions.

A beekeeper is a specialist in breeding bees, keeping them and obtaining beekeeping products.


is a specialist responsible for compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection at work.

Communications engineer - a specialist responsible for the operation of radio equipment and communications.

Hydraulic engineer - an engineer who specializes in the design or operation of structures for the use of water or for protection against it (hydroelectric power plants, dams, canals, etc.).

A structural engineer of buildings and structures develops building structures and calculates the load (strength calculations) on all its important and load-bearing parts: foundation, frame, beams, columns, suspended lifting equipment. He works with buildings for various purposes: civil, industrial, warehouse, commercial, their designs can also be different: reinforced concrete, metal, wood, stone. The design engineer also draws up project documentation and drawings.

Design engineer - an engineer who develops schemes and precise plans for structures.

Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage design engineer

This design engineer works with systems of external and internal water supply, sewerage and heating, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, underfloor heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential, public and industrial buildings, and also designs boiler rooms.

The design engineer of low-voltage systems works with communication networks, it can be television, radio, telephone, intercom, as well as video surveillance and alarm systems (security, fire), access control and management systems, CCTV system, loud-speaking communication, clock system ( time synchronization throughout the entire facility) and other cable systems for civil buildings and industrial facilities.

This specialist works with power supply systems, internal and external, of various types of voltage (high, medium, low), with distribution and transformer substations.

An energy engineer is a specialist who is engaged in the development, production and operation of thermal and energy supply systems.

A metrologist is a specialist in measuring the accuracy of measuring equipment.

A marine engineer is an engineer who specializes in the construction of ships, their engineering components, or their maintenance.

A patent examiner is a specialist in filing applications for registration of inventions.

Radio mechanic - a specialist in the repair of television and radio receivers, electronic equipment.

A radio engineer is a specialist in assembling, configuring, testing and operating radio engineering systems and devices.

A roboticist is a specialist in the development of robots and their maintenance.

A quality expert examines the quality of goods, as well as the raw materials from which these goods are made.

An electrician is a specialist in the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical circuits.

Information Technology(IT)

— a professional in the field of three-dimensional graphics, which sets up computer characters for game animation, ensures the movement of drawn models and objects. Speaking in a high style, the art of a 3D animator is to breathe soul into the character and create a living, animated world around.

3D Generalist (3D Generalist)

3D Generalist is a generalist who owns the collected knowledge and advanced skills in the field of creating three-dimensional graphics.

Engaged in the creation, updating, improvement of mobile applications and software for smartphones, tablets, e-books, game consoles and other devices running on the Android operating system.

is a specialist engaged in the development, maintenance, testing of built-in software.

ERP-consultant (consultant for the implementation of ERP-systems) - a specialist in the implementation and adjustment of enterprise planning systems.

An ERP programmer is a specialist who ensures the functioning of an ERP system. ERP programmers work in consulting companies or in IT departments large companies e.g. banks, trading companies.

is an animator who creates animation products using the program Macro Media Flash, which allows you to create animated videos, games, banners, icons, splash screens.

Front end developer(from the English “front-end developer”) is a programmer who develops the user interface, that is, the external public part of the site in the browser. The main task of a front-end developer is to make user interaction with a website or web application as convenient as possible.

Game developer or gamedev— a specialist involved in the creation of program code, visualization and the concept of the game, as well as the choice of means for the implementation of the tasks.

Engaged in the creation of games, software, interfaces and updates for devices created under the Apple brand (iPad, iPod, iPhone, wrist watch watch).

An IT evangelist is a specialist responsible for promoting software products.

QA-engineer- Quality Assurance engineer (Quality Assurance literally means “quality assurance”) is a specialist in functional software testing at the development stage. Its activities are aimed at improving the software development process, preventing defects and identifying errors in the product. In practice, it is sometimes mistakenly believed that a QA engineer and a software tester are one and the same. In fact, a software tester is engaged in testing ready-made software, and a QA engineer works on the formation of testing processes.

SEO-specialist(from English SEO - Search Engine Optimization) performs search engine optimization of sites.

Web Analyst is an IT specialist who collects and analyzes various information about site visitors in order to increase the efficiency of a web resource.

A web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project in such a way that as many users as possible become interested in it.

A web programmer is a specialist in the field of computer technology, namely web programming. Designed to bring to life the projects of web designers, creating a functioning site. A programmer is not a profession, but a vocation.

A database administrator is a person who maintains databases.

Site administrators are responsible for maintaining the site and ensuring network security, manage the placement, updating, moderation of content.

is an architect virtual reality, a specialist who creates a new virtual space.

- experienced Technical Specialist who manages a whole group of employees. He is engaged in choosing a technology for storing data, creating and optimizing queries, draws up a development plan and technical requirements for subordinates, can design and optimize the database, and monitor database security.

Back end developer(from English back-end (back side) developer) this is a specialist who deals with the software and administrative part of a web application, the internal content of the system, server technologies - database, architecture, program logic.

(game designer, gamedis) is a game creator in the broadest sense of the word. He can be called a game producer responsible for the game design of the project.

A cybersportsman is a participant in computer video games.

This is a specialist in the development of the structure of a corporate software system (SW), its design and implementation control. He makes decisions about the internal design and external interface of the software, referring to the requirements of the project and existing resources.

As a specialist, the link manager is considered the link between the optimizer andweb-master, doing most of the routine work associated with large amounts of information.

is a specialist who develops software applications for various mobile devices: tablets, smartphones. Profession on this moment the most fashionable, promising and in demand. After all, it is in the field of mobile development that such interesting novelties as a voice and gesture interface have appeared.

Forum moderator

The forum moderator is responsible for the operation of the forum, answers questions from visitors, acts as a censor (monitors the behavior of forum participants, and stops attempts at incorrect or obscene statements or advertising messages).

Electronic equipment installer - a specialist in the installation of radio-electronic equipment.

A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models.

A 1C programmer must have all the qualities inherent in a classical programmer: patience and endurance in the process of developing and debugging a program, the ability to quickly adapt to new things, and responsibility. Since a 1C programmer works in the field of accounting, he needs such personal qualities as balance, stress resistance, logical thinking and perseverance.

Specializes in the development of web applications, desktop and cross-platform applications, games, cloud services, applications for devices running on the Windows Phone mobile OS, other software products.

— a specialist who creates applications of varying complexity using the oldest programming language. He not only writes the program code, but also implements, tests, Russifies programs, and modifies the code.

Ruby programmers- These are specialists who have rich experience, technical knowledge, use a dynamic programming language. Developers use this language to create websites, web interfaces, corporate applications, software.

— a specialist who develops and improves the ways of interaction of Internet users with an IT product, creating its attractive interface and appearance. That is, a product designer does everything to make the IT product profitable, and to make it convenient, understandable and easy for users to use the application or website.

Database developer- a specialist who is engaged in the creation of databases, their debugging, modernization, maintenance.

A system administrator is a specialist in the maintenance of computers and local computer networks.

A system analyst, in a broad sense, is a specialist in solving complex organizational and technical problems of an interdisciplinary nature, using methods of system analysis.

— a specialist who configures and maintains internal computer networks, office equipment and PCs, he also trains employees and helps them use the software.

The system programmer is almost never involved in application programs that make life easier for users. Its task is to build a multi-level structure that will combine individual components into modules, and modules into a single computer organism or computer network.

Information security specialists are directly involved in the creation of an information security system, its audit and monitoring, analyze information risks, develop and implement measures to prevent them.

Engaged in the creation, support and promotion of various information resources (Internet projects).

is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems.

Software tester(from the English test - test, verification) is a specialist who is engaged in software testing, controls its quality.

Timlid is not an honorable completion of the IT career ladder from junior to senior. This is just the beginning of a true understanding of where you want to go next.

(or "usabilist") researches, analyzes and improves the user interface of web resources in order to create a more "user-friendly" interface, and ultimately - to get high conversions and increase sales rates.

Arts (music, theatre, cinema, visual arts)

The actor is a professional performer of diverse roles in performances, films, commercials, video clips.

A make-up artist is a master who knows the art of transforming the appearance of an actor with the help of paints, stickers and other tricks.

The theater, film and television playwright creates the literary basis for future productions. In cinema and on TV, he is also called a screenwriter. Only from good script it could be a good movie. And only the best plays outlive their creators for a long time.

A sound engineer is a specialist in sound recording and sound processing.

A sound engineer is a specialist responsible for the sound design of a film, television, radio program or show.

An icon painter (isographer, image painter, icon painter) is a painter who specializes in creating icons.

A projectionist is a film demonstrator in a cinema.

A cinematographer is a very important specialist in the field of filmmaking, who usually lives in the shadow of the director's fame, while doing the colossal work necessary to shoot a film, not just from a technical side, but especially from an artistic side.

A film producer is a specialist in the administrative and financial support of the creation of a film.


A filmmaker is a director who directs the production of a film.

A costume designer is a specialist responsible for the storage and preparation of costumes in a theater, film studio, etc.

A location manager searches for and prepares locations for filming a movie or TV show.


A producer is a person in the entertainment industry who manages creative, financial, technological, and other processes.

Editing director - a specialist who combines the footage of a film or television program into a coherent work.

Director-producer - the head of the creative team working on the creation of a film, play or show.

A sculptor is an artist engaged in the creation of sculptures, that is, works of volume-spatial form, three-dimensional and tangible.

A television producer is a person who creates specific television programs and is responsible for the broadcast policy of the channel as a whole.

A photographer is a person or specialist who creates photographs using a camera and special equipment for printing them. A photographer is a person who captures beautiful moments of life.

A costume designer in film, theater and television creates clothes for characters. He helps the actors in their reincarnation.

The production designer creates a visual solution for the film, which helps to reveal the director's intention and gives the desired emotional mood.

Cooking, food industry

A winemaker is a specialist in creating recipes for wines and cognacs. He comes up with the composition of drinks and monitors compliance with the technology.

The taster is a specialist in sensory analysis. It determines the quality of the product (tea, wine, etc.) by taste and smell.

Confectioner - a master of making sweets.

A blender is an employee responsible for mixing raw materials in a certain proportion to obtain the best taste. It is generally believed that blenders work with wine. But winemaking is just one of the options for this profession.

A deboner is a meat industry worker who specializes in separating meat from bones.

A baker is a specialist in baking bread and bakery products.

A brewer is a specialist in brewing technology.

A pizza maker or a pizzaiolo is the name given to a pizza maker.

A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a magician, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products, which will bring joy and delight to people.

Remuer is a master of shaking bottles of maturing champagne. The profession is rare, but very important in winemaking.

Technologist Catering is a specialist in the development, production and quality control of culinary and confectionery products at catering establishments.

Light industry

Knitter knitwear - a specialist in working on a knitting machine

A cutter (cutter) is a specialist in cutting materials in the manufacture of clothing, footwear, and other textile and leather products.

Mezdrilshchik skins - a master of leather, fur business, responsible for cleaning the skins from subcutaneous tissue, remnants of fat, meat, etc.

Fashion designer - a specialist in the development of new models of clothes, shoes, hats, accessories.

Furniture assembler - specialist in assembly and disassembly different types furniture.

Shoe assembler - a shoemaker, a shoemaker who creates finished shoes, boots and boots from individual parts.

A furrier is a master of dressing skins for fur, sewing fur products.

Weaver (weaver) - a master in the production of fabrics on a loom.

Linguistics, communications

A librarian is a specialist in servicing library visitors, processing information about library collections.

A blogger keeps a personal diary (blog) on ​​the Internet or writes on behalf of an organization. Most often, a blog is dedicated to a specific topic.

A video blogger is a person. who shoots a video and puts it on the web

The announcer (from the Latin "dictor" - "speaking") reads informational, political, artistic or advertising texts at the microphone for recording or live.

A linguist (linguist) is a specialist in linguistics (linguistics, linguistics), whose subject of study is the history of the formation and development of languages, their structure and characteristic features.

Interpreter - general concept professionals involved in the translation of oral or written speech from one language to another.

A translator is a specialist with a higher linguistic education who is able to translate a phrase from one language to another without losing its meaning.

A polygraph examiner is a person who professionally provides polygraph testing services.

The Profiler is a lie detection expert. Such a specialist can evaluate and predict a person's behavior by analyzing his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks.

The simultaneous interpreter starts translating the phrase even before it is said to the end. This is the most complex view oral translation.

A sign language interpreter (also known as a fingerprint interpreter) is a specialist in translating spoken language into sign language and vice versa.

Logistics, warehouse, foreign trade

A warehouse manager is a specialist who manages the work of a warehouse and is personally responsible for its functioning.

Storekeeper - a warehouse employee who keeps records of material assets.

Logistician - a specialist involved in the control and management of traffic inventory, the organization of a rational process of promoting goods and services from the supplier to the consumer.

A foreign trade manager is a specialist who manages the export or import of foreign goods.

Purchasing manager - a specialist who purchases goods from suppliers on the most favorable terms for his company.

Manager customs clearance prepares, checks and approves documents for customs clearance of goods.

Foreign trade specialist - oversees all operations related to the foreign economic activity of the company.

Specialist in customs clearance of goods (cars) - deals with paperwork for cars coming from abroad.

The customs broker is a participant foreign economic activity, chosen by the declarant (customer) for the provision of intermediary services for the customs clearance of goods, payment of customs duties, etc., as well as transportation transport.

Forwarder is a person who delivers goods, cargo from one object to another.

A PR manager is a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a particular brand owned by this company.

The number of professions appearing and disappearing at the same time is very large. Most of us do not know now who a joker is, but the term "copywriter" is familiar to almost everyone. In order to understand the functionality of each profession, people use special literature. And in order to understand which area this or that position belongs to, you need to read our material.

Division of professions

In the world community of linguists, it is customary to divide professions according to various criteria, grouping them together into small clusters. Such groupings help to identify the same activities and generalize them.

All professions are divided according to various criteria.

According to the type of work, there are classes of professions - gnostic, transforming, exploratory:

  • Transformative. Such professions are associated with a change in various properties or states of the object of labor. Knowledge in this case is not an end in itself. Prominent representatives of this group will be people who work as cooks, bakers, builders. There is a clear change in the properties of the original material. Raw food baker bakes bakery products, cooks change the properties of raw vegetables and fruits by boiling them in boiling water, builders knead dry cement and leave it to harden. Not suitable, for example, the profession of a driver - there is no clear change in properties.
  • Gnostic professions (from the ancient Greek word "gnosis", meaning knowledge). These are professions that are associated exclusively with the cognitive industry. At the same time, they organically fit into material production. There are many such professions, and they are very diverse. Recognition, recognition, control, classification, verification by known features, sorting, research and evaluation are considered as the final product. Representatives include a laboratory assistant, an art historian. The medical examiner is also a profession of the Gnostic type.
  • Refining. In this case, the main focus becomes the search for something, an activity that will help invent something new, come up with a solution. Representatives are people whose work is connected with the invention of the new and the transformation of the old. These are educators and teachers, programmers, mathematicians, engineers, pattern cutters.

Division by means of labor

According to the means of labor, professions are divided into:

  • using mechanized weapons. These are professions that involve the management of machines or mechanisms in their activities. Such machines are created using manual control to transform something, to move. The classic representatives of this profession will be a turner or a machine driver who, with the help of control, moves loads or gives shape to a workpiece.
  • Using hand tools that are necessary to perform the very function of labor. Representatives are locksmiths, cartographers, artists, laboratory assistants.
  • Using automated weapons. Such professions involve the management of machines, various devices. Workers - operators of incubation divisions, sound recording operators.
  • Functional means of the human body. These are professions in which the main activity is thinking and reference. For example, a conductor or an acrobat.

Division by working conditions

According to working conditions, professions are divided by type of work:

  • In the open air - agronomists, tractor drivers, fitters. Work involves sudden changes in temperature.
  • Household type - accountant, programmer. This is office or laboratory work.
  • Unusual - under water, at high altitude, in conditions of intense heat. Representatives - divers, miners.
  • With an increased level of moral responsibility - such employees are responsible for human health, his life, material values. These are teachers, judges, sellers.

Classification of professions

All over the world it is customary to divide existing professions into certain classes. In Russia, the table compiled by E. A. Klimov is popular.

According to his classification, there are 5 main types:

  • Man is technology. These are people who interact with inanimate objects, most often technical ones. For example - an electrician, a repairman, a turner.
  • Man is nature. They deal with animals, forests, microorganisms. This is a veterinarian, agronomist, master horticulturalist, livestock specialist.
  • Man is man. The subject of research, service, transformation are communities, social strata, groups, people different ages. Representatives - doctors, teachers, salespeople, engineers, teachers, guides.
  • Man is an artistic image. A representative of this profession sees the world as creative, tries to highlight the beautiful. The environment excites him only from the point of view of the possibility of adding beauty, affecting form or emotion. Outstanding representatives are artists, restorers, tuners, ballet dancers, drama theatre, composers, decorators.

Gnostic majors

Gnostic professions are professions that, as a result of activity, do not produce new products or goods. This is an appraisal area. The Gnostic class of professions is often associated with cultural activities and science.

Gnostic professions do not participate in the creation of the new. Most often, they evaluate existing, previously produced products or individual parameters.

Outstanding representatives: merchandiser, art critic, criminologist, radiologist.

Profession examples

Each profession combines various characteristics belonging to classes, types and types of different directions.

Transformative Majors

Survey Professions

Gnostic professions

Seed grower, trainer, breeder

Gardener, milkmaid, veterinarian

Sorter of fish, vegetables, fruits, milk receiver, egg sorter

Caster, watchmaker, car mechanic

Crane operator, tractor driver, driver

Pilot-observer, hydroacoustician, laboratory assistant for mechanical tests

Plastic surgeon, psychiatrist, psychologist

Masseur, salesperson, therapist

Watchman, sanitary doctor, watchman, investigator, journalist

Translator, cutter, coder

Programmer, linguist, mathematician

Drawing inspector, accountant-auditor, proofreader, standardizer

Florist, artist, writer

Porcelain painter, fashion designer, sculptor

Critic, music controller, antiquary

The Gnostic class is called upon:

  • explore, distinguish, recognize, determine, verify;
  • evaluate, understand difficult and complex phenomena, draw conclusions based on various features of the object);
  • check according to previously familiar signs, sort, and so on.

Gnostic professions, the list of which is very long - controller technical control(technology), proofreader (this is a sign system), critic (this is an artistic image), an expert on buildings and structures (this is architecture), a sanitary doctor (a sphere is a person), an analysis laboratory assistant (this is nature), etc., can intersect and with other professions and types.

Where is the Gnostic type found?

Gnostic professions, the list of which is endless, can be found anywhere. In the clinic and in the field, at the construction site, and at the factory, in the trading floor of a supermarket or store. Gnostic professions can be classified into any of the five common types of professions: inspector-acceptor of manufactured products, critic, proofreader, sanitary doctor.

Transformative professions

The most numerous is the class of professions, which, according to its goals, is actively associated with a change in the properties of the objects of labor. That is why this class is called transforming. For such professions, psychologists, when compiling a career guidance map, use the abbreviation "Pr" - in the first letters keyword. This class is the broadest, because often the cognitive activity is not the main one, but only steps ahead of the transformative one and is a by-product.

Transformative activity should be understood as any action, as a result of which the object of labor will change its properties, position in space, and vice versa, will actively retain its original properties. The class of these professions is widespread in different areas: teacher, carpenter, draftsman, field grower, restorer.

survey work

The Gnostic professions, examples of which have been discussed above, are very different from the exploratory ones. In the research class, only the goal of the work is brought to the fore, which implies the invention of something, where you need to come up with or define a new solution to the problem. In classifications, it is customary to designate this class with the letter "I". These are professions of practical application. Often they are confused with the Gnostic, associated with special research. The Gnostic professions, whose purpose of labor is to recognize and classify, in this context differ very much from the exploratory ones. The work of a geologist, for example, often causes disputes among specialists as to where to attribute it.

Distinguishing Features of the Gnostic Professions

The Gnostic professions, examples of which were given earlier, are characterized by certain features that help to distinguish them from the general mass. In this class, any of the specialists does not independently participate in the production of new products, but only evaluates individual existing ones. These products are always made by other specialists and cannot arise on their own.

Also, representatives of gnostic professions can evaluate individual parameters of a product. A distinctive feature that unites all specialists is a high interest in the properties, features of certain objects or products, as well as their comparison.

Variety of Gnostic Specialties

The gnostic professions are so diverse that among all of them a separate independent group stands out, united by leading actions that are used to achieve the goals of a gnostic nature. These include: classification - sorting, checking according to qualities known in advance, research - deepening into more complex connections of hidden, not immediately visible and obvious processes or phenomena.

Employee Requirements

The specialties of this class impose certain personal and professional requirements on the employee. The main thing that distinguishes the Gnostic professions is the purpose of labor. Examples of requirements for an employee: very pronounced cognitive activity, high observation, attention stability, high-level performance, tirelessness and endurance of the necessary sensory organs. Quality control of products or evaluation of objects often affects the interests of other people. For impartial and qualitative research, the firmness of the position, the manifestation of integrity in the conclusions drawn, are important.


Examples of professions of a gnostic character are found at every turn. Let's say a cutter who works in an atelier. Each time, starting individual tailoring, he must change his activities, focusing on the figure of the client, the texture of the fabric, the style of the model.

In fact, he solves non-standard and creative tasks throughout the working day. The class of such professions - surveying - is extremely small.

Intersection of classes and goals

It is very rare that professions are clearly distinguished in which one type or class predominates. There cannot be only gnostic professions, only exploratory or only transformative ones. Most often, in the work that a person is engaged in, there are several goals: to recognize, and to invent, and to transform. In many specialties, the purpose of labor contains two elements, or even each of them. In order to determine whether the professions are gnostic or exploratory, and to assign them to a certain class, it will be necessary to first determine which of the elements of goals constitutes the main, main content of all activity, and which element has a secondary value.

For example, a doctor, in order to treat a person, must first find out and make a diagnosis. At the beginning of his work, there will certainly be an element of exploratory activity and recognition, but the main content and meaning of all medical specialties is aimed at healing and healing the patient, and therefore - at his transformation.